Possible new member in the Wyatt Family

Some people forget (or didn't know), but before Adam Rose was Adam Rose he was Leo Kruger in NXT, the guy who could easily fit into Wyatt Family, he doing nothing anyway, so why not.

Love this Idea. The Leo Krueger character could easily make the small tweaks he'd need to fit with the Wyatts!
This is tailor made for Bo Dallas to re debut.

Have him just be a creepier version of what he was. Have him always smiling. A creepy super peppy motivational speaker that has a mean streak. Like this guy.


The good cop to Bray's bad cop.
Barry is not quite ready to come up from NXT, but he is a very good choice. You guys have mentioned a lot of possibilities but how about Jack Swagger, he is big and strong just grow a full beard like he had before and let Bray lead him. Jack is not going anywhere and he has to much talent to let go to waste. I do not know what you could say to make this storyline believable but maybe something like Bray is going to save Jack from who he is and all of the fans and make him who he could be and who he once was when he held the Title.

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