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WWE Royal Rumble - Royal Rumble Match

Ellsworth will be this year's "joke" entrant like Santino and Hornswoggle in years past. He may sneak up on someone and get a surprise elimination, run around like a goofball, feel invincible... and then out comes Lesnar or Goldberg. The end.

Bray should win, and defend his Wrestlemania spot against Orton in the two month empty period between Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania.
Ellsworth will be this year's "joke" entrant like Santino and Hornswoggle in years past. He may sneak up on someone and get a surprise elimination, run around like a goofball, feel invincible... and then out comes Lesnar or Goldberg. The end.

Bray should win, and defend his Wrestlemania spot against Orton in the two month empty period between Elimination Chamber and Wrestlemania.

Agreed on both points. Earlier I wanted someone like the Miz to win but Bray Wyatt or Orton would be better choices. The Miz doesn't need the win because he can always have a match for the championship in the near future, and the Wyatt family needs the push.
With the recent Seth Rollins angle a possible scenario comes to mind. That is, Rollins takes out some entrant at the rumble and then is put into their place by Foley most likely. It has been done in the past. Then Rollins wins in somewhat of a surprise. But instead of challenging for a title shot, he uses it to officially challenge HHH to a match at mania, sort of undermining Stephanie and the rules. Furthers the tension between Stephanie and Foley, which they seem to be pushinig. And this pushes the storyline forwards towards mania forcing HHH to return to answer the controversy and first time twist on a Rumble winner declaring a different match...
I just hope it is better than last year. It would've been perfect if Dean Ambrose had eliminated Triple H to win the Rumble. Then, on the following Raw or one week later, Triple H could've had a match with Dean and win the title shot from him.

As it is, I am glad Triple H will not be there this year. This Rumble is over stacked as it is. Seth and him could start their build to WrestleMania on Monday Night Raw.

My final prediction : The winner of the Royal Rumble will be the UNDERTAKER!!
I have said it a few times around this place in the last week – I always tend to believe what the bookmakers are saying when it comes to booking decisions in the WWE. With the WWE and wrestling being utterly pre-determined, bookmakers would never offer a market if they didn't have some insider information. The bookmakers are putting Randy Orton in as favourite to win the Royal Rumble match and they are doing it with a massive amount of certainty. So much so that there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the WWE are going in that direction. If the WWE go another direction, then you can colour me entirely shocked.

The match itself has had a perfect build up, to be honest. And I guess we have to give the WWE some credit for that. The winner aside, the match itself is chock full of people who could legitimately win the contest. The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar and Goldberg have been very welcomed additions to the roster and the strategy over the last few weeks and months and have really brought the event to a new level of hype. Yes, the WWE have relied on part-time players to build the match but they have also put a huge amount of stick into people like Braun Strowman amongst others. Meanwhile, they have allowed people like Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose to fly under the radar and who all have a chance of coming up with the big win.

The bookmakers aside, this truly is one of the most unpredictable matches that the WWE has produced over the last few years at least and could, very well, go on to be one of the most talked about Rumble matches in history. I really hope that the WWE book it well and don't make a massive fuck up – ruining the potential that they have built up over the last couple of weeks. It;s sad that I have been bred to think like that but it's true. That said, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and allow whatever happens to happen without questioning it too much.

That said, if Roman wins this match I am giving the fuck up...

Randy Orton picks up the win here.
If Orton wins this it will be a huge surprise. I'll give the WWE credit for disguising it, if it is Orton, because in the past they've telegraphed the winner and there's been absolutely nothing to suggest Orton this time around. Personally I just can't see it when there's so many other more obvious options.

Having said that, I'm going to contradict myself by picking a surprise, under the radar winner in a returning Balor.
I've felt and been saying this for awhile, Sami Zayn is going to win. They've under the radar built him up as a favorite and people don't realize it. The storyline with Foley and Stroman plays a huge role in it especially if the final 2 are Zayn and Braun. Then the interactions with Stephanie the past couple months. If he wins who is he most likely going to face at WrestleMania? His real life best friend and storyline wise former best friend. Zayn and Owens has been a feud going back, if you include ROH, how many years now? What a better way to have the final encounter before sending one to Smackdown? It doesn't have to close out Wrestlemania, and with the other rumored matches it clearly wouldn't. Not to mention I think the crowd would absolutely go insane if the last 2 guys are Zayn and Braun. Braun just mauling him like he has been. Zayn strugging to pull himself up along the ropes while Braun is setting up for a final clothesline to win when all of a sudden Zayn pulls the top rope down and Braun goes over the top! Pure fucking electric in the Alomodome and the perfect climax point for the "Underdog from the Underground" in possibly the most loaded Royal Rumble in history!
Not read the rest of the thread other than the OP, as I've not seen Takeover San Antonio yet so am hoping to avoid any spoilers that may appear in this thread

Here's just a base few predictions for the Rumble tonight

#1 will be Big Cass so that he and Enzo can run through their entire entrance shtick and get the crowd hyped
Winner: I'm sticking with the Undertaker; I just can't see there being a reason for them to bring him back if he is not to win it
Runner up: either Straumann or Chris Jericho
Goldberg and Lesnar will be eliminated simultaneously, in a spot reminiscent of when Shawn Michaels eliminated Vader and Yokozuna in 1996

Owens and Cena to leave with the titles, though I REALLY want Owens and Styles to both retain
Not read the rest of the thread other than the OP, as I've not seen Takeover San Antonio yet so am hoping to avoid any spoilers that may appear in this thread

Here's just a base few predictions for the Rumble tonight

#1 will be Big Cass so that he and Enzo can run through their entire entrance shtick and get the crowd hyped
Winner: I'm sticking with the Undertaker; I just can't see there being a reason for them to bring him back if he is not to win it
Runner up: either Straumann or Chris Jericho
Goldberg and Lesnar will be eliminated simultaneously, in a spot reminiscent of when Shawn Michaels eliminated Vader and Yokozuna in 1996

Owens and Cena to leave with the titles, though I REALLY want Owens and Styles to both retain

I agree on Brock and Goldberg. I can see them #1 and #2 and pounding each other trying to eliminate each other. Both hanging over the top rope when #3 comes out being Samoa Joe and dumps them both. While waiting for #4 they can focus on Brock and Goldberg brawling to the back.

As far as why bringing back Taker for any other reason than winning my theory is John Cena. Cena has been showing an attitude lately, somewhat heelish. I'm not saying a complete heel turn for Cena but I can see him losing to AJ clean. Post match an aggravated Cena does one of those interviews as he leaves the ring talking depressed and unsure of himself. Come Rumble time he comes out and screws Taker. On Smackdown he explains the only thing he's never done in the WWE is beat Taker at Mania and he can't do that this year if Taker would've won the rumble since he lost to AJ. Somewhat similar to 2nd HBK-Taker match build up where he screwed Taker in The Elimination Chamber.
If Orton wins this it will be a huge surprise. I'll give the WWE credit for disguising it, if it is Orton, because in the past they've telegraphed the winner and there's been absolutely nothing to suggest Orton this time around. Personally I just can't see it when there's so many other more obvious options.

10 points for surprising me, WWE. But minus 10,000 points for Roman fuckin' Reigns ruining another Rumble.
My God, that has to go down as the worst booked Rumble in History. The Only two things WWE got right in the match was the quick elimination of Lesnar by Goldberg and Tye Dillinger entering the rumble at Number 10. (which was by far the biggest pop of the night) other then Dillinger there were no real surprise entrants in the match. Just a bunch of lower card guys and Mark Henry, so no big returns like Balor or any big Name NXT call ups like Samoa Joe or Nakamura. Then there was Strowmans elimination from the Match. WWE did a great job to start with, giving him several lower card guys for him to devour and Eliminate but having Corbin eliminate him from the match made no sense at all especially after he cost Reigns the universal title earlier in the night. The same can also be said about Goldberg. Having Lesnar return to the Ring and eliminate him would have made more sence, but let's face it nothing really made a lot of sence in this match. The worst decision though had to be having Roman Reigns enter the match at Number 30. Not only were the fans expecting some big surprise entrant seeing as all the other logical choices to have win the match had already beend eliminated. They went with a guy who is so disliked that when he eliminated the Undertaker they lost any chance they had of ever getting him over as a baby face that they would have been better off having him turn Heel and winning the Match. Great job WWE.
Just got done watching the Rumble match. It was okay but very imperfect. I think having Lesnar, Goldberg, and the Undertaker all in the Rumble cost the WWE so much money so they couldn't afford to bring any surprises like Angle. However, the biggest downer was how the betting odds shifted to Orton, and he won! I mean somehow, someway someone is knowledgeable about who's going to win then placing their bets accordingly.

Hopefully, and I really mean this, next year's Rumble would be much better!
Lesnar, Goldberg and Taker were all centred around in the build up and all had very poor showings.

Braun Strowman went far too early as well, he should have seen out until the last 3/4 IMO.

Lack of surprise entrants...but thats the issue when you have a stacked roster.

The last few Rumbles have been poor. WWE seriously need to up their game because I can't remember a Rumble I enjoyed in recent years.
Still can't believe that Reigns eliminated The Undertaker like if that doesn't result in a heel turn I won't know what will
Still can't believe that Reigns eliminated The Undertaker like if that doesn't result in a heel turn I won't know what will
There have been numerous chances in the past to execute a heel turn for Roman Reigns and i have always come up disappointed since it never happened. I've been favouring a heel turn for him since a long time now and I think that it's even more important now that he's going to be in a feud with a legend like The Undertaker. He's going to be booed as a face for sure. Let's hope that it actually happens now.
Still can't believe that Reigns eliminated The Undertaker

Well, you can


Dunno why all the fuss. He lost twice and IWC got KO as still Champion and "not Roman" as Rumble winner as well as possibly Lame Wyatt as Champion. He did good in his match and even lost and he was at Rumble just to set up Undertaker for Wrestlemania because story needed to start somewhere.

People give little credit to WWE and Vince. And they troll people beautifully by toying with their emotions. And at the end they manage to set up what they want and even give people some of their wishes.

Brock club-lining Enzo with that meat hook lariat was the best moment of the night. We might never see Enzo again. R.I.P.
Glad I wasnt the only one liking that spot. Think JBL on commentary jizzed in his pants after that spot. :lol:
Dunno why all the fuss. He lost twice and IWC got KO as still Champion and "not Roman" as Rumble winner as well as possibly Lame Wyatt as Champion. He did good in his match and even lost and he was at Rumble just to set up Undertaker for Wrestlemania because story needed to start somewhere.

People give little credit to WWE and Vince. And they troll people beautifully by toying with their emotions. And at the end they manage to set up what they want and even give people some of their wishes.

By reading through other sites the fuss is about this. Even though Reigns didn't win his match and was eliminated at the Rumble, he was a focal point of the show. He is the absolute last person that most wanted to see come in at number 30. He's the only wrestler other than Sheamus and Cesaro that had a match that night, and they were on the preshow with time to rest. Even then Cesaro looked exhausted.

With the lack of surprise entrants I think most were expecting either Balor, Angle or Samoa Joe. Well we got Samoa Joe in a way, Reigns is Samoan and his real name is Joe. Somehow though it's just not the same.

If he does face Taker at Mania, he will have a long road back. Taker looked horrible last night and this might be his last Mania, do we really want him to go out on a loss to Roman Reigns. Just the way things went last night, this is another tactic in getting Reigns over.
Some thoughts:

The Rumble started out very good until the #20 mark then it just because a demolition of abrupt eliminations of Taker, Goldberg, and Lesnar. At least one of them should have entered the Rumble earlier.

Also regarding Taker he needs to retire, he's in horrible shape.

Reigns at #30 was strange it almost WWE put him there so he can booed by the fans and give Orton a pop when he won.

Orton winning was uninspired but satisfactory. I don't like seeing repeat winners especially when other guys in the prior year were bigger MVP's in the WWE (Owens, Styles, Zayn, Jericho, Rollins, Ambrose, heck even The Miz) but he wasn't the worst pick to win. Though I am not too pumped for an Orton/Cena dn Orton/Wyatt title match. If Wyatt does win the title at Elimination Chamber it makes him look like a paper transitional champion heading to WM.

Jericho was out of the ring for most of the match I was crossing my fingers he would get the cowards win as a result. Jericho vs. Owens vs. Reigns would have sounded pretty good at WM.

Strauman was great here.
I thought the booking for the Rumble was awful. The fact that Reigns had NOTHING to do with Strowman's elimination was terrible. The guy costs him the Universal Title and he doesn't want revenge during the rumble? They should have had Strowman survive till Reigns came in and have Reigns eliminate him.

Orton winning I'm ok with. It was unexpected, better than seeing Reigns win, and honestly, better than seeing Taker, Lesnar or Goldberg win.

Having no real surprise entrants other than Dillinger was disappointing. I mean, you can count Mark Henry I guess, but he's not really someone people get excited about. Not having Angle, Samoa Joe, Nakamura or anyone who's not your every day WWE Superstar was something this Rumble desperately needed.

I can't knock Cena's win. I just hope if they go with Styles vs Shane for Wrestlemania, they build it up right and make it something worth watching.
To add to my previous post, the booking in how Brock was eliminated. They needed Brock to get SOMETHING over Goldberg. Goldberg is essentially 3-0 against him, PLUS he cost Brock the WWE Championship against Eddie Guerrero at No Way Out 2004.

Brock has gotten NOTHING over Goldberg in their encounters, aside from maybe a F-5 13 years ago.

Personally, Survivor Series ruined their feud. Having Brock go down that fast was terrible. Goldberg is now 2-0 on Brock. What does a third match offer? Unless Brock dominates Goldberg at Wrestlemania, the whole thing was pointless. Brock needs to win the payoff.

Brock SHOULD have eliminated Goldberg at the Rumble. He should have hit a few suplexes and then tossed him out like a rag doll. Give Goldberg a reason to want to face Brock at Wrestlemania.
To add to my previous post, the booking in how Brock was eliminated. They needed Brock to get SOMETHING over Goldberg. Goldberg is essentially 3-0 against him, PLUS he cost Brock the WWE Championship against Eddie Guerrero at No Way Out 2004.

Brock has gotten NOTHING over Goldberg in their encounters, aside from maybe a F-5 13 years ago.

Personally, Survivor Series ruined their feud. Having Brock go down that fast was terrible. Goldberg is now 2-0 on Brock. What does a third match offer? Unless Brock dominates Goldberg at Wrestlemania, the whole thing was pointless. Brock needs to win the payoff.

Brock SHOULD have eliminated Goldberg at the Rumble. He should have hit a few suplexes and then tossed him out like a rag doll. Give Goldberg a reason to want to face Brock at Wrestlemania.

I honestly think that the only way he beats Goldberg at Wrestlemania is in a complete squash, exactly the same as Survivor Series but the other way round. I think it is building towards that
Brock club-lining Enzo with that meat hook lariat was the best moment of the night. We might never see Enzo again. R.I.P.

That, plus Jack Gallagher's insane elimination where he held onto his umbrella the whole time so didn't fall on his hands like most do, and Braun Strowman putting James Elsworth on the hip replacement list!

Some wrestlers took some brutal looking bumps this year

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