So before Pedigreeing Paul Heyman in London tonight, Triple H accepted Brock Lesnar's challenge for round three in this lengthy feud.
Lesnar needs this. Plain and simple. He's 1-2 since his return to WWE, and suffering back to back loses will put a HUGE dent in his momentum. With Rock's wrestling future up in the air, WWE needs another big time powerhouse special attraction, and Lesnar is that guy. Triple H already proved he can beat Lesnar, so it's time for Brock to pick up his win, and come out on top in this feud.
I expect a very brutal battle between these two. BUT I hope they get rid of the escape the cage stipulation here. Can you imagine Lesnar climbing to the top with a panicked look on his face, while Triple H holds on to his leg? Or Lesnar laying on his stomach, scratching and clawing for the cage door, while Triple H holds on to keep Lesnar inside? I'm expecting another hard fought battle between these two, but the escape the cage stip. worries me.
Also, I think this match should main event the pay per view. This isn't Wrestlemania, and for my money, Brock VS Triple H III has more "must-see" value than Ryback VS Cena. Brock defeating Triple H in the main event would be the icing on the cake. Although, I hope we don't see another Summerslam 2012-esque "is Triple H going to retire?" post-match walk of shame. It was kind of corny the first time around, and I don't see a need to repeat that "moment" again.