WWE RAW LD 3/7/2011 - Will the Rattlesnake Have Tiger Blood Flowing?

That was a fucking abortion of a match. 99% hair-pulling, literally. I fucking hate this division, hopefully Kong can make it watchable again when she debuts.
That was a fucking abortion of a match. 99% hair-pulling, literally. I fucking hate this division, hopefully Kong can make it watchable again when she debuts.

Something in the back of my mind makes me want her to compete with the guys. She doesn't need to be pulled down by this fuckery of a women's division.

Or else her first feud is going to be with LayCool, and 99.9% of the promos are going to be "LOL LOOK HOW FAT SHE IS, EWW SHE'S GROSS LOL RIGHT GUYS?"
Cole interrupting the divas match has been the most interesting thing to happen in that division in years.
I call Anonymous GM for special ref.

And wtf? That Snooki shit is real??? Why the fuck is she even famous?
I understand that no one really cares about the Divas division due to it being a joke, but that does not forgive WWE for burying its own product. Give them 2 minute matches with no build, that is ok. But don't actively bury the product like that
AAre Glass and I the only ones pissed about that Cole segment?
No, as my post immediately above yours said, I love Cole's character, but that wasn't cool. Poor booking to disrupt a title match.
I just don't know what they're going to do with Cole post-WrestleMania.
Swagger's manager? I'd be more then fine with that, especially since he'd get a bit of a push then.

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