WWE Monday Night RAW: Slammy Awards Show (9th December 2013)

Mr. Book This Section

Getting Noticed By Management
Tonight on Monday Night RAW, we will see the Slammy Awards make their return. We will also see the return of several people such as Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels, Eve Torres, The New Age Outlaws, Bret Hart and I would imagan some others will also return.

So this thread is to discuss
- The Slammy Awards
- How will Randy Orton react to the end of last week's RAW?
- What will Bray Wyatt have to say to Daniel Bryan?
- Will the Sheild attack CM Punk once again?
- Who will be the next victom of the authority?
- Why is El Torito having buttsex with Fernado?
- and much more!
This is who I think SHOULD win the awards:

Superstar of the Year: John Cena
If you actually look at what this guy has done, you will see why. He started the year off beating 29 other superstars to win the Royal Rumble match, he has been both WWE Champion and World Heavyweight Champion. He has also defeated The Rock, one of the WWE's biggest stars ever for the biggest title in the WWE.

Extreme Moment of the Year: Ryback spears John Cena
If you look at the other options you will see that this is the only extreme moment on the list. The Shield powerbombing The Undertaker wasn't extreme, The Wyatt Family clearly not making contact with Kane after that awful Inferno Match wasn't extreme, CM Punk hitting someone with a kendo stick wasn't that extreme as that is all he did since Summerslam so it was expected. Ryback spearing John Cena though the LED Light Board at Extreme Rules has to win. The only thing that bothers me is the ending though as John should have lost the title as it was a Last Man Standing match.

Insult of the Year: AJ Lee goes off on Total Divas
It got everyone buzzing, AJ Lee's pipe bomb, much better then CM Punk's may I also add was great it truley was. I really enjoyed it and it was also honest, not sure if it qualify's as an insult though but it's fine.

Double-Cross of the Year: Mark Henry and John Cena
If you look at the nominees, you will see that Triple H and Shawn Michael's double crosses were not actually double crosses as they were never alligned with Daniel Bryan anyway. The Paul Heyman and CM Punk story was also good but that was the actual story not the actual double cross. Mark Henry's false retirement was done greatly especially when he brought his kids into it.

Diva of the Year: AJ Lee
Not going to even waste my time with the reasons for this.

LOL! Moment of the Year: Titus O Neal
None of the nominees were actually funny at all, I can think of many more funny things that happened, have we just forgot about Team Hell No? I have to go with Titus O Neal though as it was easily better then the Rock Concert, Vickie's firing and some random Khali thing.

Match of the Year: Rhodes Dynasity v. The Shield
In terms of quality - it was the match that saved Battleground and should have gone on last. Although none are main eventing Wrestlemania, I still really do prefer this match over some of the other matches. Punk/Taker I don't think was all that good, Lesnar/HHH was nothing we havn't seen before and Cena v. Rock was total utter crap.

Fan Participation of the Year: Fandango-ing
I'm very biased towards this option as I was in attendance of the audience that started Fandangoing, it's true what they all say - It was a British crowd even if we were in New Jersey. It's better than the other options. YES YES YES is just annoying, Let's go cena/cena sucks chants are getting old and I don't ever actually see anyone shouting "What's Up" - We the people should have been the other option.
Did Cole say 9 billion have downloaded the WWE app? I was unaware that every human on earth has the WWE app.
I find it funny that, in general, Cole is explaining the WWE App procedures to children. I guarantee you most children these days know how to use it better than a good portion of adults.

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