Should The Shield vs Wyatt Family happen inside the Elimination Chamber


Championship Contender
The title says it all but I will expand. The Shield vs Wyatt Family feud looks a certainty after the reaction to there fight on last weeks Raw so I think WWE should let them continue there current feuds at TLC, enter the Rumble and at the Rumble we get to a stage where the only 6 men in the ring and the Shield and Wyatts and they brawl and one team takes the other out and then they continue there feud on TV till the match to end the feud inside the Elimination Chamber. On WWE games for the last few years they have had the tornado tag Elimination Chamber match and I think now is the time to finally turn the game into reality and these are the best 2 teams to get it done. They are not teams that are thrown together like a Survivor Series match. Having it at Elimination Chamber also allows for a potential Wrestlemania rematch or the Shield split and have a triple threat for the US title at Mania.

Your Thoughts
It probably should, but I doubt it will. The Shield vs The Wyatt Family simply must happen - especially the past few weeks and I don't think Wrestlemania is the right place. TLC is maybe too soon so it is between the Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber or both. That would be a fantastic way to end The Shield as a group and move the Wyatt family into the dominant stable. Royal Rumble could be a generic 6 man tag and EC could be held inside the structure. Moreover, it would mean Wyatt actually wrestling which hasn't happened enough.

Having a 6-man tag inside the Elimination Chamber would be a great selling point and a fantastic way to end of the Shield. The match would be incredible because of the range of styles on display. Last year we only had one Elimination Chamber match and The Shield actually had a 6 man match. You have 6 guys, you have a gimmick PPV designed around a match for 6 people; put one and one together ********s.

I could maybe understand them not having it last year, so to protect Cena, but I really like this idea. Wyatt Family/The Shield at Royal Rumble. Rematch inside the Elimination Chamber. Ambrose/Rollins/Reigns for the US title and the Wyatt family facing three others at WM. That is something to get excited about after they teased a feud in the last few weeks.
Yeah, it should happen. But it won't. Just like last year The Shield should've been in an E.C. match.

This match makes sense because with smart but simple booking it should lead to a triple threat match between The Sheild at Mania where the group finally disbands.

18 months as a stable in this era is good going. It'll be time to move on by then.
The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family is not going to happen. Just because they've been involved in some of the same segments, doesn't mean they're going to have a match.. And they're both heel groups, WWE never does heel vs. heel anymore. It get's a poor reaction from the crowd.
The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family is not going to happen. Just because they've been involved in some of the same segments, doesn't mean they're going to have a match.. And they're both heel groups, WWE never does heel vs. heel anymore. It get's a poor reaction from the crowd.

Not sure what crowds you've been watching then on TV.

I saw people pretty much erupt when Shield and the Wyatts stood head to head in that ring last week.

I could see a feud that kicks off at Survivor Series, with a first head to head match up at TLC, possibly in the TLC match itself, followed by a match at the Rumble between Reigns and Wyatt or Ambrose and Wyatt. I think that feud would be a good one to help slingshot Reigns and Ambrose into their feud and the breakup of the Shield.
The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family is not going to happen. Just because they've been involved in some of the same segments, doesn't mean they're going to have a match.. And they're both heel groups, WWE never does heel vs. heel anymore. It get's a poor reaction from the crowd.

There was a very audible "This is awesome!" chant a couple of weeks ago when the Wyatts and the Shield first brawled. I don't know what you're watching.

Also, you talk as if the Shield can't turn face for a few months before disbanding. Why can't we have a face Shield vs heel Wyatts?

Which is pretty much what should happen. The Shield in a tweener-leaning-towards-face role, with the Wyatts as they are now. A match at Elimination Chamber or a match at Wrestlemania, I don't really care which. I just want to see it, as do plenty of other people. It looks like WWE are going for a slow burn with this feud, looking at the tension between the two groups while teaming together. A slow build is something they haven't done in a long-ass time, so I hope they don't get impatient and have the match at TLC instead.
It's fair to assume this should happen. The Shield have been showing elements of a heel group turning face, especially with their segment with Orton Monday Night. It's not crazy to believe The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family can happen. The audience's reaction was priceless. We haven't seen a stable war in WWE forever. So this is a unique thing to take advantage of.

I really want this in The Elimination Chamber, but a throwaway match at TLC could help build it up and Royal Rumble is the perfect place to make The Shield credible faces before going into The Chamber to end the feud.
YES!! Yes!!! yes!!! I have been saying they should do a 3 on 3 War Games style match for years. I thought they were going to pull the trigger this year when they had only 1 match in the chamber and they announced Cena/Ryback/Shemus vs Shield. I even came up with a name, "Chamber Games".
I don't know that it'll happen at the Elimination Chamber, but I do ultimately see them feuding before it's all said & done. A few months ago, I'd have said something similar to what Messiah said in his post, but that was before I heard & saw the reaction these two factions received during their confrontation on Raw a couple weeks ago.

Fans are digging both groups and they're both a unique faction. Neither faction is a group of loosely aligned wrestlers working towards a common goal or common enemy, there's a much deeper connection that's been hammered into the consciousness of fans since each of them debuted. If The Shield winds up against The Wyatt Family before long, they'll probably wind up being babyface by the time it's all said & done. It wouldn't be the first time a heel has turned face, or vice versa, while in the middle of a feud with someone that's supposed to be on the same "side" as they are.

In some feuds between babyfaces, it's not all that uncommon for a storyline that's centered around friendly competition between two guys who mutually respect each other to change. The storyline goes from that to one in which one face becomes frustrated, feeling he's losing possibly to an inability to ultimately get the best of his opponent. The frustration mounts. The mutual respect gets turned inside out due to anger, friendly competition gets devolved into a bitter hatred and somebody turns heel.

In this case, The Wyatt Family is a creepy, backwoods cult who's only real goal seems to be spreading chaos. It's not one of your more common goals for a heel faction. They don't seem to want to "take over" or establish some "new order" in how things are run like most factions, such as The Shield. For all intents & purposes, Wyatt wants to watch the world burn and be the one who lights the match. The Shield aren't exactly good guys, but they're the lesser of two evils compared to the Family.
The seeds are planted I think for The Shield to turn babyface. They have been a little deviant towards "the authority" and Orton so they could cost Orton the title and further make the transition to face.
Do it at WM. Have both groups interfere to take out The Undertaker but they both argue and begin to brawl with each other. While Taker is in the ring looking awkward, Lesnar appears out of nowhere and does the F-5 on him setting up their match at WrestleMania 30.

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