WWE No Mercy 2016 LD

So if Dolph wins and the Miz get's pushed up, then who does Ziggler feud with. Rowan is out with rotator cuff issues so I can't think of anyone else other than Corbin. He's busy with Swagger. Besides you already have Cena, Ambrose and Styles in the main event. No room for Miz right now.

Dean's boring ass will need something to do. Miz seems logical.
So if Dolph wins and the Miz get's pushed up, then who does Ziggler feud with. Rowan is out with rotator cuff issues so I can't think of anyone else other than Corbin. He's busy with Swagger. Besides you already have Cena, Ambrose and Styles in the main event. No room for Miz right now.

Bray Wyatt. Creepy bearded dude turns face against arrogant pretty boy.
So if Dolph wins and the Miz get's pushed up, then who does Ziggler feud with. Rowan is out with rotator cuff issues so I can't think of anyone else other than Corbin. He's busy with Swagger. Besides you already have Cena, Ambrose and Styles in the main event. No room for Miz right now.
Cena and (maybe) Ambrose are taking time off so that leaves AJ, Orton and maybe Bray.

I've just really been liking Dolph throughout this storyline. Not thinking to much past that for the moment
I feel like her and Lana are having a secret competition for most flamboyant trophy wife.

Steph would ultimately end up winning such a competition. She'll come out at wrestlemania wearing nothing but pasties with tassles, her tumbleweed-like mom bush, and some tacky fuck me heels from that trashy store at the mall.
Miz has elevated the title somewhat, Ziggler will just bring it back down again.
People thought the same thing about Miz. It wasn't until he got the title until he became awesome. Just like Ziggler he was nothing for years.

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