The 2014 Slammy Awards Categories

Match of The Year

The triple threat at Mania had the most drama leading upto the match and the match also delivered. The rest of the matches were good but there is no other story this year that compares to the rise of Daniel Bryan.

WWE Superstar of the Year

It's a two horse race between the best face of the year( Bryan) and the best heel (Lesnar). I'll give it to Lesnar because he broke the streak which is probably the biggest shock that WWE has pulled off in a while. Plus, he absolutely dominated Cena like no one has ever before which, in my opinion, has raised Cena's stock. Bryan had a great rise to the top but ultimately got injured, which hurt his momentum.

WWE Diva of the Year

Paige is new, interesting and sexy. She should win this.:shrug:

LOL Moment of the Year

Mizdow has been pretty awesome this year and I can't wait for the eventual split.

Extreme Moment of the Year

Love the crossbody off the top but I think that Rollins will win this because Ambrose vs Rollins is a feud which is going to be huge in the future, and it makes sense to promote that. However, I think that the fall Ambrose and Rollins pulled off from the top of the Cell was more extreme than any of these moments.

Surprise Return of the Year

I think Hogan will win because he hasn't been seen in the company for awhile.

"This is Awesome" Moment of the Year

Like Jack-Hammer, I too feel that nostalgia will take the victory here, but I feel that the Rock/ Austin/ Hogan promo will win this. That was like seeing the Mt. Rushmore in wrestling.

Would love for Bryan to win this, as he's the only active superstar who's been nominated, but I don't see it happening.

OMG Shocking Moment of the Year

Yeah, Nikki Bella is winning this. Or not, maybe.:rolleyes:

“Tell Me You Didn’t Just Say That” Insult of the Year

Jericho and Rock are always awesome but Heyman, in my opinion, has been the promo man of the year and a huge reason why Brock has been so successful since his return. The EatSleepRepeat line is gold. His rap wins.

WWE Tag Team of the Year

It's between the Dusts and the Usos. Goldust's been doing some of the best work that he has ever done with Cody but that team will eventually break up. The Usos, on the other hand, are reminiscent of the tag teams of the 80s and may become the best tag team to come out of WWE since the Hardyz, Dudleyz and E&C. I'll give it to The Usos.

Breakout Star of the Year

Think Rusev will win because he's being pushed really hard. Or maybe Roman Reigns, though Rusev deserves it more from a kayfabe perspective. Or maybe Reigns will win this and spark a feud with Rusev. Hmm, this is a tough one.

Hashtag of the Year

Love the EatSleep... line. Perfect way to describe the Beast.

Fan Participation Award

This is an interesting one. "You Sold Out" is heard more but "We, the People" is a pretty over chant as well and has single handedly made people care for Swagger again. "We, the People" FTW!!

Double-Cross of the Year

If this was based on quantity rather than quality, then Henry and Big Show would have been winning this everytime. Seriously, how many times have these guys turned. The award goes to Rollins. No one had guessed that he was the plan B HHH was talking about.

Animal of the Year

Maybe, the Bunny to promote the feud with Rose.:shrug:

Best Actor

Will possibly go to Mizdow to further the feud.

NXT Superstar of the Year

Don't watch NXT. I know I should probably. Zayn may win this to further the feud with Neville. Neville would get all jealous for not winning this despite being the champion.

Anti-Gravity Moment of the Year

Seth's dive was the most extreme stunt of the ones listed but Kingston may win this to promote the New Day faction.

Faction of the Year

The Shield and the Family did some good work at the beginning of the year but the Authority has been relevant all year, so I guess this would go to them.

Rivalry of the Year

Tough one here. Bryan/ Authority, Lesnar/ Cena and Rollins/ Ambrose can all win. I know Cena hasn't won anything so far, so I'll give this one to him. In recent times, Lesnar has emerged as the biggest threat to Cena after Punk.
I haven't seen the nominees yet, so I'm just going to go with who I think each award should go to.
Superstar of the Year - Brock Lesnar - Beat Undertaker at WM and destroyed Cena for the WWE title.
Match of the Year - Daniel Bryan Vs Batista Vs Randy Orton
Diva of the Year - AJ Lee
Best Twitter Handle or Social Media Champion - Ryback for social media champion.
Tag Team of the Year - The Usos?
Rivalry of the Year - Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins
"This Is Awesome" Moment of the Year - Ziggler being the sole survivor at Survivor Series/ Sting debut
LOL Moment of the Year - Bo Dallas knocking over El Torito while doing his victory lap
Extreme Moment of the Year - Rollins and Ambrose falling off the Cell
"Tell Me You Didn't Just Say That" Insult of the Year - "You should have died in the womb" - Nikki.
Hashtag of the Year - FollowtheBuzzards?
Guest Star of the Year - Couldn't tell you.
They've begun to hand out the awards. It's on the LD thread I just made for tonight's RAW.
Well I had given my predictions on the awards, now for my thoughts on the actual winners.

Match of the Year
I really don't agree with this. It was a good match, but how did this defeat both the Wrestlemania 30 Triple Threat World Heavyweight Championship match and Evolution VS The Shield from Extreme Rules? Either one of those two would have been a better choice. Both were better matches.

Superstar of the Year
Even though this award is useless and truly means nothing.... I'm legitimately surprised it didn't go to Daniel Bryan. Then again, this award has never meant anything anyway and it won't start now.

Diva of the Year
The right girl won this. AJ had a great year and unlike 2 of the 3 other nominees, she definitely deserved it.

LOL Moment of the Year
Not surprised by Mizdow winning this. The only other funny option on the poll was Mr T spending his entire speech thanking his mom.

Extreme Moment of the Year
Surprised by Jericho's crossbody winning this. I say it should have gone to Seth Rollins Curb Stomping Ambrose, but worse decisions have been made before.

Surprise Return of the Year
Disagree here. The Ultimate Warrior's Hall Of Fame induction was heavily advertised. If you know something is going to happen, it's not a surprise. Awesome a moment as it may have been, I was not surprised by this return at all.

"This is Awesome" Moment of the Year
Anything winning this other than Stephanie's arrest would have been fine. Sting's debut makes sense as the winner.

OMG Shocking Moment of the Year
Not shocking at all that Lesnar ending the streak took this. I still feel he was an awful choice to end it, but that's a whole other topic for another thread.

“Tell Me You Didn’t Just Say That” Insult of the Year
No issue with Rock insulting Rusev winning here. Nikki telling Brie she should have died in the womb would also have been fine winning this award.

WWE Tag Team of the Year
"The Usos" sure is a funny way to spell "The Miz & Damien Mizdow". In all seriousness, Mizdow's miming of Miz alone is enough to argue that they should have won this. They were the more entertaining team.

Breakout Star of the Year
The right wrestler won this. No arguments here.

Hashtag of the Year
I don't use Twitter and refuse to ever use it, so I couldn't care less what won this award.

Fan Participation Award
I can see why "You Sold Out!" would win this, but I really think it should have gone to "$9.99!" instead. WWE made a price into a popular chant.

Double-Cross of the Year
No argument here. Seth Rollins' turn was one of the best I have seen in a long time and unlike all of the other options it mad me look forward to the upcoming feuds it was meant to start instead of making me sigh in disappointment.

Animal of the Year
The Bunny! I agreed with this one.

Best Actor
The Rock makes sense, but I honestly didn't care who won this.

NXT Superstar of the Year
Strongly agreed. Zayn deserved this and the right decision was made to give him this award, although Neville would have also been a good choice.

Anti-Gravity Moment of the Year
Yep, agreed here too. Seth Rollins at Payback was a spot that sticks out far more than the others did.

Faction of the Year
The Authority really should have taken this as The Shield were only together for around half of the year, but they were the 2nd best option so I'm not entirely against this.

Tweet It! Best Twitter Handle (aka Social Champion)
Ugh, I refuse to participate in Twitter so I literally couldn't possibly care any less about anything ever than I do about who won this.

Raw Guest Star of the Year
Great choice. Jackman deserves this for being an actual fan of the product. WWE should bring in more guests who actually LIKE wrestling.

Rivalry of the Year
While it wasn't my top choice I'm fine with Bryan VS The Authority taking this. There were 3 different options that could have been good for winning it. Rusev VS USA got old and Cena VS Lesnar flat out SUCKED so as long as one of those two didn't win it I would have been ok with it.

Best Couple of the Year
Strongly disagree. I'll never understand what Bryan sees in Brie. She can't wrestle, she's the worst diva I have ever heard on the mic, literally nothing she has ever done can be described as entertaining. Them getting married in real life doesn't justify them winning this. If we are talking about who the best couple were in kayfabe in WWE this year then Tyson & Natalya and Trips & Stephanie were both far more entertaining couples. Then again, at least Jimmy Uso & Naomi didn't win it. So it could be worse.

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