WWE RAW LD 12/27/2010 - Crying Over Spilt Diet Soda

Matthews at the announce table!

It's good to see Tyson Kidd getting the push post-dynasty. I hope they don't forget about Smith either. It might be wise to send DH over to Smackdown as they are short on faces.
There would be no shaving in the commercial. It would just be a commercial about smashing bathrooms apart. We would forget what the fuck it was even supposed to be in the first place
Oh yeah LR79, in response to your question before: Wade didn't look so good when he was getting AAed off the top rope.

Trust me Michael Nexus...beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...I'd rush to giv first aid...trust me. I've been to medical assistant classes. I can hold my own, my mom's been a nurse since she was 18, and she's 57 now and still working..lol..I've learned quite a bit since I was born. Hehe.
Andrews walking behind Kidd on the runway looks awesome. He's so tall to begin with, and walking behind gives him even a few more inches on Kidd. It makes him look enormous.
Regarding this whole bias thing: why do you have to be objective in every statement you say? Isn't the point of being a fan to get caught up in things and have fun? It is entertainment after all.
Don't worry LR, there is no need to pay attention to any posts totally devoid of grammar and punctuation.

LOL...he's probably just pissed because he wishes he coulda thought of something as $$ making like that, or probably got rejected from the tough enough try outs...they probably thought he was trying out for 'biggest loser..'

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