WWE Summerslam 2015 - Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns VS Bray Wyatt & Luke Harper


Along with the IC title triple threat match, the tag match with Ambrose and Reigns taking on Wyatt and Harper is official.

I think Wyatt & Harper come out with the win here due to interference from a surprise member of the Wyatt Family. There's been talk of bringing someone else to join the Family since Erick Rowan is out injured SummerSlam just seems like an opportune time. It'd also be a means of extending the feud and possibly, just POSSIBLY, having Ambrose & Reigns recruiting an ally of their own and, while unlikely but still a small possibility, of reforming The Shield with someone replacing Rollins.
Well we all know what will happen here Roman Reigns will turn on his partner Dean Ambrose and be under Bray Wyat's wing as the 3rd member of Wyat family and to replace Erick Rowan since he has been sidelined with an injury
Maybe we ll see Reigns interfere against faker-Lesner match at SS and Bray Wyat attacking mark would make more sense so they both can avenge their loses till STING shows up! Who know? Maybe other s who may interfere can be HHH and Kane and or Shameus
Okay I like the idea of a new Wyatt family member but Would it be rational to see the Shield get a new member instead of Seth Rollins? If it wasn't going to be Sting teaming up with Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns, the feud isn't going to be something noteworthy. Because Sting is an icon, even if he doesn't have anything to do with the Wyatt family, his presence would mark both the casual and hardcore fans.

But on the other hand I wouldn't mind Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns taking on They Wyatt family (with its new member) in a Two on Three handicap match in the upcoming PPVs. It would really put them in a good spot, I guess at least.

I think Ambrose will turn on Reighns. It just seems like a way to elevate RR and get the fans away from Ambrose. I can see maybe at survivor series if Seth looses and splits from the authority we could get Ambrose seeing the light as DB did and we get the sheild vs wyatts through royal rumble. It could even end in massive match at mania have HHH going after Seth and bring in orton and Batista to do a triple threat between all the stables. I know this sounds too much but i can see the doing it to get everyone a payday
I think Bray and Harper get the win here. Ambrose takes the fall. Making Bray looking even more like a threat for Reigns since he got Harper back with him. It doesn't make sense for Harper to lose his first PPV match back after they made him look so credible at Battleground.

I think they'll hold out Sting until Hell In A Cell, Rowan returns and Sting returns to even the odds, leading to an inevitable Sting vs. Bray at WrestleMania 32.
I think Ambrose will turn on Reighns.

Hadn't thought of that, yet it's possible because I can't figure why a major PPV isn't being used as a vehicle to further Reign's singles push. Either the company has cooled on the idea of Roman attaining top status in the near future.... or there's some type of swerve in the cards.....and Dean turning on Roman is as likely as anything else.

Wyatt & Harper can use a win to solidify their re-alliance, and there's nothing stopping them from getting it in a tag team encounter.
Truth is Reigns hasn't won a single PPV match since Extreme Rules. Ambrose hasn't won since I don't remember. Wyatt won the first match. IMO Reigns and Ambrose need to pick up a victory here in order to get back some revelancy..

Now a lot of things can happen.. Post-match or mid-match a new Wyatt Family member could be introduced. Sting could come out of nowhere to assist Reigns & Ambrose against the 3 Wyatt Family members.

I don't see a turn happening, like Reigns or Ambrose being the 3rd member becasue I think either man turning on the other doesn't make much sense right now. I wouldn't mind it, since I'd find it shocking, but I want the turns to have some meaning behind them, not just happen for the sake of entertainment.
Something indeed does have to give at summerslam. Last win for Roman was indeed at ER and for Dean gosh i honestly dont remember its been awhile.. The brass has cooled on Roman for the moment it seems and the Wyatt Family it seems is screaming for at least another member to be added to its stable..

I think Dean would fit the bill he is a lunatic,crazy,and well knows Roman inside and out.. As far as story line goes who better to feed Bray inside information than Romans only friend than Dean.. It fits perfect.. Of course Sting hasn't been seen since WM so him joining the Wyatt Family isnt entirely out of the question either
This is by far the most intreging match of the evening, there are a lot of possible ways this one could go with both teams needing a win, but I see the possible appearance of a new Wyatt family member costing Ambrose and Reigns the match. I think this will lead to a traditional 4 on 4 survivor series match, with Wyatt and Harper being joined by the newest Wyatt family member (who will possible be Bo Dallas or Adam rose using his Leo Kruger gimmick) and a returning Eric Rowan, against Reigns, Ambrose, Sting and somebody like Randy Orton.
This is my least interesting match of the night. Roman Reigns, and to a lesser extend, Dean Ambrose, are being wasted in this undercard match with massively overrated Bray Wyatt and stuck in the mud Luke Harper.

The problem is that this match only has one realistic ending, and that's The Wyatts winning. They just reunited, and so, it's painfully obvious that they're using Roman and Dean to put the Wyatts over as a threat again. Whatever, it's boring.

If they somehow found a way for Sting to get involved, then I'll be a little interested, but otherwise, this might be the worst match on the card and the match I refill my drinks on.
Meh. I mean, it'll be fine. But the talk of Ambrose turning on Reigns has me nervous. I like Ambrose as a face, and so does the audience. I don't want to watch 3 straight Pay Per Views of Ambrose beating Reigns, because I'm not sure it does much for either guy.

So yeah, I don't know what I want from this match, other than the rumours that Sting might join in.
Reigns needs a heel turn more than a win. Let Wyatt pin Ambrose and then have Reigns turn on Ambrose blaming for the loss and destroy him to get heat. He would be a heel battling an underdog face in Ambrose and should be on his own with no friends, no manager and no authority to hold him back. Have him squash Ambrose and win the title from Rollins at Survivor Series or Rumble and have a long reign as the dominant heel champion before dropping it to Owens or Rollins
Seems like a way of allowing Reigns to win his Wyatt feud without him pinning Bray.

WWE have Sting under contract, put him in a feud with Wyatt. It'll suck but it's something i'd still be curious to see on a "B" show.
Meh. I mean, it'll be fine. But the talk of Ambrose turning on Reigns has me nervous. I like Ambrose as a face, and so does the audience. I don't want to watch 3 straight Pay Per Views of Ambrose beating Reigns, because I'm not sure it does much for either guy.

So yeah, I don't know what I want from this match, other than the rumours that Sting might join in.

Actually, just turn Reigns heel instead, and if booking is anything to go by, he'll be the one to pin Ambrose for 3 PPVs to kickstart his heel run, whilst Ambrose will continue to be loved by the audience anyways regardless of w/l.
There is only two ways that I see this match ending:
1. Eric Rowan comes back for the Wyatts to interfere and than Rock comes out to help Roman and Dean win.
2. The Wyatts win and Roman turns on Dean after the match is over.
They could have Rock come out to talk some sense into Roman and than Roman beats on him as well as Dean.

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