WWE Summerslam 2016 LD

With regards to Charlotte winning back the Women's title... does anyone think this second reign will be ended by Bayley with a Sasha heel turn to follow in the lead-up to Mania?

It will be a short one. They only did it so that we can have a 3rd Sasha vs Charlotte match.. At least I hope so.

Then who knows what's gonna happen.. Although Sasha as a heel vs Bayley is intriguing.
Holy crap, John Stewart DID cost Cena that match. I think I subconsciously blocked that out.
This fucker will betray New Day.

We need a face win WWE!

But I think that's unlikely with Big E.. Logical storytelling says that Club bears New Day, since the big guy is out.

But then again, this is a chance to prove that Woods is a worthy champ as well. New Day are the underdogs here.
Why do they keep doing celebrity guests? The crowd always shits in them and it kills the momentum of the show. Shut the fuck up Jon Stewart. No one wants your snide commentary. The crowd literally out shouted him to shut him up.
Though it's too late now, I kind of wish Jon Stewart caused New Day to lose the belts before they broke Londrick's record because he has an obsession with keeping championship records intact.
This Club act is just atrocious. I'm really surprised Mr. Foley would allow such acts on his programming. Hopefully New Day teaches them a lesson here.
Not sure if it has been mentioned, but Sasha Banks has been removed from WWE Live Events until September 23rd.

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