WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 4/11/2011 - Now with Less Team Bring It

Well, looks like we'll get that tag team match after all!

This is actually kind of smart by the WWE. I still wish we got to see Cole get his at Wrestlemania, but now Swagger will get a HUGE rub being one of the guys to help shove Cole's head up his own ass.
Why do people think this match was so good? It wasn't. Had it been at any other PPV, people wouldn't have thought twice.

This match is already more overrated than last year's HBK vs. Taker.
Whoever put together this promo needs an immediate raise. Made me think that match was the greatest ever for a moment.
Boooo... lame as hell. Gives Cole 3 weeks to make amends with Swagger, and it's a non-extreme match in an extreme-rules-only pay per view :(
King gets to pick both the match & stipulation.

Just because he only picked the match tonight doesn't mean he won't pick a stipulation later
Whoops I forgot how mature the IWC is about weight. This message was brought to you by Mat Hardy.

You're a moron. The IWC shit on Matt Hardy because he was a worthless piece of crap towards the end of his WWE stint. Jerry Lawler is a legend, and him dropping the strap is a call back to his days in Memphis when he was not just a King, but a GOD. When he dropped that strap, the building exploded. I HOPE the majority of the IWC knows that, but apparently you don't, so maybe I'm a little too optimistic.
mmm double-decker taco from taco bell.. yes preese

King gets to pick both the match & stipulation.

Just because he only picked the match tonight doesn't mean he won't pick a stipulation later

Ok.. what stip can they do for an ER tag match? No DQ? Sure as hell isnt gonna be anything to do with chairs or ladders or tables
Swagger might be getting a push out of this at all. I mean, for one, he was one of the main pieces in the best Wrestlemania builds this time around, but for two, he might get a face turn. I just worry about how long Swagger can hold onto that momentum when he turns on Cole. It's immediate love, but how long will it last?
Edge's Announcement time...

Josh Matthews hanging with King and J.R. on commentary. He's the future voice of the WWE damn it.

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