Ways to improve WWE house shows

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Occasional Pre-Show
I'm not going to pretend to know the attendance average for house shows right now but I do know that the last one that came around my area didn't draw a full house so I've been thinking ways WWE could increase attendance.

1- Promote and show a few house shows a year on the network. I think this is the best way to generate excitement and would also benefit the network. Why not promote a huge Madison Square Garden show? Maybe even have a few title matches or a big cage grudge match. Remember those local house show promos back in the day that only the local markets saw? Something similar to that. I think it would be awesome.

2- Get the handicaps under control. I have no problem at all with the handicaps coming to the house shows but they need to have their own area so they won't clutter up the walk ways. I save money by buying tickets on around the 15th row but I still like to run up to the rail and give high fives to my favorite superstars. I tried to run up to Randy Orton the last show I went to but some handicap was parked right in my way and Orton passed by before I got to him. I think they should have their own area.

3-Better ticket packages. Why not run a special like 4 tickets with a 50 dollar concession voucher for 100 dollars? You could fill up quite a few arenas that way.

4 -Make Daniel Bryan a house show regular. If Bryan only wrestled on house shows then that would likely encourage the marks to spend their money to see Bryan wrestle and prevent him from wasting time on raw. WWE could make a house show championship belt and put the belt on Bryan.
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