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WWE Mount Rushmore?

Whenever a ranking or grouping of top guys comes up as a topic, it inevitably breaks down into people calling each other idiots or stupid. This is a totally subjective thing, nobody is "stupid" for leaving Bret Hart off the list of the top 4 guys in WWE history. Nobody is "stupid" for including Cena on it.

I'm on board with Max's picks above. McMahon, Hogan, Austin, the Rock. I think they were the 4 most influential people in getting the WWE to the level its at today. I'm not going back to Sammartino, but I don't begrudge anyone for doing so.
Hulk Hogan - Golden Era
Bret Hart - New Generation Era
Steve Austin - Attitude Era
John Cena - PG Era

While only Bret Hart makes it in my Top 10 of all time, they all deserve the distinction of being the leaders of their own eras.
Bret Hart is one of my all time favorites and easily top 10 of all time, but I would not include him on the Mt. Rushmore of WWE. 15 years ago yes, but not today. Austin, Rock, HBK, Taker and Cena have all surpassed him in legacy and importance. I am not saying they are all better than him, but their impact is larger.
Hulk Hogan - Golden Era
Bret Hart - New Generation Era
Steve Austin - Attitude Era
John Cena - PG Era

While only Bret Hart makes it in my Top 10 of all time, they all deserve the distinction of being the leaders of their own eras.

why separate it by eras instead of overall impact on the WWE? Bret Hart may have lead the new generation but that era wasn't anything special, it was a low point for the WWE...Bret Hart losing his spot to HBK and putting over Austin was better than anything he ever did for the wwe. The new generation is the era that got its ass kicked by wcw every week, so I dont understand why that era deserves a spot on the Mt Rushmore. An honor this big shouldn't just be given to someone for the sole reason that they happened to the top guy during an era. The same can be said for Cena.
I may or may not include Droz in it, just because the guy gave the company his all and sacrificed his body quite literally. He's derserving of such an honor. It would be as follows:
Bret Hart
No you completely discredited your argument by saying Cena is average. Cena vs Angle and vs Punk, and HBK, and Daniel Bryan, are better than most of if not all of the matches Rock's ever had.

The Rock is a better wrestler than Cena. Period.

I can also tell you a couple of matches that Rock had that were better than most if not all of Cena's matches.
Whenever a ranking or grouping of top guys comes up as a topic, it inevitably breaks down into people calling each other idiots or stupid. This is a totally subjective thing, nobody is "stupid" for leaving Bret Hart off the list of the top 4 guys in WWE history. Nobody is "stupid" for including Cena on it.

Yes, I feel the same way. Like any opinion based discussion, it would be extremely boring if everyone just regurgitated the same 4 people.

Personally for me John Cena has to be in there because I believe without him this past decade WWE would be in a much worse position, both financially and mainstream recognition. Maybe its because a key part of his audience isnt represented here, but he so popular with casual viewers like parents and young kids. There is a whole generation of kids growing up that idolise him and parents that see him as the wholesome guy who is a good role model. Hes been a consistent performer and presence, on screen and off and is a major attraction around the world.

Regardless of my feelings concerning his wrestling ability, which while I feel is adequate isnt as good as I would like, and his character ( I want a heel turn badly) I think hes earned a spot on my Mt rushmore.

Next is The Undertaker. He's become a living legend, even in his current state his appearing at Wrestle mania will be one of the big draws and attractions. He has kept himself relevent for a huge amount of time, he's had some amazing fueds and matches over his career and is a genuine all rounder. His promos can be brilliant, he is good technically and does wonderful athletic moves for his size and he has the stage presence that keeps you watching when hes on screen. He warrants a spot on the mountain.

Hulk Hogan up next. While I'm not a fan of his, I recognise the impact hes had on American and the world from his peak years. Many people associate him with wrestling, his name can be used in almost any environment and people will know it. While hes tarnished it over the years, it doesnt change his accomplishments and time as the spear head of one of the most mainstream periods of wrestlling.

Finally, I chose The Rock. Of course it was a huge decision, and I believe he could have done so much more for wrestling if hed stayed longer or returned sooner, but his imprint has been huge. While his reign was short, it brang so many people into the wrestling world, people who wouldnt even watch wrestling before would watch just because of his promos. He had crossover appeal, guys respected him, kids idolised him, women loved him. He done more for WWE and so wrestling in his short time at the top than many can hope to in their careers.

Special mention goes to Brock Lesnar, HBK, Triple H and Bret Hart. It really is such a difficult question, if they really done it in real life it would cause no end of criticism, from wrestlers and fans a like. It really is too subjective. Thats why they have the huge hall of fame gallery instead, so everyone who deserves it is recognised.
I'd have to go with these four:

Bruno Sammartino

First SUPERSTAR wwf/e ever had.

Hulk Hogan

Put wrestling and WWF on the map.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Revolutionized wrestling.

The Rock

Took WWF to unprecedented heights. His success in movies is the icing on the cake.

Rock SHOULD be on WWE's Mt Rushmore by any mean. He revolutionized wrestling in more than one way.

Anyone saying Rock shouldn't be here because he didn't define a generation like Hogan/Austin/Cena did is ignorant.

The Rock is probably the greatest superstar WWE ever had.
I think Stone Cold, Rock, Hogan, and then the debate for me would be between Cena and Savage with Cena probably getting the nod. I think Savage was great but he was always overshadowed by Cena and never really the face of the company.
It's got to be Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena.

Hogan basically created a world wide wrestling company with McMahon.

Austin and the Rock were the two top dogs in the era that blew it wide open.

Cena has carried the mantle for a decade now, and no one has been worth more money in the industry.
The Rock is a better wrestler than Cena. Period.

I can also tell you a couple of matches that Rock had that were better than most if not all of Cena's matches.

I can't name one match of the rock's that was better than the Cena punk series or his match which won match of the year with HBK. Maybe you look for something different in matches but I don't remember Rock ever winning MOTY ever.
It's got to be Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena.

Hogan basically created a world wide wrestling company with McMahon.

Austin and the Rock were the two top dogs in the era that blew it wide open.

Cena has carried the mantle for a decade now, and no one has been worth more money in the industry.

The Rock has more net worth than Cena and so does Hogan. But if you're talking about who is actually participating in wrestling at this moment you would be right.
I can't name one match of the rock's that was better than the Cena punk series or his match which won match of the year with HBK. Maybe you look for something different in matches but I don't remember Rock ever winning MOTY ever.

Hmmmm Rock vs Mankind at 99 Rumble won PWI Match of The Year and Rock vs Hogan at WMX8 won PWI match of the year as well lol.

Also, Rock's match with Austin at WMX7 is better than any match Cena had in his career.
Those who are saying Cena.....c'mon. You've got to take into account the era that he did it in. He's been a big fish in a small pond for a long time. Good for him and all. But there are two eras that in the scheme of things really matter.....the "Hulkamania era" and the Attitude Era. Anyone who was big in those eras.....their names still ring out. Jake Roberts, Ted Dibiase, Andre the Giant, Ultimate Warrior, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, HHH......those guys were not even THE top stars of their eras and their names still ring out more than John Cena, Batista, Randy Orton or any other stars of this last, lukewarm, tepid decade.

Thus, the top stars of the above named eras are the most important.....Hogan, Savage, Rock, and Austin. Big fishes in big ponds who did it when the lights were actually on.
Coming up with a Mt. Rushmore for WWE is extremely difficult; much like it is for all sports. LeBron James and Kobe Bryant recently came up with their Mt. Rushmore for NBA players. Each man had 3 of the same, but they disagreed as to who would be number for.

As far as WWE, it is not much different, and is equally as difficult. Many fans will have one or two of the same wrestlers on almost every list, but will disagree as to who the other two should be.

A few weeks back I pondered to myself who I would have in my top 5 wrestlers of all time; I took into consideration everything including in-ring ability, mic skills, gimmick, championships, longevity, etc. But the one factor I would not allow myself to use (although many people probably do use as one of their top factors) is who I considered to be my favorite wrestlers.

Mt. Rushmore only allows for 4 wrestlers, so here are my top 4, in no particular order:

Hulk Hogan - The man had it all. He made wrestling what it is today. He had the look, the mic skills, and the championships. A crowd favorite as both a face and a heel. He excelled in both WWF(E) and WCW. Definite legend, and I don't think anyone can argue for him not being on Mt. Rushmore.

Undertaker - One of the best gimmicks in wrestling history. He has "The Streak" on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania. I also factored in something that I don't think many people have considered, the fact that he is largely responsible for the creation of fan favorite matches, such as casket matches, buried alive matches, and hell in the cell. He has been in the ring with all the superstars from the late 80's, 90's, 2000's, to today. He has the fanfare, the look, and the mystique about him that makes him legendary.

Bruno Sammartino - It is extremely difficult for me to put a guy like Sammartino on here. That is because I am not old enough to have seen him wrestle, I am only 29, so I cannot fully appreciate his impact. But he did hold the belt for the longest time. He was Hulk Hogan before there was a Hulk Hogan. He carried wrestling longer than almost any superstar in history. Fans loved him. Crowds came to see him. I think it would be very interesting to see what impact he would have had on wrestling if he came say 10 to 20 years later, when WWE really started to take off. I could not leave him off.

Ric Flair - The Nature Boy. It pained me to include him, it really did. I never really liked him. But I did not let that influence the fact that I feel he belongs here. Before the days of the NWO and Monday Night Wars, Flair carried WCW. He was WCW. One of the best on the Mic. He talked the talk and walked the walk. He held the world championship on many occasions, and his longevity is almost second to none. I felt he needed to be included.

Now, let me say this. I think that a lot of time people choose who they remember for their Mt. Rushmore. They pick the guys who they grew up with. I too grew up with The Rock, Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, etc. If you ask me who was my favorite wrestler of all time, I would probably have Shawn Michaels as one or two. If you asked me who I thought was the funniest I would say The Rock or Stone Cold. I loved these guys. They were so fun to watch, and in my opinion were superstars in some of the best days in wrestling history. I like all three of these guys better than Flair and Sammartino. But, I factored in everything. I didn't include guys like the Rock or Stone Cold over Flair and Sammartino, because I felt like they were not as great in-ring workers, which was one of the biggest factors I looked at. I think people tend to overrate them (slightly) because they were hilarious, and made wrestling extremely fun to watch. If they were not given free reign on the microphone, then I do not think they would have been as over with the fans. Heck, when SCSA entered as the Ringmaster, virtually nobody gave a crap about him. Just my thoughts.

If I could choose a second, or follow up Mt. Rushmore it would probably be Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Stone Cold, and the Rock.
Hmmmm Rock vs Mankind at 99 Rumble won PWI Match of The Year and Rock vs Hogan at WMX8 won PWI match of the year as well lol.

Also, Rock's match with Austin at WMX7 is better than any match Cena had in his career.

No it really wasn't. HBK vs Cena, and both the matches vs Punk were better but either way I don't see how any of this leads to Cena being an "Average" wrestler. He's FAR beyond that.
Coming up with a Mt. Rushmore for WWE is extremely difficult; much like it is for all sports. LeBron James and Kobe Bryant recently came up with their Mt. Rushmore for NBA players. Each man had 3 of the same, but they disagreed as to who would be number for.

As far as WWE, it is not much different, and is equally as difficult. Many fans will have one or two of the same wrestlers on almost every list, but will disagree as to who the other two should be.

A few weeks back I pondered to myself who I would have in my top 5 wrestlers of all time; I took into consideration everything including in-ring ability, mic skills, gimmick, championships, longevity, etc. But the one factor I would not allow myself to use (although many people probably do use as one of their top factors) is who I considered to be my favorite wrestlers.

Mt. Rushmore only allows for 4 wrestlers, so here are my top 4, in no particular order:

Hulk Hogan - The man had it all. He made wrestling what it is today. He had the look, the mic skills, and the championships. A crowd favorite as both a face and a heel. He excelled in both WWF(E) and WCW. Definite legend, and I don't think anyone can argue for him not being on Mt. Rushmore.

Undertaker - One of the best gimmicks in wrestling history. He has "The Streak" on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania. I also factored in something that I don't think many people have considered, the fact that he is largely responsible for the creation of fan favorite matches, such as casket matches, buried alive matches, and hell in the cell. He has been in the ring with all the superstars from the late 80's, 90's, 2000's, to today. He has the fanfare, the look, and the mystique about him that makes him legendary.

Bruno Sammartino - It is extremely difficult for me to put a guy like Sammartino on here. That is because I am not old enough to have seen him wrestle, I am only 29, so I cannot fully appreciate his impact. But he did hold the belt for the longest time. He was Hulk Hogan before there was a Hulk Hogan. He carried wrestling longer than almost any superstar in history. Fans loved him. Crowds came to see him. I think it would be very interesting to see what impact he would have had on wrestling if he came say 10 to 20 years later, when WWE really started to take off. I could not leave him off.

Ric Flair - The Nature Boy. It pained me to include him, it really did. I never really liked him. But I did not let that influence the fact that I feel he belongs here. Before the days of the NWO and Monday Night Wars, Flair carried WCW. He was WCW. One of the best on the Mic. He talked the talk and walked the walk. He held the world championship on many occasions, and his longevity is almost second to none. I felt he needed to be included.

Now, let me say this. I think that a lot of time people choose who they remember for their Mt. Rushmore. They pick the guys who they grew up with. I too grew up with The Rock, Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, etc. If you ask me who was my favorite wrestler of all time, I would probably have Shawn Michaels as one or two. If you asked me who I thought was the funniest I would say The Rock or Stone Cold. I loved these guys. They were so fun to watch, and in my opinion were superstars in some of the best days in wrestling history. I like all three of these guys better than Flair and Sammartino. But, I factored in everything. I didn't include guys like the Rock or Stone Cold over Flair and Sammartino, because I felt like they were not as great in-ring workers, which was one of the biggest factors I looked at. I think people tend to overrate them (slightly) because they were hilarious, and made wrestling extremely fun to watch. If they were not given free reign on the microphone, then I do not think they would have been as over with the fans. Heck, when SCSA entered as the Ringmaster, virtually nobody gave a crap about him. Just my thoughts.

If I could choose a second, or follow up Mt. Rushmore it would probably be Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Stone Cold, and the Rock.

Why would you include Flair on a WWE Mt. Rushmore? The majority of his accomplishments were in NWA/WCW.

If it was a Wrestling Mt. Rushmore? Absolutely. But WWE Mt. Rushmore?
Putting Cena on your Mt. Rushmore is like putting Katy Perry on an American music Mt. Rushmore. She is popular and sells albums.... but she is horrible and nobody respects her.

Shawn Michaels did everything wrong for the first half of his career, he was an asshole, a drug addict, burned a lot of guys... but despite that, his ability and in-ring work was so great, he is on the Mt. Rushmore. Count the Match of the Years !!

He is the Eagles, Aerosmith, Springsteen, Pearl Jam, and Doors of wrestling.

No it's not. Kate Perry isn't the highest selling artist for over a decade. Cena is more like Jay Z. Some people think he has sold out, but you can't argue with the scoreboard. Also, Michaels was HATED by the crowd in 1996. History sucks if you actually go back and watch the old shit and not just rely on nostalgia.

Hogan, Austin, Cena, Sammartino seems about right. I would say Rock but he's kind of like the....well yea I can't really think of anyone who left an industry they were on the verge of building, costing it 3-7 years of growth.
Since we're strictly talking about WWE here and not all of pro wrestling, these would be my 4. It's tough to keep Sammartino off my list with him being the longest reigning WWE Champion of all-time, but I think my list justifies it.

Hulk Hogan - Easily the biggest household name to ever come out of the WWE. Most recognizable by far and carried WWE on his back from the early 80's up until WrestleMania 9.

The Rock - Another superstar that was able to transcend and take it to another level above Hogan as far as acting goes. Second most popular wrestler of all-time in my opinion.

Steve Austin - THE most popular wrestler of all-time. Always had the crowd in the palm of his hand and made it ok to admit you're a wrestling fan.

Shawn Michaels - Best performer to ever step foot in the ring, hands down. The guy did it all. He made you stop and take notice whether he was a tag team performer, in a mid card match, or in the main event. Whether he went on first or last, he stole the show.

Honorable mentions to Sammartino, Undertaker, Randy Savage, Vince McMahon, and Bret Hart
It's tough but I think that Sammartino, Hogan, Austin and Rock are the four guys you put up there. Those 4 guys are pretty easy to justify:
1. Sammartino: longest reigning WWE Champion, the face of the company, class act all around.
2. Hulk Hogan: the biggest star in wrestling history, brought WWE into the mainstream, built WrestleMania.
3. Steve Austin: rejuvenated the WWE. Another huge star, top face in the company. Self-explanatory.
4. The Rock: overall, probably the most talented performer in WWE history. Had great matches, had an amazing connection with the crowd, innovative fan-interaction promos. Also, probably the most well-known wrestler of all-time, with his success in Hollywood.

So yeah, it's pretty easy to see why those 4 guys would be on it. What's harder to explain is why you would leave other guys off. here are my honorable mentions:
1. Undertaker: his longevity in the business is unprecidented and unparalelled. The best gimmick performer of all-time, always finding ways to stay relevant and remain a huge star. Also, his streak at Mania has really taken on a life of his own. That being said, Undertaker never really was THE man, the way that the four guys I chose were.
2. Bret Hart: here's a guy who was considered the man, for a short period. But he never really reached the same level as the four guys above. Great wrestler, but still overrated in my opinion. And I'm Canadian.
3. Shawn Michaels: how could the greatest in-ring performer of all-time not make it onto Mount Rushmore? Well to me, the Mount Rushmore guys are about a combination of talent and historical significance. Yes, Michaels had a lot of great matches, but he wasn't as important a figure as those 4 guys. He was the face of the company at a point, but didn't really do that well in the role to be honest.
4. John Cena: probably the hardest guy to leave out. He is the Hulk Hogan of the modern era there's no question. And he's one of the most talented performers ever, on the mic and in the ring. He's had so many great matches and had such a long run on top, he's easily the primary runner-up. Also, he is the first man in history to be simultaneously the top face in the company and the top heel, so the atmosphere around a John Cena main event is always incredible. So why leave him out? Well, the era he has presided over, for lack of a better term, isn't as revered by fans as the Sammartino era, Hogan era or Attitude era. Part of that is due to nostalgia I think, and once the John Cena story is finally all said and done, people are going to look back with a different perspective and realize he's easily one of the best ever.
First thread I've made in awhile. Read forums all the time though.
Thought about this last night.
Who would be on your WWE Mt. Rushmore?
I haven't been into wrestling to long, so I'm gonna give my opinion based on my knowledge so far.

First for me would be: THE ROCK. Pretty self explanatory I think. Probably the greatest superstar of all time, if not very high up there.

Second would be: STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN. See above. Pretty much because of the reason I stated for The Rock.

Third would be: JOHN CENA. Now I'm not the biggest Cena fan, but I know along with everyone else (mostly) that he is a great superstar and performer. I know some won't like to admit it, but he is the king of the PG ERA, just like The Rock, and Stone Cold Steve Austin were kings of the attitude era.

Now fourth for me would be: HULK HOGAN. Not to big a fan of his, just like Cena, but there's no denying his superstar status. He made wrestling cool, and made everyone want to watch. He's probably the greatest of all time, if not very high up there.

There's my four. Who would be in your WWE Mount Rushmore?

As you said when people think of WWE they think of Hogan,Austin,Rock and Cena.It is pretty obvious the four first and only real faces of the WWE is the mount rushmore.Before Cena was a one of the greats it was Andre,Hogan,Austin,and Rock.But now it is complete if they had a a second one it would be Flair,Taker,HHH,and Andre the Giant
As you said when people think of WWE they think of Hogan,Austin,Rock and Cena.It is pretty obvious the four first and only real faces of the WWE is the mount rushmore.Before Cena was a one of the greats it was Andre,Hogan,Austin,and Rock.But now it is complete if they had a a second one it would be Flair,Taker,HHH,and Andre the Giant

Even though on WWE.com they have Taker,Cena,Austin,and Hogan as their mount rushmore.I can see why.But that (I guess) is what their considering as their mount rushmore.
Cena, Hogan, HBK & Taker. (Or V-Mac).

Why? These guys all have longevity among themselves in the WWE. All of them are people you'll remember after they've gone and would've enjoyed before they left. They've all given to the company & are huge stars that deserve to have their faces carved into the WWE Mount Rushmore.
Hmmmm Rock vs Mankind at 99 Rumble won PWI Match of The Year and Rock vs Hogan at WMX8 won PWI match of the year as well lol.

Also, Rock's match with Austin at WMX7 is better than any match Cena had in his career.
PWI huh? Cena has a Meltzer 5 star match. Rock has 0. Cena vs Punk (Raw or MITB) are better than Rock/Austin. Personal taste of course. Rock may be better at promos, but you have to either be a massive Rock mark or Cena hater to think Rock is better in the ring.

Rock vs Mankind RR99 is ALL Foley. That match doesn't mean shit without Foley taking unprotected headshots and all the other crazy shit he took. Rock was just a warm body.

Rock vs Hogan WMX8 is all crowd reaction, and the crowd mainly reacted to...Hogan.

Rock/Austin WMX7 is definitely Rock's crowning achievement. Rock didn't have the longevity to be as good as Cena from a match quality standpoint. In fact, I don't think he belongs on Rushmore because of that. He made a quick, short impact. He used the momentum Austin created. Rock is a mega star, but Austin was the best wrestler from that generation. How the hell you gonna be on Rushmore if you aren't even the best wrestler of your generation?

Sammartino, Hogan, Austin, Cena now that I rethink it.

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