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WWE Mount Rushmore?

PWI huh? Cena has a Meltzer 5 star match. Rock has 0. Cena vs Punk (Raw or MITB) are better than Rock/Austin. Personal taste of course. Rock may be better at promos, but you have to either be a massive Rock mark or Cena hater to think Rock is better in the ring.

Rock vs Mankind RR99 is ALL Foley. That match doesn't mean shit without Foley taking unprotected headshots and all the other crazy shit he took. Rock was just a warm body.

Rock vs Hogan WMX8 is all crowd reaction, and the crowd mainly reacted to...Hogan.

Rock/Austin WMX7 is definitely Rock's crowning achievement. Rock didn't have the longevity to be as good as Cena from a match quality standpoint. In fact, I don't think he belongs on Rushmore because of that. He made a quick, short impact. He used the momentum Austin created. Rock is a mega star, but Austin was the best wrestler from that generation. How the hell you gonna be on Rushmore if you aren't even the best wrestler of your generation?

Sammartino, Hogan, Austin, Cena now that I rethink it.

Austin the best of his generation? What freakin generation? Are you calling 1998-1999 an entire generation? WTF??? A generation is imo at least 10-20 years. I'm almost 24, I consider my generation to be from the time I was a child maybe 5 or 6, til about 20, and now its a new generation. HBK is the greatest wrestler of the past generation and Austin isnt even number two, I'd put Taker at second. No way in hell can you call two years a generation. Get the f**k out of here with that crap. Austin had one amazing feud, got hurt, came back and was never the same again.

Honestly though, what does two guys being from the same era have to do with this? Look at the NBA are you going to leave Magic Johnson off the NBA Mt.Rushmore because he played while Jordan? or leave Jordan off because of Magic? If you are great than you are great no matter the era. The Rock is probably the most popular wrestler of all time....by that alone he gets on the Mt Rushmore of WWE, case closed. This discussion is dumb. Austin leads the attitude era so he gets a spot but the rock becomes the most popular and successful wrestler of all time but we are gonna leave him off lmfao...you guys are either rock haters or delusional if you think that Vince McMahon himself would EVER choose Cena over The Rock and that is really what it would come down too, Vince's choice. When Cena retires, the WWE will simply create a new kid friendly character to take his place. The Rock is a once in a lifetime wrestler and can't be copied, just like SCSA. The notion that Cena deserves this honor is just plain silly.
Dude this isnt even an argument....The top 4 names in wwe history should be on the Mt Rushmore of WWE and Cena is not in that top four. Its really as simple as that. If this were real it would be the biggest honor a wrestler could possibly receive....do you honestly think Cena has done enough to get such an Honor? Seriously, outside of being the top guy for a decade and make a wish, WHAT HAS CENA DONE? What is his legendary moment? What is his legendary match? has he ever had a classic promo?

John Cena has had one of the WORST runs as the face of the company EVER. Its been 10 years of the same promo OVER AND OVER, 10 years of lackluster Wrestlemania main events that nobody will ever go back and watch again or remember. Cena has probably main evented close to 100 ppv's and how many of those matches stand out? Maybe three or four...Just being on top doesnt make you worthy of the highest honor, its about what you do while your on top and Cena hasnt done much of anything. SCSA and The Rock did more in two years than Cena has in 10.

Uh, that's actually exactly what the Rock and SCSA did as well. Every single one of their promos was virtually identical to all others and all were equally as dull and uninteresting as watching a pile of cow patties and listening to Kenny G.

You talk about how many PPV's Cena's evented and only had a handfull stand out? We live as much as we dislike and deny it, in a PPV age. Everything is centered around 12/13 ppvs a season. Raws and Smackdowns now are only there to build up to the ppvs. In the attitude era, ppv's were the payoffs, the real excitement and interest that wrestling rode on was on their weekly shows. Raw, Nitro, Smackdown, Thunder. Each of these was just as if not more important to watch then the actual ppvs. So complaining about Cena's PPV moments compared to lesser number of PPV's ME'd by others is flat out stupid. Cena IS, for good or ill, up there with Rock, Austin and the like in terms of popularity and impact on the business and thus does deserve to at least be in the discussion of a wrestling mount rushmore.

Let's look at who's on the actual mt rushmore. Jefferson, Lincoln, Washinton and Rosevelt. Washington and Jefferson helped forge the US. Lincoln changed the world with the Emancipation. And Rosevelt is just badass with long history of fighting for his country with his boys often leading the way in ensuring the country ran smoothly and kicked ass when needed.

So Vince is in as founder/solidifier of company.
Hogan is there as biggest crossover star who took what vince created and made it a world power and not some podunk territory.
SCSA is there as he changed how who look at the roles of wrestlers.

and last spot goes to Taker for being the tie that held it all together. he showed his loyalty while others jumped ship, gathered a crew of rough and tumble fighters and forged them into a strong posse of dependible guys always willing to do what was best for the company first and themselves second and weathered the worst times to come out a legend in his field.
Mcmahon, Austin, Hogan, Flair\ Sammartino...

Damn this is hard, so many people to choose from:

1. I chose Mcmahon because he MADE the WWE what it is today, can't have a Mt. Rushmore without the most influential man in wrestling history.

2. I chose Austin because he arguably made the biggest impact with the fans and he was the primary reason why the WWE was able to SURVIVE against WCW.

3. Hogan is Hogan... As much as I hate the guy for screwing WWE multiple times, he put the business on the map.

4. If we are talking about a WRESTLING Mt. Rushmore, Flair can't be left off of the list... I mean the guy has been wrestling for nealy 5 decades!
If we're strictly talking WWE, Sammartino because he was the first REAL superstar... 30 year title reign doesn't hurt.
Mcmahon, Austin, Hogan, Flair\ Sammartino...

Damn this is hard, so many people to choose from:

1. I chose Mcmahon because he MADE the WWE what it is today, can't have a Mt. Rushmore without the most influential man in wrestling history.

2. I chose Austin because he arguably made the biggest impact with the fans and he was the primary reason why the WWE was able to SURVIVE against WCW.

3. Hogan is Hogan... As much as I hate the guy for screwing WWE multiple times, he put the business on the map.

4. If we are talking about a WRESTLING Mt. Rushmore, Flair can't be left off of the list... I mean the guy has been wrestling for nealy 5 decades!
If we're strictly talking WWE, Sammartino because he was the first REAL superstar... 30 year title reign doesn't hurt.

McMahon can't be on Mt Rushmore because he's the one that made WWE.

Also, there's no way The Rock can't be on Mt Rushmore.

It's just blasphemy.
Uh, that's actually exactly what the Rock and SCSA did as well. Every single one of their promos was virtually identical to all others and all were equally as dull and uninteresting as watching a pile of cow patties and listening to Kenny G.

You talk about how many PPV's Cena's evented and only had a handfull stand out? We live as much as we dislike and deny it, in a PPV age. Everything is centered around 12/13 ppvs a season. Raws and Smackdowns now are only there to build up to the ppvs. In the attitude era, ppv's were the payoffs, the real excitement and interest that wrestling rode on was on their weekly shows. Raw, Nitro, Smackdown, Thunder. Each of these was just as if not more important to watch then the actual ppvs. So complaining about Cena's PPV moments compared to lesser number of PPV's ME'd by others is flat out stupid. Cena IS, for good or ill, up there with Rock, Austin and the like in terms of popularity and impact on the business and thus does deserve to at least be in the discussion of a wrestling mount rushmore.

Let's look at who's on the actual mt rushmore. Jefferson, Lincoln, Washinton and Rosevelt. Washington and Jefferson helped forge the US. Lincoln changed the world with the Emancipation. And Rosevelt is just badass with long history of fighting for his country with his boys often leading the way in ensuring the country ran smoothly and kicked ass when needed.

So Vince is in as founder/solidifier of company.
Hogan is there as biggest crossover star who took what vince created and made it a world power and not some podunk territory.
SCSA is there as he changed how who look at the roles of wrestlers.

and last spot goes to Taker for being the tie that held it all together. he showed his loyalty while others jumped ship, gathered a crew of rough and tumble fighters and forged them into a strong posse of dependible guys always willing to do what was best for the company first and themselves second and weathered the worst times to come out a legend in his field.

this is stupid..dont make up reasons for the presidents being on mt Rushmore, just tell the truth. Those four were put on there because at the time, they were considered the best presidents that had the biggest impact on the us. All that bs you said is completely made up opinionated nonsense.

There is no way you can make a real case for Taker to be on the Mt Rushmore of WWE. Why does putting a guy that was NEVER a top guy or even the number 2 guy on there make any sense? All Taker has is the streak, and that is it. Are you a child? Any grown man that has watched wrestling for 20 plus years should understand that what you're saying is nonsense? You leave off guys like Rock, and HBK that dominated and were always better and higher on the card than Taker but Taker gets a spot??? I love Taker but that is ridiculous. Loyalty doesn't get you this freakin honor, impact on the WWE does...and Taker's only real impact has been the streak. If Orton had beat Taker at WM21, than we wouldn't even be having this argument. Stop hating on the rock!!! If your going to comment at least tell the truth instead of posting garbage.
McMahon can't be on Mt Rushmore because he's the one that made WWE.

Also, there's no way The Rock can't be on Mt Rushmore.

It's just blasphemy.

If it's not Mcmahon, it would be the Rock.
But fook all this Rock-Austin BS... People who love Austin are never gonna turn and vice versa. You can't PROVE who was better no matter how hard you try.
Vince Mcmahon - He started it all. No Vince, no WWE.

Bruno Sammartino - Longest WWE champion of all time, and a pioneer of the wrestling industry. He helped put wrestling on the map.

Hulk Hogan - Don't personally care for him these days, but he revolutionized the wrestling industry and has probably sold out more arenas then almost any superstar during his time (not counting todays WWE).

Stone Cold Steve Austin - during the time span of 1997 - 2003 he was arguably the hottest thing in the WWE and (arguably) the biggest star of the attitude era.

Special mentions include;

The Rock - another one of the top guys during the attitude era, arguably biggest superstar of all time (arguably).

Shawn Michaels - Involved in some of the biggest match ups, biggest controversy of all time.

Undertaker - practically the cornerstone of Wrestlemania since his first WM match, very influential character, and one of the best in/out ring presense of all time.

Ric Flair - WOOOOO! 16 time world champ (wwe/whc), one of the horsemen, one of the greatest of all time.

John Cena - Even if you hate him, he is the biggest star of todays WWE, almost as many reigns as Flair (and eventually he will probably have more). Also been the face for 10+ years.

Andrei The Giant - I think it's fair to call him the first behemoth of the wrestling industry. And to say the least, the first *larger than life* character to catch the fans eyes.

Mae Young - Simply because she is the pioneer of womens wrestling. Involved in some of the most ridiculous moments of all time. May her soul rest in peace.
Bruno Sammartino: The original. He's the guy your parents or grandparents knew.
Andre The Giant: Crazy draw. Bled over into pop culture.
Hulk Hogan: Biggest ever. Responsible for WWF and WCW growth.
Stone Cold Steve Austin: Kept WWE upright and led it back to the top. Insanely over.

Why not The Rock? Because he became a bigger star after he left WWE. He didn't elevate WWE. He helped elevate WWE with Stone Cold, but at that time it was mainly Stone Cold over everyone else. I'd love to include him, but his success out of the WWE has little impact on WWE other than 2 Wrestlemanias. Overall The Rock may be the biggest star of all, more than Hogan, more than Stone Cold, but as it relates purely to WWE, other guys surpass him.

Why not Vince? Because I'm only picking true performers. Mr.McMahon may be one of the greatest characters of all time, but not without being a foil to Stone Cold. Yes, without him WWE wouldn't be what it is. But I'm leaving owners out of the debate.

Why not Cena. Because as much as anyone wants to taut Cena as the guy, he's not. He's undoubtedly the biggest WWE star of the last decade, because WWE pushes him that way. He's not popping up all over pop culture the way Hogan or Stone Cold did. Part of it is because we're not in that era anymore. If Cena walked away, there would be little to no impact on the WWE. Fans would move on to someone else. Someone else would make up merchandise sales. Other wrestlers would do Make A Wish and charities. You make not like it, but while Cena is the top guy of this era, that means little overall.

Why not Michaels? He may very well be the best in ring performer of all time, but the guys above played a more significant role in the development of the WWF/WWE.
Why not The Rock? Because he became a bigger star after he left WWE. He didn't elevate WWE. He helped elevate WWE with Stone Cold, but at that time it was mainly Stone Cold over everyone else. I'd love to include him, but his success out of the WWE has little impact on WWE other than 2 Wrestlemanias. Overall The Rock may be the biggest star of all, more than Hogan, more than Stone Cold, but as it relates purely to WWE, other guys surpass him.

The Rock became a bigger star after he left Hollywood? Are you sick in the brain or something? WWF RAW used to get over 50 million viewers worldwide.

He didn't elevate WWE? LMFAOOOOOO!!!!!! You really need to improve your trolling skills.

The Rock revolutionized wwf in late 98/ early 99 then took it to unprecedented heights.

He led WWF in 2000 to it's most successful financial year.

Everyone know The Rock as a wrestler before an actor, stop lying to yourself kid.

Smh. How dumb and ignorant can you kids get.
Vince McMahon - This whole thing is his family's creation. Love him or hate him, he's made WWE into a multi-billion dollar international entertainment business.

Hulk Hogan - The most famous professional wrestler of all time. Even kids now just getting into wrestling know who Hulk Hogan is. He made wrestling "cool."

Stone Cold Steve Austin - Made wrestling "cool" again and made it more "mainstream" at a time when pro wrestling would have died. He was an anti-hero that almost everyone could relate to.

The Undertaker - I give him a slight edge over The Rock, simply for longevity. Undertaker has the best gimmick of all time. He has survived heel and face turns and maintained popularity. His entrance is probably the best ever. He's guy who's pretty much beloved, it's very difficult to find a large number of fans that "hate" him or dislike him. His wrestlemania streak, although artificial (as are all wrestling "records") will never be broken.

Here's the IWC's mount rushmore:

CM Punk
Jeff Hardy
Daniel Bryan
Zack Ryder
If it's not Mcmahon, it would be the Rock.
But fook all this Rock-Austin BS... People who love Austin are never gonna turn and vice versa. You can't PROVE who was better no matter how hard you try.

The rock revolutionized wrestling and he never gets credited for it. BSer marks want to rewrite history because of their bias towards rock (coz he ended cm puny's fake title reign). The rock did for wrestling as much if not more than austin did. Numbers don't lie.
After reading pretty much every single post for the last hour...let me start off by saying this...

Vince once said that "Austin was the bigger star between he and The Rock and he didn't even think it was close"...you can break that down or translate it into "Austin saved my ass from WcW putting me out of business"...because that's Austin's biggest achievement...which is friggin HUGE.

However, back when I was in the 8th grade (1997-1998) I remember it was still very uncool to like wrestling despite everything Austin was doing with Vince. Only the geeks were coming in with "Austin 3:16" t-shirts.

Then in 1998-1999...first year of highschool, I remember all the jocks and cool kids sporting the Rock's sideburns and screaming his catch phrases. Wrestling became so cool all of a sudden. It was crazy...I watched casually in 1997-1998...but got in big in the summer of 1998...Rock made it huge.

When Austin was out in all of 2000, and Austin finally came back to take him on at Mania of 2001...you could clearly see it was the Rocks show now, and Austin was second fiddle. Hence Austin's "I need to beat you Rock, more than you can imagine"...granted it was kayfabe, but there was truth to it...he needed to prove he was still Stone Cold...the story told was that he wasn't as good as Rock as he had surpassed him and needed help to beat him...again, fake, but truth.

This was also evident in the NWO storyline of 2002...Austin being passed over to take on the greatest of all time with Rocky getting that honor. Then of course Rock beating Austin at Mania 19.

Just showing how Austin was only on top during 1997-1999 and when he came back, Rock took over and took the WWF into new heights of popularity. Austin gets the credit for saving the company, but Rock gets the credit for taking the ball and running with it to score the touchdown.

Therefore, it must be Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena....as much as I respect Bret and HBK, and Taker...they don't come close to the afforementioned 4 top guys. I don't think anyone here is old enough to have witnessed Bruno, and those days were so different. Not everyone knows who he even is...whereas the top 4 I picked are household names...even in non wrestling fan households.

Also, IMO...Vince should not be on the list despite all he's done. This should be wrestlers only to be honest, and a wrestler shouldn't be snubbed on the count of Vince. I'm sure even he would agree. He knows he's in a class all by himself.
When Austin was out in all of 2000, and Austin finally came back to take him on at Mania of 2001...you could clearly see it was the Rocks show now, and Austin was second fiddle. Hence Austin's "I need to beat you Rock, more than you can imagine"...granted it was kayfabe, but there was truth to it...he needed to prove he was still Stone Cold...the story told was that he wasn't as good as Rock as he had surpassed him and needed help to beat him...again, fake, but truth.


I'm neutral in all this BS, but don't say you could clearly see it was the Rock's show going into Mania 17. I clearly remember the entire crowd marking out after Austin won even after he turned heel with Vince.

Even when he was heel, both he and Vince said it didn't work because the crowd just couldn't hate him. I honestly don't no who was hotter at the time but too many people assume or make shit up
I'm neutral in all this BS, but don't say you could clearly see it was the Rock's show going into Mania 17. I clearly remember the entire crowd marking out after Austin won even after he turned heel with Vince.

Even when he was heel, both he and Vince said it didn't work because the crowd just couldn't hate him. I honestly don't no who was hotter at the time but too many people assume or make shit up

Ummm the crowd was "marking out" because it was his hometown dude. I was in Miami for Mania 28...you should've seen that...it's completely different when a face is being cheered in a regular arena than when they're being cheered in their own town. What did you expect? A bunch of Texans to cheer for the Rock when they're both face? lol c'mon bro.
Ummm the crowd was "marking out" because it was his hometown dude. I was in Miami for Mania 28...you should've seen that...it's completely different when a face is being cheered in a regular arena than when they're being cheered in their own town. What did you expect? A bunch of Texans to cheer for the Rock when they're both face? lol c'mon bro.

I said AFTER the match... you know, after he beat the shit out of the Rock with as steel chair, shook hand with Vince Mcmahon, and then doused an unconcious Rock in beer... I'd call that a heel turn.

And people cheered Austin everywhere he went, even after he turned heel. If the Austin was clearly second fiddle like you said in your other post, why the hell would they give the belt to him.
I said AFTER the match... you know, after he beat the shit out of the Rock with as steel chair, shook hand with Vince Mcmahon, and then doused an unconcious Rock in beer... I'd call that a heel turn.

And people cheered Austin everywhere he went, even after he turned heel. If the Austin was clearly second fiddle like you said in your other post, why the hell would they give the belt to him.

Why the hell give Austin the belt? Hmmm because The Rock was leaving? lol.

Bro, I really don't feel like having this discussion.

Those who have LIVED the attitude era know that The Rock was an equally if not a bigger star than Austin at the time.

It's just a shame how 12-17 year olds who didn't watch the AE watch a bunch of YT vids, read a bunch of stuff on the internet and think they're educated about wrestling. Men lie, women lie but numbers don't lie.

Ratings went through the roof when Rock became WWF champ for the first time.

The Rock was clearly an equally big and even bigger star than Austin after late 99. You can't deny it.
I said AFTER the match... you know, after he beat the shit out of the Rock with as steel chair, shook hand with Vince Mcmahon, and then doused an unconcious Rock in beer... I'd call that a heel turn.

And people cheered Austin everywhere he went, even after he turned heel. If the Austin was clearly second fiddle like you said in your other post, why the hell would they give the belt to him.

The Rock >>>> Austin.

Rock should be on WWE's Mt. Rushmore. He's probably the biggest star ever.
Why the hell give Austin the belt? Hmmm because The Rock was leaving? lol.

Bro, I really don't feel like having this discussion.

Those who have LIVED the attitude era know that The Rock was an equally if not a bigger star than Austin at the time.

It's just a shame how 12-17 year olds who didn't watch the AE watch a bunch of YT vids, read a bunch of stuff on the internet and think they're educated about wrestling. Men lie, women lie but numbers don't lie.

Ratings went through the roof when Rock became WWF champ for the first time.

The Rock was clearly an equally big and even bigger star than Austin after late 99. You can't deny it.

I'm 23 buddy, I've actually witnessed the entire Attitude Era when it happened, and have also watched the 1997-2002 WWF years multiple times since then... Like I said, I'm an Austin AND Rock fan but again, you're throwing around BS numbers. I think you give the Rock too much credit man, Foley helped to draw a lot of fans during the Rock's first title run, and was WAY more over than the Rock in late 98 early 99. People didn't even want to see Austin vs Rock at Mania 15, they wanted Foley vs Austin but Mcmahon had his hand chosen man ... Everything that people say about the Rock has been refuted by Vince Mcmahon at one time or another (Vince has called Austin the GOAT on numerous occasions, has called him more over than the Rock, etc.)

Yeah the Rock was cool and "brought ratings" , but it's not like ratings went down after he left... matter of fact one of the best storylines of all time happened, and the Rock was basically forgotten about until he came back to "save" the WWF from WCW (which Austin did better btw).

Don't act like Austin was some broken down has-been after 2 years on top because the Attitude Era was nothing like that..
I think you give the Rock too much credit man, Foley helped to draw a lot of fans during the Rock's first title run, and was WAY more over than the Rock in late 98 early 99. People didn't even want to see Austin vs Rock at Mania 15, they wanted Foley vs Austin but Mcmahon had his hand chosen man ... Everything that people say about the Rock has been refuted by Vince Mcmahon at one time or another (Vince has called Austin the GOAT on numerous occasions, has called him more over than the Rock, etc.)

Yeah the Rock was cool and "brought ratings" , but it's not like ratings went down after he left... matter of fact one of the best storylines of all time happened, and the Rock was basically forgotten about until he came back to "save" the WWF from WCW (which Austin did better btw).

Don't act like Austin was some broken down has-been after 2 years on top because the Attitude Era was nothing like that..

What did Vince refute? It's a matter of an opinion, Vince called Hogan the GOAT as well in the past. Vince only said those things about SCSA because he didn't "sell-out" like The Rock or leave for other wrestling promotions like Hogan.

Maybe, Vince will call Rock the GOAT one day, who knows.

Do HBK or Taker fans for example, change their mind when Vince said SCSA is the GOAT? No, absolutely not because it's a matter of opinion.

Maybe it's just me but honestly when Austin returned in 2000, I wasn't very excited. Rock was main eventing EVERYTHING in 2000 and we needed something new but Austin wasn't something new, he was basically doing the same thing he was doing before he left.

I've always liked both but I prefered The Rock.

And actually the WWF-WCW storyline was a disaster until The Rock returned and kind of revived it.

WWF didn't lose viewers when he left in 01? Yes, RAW went from a 5 to a 4 in only four months, and you can say the same thing about Austin who was absent for one whole year.

And you can't deny what a huge pop culture icon The Rock was in 2000, even bigger than Austin in 98/99.
The Rock >>>> Austin.

Rock should be on WWE's Mt. Rushmore. He's probably the biggest star ever.

I am a huge fan of The Rock. He's one of my all-time favorites. I defended him against all the IWC smarks when he came back for his feud against Cena.

That said, Hulk Hogan is the biggest star not only in WWF/E, he is the biggest star in professional wrestling history.

Pro wrestling would have died out or only be happening in gyms, if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan. I not Hogan's biggest fan but I don't see how any can say he's not the biggest star ever.
I think the point I'm trying to make is that at one point the WWE solely RELIED on SCSA and the same can't be said for the Rock.

Plus I was a huge Rock fan up until the point where he left. I mean the guy was in his PRIME. He could have prevented that AWFUL period WWE had from 2007-2010, but he chose to make movies. THEN he comes back after 7 YEARS and I mark out because I think he's actually going to have one last decent run.. Instead he makes about 7 total live appearances in 2 years and doesn't seem to be into it.
I think the point I'm trying to make is that at one point the WWE solely RELIED on SCSA and the same can't be said for the Rock.

WWE solely relied on The Rock in 2000.

Plus I was a huge Rock fan up until the point where he left. I mean the guy was in his PRIME. He could have prevented that AWFUL period WWE had from 2007-2010, but he chose to make movies.

Can you blame him? Trust me, there wasn't any person that was more disappointed than I am. But honestly I don't blame him, the whole situation sucks.

You can't blame anyone for this honestly.

But WWE could've signed to a WM match per year contract just like they did in 2004 but John Laurinaitis refused. We could've seen dream matches like Rock vs HBK, etc. But WWE refused to renew his contract in 2005.

Also, Rock got for his first movie 5.5 million dollars, more than any other actor in their first big movie.

He saw he could make in 4 months what he used to make in a year (2 years?) with a less demanding schedule and with no risk of getting injured.

THEN he comes back after 7 YEARS and I mark out because I think he's actually going to have one last decent run.. Instead he makes about 7 total live appearances in 2 years and doesn't seem to be into it.

I know, it's a shame. I hope Rock stops making movies for like a couple of months and does a retirement run, wrestles a couple of time on RAW, puts over a bunch of people then retires at WrestleMania.

I wish we'd get one more REAL run from The Rock before he retires.
Plus I was a huge Rock fan up until the point where he left. I mean the guy was in his PRIME. He could have prevented that AWFUL period WWE had from 2007-2010, but he chose to make movies. THEN he comes back after 7 YEARS and I mark out because I think he's actually going to have one last decent run.. Instead he makes about 7 total live appearances in 2 years and doesn't seem to be into it.

Let me guess, when CM Punk comes back it will be "totally different" right? You'll be out there marking out and acting like nothing happened.

The Rock is a major star who has made millions and millions of dollars in Hollywood. He had no reason to come back other than to entertain us and put WWE back in mainstream spotlight, which is what he did.
Let me guess, when CM Punk comes back it will be "totally different" right? You'll be out there marking out and acting like nothing happened.

The Rock is a major star who has made millions and millions of dollars in Hollywood. He had no reason to come back other than to entertain us and put WWE back in mainstream spotlight, which is what he did.

Nah Punk's a jackass, he's basically the modern day Hogan except he couldn't give two shits about the fans (and he has said it numerous times). I could care less if Punk came back and I'm honestly sick of the chants.

The difference is the Rock kept saying, "Im here to stay", "I ain't going nowhere" and its all BS. And also don't you think the fans deserve to have the Rock come back after 7 years with basicaly no explanation of why he left.

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