WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 4/11/2011 - Now with Less Team Bring It

I'm actually starting to give in too, this is really believable. I mean, if this was an angle, they would have it happen in a match...or they would have him wrestle again, for a last match.

Ok. Yeah...I think that was real. Until after the main event, it shows Edge backstage, and he's attacked by Del Rio.

I'm wondering though..if he's actually forced to stay out of the ring, or if it's just a way to write him off.
Thank you Edge!

I fucking love you!!!
You entertained me for 11 fucking years since I started watching in 2000 :)

Thank you!!!
I'm being forced to turn on RAW, apparently Edge is/has retired? I'm pissed.

There goes the only thing I liked about Wrestling sans CM Punk. God I hope Christian gets his push in Edge's stead then.
Are people REALLY believing this. I mean..it could be true, but it's WWE! They pull this shit all the time.

I say Edge is gonna give the belt and or match to Christian, take time off, and return. I'm feeling it as an angle. If it's not, then that sucks, but why else have Christian lose that contender match. It was to work out this way. The writers actually did a good job, as they have all of you believing them.
Was never a big fan of the guy because I am usually a smark when it comes to heels, but I hate to see somebody with all his talent havr his career cut short. It's heartbreaking
I dunno. The whole "hugging" scene is kinda making me think its not legit. that's a bit much.

I figure they'd have some guys come to the ring, but that seems like a worked shoot to me.

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