WWE RAW LD 3/7/2011 - Will the Rattlesnake Have Tiger Blood Flowing?

Don't know why people don't like the idea of Sunny in the Hall of Fame. She was definitely notable in the WWE, especially in diva's history.
The great thing about Sunny was she could work both face and heel perfectly.
Oh, hello Eve. Hopefully this match ends quickly without too must twincest going on.

DUDE! I can't wait to watch that shit! "Your hairdo is pissin' me off!" Awesome. Fucking awesome.
I hope cole gets strep and can't talk for I guess ever but I'll settle for until Wrestlemania.
your hairdo is pissing me off... lol hahaha and the biggest epic fail ever... that bitch trying to do a front roll and face planting lol
No, Curtis sucked his entire time on NXT and does not belong on WWE TV, especially over guys that don't suck and get forgotten like Zack Ryder.
SIN FUCKING CARA! FUCKING AWESOME! WWE hype vids always kick ass.

Um...Wade Barrett is like the only NXT winner that got any kinda recognition or push. Kaval got released and Kaitlyn is wrestling dark matches. STFU like he's gonna be in the main event immediately or ever.
Oh my god I can't wait for Tough Enough. It's just going to be an hour of heel Austin circa-2001 verbally raping these young kids. I can't wait to see the first trainee break down in tears.

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