WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 5/2/2011 - Poontang & Patriotism

Not buying the Rock interference anymore. Him and Cena haven't seen each other all night so I doubt he shows for the match.

Now, Riley interfering to screw Miz. Could be interesting...
This night has really been lackluster so far. Half of Rock's promo was the only good thing, and it was the same as always. I feel sorry for you people from the Attitude Era. Still waiting for Cena and Punk.

Really? Cause you were in fucking diapers during that time kid, so I wouldn't exactly take your opinion on the time period seriously. You will never in your entire life experience the excitement and unpredictability that an Attitude Raw contained, and for that I feel incredibly sorry for you and everyone else your age who weren't around to witness the Attitude Era.

Spoken like a truly ignorant child. Don't talk shit about things you weren't around for, sorry we were all busy watching RAW and Nitro in numbers that make the WWE's current ratings look pathetic in comparison while you were shitting your diaper and sucking on your mother's tit.

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