I said AFTER the match... you know, after he beat the shit out of the Rock with as steel chair, shook hand with Vince Mcmahon, and then doused an unconcious Rock in beer... I'd call that a heel turn.
And people cheered Austin everywhere he went, even after he turned heel. If the Austin was clearly second fiddle like you said in your other post, why the hell would they give the belt to him.
It doesn't matter what he did! It's Austin in his hometown...he was not going to get booed bro. This is not even a big part of the argument. You also said in a different post that one of the best storylines of all time happened ...I'm guessing the "Invasion" you mean??? Are you joking? Because it's like the general consensus amongst wrestling fans that that was the worst time in wrestling history lol.
Also, when Austin left in 1999...ratings went up because of the Rock being #1 according to stats....not HHH, not Foley (who people disliked being in the main event at Mania) and not Big Show (which people also disliked main eventing Mania)....so0o yea. Also if you're 23...you were what? like 8 or 9? Smh.