WWE Elimination Chamber 2014: The Shield VS The Wyatt Family

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The feud going into the match was good I guess, not sure if they could've done it better but it was still good.

Story-telling was good, the match was entertaining, lots of great spots as well especially the one with Rowan and Harper double chokeslamming Rollins through the table (remember when Ryback threw Rollins into the tables at TLC 2012 as well?).

Much respect for Rollins.

The crowd was great and the length was great as well, the match kept going on and on, it was really something special.

I give this match a 9/10.

It couldn't have done in a better way.

Match of the year so far.

However I think it would've been better if they kept it for WrestleMania.
I loved that match, everyone did their parts great and Rollins was absolutely amazing. The only major gripe I had about that match was the way they "disposed" of Ambrose. Like I see why they did it the way they did, but for me it left a annoying feeling that kept the match from being perfect.
I'm not really sure how to rate a match on a 1-10 scale. The Five-Star scale is all that I am familiar with, so I'll go with that.

There was little to bring this match down. The peculiar way that Ambrose was taken out is the only real questionable factor of the booking, but even that is forgivable from a story perspective.

The psychology was great. All six men were given the chance to look strong. Rollins got a breakout moment. No one came out looking weaker. Reigns was able to take the fall while still looking like a beast. All of the big spots were executed well. And with the set-up in place for Wyatt to face Cena at Mania, he was absolutely the right choice to get the pinfall. This is a rare case where the match delivered on what seemed like unattainable expectations.

This is in the conversation with Wyatt/Bryan at the Rumble and Cesaro/Zayn at ArRival for the early WWE match of the year. I'd go 4.25 stars, but I'd say an extra quarter star is justifiable as well.
Not sure about this grading system but I'd say overall it was a 9. I'd give it a 10 but I was not happy that Roman Reigns was the guy that had to be pinned, Seth Rollins (the weakest member) should of taken the fall. Survival of the fittest, Reigns is the leader and Rollins is the snooze. Anyway, it was still an awesome match IMO. Would easily watch it again.
The Shield vs the Wyatt family!

[*]Was the feud going into the match good?
It was a well done storyline feud. It made sense and it got the crowd interested it in it. That said, it was a feud that the majority of fans wanted to see since they faced off earlier during the "DB and Punk vs Wyatts and Shield feud".

[*]Was the match entertaining?
Very Very Entertaining from a personal point-of-view. Wish it had been done in the Chamber tho, that would have made for a 10-Star match if such a rating was ever possible,lMO!

[*]Was there good story-telling? (Psychology)
It was good story telling, and very simple story telling. However, the feud itself seemed to be rushed to a climax when it would have been a very very entertaining Road to Wrestlmania feud. All other programmes for the Shield and the Wyatt family should have been put back to Post-Mania to allow this feud to run longer,lMO.

[*]Was there any good spots?
Loads. Seth Rollins provided one. Luke Harper also. Roman Reigns at the ending also. Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt going into the crowd and only Bray coming back also provided good story telling as well.

[*]How was the crowds reaction throughout this match?
Absolutely electric as they had been since a fight was teased back when RAW was in Manchester in late 2013.

[*]Length of match? (Was it too short? or too long?, could more time have been added to make the match better? etc.)
Good enough length,lMO. But, like I said above, the feud was a Wrestlemania worthy feud. I guess it was good enough that it might over shadow all the other "Main Event" matches so far advertised for the event. lol.


FLASHBACK!: When the crowd was introduced to the Absolute AWESOME potential of the Two Factions going at each other's throats!

Btw, I gave it a Nice 10. Best match and Most interesting feud since I restarted watching WWE from Post-SummerSlam 2013 after a hiatus.
Not sure about this grading system but I'd say overall it was a 9. I'd give it a 10 but I was not happy that Roman Reigns was the guy that had to be pinned, Seth Rollins (the weakest member) should of taken the fall. Survival of the fittest, Reigns is the leader and Rollins is the snooze. Anyway, it was still an awesome match IMO. Would easily watch it again.

I, as were many other, was suprised at that also.
However, it did make sense, as if you observed, Ambrose got left in the crowd somewhere(Storyline purpose) and Rollins got slammed through the announce table.

That left Reigns vs All 3 Wyatt family members, and he took out 2 of them, and broke out of Sister Abigail. So all in all, being pinned didn't hurt Roman Reigns much, whilst it enhanced the Wyatt family more going into Wrestlemania.
•Was the feud going into the match good?
The story going into the match was simple, Wyatts costing Shield the match to start with, that was jus the start, after that all these 6 men needed was a few weeks of confrontation, and the crowds always got behind it every time they went face to face.

•Was the match entertaining?
The match from start to finish was fast-paced, high hitting and non-stop action. That was what I loved about this match.

•Was there good story-telling? (Psychology)
All 6 men had their own chances to shine and they did, for some reason these 2 teams work so well together, and it just makes sense, how the teams kept getting involved, it was just immense.

•Was there any good spots?
Seth Rollins was the man of the match, he stole the match, hell he stole the whole ppv with his performance, he definitely is the strongest in-ring member for The Shield. Luke Harper also surprised me in this match, showed me that he really wanted to impress, he a drop kick for starters,, then he went flying through the second rope, shortly followed by Rollins who went over the top rope, Rollins also going through the announce table.

•How was the crowds reaction throughout this match?
From start to finish, the crowd was into it. Couldn't have been any bettter. They were into it as soon as each team came out.

•Length of match? (Was it too short? or too long?, could more time have been added to make the match better? etc.)
The match went over 20 mins, normally 6 man tag matches don't get that long, but WWE knew they had to showcase the future of the company, and they certainly did that.

Overall, I have to give the match a solid 9. Entertaining as hell, and an early contender for match of the year along with Wyatt vs. Bryan. Doesn't surprise me, every time all The Shield have competed as a team, they always have put on great matches.
@Mongoose McQueen, How is SETH ROLLINS a snooze? Did you see the match? He was the STAR of the match is way more energetic and funner to watch in the ring than Reigns and Ambrose, who have a slow pace in their matches.

But anyway, I'd give the match a solid 9.5/10. The match was amazing, and to be honest, the BEST 6-man tag match I ever saw. I also liked the story it told, with the Wyatts taking out one of the Shield members at a time until only one hound was left.
It was so close to being a perfect match. It was fast, fun, hard-hitting. 6 talented young guys beating the hell out of each other to try and make a name for themselves, and to give the crowd a good show. It was awesome.

I think the one setback in the match was that it could've been a little bit longer. You want to make Reigns look like a beast? Have him hit the Superman punch on Bray, then have him fight off Rowan and Harper single-handedly for a few minutes. Hit a spear on Rowan, go for the pin, only for Bray to stop it at the last possible second. Then Bray hits the Abigail, and it's over. That would've been the perfect ending, with one extra edge-of-your seat false finish from the Spear.

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