WWE House Shows are an absolute Ripoff to the fans

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Your right house shows are a rip off! Why are the tickets so expensive? Because they can be. Vince doesn't care about house shows, he cares about ratings and ratings alone. Thats why WWE is in dire need of a good kick in the ass! Raw is a terrible show now but vince still gets his ratings. They need to work on the live tv shows first before they worry about house shows as far as i'm concerned house shows are way better than raw! The last one i went to Edge and Chris Jericho came right over to us and were givin us love for cheering them, it was great that was worth the 50 bucks for ringside seats. But your right they could use some work, i wonder why wwe got so lazy, if they put more work and effort into it, they would probably have a better product...
There's a live event coming to my hometown of Charlottesville I think in January, and it's being hyped as "RAW returns to Charlottesville", the only problem is, it's on a Sunday night? So theres a vote for not liking the ambiguity of the whole thing, not knowing if its a house show or whatever. The last time I went to one (house show), it was on a Tuesday night and two of the matches were "return matches" from the previous night's RAW which I attended as well. Big Show vs Kane and Tajiri vs Rey Mysterio. Both matches were the same MOVE FOR MOVE...for my $60 I felt extremely ripped off, especially since the Kane vs Big Show match was the main event. I'll never attend a house show again unless it's in my front yard and I can sit on my porch and watch for free.

Lastly, I love the idea of changing titles on house shows, even though I know it'll never come to pass unless a superstar is injured and has to hand over the belt immediately, but I remember back in the days of the NWA sometimes they'd open the show with a segment showing somebody losing the title in _______, Nebraska in front of a crowd of like a thousand people. The announcers saying "you'll never believe what took place last Wednesday". It really made people believe that investing in house shows was worth the money.
You missed the Charlottesville show, actually. It was a couple of weeks ago. I was there, and it's actually why I'm replying to this thread.

My experience must have DRASTICALLY differed from that of the OP, because I had a fantastic time. I was second row ring side and got to see Legacy vs HHH/Kofi, Orton vs Cena, The Miz, Evan Bourne, and tons more. It was a 3 hour show, and it was fantastic. The wrestling was every bit as good as you'd have seen on TV, and the talent seemed genuinely happy to be there.

After the show, my friend and I decided to eat at Outback, and who walks in but half the WWE roster. I personally got to meet HHH, Orton, Sheamus, Ted Dibiase, and Evan Bourne, all of which were wonderful human beings who could not have been nicer to me and everyone else who recognized them (with the possible exception of Randy Orton who, while still very nice, is just a terrifying individual in person... he IS The Viper, even at Outback Steakhouse).

I spent, including fees and parking, $70 on my ticket for this house show, and feel I got every penny of my money's worth. They gave me a night I'll remember for the rest of my life.
Ok, lord sidious let me tell you that you have some points right, because wwe sometimes, mainly and specially (raw house shows) puts on bad cards at certain ocassions, im a booker of a local company i have in my home country, and you see, house shows are made for these reasons:

*make money
*wrestlers prepare sequences and matches that will come to tv soon
*expand the industry and give LIVE action to the crowds around the country

you said WE GET NOTHING BUT PREDICTABLE OUTCOMES ahahaha men, when people go to house shows they dont go to see an unpredictable outcome or show, the unpredictability is saved for PPV'S AND LIVE TV TAPINGS, they go to house shows to see their stars LIVE, that's the key element, i mean think about this. You're a long time wwe or wrestling fan, you're from st. paul minnesota and wwe is coming for example in january 14, 2010, DO YOU THINK I WILL MISS UNDERTAKER, MORRISON, ZIGGLER, EDGE, MATT HARDY, CHRISTIAN, WILLIAM REGAL, HART DYNASTY, BATISTA, MYSTERIO JERICHO AND OTHERS JUST BECAUSE I MAY KNOW THE RESULTS? please!, i will buy my ticket and got head first into that show, just to feel the electricity and the live! action is well worth it!

do you know how many times wwe goes to st. paul minnesota???? maybe once a year or 1 time in almost 2 years!! so is a brilliant chance

So, is true wwe makes some bad cards at times with raw, but hey men smackdown and ecw live are great shows, with big stars like i mentioned up there, so Lord sidious i agree with some of you points, but changing titles at house shows!!!???? are u crazy? i mean, titles should change hands on tv or big time events, not house shows, because house shows are made to simply have live action and entertainment.
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I know you like to play the role of eternal pessimist, Sidious. And maybe your complaints are founded, considering you're in America.
But the shows WWE puts on in Europe goes all out. Music, Titantrons, good length matches, fun gimmicks occasionally added on, some pyro. We definately get our moneys worth. The wrestlers always have fun with the crowd, too. Christian, for example, had fun with the crowd in the Irish show. He'd point at himself the crowd would cheer, point at Regal people would boo. Then he'd point at himself, people would cheer, point at the ref, people cheered, point at the timekeeper, people cheered. Then once again he pointed at Regal, people booed. For that show, the crowd were on fire.

But I was also a Dublin show a few years back, where it was the bare minimum. We got practically nothing. But the crowd was still on fire. Wanna know why? Because we got to see these awesome wrestlers entertain us. You guys over there bitch and complain and moan all the time about how lacklustre house shows are. You guys don't know how lucky you are to be honest. There'll be multiple WWE shows in your area every year. We're lucky if we even get a single visit during the year. We take what we get and we're happy because we know they didn't have to come over here for us, but they did anyway.

Yeah, Sidious, I know. All of Europe are shareholders.

Also, people shouldn't be so pissed off that wrestlers don't put on great performances at house shows. They don't get paid very well for them, and i don't expect much out of them for house shows. If they busted their ass at every house shows, they'd take so many years off their career and life. I'd much rather see a wrestler have a mediocre house show but see him on TV for years to come rather than witnessing the same wrestler have one great match at a house show on a house show tour where he puts on a great performance every night only to have him retire years earlier cause his body can't handle it anymore.
house show cons:
-maybe MAYBE 1 title change a year (usually if someone gets hurt or something goes wrong)
-sometimes bigger stars wont be there
-no big entrance/pyro
-no storyline stuff (but how can they advance storylines if only a few people get to see it? would almost be a rip off to everyone else)

theres probly more but thats all i can think of now

house show pros:
-no commercials with a designated intermission
-matches are not timed to the second like they are on tv so they can go as long or as short as needed
-wrestlers can bring out more or try something new with their character (last house show I went to santino cut an amazing promo on punk)
-better prices (i paid 35 dollars about a year ago to go to a house show and we got to sit in the same spot that the entrance ramp would be for raw. it is a great experience to be that close to the workers, imagine how much those seats are at a raw show)
-usually in arenas closer to you (less commute, less traffic)

theres proble more but thats all i can think of now

and as far as the matches go, they dont usually do 20 minute matches like there are a few of on tv that take multiple commercial breaks, but the matches arent rushed and i think the story they tell is better on house shows. also house shows still do some gimmick matches, last one i was at i saw mark henry vs matt hardy in a ladder match
I've been to three house shows in my life. Two when I was a kid and one when I was 22 oe 23. Now strictly speaking from personal experience I have no complaints at all with how WWE present house shows. When your a kid you could care less about title changes or promos, your just a kid who wants to see your hero. And when your older you know what a house show is and what to expect so if you feel ripped off then simply dont go. Last show I seen was in Kitchener ON, me and three buddies payed 18 dollars each at the door to see a all smackdown house show. It was worth it people. Was it a speactacle? NO. Was there cutting edge storylines unfolding? NO, but it was cheap fun entertaining. JBL did do a promo and ripped apart canadians, we were all drunk and laughed our asses off. Point is, house shows work....they've always worked. If it aint broke, dont fix it.
I'm going to the Smackdown house show on December 18th at the AAA Arena. Yes, house shows are very predictable. Earlier this year I went to a Raw house show, where the main event was John Cena VS Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship. I knew there was no way in hell Orton would take the title from Cena, but the match was pretty good. I mainly go to these shows most of the time because I don't know when WWE will come to town again. So, I then I say to myself, "Oh shit, WWE's coming to town, better get my ticket because I don't know when they will be through here again".

There are times when I tend to enjoy house shows more than TV tapings because I like to see the wrestlers actually wrestle. At TV tapings, it's not always a gurantee you're going to see your favorite wrestler wrestle. This is the same reason why I try to go to a ppv when ever one comes down to South Florida.

As far as the the cost of these tickets go, I do think they should be lowered.I try to go for the nose-bleed seats because they are the cheapest, but there are some who will cough up the extra cash for lower level or ringside seats. There's nothing spectacular about a house show. It's just three hours of wrestling, and maybe a promo or two every now and then. But if you're a die-hard wrestling fan, than it's the place for you to be.

WWE should lower the prices. If you're not going to have the titantron, the pyro,and all the other glitz that comes with TV tapings, then why should we pay more? Vince is trying to make a profit, so he really doesn't give a shit either way. That's just a fact.
I'd say it's just luck of the draw when it comes to House Shows. To say nothing of significance EVER happens really isn't fair. Didn't the tag titles change twice at House Shows in Africa last year? Didn't Mike Knox earn his spot in the EC this year at a House Show? I watched a House Show in '07 after WM and Mark Henry made his in ring return at that show, BEFORE he returned on TV. And it wasn't in a match that happened the next week on SD either. He was in the ME against Kennedy, Taker and Batista for the title, and they definitely didn't do THAT on TV. Now these might not be things you care about, but to say these events are of no significance is a bit silly, don't you think?

House show matches are basically practise runs for PPVs. That same house show i mentioned featured Benoit v MVP, and 3 weeks later i watched them do the exact same match at Backlash. Literally exactly the same.

Was i fussed about knowing the card beforehand? Fuck no, i was just happy to see Taker wrestle as the World Champion. Did i care that even though we had 3 title matches that none of them were going to change hands? They only ever seem to change at PPVs or televised shows in foreign countrys anyway, which is how i predicted Mickie James beating Beth in London the same year.

The pyro and everything else is no bother either. At the end of the day, I just want to be entertained by wrestling. I'm rarely entertained when it's on TV these days, but i've never left a live event that i thought was shit (and i've been to some lackluster WWE shows), so i personally don't feel the need for them to change anything.

If they put more effort into House Show matches they'd get injured more often. Edge is a good example of this. It's also why Taker and HBK don't really do them anymore.
If they thought up a new match for every house show they'd run out of ideas for TV even faster than they do now.

Brand me however you like, but that's my view and i'm sticking with it.
Obviously, if you're going to a WWE houseshow expecting the same atmosphere as a TV taping, yeah, you're going to be disappointed.

Of course, money will always be the make or break of a presentation. But, I don't think it's all because WWE wants to rip the fans off, but, it's almost how much money WWE is willing to invest into a show. Pyro, the entrance way, lighting grids and general production overall production all cost not to mention travel expenses (gassing the trucks and such) -- and like anyone else would, WWE doesn't want to spend more money on a show than making a profit from it. MOST of WWE's profits result from TV, Pay-per-views and merchandise sales... house show and TV arena GATE numbers really pale comparatively speaking. WWE house shows are basically to help promote WWE TV/PPVs in that particular market. While WWE is happy to take the ticket sales and gate profits, the basic idea to houseshows is to help put over WWE TV and pay per views. WWE has an advantage, in a sense, over most other shows on TV as they are able to hold houseshows and allow their fans to be "interactive" with WWE's "TV stars." Those stars come to you, you don't have to travel to see them. If you want to see David Letterman, you have to fly to New York. He rarely ever does his show on the air "on the road." TNA should take a cue from WWE and expand on this philosophy... I'm not talking expanding house shows, but, get TV on the road and the hell outta The Impact Zone in Florida. (Just sayin')

But, yeah, WWE houseshows can be really lame at times. I live in a city on the westcoast (opposite side of North America of the WWE hub) and we rarely ever get WWE houseshows these days, but, we're also not considered to be a "wrestling town" either. The gates tend to be pretty poor here, and, the WWE TV is almost nil on local TV stations, although, well served by a national network. So, we're not a strong WWE market compared to other cities that are mainly in the east. So, WWE will usually just "throw us a bone" with a houseshow usually once a year. So, we, like most other places who just receive the WWE bone here and there (boy, that didn't sound right) so, we're more willing to accept a half-assed show rather to have no show at all.

Having said that, yeah, there are some MINOR things that wouldn't hurt to spruce things up that wouldn't cost too much to help the atmosphere of WWE house shows -- looking at Sidious' suggestions --

1) Do occasional title changes at House Shows.

This is something that WWE gone through phases of throughout the years. They really seem to go heavy on this at times and then just drop it as quick. The last time they tried this was just about a year ago. The idea behind it was indeed to promote house show sales (and WWE was really going into a slum about that time but has since improved). The problem is that MOST of the title holders they have at the moment are pretty solid and WWE wouldn't want to "taint" the title reign of that star by having them lose it at somepoint unless they want to advance a story line. And of course, as we've been seeing for the past decade of so, WWE "Creative" has been having some, uh... shall we say, "challenges" maintaining solid booking, never mind solid championship reigns. I would suggest the US Championship would be a great title to switch at houseshows where WWE doesn't have to make a great investment in a star, but, still sell championship switches out side of TV exclusively. They could always put over the title changes on TV without discouraging the TV audience because they didn't see it on TV, but, still put over houseshows. US Championship (or even WWE tag titles (not world tag titles)) are still titles that don't require fans to hold a great investment in, but, they're still titles.

2) Start preparing the cards in advance and make it mandatory to have the cards POSTED on the WWE website, at least 2 months in advance.

With the current state of WWE booking, that'd be very difficult to execute. WWE is basically being booked on the fly (for the most part) and is all centered around TV and PPV booking. And as I said, WWE "Creative" is obviously facing challenges and that's just by week-to-week booking, nevermind anything 2 months into the future. Plus, as been mentioned by someone else, announcing matches that far in advance cold spoil up coming PPV results. And if goto a houseshow expecting a particular match and it changes for whever reason, it'll turn you off. Back in the 80s WWE would announce wrestlers being at a show, and then when that wrestler could make it for whatever reason, people got PISSED off! So, that is tricky!

3) Even though we know not to expect the full lighting rig and stage/ramp setup brought to TV, at least consistently put up the miniature stage setup used at all the International tours which features a lighted up entranceway.

No argument here. But, some people actually like the grittiness of a WWE houseshow with limited production as you're less distracted by the entrance way and can focus more on the matches. I went to a Raw TV taping a few years ago with the old set (pre-hi def) and the match in the ring kinda bored me... it got to the point where I was more interested in the "burning" Raw logo graphic on the screens on either side of the entrance way than the match itself. Yeah. Not proud of it, but there you go. But, I wouldn't mind something like the old "Superstars of Wrestling" TV entrance way where they just took the grids, set them up in a square, lit them up in multiple colors and just had the wrestler walk through that.

4) Work actual interview segments onto the shows.

On paper that sounds like an excellent idea -- but let me ask you this -- have you ever been to a WWE, TNA, WCW, or indy wrestling house show where you could EVER understand anything that was said on the arena sound system?!? The sound systems tend to be really bad and more often than not, you can't understand anything that's being said. That can only irritate and anger the fans more than anything.

5) Plan for some special entrances for talents

Sidious suggested having kids come out with Cena and such. Actually, not a bad idea, but, I would limit that kind of stuff for the main event only. Doing too much of that kind of gimmick would burn out the idea by the 4th match of the card and loses any impact by the end of the show you'd be just annoyed by it.

6) Hype the House Show cards on television

WWF and AWA TV did this best in the 80s by inserting bumpers going into commercials that would target towns with their own interviews during broadcasts of Superstars or Wrestling Challenge. So, if WWF was holding a houseshow in Calgary, Alberta, they'd have Mean Gene or Sean Mooney standing in front of the famed the blue WWF logo'd wallpaper wall interviewing Macho Man about his match with Hogan in Calgary and that would air on Calgary TV stations only. AND then the same concept of Macho Man doing the same kind of interview but talking about how he'd beat up Hogan in another town (say Chicago) with Chicago references. Then that interview would only air on TV stations in Chicago during Superstars. Gerneric interviews would air during Superstars or Challenge in markets that didn't have upcoming houseshows schedulled. I'm betting it took a lot of time to tape and probably annoying for the wrestlers to shoot a handful of different interviews saying the same thing but mentioning different cities, but, it WORKED. It works along side going to a concert and having the singer say, "Are you ready to ROCK, <insert city name here> ??!!??" It just connects them more to you. The current WWE TV formats are tight as it is, but, something that could be considered again.
Well, on a very personal note. I know I would simply love to meet the likes of some of my favorite Superstars. Guys like Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, Big Show, Chris Masters, Carlito, Kofi Kingston, Edge, etc... To get my picture made, and getting their autographs seems all worth it to me. That alone makes the entire experience worth going to. But yes, you're absolutely correct. They could spice up the House Shows. I loved when the tag titles changed hands at the house show about a year ago, and I'd like to see things like that happen more often.
My take on House shows, WWE uses them to perfect matches that they will do down the road on live tv like pay-per-views, a lot of the stuff they do on house shows you never hear much about unless someone who went to it actually post something.

I watched wrestling at Copps in Hamiton, last year December 13th they came to town, yeah they didn't have all the fire works and flash like on tv, but think about it, if they had all the flash I am pretty sure the tickets would be more expensive to cover all the technal stuff they do.

Just my oppinion, yeah a lot of it is predictable but its live, no editing for tv, no cut away camera shots, you see everything as it is, still fun to watch them come to town.

WWE really need to read this site and see what people write on here might open their eyes a bit more to what they are doing, get the tag team thing going, give other wrestlers better pushes, stop putting guys in such stupied rolls that is a waste of time, stone cold playing a guitar, kurt angle with a little cowboy hat on and so on, like my god, its suppose to be wrestling entertainment.

they got rid of the blood so they could get a PG rating, no offence, kids these days are so violient now, do not think the blood would even phase them.
Can everyone please do me a favor? Try not to act like a "WWE Shareholder" in this thread, because I already see people making piss poor excuses for WWE and essentially say that "WWE is in the right to rip fans off in these shows". Really? So, you think WWE has every right to take the same amount of money as a TV event, and give you an absolute shit show in return? Ridiculous, but certainly not surprising.

Oh please. This is a nice little way of saying "don't bother posting here if you don't share my opinion." Mod or not, that's all your little spiel is: AN OPINION. One that I happen to disagree with.

Listen, house shows are what they are - a traveling wrestling show that keeps money in their pockets and keeps fans fresh regarding the product and its stars. They always have been, always will be. And I think they are a decent value given the lack of star power in the WWE right now. Yes, some of it feels a bit robotic and lacks passion, but that's pretty much how you could describe pro wrestling as a whole right now. And it's certainly no different than a musical act going by the same setlist for two straight years for every gig, then pulling out all the stops when they perform on a late night talk show, an awards show, etc. I will say one thing, I've been to three WWE house shows in recent years, and while not quite as good as TV or PPV (obviously), it's certainly better than some local promotion, or for that matter TNA, giving some low quality, low-star power matches with zero psychology and then cutting a "yeah, take that WWE" promo.

Furthermore, I'd say the alternative is to have no house shows at all which is not good for the product in any way.
Each and every week, Raw should run down their events, and Smackdown should run down their events on TV ... instead of refusing to acknowledge them ... instead of just flashing them up on a screen. What is more effective? Doing that or having an announcer quickly run them down?

It is HIGH TIME that WWE start worrying about taking people for their money, and offering NOTHING in return ... and start turning House Shows into actual events-- events in which unpredictable THINGS ACTUALLY HAPPEN.

Actually when I was a kid when WWF at the time, came to town they actually offered more to the fans, cage matches, a lot more high end stars, interviews, commentators were at a broadcast table, now its like they are in and out.

I remember watching Andrea and Hogan signing the contract in the ring at copps before wrestlemania 3, dino bravio doing a bench press with the body, they actually entertained more.
This post proves and nothing against the author that the IWC does not know what they want, everyother day there is a post how the TV shows have to much storyline and interview segements, and not enough wrestling and here is a post saying the want interviews and segements at house shows.

Now, I do not know where you see house shows act, but I live in Michigan so they house shows here are in Detroit and at Joe Louis arena. I agree they could use some sort of a stage for the wrestlers to come out of, but every house show in the last few years i have gone too has had at least 2 in ring segement interviews or a few wrestlers grab the mic and either get heat or a cheap pop from the crowd before or after the match. And I recall, Kane, Y2J, big show, and a few others having pyro at the last house show I was at.

I actually like going to them becuase while you go to a 2 hour Raw you are sitting there for 10 minutes at a time with not much going on while they are at commerical, at least at the house show they keep it going.
This post proves and nothing against the author that the IWC does not know what they want, everyother day there is a post how the

You're very wrong here. The author of this thread doesn't even belong in the IWC. Hes a very very intelligent wrestling fan, that knows exactly what he wants with his professional wrestling. If you could last 15 seconds in a debate with him, I'd be very suprised.

TV shows have to much storyline and interview segements,

Did you even read the post? Thats not exactly what he was wanting. He wants more time invested in the midcard at house shows. Hardly ever are there any storylines in the midcard anymore. If you strength your midcard for house shows, you can run the show off of that, as they've done in the past. Instead of seeing the same old same old with a bunch of upper-midcard/main eventors.

and not enough wrestling and here is a post saying the want interviews and segements at house shows.

The obviously, hes not in the IWC.

I agree they could use some sort of a stage for the wrestlers to come out of, but every house show in the last few years i have gone too has had at least 2 in ring segement interviews or a few wrestlers grab the mic and either get heat or a cheap pop from the crowd before or after the match.

You're at the Joe Louis arena, many house shows aren't done in such places like that. When they come to the Thompson Bowling Arena, its boring as crap. Usually tickets are overpriced, and they hardly ever bring out any big name wrestlers. The time invested in the midcard is pointless, and they don't even put on the best of shows because they try to save energy for their live events. Its simply, boring to say the least.

I actually like going to them becuase while you go to a 2 hour Raw you are sitting there for 10 minutes at a time with not much going on while they are at commerical, at least at the house show they keep it going.

I can't argue with that. Thats subjective. I'm glad you enjoy the house shows, but to be frank. I find them boring.
One of the biggest things I see wrong here is that Smark fans have forgotten what it's like to view the wrestling product through the eyes of a Casual fan, and therefore they think they know what is best, and justify what is currently considered to be "the norm".

So wrong, on every level.

Let's pretend to put yourself in the role of a Casual fan once again and see what they see.


You found out about a WWE event coming to your area in one month. You were surprised because you heard about it on a local radio ad, and didn't hear a thing about it on TV. You are a big WWE fan, and love Raw and Smackdown. Therefore, you are really looking forward to attending this event.

Excited about the prospect of seeing WWE, you go online to WWE.com to see what the card will be for the show, since you didn't hear a thing about it on TV. Surprised, there IS NO CARD. All that is mentioned is some of the superstars that are scheduled to appear.

"Hmmmm. Odd. I'll go as it is WWE we're talking about, but I am surprised to not see a card, as I would like to know who is wrestling each other and which titles are going to be on the line at the show. I'll get 2 $45 tickets.


Saturday evening- day of the show- just before 8:00 PM (Bell time)

"Still no card announced, which is really odd. But I'm here to have a good time. It's my first WWE event. Let me go inside the arena and take a look at the setup.

Well, this is ... ummm ... a little disappointing. There's a ring and a light rig above the ring. But as far as where they come out, there is no big stage or TitanTron. I don't see any special colored lights like the ones used for the entrances or anything. I guess this really isn't an important show.

I guess the ring announcer will let us know what the matches are.


Okay, we have Randy Orton defending the WWE Title against John Cena for the Main Event. That sounds pretty good. And the rest of the matches sound okay.


Intermission: 9:20 PM

"Wow. We basically had nothing but one slow-paced match after another, with basically nothing else. I thought there would be some other kind of segments worked into the show ... like someone get on the mic to be interviewed, or do something else besides just matches ... but I guess that's not what happens at these show.

Oh, well. Maybe they'll do something different in the separate half.


Intermission resumes at 9:45 PM. Two more matches take place, and now it's time for the Main Event.

Final match ends at 10:25 PM, and the ring announcer has said "we hope to come back here again soon and to drive home safely".


"Well, I mean that was a good match and all, but I just left the show feeling like I wanted something else. It was okay, I guess. But it's just not a thing like I saw on TV. I just felt a little short-changed given the ticket prices. Not much happened other than just match after match ... and now we are being ushered out of the arena by security."


There's an old saying. "When you are Green, you grow". And that is the biggest problems I see with Smarks online. Instead of taking up for the best interests of the fans, they instead take up for WWE. Why? Who knows? Maybe they think they are doing some sort of service, or think they know how the business is supposed to be ran from the corporate end and are a fan of the company ... so they defend it.

Anybody who is a true "Fan" of wrestling, would advocate the best shows possible at all times. That is why people get dubbed "WWE Shareholders" because instead, they try to argue on behalf of keeping things the way they are for the benefit of Vince McMahon ... NOT the Casual fans, as a whole.

Sometimes, I think Smarks really need to go back and re-examine what it means to be a fan in this business. Which is why I have always prided myself in trying to look out for things that are actually in the best interests of the fans (within reason) as opposed to simply trying to look out for making Vince wealthier than he already is.

And if you truly examine and scrutinize the actual content of my postings, that is what I do on a daily basis-- I advocate putting out the best product possible to keep the Casual fans entertained. Unfortunately, too many people fail to realize that and simply think "there goes Lord Sidious attacking Vince McMahon and WWE again".

If you are a fan of wrestling, you will actually look at things from the perspective and through the eyes of a Casual fan first, and then look at advocating things from a corporate perspective second.

There are easily things that can be incorporated into these House Shows to invest in them and give them a more "special and important" feel than what is happening today. Things that wouldn't necessarily cost a lot of money, if anything, to do either. It just requires reformatting a couple things and ONE person to take more of an effort into the design of the show.
The last major title change at a house show was in 1994 when Diesel beat Bob Backlund in ten seconds.

But since maybe 2002, it has been increasingly rare to see a title, ANY title change hands on free TV! In short, the WWE needs to do a better job making Raw and Smackdown title challenges more realistic because I don't ever expect a title change on free TV anymore. Only double countouts and retentions.

I was at a house show for TNA a while back and at least they put on a good show. There were people interfering, solid matches, etc and it wasn't ridiculously expensive like the WWE.

Then again, TNA actually does title changes on free TV. I know most people in this forum don't watch it but I marked out when Amazing Red upset Samoa Joe a few months ago.

In short, house shows will remain worthless until the WWE gets more unpredictable on television because all house shows count as right now are glorified practices to make a lot of money, kind of like spring football in college.
One of the biggest things I see wrong here is that Smark fans have forgotten what it's like to view the wrestling product through the eyes of a Casual fan, and therefore they think they know what is best, and justify what is currently considered to be "the norm".

So wrong, on every level.

Let's pretend to put yourself in the role of a Casual fan once again and see what they see.


You found out about a WWE event coming to your area in one month. You were surprised because you heard about it on a local radio ad, and didn't hear a thing about it on TV. You are a big WWE fan, and love Raw and Smackdown. Therefore, you are really looking forward to attending this event.

Excited about the prospect of seeing WWE, you go online to WWE.com to see what the card will be for the show, since you didn't hear a thing about it on TV. Surprised, there IS NO CARD. All that is mentioned is some of the superstars that are scheduled to appear.

"Hmmmm. Odd. I'll go as it is WWE we're talking about, but I am surprised to not see a card, as I would like to know who is wrestling each other and which titles are going to be on the line at the show. I'll get 2 $45 tickets.


Saturday evening- day of the show- just before 8:00 PM (Bell time)

"Still no card announced, which is really odd. But I'm here to have a good time. It's my first WWE event. Let me go inside the arena and take a look at the setup.

Well, this is ... ummm ... a little disappointing. There's a ring and a light rig above the ring. But as far as where they come out, there is no big stage or TitanTron. I don't see any special colored lights like the ones used for the entrances or anything. I guess this really isn't an important show.

I guess the ring announcer will let us know what the matches are.


Okay, we have Randy Orton defending the WWE Title against John Cena for the Main Event. That sounds pretty good. And the rest of the matches sound okay.


Intermission: 9:20 PM

"Wow. We basically had nothing but one slow-paced match after another, with basically nothing else. I thought there would be some other kind of segments worked into the show ... like someone get on the mic to be interviewed, or do something else besides just matches ... but I guess that's not what happens at these show.

Oh, well. Maybe they'll do something different in the separate half.


Intermission resumes at 9:45 PM. Two more matches take place, and now it's time for the Main Event.

Final match ends at 10:25 PM, and the ring announcer has said "we hope to come back here again soon and to drive home safely".


"Well, I mean that was a good match and all, but I just left the show feeling like I wanted something else. It was okay, I guess. But it's just not a thing like I saw on TV. I just felt a little short-changed given the ticket prices. Not much happened other than just match after match ... and now we are being ushered out of the arena by security."


There's an old saying. "When you are Green, you grow". And that is the biggest problems I see with Smarks online. Instead of taking up for the best interests of the fans, they instead take up for WWE. Why? Who knows? Maybe they think they are doing some sort of service, or think they know how the business is supposed to be ran from the corporate end and are a fan of the company ... so they defend it.

Anybody who is a true "Fan" of wrestling, would advocate the best shows possible at all times. That is why people get dubbed "WWE Shareholders" because instead, they try to argue on behalf of keeping things the way they are for the benefit of Vince McMahon ... NOT the Casual fans, as a whole.

Sometimes, I think Smarks really need to go back and re-examine what it means to be a fan in this business. Which is why I have always prided myself in trying to look out for things that are actually in the best interests of the fans (within reason) as opposed to simply trying to look out for making Vince wealthier than he already is.

And if you truly examine and scrutinize the actual content of my postings, that is what I do on a daily basis-- I advocate putting out the best product possible to keep the Casual fans entertained. Unfortunately, too many people fail to realize that and simply think "there goes Lord Sidious attacking Vince McMahon and WWE again".

If you are a fan of wrestling, you will actually look at things from the perspective and through the eyes of a Casual fan first, and then look at advocating things from a corporate perspective second.

There are easily things that can be incorporated into these House Shows to invest in them and give them a more "special and important" feel than what is happening today. Things that wouldn't necessarily cost a lot of money, if anything, to do either. It just requires reformatting a couple things and ONE person to take more of an effort into the design of the show.

One thing to add to your excellent post, Sidious.

It is an absolutely idiotic decision to NOT give guys microphone time at house shows. In fact, I would think that most guys would get a ton MORE mic time because their screwups aren't a big deal because they're not on TV.

Why can't Shelton Benjamin cut a promo EVERY single time he has a house match? He can't get any worse at this point, so what's the harm?

Why isn't Jack Swagger pushing a one night feud with ANYONE at this point? He clearly can wrestle but he also clearly can't talk. Hell, put him in house show feuds with Shelton and kill two birds with one stone.

At this point, they need to have every single freaking house match led in with some character development because the better these guys get at promos, the better our shows will be in the future.

Jericho doesn't need to berate the crowd, they already hate him. Orton-Cena needs no lead in, the fans already know who they are. When a comedy jobber like Santino has more character than most of the roster, you've got a problem. That would be like the Brooklyn Brawler being more of a charcter than Jericho or Edge and Christian, circa 2000.

Let the wrestlers be themselves and see how quickly our current lack of characters goes.
You should also think outside of the box. I live in Turkey and WWE's coming here in April 18 for the first time ever. So even though I know nothing will happen I've already bought my ticket. Because I don't care if something important is going to happen or not. I don't care if there will be any title changes I don't care because it's my first and maybe the last chance to see all those wrestlers. So in countries like Turkey people don't care if something really important is going to happen. So I don't feel I wasted my money or WWE'll disrespect me because I'll get more than what I want.
You should also think outside of the box. I live in Turkey and WWE's coming here in April 18 for the first time ever. So even though I know nothing will happen I've already bought my ticket. Because I don't care if something important is going to happen or not. I don't care if there will be any title changes I don't care because it's my first and maybe the last chance to see all those wrestlers. So in countries like Turkey people don't care if something really important is going to happen. So I don't feel I wasted my money or WWE'll disrespect me because I'll get more than what I want.

Well, all I can say is that my words really aren't for you, then. My words and this post is for people who have easy access to WWE events and aren't starved for them like yourself, who will take whatever you're given with open arms.

There is absolutely no reason anyone who is truly a fan can come in here and advocate anything less than giving the fans the very best show they can possibly receive for their money. There are things that can be done, such as guys being interviewed on their way to the ring, participate in interview segments during the show to get over .... special entrances that don't necessarily involve pyro or light shows .... that cost next to nothing, if anything ... that can improve the quality of the shows to make them more memorable.

For people to come in here and say "I don't want things that will help improve the show" is only making people look like the "WWE Shareholders" that they really are. And it's sad.
I will admit, I didnt get all the way through this, but I gathered enough info.

All I can say is, WWE could do without house shows for here on out and be fine. The same people would pay $90 for a ticket and $40 for a T-shirt.

If you want an interactive show, take you and 4 friends to an Indy Event for the same price as one ticket to a WWE house show.
I totally disagree with you. Maybe I just had a great experience, but I don't feel the house show I went to was a waste at all. Every match was extremely good, and almost everyone got promo time. Mark Henry threatened to beat Big Show's ass all over the stadium, The Miz claimed he was awesome, HHH and Cena did a promo on Legacy, and Legacy did a promo right back. Plus, I got to see them try out Alex Riley, who I thought was pretty good. Definitely not a waste, not in the slightest.
I will admit, I didnt get all the way through this, but I gathered enough info.

All I can say is, WWE could do without house shows for here on out and be fine. The same people would pay $90 for a ticket and $40 for a T-shirt.

If you want an interactive show, take you and 4 friends to an Indy Event for the same price as one ticket to a WWE house show.

And that is actually a good point. I have actually witnessed Indy shows that put more effort into their shows than WWE does at their House Shows. And the reason that is, is because it has become too routine for WWE to repeat the exact same thing at every show and therefore ... they fall into a rut and just go with it.

But if Indy shows are using lighted effects for their entranceways and trying to make an effort to dress up their entrances, for example .... then it is pretty sad for the supposed "leader in Sports Entertainment" to not be able to even come up to what Indy groups are doing.

WWE's point of view is "Ah, who gives a shit. This isn't being televised anyway, so who the Hell cares what happens."

And it is a very arrogant view to take.

Again, putting yourself in the mindset of a CASUAL FAN, when you go to a House Show, do you not expect a good show and to somehow come out of that show feeling as though something special happened?

What would it seriously hurt WWE to ask themselves going into each House Show "What can we do that's special for the fans tonight in this arena?"
I don't know what they're like night in, night out, but the last WWE house show I attended a month and a half ago was a very good show. It was a Raw brand show, so my expectations were low considering how bad that show has been lately, but with no guest host/Hornswoggle stuff to ruin things it was actually a great show.

Apart from the womens match (Melina & Alicia Fox had a terrible, terrible match), everything else was good and there was a lot of promo time/fan interaction throughout the show, Gail Kim was even in the crowd giving out free DVD's and stuff to some kids. Evan Bourne & Chavo had a great 15 minute opening match, I had forgot that Chavo can still go in the ring. The Miz, Kofi & MVP had an awesome triple threat match for the US title, again this got much more time than it would on TV. Those 2 matches were probably technically the best matches, but the main event stole the show. It was Cena & DX v Orton & Legacy, on paper I expected this to be a regular Raw like main event with them half-assing their performace, but they went all out for this match and delivered a PPV quality 25 minute all action match, the interaction with the crowd was great (especially by HHH, Cena & Orton), it seemed like everyone went home happy.

It would have been nice to have the huge titantron like on TV but overall, I had no complaints, it was more than worth the money, which I can't say for other house shows I've been to over the years, a Smackdown show a couple years ago and a TNA show earlier this year in particular were horrible shows with no major names appearing and the ones that did seemingly sleep-walking through their matches, the TNA one even had the balls to put on such an awful show then try and get people to pay for the likes of Earl Hebner and Daivari's autographs, I guess you win some, you lose some.
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