WWE Ruined Nexus for me.


Occasional Pre-Show
Nexus to me will always be the original Nexus. The downfall of Nexus to me was when they got rid of Daniel Bryan, that is when IMO Neuxs lost all credibility of what they were about.

Nexus was suppose to be this dominate group that was impossible to be destroyed and then Daniel gets fired because of that stupid tie thing. Then other members of Nexus started being kicked out and now nexus apparently got destroyed by Cena only to be rebirthed by another leader..

Now we also have to endure the leader being kicked out as well and suppose to believe that Nexus lost all respect for the leader that created Nexus to begin with.

I’ve seen people say that Nexus is the future, but Nexus was destroyed when they got rid of the original members of the group.

We need the Original Nexus back if I am suppose to take this group seriously again.

Is this really the rebirth of Nexus? Or Is it a rebirth of a new Nexus?

and should they continue on being called Nexus?
Ya know, as much as I like CM Punk, I'm a bit let down by this. I did truly like Barrett as the leader of Nexus. Granted, I'm not doubting Punk's ability to possibly carry this feud, but I am also unsure of Otunga's motives now directing traffic in the meantime, he's always seemed a bit power hungry in my opinion, and that's why I've never really been his biggest fan. I know it seems a bit too early to say just yet. But I probably should try to give it a chance, but those around here who know me, know how big of a supporter of Wade Barrett I am, and if this is them trying to bury Barrett somehow, I would really hate for this to blow up in their faces. This could either go real well, or real terrible pending how they play this. So far, I'm still very unsure about everything, but all I know is, I just hope the creative uses Barrett is a GOOD way, and he doesn't get buried. He needs to get a STRONG push, and not be thrown away like Kaval was.
I agree, I still remember Daniel Bryan Saying "You are not better than me!" to John Cena. to me the original Nexus represented the new age of guys. People were tired of Cena always being in the way but they have made them look strong then Super Cena comes in and prevails again.
I am a fan of Cena, just like i'm a fan of Nexus and I enjoyed the feud between the two and the tention between them all that is what made me take Nexus seriously because they meant serious business. Now it's like everything they said that they were, really meant nothing. If they keep changing members, it's simply not making the group what they claimed to be a dominate group that can't be destroyed..
I personally love the fact that CM Punk is the new leader of Nexus...Wade Barret was just....boring. I love Punk, and I think its great that he is the new leader.
First off, WWE created Nexus so if it wasn't for them, Nexus wouldn't exist in the first place...

Second, without this sounding rude or anything...How the fuck can you say that WWE ruined Nexus when CM FUCKING PUNK just became the apparent leader of the group?! In regards to the original Nexus...

Daniel Bryan- He was axed for choking Justin Roberts with a tie on PG TV....He then returned at summerslam and is now US Champion and doing great on his own..He wouldn't have fit into Nexus anyways because he's too big a star.

Skip Sheffield-Got injured. We still don't know if he's in Nexus or not.

Darren Young-Waste of skin in my eyes. He looks stupid, acts stupid, and wrestles like garbage.

Michael Tarver-Injured. Apparently he's out of Nexus but who really knows.

Now the originals that are still in are...


Weren't these the final 4 of the show? Therefore, how can Nexus be ruined when they still have the original "best" from season 1.

New guys...

Michael McGuillicuty
Husky Harris

Both these guys were the best on season 2 besides Kaval so I don't see the problem here.

Now on to the Newest member/possible leader, CM Punk. Punk is fucking awsome and is probably the best mic worker and wrestler in the WWE today. He is going to do nothing but make Nexus even better and maintain their relevance with his current fued with John Cena. That's my argument, take it or leave it.

Duh, we know that WWE created Nexus but storyline wise Wade Barrett was the one that created Nexus.

Second, Simple is the original members still with Nexus? No they aren’t. We are getting new members each day therefore it’s not the original nexus.

Daniel Bryan – I think he fit great with Nexus, the problem wasn’t that he didn’t fit, the problem was he fit to much and it got to his head but that isn’t his fault. It’s WWE for not laying down what was expected of Nexus during the attack. The Tie thing wasn’t a big deal. If you compare it to some of the other stuff we had to endure.

Skep Sheffield – Right, so until he comes back, I will assume he probably wont be with Nexus anymore, since Nexus is under another leader.

Darren Young – He wasn’t a waste of skin, was just misused like a lot of other superstars that are being misused.

Micheal Traver – another member of nexus possible out.

Now the original members are not in or else all the above members would still be in. Nexus didn’t debut with just 4 members, they debut with 8 members.

This group is suppose to be a dominate group that people can not destroy, by them loosing members or kicking members out, is loosing that credibility of what got people taking them serious to begin with.

I never said Cm Punk wasn’t awesome, I never even utter those words. However, I do believe that they could have build up the feud with Cena and Punk without putting Punk with Nexus. The feud between Cena and Punk didn’t need Nexus.
The Nexus was formed because they had issues with how WWE treated them during NXT and thus had problems with WWE as a whole. Punk has a problem with the WWE's biggest star. Maybe that is why they have formed an alliance?
Thinking like a mark helps sometimes dude. :shrug:
The Nexus was formed because they had issues with how WWE treated them during NXT and thus had problems with WWE as a whole. Punk has a problem with the WWE's biggest star. Maybe that is why they have formed an alliance?
Thinking like a mark helps sometimes dude. :shrug:

True, but I think nexus may actually bring Punk down. Punk could carry a match on his own, and I think if WWE did this right and buiild up the feud more with punk and Cena, we could have a seen a awesome feud. The way this is going, it's going to be another case of Cena overcoming them, and how is that going to make punk look good at the end?
Nexus to me will always be the original Nexus. The downfall of Nexus to me was when they got rid of Daniel Bryan, that is when IMO Neuxs lost all credibility of what they were about.

You can't be serious can you? Daniel Byran was with the group for one segment. Nexus itself as been going strong for over half a year. How can you say the entire group lost credibility when one superstar was exiled from the group after one night(albeit from questionable circumstances) That's kind of silly. Nexus has done fine without Bryan. Though I must agree that I would have loved to see Bryan stick with the group but hes doing just fine right now. He has the U.S Title and is on quite an impressive winning streak.

Nexus was suppose to be this dominate group that was impossible to be destroyed and then Daniel gets fired because of that stupid tie thing. Then other members of Nexus started being kicked out and now nexus apparently got destroyed by Cena only to be rebirthed by another leader..

Skip and tarver were kicked out because of injury. You really wouldn't expect them to stay with the group would you? Darren young I'm not to sure about. To me he just didn't fit well with the group. I thought he was kind of out of place and I was glad when they got rid of him. While I thought Barrett was a fantastic leader, I think Punk could be just as good if not better. This is a new direction for the nexus. I'm eager to see where punk can take the group. This "rebirth" could be just the thing to make Nexus the most dominate force on Raw again. A rebirth is good since I thought the angle was losing steam after Survivor Series. Wait and see where it goes. Its only been a week for crying out loud.

Now we also have to endure the leader being kicked out as well and suppose to believe that Nexus lost all respect for the leader that created Nexus to begin with.

Now we don't know for sure if Barrett will be kicked out. He may no longer be the leader but its possible he will still play a role with the group. Can you really blame nexus? Barrett was sort of pushy at times and sometimes I thought he was on a power trip. It happens. The leaders always manage to get to full of themselves and the group turns on them. It happened with legacy and evolution. It was bound to happen with Nexus as well.

I’ve seen people say that Nexus is the future, but Nexus was destroyed when they got rid of the original members of the group.

We need the Original Nexus back if I am suppose to take this group seriously again.

Is this really the rebirth of Nexus? Or Is it a rebirth of a new Nexus?

and should they continue on being called Nexus?

Once again, its to soon to tell. We don't even know Punks official association with the group, while in all likely hood he is the new leader. I say stop complaining its way to early to tell where this "rebirth" is going. Just wait a few weeks to see where it goes before you moan and groan.
True, but I think nexus may actually bring Punk down. Punk could carry a match on his own, and I think if WWE did this right and buiild up the feud more with punk and Cena, we could have a seen a awesome feud. The way this is going, it's going to be another case of Cena overcoming them, and how is that going to make punk look good at the end?

You have to understand that Cena starting a completely new feud with some one else would have destroyed the credibility of all members of Nexus in an instant. This way the WWE is trying to retain some credibility to Nexus and hoping their top two guys can pull this one off.
Oh my god. It's not even been a day nad people are already either missing the point or are bitching about it.

Listen. And this goes to everyone who keeps saying this transaction was stupid. It is not CM Punk that needs Nexus; It is Nexus that needs CM Punk. Now that the feud between Wade Barret and John Cena is over, the Nexus doesn't really have much to do. At this point, they had one of two options: either they would continue to the same thing (i.e. dominate) and just attck someone else such as Randy Orton; or they disband.

If they attack someone else, no one is going to want to see that. People will start to complain about how it's already hapened and that the WWE is doing the same thing over and over again, hoping that the storyline will stick even though it won't. In other words, Nexus's steam has run out as of TLC. Now, this leads to option number 2. They disband. If the Nexus members disbands who knows where they'll end up. Chances are, most if not all of them (with the exceptuion of Barret) will start off as mid-carders only to be reduced to jobbers and ultimately released. Just by this explanaition alone, this is a horrible idea.

So what does WWE do? They basically just swap Barret for Punk. In this way, Nexus continues to hold some relevance; and the feud between Punk and Cena becomes even more interesting. On it's own, the feud was liable to be a hige success. But with the addition of Nexus, the outcome is even greater. There are som many new great possibilities that can come from this. Maybe Punk converts the Nexus into straight edge. Maybe Punk will just use them to kick the shit out of Cena. Maybe Wade Barret will want to take revenge and team up with Cena--who knows; the possibilities are endless; and best of all, they are to mark-out for.

So please, everyone. Stop. Your. Bitching.

If I wasn’t serious, I wouldn’t have created this topic. Lol

Why do I say that?

That’s where our opinions are different, I don’t think Nexus has been going strong at all. They lost so many members throughout that year, and even kicked out some members themselves.

I expect them to heal like any other wrestler and then come back to the group or at least acknowledge the group. I think Nexus will bring Punk down like I stated in the other post. Punk does not need Nexus. Punk and Cena would have had a awesome feud if it was built. Being with Nexus isn’t going to help Punk, it will only weaken punk, because at the end we all know what will happen and that is Cena will over come.

Nexus has shown no indication that they were not pleased with Wade leadership, the only person that spoke up about it was Otunga.

I’m not complaining, I’m stating a opinion and view like everyone else on the board.
I thought they wrecked Nexus by having Cena beat Barrett again at the PPV...but this was a great way to bring them back, in my opinion. Punk is good in a Raven-esque role, so giving him a group of young wrestlers who have established a group identity was brilliant. They still have a ways to go in re-establishing themselves, but I think a Punk-Cena feud could be very interesting, and to see where Punk takes them could be fun. I think Sheffield is likely still in, and will have a good return as the monster he was starting to become when he got hurt. A surprise return (the Rumble maybe?) could have some impact, and now I'm curious to see where Barrett still fits in. I agree that Bryan's firing hurt Nexus, and he seems to have moved on, but he's had a nice run with the US title. If he holds on a while longer, he could bring back some respectability to the title. So there have been some missteps, and some unfortunate injuries, but the storyline has my interest again, and I'm curious to see where it goes.
Oh my god. It's not even been a day nad people are already either missing the point or are bitching about it.

Listen. And this goes to everyone who keeps saying this transaction was stupid. It is not CM Punk that needs Nexus; It is Nexus that needs CM Punk. Now that the feud between Wade Barret and John Cena is over, the Nexus doesn't really have much to do. At this point, they had one of two options: either they would continue to the same thing (i.e. dominate) and just attck someone else such as Randy Orton; or they disband.

If they attack someone else, no one is going to want to see that. People will start to complain about how it's already hapened and that the WWE is doing the same thing over and over again, hoping that the storyline will stick even though it won't. In other words, Nexus's steam has run out as of TLC. Now, this leads to option number 2. They disband. If the Nexus members disbands who knows where they'll end up. Chances are, most if not all of them (with the exceptuion of Barret) will start off as mid-carders only to be reduced to jobbers and ultimately released. Just by this explanaition alone, this is a horrible idea.

So what does WWE do? They basically just swap Barret for Punk. In this way, Nexus continues to hold some relevance; and the feud between Punk and Cena becomes even more interesting. On it's own, the feud was liable to be a hige success. But with the addition of Nexus, the outcome is even greater. There are som many new great possibilities that can come from this. Maybe Punk converts the Nexus into straight edge. Maybe Punk will just use them to kick the shit out of Cena. Maybe Wade Barret will want to take revenge and team up with Cena--who knows; the possibilities are endless; and best of all, they are to mark-out for.

So please, everyone. Stop. Your. Bitching.

Ok and when Cena makes Punk look weak by overcoming them all which is what is going to happen, I don't want to hear any complaints, since this is all what you wanted. Face it, this is what you all want. It's not a matter of Nexus needing punk, it's a matter of is putting punk with Nexus a good thing or a bad thing?

and IMO it's a bad thing.
I'm going to side with Mister Awsome on this one. CM Punk is what Nexus needs right now. If Nexus keeps going around attacking new people (Like Orton) then it's just going to end up being the same story. Now Nexus is more like a cult following under Punk. And how will Punk or Nexus look weak if/when Cena defeats them all? That's what storylines are built around, the Faces overcoming the Heels. Did Triple H look weak after Evolution got split? Did Undertaker look weak after The Ministry got split? No! Why? Because they were heels and that's how heels work...
Ok and when Cena makes Punk look weak by overcoming them all which is what is going to happen, I don't want to hear any complaints, since this is all what you wanted. Face it, this is what you all want. It's not a matter of Nexus needing punk, it's a matter of is putting punk with Nexus a good thing or a bad thing?

and IMO it's a bad thing.

Why do you keep showing that you are so stupid? First the Christmas thread, then the Canada thread, and now this one. Fuck's sake, dude. You should have learned by now.

It's not that we want to see Cena kick the shit out of everyone; it's that that is supposed to happen. Cena is a good guy. Punk is a bad guy. Nexus is a bad guy. So obviously, who has to come out the victor here? Punk w/ Nexus or Cena? The answer? Cena because he is a good guy. Get it? Good guys are supposed to come out on top. they are supposed to make heels look evil. They are supposed to make heels loose.

Now addressing your question. Nexus with Punk is a good thing because as I said in my previous post it keeps the Nexus with some relevance. Without Punk they would just be reduced to a stale stable that no one will want to see. If they keep their same game up; not only will it be boring but the mass people will complain about how it's nothing new and WWE is just doing the same thing over and over agin.

Do you understand now? CM Punk and Nexus is a good thing. Cena kicking their as in the end is a good thing. It does not drop any of the Nexus's significance because they are supposed to loose. And in the process all their attacks on everyone's favorite hero will make them attract mass heat and thus causing them to do a fine job as hees and keep relevance.
I'm going to side with Mister Awsome on this one. CM Punk is what Nexus needs right now. If Nexus keeps going around attacking new people (Like Orton) then it's just going to end up being the same story. Now Nexus is more like a cult following under Punk. And how will Punk or Nexus look weak if/when Cena defeats them all? That's what storylines are built around, the Faces overcoming the Heels. Did Triple H look weak after Evolution got split? Did Undertaker look weak after The Ministry got split? No! Why? Because they were heels and that's how heels work...

Both Triple H and Undertaker were established names before entering their roles into Evolution and Ministry of Darkness - Where as Nexus are full of new faces you need to develop. They haven't done a good job other then Barrett - And even he's questionable - to make a legitimate threat. I'll admit, Punk being leader sparks my interest, but I still see Nexus as a bunch of lifeless personalities that look fragile as all hell.
Oh my god. It's not even been a day nad people are already either missing the point or are bitching about it.

Listen. And this goes to everyone who keeps saying this transaction was stupid. It is not CM Punk that needs Nexus; It is Nexus that needs CM Punk. Now that the feud between Wade Barret and John Cena is over, the Nexus doesn't really have much to do. At this point, they had one of two options: either they would continue to the same thing (i.e. dominate) and just attck someone else such as Randy Orton; or they disband.

If they attack someone else, no one is going to want to see that. People will start to complain about how it's already hapened and that the WWE is doing the same thing over and over again, hoping that the storyline will stick even though it won't. In other words, Nexus's steam has run out as of TLC. Now, this leads to option number 2. They disband. If the Nexus members disbands who knows where they'll end up. Chances are, most if not all of them (with the exceptuion of Barret) will start off as mid-carders only to be reduced to jobbers and ultimately released. Just by this explanaition alone, this is a horrible idea.

So what does WWE do? They basically just swap Barret for Punk. In this way, Nexus continues to hold some relevance; and the feud between Punk and Cena becomes even more interesting. On it's own, the feud was liable to be a hige success. But with the addition of Nexus, the outcome is even greater. There are som many new great possibilities that can come from this. Maybe Punk converts the Nexus into straight edge. Maybe Punk will just use them to kick the shit out of Cena. Maybe Wade Barret will want to take revenge and team up with Cena--who knows; the possibilities are endless; and best of all, they are to mark-out for.

So please, everyone. Stop. Your. Bitching.

I totally agree with you here. The way I look at it is that the WWE is actually making good use of some of its "rookies" by keeping them involved with the feud with Cena. Barrett will be fine on his own IMO, but the guys that are currently with CM Punk, what else would the WWE do with them right now? What I would do is have Gabriel/Slater in the tag team division as well as Harris/McGillicutty, that leaves Otunga and the 2 on injured list (Tarver/Sheffield)...those 3 would be interesting to see how the WWE works them after the Nexus disbands.
That’s where our opinions are different, I don’t think Nexus has been going strong at all. They lost so many members throughout that year, and even kicked out some members themselves.

Again,they had to because of injuries. What do you honestly expect them to do?

I expect them to heal like any other wrestler and then come back to the group or at least acknowledge the group. I think Nexus will bring Punk down like I stated in the other post. Punk does not need Nexus. Punk and Cena would have had a awesome feud if it was built. Being with Nexus isn’t going to help Punk, it will only weaken punk, because at the end we all know what will happen and that is Cena will over come.

Cena will overcome ether way. He always had and he probably always will. He overcame the original Nexus. Punk leading it won't be any difference. Punk and nexus will continue to dominate Cena for the new few months then Cena will over come at Wrestlemania like always. Adding Nexus to a punk and Cena feud makes it that much better. It adds another layer. Cenas been feuding with nexus the majority of the year. It only makes sense to continue, but adding punk with them makes it that much more dynamic. What would Nexus do without cena? Nothing. Cena made the group credible . Without that feud with Cena who knows where Nexus would of ended up. I'd also like to hear you explanation on how exactly it will weaken punk. Like I've already said..it hasn't even been a week yet, just give it time. Complain once the feud is over. Complaining before its even begun means your not even open to give it any chance.

Nexus has shown no indication that they were not pleased with Wade leadership, the only person that spoke up about it was Otunga.

Oh like that time Nexus walked out on Wade Barrett as if to hint at a mutiny. Or like they just deliberately announced they were under new management. Yeah they were completely satisfied with his leadership weren't they? Sorry if I sound like an ass lol but I just don't like it when people don't give things a chance even when the angle isn't fully underway yet.
I agree with alot of things said here. Bu i dont believe putting Punk in Mexus was a good idea. I mean hes a former champion superstar..I can already see it..Cena beats Punk, Nexus attacks....Punk cheats and beats Cena, Nexus attacks...

As long as Punk is with Nexus you will N-E-V-E-R have a one on one Punk vs Cena match. Period
So the question that I am wondering is this going to be Nexus with CM Punk as the leader or is he going to try to turn them into the S.E.S., with that in mind i do not think CM Punk will be leader of them for long.
Why do you keep showing that you are so stupid? First the Christmas thread, then the Canada thread, and now this one. Fuck's sake, dude. You should have learned by now.

It's not that we want to see Cena kick the shit out of everyone; it's that that is supposed to happen. Cena is a good guy. Punk is a bad guy. Nexus is a bad guy. So obviously, who has to come out the victor here? Punk w/ Nexus or Cena? The answer? Cena because he is a good guy. Get it? Good guys are supposed to come out on top. they are supposed to make heels look evil. They are supposed to make heels loose.

Now addressing your question. Nexus with Punk is a good thing because as I said in my previous post it keeps the Nexus with some relevance. Without Punk they would just be reduced to a stale stable that no one will want to see. If they keep their same game up; not only will it be boring but the mass people will complain about how it's nothing new and WWE is just doing the same thing over and over agin.

Do you understand now? CM Punk and Nexus is a good thing. Cena kicking their as in the end is a good thing. It does not drop any of the Nexus's significance because they are supposed to loose. And in the process all their attacks on everyone's favorite hero will make them attract mass heat and thus causing them to do a fine job as hees and keep relevance.

How the fuck am I stupid? Seriously get off your high horse and realize that we all have different views. What does any of those fucken threads have to do with this? If you can’t insult me with maturity then don’t’ fucken do it at all grow the fuck up.

Honestly people like you that can’t fucken discuss this in a adult way are not worth discussing. The fact ist hat I’m sick and tired of you guys wanting something and then when cena over comes it you cry and complain and that is what is going to happen.

I don’t fucken care who is a bad guy and who is a good guy, not everyone enjoys this fucken storyline and IMO which I’m allowed have PUNK does not need to be with Nexus.

It’s not a matter of understanding it is a matter of realizing that we are all going to have different opinions and views on this… IMO they still are the same old crap, now we ae going to have to watch again MONTHS Of cena beat downs and that is getting fucken old.

CM punk joining does not change anything. Infact the only thing that is making this interesting is the feud with Cm Punk and Cena which had nothing to do with NExus.
I don't understand why everyone keeps saying this is bad for Punk or this will make Punk look weak. It doesn't matter who the higher power would've been, you guys still would've found something to bitch about. Ever since Nexus mentioned the "Higher Power", people have been speculating as to who it would be. People said it would be Triple H, Vince McMahon, people even said it was going to be Cena himself! So now that Punk is the apparent "Higher Power", you all say it's not right because he's a former world champion? Sounds a little hipicritical to me...
Again,they had to because of injuries. What do you honestly expect them to do?

Cena will overcome ether way. He always had and he probably always will. He overcame the original Nexus. Punk leading it won't be any difference. Punk and nexus will continue to dominate Cena for the new few months then Cena will over come at Wrestlemania like always. Adding Nexus to a punk and Cena feud makes it that much better. It adds another layer. Cenas been feuding with nexus the majority of the year. It only makes sense to continue, but adding punk with them makes it that much more dynamic. What would Nexus do without cena? Nothing. Cena made the group credible . Without that feud with Cena who knows where Nexus would of ended up. I'd also like to hear you explanation on how exactly it will weaken punk. Like I've already said..it hasn't even been a week yet, just give it time. Complain once the feud is over. Complaining before its even begun means your not even open to give it any chance.

Oh like that time Nexus walked out on Wade Barrett as if to hint at a mutiny. Or like they just deliberately announced they were under new management. Yeah they were completely satisfied with his leadership weren't they? Sorry if I sound like an ass lol but I just don't like it when people don't give things a chance even when the angle isn't fully underway yet.

Yea and then Nexus walked out on otunga the following night lol

oh do not worry, your not sounding like an ass at all. Your entittled to your opinion just like the rest of us :)

Honestly the reason why I didn't give it a chance is because there's no reason why Cmpunk should have any involvement with Nexus.

Why does punk care so much about what Cena does?

Punk should be more upset with Nexus then he should be with Cena.

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