Should The Wyatt Family reunite?

Is it time for a Wyatt Family reunion?

  • Bray Wyatt is better on his own

  • Bring Rowan and Harper back to The Wyatt Family

  • Create an all-new Wyatt Family

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Secondly, I'm not quite sure what "hump" Bray needs to get over?
He is BY FAR the most electric mid-card guy right now. Ambrose gets a decent pop but EVERYONE is interested in the Wyatt matches. His two tilts with Ziggler recently on RAW have been some of the better WWE in-ring matches of the year. His Rumble match against Bryan stole the show at that PPV IMO.

Let me see if I can explain this so it doesn't sound stupid.

When the Wyatt's first debuted I loved them, the look, the mystique, the way Wyatt talked, they were quite unlike anything on the roster. Wyatt's promo's were some of the best I've ever heard, he could keep you mesmerized even if you didn't understand a word of what he was saying.

Between the three of them, Wyatt, Rowan and Harper they made up a great faction. As a matter of fact their matches against the Shield were some of the best of the year. But it soon became apparent to me anyway, that creative had no idea what do with them.

First they kidnap Daniel Bryan and try to recruit him into the family, that doesn't work. Then they try to turn John Cena to the dark side, again another fail. Jericho is up next and Wyatt tries to save us or Jericho from himself. That went nowhere fast, and all this time he's cutting these promo's that are beginning to become rambling and long winded.

He's full of great ideas and proclamations but nothing becomes of them. Meanwhile Luke Harper has become the stand out of the group in the ring, even though he hasn't said a damm word in months. Then they split them up, for what reason, we still don't know, but we know that "She's coming".

So Wyatt comes back from a mini time off and he is a cult leader without a cult. His followers have left him, and we're still waiting for "her" to show up.

Can you get where I'm going with this. Wyatt whole run has been smoke and mirrors. He's not interested in a title run, never said a word about one. He's only interested in saving, recruiting or waiting for someone.

I personally don't think he's that great in the ring, and the spider walk is getting old. His promo's have become long and boring, and we all know that nothing comes of them. He's stuck in a rut, always doing the same things over and over again, just the names change. And I believe it's because they don't know what to do with him. Until creative actually starts doing their jobs I think he'll stay in the rut he's in. He shows no signs of moving up at all.
I do agree that the Wyatts should reunite, but not completely reuinite reuinite.. What do I mean?
They should stick together as a "family", but, it isn't necessary for them to be together all the time. The could still be labeled as being together. However everyone would be doing his own thing and when the time fits it, they would show up together to raise some hell, maybe for a ritual, or something like that. Luke Harper and Eric Rowan would certainly help the tag division, but being an "open stable", they could a tag team as well as singles competitors.
Bray Wyatt should maintain his status as the leader and should be the one pulling the strings.

Also, Bray Wyatt is supposed to be a cult leader, but has failed to take under him any new member. So, I agree with what other posters have said, he needs to add a new member. From the current roster, I'd like to see Stardust, mainly because I want him to have an important role in the product. We've seen him on his own before and with the current midcard roster, I don't think he could fit in completely solo, without someone pushing him, someone like Bray Wyatt.

The intellectual savior would also be a great addiiton, if that gimmcik ever comes back, after Damien Mizdow finally breaks away from the Miz.

However I don't want many members, 4-5 member would be enough, one being the leader, the other 2 the tag team, one midcard wrestler and maybe one diva.

But to state the obvious, Bray Wyatt doesn't need the family, the family needs him. That's also why I don't want them to be a stable, appearing together all the time, but an "open stable", as in everyone plays his part and they can appear together as I said for a ritual or for a big rivalry.
If anyone would benefit the most from a potential reunion, it would be Eric Rowan. His massive size and strength make him seem as if he would be a shoo-in to do some big things. However, in an era where the Big Red Machine looks like old corporate muscle, nothing is surprising anymore. I do agree that Harper and Rowan as tag team champions would have been and still would be nice. I enjoy the trifecta that was the Wyatt family. If they do reunite, I hope they dont travel the road of many initially successful factions in wrestling; get too big, confuse the bejeezus out of viewers, and eventually disband hoping it will be remembered for its most successful period and not its final, dying days.
I wouldn't want a full reunion, but they could work as a family and help each other. At least Bray & Harper anyway, Rowan is more lost in the shuffle than what Harper is, but Harper just needs a push again.

My other option would be Harper becoming a Heyman guy in Brock's absence, eventually The Wyatt's reunite and take Heyman out at some stage due to their jealousy of him, which leads to Brock's return & sets up a feud.
I wish I could vote multiple times. It's been what? Five months since they officially split, I'm still legitimately annoyed by this and equally bloody baffled.

All it did was highlight one simple thing, they had absolutely no idea what the endgame was for these guys. And with the stuff Bray's been doing since the split, they still have no idea what to do with any of them.
They should never have split up in the first place. Harper and Rowan should have won the Tag Team Championship together while they were in The Wyatt Family. I don't understand why that never happened. Now both of them are going nowhere with Harper doing nothing relevant since his short random Intercontinental Championship win and Rowan being made to look like a fool in the never-ending aftermath of Survivor Series storyline that should have ended months ago. Have them re-unite and re-join Bray. He was far more intimidating himself when he had his two underlings. All three benefit more from being a stable. Bray might make it on his own, but I have my doubts on the other two if the team never gets back together.
Tough one, now.

To be honest, Lake Harper and Erick Rowan have not been that great since coming out of the Wyatt Family. In fact, the best thing they have done since is matches against each other in the very early stages of their individuality. And since then, they have did absolutely nothing of note. For all of their supposed potential, they have really failed to live up to the hype. Harper seemed like he was going to get the better rub of the green but since his Intercontinental run, he has been MIA. Rowan is a terrible superstar bit at least he's been on TV every week with people that matter.

Honestly, I'd like to see then reunite and have another go at making the Wyatt Family work in some form. The problem is that Bray is doing well enough on his own to prove that the Wyatt Family was just the icing on his cake. Harper and Rowan were living off of the popularity of Wyatt and now that it's all said and done, they are struggling. Wyatt might be toiling in the same way, somewhat, but at least he has followed up on his potential. Unlike the other members.
I like Harper way too much. Rowan is ok but having Luke back in the stable would just be irritating. It almost certainly puts a ceiling on him and it forces him to be viewed as a second rate superstar. It will always be Bray's stable.

It would be beneficial for Bray to have them by his side but the roster needs bodies. Harper and Rowan alone gives the WWE more options and it allows them to get beat without effecting Bray. I wasn't crazy about the initial split but now I can understand why they did it. Reuniting them (at this stage) would just be a step backward.
I'm a little unsure why they broke them up myself... it felt very abrupt and with the time they spent airing promos about how Wyatt had "set them free", I was expecting some type of story progression out of it. Wyatt benefitted from having the two of them do a lot of his dirty work and enhance his character/position as a heel. I agree that he should be more of a cult leader and wrestler sparingly, save for the occasional RAW and pay-per-views. Overexposing him in the ring is a bad idea.

I felt Wyatt got off to kind of a mixed start when he came back solo but I've been enjoying his work lately.

In the case of Harper, it's really a shame because he's an extremely gifted wrestler and I like his character... big agile guy, unique look. I had high hopes when he had that little month long or less IC title run. Him talking a lot makes no sense to me because he should remain mysterious and the crowd really doesn't treat him like a heel unless he's wrestling a select couple guys because he's so charismatic and entertaining in the ring. Pray he is not turned into some comedy thing.

Erick Rowan's situation has made no sense... for that short period of time he told Renee she was pretty, figured out a rubix cube and we were told he had a wine vineyard or something. Then he gets fired, thrown into the most disjointed tag team/3 man stable I've ever seen - doesn't talk again, jobs, and is going down faster than the Titanic. He's best suited as the silent muscle for someone and I actually like him as an in-ring wrestler in tag matches.

I don't know if they should reunite them right away, but maybe in the near future.

EDIT: and is it me... or did they mistakenly switch Rowan and Harper's themes? Harper's theme is like this loud, country rock sounding song and does not fit his Titan Tron with the eyes at all. Erick Rowan got this really cool mysterious sounding song with bells that doesn't fit his look at all.
I'm not reading through four pages so I apologize if this was mentioned/covered but I can easily see Bray losing the battle in Santa Clara but winning the war thanks to Rowan/Harper.

And not a moment to soon!
I'm not reading through four pages so I apologize if this was mentioned/covered but I can easily see Bray losing the battle in Santa Clara but winning the war thanks to Rowan/Harper.

And not a moment to soon!

I can live with this outcome. To me, having Undertaker lose means nothing. It's almost a lose-lose situation if Bray were to go over. Does anyone care who the second person was to beat Goldberg? The bigger prize for Bray Wyatt is if they truly let him end the Undertaker character. They can also do things during the match that make Bray look like he is the new Phenom, IF that is truly the direction creative wants to go. Complete the storyline with some kind of weird ritual with the Undertaker's body/carcass, the Wyatt Family, and perhaps even Kane.

I agree with the sentiments of most people on the board. The writers today could screw up Jake Roberts heel run in 1991. When you have a character like Bray Wyatt, every now and again, he has to do something that strikes fear/terror into the hearts of the children and audience at large. Something that lets the audience know this man means business, that he is dangerous, and is to be feared. Bray Wyatt has yet to do that. No sacrifices, no followers, no cobra biting anyone type of moments. Nothing. Of all of the things the WWE has mishandled in the last four years (CM Punk, Mark Henry's retirement swerve in 2013, the 2014 Royal Rumble, the Bellas, the Authority coming back, etc), Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family may be the worse.
I do not care for the idea of having the Undertaker lose again, maybe he can push Bray during a great match with a double count out to end it. The Wyatts should never have broken up but you can reform the new Wyatt family with Bray as the cult leader. Than you have Luke and Eric as the muscle, also adding Stardust and a changed Bo Dallas. All you need now is a female wrestler as Abigail, they can all make there debut together the night after WM31.
I like Harper way too much. Rowan is ok but having Luke back in the stable would just be irritating. It almost certainly puts a ceiling on him and it forces him to be viewed as a second rate superstar. It will always be Bray's stable.

Luke Harper would be lucky to be second-rate. Luke Harper is a nobody. The fact that he's now a former Intercontinental Champion is one of the blackest marks on that title's history. Bray Wyatt is second-rate. Harper is fourth-rate.

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