Wyatt Family VS The Shield


Dark Match Jobber
So with news breaking that the Wyatt Family will be debuting soon, it got me thinking about how they will be introduced on television. How will they make an impact? I don't want to see them run in and destroy Cena week after week. As amusing as it is, they've already done it with The Nexus and The Shield. I want something fresh, something exciting, something original, and then it dawned on me... Make them feud with The Shield.

The Shield is one of the best things WWE has going right now. All three members are strapped with gold, but where do they go from here as a team? They've already taken out Team Hell No, and outside of Team Rhodes Scholars there is no one else in the tag team division I give a flying fart about. With Dean Ambrose holding the US title and WWE's poor creative team, there's a good chance we won't be seeing all 3 members wrestle together at the same time for much longer. There's only so many 3 man tag matches you can throw together before it gets boring and unbelievable.

Enter The Wyatt Family. They're new, they're fresh, and they're looking to make an impact, so why not go after the top dogs, The Shield? It would need to be booked in a way so that The Wyatt Family comes out of the gate looking strong, without ruining The Shield's credibility. Likewise, The Shield needs to stay dominant without burying The Wyatt Family right off the bat. It needs to be booked so that both teams are neck and neck, both pose an equal threat to each other. If done right, I could see a lot of great matches and promos between these two teams, and I think it would be the perfect way to solidify The Wyatt Family as major players in the WWE while also keeping The Shield fresh and relevant as a team.

So I ask you this: Would attacking The Shield be a good debut feud for The Wyatt Family? If so, how would you book the feud long-term? Discuss.
I do not see any reason of having a feud between the family and the shield, it will eventually let either one of them turn face or break up, which should not be happened.

IMO, the family should feud with a face main eventer which do not have much to do for now (Christian or Jericho, maybe?) and show more of the twisted mind image they have before they chase the gold
if they do enter a feud with the shield, what I can see happening is that around survivor series time, they join forces with the shield to form the "most sinister and diabolical" team the WWE has ever seen... They can then begin to take over the WWE one week at a time...
I don't have an issue with the idea on down the road somewhere, when both teams are completely established. But immediately, there are some pretty distinct issues.

1) You want both groups to get over. That means you can't have The Shield lose to the Wyatt Family (who?) and you can't have the Wyatt Family take a big loss to The Shield so early in their run.

2) I can almost guarantee the Wyatt Family debuts as a group of heels. Everyone debuts as a heel. WWE forgot how to get people over as babyfaces. Two young groups going at it presents enough problems, without them both being gangs of villains.

3) The whole point of the Wyatt Family is, inevitably, to get Bray over in the long run. The other two may break out, but all things considered they're expendable. The Shield function as a unit. You can make a case that they exist to get Ambrose over, but you'd be wrong. So what I'm really getting at is there's a clash in long-term goals. Going back to the first point, you can't get Bray Wyatt over while retaining the value of The Shield, or the other way around.
Against this idea. The Wyatt Family can only be heels, they don't work as faces for now, so you'd be talking about turning the Shield with this feud. They aren't established enough as dominant heels to warrant a babyface turn, they need another year at least before I'd consider it and even at that I'd be looking to break them up and turn Seth Rollins face to feud with Dean Ambrose.

For The Wyatt's debut to mean something they need an angle with a guy like Jericho or Rey Mysterio, someone over enough with the crowd, someone talented enough to work with these guys and someone who knows how to draw sympathetic fans in. Bray Wyatt is the most interesting character in wrestling right now, he can play the sinister preacher to perfection. Have him mess with Jericho's head and have him win the feud cleanly.

After that I'd love to see a Bray Wyatt vs Kane feud
This idea makes no sense because both groups are heels! The Shield as a faces would make no sense and neither would the Wyatt family. The Wyatt family should debut at Payback IMO and this would make it more memorable. They can cause some kind of screwjob finish between Ryback and John Cena for the WWE Title. This could lead them helping Ryback win and putting John Cena in the ambulance, thus making Ryback the WWE champion.

I think this could be a great idea and could finally get the belt onto Ryback. I would then like to see an Iron man match between Ryback and John Cena at Money in the bank for the wwe title.
If this does happen, I don't see it happening in the near future. I expect WWE to ultimately build the presence of the Wyatt Family up over the course of a few months before really putting them in the tag title hunt. In my opinion, I might be wrong, but I think the next opponents for The Shield will be Sheamus & Randy Orton once their program with Team Hell No is finished.

I don't know if they're going to have Bray Wyatt in the role of a manager or if he'll also compete as a singles wrestler like he does in NXT. Personally, I'd rather see both. I think a good way for the Wyatt Family to make an impact to begin with is to simply establish themselves with Bray's promos, which are pretty amazing. The guy gives off a completely different vibe than any other heel in wrestling right now and that can be used to give some fans a genuinely creepy, uneasy feeling when it comes to the Wyatt Family as a whole. At the same time, WWE needs to establish Harper & Rowan as individuals themselves rather than mute puppets who stand around looking intimidating. They need to be able to stand on their own both with or without Bray by their side.
Attacking The Shield could be a good way to get noticed early, but I do not support this being The Wyatt Family's first feud. The Shield have been dominating for the past 6 months with even teams led by John Cena and Sheamus being defeated. Why would a rookie group be believable in even standing a chance? I do not watch NTX so other than Bray's previous run as Husky Harris, I know absolutely nothing about these guys. Most of the fanbase does not watch NXT either so this will be their very first impression on them unless they remember Bray's time as Harris in Nexus.

I would rather they get a strong debut and be built up for a feud later down the line once they have gained some momentum. The only believable outcome if they feud with The Shield first is for them to get destroyed. Seriously. You have to build up newcomers and new teams or else fans may not get behind them. Look at how long it took before The Shield finally won belts, for instance. They were BUILT UP for it. The same needs to be done for the Wyatt Family. Have them attack and feud with 3MB first, then some random filler teams, until they are ready for an inevitable feud with The Shield later on. I wouldn't do it until Summerslam at the earliest or sometime this fall.
Nope, I don't like this idea at all. Both sides are natural heels...the two should never really cross paths. Given how over the Shield are right now, I think the focus should be on establishing each of those guys as competitors and personalities, pushing them closer towards main event status.

Definitely don't want to go back to the late 90's NOD/DOA/Los Boricuas borefest feuds.
That is a terrible idea. The Shield is one of very few things the WWE has going for it. And the Wyatt Family has a nice buzz. WHY would you combine the two right off the bat?! I'm sorry, but this is why the IWC are fools. You don't know what you want...and that is because you don't know what makes sense.

If you have two big things going, let them work separately and THEN square off. Hogan/Macho Austin/Rock You guys are in such a rush to stuff everything into one program. Then what? One goes off to something good MAYBE and the other faces Rhodes Scholars in the mid-card at best?

Just an awful, awful idea.
Attacking the shield would make them faces but their characters are heel so this makes no sense plus its too soon to put them in with the shield they are champions Wyatt family need to show WWE fans who have or do not watch NXT what they are about before even thinking of championships. I can see Bray Wyatt becoming Intercontinental Champion not too long after debuting this would allow Ambrose to remain US Champ for a while

Nope, I don't like this idea at all. Both sides are natural heels...the two should never really cross paths. Given how over the Shield are right now, I think the focus should be on establishing each of those guys as competitors and personalities, pushing them closer towards main event status.

Definitely don't want to go back to the late 90's NOD/DOA/Los Boricuas borefest feuds.
I agree with this 100% but in your list you probably liked them but however you still had Degeneration X in that as well
I agree with this 100% but in your list you probably liked them but however you still had Degeneration X in that as well

My memory of that was more DX and Nation of Domination feuding, and DX had really taken on a face role by that point. I think this was right after the whole DX invades WCW thing, and they were really getting popular. What struck me about the other groups (Boricuas, DOA) was that they were pushing a heel vs. heel feud.

I'm rattling my brain right now trying to think of the last time any heel vs heel feud ever really got over without one of them turning babyface.
Wyatt family as a face group with a crazed gimmick is something we need. Heels are to on top now, and when bad is always on top, things get boring. Having a crazy face group is what I think we need, let em' feud with The Shield.
To be honest I wouldn't want to see them as faces or feuding with the Shield. If WWE is willing to push the envelope even a little with the Wyatt Family there are some insanely wonderful things that they could do. Being from Louisiana myself I'd love to see them play that angle up a little more and really press the advantage that they already have. Perhaps bring up things like the Rougarou (Skinwalkers) maybe get a little crazy with some Southern Baptist-esque Jim Jones type of mind control, Snake handling, ect...

None of that fits in at all with the Shield (to be honest they might not even go there it's just a personal hope of mine) but the Wyatt Family can completely play up their supposed Southern heritage and bring in things that are distinctly crazy and Southern. Right now I don't see anything in any wrestling promotion that screams to me in that direction so for me that is a missed opportunity on so many levels.

To me I could personally see Bray Wyatt holding a snake out to either of his cohorts and in that wonderful drawl saying something like.. "If you believe in me then he won't bitecha; now will 'E?"

Oh the ideas... here's hoping.
I can see it happening, but not for at least a few months after the family's debut. I see it playing out with these vignettes playing on raw for a few months leading to their debut and then Wyatt sort of brainwashing different wrestlers to join his cult. Leading to them facing The Shield at next year's Wrestlemania.
As I said in my first post, I don't look for The Wyatt Family to take on The Shield anytime soon. I do look for WWE to establish Harper & Rowan in the tag team scene and build them up, but I don't see a feud with The Shield in the future unless it's something along the lines of a three or fourway feud in which there's at least one significant babyface team involved.

If the second vignette on Raw was any indication, WWE might be adding more members to The Wyatt Family. Along with Harper & Rowan, the vignette showed some other "followers" of Wyatt. Reports are stating that it appeared to be NXT wrestler Garrett Dylan and NXT Diva Bayley in the video. The Divas could use some fresh blood
Hi everyone, first time, long time! I'm a huge Wyatt fan and I just had to break my silence to comment.

First, I agree that it would make no sense to feud the Family with the Shield and wasn't really going to comment on that. But when discussion turned to how to use them initially, I wanted to chime in. Since 90% of WWE fans have not seen him, other than in the new promos, what if they built him up as this legendary almost-mythical figure? Suppose ONLY Harper/Rowan show up for a while with a couple other followers perhaps. They just constantly talk about Bray, about his "message", etc. We keep getting his creepy videos. But we dont actually see him for a few months. Maybe they bring a low-carder or two to meet him, we the viewer don't see what happens, but that low-carder returns brainwashed and part of the family. You could build this successfully for 1-2 months and the fans will be RABID to finally see this guy. Even when he finally shows up, I just want him to sit in that damn rocking chair at the top of the ramp and command his sheep with just a look. I don't think he should actually wrestle for a LONG time, until whichever face they are feuding with beats his way up the ladder to finally get his hands on the master at a major PPV.

They could really play some long extended mindgames with the fans, really make it creepy and exciting, if they go in this direction.
um I'm very surprised to not hear this theory yet. Mostly cause it's so obvious. Bray is Kaitlyn's secret admirer. He'll show up on Raw this Monday and be nothing like expected. He'll be a perfect, polite gentleman for a few weeks. Take her out, ask her harmless questions, move on. At the same time, she will find herself constantly being attacked by a mysterious woman during her matches.

He will then subtly and proceed to brainwash her over the next few weeks before leaving her beaten senseless by his mysterious, new, diva family member.
um I'm very surprised to not hear this theory yet. Mostly cause it's so obvious. Bray is Kaitlyn's secret admirer.

I don't think involve the Wyatt family into a storyline which no one pay much attention is a good idea. If the secret admirer thing get reaction, it maybe great, but the family are obviously having more eyes on it, which means it will waste the Bray if he is the admirer
There could be a potential feud between The Shield and the Wyatt family but in order for that to happen they would have to turn one of these teams face and the Wyatt family to me they just scream heel and not to mention they are just too weird too creepy and bizarre to even be faces while with The Shield they could be bad-ass faces if the WWE wanted to pull the trigger on that but The Shield have just been too good as heels, but a heel vs heel team feud could actually be good if you really think about it
I don't understand why everyone's suggesting that the Wyatt family are going to be in the top spotlight already soon as they debut.

Not saying that Wyatt family vs Shield wouldn't be interesting, cause in fact it would be. But let's be honest here. This is WWE, so I'm gonna go with the cliche idea of having the Wyatt Family squashing irrelevant faces in matches such as R-Truth etc, for 1-2 months after their debut.

I think that's the only logical way for WWE to book them. But hey, I'm praying that WWE actually surprises me this time and make the Wyatt Family make an impact by attacking both The Shield and their opponents during their match. That would be interesting.. having another heel faction competing against the other each week to prove who's the most dominant force. But like I said this is WWE so the possibility of that is just very low..
But knowing how predictable WWE is, they will probably throw the Wyatt family into the direction of either John Cena, or another major face like Randy Orton or Sheamus or Kane or Daniel Bryan but at the same time the Wyatt family should make an impact in their debut and the perfect way to do that would be to go after Cena but at the same time Cena would bury them
You guys are jumping the gun here. How do we even know TWF is even going to be heel yet? Just because they are heelish don't mean jack, heck they could start as faces feuding with the Shield from the get go causing them to split then go heel as a dominant trio or just feud with the Shield as a power struggle ultimately causing Shield to turn face or split into singles competitors. I'd even go for a merger ideal since the shield has a twisted view of justice anyways lol. I'm actually interested in this now, I went back to WWE as a gap closer for TNA but now i'm starting to dig WWE again
The problem is that there has to be a loser. The Shield have been built up for 8 months or so meaning letting them loose to the Wyatt family would be ridiculous. Contrastingly, the Wyatt family are new and need the build; however, pairing them with the Shield suggests a loss and they have immediately lost credibility.

The Wyatt family shouldn't feud with the Shield and acting in a similar manner (attacking everyone in sight) would be stupid and boring. Quite frankly, they need to be fresh and exciting.

If they parrot The Shield they will be redundant and will not get over. If theY feud with the Shield than they will be the losers and will not immediately get over.
or TWF could just be another 3MB to be beaten repeatedly by the shield, the hype is there for TWF but who knows. I wasn't expecting Fandango to get over as well as he did so fast and WWE pretty much buried him so I dunno

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