WWE Extreme Rules 2016 Live Discussion

Oh, just the pre-show? Pity - I was hoping for an early night.

That ad with two ladybirds fucking isn't weird at all.
Nothing says sticking it to the man more than endorsing a terrible movie designed to sell toys to children.

Anderson and Gallows need to get away from the Usos. It takes some doing to be midcarders in the tag division but they manage it.
The Usos, not unlike Cody Rhodes, have been around for much, much longer than you might think. They might even predate Gallows' initial WWE career.
Do they ever acknowledge that Gallows used to be in WWE? Better yet, do they recognise that he used to be mentally challenge and fly into a rage when a bell rang?

I don't think this Usos feud is as harmful as some others do - but it needs to be over tonight.
Michael Cole started explaining the origin of the Texas tornado match and my stream froze for what seemed like an eternity. I'm assuming you're all watching the main event right now. Don't tell me who won the fatal four-way.

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