WWE Elimination Chamber 2014: The Shield VS The Wyatt Family

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On tonight's episode of SmackDown!, Triple H formally announced that The Shield & The Wyatt Family will meet at the Elimination Chamber ppv. Trips initially tried talking The Shield out of the match, but they wouldn't hear of it, with Reigns getting up in Trips' face over it. Prior to Triple H interrupting, there was some tension between Ambrose & Reigns stemming from the Royal Rumble with Seth Rollins playing peacemaker.

It should be a fun, wild brawl between these two factions, but I ultimately see The Wyatt Family scoring the win and a huge step towards the inevitable break up of The Shield. In the coming weeks, it could look like things are getting back to normal with The Shield, with Ambrose & Reigns burying the hatchet before Ambrose buries said hatchet, metaphorically speaking, in Reigns' back. Ambrose is the hot heat of the group, so we could see the split happen at EC.
I was hoping WWE would save this match for Wrestlemania. Oh well.

Going with The Wyatts for the win, because it's obvious they're headed for a feud with Cena. The Wyatts regained a lot of momentum with Bray's victory over Bryan at the Royal Rumble, and a big loss before Wrestlemania would hurt Bray before the rumored match with Cena.

The Shield had an incredible run in 2013, and they had a fantastic match with Cena, Sheamus, and Bryan on Raw. If The Shield sticks around for too long, they're going to reach a too stale point, and WWE is clearly setting the wheels in motion for a break up. I don't like the idea of using new members to replace anyone, because we'll just see a watered down, second rate version of The Shield (Punk's New Nexus, The Corre). Reigns (especially Reigns), Rollins, and Ambrose continue to prove they're capable of standing on their own, and it's about time for everyone to go their separate ways.
What a perfect opportunity for a WAR GAMES. You will already have the EC hanging above the ring for the main event so why not use it? You even had Bray talking about 'war' and 'games' in his promo on SMACKDOWN.
What a perfect opportunity for a WAR GAMES. You will already have the EC hanging above the ring for the main event so why not use it? You even had Bray talking about 'war' and 'games' in his promo on SMACKDOWN.

Yes, this. A tag team Elimination Chamber match. Basically a WarGames match with the cage and the timed entrances, but keep the Elimination aspect of it. You have to eliminate all three members of the other team. WarGames + Survivor Series.

I don't know if it'll happen, but I sure hope it does. The Elimination Chamber PPV usually has two Elimination Chambers matches anyway. This would be a perfect second match along with the main event.

Either way, yeah, clearly the Wyatt Family is going to win as we head towards Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins at WrestleMania.
i also think wyatts going to win the match at ec.
If they put them in the ec cage then its going to be great match.

Post EC Raw wyatts attack john cena. Roman made save by attacking wyatts. After sometimes ambrose ask roman. Roman said no more shield.
Roman Reigns turn face in following week and wrestled against Dean Ambrose.
If they want the Wyatt Family vs. Shield match to reach its full potential the Chamber is the perfect setting. The Chamber is confined and violent, the perfect setting for Bray, Harper, Rowan and Reigns. They need a gimmick match to hide their weaknesses in the ring. Rollins and Ambrose would be fine in any type but they need to protect their “money” men.

The E might be worried this match would steal the show and crush the title Chamber match.
The E might be worried this match would steal the show and crush the title Chamber match.

I don't think that'll be the case here, with Bryan in the Elimination Chamber, nothing, and I mean nothing on the show could crush that match. You turn Cena heel and the Elimination Chamber would probably still steal the show, just because Bryan is apart of it.

Anyway, on the match. Like I said previously, I look forward to it, it'll be a very interesting match up, and I look for The Wyatt's to come out on top, which will lead to the implosion that is inevitable.
I loved the promo on SD that set this match up, I think they need to maximize it's potential as it's likely to be one and done, so stick them in the Chamber and have it open the show.

This will most likely be the moment that takes the little cracks they've built up and breaks The Shield wide open.
I want to see this match, but I would've preferred it a few months ago. The Shield are obviously going to combust and as a result lose the contest. It would've been nice to see a more even contest with the best team coming out on top, not because of communication issues from one team.
High fives all round and the finest bottle of sparkling white that Iceland has to offer. I think we're all rather happy about this one, aren't we? And what a great ad for NXT. Six blokes from the performance centre and at least five who we give a shit about. Sorry, Mr. Rowan, but there's a reason you're the one they put a mask on and asked not to talk.

The Shield are obviously going to lose though, which is a shame. It's not a shame that they're losing, I mean - it's a shame that it's obvious. I suppose there is the one alternative of Roman Reigns just going apeshit and spearing everyone, chucking them into a pile and performing history's first pentapin. Hm. Maybe.

Should be worth a watch.
I'm sometimes surprised how little we see heel vs. heel or face vs. face. The time honored traditions of pro wrestling just don't seem to allow it. Especially when we see things like 8-man tag teams, you look at the make-up of each squad and wonder how they can even co-exist in the same corner, especially the bad guys.

So, now we have two teams of heels with a grudge against each other and a desire to defend their "turf." It's been set up well, having been over a month since we saw their brief skirmish in the ring. Since then, we've been waiting for the clash and I was afraid WWE was abandoning it.

The winners? I would think the Wyatts since they're apparently staying together as a team while Shield is obviously splitting. The ironic aspect here is that people will surely be rooting for Shield; as "bad" as they've been, their evil has been more calculating than Wyatts, who've just been wacky evil.

The win should send the Wyatts stock soaring, just in time for a certain event that comes every April.
The Shield vs The Wyatt family is an interesting matchup will I frankly, expected them to save for WrestleMania XXX. With the reports that Bray Wyatt will get John Cena at WrestleMania they are doing it now. The tension between The Shield is finally starting to show and it's looking more and more like Ambrose and Rollins will turn on Roman Reigns for WrestleMania this leading to a 2 on 1 handicap with Reigns going over.

I feel like The Wyatt family go over because of the split between The Shield, losing will only serve to fuel the breakup between the three. They blame Reigns for the split and get jealous of him etc...you know the rest. The Wyatt's must also win because Bray Wyatt needs to look very strong going to into WrestleMania if he is to face WWE's franchise player in John Cena.
This is the best opportunity WWE has ever had for a War Games style match as many others have said. Could turn this into a very unforgettable PPV. Not sure why they wouldn't.
The thing that sold it for me, apart from the obvious booking those two have had for the past year and how everybody would like to see them go at it, was Triple H's line: "I hope you guys know what you're doing". It doesn't mean anything, but the way it was delivered just did it for me. It's like Triple H somehow fears The Wyatts and is trying to warn The Shield that it will not be the same. And it will not be the same - JBL keeps saying that it doesn't matter the big stars you put against a great team and those two are great teams.

I think that The Shield will work babyface in this situation comes Elimination Chamber. They were the one screwed and they are the ones getting all the cheers anytime their music hits anyway. I think we are all expecting some kind of break-up between Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose, but one thing I have to point out - Roman Reigns is being booked as way too arrogant for a guy that is supposedly going to be a big babyface, so if Ambrose and Rollins leave him it will be weird see who's the babyface or heel in that situation.

My pick is The Wyatts leave the Target Center as the #1 faction in WWE, while Roman Reigns finally finds a reason to beat the living crap out of Ambrose (and Rollins maybe).
I'm not sure the stipulations, but I book it a 3 vs 3 elimination in the chamber.

Reigns starts out for Shield. At some point it comes down to a 3 on 1 vs Reigns. He fights his way to just him vs Wyatt. Just when it looks like Reigns is going to win, lights go out, you hear someone in the ring, they come back on and the chamber door is open and Reigns is out cold. Wyatt gets the pin.

We find out that it was Ambrose, setting up the triple threat at Mania for the US title which Reigns wins and carries all summer.
This feud is the best thing going right now in wrestling, it is cooked and ready to serve hot this Sunday! Honestly with all the talk of dying and what not this feels like it should be either be in a Chamber or at least a Tornado rules street fight, these guys have built it like they are going to war and thus they should!
The Shield vs The Wyatt family is an interesting matchup will I frankly, expected them to save for WrestleMania XXX. With the reports that Bray Wyatt will get John Cena at WrestleMania they are doing it now. The tension between The Shield is finally starting to show and it's looking more and more like Ambrose and Rollins will turn on Roman Reigns for WrestleMania this leading to a 2 on 1 handicap with Reigns going over.

I feel like The Wyatt family go over because of the split between The Shield, losing will only serve to fuel the breakup between the three. They blame Reigns for the split and get jealous of him etc...you know the rest. The Wyatt's must also win because Bray Wyatt needs to look very strong going to into WrestleMania if he is to face WWE's franchise player in John Cena.

I wonder would WWE pull a swerve and actually let The Shield win but Bray Wyatt doesn't get pinned. I don't think it's enough time for each Shield member to develop their own individual personality (theme song/titantron/look) by Wrestlemania.

I could see The Shield winning as a cohesive unit, but later in the show, in the EC, it comes down to Cena and Orton and Bray interferes and costs Cena the match or he abducts Nikki Bella and shows it on the titantron while Orton takes advantage of a weakened Bryan and wins, what a better way to start build up than to cost Cena what he prizes the most.
This'll be a brilliant match, without a doubt. I'm gonna go for the Wyatt Family to win this one. Hopefully, The Shield could have their proper "break up" match at Wrestlemania. This means the Wyatt's can win this match and move onto bigger things at Wrestlemania. I was hoping for a Wyatt takeover where they try to take control over the WWE and make it darker & give it a sense of evil, leading to HHH doing something about it.

But, this match should be very good. There should be some great back & forth along with some pure brutality. I would call Wyatt's to win.
This is a match I'm really excited for. Perhaps the most interested I've been in a match for a long time. Both stables have been so impressive and this has been about half a year in the making. The Shield are yet to put on a bad match and Bray/Harper are both rather good. This cannot disappoint.

I do think The Wyatt Family will win; allowing The Shield to split. However, (since I would like a rematch) I do believe there is a possibility that The Shield win, setting up a rematch for Mania. We all want this feud to last longer. We all don't want The Shield to split up. Giving them one last win and one more month. There is still legs in this feud. There is definitely more they can do with regards to the tension between Reigns and Ambrose.

I really hope The Shield are victorious but The Wyatt Family will probably win and this is The Shield's last match.
I'll be surprised if we get swerved and the Shield actually do pick up the victory. Like most people, I'm pretty sure this match's only purpose is to further facilitate the Shield's inevitable breakup. I see this ending with Ambrose taking the fall after Reigns spears him accidentally or Rollins taking the fall while Ambrose and Reigns are distracted arguing with one another or something. Nonetheless, I'm a mark for both teams so I'll be looking forward to a fun match. I'm sure the Wyatts will pick up the win and build some serious momentum going towards Wrestlemania and possibly Bray's rumored match with John Cena.

I'm excited about this one. Other than the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match, this is the match I am the most interested in. Both teams have been doing great and it was inevitable for them to eventually face each other. The big question is.... who wins? The Wyatt Family honestly need the win more than The Shield do. All three members of The Shield are destined for greatness and I could see tension within The Shield costing them the win. I'm happy no matter who wins though, it should be an excellent match. It probably goes on toward the end of the evening.

The Wyatt Family will defeat The Shield.
Call me an old Cornette "Back in the day" bastard but this feud should not be over and done, there is money being left on the table with this IMO, the crowd were chanting "This is awesome" before they even got started.

I know it looks like Cena vs Bray is going to happen but honestly I just feel they are rushing through one of the hottest programs they've had in ages, this was the kind of tag team match reaction that Dusty & The Road Warriors vs The Four Horsemen generated, to not have them face off in a Cell or TLC match at Mani seems like such a missed opportunity to me.

The pace of modern booking I guess.
I used to do these types of threads a few years ago, but this match I really want to discuss with the rest of you, I apologise if it's in the wrong section, please move if so.

I saw Elimination Chamber live and by far this match was the best, possibly the year so far. I haven't got a link to the match, so I guess you can only comment if you've seen it.

The Questions I would like to ask about the match are:

  • Was the feud going into the match good?
  • Was the match entertaining?
  • Was there good story-telling? (Psychology)
  • Was there any good spots?
  • How was the crowds reaction throughout this match?
  • Length of match? (Was it too short? or too long?, could more time have been added to make the match better? etc.)

I will post my answers to the questions later on..

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