WWE No Mercy 2016 LD

I'll say this. As tired as I am of Dolph, this program has got me behind him in a way that hasn't happened since around Survivor Series 2014. Kudos to both men.
Where does Mayrse even find those leotards? Like, is there a shop you can go into and say "what's the most amount of vagina I can expose on television"?
This is honestly the most I've given a shit about an IC title match in a long time. Kudos to both these guys, enjoying the character work already from the entrances alone.
Why Miz is doing great work right now. One of if not the best heel on the roster. Nothing cut and dry about him, pure heel, no questions asked.
This storyline has got me rooting for Dolph. Plus I think Miz is ready for another Main Event run. There's isn't much else he can do with the IC title.

Unless dolph really is done in WWE
I'll say this. As tired as I am of Dolph, this program has got me behind him in a way that hasn't happened since around Survivor Series 2014. Kudos to both men.

It is amazing what can happen with a classic based program with performer who know what they are doing. Kayfabe just naturally takes over ones emotions here.
Where does Mayrse even find those leotards? Like, is there a shop you can go into and say "what's the most amount of vagina I can expose on television"?

She walks into places and says "Take whatever Trump would want to grab me by the pussy in... and just back it off ever so slightly."
Where does Mayrse even find those leotards? Like, is there a shop you can go into and say "what's the most amount of vagina I can expose on television"?

I feel like her and Lana are having a secret competition for most flamboyant trophy wife.
This storyline has got me rooting for Dolph. Plus I think Miz is ready for another Main Event run. There's isn't much else he can do with the IC title.

Unless dolph really is done in WWE

So if Dolph wins and the Miz get's pushed up, then who does Ziggler feud with. Rowan is out with rotator cuff issues so I can't think of anyone else other than Corbin. He's busy with Swagger. Besides you already have Cena, Ambrose and Styles in the main event. No room for Miz right now.

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