WWE Extreme Rules- Triple H VS Brock Lesnar: Steel Cage Match

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

So before Pedigreeing Paul Heyman in London tonight, Triple H accepted Brock Lesnar's challenge for round three in this lengthy feud.

Lesnar needs this. Plain and simple. He's 1-2 since his return to WWE, and suffering back to back loses will put a HUGE dent in his momentum. With Rock's wrestling future up in the air, WWE needs another big time powerhouse special attraction, and Lesnar is that guy. Triple H already proved he can beat Lesnar, so it's time for Brock to pick up his win, and come out on top in this feud.

I expect a very brutal battle between these two. BUT I hope they get rid of the escape the cage stipulation here. Can you imagine Lesnar climbing to the top with a panicked look on his face, while Triple H holds on to his leg? Or Lesnar laying on his stomach, scratching and clawing for the cage door, while Triple H holds on to keep Lesnar inside? I'm expecting another hard fought battle between these two, but the escape the cage stip. worries me.

Also, I think this match should main event the pay per view. This isn't Wrestlemania, and for my money, Brock VS Triple H III has more "must-see" value than Ryback VS Cena. Brock defeating Triple H in the main event would be the icing on the cake. Although, I hope we don't see another Summerslam 2012-esque "is Triple H going to retire?" post-match walk of shame. It was kind of corny the first time around, and I don't see a need to repeat that "moment" again.
Brock has to win, quite frankly this match shouldn't be happening. But since it is Brock has to win. No valid reason to bring this beast back to be jobbing to Cena and a 43 year old Triple H.
Brock Lesnar HAS to win this match. If Triple H wins this match then it kills Brock's momentum AGAIN and he already lost at WrestleMania. If Brock does not win, then whats the point in him even wrestling? I say he beats Triple H in this steel cage match and then takes a break and returns in time for Summerslam and probably face his opponent CM Punk.
Brock has to win, quite frankly this match shouldn't be happening.

Agreed. This is the match that came into being because The Rock couldn't compete, right? I don't think WWE had any intention of staging a rubber match between Triple H and Brock; one win for each was enough.

But, okay.....for a fill-in contest, this one will probably be a great one to watch. I felt they were smacking each other around at WM29 much harder than we usually get to see, and we can expect more of the same for III.

In essence, this match is unusual in that neither guy "needs" it: there's no one in there who's a full-time wrestler anymore.....and it doesn't really matter for storyline purposes who wins and who loses. Nobody's reputation suffers in defeat. No titles come into play. Neither man has a challenger they "must" meet as a result of what happens in this match. But since Brock is contractually obligated to have more in-ring confrontations while Trips is probably just as happy to stay in the front office after this, Brock probably wins ......after a brutal, brutal encounter.
Lesnar should've won at Mania, that's why this match shouldn't happen now.

Last week, I think, when Heyman was bigging up the stipulation, everything he said led up to this being a Hell In A Cell match. Then he revealed it to be in a steel cgae. Hey, I like cage matches. When done well they can still be very effective. But c'mon, Triple H & Lesnar would absolutely tear it up in a Cell match. A cage match is only going to limite them.

It'll still be the match of the night, but It'd clearly a missed opportunity.
This ought to be an awesome match. Two animals locked inside a cage with each other...wow! I would've preferred a Hell in a Cell match myself as there would be more freedom for both guys and would allow for more use of weapons, I can only see maybe a Chair and a Sledgehammer being used in the match which Heyman would bring in by tossing into the cage or through the cage door, but I could also see both men pulling off a few cool spots in the cage - nothing Jeff Hardy like though that's too dangerous to both men's health.

Is it just me or does anybody else see Triple H sending Lesnar flying into the cage wall, causing the wall to break down due to Lesnar's massive weight, allowing Brock to escape the cage & win? HHH loses but he protects his tough guy image because he accidentally costs himself the match, not because he gets his ass beaten by Lesnar like at Summerslam. Actually I hope that is the finish to the match, will likely prevent us from getting another corny "is Triple H going to retire?" post-match walk of shame as the only reason he "considered retiring" was because of the beating Lesnar gave him at SS.

Like JC, I also hope this match goes on last. I have more interest in seeing this than Cena vs. Ryback especially as it's a feud-ending Steel Cage match. Plus if Cena does face Ryback in a Tables match, I definitely do not wanna see a lame stipulation like a Tables match main event a PPV over a Steel Cage match.

Oh and one more thing, Lesnar looks ******ed in that picture.
I thought there Wrestlemania match was pretty decent. I figured they'd been out of gas in the first 10 minutes, but they kept the match going. It was mostly just big spots and I thought it was very noble of HBK to take an F5. It was very physical and the finish wasn't too bad. Now were off to Extreme Rules inside a 15 foot high steel cage. I think what made the Mania match easier for these two was that they were able to move around OUTSIDE of the ring. For this one, they'll be contained and with WWE's " no blood " policy, it'll be tough for these guys to make it good. But there is a story here, so I think we will see a lot of them getting slammed into the cage, somehow Paul Heyman will slip a chair into the cage, and most of all a lot of punch and kicks. Hopefully the finish will be dramatic but above all else, Lesnar should feel somewhat at home.
Is it just me or does anybody else see Triple H sending Lesnar flying into the cage wall, causing the wall to break down due to Lesnar's massive weight, allowing Brock to escape the cage & win? HHH loses but he protects his tough guy image because he accidentally costs himself the match, not because he gets his ass beaten by Lesnar like at Summerslam.

I think it's possible. If my memory is correct, the last time something like that happened was during an episode of WWEECW, when Lashley flew into the cage, busted that side open on impact, and that part of the cage squashed Umaga. But I honestly think we'll see a decisive victory for the winner here. They've already gone the route of Lesnar breaking Triple H's arm twice, so I don't think we'll see Lesnar use the Kimura for a victory. Maybe an F5 into a side of the cage for the win? If Lesnar is going to win, it has to be an unquestionable and decisive victory, similar to Triple H pedigreeing Lesnar on the steps at Mania.

Either way, this match should be loaded with brutality and violence with Lesnar and Triple H trying to kill each other one last time (hopefully).
Not really sure why Lesner didn't win at Mania to end this feud, but now that this match is happening I believe Lesner has to win if they plan on using him in big matches in the future. I think they will give us a blood bath in the cage with Lesner taking the win. I am sure HHH will disappear for a while after the loss which Lesner potentially "injuring" him.
^ I guess the WWE really wanted to milk one more match out of the Brock-HHH series.

and even if HHH's career wasn't on the line @ Mania Triple H needed to beat Lesnar in a match for the feud to realistically continue

"Brock VS Triple H III has more "must-see" value" ... well considering how poorly Ryback-Cena has been built up, that's a given as what exactly did Ryback do to earn his Title Shot vs Cena?

and agree on both Brock needing the win and a decisive victor needed as well

if Brock wants to be seen as a legit force he cannot lose again, that'd make him 1-3 since his return

**and as for a Triple H losing by throwing Brock through the cage, Please God No

a fluke like victory will only encourage a possible rematch sometime down the line, so thus a decisive victory is needed.

if you couldn't tell I'm not that wild about another Brock-Triple H match up, because I feel the novelty has worn off (at least for me)

The intensity is there, the promos have been pretty spirited, it's been made personal (with the arm breaks to HHH, HBK and attack on Vince & NA Outlaws) but I just can't really seem to get that interested in this feud.

and I've gotten the exact same vibe from the live crowd in both their matches (Summerslam & WM29) these men put their bodies on the line, and by no means is the ring work sloppy, it just doesn't seem to generate much interest in the audience

it would be a better main event than Ryback-Cena, but that doesn't say a whole lot
In my view, this match is the result of the WWE's inability to produce top draws and Main Eventers. Don't get me wrong though, HHH and Lesnar have produced some of my favorite feuds and matches. You get two part-timers to main event a PPV. Remember Lesnar came back last year and pretty much owned John Cena up to the very last couple of minutes. I don't understand how this feud could continue after Wrestlemania. However, if plans were to continue the feud given the fact that on the scoreboard it's tied at 1 match for Lesnar and 1 match for HHH. But for a moment going back to my first sentence, the WWE has no star power outside of Cena. Punk? Taker? Rock? All gone (for now). I believe this match will be a good one I truly do. But Lesnar and HHH can't be doing this forever. Anyways, Lesnar needs the win here. My bet is Lesnar wins by Heyman opening the door for him and Lesnar walking out cleanly.
Does anyone care about this match? Brock has a hard time selling and HHH wants to be seen as a "legit" fighter so badly that the whole match ends up looking like 2 giant 3rd graders fighting during recess. This should be better than the horrid WM match where you could tell what spots were coming up by how carefully Brock placed the steps and other objects.

HHH/Brock pt 1 was okay, pt 2 was not very good, so why make a big pt 3 when it's following a 3* and 2* match? Brock brings $ in but I don't remember the last time someone told me they were buying a PPV to see HHH. HHH/Taker yeah but that wasn't for HHH, that was the streak. He's not a real fighter but he's trying so hard to be he's losing his identity as a sports entertainer.
Does anyone care about this match? Brock has a hard time selling and HHH wants to be seen as a "legit" fighter so badly that the whole match ends up looking like 2 giant 3rd graders fighting during recess.

Do you really feel that way? I thought the WM29 match was great. Brock likes it rough with his MMA background and I thought his fight with Triple H was closer to mixed martial arts than most of what we see in pro wrestling. These guys seemed to be really putting it to each other in April, hitting a lot harder than we're used to seeing. They're both physically capable of a more rugged contest than most of the other superstars, and they let it all out at WM. I loved the whole thing.

In terms of how much the match matters, I say.....not much. Neither man makes his living as a full-time wrestler anymore and whomever wins or loses doesn't affect anything in the current hierarchy of WWE.

This is one we watch just for the action, not the storyline or the standings.

This might just close the show. If Cena and Ryback don't, this for sure will. Trips and Lesnar have a rather difficult task at attempting to provide a better match than their Wrestlemania 29 match, which was very good. The addition of the Steel Cage gimmick helps. I doubt it will top the Wrestlemania match but it should be one of the better matches of the night and will probably go on toward the end of the evening if it doesn't go on last. I see it going either third to last with only the tag team match and Cena VS Ryback following, or closing the show.

With that being said.... Brock Lesnar is going to win. He NEEDS the win. The loss to Cena at last year's Extreme Rules and the recent loss to Trips at Wrestlemania is not good for him, and that's coming from a Cena fan who supported Cena in last year's match. If Lesnar is going to be the monster that WWE want him to be then he needs to destroy Triple H in this match. Trips got his victory in their last match so he has nothing to gain from winning again at this show. He should lose and move on to being more involved in the corporate side of the federation while Brock can move on with necessary momentum to another huge feud during the summer.

Brock Lesnar will defeat Triple H.
Not looking forward for this match unlike the last time these men faced each other.

Granted, probably is going to be a very physical match, but I doubt we are going to see something different form the last two times, they're both great as far in ring psychology goes, but I don't think they can be very versatile in this kind of environment.

Lesnar should win this, if he is going to feud with someone else (let's hope it is Orton or Sheamus) he needs a victory, he can be the monster heel again, but in order to do that, he needs to pick up the victory. Plus, Trips doesn't have anything to gain here...
If Vince has any brain cells left, Lesnar will WIN this match. Brock signed on for 2 more years. Use him up!!! He can't keep losing. He needs to win and Triple H is already going to run the company one day soon. Just use this match to finally slam the door shut on Hunter's career, or at least for the rest of this year to make Brock look strong!
Brock will win this. It's time for HHH to move on and if he doesn't lose this match, it's almost safe to say he's back as a wrestler on a regular basis, which means he should be in the title picture or in a major feud. If HHH is going to focus on being EVP of Talent Relations, then he needs to keep his ass out of the ring and Lesnar needs to put a major beatdown on him. You can even have HHH win the match by having Lesnar throw HHH out of the cage, only for Lesnar to become irate and murder HHH in front of a scared St. Louis crowd. I mean it has to be so bad, people are screaming for him to stop. It has to be so bad, Stephanie comes out crying telling him to stop.
well Brock won .. like just about everyone predicted.

what were your thoughts on the cage match? I liked it a bit more than the other 2 previous matches as it had a good, decisive finish

same physical style and both men certainly looked to put a hurting on one another .. plus Brock sold that knee injury very well

loved the sharpshooter by Triple H .. but that brings down the overall quality of the match to about 4/10

all jokes aside, pretty good match between the 2 and hopefully they can both move in different directions

Randy Orton could be a good option as Brock's next feud, because Sheamus you could put back into a feud with Wade Barrett.
I'm glad Brock went over and I thought his agility and selling of the knee along with Heyman's antics at ringside made the match watchable. The interaction between Brock and Heyman was great, I especially liked Brock yelling out "That's my manager!" when Heyman got in the cage, then giving what I guess is a smile by Brock's standards :D

I understand the knee injury was part of the match so tonight on Raw Heyman can tell us Brock needs surgery or something in order to explain his absence until Summerslam, but I could have done without the Heyman low blow that gives HHH an excuse, Brock is a guy marketed as a beast so he shouldn't need any help, bad wheel or not.
I enjoyed the match, and as usual, Heyman's ringside antics were hilarious (Heyman after Brock bangs his knee into the cage, and Triple H goes on the attack: "BROCK! WHAT DO WE DO! WHAT DO WE DO!"). As far as quality goes, I put it on the same level as their Wrestlemania 29 match, placing the Summerslam match at the bottom #3 spot. Another rough and hard hitting match in the Lesnar/Triple H saga, BUT at the same time, the match didn't live up to the proposed sadistic, violent, and extreme hype it received. The way Heyman and WWE hyped it up you would've thought Lesnar and Triple H were going to fight each other in some post-apocalyptic barren wasteland inside a primitive and rusty cage, surrounded by a crowd of rowdy Neanderthals, as both men spilled blood in attempt to literally kill each other.

Still, a strong and admirable effort from both men, as they worked their asses off in the cage. Lesnar and Triple H never had that one classic, or something as great as Cena VS Lesnar from last year's Extreme Rules, but I wouldn't label their feud as a total bust.
I enjoyed this match a lot more than I thought. Watching wrestling for 30 years I have seen a lot of cage matches, with the majority of them not very exciting. This one seemed to have more varietal spots than other cage matches. I do worry about Lesnar wrestling just because I don't think he is as finessed as other wrestlers, but in a cage match, you want power and animal brutality, so this match was right up his alley.

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