WWE House Shows are an absolute Ripoff to the fans

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Sure, making house show's a little more interesting wouldn't hurt any. But going to extreme measures like posting cards 8 weeks in advance.... Now what if the scheduled, Batista vs. Rey Mysterio can't go on because Rey's knee is bothering him again. The little kiddies would be dissapointed, they had been waiting a long time to see that.
I live in a country that welcomes WWE twice a year. I live about three miles away from one of the arenas that has TV shows, and I have enough disposable income to travel to the other city once a year, so I've never been to a house show. I've seen photos though, and I know the score, but forgive me if I make any mistakes.

The WWE should make their house shows the same as their TV shows. They should look the same, and more importantly, should involve the same level of segments. They can even do literally the same promos every night, nobody is going to go to more than one show, so it doesn't even require any thought.

As for title changes, the odd lower card title should change hands there maybe once every few months, but the major heavyweight titles shouldn't. It confuses the television audience, and it is also denying people the chance to see an iconic moment in somebody's career. It's hard to justify to somebody to buy a PPV to watch a title change that might happen somewhere you can't see on another date. Like I said though, changing hands of the US/IC title every few months could keep people on the edge of their collective seat.
Alright, you have the accolades, you are in with the crowd here, and you think you have proved something by trying to dismantle my genuine, sincere, and heart-felt post regarding the quality of house shows and the all around experience of going to one. This is a sign of weakness, and it shows that my words are closer to the mark than you are comfortable with. Otherwise you would not have come at me as you did. But you did, and now it is my turn to go through and pick apart your words. You may beat up on people who are ill-equipped to challenge you around here, but I am not one of them, and it is time for you to learn that. This is not a flame war so don't anyone start beating that horse, I am simply going to make an example, and a point. Lord Sidious, Darth Rage has engaged you, now it is time to pay the piper.

I will start by pointing out the numerous times you stoop to an expected low by referring to me directly and indirectly as....Whatever slanderous thing you could think to call me. This is a major sign of your weakness and fear that someone might expose your ideals as flawed, so you go into defense mode. You obviously must have felt attacked since I said your interpretation of the house show was skewed and fragile at best which I can understand. But, You must also understand that if anyone just took what you said at face value they would think that there was no real value in the event, and that sir is the lie, not anything I said. Now let's observe what you had to say.

Actually, no. My view was right on the money, and anyone that does not put themselves in the mindset of a blind WWE loyalist smark

So here you label me as a blind loyalist and a smark, which obviously has everything to do with the topic right? No, this is just a feeble attempt at trying to devalue my honest opinion and observation which carries with it more power than any of your "Hate-Rant" because it comes from the heart.

Although since you want to play the role of an "Apologist Shareholder", who defends Vince giving less than stellar, half-ass shows , let's go through some of your comments.

Once again attaching labels, and now issuing an indirect challenge. Once again you display your never ending class.

You make it so easy for Vince to take advantage of you. You really do.

And now here you basically try to put my intelligence at question, which is neither within your ability or any of your business, not to mention, has nothing to do with the actual topic at hand. This is more of your weak hatefulness. And right off the bat you show that you aren't really interested in the topic, you want to try and beat someone down with words which is pathetic, cruel, and mean spirited and ultimately will always lead to your downfall.

Moving on. Let's see what other musings you entitled us all to.

So in other words, you are in a market in the US that isn't very populated, so you are pretty much happy to take whatever you can get?

This is a twisting of my words, and although clever, a very flawed strategy. Your going to have to do much better than that if you are going to achieve your goal.

I never said that I was happy to take anything I can get. I was making the point that although the average house show has little value to you, that to some it is a very big deal. That doesn't mean that I am willing to settle for less, it means that I am grateful for what I get which is something you obviously do not understand, and that's ok. Maybe after this little soirée you will. Would I like all the props and lights and so on? Sure, but it doesn't burst my bubble if they aren't present because the product is good enough without it to suffice.

And because Vince knows you should be satisfied getting whatever the WWE gives you, you are actually advocating him providing you with a lesser quality show than what it could be?

I've got to call "bullshit" on this one, that is not true in the slightest. It was already well explained that due to the economics of the geographic location here that we automatically aren't going to get those bigger shows most of the time. This has nothing to do with advocating anything, that is simply an accusation. It has everything to do with the fact that it would not be as profitable for them. Think about all the man power that goes into setting all that up, and the cost of it. If you know you aren't going to make as much money as it takes to run the show with all the dressings and preparations you mandated, than it is an economically stupid choice to just go ahead and take a loss, or less profit than you other wise would make.

So just because Iowa is a C market, everyone else in the country should have to settle for less, just because you are willing to settle for less?

Tisk, tisk. Once again you put words in my mouth, and make invalid assumptions. I never said anything to that effect, of made any inference to that point. My point was that for as bad as you are trying to say that the house shows are, they are still very special to many others as is. The point lying therein is that it doesn't take all the lights, and stage, and so on that you mentioned for people to get what they want, or to feel that they got their moneys worth. They present a good enough product as is, anything more is just icing on the cake. Could they do more? Yes. But as I stated earlier, in smaller markets would that be economically intelligent? No. So much for the big evil WWE just trying to give as little as possible, and take as much as possible. Remember it is business, and the business of entertainment.

Ever been to a live concert at a small club or bar? I am sure you have, and I am sure that at one of those you have had every bit as good a time as when you may have went to a big concert somewhere else. Why? Because good entertainment is simply that, good entertainment. It's not all about the lights, and stages, and big cinematics. If it's good music it doesn't matter whether you hear it in a dive bar or a big arena, it's still good and it still satisfies.

You standing up for WWE giving you a sub-par show, just because you are in a less populated area and advocating being taken advantage of is just mind-blowing.

Ahhh, here we go. More false accusations and libelous statements that have little to nothing to do with the topic, and in fact hurt your argument. First of all, what you're pushing is nothing short of a weakly framed conspiracy theory claiming "We are all being taken advantage of, they are screwing us at every pass". That couldn't be further from the truth, and just because you might not like how they do some things, doesn't mean they are trying to screw anyone. That just sounds like paranoia and fear, fear of what you can not control, and paranoia that your conspiracy theory is actually happening. I never advocated anything, I never said anyone should settle for less. If that is how you chose to twist my words to interpret them, once again that is your folly not mine.

You may see different matches, but it is essentially the same show, same format, every single time. Nothing changes.

Well obviously to some degree, yes this is true. But only a slight truth. Most matches do have the same format, but that is anywhere not just house shows. You said it yourself "They are practice or warm up matches for the bigger events" So yeah that is true, but does nothing for your argument because it proves nothing. And since they do only come through here once or twice a year, as I said it is always a different show, different experience, different matches. We generally get the Raw roster once, and the Smack Down/ECW roster once over the year.

So you go up and interview people after the show and participate in satisfaction surveys?

Although I appreciate your cynicism, No I don't, don't have to. You can see it amongst all the people, there is a feeling that kind of emanates all around. Maybe it's the roaring crowds, and the merchandise that flies off the kiosks, and the general excitement of everyone before and after the show. It is not something you can just explain, it is something you feel and you witness.

So getting less for your money, with no lights, and the absolute bare minimum, where even Indy shows put forth more of an effort into than what you see at a WWE House Show makes you feel "special"?

Who is to say anyone is getting less for their money. Tickets start at $10-16 and for that you get 3 or 4 hours of action from the WWE superstars you normally only get to see on t.v., and get to be apart of the event itself. Not a bad investment. Even if you spent the most on tickets and shelled out around $70 you get to be that much closer to the action, and that also has a bit to do with the overall experience which still isn't bad.

The whole thing comes back to gratitude, and obviously that concept has escaped you in some way. Why is it necessary to have all that other stuff for it to be a good show to you? Isn't the wrestling enough? Isn't the opportunity to see it live for yourself enough? When is it enough? I have the feeling that even if they did all the stuff you wanted them to do, you would still not be satisfied. Then it would be that the booking sucked, and the matches were wrestled horribly, and this and that and the next thing because even though you say my standards are too low, your seem to be unreachable.

You mentioned that the indy promotions put forth more effort than the WWE does at house shows, but guess what? That's cause they have to. They have to because they don't have as good a product or the resources to create a better one, so they have to make a bigger effort to win you over because they need you a hell of a lot more than the WWE. If that is what you are looking for, a promotion to pander to you, than maybe the WWE is the wrong product for you. You should maybe stick to those thriving indy promotion shows, and see if they are going to cater to you as much as you expect the WWE to.

And the only problem is that nothing further could be from the truth. Everyone on the road that week, or for several weeks, even ... gets pretty much the exact same show.

Ah, Ah, Ah your making more assumptions. Are you on the road to with the WWE to see that every show is the same? No you are not. I know they generally stick to a program, but that doesn't mean every match is the same, and that every interaction with the crowd is the same. As I stated originally, it is special in a way because it is not televised, it is a show just for you, and not you or I would know if it is the same as any other show because it is as I stated, for the house on that one night which as I stated makes it something special.

You are misleading the posters. What happened after that match was over? Did the title stay with The Miz?

No I am not misleading anyone, that seems to be your forte as you have tried to twist everything I've said to make yourself look like some kind of superior authority and me as some bumbling idiot. We watched the Miz pin Kofi Kingston, for the title, right there, clean and clear. He left with the title as the new champion, and nothing was ever mentioned about it on t.v. The next time Raw was on, Kofi was the champion, and The Miz won it very shortly after at a pay-per-view. The whole point of me telling this story was to counter your point that there are never title changes at house shows. In this case there was, but it wasn't acknowledged which I also informed people so no, I didn't mislead anyone.

And still my point stands that we got to see something happen before it actually happened as scheduled which was another little aspect of the house show that made it special to myself and the thousands of fans there as their uproarious applause and cheering made quite obvious. But, you weren't there, how would you know? It was for us, that night, we saw it, no one else, you see where this is going?

100% bullshit. Absolutely nothing compared to going to a TV or PPV event.

And by the time the show is over, I doubt very seriously that fans are all that thrilled with what they got.

House Shows are very mediocre shows. Again, no effort goes into them on the part of WWE, at all.

Really? How so? Because you will it? Because you say so? No. That is your opinion, and unfortunately for you my real life accounts of house shows that were awesome, discredit everything you've said. Also you again twist and mangle my words in an attempt to bring them to your advantage which you fail at doing. I stated that house shows aren't a lame, lack-luster, money pit, that it was just like going to any other sporting event. How that is so was where you took the interpretation south, and the meaning behind what I was saying fled you. My point was that they are every bit as exciting, that there is still a certain aura or feeling in the air at these events. People are anticipate and get very excited for them just as they do other big events, which points back to house shows not being the debacle you claim them to be.

Next I was explaining the thrill of preparing for the event and the excitement that is drawn from the whole experience. My point here is that it doesn't take flashy lights, and stage, and title matches, and this laundry list of unnecessary stuff to have a good show, that people enjoy, and get a lot out of. Here is what you said.

Half of which are confiscated.
This is in reference to my statement about the fun of the whole experience where I start at "from making your signs" He cynically tries to put that aside as it doesn't help his argument by saying that half of them are confiscated, which can happen from time to time but still has nothing to do with the fun of making them before the show, which as I stated was all apart of the experience.

See I was describing the all around experience talking about how you make your signs, put on your favorite wrestlers merchandise, bring along your belts, try to find good parking, try to get autographs, so on and so forth. Little things that are all apart of the magic and the experience that make it all the better. Lord Sidious foolishly states.

Well, be my guest if you do that stuff. How is that any different from what fans do at any WWE event? Can fans only do this when they go to House Shows?

And This.
How is that any different from attending any other WWE event?

This is exactly the point, it is just like any other WWE event, and you have now made my case for me. The only difference is the lack of a few sparkley shiny things that are appealing to the eye and other unnecessary filler that people like you generally bitch about being on the shows while you watch them on T.V. This just makes my case further as the house show is really the unadulterated, pure product without all the other mumbojumbo that you chastise them for adding most of the time yet here you are begging for it in un-televised events which is a contradiction of your own standards and points to hypocrisy.

Lets check out what other gems of knowledge you bestowed on us.
They do this at all House Shows. So what you are getting is no special than what everyone else gets.

Ah-Ha, but are getting no less right? Exactly. And it is as I said kind of special no matter what because of the fan interaction that I noted. You think it's going to matter to me if they do the same thing in Hackensack, New Jersey("Brewster's Millions" plug)? No. They do it here, for us, when it matters to us, making it special to....you guessed it, US!

[/QUOTE]The Trivia thing is nice, but it happens all the time, and is really nothing new. [/QUOTE]

I never said it was anything new, you suggest in your statement that I did which is a false representation of what I actually did say. But alas, you agree that it is kind of cool. At least we agree on something.

Okay, so they take pictures and all that stuff out back. They do autographs, pics, and all that stuff frequently ... airports, restaurants (when they are not eating), etc. Granted, it is less likely to happen at TV as things are more rushed, but it still happens there as well.

Ok here, you seem to be running out of steam, and just arguing points to argue them. You should know a Sith draws his power from his passion, and at this point it is clear that yours has run dry for the most part, and as a result the power of your words and statements flees as well. You do however concede that the experience I spoke of is more likely to happen at a house show, which means more opportunity to actually meet your favorite superstars, and get autographs and pictures, which points again to the fact that house shows are not a rip and in fact as I stated have their own charm, and special aspects to them.

You are justifying a complete lack of effort on WWE's part here ... amazing. It's sad when Indy groups make more of an effort at providing lighting effects than WWE, "the recognized leader in sports entertainment" does.

You don't need a stage, nor all the LED lights above the ring, necessarily. But at least spruce up the entranceway, if nothing else. That isn't too much to ask.

Here you continue the spin-zone trend and twist what I said into "Justifying a lack of effort" in some way which is the furthest thing from the truth. And then carry on with what becomes a trend of arguing to argue as you have no notable or valid points to make. Here is what I said.

I also think that the absence of all the flashy entrance ways, lighting rigs, and all that stuff make it a little more special as well. All you see is the light on the ring, and the spotlight that follows them as they walk from a dark curtain, and that adds a little mystique to it and a more personalized feel. It seems more authentic and genuine because it's not on t.v. or pay-per-view.

If I am guilty of anything here, it is of not going into further detail to explain my disposition in an attempt to be somewhat brief. Apparently however one must explain down to the finest details why they think or feel what they do. What I was getting at there and what I should have explained further was how the absence of all the flashy stuff kind of adds to what is going on in the ring as there are no other distractions to your attention. When all you see is the dark curtain and the light beaming down on the ring, it is more commanding of your attention to the ring, rather than the LED show on the entrance way and the titantron. This means that more than likely your eyes are going to be glued on the action not the scenery and in doing so you are going to get a better feel for the match and the storytelling within and drama within it. This goes for everybody, especially the casual fan, so don't try to pull that whole WWE acolyte thing either. It makes it special because you don't have any of that other stuff you mentioned, and yet instead of the effect being from the scenery and the stage, it comes from the actual match, not some gimmick.

Now I know you are a WWE mark and are simply lying. Not a single bad match, ever? Give me a break.

Now, since all your fire is really gone and you've lost steam, you attempt yet again to make false accusations, call me names, and make feeble attempts at discrediting anything I have to say. Unfortunately for you, I have no reason to lie, I am not lying, and I am not a mark. I have been to plenty of shows and as I said, I have never been witness at any of the shows I have been to, to a bad match. This is also partially due to the whole experience that I explained and you tried to discredit and sweep under the rug to no avail. Believe what you want, they are my experiences, not yours. And for you to try and claim I am a liar, and a mark just shows how desperate you are to try and bring someone down who has something different to add when it doesn't serve your ideals or agenda.

I'm guessing you didn't see a title change in that match, and kind of new well in advance not to even come close to expecting one either.

That is what I am getting at ... the predictability factor.

True, the title did not change hands, and yes we knew well in advance that it wouldn't. But that didn't take away from the match or the overall show. I was 6th row ringside and it was pretty freakin sweet from where I was sitting. And as far as predictability goes, if I am not mistaken, you were saying they should have the cards advertised well in advance correct? Well, that would completely obliterate the "unpredictability" factor too wouldn't it? I'm pretty sure common sense and logic takes care of that one.

Yeah, the Main Event usually delivers, but the whole show on average, does NOT deliver. As I stated, the things I advocate either don't cost much extra to do, or cost nothing at all to do. So why would you not advocate it?

First of all, your feelings on the rest of the show not delivering are just that, yours. They are no more valid because you stated them, and I am willing to wager most people would disagree if they are unbiased and not in your favor. As for your "Changes" I must ask, Are you in charge of the WWE expense accounts? Are you the guy who weighs profit over loss and expenses? My money says no, and that being true means that you really have no idea if your "Changes" would or would not cost, and if they did how much or how little. This is another one of your failed assumptions.

You said they should always have the titantron, and the stage set up, and the lighting, posted match cards in advance and so on. Well, all that costs money to set up, transport, maintenance should anything go wrong, it takes time in the buildings they rent which is more money, the eight week in advance card would give away spoilers in some cases possibly which would really take away from that "unpredictability" aspect you're so high on, the extra time it takes to set up and tear down would alter and throw off their schedule possibly costing more money, the labor they would have to pay out would skyrocket, and who knows what else. See, your ideas aren't so keen after all. Your intentions are noble, I'll give you that. But, your sitting there trying to convince me, and everyone else that you are basically the asset the WWE hasn't attained, that is holding them back from further success, a better product, and greater efficiency. I'm sorry but I'm not buying. I hear that all the time as most of you think you know how to better run the WWE, but in fact know absolutely nothing about running a billion dollar business that is on the road constantly. I am not saying that I can, or that I know more than anyone else about it. I am saying I highly doubt that you do.

You are simply making excuses for WWE not putting forth the effort they could be putting forth, and this is a classic "WWE Shareholder"-like mentality. If you are offered a better quality show, you are arguing right now that you wouldn't want it? Gotta love them "Shareholders".

And the trend of simple name calling and pointless ranting continues. Where did I ever make an excuse? I, not one time, made any excuse for anything or anyone. And then you accuse me of having some kind of "Shareholder Mentality" If you mean business minded than yes in some ways you are right, but in the context you try to use it, it is mediocre, insufficient, and impractical. If I were offered a better product, of course I would take it. You are the one who said otherwise, but once again I have to get back to that little "Gratitude" thing. See, I like others am grateful for the little extra pleasures I get in life. Going to a wrestling show, televised or not, is one of them.

You tried to argue that the house shows are crap, I offered the opinion and explanation of that opinion to show otherwise. And this is how you respond? I try to point out all the good things about them, and show that they too have a great deal to offer, but you can not accept that as it goes against your big "WWE Overhaul" plan because it stated that there is nothing wrong with them as is, which means none of your "Changes" are necessary.

I am talking about giving the show a more important feel, and an "Anything can happen at anytime" feel. That is what I want to see instilled in House Shows. They need to be part of the WWE creative operation, instead of simply a money-making opportunity to invest nothing in the show, and reap all the profits. What I advocate is WWE making an investment in these shows, because I feel if they do, it will payoff not only in the form of increased attendance for future House Show business, but also would be good for the entire WWE business, as it will OVERALL stimulate more interest in the product.

As I stated earlier, your intentions are noble and I give you that. But I think that you just don't understand how much it would really take to make all those changes and keep them on a regular basis. As I noted earlier, there is already so much that goes into the whole process, not just house shows, the impact of all that could be potentially detrimental to them, and they are surely not going to risk it to find out. You ever heard that old saying "If it's not broke, don't fix it." Well, I think that is the case with the House Show system. It works, it always has worked, and they aren't going to change a system that they know does to see if they can boost attendance or possibly loose tons and tons of money trying to make all those adjustments.

In the long run once again I will say your intentions are noble, but I would have to say they are also unrealistic in a lot of ways. I know you "Think" all that would work, and technically in an ideal situation it might, but there is nothing to prove it, so....you can't. The house show as is, is fine. Could it be better? Obviously in some aspects to some people. But what I am getting at is that they are good enough that the same recipe has worked for years and years and years. People still go to them and have a great time, and even though the things you think should be more prevalent in the product are not, most others are fine with it. You are the first person I have ever seen make such a big deal about so many minor things, which should tell you that most everyone else is ok with things the way they are.

Here's something else for you. If was anything other than what it is, it would no longer be what it is, and take the shape of something else. Meaning that if you try to change everything about the house show, it will no longer be a house show. There will be nothing to separate it from a televised event besides the cameras which inevitably would devalue the televised product, because "Anyone could go to a house show and see the same thing" It is what it is for a reason, and it serves it own purpose. Forcing it to do otherwise would mess it all up, and turn it into something it was never meant to be.

Again, so you think just because fans in Iowa don't get TV often, and are willing to settle for a bare bones minimal show ... you think everyone else in the country should settle for exactly what you are willing to settle for?

Ah-No, Again you twist my words, and take them for meaning something else. I said:

Whether it's simply to rake up more profits or not is of no concern to the fans in the seats, they are getting something that they don't get to see that often, and it is worth it to them to pay and see it, so no harm no foul.

Meaning, there is no great injustice going on, if there were people wouldn't gladly buy their tickets a month or two in advance, and wait all year for the shows. Whether the WWE only comes through for that one extra pay day or not doesn't matter to the casual fan, they just want to see the show. If the standard house show wasn't worth it to them, they wouldn't go, period.

I've attended House Shows for almost 20 years. And still to this day, I look at the situation from the eyes of the casual fan in what I feel they would want to see and what they would expect out of a WWE House Show when they attend.

Well, pardon me but from where I sit it doesn't sound like that at all. It sounds more to me like you are marveling at your own self perceived genius since you seem to have all the answers, and want everyone else to recognize it as well. You only talked the whole time about what YOU wanted to see, not anyone else, so where do you get off trying to turn it into anything but that? Now suddenly you decide all this is for "The People" and the "Casual Fan" when all you've talked about were the flaws of the WWE and how great your ideas to "Fix" it are.

Everyone has a threshold level for what they are willing to tolerate. Because you are in a B market, you are willing to tolerate a lot more then perhaps what fans in a better-rated market is willing to tolerate.

Oh I thought of that long ago. That was what I was getting at about being "Grateful" for everything. You and others like you who are privy to access to more televised events, pay-per-views, and larger venues probably do take for granted the simplicity, and the simple splendor of a good old fashioned house show. That lead me to another though. You would have been screwed any time before the 90's or so since the emphasis for everyone, mega fans and casual alike, was on the in ring product, and wasn't flashy, and wasn't over the top. That is the feel a bare bones house show gives, it is old school, down to the nitty gritty, as I said no distractions, all eyes on the ring, and the ability to bring that old school vibe in modern times is another one of the little things that makes it just a bit more special. Just a thought.

Where as I am a member of the IWC as well, I feel who I look out for are the Casual Fans, when I formulate my opinions about what the WWE should and should not do. They are the majority, not the IWC. And that takes me back in many respects to the kind of things I looked for when I was a kid, and some of the things I would have liked to have seen at House Shows, as well.

Yeah, ok bleeding-heart. From everything I have seen of you and what you have had to say during your tenure here, when you formulate your opinions it is for no reason other than to belittle others and make them feel stupid for sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and you are surely not looking out for anyone but yourself. That is what I, and I guarantee many others see. I relate to the "What I wanted to see as a kid" thing, but we aren't kids anymore, the business has changed since then, and it will only move forward, not shape shift into the childhood fantasy many of us have all imagined. There is really no excuse for you acting the way you do most of the time, like your better than most, or at least those who don't have a higher standing than you in this community, and taking cheap shots at people.

So I feel I put myself in the mindset of a Casual Fan, that advocates putting on a first class show ... and the SHOW is what I focus on, more so than solely the quality of wrestling. I'd like good quality wrestling on the show, but there needs to be more to give the fans a much better impression that they take away from the show.

Well, that is your opinion, your view, and you are entitled to it. However, more often than not in reality you can't always have the best of both worlds. What I think you are missing, and is the element that gives that better lasting impression you are looking for, is all the little things I talked about, that make a house show or any WWE event worth while, and fun. It's the whole experience not just the show itself. Maybe you should get back to trying to just be grateful, being excited, having fun, and enjoying the event, rather than trying to always criticize it, and find it's flaws. It's the difference between positive and negative thinking.

I do have high standards. But then again, many would argue that your standards are simply too low.

My standards have nothing to do with the conversation, or my feelings about the house show. I like to believe that my standards are pretty high as well, but I generally only apply them to the on-air product because I know already what to expect from a house show, and the two are not the same, with good reason. The criticism is aimed at the on-air product because the standards are higher for it than the house show, with good reason as well. There is a firm distinction between the two. I don't expect a house show to be like a live Raw or Smack Down, and having expectations of such an event are unrealistic, and set you up for disappointment. That is your fault, not the WWE's but you'll probably say that's just me making more excuses for them.
But essentially what I derive out of you is that the only thing you expect from House Shows are:

- Good matches
- Wrestler Interactions before/after the shows

And that is not what I consider to be enough in terms of "putting on a good, lasting impression in regards to an actual Show or Event for the patrons.

Well, that is part of what I expect not everything. If that is all you derive that is too bad because you have missed the point entirely but we already established that didn't we? I expect to have fun, that is what I expect. In order for me to have fun, I like to have my friends with me, my girlfriend, my belts, I want to see good matches, I want the crowd to be into it, I want the over priced arena food, crowded bathrooms, If I can an autograph, I want the matches to have some relation to what is going on in the actual storylines, I want to be close to the ring, and I want to just be able to watch, interact, and enjoy period. If that means I have low standards so be it. In fewer words that's about all I need. I also want the lighting, and the ramp, and the pyros, and all the other junk, but I am ok without it. It doesn't ruin it for me if they aren't there. So I wouldn't say I have low standards, I simply refuse to let little things like that ruin for me as you have allowed it to do to you. That is what makes us different, as I mentioned earlier, the difference between negative thinking and positive thinking.

I hope this has been enough for you, and you as well as others have learned something. Please in the future be more kind in the words you choose, how you use them, and on whom you use them. I do not wish to make enemies with anyone, but I will not tolerate you or anyone else being blatantly rude to me as you were, or trying to make some kind of example out of me. That is not how I roll, and I can play as dirty and as smart as anyone else. Leave me alone. Take this as a warning and a lesson. Accept this verbal lashing for what it was, a learning experience, and take yourself away from me. I have no further use for this conversation, or you. Have a nice day.
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I totally agree. When I heard Bret Hart was returning to the WWE, the first thing I did is check the event schedule to buy tickets for the next time they would be in Chicago.

Unfortunately that next time is a house show, so no doubt BH wont even be there.
When I was a kid I remember going to a house show and seeing the Godwinns beat the Smoking Gunns for the tag belts. Although the decision was later reversed because Barts foot was under the rope ,it was still cool because,the titles ALMOST changed hands.

The stripped down feel of a house show should tell you that the WWE doesn't necessarily look at themselves as a wrestling company anymore, they consider themselves a television show.
Alright, you have the accolades, you are in with the crowd here, and you think you have proved something by trying to dismantle my genuine, sincere, and heart-felt post regarding the quality of house shows and the all around experience of going to one. This is a sign of weakness, and it shows that my words are closer to the mark than you are comfortable with. Otherwise you would not have come at me as you did.

Actually no. What it is, is the passion that drives me to speak out against blind WWE loyalist smarks like yourself. Has nothing to do with thinking you are near the mark, because you couldn't be further off the mark with your blind obedience to Vince McMahon to dish out whatever shit he chooses to give you on the House Show circuit.

Being that my position argues on behalf of the casual fans and giving them a better product, those are my views for looking out for their best interests, not Vince McMahon's best interests. You are what I refer to as a "WWE Shareholder", because you have this blind obedience to be spoon fed whatever Vince gives you in the name of "profit" to his company.

But you did, and now it is my turn to go through and pick apart your words. You may beat up on people who are ill-equipped to challenge you around here, but I am not one of them, and it is time for you to learn that. This is not a flame war so don't anyone start beating that horse, I am simply going to make an example, and a point. Lord Sidious, Darth Rage has engaged you, now it is time to pay the piper.

LOL. Let's see what you got. And no, I am not amused.

I will start by pointing out the numerous times you stoop to an expected low by referring to me directly and indirectly as....Whatever slanderous thing you could think to call me. This is a major sign of your weakness and fear that someone might expose your ideals as flawed, so you go into defense mode. You obviously must have felt attacked since I said your interpretation of the house show was skewed and fragile at best which I can understand. But, You must also understand that if anyone just took what you said at face value they would think that there was no real value in the event, and that sir is the lie, not anything I said. Now let's observe what you had to say.

What you saw is my anger at people who are blind WWE marks that suck up anything Vince gives them. I despise fans like this, because these fans advocate a lesser product than what Vince is capable of giving the fans. That is why "Shareholders" like you experience a rougher side of me than others do. I think your points of view have done harm to the creativity and quality of the wrestling over the years, and that is why I have little to no respect for people like you.

Anyway, continue.

So here you label me as a blind loyalist and a smark, which obviously has everything to do with the topic right? No, this is just a feeble attempt at trying to devalue my honest opinion and observation which carries with it more power than any of your "Hate-Rant" because it comes from the heart.

My words come straight from the heart, where as yours come in the name of defending Vince McMahon's profits, which is a joke.

Once again attaching labels, and now issuing an indirect challenge. Once again you display your never ending class.

Got anything of substance?

And now here you basically try to put my intelligence at question, which is neither within your ability or any of your business, not to mention, has nothing to do with the actual topic at hand. This is more of your weak hatefulness. And right off the bat you show that you aren't really interested in the topic, you want to try and beat someone down with words which is pathetic, cruel, and mean spirited and ultimately will always lead to your downfall.

Again, let's get to some real substance here at some point.

Moving on. Let's see what other musings you entitled us all to.


This is a twisting of my words, and although clever, a very flawed strategy. Your going to have to do much better than that if you are going to achieve your goal.

Are you ever going to get to the point here sometime today?

I never said that I was happy to take anything I can get. I was making the point that although the average house show has little value to you, that to some it is a very big deal. That doesn't mean that I am willing to settle for less, it means that I am grateful for what I get which is something you obviously do not understand, and that's ok. Maybe after this little soirée you will. Would I like all the props and lights and so on? Sure, but it doesn't burst my bubble if they aren't present because the product is good enough without it to suffice.

Let me throw this your way, then. Describe to me the type of House Show presentation that you would be unhappy with? What has to happen for you to rate a House Show as bad?

I've got to call "bullshit" on this one, that is not true in the slightest. It was already well explained that due to the economics of the geographic location here that we automatically aren't going to get those bigger shows most of the time. This has nothing to do with advocating anything, that is simply an accusation. It has everything to do with the fact that it would not be as profitable for them.

Yep. "WWE Shareholder". Pathetic.

Think about all the man power that goes into setting all that up, and the cost of it. If you know you aren't going to make as much money as it takes to run the show with all the dressings and preparations you mandated, than it is an economically stupid choice to just go ahead and take a loss, or less profit than you other wise would make.

Can you tell me how much manpower it takes to set this up and how much more it would cost the WWE to set up something that looks like this at every show?

You'll notice that we aren't talking about a stage the size of the one used at TV. We aren't talking about the humongous LED background used. We aren't talking about a lighting rig above the ring with all the LED lights, either.

We are talking about dressing up the entranceway to make it look more presentable than wrestlers simply coming out of a curtain.

If Indy shows can do something like this for less than 1,000 people, why can't WWE spend the money to do so for several thousand people at their House Shows?


You have no argument here.

Tisk, tisk. Once again you put words in my mouth, and make invalid assumptions. I never said anything to that effect, of made any inference to that point. My point was that for as bad as you are trying to say that the house shows are, they are still very special to many others as is. The point lying therein is that it doesn't take all the lights, and stage, and so on that you mentioned for people to get what they want, or to feel that they got their moneys worth. They present a good enough product as is, anything more is just icing on the cake. Could they do more? Yes. But as I stated earlier, in smaller markets would that be economically intelligent? No. So much for the big evil WWE just trying to give as little as possible, and take as much as possible. Remember it is business, and the business of entertainment.

It's about having company standards for overall product presentation. I am not advocating the product have everything that a television show necessarily has, because I recognize the need for profit as well.

But how much are you seriously suggesting that dressing up an entranceway costs, with minimal lighting to at least provide SOME effects? That is supposed to be part of the whole WWE presentation, in this day and age.

Ever been to a live concert at a small club or bar? I am sure you have, and I am sure that at one of those you have had every bit as good a time as when you may have went to a big concert somewhere else. Why? Because good entertainment is simply that, good entertainment. It's not all about the lights, and stages, and big cinematics. If it's good music it doesn't matter whether you hear it in a dive bar or a big arena, it's still good and it still satisfies.

That's your opinion. But like I said, if even some bars and small clubs can have some lighting effects with a hundred or couple hundred patrons, that certainly is more then what WWE offers several thousand patrons ... when they charge on average $40 or more a ticket. So what else do you got?

Ahhh, here we go. More false accusations and libelous statements that have little to nothing to do with the topic, and in fact hurt your argument.

Psychology has no effect on me. When you have no argument, it's all the easier to deal with people like you.

First of all, what you're pushing is nothing short of a weakly framed conspiracy theory claiming "We are all being taken advantage of, they are screwing us at every pass". That couldn't be further from the truth, and just because you might not like how they do some things, doesn't mean they are trying to screw anyone. That just sounds like paranoia and fear, fear of what you can not control, and paranoia that your conspiracy theory is actually happening. I never advocated anything, I never said anyone should settle for less. If that is how you chose to twist my words to interpret them, once again that is your folly not mine.

I can safely say you are being taken advantage of, because I have been to many House Shows in my day since 1990 ... going on 20 years ... and I have seen what the WWE is capable of putting on for the audience.

At one point during the Attitude Era and even the New Generation Era, they were even bringing lights and pyro to all the House Shows, and the shows were top notch.

Now, I am not necessarily advocating they have to do that today, but like I said, putting up a lighted gateway at the entrance with a small ramp will cost next to nothing, and you and I both know it. So quit trying to insult people's intelligence in trying to argue on behalf of Vince's profits, as that wouldn't cost a damn thing.

Secondly, the goal here is investment into the House Show business as well as the overall WWE product as a whole. So that is why things like:

Occasional title changes
Interview segments to get stars over in each market

and the other points I discussed are important. You seem to think that House Show business and PPV business are completely separate from each other. I argue to the contrary that both of them have a reciprocal effect on one another.

You give better House Shows, then fans are more sold on the whole product and more likely to spend more money on things like PPV's. You give a good PPV, and fans are more likely to visit a House Show when it comes to their area. And so forth.

Well obviously to some degree, yes this is true. But only a slight truth. Most matches do have the same format, but that is anywhere not just house shows. You said it yourself "They are practice or warm up matches for the bigger events" So yeah that is true, but does nothing for your argument because it proves nothing. And since they do only come through here once or twice a year, as I said it is always a different show, different experience, different matches. We generally get the Raw roster once, and the Smack Down/ECW roster once over the year.

Well, we know that you don't mind going to events and simply watching the superstars practice .... even though their actual matches don't really count. Because despite stating otherwise, you have shown me that you are the type of person to accept whatever Vince gives you as long as it is profitable for him.

But for the casual fans out there, yeah I think if they knew that all the House Shows were, were meaningless matches simply designed to reign in the profits, and that the show they were attending was essentially a Bullshit show, then yeah, I think they would be a little more upset than you. But they will figure that out eventually.

I think if you do things to give each show a more important feel, than I view this as an investment into repeat business. Obviously you are more concerned with seeing Vince give fans a less than stellar show that is as profitable as possible for him, and that is where you derive your entertainment from. And I think that is wrong on every level.

I can also argue from a Shareholder mentality as well, my man, and as far as I'm concerned, the things you advocate ARE NOT investing in the business.

I am of the philosophy that you have to spend both money and effort to make money. Fortunately, the things I advocate cost next to nothing to do on these shows ... and despite that, you still argue against their usage. Too much.

And if the talent is "practicing matches", and this is viewed as a practice event, then why should they not practice their mic skills as well, for interview segments? Quite frankly, I think this gives the crowd a nice change of pace, just like TV, instead of seeing one match after another, with no variance.

Although I appreciate your cynicism, No I don't, don't have to. You can see it amongst all the people, there is a feeling that kind of emanates all around. Maybe it's the roaring crowds, and the merchandise that flies off the kiosks, and the general excitement of everyone before and after the show. It is not something you can just explain, it is something you feel and you witness.

Since you admit you are in a borderline B/C market, I dare say you probably don't see the "merchandise flying off the shelf" to the degree you think it does. You need to get around more often. I've been to shows all over, from Madison Square Garden many times, to Philly, to Florida, to Los Angeles and Anaheim, to Houston, to even Toronto .... and many places in between.

So I feel like I have a good grasp of cities where merchandise truly flies off the shelves and where they don't.

I can't help but feel since you do live in smaller markets, where the interest in WWE is not quite as large, you are looking through the rose-colored glasses. Because you can take a look at the people who are attending the shows, but what about those that aren't attending the shows? Are you going up and asking their opinions? Especially those that like WWE, but don't spend the money on the shows?

Who is to say anyone is getting less for their money. Tickets start at $10-16 and for that you get 3 or 4 hours of action from the WWE superstars you normally only get to see on t.v.,

3-4 HOURS? You are a 100% Bullshitter. House Shows DO NOT last 3 hours, much less 4 hours. You may try to act like you are a WWE spokesperson and try to put the spin on the situation all you want, to protect Vince, but the things coming out of your mouth, especially things that are from a factual sense like this, only cheapens your credibility.

House Shows typically run AT MOST 2 and a half hours, fyi. As far as $10-$16 dollars, is that what they AVERAGE at your shows? Doubtful.

But feel free to link us to Ticketmaster when the next show hits. I checked on there and I didn't see any shows from Iowa on there, otherwise I would have posted the prices.

and get to be apart of the event itself. Not a bad investment. Even if you spent the most on tickets and shelled out around $70 you get to be that much closer to the action, and that also has a bit to do with the overall experience which still isn't bad.

Agreed. Being closer typically gives you a better experience. That still doesn't take away from the money everyone else is spending and how that money is actually comparable to a TV event, but you are getting anything but a TV quality event, in return.

Do you not think that if you spend $40 on a TV event, that if you spend the same amount on a House Show, that you should get an event of at least somewhat comparable quality in return? Why or why not?

The whole thing comes back to gratitude, and obviously that concept has escaped you in some way.

GRATITUDE?? Are you Fucking kidding me? You are a bigger "Shareholder" than I gave you credit for.

In customer service, you are in the business of making customers happy. You work for them. They don't work for you. Your job is to make them happy. Their job is not to be grateful for whatever you give them.

The customer is the one who pays, here, in case I have to remind you.

Why is it necessary to have all that other stuff for it to be a good show to you? Isn't the wrestling enough?

In this day and age, not anymore. Because that is how big the WWE has gotten. Prior to the 80's, in the 80's, and early to mid 90's ... maybe the wrestling was enough. But the WWE has gotten MUCH bigger than just wrestling. If you ask them, they do not consider themselves to be a wrestling company any longer.

Instead, they self admit that they are in the Entertainment business. So, if you are in the Entertainment business, you have to do more than simply put on a "wrestling show".

Isn't the opportunity to see it live for yourself enough? When is it enough? I have the feeling that even if they did all the stuff you wanted them to do, you would still not be satisfied. Then it would be that the booking sucked, and the matches were wrestled horribly, and this and that and the next thing because even though you say my standards are too low, your seem to be unreachable.

Believe it or not, I can be satisfied. And I have been satisfied at many a WWE show that I attended. And that includes House Shows, when I feel that WWE gave the fans a good bang for their buck. And they have done that in the past at Madison Square Garden, Washington DC, and other markets in the past.

But you don't have to bring the huge stages and the lighting rigs to entertain me. All I advocate is to give the fans a show that makes them feel like it actually counts towards the entire WWE business and that makes them feel like they saw something special when they attend. You tell me why that is so wrong.

You mentioned that the indy promotions put forth more effort than the WWE does at house shows, but guess what? That's cause they have to. They have to because they don't have as good a product or the resources to create a better one, so they have to make a bigger effort to win you over because they need you a hell of a lot more than the WWE. If that is what you are looking for, a promotion to pander to you, than maybe the WWE is the wrong product for you. You should maybe stick to those thriving indy promotion shows, and see if they are going to cater to you as much as you expect the WWE to.

So because WWE has oodles and oodles of money and it would cost them next to nothing to do, you still advocate them not doing so, "because it isn't something they have to do"?

You advocate them giving fans a less than stellar product. It's right here in black and white.

Ah, Ah, Ah your making more assumptions. Are you on the road to with the WWE to see that every show is the same? No you are not. I know they generally stick to a program, but that doesn't mean every match is the same, and that every interaction with the crowd is the same. As I stated originally, it is special in a way because it is not televised, it is a show just for you, and not you or I would know if it is the same as any other show because it is as I stated, for the house on that one night which as I stated makes it something special.

Please. I wasn't born yesterday. Yes, I have attended back to back House Shows in cities because of getting comped into shows, and yes, you see the same choreographed matches from one show to the next. And I am not necessarily coming down on WWE for that, because the chances of fans doing what I have done are absolutely minimal.

So yes I do know. Don't tell me I don't, when I know from experience. Also, you can blatantly see it in the match results, that "Hornswoggle interfered in the Chavo vs Santino match two nights in a row" to give Santino the win, or "Legacy came down and interfered in the Orton vs Cena match and Cena overcame them to win" ... and so forth.

So not saying I have as much of a problem with them repeating the stuff from one town to the next, but I am simply disputing your point that "each House Show is for you and JUST FOR YOU" when that is also blatantly as false as your statement that House Shows run 3-4 hours.

No I am not misleading anyone,

You've already done so, and I've proven it several times in your comments. Anyway, what else?

that seems to be your forte as you have tried to twist everything I've said to make yourself look like some kind of superior authority and me as some bumbling idiot.

I'm not doing it to make you look like a bumbling idiot. I'm doing it simply to show that:

A) You are a "WWE Shareholder" type of fan, as opposed to someone who advocates what is actually in the best interests of fans

B) Someone who derives his pleasure out of seeing Vince make a profit

C) And someone who is clearly a liar. And you have lied in your posts, and again I've demonstrated that.

We watched the Miz pin Kofi Kingston, for the title, right there, clean and clear. He left with the title as the new champion, and nothing was ever mentioned about it on t.v. The next time Raw was on, Kofi was the champion, and The Miz won it very shortly after at a pay-per-view. The whole point of me telling this story was to counter your point that there are never title changes at house shows. In this case there was, but it wasn't acknowledged which I also informed people so no, I didn't mislead anyone.

So you are saying that Miz won the US Title from Kofi Kingston and he left with the title, and the next time Raw was on, Kofi was still the champion and not the Miz? Did Kofi win it back at another House Show? Clearly, he had to.

Please link me to the match results of the show you are referring to.

And still my point stands that we got to see something happen before it actually happened as scheduled which was another little aspect of the house show that made it special to myself and the thousands of fans there as their uproarious applause and cheering made quite obvious. But, you weren't there, how would you know? It was for us, that night, we saw it, no one else, you see where this is going?

Again, link me to the card, and we will compare the rest of the matches with the other House Shows that were done that week to see if all those matches were "just for you" like you know you are falsely claiming.

Really? How so? Because you will it? Because you say so? No. That is your opinion, and unfortunately for you my real life accounts of house shows that were awesome, discredit everything you've said.

You can't discredit opinions. You can disagree and dispute them. But you can discredit facts, like I feel I've done in your case.

However, you advocate whatever makes Vince profitable, and I find a more happy medium between that in first advocating what would make fans happy ... and then striking those things that would be "too expensive to be realistic to do".

Also you again twist and mangle my words in an attempt to bring them to your advantage which you fail at doing. I stated that house shows aren't a lame, lack-luster, money pit, that it was just like going to any other sporting event. How that is so was where you took the interpretation south, and the meaning behind what I was saying fled you. My point was that they are every bit as exciting, that there is still a certain aura or feeling in the air at these events. People are anticipate and get very excited for them just as they do other big events, which points back to house shows not being the debacle you claim them to be.

I would challenge you to survey a couple hundred fans and ask them if they get the same feel of excitement out of a House Show, that they do out of a television or PPV event.

Thus far, you have yet to give one acceptable reason why WWE can not incorporate these few couple things into these shows, which cost LITTLE TO NO MONEY, to give the fans an overall better experience ... and to actually invest in the entire business.

Do you not feel as though that House Shows, TV, and PPV events are all reciprocal to the entire business? Again, why or why not?

Next I was explaining the thrill of preparing for the event and the excitement that is drawn from the whole experience. My point here is that it doesn't take flashy lights, and stage, and title matches, and this laundry list of unnecessary stuff to have a good show, that people enjoy, and get a lot out of. Here is what you said.

Again, WWE is in the Entertainment business, not the Wrestling business any longer. Explain to me how adding things into the shows for the benefit of the entire business, when they cost little or nothing, is a bad thing for business?

People want to feel special. And if they see one thing on TV, and don't see something at least comparable at a House Show ... after spending the same amount of money, it's natural to have a feeling of being ripped off.

Giving people a dark arena with a cheap black curtain, that looks like an Indy show, does not do that in any respect.

If you want people to actually feel special, you would advocate putting a couple additions into the show, which essentially would cost pennies, if even that. However, if you what you solely advocate is lining Vince's pockets with as absolute as much profit as possible, and that is the only thing you advocate, well then your statements and positions pretty much advocate that. So congratulations!

This is in reference to my statement about the fun of the whole experience where I start at "from making your signs" He cynically tries to put that aside as it doesn't help his argument by saying that half of them are confiscated, which can happen from time to time but still has nothing to do with the fun of making them before the show, which as I stated was all apart of the experience.

And like I said, you can make signs at any show can you not? Why is it more special to do so for a house show, especially when you know going in that it isn't going to get on TV or anything?

See I was describing the all around experience talking about how you make your signs, put on your favorite wrestlers merchandise, bring along your belts, try to find good parking, try to get autographs, so on and so forth. Little things that are all apart of the magic and the experience that make it all the better. Lord Sidious foolishly states.

And like I said, we are talking about the differences between House Shows and TV and the things you discuss which you "prepare for" are no more different than attending ANY WWE event.

This is exactly the point, it is just like any other WWE event, and you have now made my case for me. The only difference is the lack of a few sparkley shiny things that are appealing to the eye and other unnecessary filler that people like you generally bitch about being on the shows while you watch them on T.V. This just makes my case further as the house show is really the unadulterated, pure product without all the other mumbojumbo that you chastise them for adding most of the time yet here you are begging for it in un-televised events which is a contradiction of your own standards and points to hypocrisy.

Well, it isn't the point if you claim that "House Shows" are special from TV and PPV events, as if it is some sort of privilege in attending them. And even though I advocated dressing up the events with some lighting because after all, it is an Entertainment product .... I also advocated other things such as:

- Occasional Title changes

- Interview segments to help talent practice on the mic and get over

- Superstars giving their comments on the way to the ring for their matches to give the matches a more important feel to them

- Cards posted in advance

and so forth. Again, this costs next to nothing, and can make the difference in providing that "important feel" to the audience to make them feel special. And you are not providing one God damn reason why WWE can not or should not do any of this.

Lets check out what other gems of knowledge you bestowed on us.

Listen to me, and you might learn something some day.

Ah-Ha, but are getting no less right? Exactly. And it is as I said kind of special no matter what because of the fan interaction that I noted. You think it's going to matter to me if they do the same thing in Hackensack, New Jersey("Brewster's Millions" plug)? No. They do it here, for us, when it matters to us, making it special to....you guessed it, US!

Nope. Not making assumptions at all. Like I said earlier, I know from experience as well as reading match results and match descriptions posted on the Internet.

I never said it was anything new, you suggest in your statement that I did which is a false representation of what I actually did say. But alas, you agree that it is kind of cool. At least we agree on something.

The trivia thing is probably the only thing we can agree on.
Ok here, you seem to be running out of steam, and just arguing points to argue them. You should know a Sith draws his power from his passion, and at this point it is clear that yours has run dry for the most part, and as a result the power of your words and statements flees as well. You do however concede that the experience I spoke of is more likely to happen at a house show, which means more opportunity to actually meet your favorite superstars, and get autographs and pictures, which points again to the fact that house shows are not a rip and in fact as I stated have their own charm, and special aspects to them.

Like I said, this is another plus of House Shows, that again however, ARE DEPENDENT ON THE WRESTLER'S MOOD when you approach them. Yes, the chances are higher of getting to meet a wrestler and get a pic/autograph with one at a House Show because things are less hustle-bustle than at TV events .... but I am talking about the presentation of the actual show here ... what happens from the time the ring announcer comes out, until the time the show is over.

And that is where I fail to see any acceptable explanations from you whatsoever on why WWE SHOULD NOT do ANY of the extra things suggested, other than simply because it makes Vince wealthier. However, I argue that the things I suggest are actually an investment in the House Show business and WOULD eventually lead Vince to greater profits in the long run.

I am more of a long-term thinker than I am a short-term one.

If I am guilty of anything here, it is of not going into further detail to explain my disposition in an attempt to be somewhat brief. Apparently however one must explain down to the finest details why they think or feel what they do.

Not everyone is a Mind Reader in everything and everything you do. Some of the things are blatantly obvious because you are a McMahon ass-kisser, but if you want to plead to the contrary, then you have to defend yourself by specifically spelling out your positions. You are in Non-Spam, after all.

What I was getting at there and what I should have explained further was how the absence of all the flashy stuff kind of adds to what is going on in the ring as there are no other distractions to your attention. When all you see is the dark curtain and the light beaming down on the ring, it is more commanding of your attention to the ring, rather than the LED show on the entrance way and the titantron.

Who said anything about having a TitanTron at House Shows at any time?

This means that more than likely your eyes are going to be glued on the action not the scenery and in doing so you are going to get a better feel for the match and the storytelling within and drama within it. This goes for everybody, especially the casual fan, so don't try to pull that whole WWE acolyte thing either. It makes it special because you don't have any of that other stuff you mentioned, and yet instead of the effect being from the scenery and the stage, it comes from the actual match, not some gimmick.

Well then, by all means, lets get rid of the Titan Tron, stage, and all the LED lighting if it takes away from the matches, and you feel that is what the viewer should be focusing on, instead of the other stuff.

My position has always been to let the fan focus on whatever the Hell they want to focus on, with whatever entertains them ... but I've only been a fan for going on 20 years, so what do I know, right?

I'm not about telling fans what should entertain them. That is why I fiercely advocate the presence of managers once again back at ringside. Because what you are arguing is absolutely comparable to others I argue with that don't want managers back because they feel that "fans should be focusing on 100% of the action inside the ring, as opposed to what is going on outside the ring". Same argument in your case with the entranceway and lights.

Why can't you let fans be entertained by whatever entertains them instead of forcing your beliefs on them and doing what Vince does, in TELLING them what they should be entertained by? Because you feel Vince makes more profit doing it your way?

Now, since all your fire is really gone and you've lost steam, you attempt yet again to make false accusations, call me names, and make feeble attempts at discrediting anything I have to say.


Does it look like all my fire is gone from this response to you? Please. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately for you, I have no reason to lie, I am not lying, and I am not a mark.

You may not be a mark, but you are a smark (don't feel bad, we all are) ... but most importantly, you ARE a "WWE Shareholder" which are amongst the two breeds of fan who I feel have contributed to the overall deterioration of the entire wrestling business.

I have been to plenty of shows and as I said, I have never been witness at any of the shows I have been to, to a bad match.

If you have the nerve to come on here and say that you've been to many house shows and haven't once witnessed a "bad match", then you are a liar.

This is also partially due to the whole experience that I explained and you tried to discredit and sweep under the rug to no avail. Believe what you want, they are my experiences, not yours. And for you to try and claim I am a liar, and a mark just shows how desperate you are to try and bring someone down who has something different to add when it doesn't serve your ideals or agenda.

No, sir. I am just a realist, and I have experience attending all sorts of shows for the past 20 years. I know what I am talking about. And if you think I was born yesterday, try again.

True, the title did not change hands, and yes we knew well in advance that it wouldn't. But that didn't take away from the match or the overall show. I was 6th row ringside and it was pretty freakin sweet from where I was sitting. And as far as predictability goes, if I am not mistaken, you were saying they should have the cards advertised well in advance correct? Well, that would completely obliterate the "unpredictability" factor too wouldn't it? I'm pretty sure common sense and logic takes care of that one.

So because you know full well that the title was NOT going to change hands in the match, you think the entire arena of fans knew it as well ... and you don't think that bothered anyone?

Why do you assume that your high tolerance for predictability and mediocrity is the same as other WWE fans? I don't know one person who actually LIKES PREDICTABILITY, do you? Smark fan or Casual Fan ... I don't know of anyone who says they enjoy going to a show in which they know what is going to happen, before it does .... except for you, maybe.

Do you not think that Predictability has hurt the wrestling business over the years? I am anxious to hear your opinion on this one.

First of all, your feelings on the rest of the show not delivering are just that, yours. They are no more valid because you stated them, and I am willing to wager most people would disagree if they are unbiased and not in your favor. As for your "Changes" I must ask, Are you in charge of the WWE expense accounts? Are you the guy who weighs profit over loss and expenses? My money says no, and that being true means that you really have no idea if your "Changes" would or would not cost, and if they did how much or how little. This is another one of your failed assumptions.

If the WWE has a gate of $225,000 for a House Show, tell me how much you think it really costs to set of a lighted gate entranceway like I posted above, and to have someone at the event to interview talent for interview segments, or on their way to the ring to hype the match.

Those are the only real things I am talking about spending money on. Do you think it would cost even $2,500 to do that out of that $225,000?

Let's say WWE pays Josh Matthews $500 for an appearance, which covers his road expenses, as well .... even though I don't know if his are actually covered or not since he really is talent ... but for the sake of arguing, let's say we pay him $500 for the appearance. How much would it cost to set up a small gateway with some lighting rigs standing vertically, a small ramp, and a couple LED lights. Seriously.

You said they should always have the titantron, and the stage set up, and the lighting, posted match cards in advance and so on.


I said nothing about the Titan Tron. I said nothing about the Stage. And I said nothing about the full lighting system hooked up. I made my position quite clear on that. So now, who is distorting people's words?

Cards posted in advance? Absolutely.

Well, all that costs money to set up, transport, maintenance should anything go wrong, it takes time in the buildings they rent which is more money, the eight week in advance card would give away spoilers in some cases possibly which would really take away from that "unpredictability" aspect you're so high on, the extra time it takes to set up and tear down would alter and throw off their schedule possibly costing more money, the labor they would have to pay out would skyrocket, and who knows what else. See, your ideas aren't so keen after all. Your intentions are noble, I'll give you that. But, your sitting there trying to convince me, and everyone else that you are basically the asset the WWE hasn't attained, that is holding them back from further success, a better product, and greater efficiency. I'm sorry but I'm not buying. I hear that all the time as most of you think you know how to better run the WWE, but in fact know absolutely nothing about running a billion dollar business that is on the road constantly. I am not saying that I can, or that I know more than anyone else about it. I am saying I highly doubt that you do.

Despite all the garbage in that paragraph ... bottom line here. How much extra would it cost to send an interviewer to the shows, to set up a lighted entranceway, and to post the card in advance, whether it be a tentative card 2 months in advance or EVEN just a month in advance, which is more realistic.

How much would it cost? Give us a ballpark estimate.

And the trend of simple name calling and pointless ranting continues.

Here we go with the sad sob bullshit again, and whining about the name-calling. If you can't being called a "WWE Shareholder" then all I can say is "don't act like one, then".

Where did I ever make an excuse? I, not one time, made any excuse for anything or anyone. And then you accuse me of having some kind of "Shareholder Mentality" If you mean business minded than yes in some ways you are right, but in the context you try to use it, it is mediocre, insufficient, and impractical. If I were offered a better product, of course I would take it. You are the one who said otherwise, but once again I have to get back to that little "Gratitude" thing. See, I like others am grateful for the little extra pleasures I get in life. Going to a wrestling show, televised or not, is one of them.

And like I said, the problem with you is that you do act like a little Vince lap-dog, eager to accept whatever his master gives them. In doing so, you lower your expectations ... far lower than you really should.

YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER. When you pay money for something, you have the right to set expectations .. not be TOLD what those expectations should be.

You tried to argue that the house shows are crap, I offered the opinion and explanation of that opinion to show otherwise. And this is how you respond? I try to point out all the good things about them, and show that they too have a great deal to offer, but you can not accept that as it goes against your big "WWE Overhaul" plan because it stated that there is nothing wrong with them as is, which means none of your "Changes" are necessary.

My "changes", which in essence are simple enhancements to their current business model, are actually better for business in the long-run, and as I have tirelessly pointed out, cost very, very little ... and some of them cost not a damn thing.

Arguing against something that costs pennies is really ridiculous, and downright embarrassing on your part.
As I stated earlier, your intentions are noble and I give you that. But I think that you just don't understand how much it would really take to make all those changes and keep them on a regular basis.

Well, being that you distorted my actual position of what I wanted to see done at the shows, I think you are the one who is inflating costs of what they would actually be with the simply enhancements that I proposed to the show.

But again, I will wait and hear your estimate and we will go from there.

As I noted earlier, there is already so much that goes into the whole process, not just house shows, the impact of all that could be potentially detrimental to them, and they are surely not going to risk it to find out. You ever heard that old saying "If it's not broke, don't fix it." Well, I think that is the case with the House Show system. It works, it always has worked, and they aren't going to change a system that they know does to see if they can boost attendance or possibly loose tons and tons of money trying to make all those adjustments.

Are you Fucking kidding me? Losing TONS AND TONS OF MONEY!!

You are unbelievable. I am not even going to acknowledge that garbage.

In the long run once again I will say your intentions are noble, but I would have to say they are also unrealistic in a lot of ways.

I know, I know. So utterly unrealistic. :rolleyes:

I know you "Think" all that would work, and technically in an ideal situation it might, but there is nothing to prove it, so....you can't. The house show as is, is fine. Could it be better? Obviously in some aspects to some people. But what I am getting at is that they are good enough that the same recipe has worked for years and years and years. People still go to them and have a great time, and even though the things you think should be more prevalent in the product are not, most others are fine with it. You are the first person I have ever seen make such a big deal about so many minor things, which should tell you that most everyone else is ok with things the way they are.

Actually, you want to talk "proven formula", House Shows have not all been entirely the same in WWE history. Like I said, there was a time when they did bring lights to the shows, as well as Pyro. There was also a time when they did do title changes at the occasional House Show, which I feel should be done more frequently.

The House Show model has changed repeatedly over the years in certain aspects, and if you didn't know that, then you are ignorant to the situation.

Here's something else for you. If was anything other than what it is, it would no longer be what it is, and take the shape of something else. Meaning that if you try to change everything about the house show, it will no longer be a house show. There will be nothing to separate it from a televised event besides the cameras which inevitably would devalue the televised product, because "Anyone could go to a house show and see the same thing" It is what it is for a reason, and it serves it own purpose. Forcing it to do otherwise would mess it all up, and turn it into something it was never meant to be.

It will be always be a House Show. Maybe not in the terms you think of, but yes, despite any changes ... if the event isn't televised, YES it is still a House Show.

Like I said, I am not really proposing ANYTHING that WWE hasn't done at their House Shows ever before, other than someone possibly interviewing a talent on the way to the ring. So you are doing a piss poor job in your exaggeration.

Ah-No, Again you twist my words, and take them for meaning something else. I said:

I haven't twisted your words once. You on the other hand ....

Meaning, there is no great injustice going on, if there were people wouldn't gladly buy their tickets a month or two in advance, and wait all year for the shows. Whether the WWE only comes through for that one extra pay day or not doesn't matter to the casual fan, they just want to see the show. If the standard house show wasn't worth it to them, they wouldn't go, period.

1) How many people ATTEND a House Show not knowing what to expect before they attend?

2) How many people DON'T ATTEND a House Show because they already know exactly what they are going to get from past experiences ... NOTHING?

3) How much higher could attendance be IF WWE made some small enhancements to the shows which could actually pay off in a big way? Being that we established that it costs pennies to do the stuff I'm talking about ... Why not?

Well, pardon me but from where I sit it doesn't sound like that at all. It sounds more to me like you are marveling at your own self perceived genius since you seem to have all the answers, and want everyone else to recognize it as well. You only talked the whole time about what YOU wanted to see, not anyone else, so where do you get off trying to turn it into anything but that? Now suddenly you decide all this is for "The People" and the "Casual Fan" when all you've talked about were the flaws of the WWE and how great your ideas to "Fix" it are.

I may be self-righteous because of my experience in following the business AND because at least I am working towards looking to see something improved, instead of simply tolerating anything and everything that Vince McMahon spoon feeds me.

Oh I thought of that long ago. That was what I was getting at about being "Grateful" for everything. You and others like you who are privy to access to more televised events, pay-per-views, and larger venues probably do take for granted the simplicity, and the simple splendor of a good old fashioned house show. That lead me to another though. You would have been screwed any time before the 90's or so since the emphasis for everyone, mega fans and casual alike, was on the in ring product, and wasn't flashy, and wasn't over the top.

That is the feel a bare bones house show gives, it is old school, down to the nitty gritty, as I said no distractions, all eyes on the ring, and the ability to bring that old school vibe in modern times is another one of the little things that makes it just a bit more special. Just a thought.

It is not your place to tell other fans what they should be focusing on and what they should be deriving their entertainment from.

Yeah, ok bleeding-heart. From everything I have seen of you and what you have had to say during your tenure here, when you formulate your opinions it is for no reason other than to belittle others and make them feel stupid for sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and you are surely not looking out for anyone but yourself.

Yeah, okay. Nobody else would benefit from enhancements made to the House Shows but little ol' me here on my PC. Okay.

That is what I, and I guarantee many others see. I relate to the "What I wanted to see as a kid" thing, but we aren't kids anymore, the business has changed since then, and it will only move forward, not shape shift into the childhood fantasy many of us have all imagined. There is really no excuse for you acting the way you do most of the time, like your better than most, or at least those who don't have a higher standing than you in this community, and taking cheap shots at people.

And you need to also remember that you are also not a kid anymore, BUT there are kids that are out there ... and there are those fans that remember what the good ol' days were like and would like to see the same effort that goes into the shows today, that went into them when they attended.

If it costs little or nothing to do just that, why would you not give it to them?

Well, that is your opinion, your view, and you are entitled to it. However, more often than not in reality you can't always have the best of both worlds. What I think you are missing, and is the element that gives that better lasting impression you are looking for, is all the little things I talked about, that make a house show or any WWE event worth while, and fun. It's the whole experience not just the show itself. Maybe you should get back to trying to just be grateful, being excited, having fun, and enjoying the event, rather than trying to always criticize it, and find it's flaws. It's the difference between positive and negative thinking.

And maybe while you are at it, you will actually grow a set and adopt some standards of your own, instead of being force fed by Vince and accepting anything you are given.

Just because you may live in a C market area and are happy to kiss Vince's ass with gratitude with whatever you may get, don't force that same opinion on others who do have higher standards for entertainment show quality than clearly you do.

My standards have nothing to do with the conversation, or my feelings about the house show. I like to believe that my standards are pretty high as well,

You've demonstrated anything but that. You still haven't given us your criteria and bullet points in what you consider to be an acceptable show.

but I generally only apply them to the on-air product because I know already what to expect from a house show, and the two are not the same, with good reason. The criticism is aimed at the on-air product because the standards are higher for it than the house show, with good reason as well. There is a firm distinction between the two. I don't expect a house show to be like a live Raw or Smack Down, and having expectations of such an event are unrealistic, and set you up for disappointment. That is your fault, not the WWE's but you'll probably say that's just me making more excuses for them.

You got that right.

Well, that is part of what I expect not everything. If that is all you derive that is too bad because you have missed the point entirely but we already established that didn't we? I expect to have fun, that is what I expect. In order for me to have fun, I like to have my friends with me, my girlfriend, my belts, I want to see good matches, I want the crowd to be into it, I want the over priced arena food, crowded bathrooms, If I can an autograph, I want the matches to have some relation to what is going on in the actual storylines, I want to be close to the ring, and I want to just be able to watch, interact, and enjoy period. If that means I have low standards so be it. In fewer words that's about all I need. I also want the lighting, and the ramp, and the pyros, and all the other junk, but I am ok without it. It doesn't ruin it for me if they aren't there. So I wouldn't say I have low standards, I simply refuse to let little things like that ruin for me as you have allowed it to do to you. That is what makes us different, as I mentioned earlier, the difference between negative thinking and positive thinking.

I am a person that sees the glass as half-empty as half-full ... yes. Because that means the more you strive for, with being in a constant process to see the product improve.

You, on the other hand, clearly live in a C market and are happy with whatever you get. Vince could put on the absolute worst show, and you would still be "grateful" for it.

Not one ... not ONE acceptable excuse from you in this entire diatribe.

All you say in this entire post is:

"I accept whatever Vince gives me."

"I advocate whatever makes Vince as profitable as possible."

"Fans should be TOLD what they SHOULD find entertaining about House Shows"

"Adding a lighted Entranceway and interviewer means that the House Shows will no longer be House Shows anymore"

"I live in a C show market, but I expect everyone else across the country to lower their standards to mine, because I kiss Vince McMahon's ass and accept whatever he so graciously bestows upon me"

"I know the things Sidious proposes would hardly cost a damn thing, but they still take away from Vince's short-term profits, and I don't care about seeing an investment made in the business"

"Going to the arenas and paying for parking, making signs, and waiting in line only happens at House Shows, and not anywhere else".

That about covers it.

I hope this has been enough for you, and you as well as others have learned something. Please in the future be more kind in the words you choose, how you use them, and on whom you use them. I do not wish to make enemies with anyone, but I will not tolerate you or anyone else being blatantly rude to me as you were, or trying to make some kind of example out of me. That is not how I roll, and I can play as dirty and as smart as anyone else. Leave me alone. Take this as a warning and a lesson. Accept this verbal lashing for what it was, a learning experience, and take yourself away from me. I have no further use for this conversation, or you. Have a nice day.


Yeah, it's been a "real lesson for all of us". "Fans" like you are an absolute cancer to the wrestling business.

Do me a favor, next time you need your ass spanked, let me know in advance, and I will bring the belt and wooden spoon.
So, you call that a retort? You call that a spanking ? What did you prove? You proved nothing. I beat you with Darth Vader's helmet, and here you are throwing a temper tantrum, and just slinging all the mud and accusation you can to cover your spotty, repetitive, and insufficient argument.

Despite your perception of what kind of a fan I am, you are wrong. I am not the Vince McMahon ass kisser you are painting me to be, and you know that as well. I thought you might respond with something of value, and to be honest you are a big let down. Now I will finish this, and if you try the same bullshit you have pulled both times, I will bust you out again, and again, until others realize it, and call you out too. Just accusing me of being this or that doesn't mean any of it is true just because you don't like me bitch slapping you with words. Let's Rock.

Lets look at all the shit you call me through this thing just for starters, that you never even back up, you just call me these things for no reason. Like just because you said it it's supposed to stick or something and that is going to prove your case. This from just the beginning of your response.

Apparently I am a:

blind WWE loyalist smark
blindly obedient to Vince McMahon
what you refer to as a "WWE Shareholder"
blindly obedient to be spoon fed
a blind WWE mark that suck up anything Vince gives them
My words come straight from the heart, where as yours come in the name of defending Vince.
Yep. "WWE Shareholder". Pathetic.(there's that one again, you'll notice the trend)

Throughout the whole beginning this is literally about all you have to say, mixed in with a bunch of other crap that proves nothing either, just mud slinging and making accusations that you a. can not prove, and b. make no attempt to prove. You simply try to misinterpret what I am talking about which is making it very difficult to tolerate you, your belligerence doesn't make you right, it just makes you look stupid.

Lets get to addressing head on some of the stuff you had to spew, and yeah I say spew because your argument is like a constant regurgitation of the same lame shit.

Actually no. What it is, is the passion that drives me to speak out against blind WWE loyalist smarks like yourself.
Keep telling yourself that, it's not helping you save any face, you are making a fool of yourself at this point. It's is like a child having a tantrum.

Has nothing to do with thinking you are near the mark
Oh I think it does. It's me being right on the money, and making a solid and valid argument to the origin of the topic that deflates what you were trying state, that being that "House shows are a rip off, and that such and such changes should be made" I simply made a good case saying that the house shows are not the wretched, let down, low rate, rip off events you tried to claim and that when it comes down to it, this is really nothing but you trying to act like you know what is best for the business. I am not saying that anyone else particularly does, that includes Vince McMahon, but that is what you keep implying of my words, which is obviously, and repeatedly been reiterated not the case in any way on my behalf, that is just the only thing you have to throw at me.

because you couldn't be further off the mark with your blind obedience to Vince McMahon to dish out whatever shit he chooses to give you on the House Show circuit.

Oh Really? And why, because I like all of it? Because the stuff you are arguing is such a big deal in one way or another, doesn't really matter to me or seemingly anyone else? So all you do is resort to the above? I thought you were supposed to be good at this stuff, debating and whatnot. Unfortunately you are proving with every passing second that you are ill-equipped for this match.

Being that my position argues on behalf of the casual fans and giving them a better product, those are my views for looking out for their best interests, not Vince McMahon's best interests

Well good for you, Vince doesn't need you to look out for him at all, he's been ding fine for quite a long time. And here is another thing, when did I ever argue against the "casual fan" as you put it. When did I ever say anything that was not in the best interests of anyone besides you? This is just more of your nonsensical inferences that I am some anti-fan who is just all for the big evil corporation or something, which I have not done at any point.

You are what I refer to as a "WWE Shareholder", because you have this blind obedience to be spoon fed whatever Vince gives you in the name of "profit" to his company.

Well, at least you are consistent in making my case for me. Here again all you have is accusation, where in here did you prove anything, or make any valid point? I am not just blindly obedient to anything, all I have been doing is stating information to the latter of your argument, and apparently you can't handle that. I've never once made any statements pointing to what you are accusing me of.

What you saw is my anger at people who are blind WWE marks that suck up anything Vince gives them. I despise fans like this, because these fans advocate a lesser product than what Vince is capable of giving the fans.

Well, I am not any of that so why are you trying to make me out as that? I never advocated a lesser product. I have given explanation as to why it is that the house shows aren't as big of spectacles as the on-air product, but that is nothing near what you are calling it. You just seem to not like someone opposing you because you can't even defend what you are saying.

That is why "Shareholders" like you experience a rougher side of me than others do. I think your points of view have done harm to the creativity and quality of the wrestling over the years, and that is why I have little to no respect for people like you.

Oh so now it's me and people like me who are responsible for everything that is supposedly wrong with wrestling! Perfect! Are you high ??? Seriously? What the "F" man? Where do you come up with this shit? You want the truth? You don't respect people like me because people like me don't bow down to people like you who expect everyone to take what they say for the gospel truth and the only acceptable answer. Also, and on the contrary, I think it more likely has been folks like yourself who have always tore down everything done in the business, that have been damaging to it. Never satisfied, and always criticizing the way everything is done, but always doing so from outside of the business. That alone should tell you and anyone else that you are not as wrestling business savvy as you think you are. It's just a bunch of hot air, from an overblown windbag.

My words come straight from the heart, where as yours come in the name of defending Vince McMahon's profits, which is a joke.

Oh, that line again. You really need to get some fresh and effective material, this fencing lesson is starting to look like an execution for you. Here's something else to think about. Even if I did blatantly defend Vince and his profits as you have so repetitively accused me of, what is wrong with that? Isn't the point to make money? Or should they just tank their profit on whatever it is you and every other smark thinks should be done? Why is making money so evil when you are talking about a business? It's not like McMahon is running hooch in the backwoods of Arkansas and giving everyone bath water instead of booze. The WWE and every other wrestling company is in it to make profit at the end of the day, not sink their money into unnecessary expenses. The idea of business is to make as much profit with as little capital or investment as possible in the hopes of maximizing profit. So when that is what they do, which is all the nature of business, you are saying that shouldn't be such a concern to them, which is exactly why you are not a business man.

You'll notice that we aren't talking about a stage the size of the one used at TV. We aren't talking about the humongous LED background used. We aren't talking about a lighting rig above the ring with all the LED lights, either. We are talking about dressing up the entranceway to make it look more presentable than wrestlers simply coming out of a curtain.If Indy shows can do something like this for less than 1,000 people, why can't WWE spend the money to do so for several thousand people at their House Shows?

Ok, I get what you are saying and I never said there is anything wrong it, but you act like because they don't do that it's some big freakin deal that totally ruins everything, and my whole argument has been that contrary to that belief house shows are good without that. I never said I was against improvements, as a matter of fact I said that would be great, but I don't just expect it, or demand it, I'd like it but I am not going to throw a hissy fit because of the absence of some minor details.. I see where you are coming from though right here. You're saying "Hey this is a small thing that adds a nice little touch so why not do it?"

I don't know, but I highly doubt it is this conspiracy you've laid out with Vince just trying to screw everyone. My answer was that it is just business. As I explained earlier, he is just making the most money from the least investment, and from a business standpoint there is nothing wrong with that. That is not kissing Vince's ass, or being some WWE shareholder, or a blind acceptor of anything presented to me. It is me trying to explain to you what the damn deal is in some way. What I am getting is just you lashing back at me for trying to shed light on some things for you.

It's about having company standards for overall product presentation. I am not advocating the product have everything that a television show necessarily has, because I recognize the need for profit as well.

But how much are you seriously suggesting that dressing up an entranceway costs, with minimal lighting to at least provide SOME effects? That is supposed to be part of the whole WWE presentation, in this day and age.

There already are company standards, and even without having all of the stuff on t.v. it still costs to do everything, if it is something that really makes no big difference than they aren't going to make any unnecessary changes. I want to restate as well that I am not saying none of that would be nice, it would, but it's just not in the eyes of the people calling the shots, something they absolutely have to do to be profitable. As we've both stated, times have changed, and what was once the standard no longer is, things have changed. Were house shows maybe cooler back when pyro and lighting were a must, yeah I'll give you that. But it doesn't mean that todays product isn't still decent, and that it is enough. I never said it was the best stuff ever, but I'd rather watch the best in the business at a WWE house show wrestle with no special anything, than watch a bunch of cheesy indy wrestling that makes a poor effort with shabby lighting and effects, bad pa systems that are way too loud, and highly over hyped matches with generic unconvincing wrestlers.

Addressing the cost, I couldn't tell you for sure, but you couldn't tell me either so we are even on this one which was my whole point the whole time. I simply raised question to what you were suggesting and that is all I have to do to. Once it is questionable it is no longer fact or truth because there is no definitive answer. I can tell you this. I worked for a long time at Wells Fargo Arena as an Operations employee, I was one of the guys who helped set up and tear down all the events. When acts come in that do their own set up, they are renting the facility for a certain amount of time. The more time they need for the more the Arena charges. That means if they even need an extra hour for set up it costs them that much more. As soon as someone goes out, another attraction comes in, and things have to go on a perfect schedule. I don't think that you have really been taking any of that into account and I can see how that would be easy to overlook but it is a valid point. It cost's a lot of money to rent a whole arena, and they don't really get as much of the gate, most of the profit comes from merchandise sales. So, for obvious reasons they run things a certain way, with the least amount of investment, for what is now an obvious reason.

That's your opinion. But like I said, if even some bars and small clubs can have some lighting effects with a hundred or couple hundred patrons, that certainly is more then what WWE offers several thousand patrons ... when they charge on average $40 or more a ticket. So what else do you got?

They do that because they have to, it is already not as big an occasion, so those things are done to make it seem like a bigger deal than it is. The WWE on the other hand, being held at a big arena is big enough in itself, it doesn't need to be flashy at the house shows. Once again let me reiterate, I am not saying that having more pizazz wouldn't help at all or be nice, but It's just not as big a deal as you have made it to be.

I can safely say you are being taken advantage of, because I have been to many House Shows in my day since 1990 ... going on 20 years ... and I have seen what the WWE is capable of putting on for the audience.

I went to my first house show in 1995 so what? I have been a wrestling fan my entire life, I was raised on it for 24 years now, I know what they are capable of, I have also been to some big pay-per-views, and live events. It's not being taken advantage of. The house show just isn't as big a priority to them as the other stuff. Should it be? Maybe, and maybe you've got a point in that, but still, if that's the way it is, that's the way it is. Bitching about it doesn't do anything about it, and acting like it's some big conspiracy or something is just dumb. It's like you are saying the Chicago Cubs should be more worried about their AAA team than their Major League team, or place them on the same level almost. That just isn't going to happen, and it has nothing to do with screwing anyone, they just serve different purposes, and have different roles in the company, for Christ sakes you sound like Bret Hart getting screwed left and right.

At one point during the Attitude Era and even the New Generation Era, they were even bringing lights and pyro to all the House Shows, and the shows were top notch.

I know I was there, I experienced it too. At a younger age probably but I did.

Now, I am not necessarily advocating they have to do that today, but like I said, putting up a lighted gateway at the entrance with a small ramp will cost next to nothing, and you and I both know it. So quit trying to insult people's intelligence in trying to argue on behalf of Vince's profits, as that wouldn't cost a damn thing.

Ok something specific here, a lighted gateway, and a small ramp. You say they would cost next to nothing, but don't really know, so how can you say so? When you get down to it, it actually would cost more than you think. I already explained the situation with the arena itself, but still you have to buy it, and that is essentially another stage set up you have to haul amongst all the other stuff you have which could mean you need another truck, and it is that much more to set up, which has to be done by road crew guys who then can not do other stuff, so someone else is needed which points to more labor costs, then that also lengthens the amount it takes to tear down and could add an extra hour to the amount of time you need the arena which costs more still, all of it costs more money,and adds up over time. You can't say for sure that those subtle changes would improve profits in the long or short run either, so that whole idea is null and void. I am not arguing anything for Vince either. I am simply pointing out different aspect of business in general, and reason why those things are not so prevalent now on an economic business level. If you can;t hang with that, that is too bad and I got a lot more where that came from, and it happened to come from business school.

Secondly, the goal here is investment into the House Show business as well as the overall WWE product as a whole. So that is why things like:

Occasional title changes
Interview segments to get stars over in each market

Well that wasn't apart of the bulk of your argument now was it. We were talking about the house shows specifically. An overall additional investment would be a whole other topic, we are talking about what you were saying they needed to do to make house shows better in your view. Occasional title changes would be nice, I remember when it wasn't such a rarity, but as mentioned, times have changed, and the role of the house show has changed. More interviews and promos might be better, but still from my experience they already do that, just not as much as on t.v.

and the other points I discussed are important. You seem to think that House Show business and PPV business are completely separate from each other. I argue to the contrary that both of them have a reciprocal effect on one another.

I never said separate, see this is just you jumping to conclusions again. I said they serve different purposes and are as they are for a reason. Yeah, one may have an effect on another but they fact I stated still stands.

You give better House Shows, then fans are more sold on the whole product and more likely to spend more money on things like PPV's. You give a good PPV, and fans are more likely to visit a House Show when it comes to their area. And so forth.

I never denied that either, however my point through it all has been that as is the house shows are still good enough that people keep coming in growing numbers, which would indicate that they are not the rip off you say they are.

Well, we know that you don't mind going to events and simply watching the superstars practice .... even though their actual matches don't really count. Because despite stating otherwise, you have shown me that you are the type of person to accept whatever Vince gives you as long as it is profitable for him.

More of your never ending false accusations. None of this has any truth to it, or merit. This is all a fabrication of yours designed to swing this argument in your favor but it is a shallow, and diluted attempt. I never said anything to the effect that I am willing to accept anything. I made the point numerous times that I am always glad to get to go to a show, that doesn't carry the implications you place on it no matter how many ways you want to cut it.

But for the casual fans out there, yeah I think if they knew that all the House Shows were, were meaningless matches simply designed to reign in the profits, and that the show they were attending was essentially a Bullshit show, then yeah, I think they would be a little more upset than you. But they will figure that out eventually.

If they all listened to you than that is what they would think, but fortunately there are folks like myself who encourage folks to find out and judge for themselves. If people took your words at face value the house show business would be in dire straits because no one would want to go see one, per your negative perception of them and basically anything WWE. Hopefully what people figure out, is that you are full of it, and that there is something to be offered from a house show, and that they have their perks too.

I think if you do things to give each show a more important feel, than I view this as an investment into repeat business. Obviously you are more concerned with seeing Vince give fans a less than stellar show that is as profitable as possible for him, and that is where you derive your entertainment from. And I think that is wrong on every level.

The feel comes from what has already transpired on t.v. between opponents, and that leads us to a whole other topic, that being booking, and how the WWE uses it's talent, and I am actually quite positive our views on that are quite similar. I am not the WWE droid you perceive me to be. I am just not anti-WWE, they are where they are for a reason, and it's not because it's such a horrible product, it's because people can't get enough of the product. My concerns have nothing to do with Vince or his profits, but they do to him, which is part of what I was trying to explain. It is not worth it to him or whoever is making the decisions to put forth the extra effort into it, and mostly because the role of the house show is not as great as everything else. Stating that in no way means I am all over Vince or the WWE, or that I derive pleasure from watching him give people less than the most they can. I simply understand why it is the way it is, in more than one way.

I am of the philosophy that you have to spend both money and effort to make money. Fortunately, the things I advocate cost next to nothing to do on these shows ... and despite that, you still argue against their usage. Too much.

And if the talent is "practicing matches", and this is viewed as a practice event, then why should they not practice their mic skills as well, for interview segments? Quite frankly, I think this gives the crowd a nice change of pace, just like TV, instead of seeing one match after another, with no variance.

Once again, I never said investing in some way was wrong. I have made it clear over and over and over what the deal is with all of that. And as far as any of the things you are talking about changing goes, you don't really even know what it would take to make those changes so it is senseless to try and claim they would be next to nothing.

As for the practice thing and moving into mic skills, the last show I saw here had plenty of it. Most of the heels got mic time, and made well with it. It might be starting to pick up, and that might be something they are working on right now, you never know. But you still sit here making all these assumptions, about me, about the WWE, about the business in general, and about what is and is not good for business.

Since you admit you are in a borderline B/C market, I dare say you probably don't see the "merchandise flying off the shelf" to the degree you think it does.

You just make the same mistakes over and over. Here you go assuming that since yes I do live in a b/c market that I've not experienced anything outside of a b/c show. Wrong. I have been to live events, tapings, and pay-per-views. I have seen plenty in my time, and when WWE comes here I see their merchandise fly off the kiosks. The lines for them are so huge that they block people from walking through the concourse, and they stay that way.

You need to get around more often.

Ok I wont deny that one. That's the only factual thing you've said about me so I had to acknowledge it. I would like to, but money, money, money is the key to that, and I unfortunately do not have the kind of money to allow me to go all over the country. The biggest venues I have been to are the Qwest Center in Omaha, and The Metrodome in Minneapolis which are both pretty big and both were pay-per-views. I have always wanted to go to Texas Stadium, especially now that they have the new one.

So I feel like I have a good grasp of cities where merchandise truly flies off the shelves and where they don't.

Well then, honestly, and I mean HONESTLY. Have you ever been to Des Moines, Iowa to either Wells Fargo Arena or Veterans Memorial Auditorium??? Shit sells there man, just telling you. Wherever else you've been, I know my hometown. People buy everything WWE they can at these events. I am often shocked by how many belts they sell at these things here.

I can't help but feel since you do live in smaller markets, where the interest in WWE is not quite as large, you are looking through the rose-colored glasses. Because you can take a look at the people who are attending the shows, but what about those that aren't attending the shows? Are you going up and asking their opinions? Especially those that like WWE, but don't spend the money on the shows?

The interest is high here but the economy is not as big in Des Moines to support big big events, and there is a problem that in Iowa in general there aren't many venues big enough to house a major pay-per-view. Per capita, there are more fans here than non fans, it seems like almost everybody loves wrestling, but the people who run things don't often push for their big events either. They always want to bring in country music acts and stuff that attracts kids-teens. This past summer we had Miley Cyrus, Brittany Spears, Kenny Chesney, Dancing with the Stars, and stuff like that. It sucks but you learn to deal with it.

Now, what about the people who don't go to the shows? Do I interview them? Well obviously not. I do ask people I know who opt out why, and it generally is either A. they don't have the money, or b. have to work and can't really get out of it, something along those lines. It's not because people don't like the house shows that come here from what I have seen. Even the big indy wrestling crowd from here never misses a WWE show, and they are the biggest critics. But they go none the less.

3-4 HOURS? You are a 100% Bullshitter. House Shows DO NOT last 3 hours, much less 4 hours. You may try to act like you are a WWE spokesperson and try to put the spin on the situation all you want, to protect Vince, but the things coming out of your mouth, especially things that are from a factual sense like this, only cheapens your credibility.

Uhhhh, ok. I never acted like a WWE spokesperson for starters, and I never spun the situation, and I don't need to nor do I protect Vince. My credibility has never been in question nor is it, so don't try to make that the issue. I stated, tickets start anywhere from $16 and sometimes $10 which is true, and then I stated that that wasn't bad for an event that last 3 to 4 hours. Since you seem to think they do not last that long than why does the show run from 7-10 ??? Isn't that 3 hours??? And depending on when you show up, the whole venture could be 4 hours or more. So please do not try branding me a liar anymore. If you are only getting 2 hours or so, that I apologize for that, but we can always count on a good 3 hours of matches.

As far as $10-$16 dollars, is that what they AVERAGE at your shows? Doubtful.

I never said it was the average, I said that is what you can get tickets for. Those are generally the lowest priced tickets, and it is at least worth that $10-$16 dollar ticket.

But feel free to link us to Ticketmaster when the next show hits. I checked on there and I didn't see any shows from Iowa on there, otherwise I would have posted the prices.

Maybe the tickets aren't through ticketmaster genius. And here is your link. As you can see the lowest price ticket is $16 just as I said, and that is for a live Raw. You can get tickets as low as $10 for house shows, and that's not bad either.


In customer service, you are in the business of making customers happy. You work for them. They don't work for you. Your job is to make them happy. Their job is not to be grateful for whatever you give them.

You are correct that yeah you work for them and so on, but if they weren't grateful in some way for the availability of the product they wouldn't be your customer, in most cases that is.

in this day and age, not anymore. Because that is how big the WWE has gotten. Prior to the 80's, in the 80's, and early to mid 90's ... maybe the wrestling was enough. But the WWE has gotten MUCH bigger than just wrestling.

True WWE has become bigger than just wrestling, but that doesn't mean that the wrestling product itself shouldn't be good enough to make the show. As a matter of fact, since it is the WWE I would expect it more from them than anyone else.

But you don't have to bring the huge stages and the lighting rigs to entertain me. All I advocate is to give the fans a show that makes them feel like it actually counts towards the entire WWE business and that makes them feel like they saw something special when they attend. You tell me why that is so wrong.

This is why I had to admit in some way your intentions are noble, or at least you do a decent job of making it appear so. While you were advocating I was explaining that the product you say isn't good enough is good enough for a lot of people, and it does make them feel like it counts because they paid to see it, and they get to experience to some degree a WWE show, That is what I was talking about, about the many aspects of the house show that bring about a specialness to it. I never said wanting to have a better product was wrong, or saying that there was anything wrong with making improvements. You simply mistook what I said as saying that which has led to this long drawn out argument.

You advocate them giving fans a less than stellar product. It's right here in black and white

You have put more spin into this conversation than the rinse cycle on a maytag washer. I made the point that the WWE doesn't have to go to as great of lengths as those indy promotions. That is not advocating anything along the lines you mentioned. Once again these are mere explanations, am I saying it's right? No. I'm not saying it's wrong either, it's not my business. I am just trying to show you that the WWE isn't just some devil company, that they do things for a reason, and the reason is not malicious or with the intentions of screwing everyone. They are just thinking with their checks & balances.
Please. I wasn't born yesterday. Yes, I have attended back to back House Shows in cities because of getting comped into shows, and yes, you see the same choreographed matches from one show to the next.

How convenient, of course. I should have know you've seen it all and done it all, and there is no way what I was saying had any validity at all. My point, which I thought you would have got(guess I gave you more credit than you deserved) was that the crowd and the "Casual Fan" your championing so much doesn't necessarily know that the wrestlers are going to put on the same match the next night or next 5. When you are there, it is a show just for you, and that makes it seems little more special. And I still have to argue that while the matches might follow the same tempo and have a lot of the same moves, none are the exact same, so what I said was right all along.

So not saying I have as much of a problem with them repeating the stuff from one town to the next, but I am simply disputing your point that "each House Show is for you and JUST FOR YOU" when that is also blatantly as false as your statement that House Shows run 3-4 hours.

Already debunked that one. Your dispute in this matter was lost. There is nothing false about that statement, and the context in which is was used was obviously different than the way you tried to use it and twist it.

I'm not doing it to make you look like a bumbling idiot. I'm doing it simply to show that:

A) You are a "WWE Shareholder" type of fan, as opposed to someone who advocates what is actually in the best interests of fans

B) Someone who derives his pleasure out of seeing Vince make a profit

C) And someone who is clearly a liar. And you have lied in your posts, and again I've demonstrated that.

Well this whole part was uncalled for and full of holes as I have already proved. A, B, and C are the furthest from the truth, you know it, I know it, and anyone else who reads this whole thing will know it. You didn't demonstrate anything but that you are the one lying, lying about everything I have said, it's meaning, and the context in which it has been said, and you've done so because you can't simply admit that I made a good case, good points, and that the house show is not the catastrophe you make it out to be, which makes you look even worse.

So you are saying that Miz won the US Title from Kofi Kingston and he left with the title, and the next time Raw was on, Kofi was still the champion and not the Miz? Did Kofi win it back at another House Show? Clearly, he had to.

That is exactly what I am saying, and that is how it went. We were all shocked because as you stated and we both agreed, generally titles don't change hands at house shows, but this time it did, I and thousands were witness to it, and there is no lying about it, that is what happened. I will say however that you are probably right that Kofi must have won it back at another show, but how would I know that, I wasn't at the next shows?

Please link me to the match results of the show you are referring to.

If I knew how to I would but I don't. I can assure you however that my account is true and accurate.

Again, link me to the card, and we will compare the rest of the matches with the other House Shows that were done that week to see if all those matches were "just for you" like you know you are falsely claiming.

Well, I don't think the matches we saw that night were for the people in Tibet or something. They were obviously there that night for us, to put on a show for us, and there is nothing false about the claim. Secondly, I never claimed that what I was saying was exactly the way it was, I was explaining that, that is the feeling a house show gives because it is not televised or anything. Why do you insist on making these rash comments about me, and continuing to twist my words out of context intentionally? It only makes you look worse and worse the more you do it.

However, you advocate whatever makes Vince profitable, and I find a more happy medium between that in first advocating what would make fans happy ... and then striking those things that would be "too expensive to be realistic to do".

I have to keep repeating my self because you just never seem to get anything I am saying and it's getting redundant. Once again, I do not just advocate whatever makes Vince money. I am not going to fault the guy for making it though either.

Explain to me how adding things into the shows for the benefit of the entire business, when they cost little or nothing, is a bad thing for business?

When? When did I ever say that making improvements was a bad thing? I didn't. I have only made statements regarding the reason why WWE doesn't make those changes. And you keep saying it would all be so cheap but yet I still haven't heard you really in one place explain everything exactly you are pushing for, it has been this thing here and that thing there. Above all, you don't know what it would cost, the difficulties that would arise as a result of your changes, and I am willing to bet that the WWE has already figured all this out, and I stated that they do what they do for a reason, primarily that they know it works. That is still not advocating anything. It is explaining. Yet you do not stop accusing me of a bunch of crap because you can't seem to comprehend what I am saying.
People want to feel special. And if they see one thing on TV, and don't see something at least comparable at a House Show ... after spending the same amount of money, it's natural to have a feeling of being ripped off.

The problem with that statement though, is that people already know what they are getting when they choose to go to a house show, so the odds of what you are talking about are irrelevant, and are probably more along your thoughts and feelings than anyone elses.

And like I said, you can make signs at any show can you not? Why is it more special to do so for a house show, especially when you know going in that it isn't going to get on TV or anything?

For um-teenth time this is not what I said, inferred, hinted at, or anything of that nature, this is your fucked up interpretation and twisting of my words to create a false image of me, my ideals, and my words. I said what I said in describing the things that make a WWE show special, not necessarily just house shows, them included, but all events in general. It is still fun at a house show though because of the possibility of the superstar you made a sign for seeing it, and liking it, but that's beside the point.

Well, it isn't the point if you claim that "House Shows" are special from TV and PPV events, as if it is some sort of privilege in attending them. And even though I advocated dressing up the events with some lighting because after all, it is an Entertainment product .... I also advocated other things such as:
I've been saying that the house shows are special in their own way. Nothing outside of that.

- Occasional Title changes

Probably the best idea you've had.

- Interview segments to help talent practice on the mic and get over

completely unnecessary for a house show. And still this happens a little bit, but not like on television.

- Superstars giving their comments on the way to the ring for their matches to give the matches a more important feel to them

That would become repetitive and boring after people began to expect and be able to anticipate it.
- Cards posted in advance

Easily the worst idea you've had, other than picking this entanglement with me.

and so forth. Again, this costs next to nothing, and can make the difference in providing that "important feel" to the audience to make them feel special. And you are not providing one God damn reason why WWE can not or should not do any of this.

Here you go again trying to hawk this as costing only "pennies" but you still have to have people writing most of that stuff, and writers cost money too, big money. Also, I provided plenty of reasons why the WWE does not do any of this, not why they shouldn't or couldn't. I never said the couldn't or shouldn't, you said I did. I only gave input as to why they might not be going that route, and you called it something else.

I am talking about the presentation of the actual show here ... what happens from the time the ring announcer comes out, until the time the show is over.And that is where I fail to see any acceptable explanations from you whatsoever on why WWE SHOULD NOT do ANY of the extra things suggested

Well, I was covering all angles and you've seemed like it's been too much for you to handle which is probably why you've used the cowardly, and deceitful tactics you have. You already decided a while ago that nothing I said was going to be acceptable because you figured out I wasn't going to just lay down for you and accept what you said as the gospel. And as I have said now more than I should have had to, I never said the WWE should not or could not do anything to improve the shows. I said that they were alright as is and have their own charm and special feel to them the way they are now. And I raised question as to whether or not your changes are necessary which they are not. They would be nice, but are not necessary. Obviously the system they use is working for them which is why I said they will not change it either, for them it's like trying to fix what already works and they don't do that. I am not taking sides here about it, only presenting other points of view and aspects of the reality of the situation.

I argue that the things I suggest are actually an investment in the House Show business and WOULD eventually lead Vince to greater profits in the long run.

Once again, you think, you think, you don't know, there is no math or science behind this, just a theory. Well businesses don't run on theories. You have to be able to break it down into solid numbers and lay it out in front of the right people to get them to make changes anywhere.

Who said anything about having a TitanTron at House Shows at any time?

It is apart of the current stage and entrance way seen on t.v., I wasn't saying you said anything about it, I was presenting a scenario. As in, if they had to put up all that stuff all the time all the hassle, extra expenditure, time, and labor it would cost the company, and would that actually be any more effective?

Well then, by all means, lets get rid of the Titan Tron, stage, and all the LED lighting if it takes away from the matches, and you feel that is what the viewer should be focusing on, instead of the other stuff.

Where do you come up with this shit??? I haven't said any of the stuff you claim I have. I never said that all that stuff should be gone, I said that at a house show the absence of all of it enabled you to be drawn in another way, which is a special in it's own way. Nothing like what you accuse me of suggesting

what you are arguing is absolutely comparable to others I argue with that don't want managers back because they feel that "fans should be focusing on 100% of the action inside the ring,

That wasn't my argument and I am tired of you misinterpreting everything I say and misrepresenting it. I addressed this above, and my stance was not what you perceived, you seem to have a serious serious problem with that whole perception and reading comprehension thing.

Why can't you let fans be entertained by whatever entertains them instead of forcing your beliefs on them and doing what Vince does, in TELLING them what they should be entertained by?

Isn't that actually what you are doing??? I never said anyone has to be entertained by anything specific, I offered up aspects of the house show and everything that surrounds it, hoping to show that it carries it's own value, that is all. You are the one telling me the product that I am millions of others like as is, is crap and I should hate it, so your the hypocrite here. You are the one forcing beliefs, and doing what apparently according to you "Vince does".

but most importantly, you ARE a "WWE Shareholder" which are amongst the two breeds of fan who I feel have contributed to the overall deterioration of the entire wrestling business.

This just goes to show how little you understand anything I was talking about, and how willing you are to just make hateful statement about people. I am in no way a "WWE Shareholder" or anything like that. And as far as what breed of fan I am goes, I am a life long fan, that is that. The overall deterioration of the wrestling business has nothing to do with the fans either, so you blaming them is pretty wrong as well. The reason the business is where it is today is due to lack of competition, plain and simple.
If you have the nerve to come on here and say that you've been to many house shows and haven't once witnessed a "bad match", then you are a liar.

I'm not lying, I really can't say I have ever seen a bad match. I have seen boring matches, but that doesn't mean it was a bad match, it just means I wasn't into that particular one. Other than that I can say I have never seen a bad match. Quit calling me a liar.

No, sir. I am just a realist, and I have experience attending all sorts of shows for the past 20 years. I know what I am talking about.

And I have been a fan for 20+ years so what? I know what I am talking about. Funny thing is, I like to think of myself as a realist too. The only thing is I walk the walk. Also I have in ring experience and experience in the business itself on the indy circuit so don't try to talk to me about knowledge of anything or experience.

Why do you assume that your high tolerance for predictability and mediocrity is the same as other WWE fans?

Why do you assume that others do not have a similar tolerance for predictability and mediocrity?? Because you don't ? Or your cronies don't ??? Because it is hard for you to understand how people can be satisfied to just be watching it? I am not saying that is all you should settle for but what is wrong with being ok with it? Nothing.

I don't know of anyone who says they enjoy going to a show in which they know what is going to happen, before it does .... except for you, maybe.

I most certainly do not fall in this category. However, after one is a fan for so long it is predictable no matter what to some extent, as you learn and know the business better, and you become smarter to the business. So things are just inevitable and you know they are going to happen or not happen. I doesn't mean you know everything that is going to happen.

Do you not think that Predictability has hurt the wrestling business over the years? I am anxious to hear your opinion on this one.

Oh of course to some extent, but there are other outside factors that I think have taken their toll as well. The element of surprise was one of the key elements in wrestling , as soon as that left and people started to be able to predict this and that was going to happen some of the interest did leave.

If the WWE has a gate of $225,000 for a House Show, tell me how much you think it really costs to set of a lighted gate entranceway like I posted above, and to have someone at the event to interview talent for interview segments, or on their way to the ring to hype the match.

Those are the only real things I am talking about spending money on. Do you think it would cost even $2,500 to do that out of that $225,000?

depends on the quality of the equipment which itself could easily cost more than $2,500, the labor costs to put it up properly, the cost of transporting it, etc..That's just the actual lighting, and the entrance way itself could cost God only knows how much. The whole thing is though that they aren't going to do anything to lessen that gate payoff or the merchandise sales.

I said nothing about the Titan Tron.

You were talking about having it more like on t.v. and I assumed the titantron would be apart of that, my mistake if that wasn't apart of what you meant.

How much would it cost? Give us a ballpark estimate.

How about, more than it is worth. I don't know ok. But see it is not worth it to me. I think it would be not worth it to McMahon and his higher ups. That would be looked upon as an unneeded expense, and a waste of money. I t has nothing to do with trying crew the fans though, that is the biggest flaw in everything you have said.

Here we go with the sad sob bullshit again, and whining about the name-calling. If you can't being called a "WWE Shareholder" then all I can say is "don't act like one, then".

It's not whining, it's pointing out how classless you are, how insufficient your argument is, and noting that fact that you have to go to that level to try and make some kind of point, since nothing else you say does. I am not a WWE shareholder and I do not act like one. This is just more of your slanderous statements towards someone you are not good enough to beat.

And like I said, the problem with you is that you do act like a little Vince lap-dog, eager to accept whatever his master gives them. In doing so, you lower your expectations ... far lower than you really should.

More lies and accusations that add nothing to the actual topics.

My "changes", which in essence are simple enhancements to their current business model, are actually better for business in the long-run, and as I have tirelessly pointed out, cost very, very little ... and some of them cost not a damn thing.

Arguing against something that costs pennies is really ridiculous, and downright embarrassing on your part.

As already noted you don't really know if any of that would work or how much it would cost, so quit acting like you have the answers when you don't even have the first clue. I never argued against making improvements either. The only thing embarrassing here is your rebuttal.

Are you Fucking kidding me? Losing TONS AND TONS OF MONEY!!

If it doesn't pay off and you have to constantly pay the extra to have it all hooked up and set up, and transported from show to show, than you are loosing tons and tons of money over time. pretty simple concept there.

The House Show model has changed repeatedly over the years in certain aspects, and if you didn't know that, then you are ignorant to the situation.

After all, I made mention of it more than once. The only one showing ignorance here is you, and the further with this you go the worse it has become.

It will be always be a House Show. Maybe not in the terms you think of, but yes, despite any changes ... if the event isn't televised, YES it is still a House Show.

Never mind dude, you obviously couldn't grasp what I was getting at and the point I was making. This is like talking to a feeble minded, belligerent child.

1) How many people ATTEND a House Show not knowing what to expect before they attend?
More than you'd expect.
2) How many people DON'T ATTEND a House Show because they already know exactly what they are going to get from past experiences ... NOTHING?
probably just the pissy moaning groaning girls like you who aren't satisfied with anything hardly.
3) How much higher could attendance be IF WWE made some small enhancements to the shows which could actually pay off in a big way? Being that we established that it costs pennies to do the stuff I'm talking about ... Why not?
First of all, we didn't establish anything about cost. You are trying to say that without a doubt the whole WWE overhaul you want would only cost pennies, without really having a clue what it would be, which makes you look so fucking dumb, I am almost at a loss for words, you are making this easy.

It is not your place to tell other fans what they should be focusing on and what they should be deriving their entertainment from.
Exactly, which is why I left that to you. If anyone retraces your articles it is obvious you've been doing that to me the whole time in a certain way.

And you need to also remember that you are also not a kid anymore, BUT there are kids that are out there ... and there are those fans that remember what the good ol' days were like and would like to see the same effort that goes into the shows today, that went into them when they attended.

If it costs little or nothing to do just that, why would you not give it to them?

Yeah everyone yearns for yesteryear, but then we have to get back to that little thing called reality, where Vince McMahon doesn't give a shit what you want, and is going to give you whatever, and your not a kid anymore, and the same effort that used to go into it no longer does. The best you can do is try to find the best in it, and let the other stuff fall at the wayside. And once again you mention the cost with no idea of what that actually is.

And maybe while you are at it, you will actually grow a set and adopt some standards of your own, instead of being force fed by Vince and accepting anything you are given.

Just because you may live in a C market area and are happy to kiss Vince's ass with gratitude with whatever you may get, don't force that same opinion on others who do have higher standards for entertainment show quality than clearly you do.

Got a set, got standards, and for the record: If you are watching and following the WWE's product in any capacity where you are not the one calling the shots than in a way you are being force fed anything you are given and accepting it, so aren't you kind of the pot calling the kettle black???

Where do you get all that in the second paragraph either??? What does living in the market I do have to do with any of that? And when did I ever force anything on anyone, other than a different viewpoint that was contrary to your own. Oh I guess any time someone has something different to say that you have a hard time arguing against that qualifies as "Force my Opinion" on you. What a sorry excuse. My standards are as high as anybody, especially for the WWE, but they are also realistic.


You, on the other hand, clearly live in a C market and are happy with whatever you get. Vince could put on the absolute worst show, and you would still be "grateful" for it.
Not one ... not ONE acceptable excuse from you in this entire diatribe.

All you say in this entire post is:
"I accept whatever Vince gives me."
"I advocate whatever makes Vince as profitable as possible."
"Fans should be TOLD what they SHOULD find entertaining about House Shows"
"Adding a lighted Entranceway and interviewer means that the House Shows will no longer be House Shows anymore"
"I live in a C show market, but I expect everyone else across the country to lower their standards to mine, because I kiss Vince McMahon's ass and accept whatever he so graciously bestows upon me"
"I know the things Sidious proposes would hardly cost a damn thing, but they still take away from Vince's short-term profits, and I don't care about seeing an investment made in the business"
"Going to the arenas and paying for parking, making signs, and waiting in line only happens at House Shows, and not anywhere else".

That about covers it.

Obviously none of that is what I have said or stand for, and this pathetic creature feels that the only way to defeat me is to convince you that what he says is true by twisting everything I say into something it is not. I have countered almost line for line everything he has said, accused me off, and tried to lie about, yet this pathetic fool continues to use such a weak tactic in desperation. I that was your best, you have a long way to go, and a lot to learn. You have no psychology, you have no effective plan, and you have no reading comprehension skills. This fencing of words with you has been a joke on your behalf, and you have proven nothing positive about yourself. Do not bother with any other attempts. You have fired the same ineffective arguments at me over and over, and I have thwarted them at every pass. You lose. Now accept your defeat, and walk away with what dignity you have left if any.
3-4 HOURS? You are a 100% Bullshitter. House Shows DO NOT last 3 hours, much less 4 hours.

Actually, Sidious, the house show I went to in Flint, Michigan (Which holds a special place in my heart as it was my first live event) did indeed last for about three hours, maybe even a little more.

The matchlist was thus:

Evan Bourne d. Chavo Guerrero
Primo d. Alex Riley
Chris Masters d. Santino Marella
Kofi Kingston d. Jack Swagger, Carlito, and The Miz in a match for the US Championship
Mark Henry and The Big Show had a match; Can't remember who won.
Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, and Gail Kim d. Beth Phoenix, and two other divas. Can't remember.
Triple H & John Cena d. Legacy

Almost everyone got promo time of some sort, and each match was very long, ranging from ten to thirty minutes, each. And it was an excellent experience.
Actually, Sidious, the house show I went to in Flint, Michigan (Which holds a special place in my heart as it was my first live event) did indeed last for about three hours, maybe even a little more.

The matchlist was thus:

Evan Bourne d. Chavo Guerrero
Primo d. Alex Riley
Chris Masters d. Santino Marella
Kofi Kingston d. Jack Swagger, Carlito, and The Miz in a match for the US Championship
Mark Henry and The Big Show had a match; Can't remember who won.
Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, and Gail Kim d. Beth Phoenix, and two other divas. Can't remember.
Triple H & John Cena d. Legacy

Almost everyone got promo time of some sort, and each match was very long, ranging from ten to thirty minutes, each. And it was an excellent experience.

Well good for you, Doc. I am glad you had a good time. However, again, I have been attending House Shows for almost going on 20 years and I can safely say that 3 hours is most definitely NOT the norm ... especially if you count intermission. I have honestly been to more House Shows, TV events, etc. then I can remember and if a show started at 8:00 PM, you could always count on it being wrapped up by 10:30 at the latest pretty much in any town I went.

Believe it or not, I've been to absolute shitty House Shows that only ran barely 2 hours, if that. I thought it was ridiculous.

Now, the difference I see in you is that at least you have standards and can criticize the WWE. The poster above you has demonstrated that he is a WWE mark and is simply not capable of providing open and honest criticism of the company.

Instead he feels that everyone should be grateful for whatever WWE gives them. And I think that lackadaiscal mentality is killing the overall quality of wrestling we see today. Combine that mentality with Vince having a virtual monopoly over the business all these years (I'm pulling for TNA to up it's game BIG TIME for the sake of the wrestling industry), and you wonder why wrestling is in the sad shape it's in today.

I sent a PM to The Game Rage, and as much as I would like to indulge in another round, I'm behind on combing through the threads for spam. So it's going to have to wait for a while. The response was nothing but the same rehashed arguments made the first two times with nothing new added, so I doubt it's even worth the time to respond. But I'll pick out a couple bits to respond to. I still have a just as lengthy response to make to Tastycles in another thread, so it's doubtful I'll get to this soon.

Sometimes, I wish there were two of me.
Believe it or not, I've been to absolute shitty House Shows that only ran barely 2 hours, if that. I thought it was ridiculous.

Ok Sidious, I have never had that kind of experience. And I am not doubting you have. But I can understand where your frustrations would come from with that being the case. I too would be pretty livid, and have not a lot of good to say about the house shows and stuff. On the matter of the time, I will not say that you are actually at fault on that one. The only thing I can think of is that maybe in the smaller markets the shows might run a little longer since they don't go to them as often or something. I don't know, that's just the only thing I would think would cause that because you are right, that is not so much the norm. But think of this, to me, and the other poster there for example, it is. That brings a whole different perspective you know what I mean?

The poster above you has demonstrated that he is a WWE mark and is simply not capable of providing open and honest criticism of the company.

I didn't much appreciate that, but what I think it shows is just how much you don't get me, and how horribly you've interpreted everything I've had to say. I can't take that personally, or be mad at you for that in some ways. But needles to say, what would I appreciate about the above quoted? And how would any of that bring about a positive reaction from someone?

The thing that really does bug me about that, is that I have openly and many times offered up my criticism of the WWE too. In multiple forums, on multiple topics, and I generally have plenty of criticisms for them. I could be as tough on it as you are if I wanted to, but often times it's not really necessary for me to get the point across.

Instead he feels that everyone should be grateful for whatever WWE gives them.

See, you got that all wrong. Now I said numerous times that I thought people should be grateful for wrestling in general, but not that people had to be ok with whatever they are given. I made the argument that there were things to be appreciated about everything, which included the house shows. One of the main points was that since it is a smaller market which I conceded to from the start, that just getting an event at all is nice. Not that since we get an event at all I have no criticisms of it. Now, did I present much criticism, no. But that wouldn't have helped my argument any now would it ? You could then have said "Well your saying this and this is wrong with it to begin with, and it is because house shows suck, what I am advocating would fix that etc, etc, etc," and I wasn't about to fall into that trap now was I?

The response was nothing but the same rehashed arguments made the first two times with nothing new added, so I doubt it's even worth the time to respond. But I'll pick out a couple bits to respond to. I still have a just as lengthy response to make to Tastycles in another thread, so it's doubtful I'll get to this soon.

In all fairness your responses were pretty repetitive and preachy too if you want to be honest here. I just had to find different ways to explain to you what I was trying to say, so you could be pickin' up what I'm puttin' down instead if calling me a bunch of names that really don't pertain to me. Like a true Sith you deal in absolutes and I can respect that to a degree, you stick to your guns, but would you seriously in the name of competition ever expect me to do any different? I was trying to be pretty flexible on what I would and would not agree with despite everything else you had to say. I had hoped to come to a fair middle ground of agreement, but as the saying goes "Only a Sith deals in Absolutes" and that yields it's own results, not compromise.

As for your other engagements Lord Sidious I wish you well, give em' hell, and stay sharp. I am sure after this little warm up you should be in top form to give Tastycles a tough debate. Good Luck.
I was at the Baltimore Arena (now 1st Mariner Arena) house show the night before the infamous "MSG Incident" involving the Kliq, and I have to say, it was one of the BEST shows I have ever been to. The main event was Michaels/Diesel in a cage for the WWF Title, and it was incredible. I haven't been to a house show since '04 in Frederick, MD, but I guess the reason they don't put in the effort that they used to is bc they do SO much tv. At the same time, I do read (and enjoy the in depth) house show results, and there are a few reasons I feel that a house show would still be enjoyable:

1. You get to see your favorite superstars in a more "intimate" setting, away from the bright lights and tv cameras. House shows, at least in my area, tend to be in smaller venues, i.e. you have a smaller crowd and more chance for interaction than at a tv taping. I liken it to an MTV Unplugged, but on.a larger scale.

2. You get to see a differnt side of the workers. Since there aren't tv cameras, no PG rating, and the matches don't have to be AS restricted by time, the workers seem to have more fun, thus creating better matches. The outcomes may be predictable, but still fun nonetheless.

3. The shows have a different "feel." No titantron, no pyro, no stage, its almost a throwback to the old days when it was an F not an E. I remember after the last Raw at MSG, on these very boards, many people enjoyed the setup w/o the titantron. While there was more set up there than there is at a house show, it wasn't by much. House shows feel like a wrestling show instead of the longest running weekly episodic television series in history.

While going to a house show isn't like going to a tv or a ppv, they can still be entertaining and worth the money, no title changes, pyro, titantron, advanced card announcements and all.
I was at the Baltimore Arena (now 1st Mariner Arena) house show the night before the infamous "MSG Incident" involving the Kliq, and I have to say, it was one of the BEST shows I have ever been to. The main event was Michaels/Diesel in a cage for the WWF Title, and it was incredible. I haven't been to a house show since '04 in Frederick, MD, but I guess the reason they don't put in the effort that they used to is bc they do SO much tv. At the same time, I do read (and enjoy the in depth) house show results, and there are a few reasons I feel that a house show would still be enjoyable:

1. You get to see your favorite superstars in a more "intimate" setting, away from the bright lights and tv cameras. House shows, at least in my area, tend to be in smaller venues, i.e. you have a smaller crowd and more chance for interaction than at a tv taping. I liken it to an MTV Unplugged, but on.a larger scale.

2. You get to see a differnt side of the workers. Since there aren't tv cameras, no PG rating, and the matches don't have to be AS restricted by time, the workers seem to have more fun, thus creating better matches. The outcomes may be predictable, but still fun nonetheless.

3. The shows have a different "feel." No titantron, no pyro, no stage, its almost a throwback to the old days when it was an F not an E. I remember after the last Raw at MSG, on these very boards, many people enjoyed the setup w/o the titantron. While there was more set up there than there is at a house show, it wasn't by much. House shows feel like a wrestling show instead of the longest running weekly episodic television series in history.

While going to a house show isn't like going to a tv or a ppv, they can still be entertaining and worth the money, no title changes, pyro, titantron, advanced card announcements and all.

That, in a nut shell, was what I was saying the whole time. And, I am glad someone else who wasn't in a battle for their dignity over their commentary on the subject said something about it. Those were my sentiments exactly. I am looking forward to going to a live Raw on Feb.15th 3 days after my birthday, but I can easily say that if it were just a house show I would still be amped up to go see the WWE for the previously stated reasons.
Time for the Shareholders to do a 180. It looks like WWE is trying to make more of an effort into their House Shows now with some stuff.

Partial source: F4Wonline.com

- As noted a few weeks back, WWE has been having Superstars cut promos at live events in hopes of boosting pay-per-view buys. It appears they're taking this a step further as at live events this past weekend, more promos were cut than usual for a live event. Natalya even cut a promo before a Hart Dynasty match talking about their match on SmackDown this coming Friday with DX.

WWE is planning on doing more things at live events in order to help the overall product.
Besides more promos from wrestlers, more gimmick matches and more fan interaction is being planned. Actually, one WWE fan at a RAW live event this weekend said they enjoyed the live event more than the TV tapings they attended a few days before because it was more "hands on with the fans."

Again this points to WWE acknowledging the effect that House Shows play in getting talent over as well as the effect they can have on PPV business. So I am happy to see them making more of an effort with promos in front of the live audience, but it would be better to have an actual interviewer interview them in the middle of the ring, as well as interview them on the way to the ring, to create more excitement for the matches .... which will only add to the fans' impression on the show's importance.

Now, all we need are some title changes, and a lighted gateway to spruce up the entrance, and we are really moving in the right direction to boost House Show business.
I am surprised that House Show tickets are the same price as TV taping tickets. I know that the TV tapings are in bigger markets, and house shows are the only way WWE is ever coming to smaller cities, but still I thought that a ticket to a house show in York PA would cost less than a ticket to a taping in Philadelphia.

I also think that midcarders should absolutely be cutting promos on House Shows. I thought that that was how the new guys learned. Those promos could be in the ring alone, with the interviewer over the PA/video scoreboard (I don't believe you when you say the arena doesn't have one--every high school in Texas has one, so get a portable one if you have to.) with the interviewer ringside, or whatever, but they should be practicing how to get a crowd reaction. As a Shareholder, I'm surprised that they're not. That's Not Good For Business.

I would vote against title changes at house shows. House shows are so devalued at this point that a title change at a house show would devalue the title. They did it once in a while with the IC or European or HArdcore or tag titles, but there wasn't a lot of focus on those titles by then. No one really cared if the Hollys or the APA were tag team champs, or if D-Lo Brown lost the Euro title to Mideon in a house show dark match or in a match taped for Heat.

Maybe have the FCW champions do house shows, and have FCW title changes? It's better than nothing?
You know, it's either going to be 100x worse or 100x better for the internet wrestling community. For someone like us, it's either going to be an awesome, entertaining match, because we know how things work in the ring for the most part, or it's going to be the worst match we've ever seen, and be left wondering why we wasted our money.

But the point this thread I believe is trying to make is what these house shows achieve for the casual fan, which makes up a majority of the WWE's fan base.

So you're a causal fan and you buy a ticket to see a WWE house show. Sure, it's cool that you get to see a PPV-style match, like a WWE championship match or something of the sort, but... where are the lights? Where's the Titantron? How come people don't look as excited? Where are the signs? How come the only crowded part of the arena is the floor? What is going on here?

Sure, the matches will be entertaining, but the arena isn't going to have nearly the same feel as an arena at a TV-event. If I were a causal fan, I wouldn't understand why I paid the same price for that show than I did for a TV-show.

Also, the point being made about feeling special? Okay, maybe you got the luck of the draw, and you get to see a title change hands live in front of you, and nobody else in the country has any knowledge of it. Then you watch the next Raw, and that house show you went to pretty much didn't exist. Do you really feel special now? I mean, it's not like the title changes hands 99% of the time, but when they do, do you really think they work an angle into the show getting it back? The booking at house shows are pretty much:

"Hey Orton, go have a match with Sheamus. Cena, you going to interfere? Good. Just do something when the referee's back is turned."

Except they're going to completely forget the fact that the title will have to change hands. So what happens then.

"So what are we going to do on Raw?"
"Eh... it's just a House Show, this didn't really exist."
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