WWE: An Icon Presentation

Before I post RAW, let me make it clear that the promos in the show are way below par (that's what I feel), at least the contract signing. So don't be surprised if it is anything less than what I have given you. I am sorry for it but it was done the way it has come out because of lack of thought amidst a tense personal life i.e school life. Sorry again.

The RAW pyros go off as Jerry “The King” Lawler, Jim Ross and Michael Cole welcome us to RAW. A video airs showing the Kofi Kingston versus Joe Hennig No.1 contender’s match last week followed by the Del Rio assault on Kofi. It cuts off to Kofi’s entire interview with Jack Korpela (now released) and highlights tonight’s Falls Count Anywhere Intercontinental championship match.


Kofi Kingston’s music hits and he comes out to a loud pop. He poses on the stage with pyros going off each time he shouts “boom!”. He high-fives the people going mad for him and the match as he energetically walks down the ramp, his left hand still minorly taped near the elbow. He gets in the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and does the 3-booms again as the crowd goes wild for the first title match on T.V in the new regime.

**Essence of Excellence**

Alberto Del Rio’s music hits and Ricardo Rodriguez is back and is in full form as he introduces Alberto in the grand, Mexican style. The crowd marks out for him as Alberto gets out of a golden Lamborghini Gallardo with the scarf around his neck and the gleaming Intercontinental championship around his shoulder. He poses on the stage with golden pyros going off in the background. He taunts Kofi as he gets into the ring. He poses with the title which gets him boos.

Intercontinental championship (Falls Count Anywhere)
Alberto Del Rio © vs Kofi Kingston

The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Kofi pushes Alberto in the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him but Alberto reverses and whips him into the corner instead. He charges at him but Kofi sidesteps and Alberto crashes into the turnbuckle. He turns around and Kofi takes him down and punches him down. He picks him up and whips him and slaps him across the chest several times. He whips him but Alberto reverses. He ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own and goes for a warm-up cover.

Alberto kicks out!
He picks Alberto up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. He punches him down and gets off. Alberto falls forward and Kofi catches him with a DDT. He calls for the Boom Drop and connects. He calls for Trouble In Paradise. He charges but Alberto sidesteps and Kofi misses wildly. Alberto takes advantage and drops him with a boot. He hooks the leg.

Kofi powers out!
Alberto picks him up and whips him but Kofi ducks and comes off the ropes but Alberto catches him in mid-air and hits backbreaker. He stomps away at his back until Kofi rolls over to the corner. Alberto waits for him to get up and hits a clothesline. He picks him up and hits a powerslam. He measures Kofi and hits a knee-drop. Cover.

Kofi powers out!
He picks Kofi up and whips him into the corner followed by a swift kick to the injured left-arm. He picks him up and twists his arm and sends him arm-first into the turnbuckles. He tweaks his arm and sends him arm-first into the post. Kofi falls to the outside. Alberto goes out and kicks Kofi in the gut. He picks him up and throws him into the barricade. He waits for him to get up and clotheslines him on the floor and goes into the cover.

Kofi kicks out with the injured arm!
Alberto picks him up and smashes his skull on the barricade. He slaps him across the face several times before kicking him on the back of the knee. He picks him up and grabs his arm and throws him arm-first into the barricade. He picks him up and whips him into the post further injuring the arm. He searches for something under the ring and takes out a kendo stick. He goes to whack Kofi with it but Kofi ducks and dropkicks it out of his hand. He hits another dropkick and Alberto crashes into the steps. Kofi pulls him towards him and hooks the leg.

Alberto kicks out!
Kofi picks him up and slams his head on the steps. He drags him towards the barricade and stomps away at him. He tries to get some feeling back in his arm as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Alberto has Kofi locked in the arm-drag. Kofi tries fighting out but Alberto stomps away at his feet which causes Kofi to lose his leg strength as well. Kofi starts going down and is on his knees when the crowd start a “Let’s Go Kofi!” chant. Kofi tries to respond to the chant and starts kicking the mat to get back some lost energy. He gets back to a vertical base and punches Alberto in the face. Alberto finally releases the hold. He charges at Kofi but Kofi does a drop toe-hold and Alberto goes down face-first. Cover.

Alberto kicks out!
Kofi waits for him to get up and goes for a spinning heelkick but Alberto goes outside the ring. Kofi comes off the ropes and takes him down with a baseball slide. He comes off the ropes again and hits a suicide dive on the outside. He hooks both legs.

Alberto kicks out at 2 ½!
Kofi holds his head in frustration. He picks Alberto up and throws him into the barricade. He waits for him to get up and clotheslines him into the audience. He waits for him to get up and leaps off the barricade and hits a crossbody. The crowd marks out for that. Kofi picks him up and smashes him on a chair. Alberto gets dizzy as Kofi picks up a fallen water-bottle and smashes Alberto with it. He hooks the leg.

Alberto kicks out!
He picks Alberto up and smashes his skull on every fifth chair as they make their way near the exit. Kofi picks him up and runs into the exit (entering the backstage area) and hits Alberto with a running powerslam. He waits for him to get up and hits a spinning heelkick. He raises his arms in the air and hits a standing moonsault. Cover.

Alberto powers out in the nick of time!
Kofi lets out a roar in agony as he kicks away at Alberto. He picks Alberto up and throws him into some dashboards. He sees a table and picks it up after throwing off the stuff kept on it. He swings the table at Alberto but Alberto ducks and hits an enzugiri. He spots a cooler. He quickly gets up and grabs it. He waits for Kofi to get up and nails him with it. He quickly falls into the cover.

Kofi kicks out at 2 ½!
Alberto lies down in fatigue and both men are down. They get up. Kofi goes for a blow but Alberto ducks it and kicks Kofi in the groin. Kofi goes down on his knees. Alberto hits a low DDT. He goes for the pinfall.

Kofi powers out!
Alberto picks him up and throws him into the real backstage area (where the superstars are) down the steps and Kofi goes down in a heap. Alberto slowly walks down the steps as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and both men are brawling in the locker room area as many superstars like Santino and Kozlov and The Usos and Michelle McCool and some crew look on. Alberto goes for a kick but Kofi blocks it and sweeps Alberto off his feet. He goes over to the desk and takes out a singapore cane. He whacks Alberto with it until the cane breaks and leaves its marks on Alberto’s torso. Alberto slowly gets up and Kofi nails him with a running enzugiri. He hooks the leg.

Alberto kicks out!
Kofi picks him up and whips him into a door. He picks him up and throws him across a table which sends some plates full of noodles off it. Alberto is down and out as Kofi picks up the table and places it a level lower. He does the Boom thing and goes for the Boom Drop on the table and connects!!!! He hooks the leg.

Alberto kicks out saving his title!
Kofi gets frustrated and looks at the ref in agony as the ref says “2!”. Kofi picks Alberto up and throws him into the steps. He goes in search of another object and finds a bottle of wine. The ref advices him not to use it but he doesn’t pay heed. He runs towards Alberto with the bottle but Alberto ducks and kicks it out of his hand. He ducks another clothesline and suckerpunches Kofi in the forehead which causes Kofi to bleed as he lays down and out on the cold floor. We see Alberto wearing brass knuckles as goes into the cover.

Kofi kicks out!
He picks Kofi up and drags him near the curtains area and punches him down. He yanks his arm which causes the tape to tear off. He picks up a steel chair and places it under Kofi’s arm. He picks up another chair and does the con-chair-to! He hooks the leg.

Kofi kicks out with the injured arm!
Alberto looks for an object and finds nothing but a plate. He smashes the plate into the wall causing it to break and the pointed part of the plate comes out. He looks to smash Kofi with it but Kofi ducks and hits a backdrop sending Alberto crashing into the billboards. Kofi takes off a John Cena poster and stuffs it into Alberto’s mouth and hits a kick to the jaw. The poster goes flying out of the mouth and Alberto goes flying into the music equipment. Kofi goes down after tumbling upon the wires. Both men are down as we go to another commercial.

Back from the break and both men make their way out through the entrance area. They fight off until they reach the ramp. Kofi ducks a clothesline and dropkicks him into the barricade. He picks him up and grates his face off the ramp. He picks him up and throws him onto the stage. He waits for him to get up and dropkicks him and Alberto crashes into the titantron. Kofi pulls him towards himself and goes into the cover.

Alberto kicks out!
He picks Alberto up and goes to whip him but Alberto reverses and sends Kofi arm-first into the titantron and locks in the cross arm-breaker. Kofi tries fighting out but the position of the hold doesn’t allow him to do so. Alberto applies more and more pressure as Kofi tries fighting out every time. The ref asks him if he wants to quit but he keeps refusing. The crowd start another “Let’s Go Kofi!” chant. Alberto goes on applying pressure but this time Kofi kicks Alberto in the face and Alberto has to let go. Alberto gets up and goes after Kofi but Kofi pushes him off. He tries to get some feeling back into the arm. Alberto runs at him but Kofi ducks and hits him with the Trouble In Paradise. Cover.

Alberto kicks out at 2 ½!
Kofi can’t believe it. He stomps away at him. He picks Alberto up and smashes his skull on the titantron. He pushes him near the edge of the ramp after which there is a steep fall. Alberto tries hanging on but Kofi runs at him and takes him down with a crossbody. Both men fall off. They are down and out. They get up. Kofi charges towards him but Alberto ducks and hits a boot. He hooks the leg.

Kofi kicks out at 2 ½!
Alberto picks him up and whips him but Kofi reverses him onto the bonnet of his Lamborghini. He picks Alberto up and smashes his skull on the car and puts him onto the bonnet again. He climbs up the ramp and calls for the Boom Drop. He is just about to charge when Drew McIntyre comes out of nowhere and pushes him into the windshield of the car instead. Kofi lies in a mess of broken glass as Drew leaves triumphantly. Alberto puts him arm over Kofi going for a cover.

Winner and still Intercontinental champion: Alberto Del Rio

The crowd boos for what just happened as they show numerous replays of Drew attacking Kofi and costing him the match. Ricardo Rodriguez triumphantly declares Alberto the winner and then runs up the ramp to check on his friend. Alberto is down and out just like Kofi who is in more of need of help. Some paramedics rush out to help them. Alberto shows signs of live as the refs check on him. They hand him the title and he poses with it as the refs and RR support him. They take him to the back as the medics strap Kofi to the stretcher. Some more crew comes out to clear the mess of the broken windshield and bonnet of the car as the Lamborghini goes from classic to destroyed. The announcers put over the amazing match and performance of the young stars as we go to a commercial.

**All Grown Up**

Back from the break and Stephanie McMahon comes out and the boos finally die down. She walks down the ramp and into the ring, where a table and two chairs are kept in a serious, “it’s business time” mood and look. She gets a mic.

Stephanie: Before we begin what we are here for, I want to address the Intercontinental title situation. As you just saw, Intercontinental champion Alberto Del Rio retained his championship with some help from Drew McIntyre.

*The crowd boos*

Stephanie: And I know all of you want to see Kofi Kingston get a fair chance at the championship but this was nothing less than it and I will not give Kofi a rematch for two reasons. One, he chose this Falls Count Anywhere match where anything goes. Second, he will be out of action for 4 good weeks.

*More boos*

Stephanie: So, as for who will be Alberto Del Rio’s next challenger, that will be decided in a battle royal set to take place the night after Judgment Day. It will include 8 of RAW’s dynamic superstars. Namely, Alex Riley, Mason Ryan, Skip Sheffield, R-Truth, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Joe Hennig and Drew McIntyre!

*The crowd boos the last name heavily*

Stephanie: And now, to proceed with the WWE championship match contract signing. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, the No.1 contender to the WWE championship, The Miz.


The Miz’s music hits and he comes out to more boos than cheers in a black suit and white shirt. He poses on the ramp which brings out more boos from the crowd. He struts down the ramp his eyes fixed on the contract lying on a table inside the ring. He gets in the ring and gives Stephanie a nod before posing one more time. He comfortably sits on one of the chairs.

**Ain’t No Make Believe**

John Morrison’s music hits and he comes out to a loud pop in a black shirt and jeans with the signature glares on and the WWE championship around his shoulders. He poses on the ramp which brings out a “Let’s Go JoMo!” chant. He walks down the ramp and into the ring. He climbs the turnbuckles and poses with the championship before taking his glares off and throwing them in the audience. He seats himself opposite Miz.

Stephanie: Now, we all know that contract signings end up in tables breaking, so this time I would change things a bit. Gentlemen, let’s ensure this goes down well.

*Miz picks up the microphone on the table*

Miz: Before I sign this contract, I want to get a thing cleared. You see, John Morrison has been running around for way too long with his uncharismatic and boring WWE championship reign. And this has to end at Judgment Day. And I am going to end it at Judgment Day.


Miz: Like it or not people, I will beat John Morrison for the WWE championship and I will do it by hook or by crook. The WWE championship, it is my dream, my passion, my obsession. And I can do anything to get. And by that I mean I can punish Morrison so bad, I can give him such a badass beating, that forget being the most must-see WWE champion in history, Morrison’s dream would be to stand up on his damn legs!

*More boos as Morrison looks on patiently*

Miz: Morrison’s injuries, they won’t be my fault. No, they won’t. You see John Morrison is so boring, so un-WWE championship material, that it pains me and I am sure it pains you all to see him come out in his fancy attire with the title and be an embarrassment to the company and to the people he represents.

*The crowd can’t stop booing*

Miz: Because the WWE, the biggest professional wrestling company out there, the reason many countries became aware of another sport in the world, the company that took a small, neglected sport and made it into mainstream entertainment, such a company, needs somebody charismatic, somebody must-see and somebody AWESOME! And that person is without a doubt, me, the most-must see WWE superstar in history, The Miz!

*The crowd starts a “Really?!” chant*

Miz: Yeah, really. So, I want this worst excuse of a human being, to sign a contract my lawyers made, which says that he doesn’t blame me for his injuries and that he brought it upon himself. So, Morrison, before signing Stephanie’s contract, sign mine.

*Miz takes out a contract from his pocket and gives it to Morrison*

Morrison: Really, Miz? You can go down to this level. And you say you’re charismatic. Charismatic my foot.

*The crowd cheers for the first time in a long while*

Morrison: And again, your most must-see crap makes an appearance on RAW. I guess it should be added to the “other on-air talent” list on WWE.com. Most must-see crap, The Miz’s stupid and awful catchphrase.


Morrison: Hmm. But then again, I don’t fear a punk like you Miz. You are a stupid, ass-kissing coward. And a man like me, doesn’t fear a jackass like you. So, I am going to sign your contract. But that doesn’t mean I’ll let you come at Judgment Day and finish me off. Because at Judgment Day, I will beat you again. I will retain the championship, and when I do that, “fluke” will become “dominance”!

*Cheers erupt as Morrison signs both the contract and hands them to Miz who signs Stephanie’s*

*Morrison gets up to leave but Miz stops him*

Miz: Just a moment Morrison. I’ve got something more to get off my chest. You see, ever since we’ve broken off, you have been the Marty Janetty of the Dirt Sheet Duo. You went from being the more advertised to the more unsuccessful. While I became from an ignored jobber to the face of the company. And that is dominance. What you did at Backlash, was just a fluke. What I will do at Judgment Day, will pin you 1-2-3 and go on to become the most-must see WWE champion in history!

*Morrison picks up his mic*

Morrison: Miz, you’re talking too much. It’s time to act. And I can’t wait for Judgment Day. You want a piece of me, how about do it now!

*The crowd goes wild*

Miz: Well Morrison, if you don’t want to make it till Judgment Day…

*Miz drops the mic and charges at Morrison but Morrison ducks and throws him out of the ring*

Stephanie: Stop, stop. I know you two want a piece of each other, but I can’t allow you to do it now. Because I have scheduled a match for the two of you. It will be The Miz and CM Punk versus John Morrison and John Cena!

*The crowd goes wild with cheers as Stephanie leaves the ring and we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and The Usos are already in the ring. They warm up for their high-stakes No.1 contender’s match as the crowd boos them loudly.

**New Foundation**

The Hart’s music hits and they come out to a loud pop. They slap hands with the people, especially the kids, on their way down the ramp. They get in the ring and climb the turnbuckle and pose which brings out a “Let’s Go Harts!” chant. They too warm up keeping an eye on their sinister opponents.


The Broskis come out to major pops with the WWE Tag Team championships around their shoulders in street attire. They stand on the ramp and lift their titles for everyone to see. The contestants of the match take a good look at the champions and go back to starting the match.

No.1 contender’s match
Hart Dynasty vs The Usos

Jimmy and Kidd will start things off. The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Jimmy pushes Kidd into the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him into another corner followed by a splash. He picks him up and goes for a running powerslam but Kidd slips off and hits a dropkick. Cover.

Jimmy kicks out!
He picks Jimmy up and whips him but Jimmy reverses. Kidd ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody. He pulls him to his corner and tags in Smith. Smith comes in and hits a legdrop. Cover.

Jimmy kicks out!
He picks Jimmy up and slaps him across the chest several times. He pushes him into the ropes and hits an Atomic Drop on return. The crowd pops for that. Smith comes off the ropes and takes Jimmy down with a clothesline. He measures Jimmy and hits a knee-drop. Cover.

Jimmy powers out!
He picks Jimmy up and whips him into a corner followed by a splash. He picks him up and goes for a powerbomb but Jimmy slips off. He goes for a clothesline but Smith ducks and counters with a boot. He hooks the leg.

Jimmy kicks out again!
Smith gets frustrated and stomps away at Jimmy. He picks him up and tags in Kidd. Kidd goes on the top rope and takes Jimmy down with a missile dropkick. He waits for him to get up and hits a running enzugiri. Jimmy goes into the corner. Kidd hits a knee to the face followed by a swinging DDT. He goes into the cover.

Jimmy kicks out at 2 ½!
He picks Jimmy up and whips him but Jimmy reverses. Kidd ducks a clothesline and goes for a springboard moonsault but Jimmy catches him in mid-air and hits a Samoan Drop and falls into the cover.

Kidd powers out!
Jimmy points towards the champs and nails Kidd with a ground-shattering spear. He covers him for a fall.

Kidd kicks out at 2 ½!
He picks Kidd up and hits a running powerslam. The Usos celebrate as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Jey pounds on Kidd in the corner. The ref breaks it up. He goes after Kidd again and continues the stomping. He picks him up and whips him into a corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and places him on the second rope. He grabs Kidd by the head and hits a Suplex Stunner off the second rope!!! Cover.

Kidd kicks out at 2 ½!
Jey can’t believe it. He picks Kidd up and continues the assault by slapping him across the chest. He whips him but Kidd ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Jimmy catches him in mid-air and hits a sideslam. Cover.

Kidd powers out!
He picks Kidd up and tags in Jimmy. Jimmy goes on the top rope and hits a chopblock to the spine. He picks him up and drives him head-first into the post. He pulls him out and hits a dropkick sending him crashing into the corner. He whips him into another corner followed by a running bulldog. He hooks the leg.

Kidd kicks out but just barely!
He picks him up and whips him but Kidd reverses. Jimmy avoids a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Kidd catches him with a hiptoss. He waits for him to get up and hits a running enzugiri. Both men are down. They tag in their partners. Jey comes running in but Smith catches him with a belly-to-belly. Cover.

Jey kicks out!
He picks Jey up and whips him but Jey ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Smith catches him with a scoop slam. He waits for him to get up and goes for the delayed vertical suplex but Jey slips out and comes off the ropes right into a picture-perfect boot. Smith hooks the leg.

Jey kicks out at 2 ½!
Smith grabs Jey by the leg and calls for the Sharpshooter which brings out huge cheers from the crowd. He is about to lock it in but Jimmy comes in and kicks Smith in the back of the head. Kidd comes running in .Jimmy ducks a clothesline and goes for one of his own but Kidd holds the ropes down and Jimmy crashes outside. Kidd hits him with a suicide dive. Smith waits for Jey to get up. He charges at him but Jey sidesteps and Smith crashes into the corner. Jey takes advantage and nails him with a Superkick! Cover.

Winners: The Usos

A huge upset pulled by The Usos as the entire arena looks on in surprise, especially the champions. Kidd attends to Smith outside the ring while The Usos celebrate inside it. They turn their attention to The Broskis and dare them to step inside the ring. The Broskis drop their titles on the stage and run inside the ring. They duck clotheslines and punch away at their Judgment Day opponents. Once The Usos are retreating near the ropes they clothesline them outside the ring and high-five each other.

**All Grown Up**

Stephanie McMahon comes out and stands on the stage interrupting the champ’s celebrations.

Stephanie: Well, well, congratulations Usos, you’ll are going to Judgment Day.

*The crowd boos*

Stephanie: But I have some news for the tag team champions, The Broskis. Me and Teddy Long, the SmackDown! general manager, have come to the decision that this Friday on SmackDown!, for the first time ever, Zack Ryder will take on Curt Hawkins in a one-on-one match!

*Mixed reactions erupt for the announcement as Stephanie leaves and the champs look at each other in surprise as we go to a commercial*
**Cult Of Personality**

CM Punk’s music hits after the break and he comes out to mixed reactions. He goes down on one knee on the ramp, looks at his wrist and yells “it’s Pipebomb time!” in the air. He smirks at the kids in the front row who boo him heavily. He gets in the ring and asks for a mic. He is about to speak but a “Punk for President!” chant is started by the men. Another dueling “CM Sucks!” chant goes off. Punk smirks at the chants and begins to speak.

Punk: What happened to “Let’s Go Cena! Cena Sucks!”? Yeah, anything with Cena is so stale and boring.

*Mixed reactions*

Punk: So last week, right here on RAW, a huge match was set for Judgment Day between me, CM Punk and John Cena with the stipulations that if I lose, I will have to let go off my current merchandise and I have to say on national television, that John Cena is better than me and if Cena loses, he says live on T.V that I am better than him.

*Cheers for the match*

Punk: Now last week, I came out here and I talked about how John Cena has been able to get full control of the creative and management ever since he step foot in this WWE ring with the bald guy with Olympic Gold.

*The crowd cheers because they know who Punk is talking about*

Punk: Yeah. And you little kids and the beautiful and hot ladies will have to bear with me for another night because I’ve got a treat for the Cena-haters. Yeah, I am going to continue my rant on Cena. You see, because of John Cena, the so-called “leader of this generation” you people have been taken away from that awesome, curse-full, bloody, T.V 14 rated WWE which is famously termed as the “Attitude Era”!

*The male audience cheer for the acknowledgement*

Punk: You see that era created superstars who need no introduction. That era created men who could hang out in the ring with the others with fourteen staples in their head and still come out victorious. That era proved that the WWE was far more better than WCW. And all of you people have been robbed of those moments, by John Cena.

*Boos for the CeNation commander-in-chief*

Punk: And I, just like most of you, feel pissed off because I loved those moments. The Austin era, HBK and Bret going at it, the awesome TLC matches, those great tag-teams, an athletic and exciting mid-card division, superstars like Triple H, Eddie Guerrero, Austin, Rock, The Undertaker and many more trying to realize their dreams while battling each-other in the process was just breath-taking.

*More cheers come in for Punk*

Punk: You see, John Cena, has created the puked-up, family-friendly, “PG era” that I am sure none of us want to see, right? I mean, there are no hot ladies running down that ramp and into this ring swearing at each other and posing for, well, Playboy.

*Punk receives the loudest cheers for this*

Punk: And Mister Cena has also contributed to declining the WWE’s talent, to pushing them down whenever they got an opportunity and this has created a division centered around Cena and that is what pisses me off the most. You see there are many more talented individuals who deserve the spotlight, who deserve to be on T.V like myself, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, Mark Henry and many more.

*The kids boos are now audible*

Punk: And you people have not been exposed to the tremendous talent of young superstars who could’ve been bigger than Cena, who are more charismatic than Cena, superstars who can actually WRESTLE, and who could’ve carried this company better than Cena is right now. Those superstars include my good friend David Bautista, who left because Cena didn’t allow him to shine alongside himself and Dave left because of that very reason. And there are many more, like the guy who’s name rhymes with “jeopardy” and literally so.

*Boos for the jeopardy guy*

Punk: Randy Orton, who is now forced to go to a taped show because his momentum was being stopped by Cena every time he gained it. Hell Cena is so self-centered that he even robbed Orton of a Holy dollar-hash-exclamation mark-T ($#!T) move of the year in 2010. And the most obvious person, is ME, yours truly, CM Punk!

*More mixed reactions*

Punk: And kids, please do bear with me for few more minutes because I still have a lot to get off my chest and this promo might be sounding a bit off-track and scattered into bits because I honestly am not reading off a piece of paper. This is what my heart says. This is what I am saying right now. You see, John Cena, he has his Hustle Loyalty and Respect slogan with him everywhere he goes, right kids?

*A firm “Yes!” from the kiddies*

Punk: Huh. I knew that. You all believe in that little slogan but the man who invented it, doesn’t do it himself. He has got no loyalty for this business, for this company and for all you people. Otherwise, he would have actually walked down to development and learnt a few good moves to give you something else than the Five Moves of Doom.

*The males are loving this Cena bashing*

Punk: And he’s got no respect for his fellow “wrestlers”. And another slogan that irritates me a lot, is “You Can’t See Me!”. Are you serious Cena? You and your cheeky wide smile on your face are everywhere. On dashboards, billboards, collector cups, vignettes, movies, t-shirts. It’s like we can’t avoid seeing you because you are shoved down our throats and into our minds and I bet every time after seeing a show, you appear in these peoples dreams in your rainbow tees.

*A “Fruity Pebbles!” chant breaks out*

Punk: Yeah, that chant. I love it too. And honestly Cena, if you continue doing crappy movies like The Marine, nobody would want to see you.

**The Time Is Now**

The sides of the booing and cheering change as John Cena’s music hits and he comes out with the ladies going wild for him. He stands on the ramp and nods his head to acknowledge the crowd in Canada. He turns to the camera and says “their alive!” and hits the ring. He asks for a mic and stares into Punk’s eyes. The crowd starts the “Let’s Go Cena! Cena Sucks!” chants. Cena patiently waits for the chants to die down and begins to speak.

Cena: Well you’ve got a whole lot of items on the “Cena pisses me off because…” list. And talking about The Marine, I hope you guys are looking forward to the new WWE Studios production, “The Reunion”.

Punk: We’re not. And if it shows you training another teen to wrestle, well then we can only pity that soul.

*Cheers for the Pipebomb*

Cena: No, it’s, it’s nothing like Legendary, if that’s what you’re talking about.

Punk: Legendary? Excuse me. That was flat out ridiculous.

Cena: Well, well, let’s move on. You’re talking about slogans, right? Well, um, you’ve got a slogan of you’re on. It reads straightedge. And I guess it means no alcohol, no cigarettes, no drugs. That’s good. You even became a younger, more pathetic version of Santa Claus with the beard and stuff. But I highly doubt that outside the WWE, you actually live with it. I mean, I won’t be surprised if I stumble upon you in a bar.

*Cheers for Cena*

Cena: Because you’re the one who went out of his way to promote the jeopardy guy and you are the reason why he became a star he is. Remember 2009, Punk?

Punk: I do. But what you’re forgetting is that I am the reason that guy no longer works in this company and you should be thankful to that because you must be glad not to be sharing a locker room with a drug addict and a multiple-time convict.

*The cheers continue to come for the controversial promo*

Cena: Well you’re coming back strong Punk. But Punk, I’ve got a reality check for you. You see, with the things you have achieved in the past, ECW championship, tag-team championship, you’re one of the best in-ring workers, a multiple-time Money In The Bank winner, a multiple-time World champion, Pipebomb thrower, you’ve got my respect. But just because I respect you, doesn’t mean I like you.

*Punk stares at Cena blandly*

Cena: You go around with your Pipebombs walking as if you’ve achieved everything there is to achieve in this business. But that’s where I realized that your ego is bigger than you’re talent. Because without Paul Heyman, without Shawn Michaels, and to some extent without Chris Benoit playing Jack the ripper, you would’ve been working for a Thursday night taped show, Brother!

*More cheers for Cena*

Cena: And by the looks of it, that place is a living, foul smelling, shitty, hell of a place.

*Out of nowhere, a “Who Wants Hogan!” chant breaks out*

Cena: So that’s the whole point Punk. Being great in the ring is not just it. Being hungry for more, being hungry to win respect, to win over these people, that makes one, at least in this business, the best in the world. And there are many who do it and who have done it. People like Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Ricky Steamboat, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, Eddie Guerrero, the bald guy with Olympic gold, the list is endless. But unfortunately, that list won’t include you Punk until you get some sense in your ass and get ready to whoop your own ass for the sake of this business.

*More cheers*

Cena: And when I say that, I don’t mean dropping Pipebombs, I mean getting your ass down this ring every single night and giving it your best every time you step between these ropes. And this whole stipulation for our match, it’s pointless, because you know deep down inside, that you are not yet Best In The World. But if you pay heed to my advice, I know someday, you sure will be.

*Cena drops the mic and leaves as Punk looks on and we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and a video showing the Wade Barrett-Big Show match from 2 weeks ago is aired. It shows the Show dominance and turns black and white when Barrett starts the assault on Show’s groin. It cuts off to Mike Cooper suspending Barrett for 2 weeks and then shows Show being taken out on a stretcher. The video ends with a split-screen. One showing Barrett’s frustrated face and the other showing a down-and-out Show.

The announcers put over Show because he is returning tonight and right now.

**Bringin’ Da Hood Ta U**

JTG’s music hits and he comes out to show his face for the first time on Monday Nights under the new regime. He walks down the ramp in “gangsta” style with all the chains and jacket and hat. He poses on the stage and a few boos can be heard in the arena. He makes his way down the ramp and into the ring.

**Crank It Up**

Big Show’s music hits and he comes out after a week to a loud pop. He poses on the stage with pyros exploding in the background. He walks down the ramp and high-fives the people willing to do so with the World’s Largest Athlete. He smirks at his opponent and gets in the ring. He roars as he poses in the ring which brings out more cheers from the crowd.

Big Show vs JTG

The bell sounds and JTG launches himself onto Show but Show catches him in mid-air and hits a backbreaker. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and throws him into the ropes and hits a sideslam upon his return. He stands on JTG’s chest to cut off the oxygen supply as the ref counts to 4. Show releases the hold and calls for Chokeslam. He picks JTG up and nails him with the Chokeslam. He threatens JTG to get up. JTG gets up and Show cracks his jaw with the Weapon of Mass Destruction. He hooks both the legs.

Winner: Big Show

A strong, come-back win for Show as he celebrates in the ring. He then goes out and celebrates with the fans further. He then asks for a mic and gets in the ring with it.

Show: Huh, that was good. I have regained that feeling. But I sure ain’t satisfied tearing apart a piece of crap like JTG. I want something stronger, bigger and better. And by that, I mean I want Wade Barrett.

*The crowd boos at the mention of Barrett*

Show: Now, I know that coward ain’t here tonight because he is scared of this giant, but don’t worry Wade, I will find you. If you don’t show up on RAW for the rest of your life, I don’t care. Because I am going to walk out of this ring right now, and I am coming to find you buddy.

*Show throws the mic down and exits the ring as the crowd cheers*

???: Wait a minute Show. You needn’t go anywhere.

*The crowd boos as Barrett emerges from the crowd and walks past the barricade and into the ring*

Barrett: You needn’t go anywhere because I am here. You see my suspension was taken off by the CEO of the WWE, Michael Cooper. And now, I am legally clear to appear on RAW and I am legally cleared to send you speeding to the hospital again.


Barrett: With that being said, why don’t you get your fat ass into this ring.

*Show’s expression turns wildly as he races into the ring*

Barrett ducks a clothesline and sticks a thumb to Show’s eye. Show is blinded for the moment and Barrett takes advantage kicking away at Show’s injured groin. Show goes down on his knees. Barrett comes off the ropes and takes Show down with a boot. He continues to kick away at Show and his groin. He exits the ring after enough damage has been done and Show can’t even sit up. He walks up the ramp and stops at the stage to pose.

**All Grown Up**

Stephanie McMahon’s music hits and she comes out interrupting Barrett’s celebrations with a mic in hand.

Stephanie: Barrett, this was completely uncalled for. And you’ve done this for the second time in a row. Big Show, he’s too valuable a player to lose to injury. And I can’t risk his health. Barrett, you’ve been suspended for the same actions two weeks ago. And I don’t know why your suspensions were taken off. But you’ve made the same mistake again and now I am not going to suspend you. I am going to fire you.

*The crowd cheers*

Stephanie: So Barrett, it would be better if you leave the building yourself or I will have to bring out security to do that.

???: Wait a minute. Steph, Steph, up here.

*On the big screen, Mike Cooper is standing in his office*

Mike: You’re not firing Barrett because he too is a valuable player to lose. But yeah, I sure want to knock some sense into the guy. So next week, Wade Barrett will go one-on-one against the man he injured twice, The Big Show.

*The crowd explodes at this announcement as Barrett looks pissed off and we go backstage into Alberto Del Rio’s locker room*

*Del Rio is being checked upon by doctors*

Doctor: You’re feeling better?

Alberto: Yeah, I’ll be good.

*Alberto suddenly stands up and we see Drew McIntyre entering the room which brings out boos*

Alberto (to the doctor): You may leave.

*The doctor nods his head and walks off*

Alberto: Good work Drew. You’re my man.

Drew: Thank you. But just let me tell you that I didn’t attack Kofi to be in your buddy list, nor do I want any favor from you in any of my matches. Just give me what you promised.

*Alberto takes out a briefcase from under his seat and places it on the table. He opens it to reveal loads of cash at which the crowd boos*

Alberto: 1 million Pounds, in cash.

*Drew closes the briefcase, picks it up, nods at Del Rio and leaves as we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and Mason Ryan is already in the ring and he is warming up for the fatal-4-way match.

**Say It To My Face**

Alex Riley’s music hits and he comes out to a loud pop. He poses on the stage with the kids starting a “Lets Go Riley!” chant. He slaps hands with the people on his walk down the ramp and gets into the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses which brings out a bigger pop.

**On Your Knees*

Jack Swagger comes out to boos. He poses on the stage. He struts down the ramp with the kids booing him heavily, the others not caring so much. He stops at the end of the ramp and does his signature push-ups, his eyes fixed on 2 of his 3 opponents. He gets in the ring and does his pre-match lap and poses which brings out a louder boo.

**Broken Dreams**

Drew McIntyre’s music hits and he comes out to the biggest reaction of the four, all boos. He motions at his briefcase which contains 1 million Pounds in cash. He slowly and steadily walks down the ramp showing off his achievement. The crowd starts a “You Screwed Kofi!” chant as he enters the ring. He gets in and poses with the briefcase which brings out more and more boos from the crowd.

Drew McIntyre vs Jack Swagger vs Alex Riley vs Mason Ryan

The bell sounds and Swagger, Drew and Riley circle around Ryan. They go after him and punch him down but Ryan fights back with punches of his own. He throws Riley off his feet and outside the ring. Swagger runs at him but Ryan takes him down with a clothesline. Drew goes for a clothesline but Ryan blocks it and hits a spinebuster. Cover.

Drew kicks out!
He picks Drew up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and hits a running powerslam. He measures Drew, comes off the ropes and hits a knee-drop. He waits for him to get up and goes for a suplex but Drew blocks it. He kicks Ryan in the gut and whips him but Ryan reverses. Drew ducks a clothesline and hits a neckbreaker. Cover.

Ryan powers out!
Drew picks him up and pushes him into the ropes. Ryan ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. He turns around and Riley comes off the top rope but Ryan catches him in mid-air and hits a backbreaker. Cover.

Riley kicks out!
He picks Riley up and whips him but Riley ducks a clothesline and goes for a springboard moonsault but Ryan catches him in mid-air and sends him spine-first into the turnbuckles. He waits for him to get up and goes for a splash but Riley gets his leg up in time. Riley charges at Ryan but Ryan counters with a sideslam. He hooks the leg.

Riley kicks out!
He picks Riley up and whips him. Riley ducks a clothesline but runs right into a belly-to-belly from Swagger. Swagger runs at Ryan but Ryan pulls the ropes down. Swagger tumbles to the outside. Ryan goes for a baseball slide but Swagger sidesteps and Ryan crashes on the outside. Swagger picks him up and throws him into the steps. He picks him up and throws him into the ring. He gets in and goes for the cover.

Ryan kicks out with authority!
Swagger has a look of disbelief on his face as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Drew has Swagger in the sleeper. Swagger goes down on his knees. He tries pumping himself up by kicking the mat but Drew has locked in the hold pretty badass. Swagger tries using his power to get back to a vertical base but Drew holds his own. Swagger starts fainting and goes down on all fours. The crowd starts cheering as Riley gets into the ring and kicks away at Drew. Drew releases the hold. Riley picks him up and hits the side Russian legsweep. Cover.

Swagger breaks it up!
Riley can’t believe it. He picks Swagger up and whips him but Swagger reverses and goes for a backdrop but Riley counters with a kick across the torso. He comes off the ropes but Swagger catches him in mid-air and hits a backbreaker. He stomps away at Riley’s back. He waits for him to get up and hits a belly-to-back suplex. Cover.

Riley kicks out!
He quickly turns Riley on his stomach and locks in the Ankle Lock. The crowd starts booing as Riley starts whining in pain. He tries to kick and wriggle out of the hold but Swagger remains stern. Riley tries to get to the ropes but Swagger holds him back. Riley is about to tap out when Ryan comes out of nowhere and throws Swagger shoulder-first into the turnbuckles. He pulls him out and does a roll-up.

Swagger rolls through!
Swagger goes for a clothesline but Ryan dumps him on the outside. He sees Drew getting up and charges at him but Drew sidesteps and Ryan crashes into the turnbuckle. Drew comes off the ropes and hits a picture-perfect boot and goes for the pinfall.

Ryan kicks out at 2 ½!
Drew can’t believe it. He picks Ryan up and throws him into the post. He turns around and Swagger nails him with a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. He picks Drew up and goes for the Gutwrench powerbomb but Drew slips off and takes Swagger down with a battering ram. He picks him up and kicks him in the gut and follows it up with the Future Shock DDT. Cover.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

Drew celebrates as Riley and Ryan are shown on the outside with frustrated and agonized looks on their faces. Drew snatches his briefcase from the ref and poses with it. He asks for a mic.

Drew: First off all, congratulate me because I became the owner of a million Pounds because of what I did earlier tonight.

*The crowd boos*

Drew: But let me tell you all, I hold no grudge against Kofi Kingston except for the fact that I hate his over-friendly attitude. But, it had nothing to do with me attacking him and sending him through a windshield and costing him the coveted Intercontinental championship.

*More boos*

Drew: And let me tell you, I don’t like Alberto Del Rio. He’s a rich brat. He can’t back up his talk. So, the only reason why I attacked Kofi, is because I wanted this briefcase with a million Pounds in it. And, the reason why I did what I did is because I want to prove to the entire roster, to you people and especially to Alberto Del Rio, that I am the best man on this RAW roster.

*The crowd continues to boo*

Drew: And Del Rio, I will win the battle royal set to take place two weeks from tonight and I will challenge you for the Intercontinental championship. Not only will I face you for the title, but I will beat you for it! And I will become your new Intercontinental champion! And that is a promise!

*Drew drops the mic and continues celebrating as we go backstage where Trish is standing with a medic*

Trish: And what about Kelly? Is she okay?

Medic: She’s doing good. She’s doing the best. In fact, if she responds to the surgery, she will be back on RAW next week.

*A few cheers can be heard in the arena*

Trish: That’s, that’s great news.

*John Cena enters the scene which brings out loud cheers from the crowd and the medic leaves*

Trish: Hey John. How are you?

Cena: I’m fine. By the way, I didn’t have a chance to do it, so congratulations for winning that title.

Trish: Oh, thank you. So where’s this thing with Punk going?

Cena: Apparently, it’s going to Judgment Day. And I can promise you that at the PPV, I will beat Punk. I will prove that I am best in the world.

Trish: I hope you do that John. And, good luck for your match tonight.

Cena: Thanks.

*Cena leaves. Trish too starts walking off but Punk stops her which brings out more cheers*

Punk: Can you spare a few moments for me?

Trish: What’s it?

Punk: Well, can you tell your boyfriend that he has no chance against me at Judgment Day and that he has no chance of winning tonight.

*The crowd cheers for another “Pipebomb”*

Trish: First off all, John is not my boyfriend. Second, you know that you’re going to get yours come Judgment Day. And I know and these people know, that John is going to whoop your candy ass.

Punk: Wow. You sounded like The Rock.

*A small laugh can be heard in the arena*

Punk (imitating The Rock): Well then, if you don’t want to do that, I am sure you that you can teach Mister Fruity Pebbles some moves because with his current 5 Moves of Doom, he has no chance against the awesome-looking, cheesiness-chopping, Pipebomb-dropping Best In The World, CM Punk! If you smelllllllllllll… what Punk… is… COOKIN’!

*Punk walks off with cheers echoing in the arena as we go to a commercial*
**Break The Walls**

Back from the break and Chris Jericho’s music hits and he comes out in a suit to a loud reaction of boos with a few cheers here and there. He arrogantly struts down the ramp with the crowd throwing insults at them. He looks at them and smirks before getting into the ring. Once in, he poses much to the annoyance of the crowd. He asks for a mic. He is about to speak but a loud “You Suck!” chant interrupts him. He lets them die out and begins.

Jericho: And I thought Canadians were different from the Americans.

*The crowd boos*

Jericho: I thought Canadians had some respect for the man who has achieved so much in professional wrestling. But as for me, I don’t care about who you are or what you want to say. I am here to do what I do best. I am here to be the best. I will be the best. I am the best.

*Another “you suck!” chant begins*

Jericho: With that being said, you people throwing insults at me, it’s just wasting your energy because I couldn’t care less about you. So apparently, tonight, Triple H has a surprise for me. And I just hope it isn’t another "Cerebral Assasin" t-shirt because it stinks.


Jericho: And before Triple H could come out and start running his mouth about how he is not what he is because of being a McMahon, I came out here to tell you why he is. All his successes, The Game, The Cerebral Assassin, the 13-time World champion, it all came after he married Stephanie. And when you look back at his career, you so no other accolades that define him or his career.

*More boos*

Jericho: The truth hurts, doesn’t it? It sure does. And that is what tells me that all you people know this, understand this but are not ready to accept it just because Triple H feeds you with false promises of representing you and that is why you cheer him day in and day out. And that tells me that Triple H and each and every one of you, are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.

*A “vintage” Jericho insult brings him nothing but boos*

**The Game**

Triple H’s music hits and he comes out to a loud pop in a “Genibus Nitito Canis” t-shirt and jeans with his hair tied in a pony, the bottle in his hand. He looks at the crowd who start a “Triple H!” chant and he smiles back at them. He walks down the ramp and stops at the end of it to give Jericho a smug look. He jumps on the apron and does the signature water-spit. He gets into the ring and asks for a mic. He is about to speak but Jericho interrupts.

Jericho: Take pride Hunter, because they cheer you. These parasites idolize you. Because you are one of them. You are a leech living off the McMahon family name.

*More boos for Jericho*

Hunter: Well, um, I think they idolize me because we all are more charismatic than you ever can be.


Hunter: Anyways, why I interrupted you is because if I hadn’t, you would’ve gone on and on and on about how I am “not deserving” of what I have achieved and I wouldn’t let you do that. Because I don’t want these people to be served with a plate of fresh, hot crap!

*More cheers*

Hunter: So why we are assembled in this wonderful arena in a wonderful city that produced only one disgusting individual, which of course is you Chris, is because I have a big, bad surprise. And your question shouldn’t be what but it should be WHO. Right, my surprise, is an alive, walking, human!

*The crowd cheers in anticipation*

Hunter: And the thing is Chris, he and you, you’re quite alike. Just like you, he is one of the best technical wrestlers the WWE Universe has ever seen. Just like you, he is respected all around the world. Just like you, he has held countless number of championships in the WWE. And just like you, he is a Canadian.

*The crowd goes wild*

Hunter: But, I didn’t say you both are very alike. I said you are QUITE alike. And that means there are some differences. But the major difference is, these people like him and he gives them the same amount of respect, they shower on him. So without further introduction, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Canada’s very own, from Montreal, BRET “THE HITMAN” HART

**Return The Hitman**

Bret Hart’s music hits and he comes out to a humongous pop, the loudest of the night. He waves at the fanatic crowd from the stage and walks down the ramp in a jeans, black jacket with a “Hitman” t-shirt underneath and the sunglasses, as usual, are on. He takes them out at the end of the ramp and gives it to a child who can’t believe what just happened. Bret gets in the ring and hugs Triple H before getting a mic.

Bret: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada!

*The crowd goes wild*

Bret: Thank you for the warm welcome.

Jericho: So another parasite entering the ring with me, huh?

Bret: Who are you talking about? Hulk Hogan? I see him nowhere near the arena.

*The crowd cheers the controversial statement*

Bret: Son, I am the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.

Jericho: Uh, that’s just another of your countless clichés. You are not the best Bret. I am. Who interrupted The Rock on his debut in the WWE? Me. Who is the man of 1004 holds? Me. Who has won six World championships in the WWE? Me. Who was the first-ever Undisputed WWE Champion? Me. Who holds the record of winning the Intercontinental championship an unprecedented 9 times? Me.

Bret: Who is the most boring veteran on the mic? You.


Bret: Chris, you have held all those feats. And I respect you, I salute you for doing that because you came in an era where Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and Shawn Michaels dominated the WWE. But haven’t you changed since then?

*Mixed reactions*

Bret: When you came into the WWE, interrupting The Rock, I saw in you a fire to become great. I saw in you a desire to become the best. I saw in you a determination to be one of the, if not the most successful man in sports and entertainment. I saw in you a raw superstar waiting to explode and catapult his way up to stardom.

*The Jericho fans cheer*

Bret: And mind you, you did become one. All the accolades you mentioned, they’re all yours Chris. But in the process, you’ve lost everything that took you there. You have lost the support of your fellow superstars, you never-say-die attitude, you have lost all these fans who chanted “y2j!” every single time you hit the ring. And most of all, you’ve lost that desire to become great.


Bret: A decade-and-a-half later, when I see, when I take a close look in the same eyes, all I can see is the eyes went from becoming fiery and hot in pursuit of every challenge to cold and talentless. When I look in to you though your eyes, I see nothing but a coward!


Bret: I see nothing but a cheat, a fraud and a man who can’t back up his tough talk in the ring. When you first came in the WWE Chris, I thought I was seeing another man who would make his country proud, but you turned out be just another loser who’s spoiling the Canadian name!

*More boos from the crowd*

Bret: You spoiled the name that I, Owen, Edge, Christian, Lex Luger, Chris Benoit, Trish Stratus and countless others built. You’re spoiling a name that has given you everything that you have achieved in your career. And I feel sorry for you, because you have gone from one of the best, to THE worst Canadian!

Jericho: ENOUGH! I have had enough of this shit. Bret, I am still hungry for greatness and what proves it, is I have been able to hang in here for more than 15 years and I’ve had my share of successes in a career parallel to selfish people like Triple H. But that hasn’t made me selfish. Bret, I don’t hog the spotlight that people younger to me deserve. I don’t rob their paychecks or their T.V time.

*The crowd boos*

Jericho: When I was young, I saw you wrestle against many greats of the industry and I was awed. I wanted to be like you. But I didn’t. And when I look at you now, I am glad I didn’t. Because you are sixty-year-old who can’t back up his talk in the ring. You are Bret, what I call, a bad image of his former self.

Bret: I can still wrestle better than you Chris.

Jericho: Why don’t we try it?

*Jericho and Bret throw their mics down and take off their vests*

Jericho throws a punch but Hunter blocks it and smacks him with a mic in the face. He picks him up and whips him into a boot by Bret. He picks him up and hits the Pedigree. Bret turns him over and locks in the Sharpshooter. The crowd goes wild as Jericho taps out frantically. Hunter grabs a mic and gets in Jericho’s face.

Hunter: Get used to the pain and suffering Chris, because as I said, at Judgment Day, you’re going to end up in hell!!! Because IT’S TIME TO PLAY THE GAME AND I LOVE TO PLAY!

*The crowd goes wild as Bret releases the hold and he and Triple H celebrate as we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and they promote the Women’s championship match.


**Bad Karma**

Kharma comes out to a mixed reactions, the boos out-numbering the cheers. She maniacally laughs on her walk down the ramp as she terrorizes the entire arena. She gets in the ring and poses which starts a “We Want Kharma!” chant by the marks. Another dueling “Trish Stratus!” chant begins. Kharma moves her hand around her waist signaling that she is going to win the Women’s title.

**What Love Is**

Candice Michelle’s music hits and she comes out to a decent reaction. She slaps hands with the people as she walks down the ramp. She climbs on the apron and takes off her robe to the delight of the crowd. She gets in the ring and climbs on the turnbuckle and poses. She also signals that she is going to win the Women’s title. She gets off the turnbuckle and stares at Kharma while waiting for her partner to show up.

**Time To Rock and Roll**

Trish Stratus comes out a great pop, the biggest reaction of the three. With the Women’s title safely suspended around her hot waist, she high-fives with the people while running down the ramp and into the ring. She climbs on the turnbuckle and poses with the title which brings out more cheers. She shows the title off to her opponents before handing it to the ref.

Trish Stratus and Candice Michelle vs Kharma (2-on-1 Handicap match)

Both Candice and Trish will be in the ring at the same time. The bell sounds and they circle around Kharma. Candice charges at her but Kharma pushes her down instead. Trish attacks her from behind and punches away until she goes down on her knees. Trish comes off the ropes and hits a dropkick. Cover.

Kharma kicks out with authority!
Trish picks Kharma up and whips her but Kharma reverses and hits a clothesline. She picks her up and rams her spine-first into the turnbuckle and follows it up with a running powerslam. She waits for Trish to get up and brings her down with a running boot. She hooks the leg.

Candice breaks it up!
Kharma gets frustrated. She goes after Candice but Candice pulls the ropes down and Kharma tumbles to the outside. Candice comes off the ropes and hits a baseball slide throwing Kharma off-guard and into the barricade. Candice comes off the ropes again and goes for a suicide dive but Kharma catches her in mid-air and throws her into the steps. She picks her up and throws her into the ring. She gets in and goes for the cover.

Candice kicks out!
She picks Candice up and whips her into the corner followed by a clothesline. She goes on the second rope which brings cheers. She goes for a splash but Trish pulls Candice out of harm’s way at the last moment. Kharma lands hard on the mat. Trish quickly takes advantage and lands a kick across the temple. Cover.

Kharma powers out!
Trish picks her up and whips her but she reverses. Trish ducks a clothesline and hits a flash kick. Kharma goes into the corner. Trish charges at her and hits a running enzugiri. Kharma falls forward and Trish catches her with a bulldog. She hooks both legs.

Kharma kicks out!
She picks Kharma up and whips her but Kharma reverses her into the corner. She charges at Trish but Trish sidesteps and hits a pendulum kick. She goes on the middle rope and hits a spinning uppercut. Kharma goes down on her knees. Trish comes off the ropes but Kharma catches her in mid-air and hits a 360º sidewalk slam. Cover.

Trish kicks out at 2 ½!
Kharma can’t believe it. She calls for something big but Candice attacks her from behind though it has no effect on Kharma. Candice comes off the ropes right into a clothesline. Kharma picks her up and hits a bodyslam followed by a legdrop. She waits for her to get up and takes her down with a spear. Candice rolls to the outside. Kharma turns her attention to Trish who is getting up. She kicks her in the gut and hits the Implant Buster. Cover.

Trish’s foot is on the ropes!
Kharma gets frustrated. She kicks away at Trish who is holding the ropes. The ref tries to pull her back but Kharma won’t listen. She keeps stomping away at Trish. The ref begins his count. He reaches 4. Kharma is still going at it. And 5!! That’s it. The ref calls for the bell.
Winners by D.Q: Trish Stratus and Candice Michelle

Kharma realizes what just happened and gets even more frustrated. She goes out and takes out a steel chair. She sees Candice rolling into the ring. She goes after her first. She strikes her with the chair on the spine. She picks her up by the hair and throws her into the ropes. Candice wobbles around the legs as Kharma measures her and smashes the chair into her face. Candice falls awkwardly on the outside. She turns her attention to Trish but she manages to snatch the title and retreat up the ramp. Kharma threatens her with the chair as Trish stands on the ramp holding the title as close to her as possible. Kharma starts laughing maniacally again as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and what happened moments ago is shown.

We cut off to the WWE Rewind. It shows the opening segment of SmackDown! wherein Sheamus and Edge get physical. Teddy Long announcing the main-event is shown. The video then cuts off to Christian’s promo and Cody Rhodes’s reply. A few major highlights of the match are shown. The highlights of Cody’s after match beatdown on Randy Orton is also shown. The video then cuts off to the main-event and it’s highlights. Undertaker costing Edge the match by Chokeslamming Sheamus is shown and then the Tombstone on Edge. The Christian-Taker stare down ends the video.

They promote the main-events for Judgment Day.






The Miz’s music hits and he comes out to loud boos in his signature trench-coat. He poses on the stage with the crowd booing the shit out of him. He struts down the ramp taunting the crowd as he moves his hand around his waist signaling that he will win the WWE championship. He gets in the ring and poses once more which brings out a “You Suck!” chant. He shouts “I’m Awesome!” in the air as the chants continue to fill the arena.

**Cult of Personality**

CM Punk comes out to the mixed-reactions he is getting for the past couple of weeks. He goes down on his knees on the stage and looks at his clock and yells “It’s Punk Time!” in the air. He points towards the “Best In The World” logo at his t-shirt and says “it’s going nowhere!”. He gets in the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and poses which brings out a “CM Punk!” chant from the males.

**Ain’t No Make Believe**

John Morrison’s music hits and he comes out to one of the biggest pops of the night in his signature fur-coat and the glares are on. With the WWE championship around his waist, he poses in slo-mo on the stage with pyros going off in the background. He walks down the ramp (still in slo-mo) and stops at the end of it to give his glares to a small kid in the front row. He gets in the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and poses with the title which brings out louder cheers.

**The Time Is Now**

John Cena’s music hits and he comes out to the usual mixed reactions. He stares into the camera for a moment and then winks and points towards the crowd. He does the “U Can’t C Me” to Punk and then salutes the crowd and runs into the ring. He comes off the ropes several times before taking off his hat and throwing it into the crowd. He poses for the crowd who start the dueling “Let’s Go Cena! Cena Sucks” chant as Cena throws his t-shirt into the crowd.

John Cena and John Morrison vs CM Punk and The Miz

Cena and Miz will start things off. The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Cena converts it into a side-headlock and starts applying pressure. Miz goes down but manages to get back up, with the hold still locked in. Miz pushes Cena off but Cena hits a clothesline. He picks him up and tags in Morrison. Morrison goes on the middle rope and hits a missile dropkick. Cover.

Miz kicks out!
He picks Miz up and whips him but Miz reverses. Morrison ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody. Cover.

Miz powers out!
Morrison picks him up and tags in Cena. Cena gets in the ring and takes Miz down with a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him into a corner followed by a splash. He whips him into another corner and another splash. He picks him up and throws him shoulder-first into the post. He pulls him out and hits a sit-out gut-buster. Cover.

Miz kicks out!
He picks Miz up and whips him followed by a belly-to-belly. He drags him to his corner and tags in Morrison. Morrison gets in and stomps away at Miz. He picks him up and whips him but Miz reverses and goes for a clothesline but Morrison ducks and hits a bicycle kick. Miz goes in the corner. Morrison runs at him and hits a spinning heelkick followed by a running bulldog. Cover.

Miz kicks out again!
He picks Miz up and locks in a bearhug. Miz tries to wriggle free but Morrison uses his strength to overpower him. Miz starts going down on his knees as the crowd continues to cheer Morrison. Miz tries searching for the ropes but to no avail as he is in the center of the ring. Miz starts to elbow Morrison in the gut and gets out of the hold. He gets up and goes for a boot but Morrison sidesteps and hits an enzugiri. He hooks the leg.

Punk breaks it up!
Cena comes running into the ring and takes Punk down with a clothesline. He waits for him to get up and dropkicks him out of the ring. He sees Miz getting up and punches him. Miz turns around right into a dropkick from Morrison and goes on the outside. Morrison measures his opponents and hits a suicide dive. Morrison and Cena are rolling as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Miz has Morrison in the rear-neckhold. A replay from “during the commercial” shows Punk illegally booting Morrison on the apron to help Miz get the advantage. Back live, Morrison tries to reach the ropes but Miz pulls him back to the center of the ring. Morrison uses his strength and starts to get back to a vertical base. He stands up on his feet and goes for a Samoan drop but Miz slips out and hits a DDT. Cover.

Morrison kicks out!
He picks Morrison up and tags in Punk. Punk comes in and kicks away at Morrison. He picks him up and whips him but Morrison reverses and goes for a backdrop. Punk counters with a kick across the torso followed by a dropkick. He hooks both legs.

Morrison powers out!
Punk picks him up and chopblocks him on the spine. He picks him up and throws him spine-first into the turnbuckles. He picks him up and whips him but Morrison ducks a clothesline and goes for a springboard crossbody but Punk catches him in mid-air and hits a backbreaker. He hooks the legs.

Morrison kicks out again!
Punk picks him up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He waits for him to get up and then shows off his jiu-jitsu by kicking Morrison on his exposed body. He hits a kick to the gut and follows it up with a final kick to the back of the head. Morrison falls down in a sitting position. Punk comes off the ropes and goes for a Pele kick but Morrison ducks and does a roll-up.

Punk rolls through!...
…and completes his Pele kick. He pulls Morrison to his corner and tags in Miz. Miz gets in the ring and stomps away at his opponent for Judgment Day. He picks him up and whips him but Morrison reverses. Miz ducks a clothesline and hits a chopblock to the knee. Morrison goes down on his knees and Miz hits a low DDT. Cover.

Morrison kicks out!
He picks Morrison up and whips him but Morrison ducks a clothesline and goes for a springboard moonsault and connects. Miz rolls to the corner. Morrison calls for Starship Pain. He leaps but Miz rolls out of the way. Morrison lands on his feet and goes for a clothesline but Miz ducks and hits backbreaker-neckbreaker combo. Cover.

Morrison kicks out at 2 ½!
Miz tags in Punk. Punk gets in and picks Morrison up and whips him into the corner followed by a knee to the face. He does it again and this time follows it up with a running bulldog. He goes on the middle rope and goes for the Macho Man elbow drop which brings him huge cheers. He leaps off but Morrison rolls out of the way and Punk crashes hard on the mat. Morrison picks him up and Atomic Drops him thrice. He whips him but Punk ducks a clothesline and goes for a flash kick but Morrison ducks and hits one of his own. He hooks the leg.

Punk kicks out!
Both men are down. They stagger to their feet and tag in their respective partners. Cena comes running in and takes Miz down with a spear and punches him down until the ref breaks it up. He waits for him to get up and hits a fisherman suplex. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a bulldog. Cover.

Miz powers out!
Cena waits for him to get up and takes him down with a shoulder tackle followed by another. He ducks a clothesline and hits press slam followed by the U Can’t C Me. He measures Miz and hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He calls for Attitude Adjustment. He lifts Miz on his shoulders but Punk comes in and kicks Cena in the temple. Morrison comes running and goes for a clothesline but Punk ducks and goes for one of his own. Morrison blocks it and hits the C4. Miz comes from behind and throws Morrison out of the ring. He turns around and Cena kicks him in the gut, lifts him on his shoulders and hits a sit-out backbreaker-powerbomb (a sit-out powerbomb with Miz landing spine-first on Cena’s knees). He goes into the cover.

Winners: John Cena and John Morrison

The winners’ hands are raised by the ref as the crowd goes wild. The finishing move is shown again and again as it turns out to be nasty. Miz and Punk are out cold on the floor as Cena and Morrison celebrate on the turnbuckles. They get off and hug each-other and raise each-others arms in victory as the crowd continues to cheer. The celebration continues as the announcers bid us goodbye and goodnight.

**End of show**

WWE championship
John Morrison (c) vs The Miz

World Heavyweight championship
Edge (c) vs Christian vs Sheamus vs The Undertaker

John Cena vs CM Punk

No Holds Barred
Triple H vs Chris Jericho

Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes

WWE Tag Team championship
The Broskis (c) vs The Usos

Women's championship
Trish Stratus (c) vs Candice Michelle vs Kharma​
Ladies and Gentlemen, here are the PPVs that will come your way in 2012.

Royal Rumble - 1st January 2012, Madison Square Garden, New York City

Elimination Chamber - 29th January, Milwaukee Arena, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

WrestleMania 28 - 11 March 2012, Ford Field, Detroit, Michigan

WrestleZone.com has just learnt that this week's WWE SmackDown! will be headlined by The Undertaker versus Sheamus in a rematch from Backlash. Further reports say that the tickets were all gone in just 2 days time because this is Undertaker's first match since he lost to Sheamus at the Backlash PPV earlier this month.

Plus, our insider has reports that Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes will also be in some sort of interaction on the show.

Don't forget to check out the show right here, on WZ.

SmackDown! opens with Matt Striker, Josh Matthews and Booker T welcoming us to the Friday Night show. The people are on fire as every single person in the arena is on their feet for the show and its amazing talent. The announcers put over the main-event “Sheamus vs The Undertaker” match, a re-match from Backlash.

**Smoke and Darkness**

Cody Rhodes’ music hits and he comes out to open the show to a loud jeer in a red, hooded jacket and his face covered with the foggy protective mask. He walks down the ramp ignoring the insults thrown at him by the WWE Universe and quietly gets into the ring. He asks for a mic and gets it. He takes off the hood to further reveal his distorted face covered by the ugly mask. He slowly begins to speak.

Cody: Aren’t you surprised to see me open SmackDown!?


Cody: I know you are. But you must get used to it. Because this will be the case every single Friday night after Judgment Day where I beat that piece of garbage, Randy Orton.

*Boos for insulting Orton*

Cody: Speaking of Randy Orton, what he did last week, was just further fuel the fire inside me to destroy that creature’s existence from this world to make it a better place to live in. He cost me another match and for those of you who think that he got his punishment last week, you are damn wrong.

*More boos*

Cody: What I did to Randy Orton last week, was just a taste of what’s coming for him at Judgment Day. Last week was just a trailer. The real movie begins 5 June 2011 inside the American Airlines Center in Miami, Florida, where Randy Orton will finally get the punishment for his sins.

*A “Randy Orton!” chant breaks out!*

Cody: You can cheer him all you want, you can boo me all you want, but the truth is, I don’t care. And your reactions don’t matter to me because when it comes down to me and Orton at Judgment Day, it is my actions that count. And my actions won’t be any actions, my actions will be extreme.

*Another “you suck!” chant is echoed around the arena*

Cody: Randy Orton will pay for the sins he has committed against me. First, he attacked my father, the Hall of Famer, the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes.

*The crowd cheers for the legend*

Cody: He made me helplessly wander around when he kicked me out of Legacy, but that didn’t really matter because I kept coming back and now, I have Orton’s number. But what he has done over the past two months, is completely intolerable. And that is why I will go to Judgment Day, not to win, but to hurt Orton.

*The boos keep coming*

Cody: At Judgment Day, all of you people who chant “RKO!” every single time Orton hits the ring, all of you, will be disappointed by the man whom you treat as your God. Orton will be left for dead when I hit him with Cross Rhodes and pin him 1-2-3 after inflicting the same amount of pain he did on me when he kicked me in the skull.

*Cheers for that*

Cody: And finally, when I look back at Orton from the stage, my arms raised in victory, when I look back at him, struggling, helpless, hurt and suffer, that is when my goal will be achieved. That is when I will be SATISFIED!

*The boos grow in number as Cody drops the mic and starts laughing maniacally*

Orton comes in from behind and takes Cody down with a shot to the skull. He punches him down till Cody manages to escape and roll to the corner. Orton waits for him to get up and clotheslines him in the corner. He whips him into another corner and takes him down with a spear. He picks him up and hits a scoop slam. He calls for RKO. He grabs Cody but Cody pushes him off and takes him down with a chopblock to the knee. He picks him up and rams him head-first into the post. He pulls him out and punches him down but Orton reverses and punches Cody down instead. Some security guards and refs rush out to the ring to separate the two and are successful in pulling them apart. Teddy Long comes running out to the stage.

Teddy: Gentlemen, gentlemen. Hold it. You see, you two are not allowed to fight without a reason, when not in a match. So I request you two to stop struggling, or I will have to take necessary actions.

*The crowd boos Teddy for interrupting the fight*

Teddy: But, I know how much you two despise each other and that is why I am going to give you an opportunity to compete against one another. Tonight, it will be Randy Orton and Christian versus Cody Rhodes and the World Heavyweight champion, Edge. Holla holla.

*Teddy Long leaves as the crowd cheers for the announcement and we go to a commercial*

**In The Middle Of It Now**

Curt Hawkins’s music hits and he comes out to a loud pop, for the first time, without his WWE Tag Team champion partner, Zack Ryder. He poses with the belt on the stage with pyros going off in the background. He slaps hands with the people and gets into the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and continues posing with the titles which gets him a good face reaction.


Zack Ryder comes out to a louder pop with the Tag Team championship belt around his waist. He signals the “L.I” sign and does the fist pump. The crowd starts a “We Want Ryder!” chant as Ryder hits the ring and acknowledges his partner. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses with the belt which brings out another loud cheer. The Broskis then embrace in the ring before the match begins.

Zack Ryder vs Curt Hawkins

The bell sounds and both men shake hands before locking-up. Hawkins pushes Ryder in the corner and kicks him in the gut but the ref separates them. Both men circle around and lock-up again. Again, Hawkins pushes Ryder into the corner and kicks him in the gut and this time, follows it up with a suplex. Cover.

Ryder kicks out!
He picks Ryder up and whips him but Ryder reverses. Hawkins ducks a clothesline and hits a crossbody off the ropes. He picks him up and slaps him across the chest several times before whipping him into the ropes. Ryder ducks a clothesline and hits a bicycle kick. Hawkins goes into the corner. Ryder hits a clothesline and follows it up with a running bulldog. Cover.

Hawkins powers out!
He picks Hawkins up and whips him but Hawkins reverses. Ryder ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Hawkins catches him in mid-air. He goes for a spinning sidewalk slam but Ryder counters with a hurricana. Hawkins is sent to the corner. Ryder waits for him to get up and hits a spinning heelkick. He hooks the leg.

Hawkins kicks out!
Ryder measures Hawkins and hits a knee-drop. He does the fist pump and hits a fist-drop. He picks Hawkins up and whips him but Hawkins reverses and goes for a backdrop. Ryder counters with a kick across the torso followed by a dropkick. He goes on the top and hits a flying legdrop. He hooks both legs.

Hawkins kicks out!
He picks Hawkins up and ram him into the post. He pulls him out and goes for a clothesline but Hawkins ducks and kicks him on the shin. Ryder goes down on his knees. Hawkins comes off the ropes and hits a kick to the back of head and follows it up with a low DDT. He quickly goes into the cover.

Ryder powers out!
Hawkins waits for him to get up and clotheslines him out of the ring. Ryder slowly gets up on the outside but Hawkins catches him with a baseball slide. Ryder gets thrown off his feet as Hawkins waits for him to get up and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Hawkins has Ryder in the sleeper and Ryder is down on his fours. Ryder tries to fight out of the hold but Hawkins remains stern. Ryder slaps the mat to get some feeling back in his arms and the fans too start a “Let’s Go Ryder!” chant. Ryder slowly manages to get back to a vertical base and hits the Samoan Drop. Cover.

Hawkins kicks out!
He waits for Hawkins to get up and goes for the Rough Ryder but Hawkins ducks and hits a dropkick sending him into the corner. Ryder falls forward but Hawkins catches him in a German suplex. Cover.

Ryder kicks out!
He picks Ryder up and whips him but Ryder reverses and goes for a clothesline but Hawkins blocks it and hits an STO. He waits for Ryder to get up and hits him with a shoulder tackle. He goes on the middle rope and hits a missile dropkick. He measures Ryder and hits an elbow drop. He hooks both legs.

Ryder kicks out!
Hawkins pulls Ryder to the corner and kicks away at him until the ref breaks it up. Hawkins goes on the top rope and calls for the moonsault. He dives off but Ryder sidesteps. Hawkins fortunately lands on his feet. Or not so much as Ryder quickly takes advantage and hits the Zack Attack. He hooks the leg.

Hawkins kicks out at 2 ½!
Hawkins goes into the corner. Ryder does the fist pump and hits the Broski Boot. He calls for the Rough Ryder. He dives off but Hawkins ducks and goes for a boot. Ryder sidesteps and hits a flashkick off the ropes. He goes into the cover.

Hawkins powers out!
Ryder can’t believe it. He calls for Rough Ryder again. He charges at him but Hawkins ducks and nails Ryder with a picture-perfect boot. He pulls him into the corner and goes on the top rope. He calls for moonsault and connects. Cover.

Winner: Curt Hawkins

The ref raises Hawkins’ arm in victory after which Hawkins helps Ryder back to his feet. Both men embrace in the center of the ring and Ryder acknowledges Hawkins’ victory by raising his arms. Both men celebrate with the titles and the crowd cheers them up. They are about to leave the ring but The Usos come out on the stage. They move their hands around their waste signaling that they will win the Tag Team championship. The Broskis lift their titles for everyone to see as the crowd cheers. All four men engage in a stare-down as we go to a commercial.

**Main Yash Hun**

Jinder Mahal’s music hits and he comes out to loud boos in a suit, with the U.S title hanging over his shoulders and the 7-foot giant, Great Khali, by his side. He poses with the belt on the stage as Khali dances behind him menacingly. They head down the ramp and into the ring where Khali picks Mahal on his shoulders and Mahal lifts the U.S title for everybody to see. Khali starts a “Jinder Mahal!” chant.

Mahal: Take pride, for your ruler, the King of the United States of America, has stepped foot in this ring.


Mahal: Take pride, because I will guide you lost Americans to the path of success and morality. And I will start off with at least two Americans at Judgment Day. One of them, is Dolph Ziggler. For a man who started off with the Spirit Squad, Ziggler has come a long way. He even was an 8-minute World champion.

*More boos at the mention of Ziggler and his accolades*

Mahal: But since then, he’s gone downhill. He’s become just like one of you. He’s become pathetic. He’s become lost. He’s become what he was when he first came into the WWE, he’s become a loser.

*Some part of the crowd cheers for calling Ziggler a loser*

Mahal: But at Judgment Day, I will show him how to win. And not only that, but I will put someone else in his place. And that man goes by the name of Daniel Bryan.

*Cheers at the mention of Bryan*

Mahal: Daniel Bryan is a former United States champion, the worst of course, but he is an NXT reject. And that man who has no class, no style, no material, that man who got suspended for spitting on an announcer, that same man thinks he can beat me, Jinder Mahal.

*The boos start coming again*

Mahal: Just like all of you, he’s living in a world full of fantasies. But at Judgment Day, I will bring him into the real world. I will show him how I outclass and outperform him in every sense. And when I do that, he will know that I am no ordinary being. I am not a fat, useless American. I am a very successful Indian and I am better than all of you combined. And my third opponent, who will qualify tonight, he’s going to be no big deal.

*More boos*

Mahal: And then, when I put three of my opponents where they belong, I will take each and everyone of you and try, try to make you better people. More intense, more useful and more successful. At least after I do that, I hope, I think you people will respect me and bow to me because I am the true King of the United States of America.


The boos grow in number as Dolph Ziggler’s music blares out of the speakers and he makes his way down the ramp in his wrestling gear. He taunts the crowd on his walk to the ring. He gets in the ring and taunts the champ and his apprentice and asks for a mic. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses which brings out more boos.

Dolph: First off all, let me tell you, U.S.A doesn’t have a king. We have a democratic government and the President is the highest official. Second, you need shut up because that was the worst promo I’ve heard in my entire life.

*Cheers for Ziggler for the first time*

Dolph: I mean, seriously!? You think you can “bring us back to the path of success” with your actions? I highly doubt it. You could try with these people and Daniel Bryan but not with me. You see I am a former United States champion, a former Tag Team champion, a former Intercontinental champion and a former World Heavyweight champion. So technically, I’ve had more successes than you could dream of.

*Mixed reactions erupt*

Dolph: Jinder Mahal, here’s a reality check for you. You’re no spiritual guru and we are certainly not your followers. You are a damn WWE superstar, and it’s high time you act that way. Because with you running your mouth that way, you’re making the U.S title seem irrelevant. And that, it is not.

*Cheers for the respect given to the U.S title*

Dolph: But I know that you will continue to give these stupid advices until you’re champion, so I’ve decided to take that title from you instead. Judgment Day, will be your last day as U.S champion, because after that, that championship will belong to the Epitome of Perfection, Dolph Ziggler.


Mahal: So you actually think that you can beat me when I have Great Khali by my side?

Dolph: That dude, he can’t even stand properly. He actually had a Kiss Cam running. And that to me was the worst show the WWE has aired on its programming. But anyways, he reflects what a person you are, because he is your choice. But you know who is my choice? She is the hot, beautiful, stunning and most successful manager in the history of the WWE, she is my girlfriend, she is Vickie Guerrero!

*The boos explode out of the arena as Vickie Guerrero makes her way out*

Vickie: Excuse me!


Vickie: I said excuse me!

*More boos*

*Vickie is now in the ring*

Vickie: Jinder Mahal, Dolph is right. If anyone is walking out the U.S champion at Judgment Day, it is him! And no one can stop him from doing it because now by his side, he has me. And together, we are not only going to rule SmackDown! but we are going to rule the entire WWE!

*Vickie drops the mic and we go to a commercial because the final U.S title qualification match is next*

Back from the break and Chavo Guerrero is already in the ring. He is warming up for the match as Jinder Mahal and Dolph Ziggler settle themselves at the announce table with Great Khali and Vickie Guerrero standing beside their respective partners.

**Mein Teil**

Averno’s music hits and he comes out to a decent reaction. He poses on the stage with pyros exploding in the background. He slaps hands with the people as he walks down the ramp. He gets into the ring and climbs a turnbuckle and poses which brings out a small cheer in the crowd. He takes a good look at one of his opponents in the veteran Chavo Guerrero.

**Ancient Spirit**

Sin Cara comes out to his music in a blue trench-coat with a blue mask with a golden border. He takes off his coat on the stage and runs down the ramp and jumps his way into the ring. Pyros go off on the stage when he lands on his feet inside the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses which brings out major cheers from the crowd as Mahal and Dolph continue to bash each other at the commentary table with the announcers trying to keep them quite.

U.S championship fatal-4-way qualification match
Sin Cara vs Averno vs Chavo Guerrero

The bell sounds and Cara and Averno circle around Chavo. They charge at him and punch him down until he is down on his knees. Averno comes off the ropes and takes him down with a dropkick. Cara picks him up and whips him but Chavo ducks a clothesline but runs right into a spinning heelkick from Averno. Chavo tumbles to the outside. Averno turns his attention to Cara who knocks him with a kick to the temple and rolls him up.

Averno rolls through!
Both men come off the rope and collide in mid-air, both trying to hit a crossbody. Both men are down center of the ring. They slowly start to get up. Cara charges at Averno but Averno throws him out with a backdrop. He waits for Cara to get up and takes him out with a crossbody on the outside. He taunts Mahal before throwing Cara into the ring. He goes on the top rope and hits a knee-drop. He hooks the leg.

Cara kicks out!
He picks Cara up and whips him but Cara ducks a clothesline and hits a flash kick. Averno goes into the corner. Cara charges at him and takes him down with a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him but Averno reverses and goes for a backdrop. Cara counters with a kick across the torso. He comes off the ropes but Averno cuts him off with a hiptoss. He turns around and Chavo nails him with a running enzugiri. Cover.

Averno kicks out!
Chavo picks him up and hits an Atomic Drop. He picks him up and whips him but Averno reverses. Chavo slides through his legs and hits a bicycle kick. Averno is stunned momentarily. Chavo comes off the ropes and takes Averno down with a dropkick. Cover.

Averno powers out!
He picks Averno up and locks in the sleeper. Dolph yells at Chavo for “copying” his move from the announce desk. Averno starts going down in the center of the ring. Chavo keeps applying pressure and Averno goes down on his knees. Averno is about to give up the fight-back but Cara comes into the ring and takes Chavo down with a knee to the face. He pulls him in the center of the ring and hooks both legs.

Chavo kicks out!
Cara picks him up and throws him on the outside. He moves his hand around his waist signaling that he will win the U.S title as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Chavo elbows Cara in the corner. He whips him into another corner followed by a splash. He picks him up and chops him several times across the chest. He whips him but Cara reverses. Chavo blocks a clothesline, kicks him in the gut and hits an impeller DDT. Cover.

Cara powers out!
Chavo calls for something big. He points towards Mahal and Ziggler and picks Cara up. He hits him with a suplex, followed by another and another and another and another and finally finishes off with a delayed vertical suplex. The crowd goes wild for the successive suplexes. He hooks the leg.

Cara kicks out at 2 ½!
Chavo cannot believe it! He picks Cara up and whips him but Cara ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. Averno comes from behind and throws Cara head-first into the post. Cara falls on the outside. Averno waits for Chavo to get up and hits a heelkick. He pulls him near the center and goes for the pinfall.

Chavo kicks out!
Averno picks him up and whips him but Chavo reverses. Averno ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Chavo catches him with a drop toehold and locks in the cross-face. Averno tries to wriggle free but Chavo keeps the hold locked in tightly. Averno tries crawling towards the ropes but Chavo holds him back. Chavo applies more and more pressure as Averno starts to faint. The crowd chants to cheer him up but to no avail. As Averno is about to tap, Cara comes in and kicks Chavo in the head and goes into the cover.

Chavo powers out!
Cara picks Averno up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He measures him and hits an elbow drop. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. He picks him up and places him on the top rope. He goes on the top and goes for the C4 off the top but Averno pushes him off and Cara lands hard on the mat. Averno goes for a high-impact move but Chavo comes in and pushes Averno off the top and follows it up with a running bulldog. Cover.

Averno kicks out!
Chavo goes on the top and calls for the Eddie Guerrero Frog Splash and connects. Cara quickly gets back to his feet and dropkicks Chavo out of the ring. Cara quickly covers Averno.

Winner: Sin Cara

Cara’s happiness knows no bounds as he celebrates with the people going mad for the victory. Cara threatens Mahal by hand signals and dares him to get in the ring. Mahal gets off the announce desk and asks Khali to get in the ring. Khali obeys and gets into the ring only to be hit in the back of the knee with a dropkick. Khali tumbles out of the ring. Cara again dares Mahal to get in the ring but is attacked from behind by Dolph. He kicks away at him. Mahal too enters the ring and kicks away at Cara.

**Ride of the Valkyries**

Daniel Bryan’s music hits and he rushes out to ringside. He gets in the ring and ducks a Dolph clothesline and leapfrogs Mahal. He punches him down but Dolph separates them. He goes for a clothesline but Bryan blocks it and hits one of his own. He sees Mahal running at him and holds the ropes down and Mahal tumbles to the outside. Cara gets up and throws Dolph on the outside. Cara and Bryan come off the ropes and take Mahal and Dolph down with suicide dives respectively. They get back in the ring and celebrate as we go to a commercial.

The announcers put over the new WWE show “Saturday Night Verdict with Michael Cole” set to air on USA Network on the 4th of June, the day before Judgment Day.


**Written In My Face**

Sheamus comes out to loud boos in a green “Laoch” t-shirt and tights. He smugly walks down the ramp, the big chain with the big locket dangling around his neck. He gets in the ring and poses which brings out a “You Suck!” chant from the crowd. Sheamus asks for a mic and looks like he is going to get down to business.

Sheamus: First off all, tonight, I am going to restart my winning ways when I beat the man I beat three weeks ago at the Backlash pay-per-view. But, I am not here to tell you what you already know. You see, my entire childhood, I spent in my home-country, Ireland. I grew up there. I became the fiery warrior that I am there.

*The crowd boos*

Sheamus: Just like all of you, I too had my share of friends. We played together. We watched the WWE together. But, unlike them, I actually lived my dream. I became a WWE superstar and within a year, I beat Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton, The Undertaker, of course, and I became a two-time WWE champion.

*More boos*

Sheamus: And I am going to become the World Heavyweight champion come Judgment Day. But I paid my dividends for what I got, for what I achieved. I had to leave my friends and my family in Dublin and migrate to the States for a better living. For living my dream. And when I met my best friend, two days ago, you know what he told me?

*The crowd lets out a “what!”*

Sheamus: He looked me in the eyes, and he said, “Fella, your win at Backlash was a fluke. You cannot beat The Undertaker”!

*The crowd lets out a roar for that*

Sheamus: My best friend, who had my back for so many years, tells me, that I can’t beat his childhood hero. Now that’s when I realized, that my quest to become the best on SmackDown!, my mission to prove to the world that The Undertaker is a beatable human, is still not complete. You see, I not only have to beat Undertaker, but I have to rip him apart and finish him once and for all if I have to breathe, the air of respect and belief.

*The crowd starts an “Undertaker!” chant*

Sheamus: And I told my friend, “Fella, you needn’t worry about that. Because I will sooner than later beat your childhood hero, who is now a beaten, bruised and old excuse of his former self, I will beat him to a pulp and shorten his “legendary” career.” And thanks to Teddy Long, that opportunity, meets me tonight!

*More boos for the Celtic Warrior*

Sheamus: I will beat The Undertaker tonight, and I will prove to my friend, to all of you and to The Undertaker that I am indeed better than him. Because you can fluke once. But when you win twice, it’s called greatness.

*The crowd can’t stop booing the arrogant monster*

Sheamus: And then, after beating Undertaker, I will go to Judgment Day as a former two-time WWE champion and I will walk out the brand new World Heavyweight champion!

**Just Close Your Eyes**

Christian’s music hits the speakers and the crowd cheers for the leader of the Peeps. He is out in a checkered shirt and jeans with white sneakers on. He slaps hands with the people on his walk down the ramp and gets in the ring. He takes a good look at Sheamus before posing for the cheering fans. He asks for a mic.

Christian: First off all, congratulations on retaining your spot in the title match.

*Christian stretches out his hand, but Sheamus refuses to accept*

Christian: Huh. Second, I can truly, truly understand what you are going through right now. And I am not lying. Because I have been going through the same feeling for 17 years. A feeling of betrayal, a feeling of pathetic, a feeling of being let down and dropped out and not being respected. A feeling of not being recognized as a top superstar.

*Mixed reactions*

Christian: I have been going through for 17 years, taunts and torments and torture from the likes of Edge and Triple H and Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho saying I could never-ever get to the top of the mountain. And I know that is what makes you feel dejected and neglected. But unlike most of the others, I stood up to it.

*Another set of mixed reactions*

Christian: Yeah, I know the left the company. But that was rehab and return, not walk out. I stood up to my naysayers and I came back stronger than ever and now I am in the best shape of my life. And trying to understand what you are saying, I know that you too are capable of achieving great highs Sheamus.

*Boos for the Sheamus’s praise*

Christian: But I am going to give you a piece of advice. Don’t listen to your doubters. Don’t listen to your opponents. Listen to your inner voice. And right now, I know it is telling you to destroy anything and everything that comes in your way. Listen to your self and do whatever it takes to get to the top because if you don’t, people will crack you from the inside with their bad mouths.

*Boos for Captain Charisma’s that sentence*

Christian: But listen to these people. These people will lead you to the right direction in your career. Treat them with respect and they’ll give you a reaction. Treat them with honesty and they will like you back. And listen to me Sheamus, go out there and give it your best every single time you hit the ring, because that is what has kept me alive for so many years in this business.


Christian: But, remember, I have been struggling for a decade, and I have finally got my chance. And it comes at Judgment Day. At Judgment Day, nobody is going to stop me from becoming the World Heavyweight champion and I am going to prove that I am indeed one of the top bankable stars in the WWE.

*More cheers*

Christian: And I will not forgive or forget anyone who comes in my way. And by the looks of the Judgment Day card, I know you will. But Sheamus, Judgment Day is not your night. Judgment Day is my night. It is the night where I prove my worth, it is the night where I become the brand-new World Heavyweight champion!

*Christian drops the mic and leaves as Sheamus looks on and we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and Ted DiBiase is already in the ring warming up for his one-on-one match with one of the most successful veterans of the WWE, Rey Mysterio.


Rey Mysterio’s music hits and he comes out to one of the biggest pops of the night. He points towards one section of the crowd and then to the other with pyros exploding each time. He races down the ramp, high-fiving the cheering kids and smiling adults, touching head-to-head with the children wearing his masks. He takes off his vest and gives it to a young guy before entering the ring, climbing the turnbuckle and posing. The kids start a “619!” chant.

Rey Mysterio vs Ted DiBiase

The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Ted kicks Rey in the gut and whips him into a corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and hits a running powerslam. He waits for him to get up and takes him down with another clothesline. He picks him up and hits an inverted press slam and hooks the leg.

Rey kicks out!
Ted picks him up and whips him but Rey ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Ted catches him in mid-air and goes for a spinning sideslam but Rey counters with a hurricana that sends Ted to the corner. Rey charges at him and hits him with a splash. Ted falls forward right into a round-house kick. Cover.

Ted powers out!
Rey waits for him to get up and whips him but Ted reverses. Rey baseball slides through his legs and hits him with a kick to the back of the knee. Ted goes down on his knees. Rey comes off the ropes but Ted ducks a Pele kick and rolls Rey up.

Rey rolls through!
He goes for the Pele kick again but this time Ted blocks it and sweeps Rey off his feet. He picks Rey up and whips him and goes for a backdrop but Rey counters with a kick across the torso. He comes off the ropes but Ted follows him into the ropes and takes him down with a clothesline instead. He goes into the cover.

Rey kicks out!
He picks Rey up and rams him head-first into the post. He pulls him out and hits a picture-perfect dropkick that sends Rey into the corner. Rey falls forward but Ted plants him with a boot. He hooks both legs.

Rey kicks out at 2 ½!
Ted can’t believe it. He stomps away at Rey until the ref breaks it up. He picks Rey up and whips him into the corner. He charges at him but Rey gets his leg up just in time. Rey charges at Ted and takes him down with an enzugiri. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a spinning heelkick and then, a running bulldog. Cover.

Ted powers out!
Rey waits for Ted to get up and dropkicks him onto the second rope. He goes for the 619 but Ted counters with a boot. He goes on the top rope and goes for a crossbody but Rey sidesteps and Ted crashes hard into the mat. Both men are down. They get up. Ted charges at Rey but Rey dropkicks him on the knee and Ted falls onto the second rope. Rey quickly hits the 619 and goes to the top rope. He calls for and hits the Frog Splash. Cover.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio celebrates empathetically with the people on the outside as Ted kicks away at the barricade in frustration. The camera zooms out of a celebrating Rey and goes backstage, in the locker room of the World Heavyweight champion, Edge.
Edge: Hello ladies and gentlemen. It is that time of SmackDown!, which you call your favorite, the World Heavyweight champion speaks!

*The crowd boos*

Edge: Earlier tonight, Sheamus and Christian confronted each-other, with Christian giving Sheamus some “lessons of life”. How pathetic! But that wasn’t what caught my attention. It was what they had to say AT THE END. You know why the emphasis on “at the end”? Because that shows how disrespectful they are to the World Heavyweight championship.

*More boos*

Edge: Two guys, who put values of life before the World title, are going to compete against a man who believes the World title is his life and who can do anything to get it and just about everything to keep it, think they can actually walk out of Judgment Day, with gold around their waste. Now that is something truly irritating.

*The crowd can’t stop booing*

Edge: Because I have proven to all you people, to Christian, to Sheamus, to The Undertaker and to the management time and time again that I am indeed the face of SmackDown! and what I have done to help this brand, no man has ever thought of doing. The Rock just built this brand, but I further made it watchable.

*Edge plays heel awesomely, as the crowd continue to boo*

Edge: And this World title that is around my shoulders, it is proof that I am the best man on the SmackDown! roster and I can beat not one, not two, not three but the entire roster to retain what I love, what I am here for. The World title, nobody can take it from me. Be it a young, up and coming white monster, be it an out-of-his-prime “Deadman”, or be it a 17-year old failure!

*More boos for the Rated-R Superstar*

Edge: And at Judgment Day, I am going to prove it again. No matter from where they come, no matter how they come, I am ready to take every shot and give an eye-for-an-eye and I am ready to risk my living, if it means to die the World Heavyweight champion. But I won’t. If someone has got to die, then it well maybe any one of my three opponents or even all of them. The truth is, I am superior to all of them and I know it, you know and even they know it!

*A “You Suck!” chant begins in the arena*

Edge: I don’t suck. I bring a class and an edge to this Friday Night show and I am going to bring a class and an edge to the American Airlines Center on 5th June 2011, where I retain MY World Heavyweight championship!

*Edge leaves for ringside as we go to a commercial*

**Smoke and Darkness**

Back from the break and the boos are in full force as Cody Rhodes, the man who opened the show, comes out in a red hooded jacket. He angrily walks down the ramp clearly frustrated at what happened earlier in the night. He gets into the ring and takes off his hood revealing his foggy mask that stuck to him after the “facial reconstructive surgery”. They show on the tron the confrontation between Rhodes and Orton from earlier on the show.


Edge’s music hits and he comes tearing apart a cloud of smoke out to a loud reaction of mostly boos in his signature trench-coat and tights. He does his “rock star” pose on the stage with pyros exploding in the background as the World Heavyweight championship around his shoulders shines in the bright light. He runs into the ring and climbs up the turnbuckle and poses to which the crowd starts a “Rated ******!” chant. Edge poses with the title further annoying the crowd.

**Just Close Your Eyes**

The Story of The Year hit hits and Christian comes out to ringside for the second time in the night, this time in ring gear. He searches for his Peeps on his way down to the ring as he high-fives some of them in the front rows. He gets in the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and again searches for his Peeps after which he moves his hand around his waist signaling that he will win the World title at Judgment Day. The crowd starts a “Let’s Go Christian!” chant.


Randy Orton’s music hits and he comes out to the loudest pop of the night. He slowly and menacingly walks down the ramp eyeing his prey, Edge and Cody Rhodes. He slowly gets in the ring with the fans cheering his name. He goes atop the turnbuckles and poses his signature pose with the crowd going wild for him. A loud “RKO!” chant echoes around the arena as Orton smirks at his Judgment Day opponent.

Randy Orton and Christian vs Edge and Cody Rhodes

Christian and Cody will start things off. The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Cody pushes Christian in the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him but Christian reverses. Cody ducks a clothesline and hits one off the ropes. He picks Christian up and hits a standing dropkick. He goes into the first cover of the match.
Christian powers out!
Cody picks him up and tags in Edge. Edge gets in the ring and stomps away at Christian. He picks Christian up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and slaps him across the chest several times. He picks him up and goes for a running powerbomb but Christian slips off and goes for an enzugiri. But Edge ducks and Christian lands hard on the mat. Edge covers.
Christian easily kicks out!
Edge picks him up and twists his arm and tags in Cody. Cody goes on the top rope and hits a chopblock to the twisted arm. He picks him up and yanks his arm and throws him arm-first into the turnbuckles. Christian goes down holding his injured arm. Cody waits for him to get up and kicks him in the gut followed by a spot DDT. Cover.
Christian kicks out!
Cody picks him up and hits a swinging neckbreaker. He pulls Christian to his corner and tags in Edge. Edge comes in and kicks away at Christian’s gut until the ref breaks it up. He picks Christian up and whips him into the corner followed by a bulldog. He quickly hooks the leg.
Christian kicks out again!
Edge waits for him to get up and takes him down with a clothesline. He quickly locks in a camel clutch. Christian tries to break free but Edge uses his superior strength to hold him down. The crowd start another Christian chant and Christian seems to respond as he kicks away at the mat to gain some lost strength. He gets back to a vertical base and drops Edge with a Samoan drop. Cover.
Edge kicks out but just!
Both men are down. They get back up on their feet. Edge goes for a clothesline but Christian ducks and hits an enzugiri. He quickly tags in Orton. Orton gets in and goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks. Edge comes at him but Orton cuts him off with a boot. He hooks the leg.
Edge kicks out again!
Orton sees Cody getting in the ring and takes him down with a clothesline. Cody rolls out of the ring as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Orton pounds away at Edge in the corner. The ref breaks it up. Orton goes after him but Edge dropkicks Orton into the turnbuckles. Orton gets up. Edge comes off the ropes but Orton ducks and takes Edge down with a dropkick. Edge wisely rolls over to his corner and tags in Cody. Cody hesitates before getting into the ring but finally does. He goes for a clothesline but Orton ducks and rolls him up.
Cody rolls through!
Cody goes for another clothesline but Orton blocks it and hits a clothesline of his own followed by another. He whips Cody into the ropes and hits a scoop slam. Cody rolls over to the apron. Orton follows him and drapes him across the second rope and drops him with a DDT. He hooks both legs.
Cody kicks out at 2 ½!
Orton can’t believe it. He starts pounding the mat calling for the RKO. He grabs Cody by the neck but Cody pushes him off. Orton crashes into the turnbuckles. Cody quickly hits the Beautiful Disaster and makes the cover.
Orton powers out!
Cody tags in Edge. Edge gets in the ring and measures Orton and hits an elbow drop. He waits for him to get up and runs him down with a shoulder tackle. He picks him up and whips him followed by a backdrop. Orton gets back up only to be hit with a backstabber. Edge hooks both legs.
Orton kicks out with authority!
Edge picks him up and whips him but Orton reverses and goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks and hits the Edge-O-Matic. He picks Orton up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. Orton falls forward and Edge kicks him in the gut and follows it up with the impeller DDT. He goes into the cover.
Orton kicks out!
Edge goes into the corner calling for the Spear. He charges at Orton but Orton leapfrogs and Edge crashes into the turnbuckle. Orton hits a standing dropkick. Both men are down. They tag in their respective partners. Cody comes running in but Christian catches him with a crossbody off the top. He picks him up and whips him but Cody reverses him into the corner. He charges at him but Christian counters and hits a pendulum kick. He goes on the top rope and hits a spinning uppercut. Cover.
Cody kicks out!
Christian calls for Killswitch but sees Edge trying for the Spear. Christian sidesteps and Edge hits a getting-back-to-his-feet Orton with the signature move. Christian attacks him from behind and hits the Killswitch. He turns around and Cody goes for the Beautiful Disaster but Christian avoids it. Cody lands on his feet. Christian goes for a clothesline but Cody blocks it, kicks Christian in the gut, turns him around and hits the Cross Rhodes. Cover.
Winners: Edge and Cody Rhodes

Cody and Edge celebrate in the ring as Orton looks pissed off outside. The heels smirk at their fallen opponents and continue their celebration as we go backstage, where Nikki Bella is being helped by Brie Bella.

*Trish Stratus comes in and the crowd cheers*

Trish: Are you okay Nikki?

Nikki: You don’t need to worry about me. And besides you’ve got Candice on your hands tonight!

Brie: And you know what, you should be admiring your Women’s championship day in and day out, because Judgment Day will be the last you will see of it. Because everyone knows how hungry Kharma is for the title.

Trish: Yeah, that’s why she made a prey of your sister, didn’t she?

*The crowd cheers*

Trish: Let me tell you two losers something, I don’t care whether Kharma is coming for me or for the Women’s title, I know that she will leave Judgment Day empty handed. Because I will be retaining my title and all you’ll be doing, is watching dumbfounded.

*We go to another area where Kane is creating a scene*

Kane throws plates flying off tables and throws everything that he finds to the floor. He grabs a crew member and throws him into some dashboards. He finds a monitor and smashes it into the wall scattering it into pieces. He stops near Teddy Long’s office and kicks away at the door but no one answers. He takes out a kendo stick from a trash can and keeps smashing it on the door but to no avail. Heath Slater comes running to him.

Slater: Kane, Kane, calm down. Long’s not in his office. Justin and me, we’ve been trying to find him from the start of the show.

Kane: Who told you to interfere!! WHO TOLD YOU TO INTERFERE!!

Kane smashes Slater with the kendo stick until the stick breaks and leaves its marks on Slater’s torso. He throws Slater into technical equipment and stomps away at him. He picks him up and sees a table. He goes to chokeslam him through it but hesitates for a moment. He finally lets Slater go but leaves only after kicking him in the back of the head. A few refs rush to check on Slater as Kane continues on the path of destruction as we go to a commercial.

**What Love Is**

Back from the break and Candice’s music hits and she comes out to a huge pop. She dances on the stage with pyros going off in the background. She slaps the hands of the men who lend out their hands to her. She jumps up on the apron and takes off her robe revealing a pink costume. She gets in the ring and up the turnbuckle and signals that she will win the Women’s title.

**Time To Rock and Roll**

Trish Stratus comes out to one of the biggest pops of the night. She poses with the title for Candice to see on the stage and runs down the ramp accepting the cheers from the audience. She gets in the ring and stares at Candice for a moment or two before climbing the turnbuckle and posing with her title. The crowd goes wild and starts a “Let’s Go Trish!” chant.

Trish Stratus vs Candice Michelle

The bell sounds and both divas lock-up. Candice pushes Trish to the corner and kicks her in the gut followed by blows on her forehead that send her down on her knees. The ref breaks it up. Candice avoids the ref and charges at Trish but Trish baseball slides through her legs and pushes her into the turnbuckles and rolls her up.
Candice rolls through!
Both divas get up. Candice goes for a clothesline but Trish ducks and hits a swinging neckbreaker. She measures her and hits an elbow drop and follows it up with a legdrop. She waits for her to get up and dropkicks her into the turnbuckle, splashes her in the corner and hits a running bulldog. Cover.
Candice kicks out!
Trish pulls her up by the hair and the ref breaks it up. Trish then rams Candice head-first into the post. She pulls her out and goes for a clothesline but Candice blocks it and bitch-slaps her. Trish gets furious and goes after Candice but Candice pulls the ropes down and Trish falls to the outside. Candice comes off the ropes and takes Trish down with a crossbody. She picks Trish up and throws her in the ring. She gets in and hooks the leg.
Trish kicks out!
Candice picks her up and goes for a DDT but Trish pushes her off and goes for a backdrop. Candice counters with a kick across the torso. She comes off the ropes and hits a spinning heelkick taking her down. She pulls her to the corner and goes on the top. She goes for a Frog Splash and connects. Cover.
Trish kicks out again!
Candice picks her up and whips her but Trish reverses. Candice ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Trish catches her in mid-air and hits a Spike Piledriver. The crowd pop loudly for that. Trish goes into the cover.
Candice kicks out at 2 ½!
Trish can’t believe it. She calls for the Chic Kick. She goes to connect but Candice ducks and hits a roundhouse kick. Trish stumbles backwards and Candice nails the Sugar Rush. She hooks both legs.
Trish kicks out but only just!
Candice gets frustrated and kicks away the Women’s champion. She picks her up and whips her but Trish ducks and hits the Chick Kick out of nowhere. She goes for the pinfall and victory.
Candice kicks out!
Trish lies down in frustration and fatigue. Both divas are now down. The crowd starts a “We Want Kharma!” chant.

**Bad Karma**

And their wish has come true. The monster of all women, Kharma, comes out to a humongous surprising pop. She stares at the fallen divas in the ring and marches towards them. She gets in the ring and the ref calls for the bell. She picks Trish up and hits her with a powerbomb. She sees Candice getting up and tears her into two with a spear. She picks her up and hits her with a sit-out powerbomb. She waits for Trish to get up and nails her with the Implant Buster. She takes the Women’s title and poses with it as the crowd now lets out a mixed reaction.

Winner: N.A

Backstage, Sheamus is gearing up for his match. Todd Grisham comes in.

Todd: Sheamus, sorry to interrupt you, but what do you have to say about Christian’s words for you tonight.

Sheamus: Christian advising me, doesn’t sound so good, does it? You see I’ve done so many things in two years, he couldn’t do in his 17-year long career. I am the Celtic Warrior. I am a former 2-time WWE champion. I am Sheamus and he is Christian. There is no comparison. And by the way, tonight, I am going to defeat The Undertaker for a second straight time. And that’s the reality!

*The crowd boos as Sheamus walks off for his match, next*

Back from the break and a RAW Rebound video airs. It starts off with Triple H and Chris Jericho talking about their match, then focuses on Bret Hart’s return. Their physical interaction is shown and then, the video cuts off to small bits of the Morrison-Miz and Cena-Punk showdowns. It then switches to the main-event tag-team match, its highlights and finish. The video ends with Cena and Morrison celebrating in the ring.

The main-events for WWE Judgment Day are promoted.





**Too Many Lies**

Sheamus’s music hits for the second time in the night and he comes out to loud boos, again. He poses on the stage while the crowd boos him profusely. He walks down the ramp arrogantly smirking at the active and live crowd. He gets in the ring and poses one more time annoying the crowd again. He takes off his t-shirt and pounds his heart as the crowd starts a “Undertaker!” chant.

**Graveyard Symphony**

The crowd goes wild at the music of the Deadman, The Undertaker. Smoke rises inside the arena filling it up. After a moment, Undertaker makes his way out to ringside. The crowd cheers continuously as Sheamus looks on, unmoved. Taker slowly and mystically walks down the ramp not taking his eyes off his opponent for a second. He climbs the steps and into the ring and takes off his trench-coat. He takes off his hat and rolls his eyes into his head to which the crowd cheers but Sheamus looks on blandly.

The Undertaker vs Sheamus

The bell sounds and Taker pushes Sheamus to the corner. He punches him in the gut and punches him down until the ref breaks it up. Taker gives the ref a horrifying look and the ref backs off himself. Both men circle around again this time Sheamus going for a bearhug. Taker uses his power to shoo Sheamus off and whips him. Sheamus ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Taker catches him with a clothesline. Cover.
Sheamus kicks out!
He picks Sheamus up and whips him in the corner followed by a splash. Sheamus falls forward and Taker slaps him across the chest. Sheamus goes into the corner. Taker charges at him and hits a clothesline. He picks Sheamus up and hits the body-drop. He picks Sheamus up and hits a powerbomb. The crowd cheers as Taker goes into the cover.
Sheamus powers out!
Taker picks him up and rams him head-first into the turnbuckles. He pulls him out and whips him but Sheamus ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. He picks Taker up and kicks him in the gut. He comes off the ropes and hits a picture-perfect scissors kick. He waits for Taker to get up and hits a spinebuster. Cover.
Taker kicks out!
Sheamus picks him up and whips him into the corner. He charges at him but Taker gets his leg up just in time. He hits Sheamus with a chopblock to the back of the knee. He twists Sheamus’s arm and yanks it. He goes on the top rope and hits the Old School. He hooks both the legs.
Sheamus kicks out but just!
Taker waits for Sheamus to get up. He kicks him in the gut and hits a spot DDT. Taker goes on the middle rope and goes for the legdrop but Sheamus rolls out of the way and Taker lands hard on the mat. Sheamus quickly tries taking advantage going for the Brogue Kick but Taker ducks and Sheamus tumbles to the outside. Taker comes off the ropes and hits Sheamus with the suicide dive. Taker is rolling as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Taker pounds on Sheamus in the corner. He picks him up and whips him but Sheamus reverses. Taker ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Sheamus catches him with a spinning sideslam. He goes to the apron and measures Taker. He waits for him to get up and hits a flying battering ram. Cover.
Taker powers out!
He picks Taker up and whips him but Taker reverses. Sheamus ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Taker cuts him off with an uppercut. Sheamus goes into the corner. Taker charges at him but Sheamus dropkicks him on the shin and Taker goes head-first into the turnbuckles. He turns around and Sheamus rolls him up into a schoolboy.
Taker rolls through!
Sheamus charges at him but Taker grabs him by the neck instead. He goes for Chokeslam but Sheamus slips off and chopblocks Taker’s knee. Taker goes down on his knees. Sheamus comes off the ropes and hits a low boot. He picks Taker up and pounds on his chest a number of times before taunting the crowd. He waits for Taker to get up and hits an Irish hammer followed by another. He picks him up and whips him but Taker reverses. Sheamus blocks a clothesline and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker. He hooks the leg.
Taker kicks out at 2 ½!
Sheamus can’t believe it. He calls for the High Cross. He picks Taker up on his shoulders but Taker slips off and hits a boot. Sheamus rolls out of the ring. Taker goes out and takes Sheamus down with a clothesline. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the steps and then on the post. He places him on the apron with his head hanging outside. Taker climbs the apron and hits the signature legdrop. Sheamus falls out again as we go to another commercial.

Back from the break and Taker splashes Sheamus in the corner. He picks him up and goes for Snake Eyes but Sheamus slips off and pushes him into the turnbuckles. He comes off the ropes and takes Taker down with a clothesline. He picks him up and hits a sit-out powerbomb. He hooks both the legs.
Taker powers out!
Sheamus stomps away at Taker. He picks him up and locks in the sleeper. Taker tries to elbow his way out of the hold but Sheamus uses his superior strength to keep the hold locked in. Taker struggles for a few moments before the cut of oxygen supply to the brain starts to get to him. He goes down on his knees as Sheamus exerts more and more pressure in the hope to win. Taker is about to pass out but the Deadman gets back and he quickly gets back to a vertical base. He pushes Sheamus in the corner. He charges at him but Sheamus counters with a boot. Cover.
Taker kicks out!
Sheamus goes to the outside and searches for an object under the ring though the ref warns him against it. He takes out a lead pipe and throws it in the ring. He gets in but Taker gets up Deadman style and Sheamus is stopped in his tracks. He charges at Taker but Taker ducks and throws lefts and rights at Sheamus. He picks him up and hits Snake Eyes and follows it up with the boot. Cover.
Sheamus kicks out!
Taker picks him up and hits Last Ride. He calls for Chokeslam. He lifts him up and connects the dreaded move. He goes for another cover and this time, perhaps the victory.
Sheamus kicks out at 2 ½!
Taker can’t believe it. He calls for Tombstone Piledriver. He picks Sheamus up but Sheamus elbows his way out of trouble. He charges at Taker but Taker grabs him by the neck. He lifts him but Sheamus slips out and hits a clothesline. Sheamus rolls over to the corner and takes the padding off of one of the turnbuckles. The ref tries to re-attach it but by the time, Sheamus nails Taker with the lead pipe and throws it away. He hooks the leg.
Winner: Sheamus

Sheamus gets up triumphantly as the crowd boos him. He poses in victory and continues celebrating but doesn’t realize that Taker is already up. He turns around and goes pale as Taker stares him in the eyes. He does the slit-throat signal and grabs Sheamus by the neck. But before he can do any damage, Edge runs out to the ring and smashes the World title into Taker’s skull. Taker loses his balances and Sheamus takes him down with a clothesline. Both the heels stomp away at Taker.

**Just Close Your Eyes**

Christian’s music hits and he rushes out to ringside. He ducks a clothesline from Edge and hits him with a DDT. He picks him up and throws him into Sheamus. Edge turns around and Christian nails him with a dropkick. Edge goes crashing to the outside. Sheamus runs at Christian but Christian ducks and Sheamus runs right into a boot from Taker. He picks Sheamus up and Chokeslams him. He picks him up and throws him onto Edge on the outside. Christian and Taker turn to each-other and look as if they are about to start brawling but retreat.


Teddy Long comes out to ringside with a mic.

Teddy: Hold it playas. Hold it. I’ve got a huge announcement to make. Next week, right here on Friday Night SmackDown!, just two days before Judgment Day, Sheamus will team up with the World Heavyweight champion Edge, to take on Christian and The Undertaker. Holla holla.

*The crowd goes wild as Edge and Sheamus are out cold on the floor and Christian and Taker stare at each-other*

**End of show**

WWE championship
John Morrison (c) vs The Miz

World Heavyweight championship
Edge (c) vs Christian vs Sheamus vs The Undertaker

John Cena vs CM Punk

No Holds Barred
Triple H vs Chris Jericho

Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes

U.S championship
Jinder Mahal (c) vs Daniel Bryan vs Sin Cara vs Dolph Ziggler

WWE Tag Team championship
The Broskis (c) vs The Usos

Women's championship
Trish Stratus (c) vs Candice Michelle vs Kharma
Bearded Review

-I'm on fucking fire right now mang. Get ready, I'm coming guns-a-blazin'. I don't recall the last time I wrote a review for your show GI. For that I apologize. I do read the show when I do my run through the section.

-Fabulous promo from Rhodes to open the show. I was buying it from the beginning and I love that you brought up the past with Dusty and Legacy. This could be a huge rub for Cody, lets hope you pull it off. (Side note: Teddy Long made a tag team match, playa! #lamejoke)

-Umm I may have missed something (and I'm too tired to page back), but why are the tag team champs fighting each other? Maybe there is a reason behind that madness, but nonetheless it was a solid match. As much as I prefer Ryder, I'm glad Hawkins won. Ryder is the more popular one and the win for Hawkins doesn't make him an afterthought to his partner. Usos coming out afterwards signaling for the belts. Looks like we have a championship match in the making now don't we?

-And here comes Susan B. Anthony, I'm sorry it's Rosa Parks, nope wrong again. Ahh yes Gizzard 8Ball. No that ain't it? Curry McSpicy? No. I know, it's Jinder Mahal. Ignore my rambling, it is an inside joke with my group of friends. Nice little promo from Mahal, I actually enjoyed it. Looks like you have made him a legit force here. Congrats. Ziggler's promo I wasn't a fan of. It didn't flow right to me and something just felt off about it.

-Nice match here, I had Chavo slated for a sneaky win considering his relation to Vickie and it could help Dolph's case in capturing the US title, but Sin Cara was definitely the right choice. Good to see the masked sensation get into the title hunt here. I don't know much about Averno, so I can speak as to how good he is or not.

-I'm looking forward to this Michael Cole show, it could be gold. Nice little touch fella. Speaking of fella here comes the big bad Sheamus. Good little promo between Sheamus and Christian. I could feel Christian's pain and frustration and I could sense Sheamus' confidence with this talk and I could Excellent work. Best segment of the show thus far.

-Is Mysterio doing anything or is he just floating around at the moment? Nothing wrong with either option, but definitely keep the door open for him as he could be a valuable asset here. Nice match and Dibiase looked like a competitor against the better Mysterio. I recall Rey fighting for the WHC recently, so maybe this is just a break from the action for him. Hopefully we see some more of Ted down the road.

-Nice tag team match here. All four men looked strong in the process and the heels winning is the right move.

-Wasn't really feeling the divas promo. Trish calling the Bellas losers just felt off as she is the face in this scenario. Kane going berserk and destroying Slater. Cool beans. Interested in where that ends up. Divas match going to a no decision, good move. Trish and Candice looked good in the match and Kharma looks strong at the end. Good booking.

-Judgement Day is looking like a good PPV. Nice match cards bee tee dubs. Must have been a creative genius who made them ;).

-Great match, match of the night right there. It took more than just Sheamus to beat Taker and that's the way it should be. Even if the win ain't clean Shemaus beat Taker again and looks strong going into the title match. Edge and Sheamus now try to destroy Taker, but Captain C makes the save. And guess what? Teddy Long makes a tag team match!?!?! WHAT!?!?! Joking aside, right move as we get closer to Judgement Day.

-Overall the show was solid. Matches were excellent, no real flaws there. Promos were hit or miss and could use some work, but nothing that detracted from the show. Heel-heel promos are hard to function at times and the divas one isn't a major flaw. Solid show and I look forward to Raw. Also I'll be sure to get in here for more reviews and I'll add you to the list of people I just throw reviews at when I go on a rampage in these parts. Keep up the work fella.


Monday, live from Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois.

Venom Pickers

It's just six days away from Judgment Day and the WWE champion and his contender are picking opponents for each other. YES! It's Pick Your Poison. With Miz and Morrison taunting each-other for several weeks, its now down to the wire. They pick the toughest opponents they find for each-other and they are sure in for a hell-ride. But who will walk out with the momentum less than a week away from their championship match, one can know only in Chicago.

Final Face-Off

Dubbed as the "Final Face-Off" before Judgment Day, the men who will compete for the rights of being called "Best In The World" meet one last time, in the ring at the same time. With the hometown boy, CM Punk bringing his Pipebombs to the city where he grew up, John Cena will come all guns blazing with his "Hustle, Loyalty and Respect". Who will have to say what only they know but the Allstate crowd is surely in for a great back-and-forth.

Making It Official

No Holds Barred. One of the most brutal matches in history. No disqualifications, no count-outs. Just two men brawling like beasts. Chris Jericho has said that Triple H won't be the same again and Triple H has vowed to send Chris Jericho to hell. But amongst the confusion, someone is sure to get hurt. So, to avoid lawsuits and controversies, Stephanie McMahon has set an official contract signing that will be supervised by Hall of Famer and commentator Jerry "The King" Lawler.

A Main-Event of The Groins

Pardon the joke, I know it was lame. So after a few weeks of cat and mouse, the Winds of Change himself, NXT Season 1 winner, Nexus leader, Wade Barrett comes face-to-face with the man whose "groin" he injured, the World's Largest Athelete, The Big Show. Can Barrett get past a quarter ton of raw strength or will the Weapon of Mass Destruction be enough to stop the Barrett Barrage, only the match will decide.

Confirmed matches

Wade Barrett vs Big Show

The Miz vs ???

John Morrison vs ???

Jimmy Uso vs Jey Uso [Winner faces Curt Hawkins on SmackDown!]

Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre and Mason Ryan vs Evan Bourne and Santino and Kozlov

Live from Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois

The host of the Saturday Night Verdict – Michael Cole and Jim “J.R” Ross welcome us to Monday Night RAW, the final before WWE Judgment Day. They put over the Wade Barrett vs Big Show main-event and the “Final Face-Off” between John Cena and the hometown boy, CM Punk, both to be held later in the night. Jerry “The King” Lawler, Cole and J.R’s partner is in the ring, with a paper in hand, where a table and two chairs are set up.

King: Welcome to Monday Night RAW from one of the best arenas in the world, the Allstate Arena!

*The crowd cheers*

King: We are just six days away from an epic, epic pay-per-view called Judgment Day. We have some great matches, some excellent feuds going in to that epic PPV. And, one of them is going to be made legally official here tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, now is the contract signing, for the No Holds Barred match set to take place at Judgment Day between Chris Jericho and Triple H.

*The crowd cheers for the match*

King: I am just as excited as you are. Tonight, right now, it’s time to make it legal. No disqualifications, no count-outs, no rules, no regulations. Just two men hitting the ring and hitting each other with everything they have and they have everything. So without any further ado, Chicago, please welcome, Chris Jericho!

**Break The Walls**

Chris Jericho’s music hits and he comes out to loud boos in a tailor-made black suit. He gives the Chicago fans a rough look as the crowd shouts “Y2Sucks!” in his face. He ignores them and arrogantly walks to the ring and inside it. He takes a mic from the table and plays the crowd with taunts before turning to King. He begins to speak.

Jericho: The Chicago parasites and you are one of their idols, aren’t you King?


Jericho: You are just another one of those retired, senseless, classless, Hall of Fame jobbers who return to take away the spotlight from the young, better talent just for a paycheck because you can’t work your butt off to keep your family in good health and wealth.

*More boos*

Jericho: But don’t feel isolated King, because there are many others with you. Your big fat barbecue colleague Good Ol’ J.R. Seriously J.R, you can’t let your voice out of your larynx and to the audience because there is barbecue sauce all over your throat.

*The crowd can’t stop booing as Cole further taunts J.R*

Jericho: And another one of them, is of course, the man who got screwed by Vince McMahon and who still came back forgetting his self-respect just to get that fat amount of money that will fill his stomach. That man is none other than another of these parasites, their biggest idol yet, Bret Hart.

*Boos for insulting Hitman*

Jericho: And what he did last week, was totally unappreciable. Take a look.

*A video airs showing Bret Hart attacking Chris Jericho and locking him in the Sharpshooter*

King: So you’re complaining because you got your ass handed out by a “parasite”?

Jericho: King, Bret Hart, who is nothing more than a wretched, stupid image of his former self and he comes out of the blue hell and tells me that I am the worst Canadian there is? That is what I am frustrated at. Because Bret Hart, what he did in his entire career, not just humiliated the WWE and its representatives but also the entire nation of Canada. And it took me 12 years to get back that name.

*More boos from the Allstate arena*

Jericho: And then, I single-handedly did what he couldn’t in his over-hyped, over-rated career. I took out Shawn Michaels.

*The boos are flowing like a river*

Jericho: I am the best Canadian these people have ever seen. I hold the record for the most Intercontinental championships won, 9 to be exact. I am a six-time World champion. I am the first-ever Undisputed WWE champion and I beat Stone Cold and The Rock on the same night, in the same ring to do that.

*The “Y2Sucks!” chants begin again*

Jericho: Bret Hart, just like you, just like J.R, just like Triple H is a buffoon who tends to these hypocrites day in and day out just because he wants his face to be seen on international television and I am sick and tired of all of you. And when I beat Triple H at Judgment Day, when I punish him, I am sure I will put all of you, in your place!

**The Game**

Triple H comes out interrupting Chris Jericho to huge cheers in a Cerebral Assassin t-shirt and jeans, with his hair tied in a pony. He heads straight to the ring without many hellos to the audience. He gets in the ring and nods at King before staring down at Jericho who stares back. Hunter takes the other mic placed on the table and gets closer to his Judgment Day opponent.

Hunter: Jericho, first off all, your focus, your attention should be towards me because I am the man who’s going to give you yours, I am the man who is going to put you in your place, not King or J.R or Bret. I am the man who’s going to finish you off once and for all so that all of us do not have to hear you ranting again and again and again.

*The crowd cheers The Game*

Hunter: And there is another reason as to why I chose No Holds Barred at Judgment Day, and that is, Jericho, I am going to show you that you are a parasite “living off” the name that Bret Hart and all the other Canadians built. You are nothing but a slimy, oily coward who mouths off in the ring and doesn’t have the balls to back up his tough talk in the ring.

*More cheers*

Hunter: Another thing, J.R, King, Bret, they deserve this last run because they have dedicated their time, their energy, their bodies, their voice, their entire life to this business, to this company, to this WWE Universe. And they didn’t “fozz” around nor they did make a “Downfall”. And they certainly did not dance with the stars.

*The crowd cheers for the taunts as Jericho’s anger heats up*

Hunter: Chris, you’ve got a problem with all these people, and to tell you the truth, they’ve got a problem with you. I’ve got a problem with you. And Judgment Day is where I am going to get the solution. Judgment Day is the day when their wish comes true, is when my purpose is fulfilled. Because Judgment Day is the day you go to where you belong, hell!

*A “Triple H!” chant breaks out!*

Jericho: I am going to hell, I know that Triple H, but I am taking you with me. There is no chance you can outlast me in such a brutal match because I know who you are Hunter. You are tough, strong from the outside, but your core, your inside has a big-big hole. Your inside is melting by the minute. Your inside is hurting every time I tell you that you are a leech living off the McMahon family name, because you never thought somebody might realize it, somebody might say it on television.

*The boos come back again*

Jericho: You are an angry bitch who wants to get his hands on me but let me tell you, with the speed at which I am running, I might just slip out of your hands and you will fall face-first into the ground. You Triple H, will lick the dirt after I punish you, torture you at Judgment Day and humiliate you after pinning you 1-2-3. And that Triple H, is when my purpose will be fulfilled. My purpose of proving that you are a nobody without your wife!


Jericho: When I sign this contract, our fate is sealed. Mine, is to be a more successful competitor, and yours is to go back to where you belong, in Stephanie McMahon’s lap.

*A “Y2J!” chant is started by a few smarks in the crowd as Jericho signs the contract*

Hunter: Hold it, Jericho, because I’ve got something for you.

*He motions to somebody in the back and a few members of the crew come out with a large bed and on it are placed crutches*

Hunter: Take it Jericho, because after what I do to you at Judgment Day, you might just need it.

*Hunter signs the contract, drops the mic and is about to leave but Jericho interrupts him*

Jericho: Triple H, wait a second, I too have something for you.

*Jericho smacks the mic in Triple H’s head*

He kicks away at him and then throws the table out of the ring. He takes off his suit and lowers his tie and continues to stomp away at The Game. He turns to the crowd and yells “this is your idol!” and slaps Hunter left and right. He punches him down. The crowd suddenly start cheering and Bret Hart is seen jumping the barricade and he gets in the ring. He ducks a clothesline from Jericho and kicks him in the gut followed by a DDT. He picks him up and whips him into a Triple H spinebuster. Hunter picks Jericho up and hits the Pedigree. Bret grabs Jericho by the legs and locks in the Sharpshooter. Jericho starts tapping out almost immediately and Hunter smirks at him.

Bret releases the hold and he and Hunter celebrate for a moment or two. Hunter goes out of the ring and has barely started walking when Bret Hart gets the mic.

Bret: Jericho, you are right. Your fate is indeed sealed. Because at Judgment Day, in the American Airlines Center, I will be present in Hunter’s corner.

*The crowd goes wild for the announcement as Bret drops the mic and joins Hunter on the outside and we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and a video shows what happened before the break.

**Get Up**

Jimmy Uso comes out to The Usos old music. He does the Siva Tau on the stage and walks to the ring. He gets in and sticks out his tongue, Anoa’i style. He pumps himself up with his warm-up and gets on the turnbuckle. He signals that he is going to win the tag-team championship with his brother and next opponent, Jey Uso.

**So Close Now**

The Usos current theme hits and Jimmy’s brother, Jey Uso, also the son of legendry Rikishi, comes out and does the Siva Tau on the stage as the crowd boos him. He runs down the ramp and into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and poses. He and Jimmy hug each other in the middle of the ring and shake hands as a sign of respect and get to their respective corners.

Jimmy Uso vs Jey Uso

The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Jimmy pushes Jey to the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him but Jey ducks a clothesline and locks in a bear hug. Jimmy tries to roll out of the hold but Jey holds on tight. Jimmy elbows his way out of the hold. He runs at Jey but Jey counters with a hiptoss and converts it into an arm-drag. Jimmy gets back to a vertical base but Jey still has the hold locked in. Jimmy punches Jey in the jaw and Jey has to release the hold. Jimmy comes at him but Jey splits and knocks Jimmy down with a clothesline. He goes for a warm-up cover.

Jimmy kicks out!
Jey picks him up and whips him but Jimmy reverses. Jey ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Jimmy catches him in mid-air and hits a spinebuster. He measures his bro and hits a legdrop. He picks him up and hits a running powerslam. He hooks the leg.

Jey kicks out!
Jimmy picks him up and whips him but Jey baseball slides through his legs and hits a back-kick straight to the gut. He goes for a bulldog but Jimmy pushes him off and Jey crashes hard to the mat. Jimmy waits for him to get up and clotheslines him out of the ring. He goes out and whips Jey into the steps. He picks him up and throws him inside the ring. He goes on the top rope and hits a crossbody. Cover.

Jey kicks out!
Jimmy picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. He comes off the ropes but Jey splits again and Jimmy crashes into the turnbuckle. Jey whips him into a corner and hits a clothesline and finally completes his bulldog. He quickly goes for the pin.

Jimmy powers out!
He picks Jimmy up and rams him head-first into the post. Jimmy tumbles to the outside. Jey goes out and kicks Jimmy in the gut and throws him into the barricade. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the post. He whips him into the post and Jimmy goes down. The announcers put over how savage the Samoans can be as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Jey has Jimmy in the sleeper hold. Jimmy is down on his knees. He kicks away at the mat to get some lost strength back. He uses his power to overpower his brother and gets back to a vertical base. He runs towards the corner but Jey slips out in time and Jimmy himself crashes into the corner. Jey comes off the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle. He measures Jimmy and hits a splash. Cover.

Jimmy kicks out!
He turns Jimmy around on his belly and locks in the camel clutch. Jimmy tries to get to the ropes but Jey holds him back. Jey starts applying more pressure as the crowd suddenly start to cheer. The camera turns to the stage where the WWE Tag Team champions, The Broskis now stand watching the match. By the time, Jimmy is up on his feet and takes down Jey. He stomps away at Jey before hitting him with a knee-drop and hooks the leg.

Jey kicks out!
He taunts the champs by daring them to get in the ring. He turns around and Jey goes for the Superkick but Jimmy sidesteps and hits Jey with a dropkick. Jey crashes into the corner. Jimmy runs at him but Jey sidesteps and Jimmy crashes into the turnbuckle. Jey hits a flashkick and Jimmy goes down on his knees. Jey picks him up in a fireman’s carry and hits the signature Samoan Drop. Cover.

Jimmy kicks out at 2 ½!
Jey can’t believe it. He picks Jimmy up by the neck and goes on the middle rope. He takes a brief look at the champs and goes for a tornado DDT but Jimmy pushes him off. Jey lands hard on the mat. Jimmy waits for him to get up and goes for a Spear but Jey leapfrogs and Jimmy crashes into the turnbuckles. He turns around and Jey nails him with the Superkick. He goes on the top rope and hits the Samoan splash. Cover.

Winner: Jey Uso

Jey Uso gets up and the ref raises his arm. He helps his brother back to his feet and they dare the champs to get into the ring. The Broskis leave their titles on the stage and hits the ring. All hell breaks loose as all the 4 men start brawling. Jimmy throws a fist at Curt but he ducks and hits Jimmy with an enzugiri. Jey in another corner whips Ryder into the corner. He charges at him but Ryder sidesteps and Jey crashes into the turnbuckle and falls out of the ring. Hawkins measures his opponents and takes them down with a suicide dive. He gets in the ring and the champs celebrate as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and the main-event and “Final Face-Off” segments are promoted. They also promote the Saturday Night Verdict with Michael Cole, set to debut on USA Network 5 days from now, on the 4th of June live from Miami, Florida home-city of WWE Judgment Day 2011.



The Miz’s music hits and he comes out to a loud reaction of boos in his wrestling gear. He poses on the stage and the crowd continues to throw boos at him. He struts down to the ring and into it and poses one more time to annoy the crowd. He asks for a mic and gets it. He plays the crowd a little before posing for a third time and yelling that he’s awesome. Finally, he puts the mic to his lips and begins to speak.

Miz: I know that you are jealous of me. Because I am more awesome than you’re hometown hero, CM Punk.


Miz: But I am not here to talk about CM Punk. I am here for my Pick Your Poison match. Now, though I know that John Morrison’s choice will be as mediocre as his title reign is, I am going to face his choice and beat his choice. And the same way, I will face his reign at Judgment Day and I will end his reign at Judgment Day.

*Another set of boos*

Miz: You see for two months, two straight months, John Morrison has had a fairytale run with the gold that he never thought he would have had. And he still wouldn’t if the better CEO, Vince McMahon was still running the company.

*The boos keep coming*

Miz: But, for some reason, Mr. McMahon had to hand over his company to his nephew and we got something we never expected. John Morrison became the WWE champion. The most avoidable of all times. But, but, his fairytale certainly will not have a happy ending. His fairytale will end in shatters, in ruins.

*A “You Suck!” chant begins*

Miz: I don’t care what you have to say Chicago. Just like I don’t care what John Morrison is going to bring at Judgment Day. The truth is, 5th June will be the worst day of his career. It will be the day where his dream run will come to an abrupt halt. And it will be halted by none other than the most must-see WWE superstar of all times, now set to become the most must-see WWE champion of all times, The Miz!

*The “You Suck!” continues to echo around the arena*

Miz: And after I beat the Marty Janetty of his generation, I will show him what a true champion is. A champion has class, style, charisma and talent. And he has none of it. I will show John Morrison why he should be in the dog house and why I should be on top of the food chain. The reason is, because he’s John Morrison and he is as mediocre and stupid as it gets.

*A “Morrison!” chant starts sounding*

Miz: While I am the most must-see WWE champion of all times, I am the man who went from being a Diva Search host to being in the main-event of Wrestlemania, and that came in no time. I carried John Morrison, a floating piece of garbage and made him watchable again! Ladies and gentlemen, I am the first man to beat John Cena one-on-one at WrestleMania, and I am The Miz and I’m AWESO….

???: Miz, Miz, stop right there buddy.

*John Morrison comes out on the stage in street clothes with the WWE championship around his shoulder*

Morrison: You know its, its time for your match. For you buddy, I picked up one of my best buddies. He’s hard-hitting and he’s pain-loving. You know who he is Miz? You know who he is people?

*The crowd lets out a “who!”*

Morrison: I won’t say his name, but I’ll tell you Miz, you’re gonna get got!

*Morrison drops the mic and signals for his pick to come out*

**What’s Up?**

R-Truth’s music hits and he comes out to the tunes of What’s Up? He hugs Morrison on the stage and they discuss something before he walks down to the ring. He slaps hands with the people. He gets in the ring and tells Miz that he just got got and then poses for the Chicago members of the WWE Universe. Morrison wishes Miz luck and walks off as we go to a commercial.

Pick Your Poison
The Miz vs R-Truth

The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Miz converts it into a headlock but Truth pushes him off. Miz bounces off the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle. He comes off the ropes, leapfrogs Truth, runs at him but Truth counters with a scoop slam. He waits for Miz to get up and hits a standing dropkick. Cover.

Miz kicks out!
Truth picks him up and whips him but Miz reverses. Truth ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Miz catches him in mid-air and goes for a spinebuster but Truth slips out and whips Miz into the corner. He charges at him and hits him with a splash. Miz falls forward. Truth goes for a scissors kick but Miz sidesteps and goes for Skull Crushing Finale. Truth elbows his way out and goes for a clothesline but Miz ducks and rolls him up.

Truth rolls through!
He goes for another clothesline but Miz ducks again and kicks him in the gut. He slaps him across the chest followed by a whip and a hiptoss. He waits for Truth to get on his knees and drives his knee into Truth’s face. He hooks the leg.

Truth kicks out!
Miz picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. He whips him and goes for a clothesline but Truth ducks and hits a chopblock off the ropes. He picks Miz up and hits an Atomic Drop. He comes off the ropes and hits a crossbody. He measures Miz and hits a standing moonsault. Cover.

Miz kicks out!
He picks Miz up and whips him but Miz reverses and goes for a backdrop but Truth bends down and slaps Miz across the face. He goes for a clothesline but Miz ducks and kicks him on the shin. Truth goes down on his knees. Miz taunts the crowd and hits a low DDT. He hooks the leg.

Truth powers out!
Miz picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a signature corner clothesline. He calls for SCF. He locks Truth up but Truth elbows his way out of trouble. He grabs Miz’s arm and hits a standing enzugiri. Miz rolls over to the corner. Truth waits for him to get up and hits a spinning heelkick followed by a running bulldog. Cover.

Miz kicks out!
Truth picks him up and whips him into the corner. He runs at him but Miz gets his leg up just in time. He runs at Truth but Truth counters with a belly-to-belly. Miz gets catapulted to the other side of the ring. Truth charges at him but Miz sidesteps and Truth hangs upside down on the turnbuckles. Miz taunts him and drives his knees into Truth’s face. Truth falls down. Miz goes for the cover.

Truth kicks out at 2 ½!
Miz picks him up and whips him but Truth reverses. Miz ducks a clothesline and goes for the signature backbreaker-neckbreaker combo but Truth slips out of the neckbreaker. He kicks Miz in the gut and goes for the Suplex Stunner but Miz slips out. Truth runs at him but Miz ducks and completes the combo. He waits for Truth to get up and hits the SCF. Cover.

Winner: The Miz

The Miz celebrates his win as Truth lies down and out on the outside. Miz climbs the turnbuckle and poses and then moves his hand around his waist signaling that he will win the WWE championship. He goes out of the ring and continues celebrating as we go backstage where Scott Stanford is standing with 3 guests.

Scott: Ladies and gentlemen, my guests at this time, Evan Bourne, Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella.

*Cheers for the trio*

Scott: Now, Santino, I have just been informed that you suffered a concussion earlier in the day, how did it happen?

Santino: Oh, that. Me and Kozlov, we were playing basketball and he hit me in the head with the ball. I fell over and hit a stool and that was, concussion.

Scott: So are you ready to compete tonight?

Santino: Certainly not. I am fully not recovered and I am feeling fizzy.

Scott: You mean dizzy?

Santino: Yeah, I mean fizzy. But, but, I have made a replacement for myself. He, is the talented, young, second-generation superstar. He is the son of the legendary Hall of Famer, the late great Curt Hennig. He is Joe Hennig.

*The crowd cheers as Joe Hennig enters the scene*

Scott: Joe, how do you feel on being in the mega six-man tag-team match tonight?

Hennig: It’s great Scott. Ever since Alberto defeated me at Backlash, he’s been running his mouth. And I wanted to shut him up but didn’t get a chance. But tonight, I have it and I’m going to use it to my full advantage.


Hennig: And for Drew McIntyre too, tonight’s going to be a bad nightmare. Because he took out my friend, Kofi Kingston and now, he’s going to pay for it. Tonight, my opponents’ destiny, is to get beat up. But they, they already know that.

*Hennig winks at the camera and they leave for their match as we go to Alberto Del Rio’s locker where Alberto Del Rio is taping up his wrists.*

*Drew McIntyre walks in and brings in a lot of boos*

Alberto: How are you Drew?

Drew: It’s no time for formalities Alberto. Santino’s been replaced by Joe Hennig.

Alberto: I don’t care. I already beat Hennig for this Intercontinental championship. And it’s going to be no big task to beat him again. I don’t worry about peasants and nor should you.


Alberto: And besides, we have our back-up plan, don’t we?

*Mason Ryan comes in looking ready for his match*

Alberto: Ready to go?

*Ryan nods his head and the three men leave as we go to another area where Scott Stanford has some guests*


Alberto Del Rio’s music hits after the break and he honks his way out in the arena in a 1998 Mercedes-Benz. He gets out of the car and styles away as Drew McIntyre and Mason Ryan too come out. They meet at the stage and pose as Alberto’s signature golden pyros go off in the background. Ricardo Rodriguez announces them in style and grandeur as the trio gets into the ring and poses one more time, Alberto with the belt.

**Death Blow**

Joe Hennig’s music hits and he comes out with Evan Bourne, Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella. They pose on the stage and the crowd cheers them on. They slaps hands with the people and get into the ring. They dare their opponents and occupy all the four turnbuckles and pose as the crowd starts a “We Want Perfect!” chant. Another “Santino!” chant breaks out in the arena.

Joe Hennig, Evan Bourne and Vladimir Kozlov vs Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre and Mason Ryan

Hennig and Drew will start things off. The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Drew pushes Hennig to the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him into another corner and charges at him but Hennig sidesteps and Drew crashes into the corner. Hennig comes off the ropes and takes Drew down with a clothesline. He hooks the leg.

Drew kicks out!
He picks Drew up and tags in Bourne. Bourne goes up top and chopblocks Drew’s neck. He picks Drew up and whips him but Drew reverses. Bourne ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Drew catches him in mid-air. He goes for a sideslam but Bourne slips out and hits a running enzugiri. Cover.

Drew kicks out again!
Bourne picks him up and tags in Kozlov. Kozlov gets in and clotheslines Drew’s face off his neck. He picks Drew up and whips him followed by another clothesline. He picks him up and hits a running bodyslam. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. He comes off the ropes and hits a picture-perfect boot. Cover.

Drew kicks out at 2 ½!
His teammates breathe a sign of relief as Kozlov stomps away at Drew. He picks him up and throws him down again. He waits for him to get up and runs him down with a shoulder tackle. He picks him up and hits a suplex. He waits for him to get up and clotheslines him down. He picks him up and hits a spinebuster. Cover.

Drew powers out!
Kozlov quickly tags in Bourne. Bourne goes up top and hits a missile dropkick sending Drew crashing into the corner. Bourne runs at him and hits a corner clothesline. He goes on the middle rope and hits a springboard moonsault. He hooks both legs.

Alberto breaks it up!
Hennig gets in the ring and blasts Alberto with a clothesline. Alberto rolls to the outside. Kozlov clotheslines Ryan to the outside too. Bourne measures his opponents, comes off the ropes and takes them down with a crossbody. The faces are rolling as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Alberto has Bourne in the rear neckhold. They show a replay of Alberto cheap-shooting Bourne for the upper hand. Back live, Bourne tries to get to the ropes but Alberto holds him back. Bourne starts slapping the mat to get back some energy. The crowd starts chanting “Let’s Go Evan!”. Bourne seems to respond to the chant and gets back to a vertical base. He goes to smash Alberto in the post but Alberto slips out and Bourne crashes into the corner instead. Alberto pulls him to the center and hooks the leg.

Bourne kicks out!
Alberto picks him up and rams him head-first into the post. He tags in Ryan. Ryan comes in and blasts Bourne off with a clothesline. He picks him up and throws him spine-first into the turnbuckles. He picks him up and whips him but Bourne ducks a clothesline and goes for a springboard crossbody but Ryan catches him in mid-air and hits a backbreaker. Cover.

Bourne powers out!
He picks Bourne up and tags in Drew. Drew comes in and kicks Bourne in the gut. He picks him up and throws him into his corner and slaps away at his chest. Bourne finally goes down. Drew kicks him in the gut and tags in Alberto. Alberto comes in and stomps away at Bourne. He quickly tags in Drew. Drew comes in and hits a knee-drop and hooks the leg.

Bourne kicks out!
He picks Bourne up and whips him into a corner followed by a clothesline. He pulls Bourne back to his corner and tags in Ryan. Ryan comes in and continues to stomp away at Bourne until the ref breaks it up. Alberto stomps Bourne behind the ref’s back. Ryan picks Bourne up and whips him but Bourne ducks a boot. He comes off the ropes but Ryan counters with a boot instead. He hooks both legs.

Bourne powers out at 2 ½!
Ryan tags in Drew. Drew comes in and taunts the crowd. He calls for Future Shock DDT. He picks Bourne up but Bourne pushes him off. Drew comes off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Bourne ducks and hits a roundhouse kick. Both men are down. Drew tags in Alberto while Bourne makes the hot tag to Hennig. Hennig comes in and ducks a clothesline. He comes off the ropes and hits a spinning heelkick. Cover.

Alberto powers out!
He picks Alberto up and whips him into the corner followed by a bulldog. He goes on the top rope and hits a spinning uppercut. He picks Alberto up by the neck and goes on the middle rope. He hits the tornado DDT. He hooks the leg.

Drew breaks it up!
Kozlov comes running into the ring. Drew ducks a clothesline and knocks Kozlov down with a boot. He turns around and Bourne nails him with a crossbody from the top rope. Ryan throws Bourne into the post. He pulls Alberto the corner and tags himself in. He sees Hennig running at him and he ducks. Hennig hits the turnbuckles. He turns around and Ryan hits him with a spinebuster. Cover.

Winners: Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre and Mason Ryan

The heels celebrate in the ring and the crowd boos them. Hennig’s partners and Santino check on him as Alberto poses on the turnbuckle with the Intercontinental championship as Drew and Ryan celebrate by raising their hands in the air. Alberto gets down and shows them his championship. He is about to leave but Ryan stops him and clotheslines him out of the ring! The crowd pops for that. He turns around and Drew charges at him but Ryan counters with a spinebuster. He takes the Intercontinental championship and poses with it. He throws it down in the ring and leaves as we go backstage to Trish Stratus’s locker.

*Michelle McCool walks in which brings out cheers*

Trish: Hey Michelle.

Michelle: Hey. Any news on Kelly and Eve?

Trish: Yeah, Kelly couldn’t make it here because she is still not fully recovered. But the doctors told me that she, Eve and Melina will be back on RAW next week. So that’s a good sign.

Michelle: Sure it is.

Trish: How’s the training for the match going?

Michelle: It’s awesome. I’m looking forward to facing Kharma. But I’ll tell you something Trish. You’re tension for Judgment Day will be down because I plan to beat Kharma tonight. And I will do it.

Trish: I know you can. And by the way, Kharma’s impressed me, but she’s not scared me. I am not tensed for my title defense this Sunday. Because I know I am going to walk out the winner.

Michelle: Well, good luck.

Trish: Good luck to you too.

*Trish leaves and we go to another area where Scott Stanford has another guest*

Scott: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Bret “The Hitman” Hart.

*The crowd goes wild for Bret*

Scott: How’s it feeling to be a part of the No Holds Barred match at Judgment Day.

Bret: It’s great. But I’ve had enough of those two men talking to each other. It’s time to act and I know both men will. I am looking forward to their epic match. I want to see Jericho get his.

*More cheers for The Hitman*

Scott: Umm, you said that you will be in Triple H’s corner at Judgment Day. Will you be rooting for him?

Bret: Isn’t it obvious, Scott?

*Bret Hart walks off as we go to a commercial*

**On Your Knees**

Jack Swagger’s music hits and he comes out to a decent reaction of boos. He poses on the ramp with pyros exploding in the background. He walks down to the end of the ramp, goes down on his fours and does the push-ups taunting the crowd who boo him. He gets in the ring and does his pre-match warm-up while waiting for his opponents to show up.

**Wild and Young**

NXT’s former music hits and out comes the NXT Season 1 rookie and former Nexus member, Skip Sheffield. He walks down the ramp arrogantly as the crowd boos him profusely. He stalks Swagger as he gets in the ring and poses for the crowd. Some part of the crowd, consisting his marks, start a “Let’s Go Ryan!” chant referring to his ex-character, Ryan Ryback.

**Say It To My Face**

Alex Riley’s music hits and he comes out to a loud cheer. He plays with the crowd on the ramp and then poses and green pyros go off on the stage. Riley walks down the ramp and slaps hands with the people. He gets in the ring, climbs the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd who start a “Alex Riley!” chant. He smiles at the crowd and then takes a good look at his opponents.

Alex Riley vs Skip Sheffield vs Jack Swagger

The bell sounds and Swagger and Riley circle around the big Sheffield. Swagger goes after his ankle and chopblocks it. Sheffield goes down on his knees. Riley comes off the ropes and takes Sheffield down with a low clothesline. He picks Sheffield up and whips him but Sheffield reverses and Riley runs right into a miss-matched clothesline from Swagger. Swagger runs at Sheffield but Sheffield counters with a German suplex. Cover.

Swagger kicks out!
He picks Swagger up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. Swagger goes down on his knees. Sheffield comes off the ropes and drives his knees into the spine. He picks Swagger up and hits a knee-to-the-spine backbreaker. He hooks the leg.

Riley breaks it up!
Both men get up. Sheffield goes for a clothesline but Riley ducks and kicks Sheffield in the gut followed by a DDT. He measures the big man and hits a legdrop followed by a fist drop. He waits for Sheffield to get up and goes for a powerbomb but can’t lift him up. Sheffield pushes Riley into the ropes but Riley ducks a clothesline and hits a dropkick. Cover.

Sheffield powers out with authority!
He picks Sheffield up and whips him and Swagger holds the ropes down. Sheffield tumbles to the outside. Swagger and Riley face-off. They lock-up. Swagger pushes Riley to the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him but Riley reverses. Swagger ducks a clothesline and hits a shoulder tackle. He waits for Riley to get up and hits a battering ram and goes into the cover.

Riley kicks out!
He picks Riley up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. Riley falls forward and Swagger catches him with a punch to the gut. Riley goes down on his fours. Swagger comes off the ropes and baseball slides right into Riley’s jaw. Swagger hooks both legs.

Riley kicks out at 2 ½!
Swagger gets frustrated and kicks away at Riley as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Swagger has Riley in the bearhug. Riley is down on his knees. He tries to get up but Swagger holds him down by way of his superior strength. Riley tries to fight back but can’t. Swagger sees Sheffield running in and releases the hold. He ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Sheffield counters with a scoop slam. He turns to Riley who kicks him in the gut and hits a Stunner! Cover.

Sheffield kicks out!
Riley picks him up and pounds away at his heart. Sheffield blocks one punch and pushes Riley into the ropes. Riley ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Sheffield catches him with a picture-perfect boot. He pulls him to the center of the ring and hooks both legs.

Riley kicks out!
He picks Riley up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks Riley up and sends him spine-first into the turnbuckles. Riley rolls out of the ring. Swagger comes out of nowhere and pushes Sheffield into the turnbuckles and rolls him up in a school-boy pin.

Sheffield rolls through!
Swagger ducks a clothesline and goes right after Sheffield’s ankle. He lifts Sheffield’s leg and slams it ankle-first into the mat. He goes out and pulls Sheffield to the corner and slams his ankle off the post. He gets in and measures Sheffield in the corner. He runs at him and hits the signature springboard splash. Cover.

Sheffield kicks out!
Swagger calls for the Gutwrench powerbomb. He sees Riley getting in the ring. He charges at Riley but Riley ducks and hits an uppercut sending him into the corner. He charges at him and hits a clothesline. Swagger falls forward and Riley catches him with a running bulldog. He hooks both legs.

Swagger kicks out!
Riley calls for something big. He picks Swagger up and goes for a running powerbomb but Swagger slips out and chopblocks Riley’s knee and quickly locks in the Ankle Lock. He has it locked in the middle of the ring. Riley is about to tap but Swagger releases the hold on seeing Sheffield running at him. Swagger ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Sheffield greets him with a Spear. He hooks the leg.

Winner: Skip Sheffield

Sheffield celebrates a major win on RAW as the crowd boos him. He climbs on the turnbuckle and celebrates further thus annoying the crowd. Swagger and Riley are shown down and out outside the ring as Sheffield goes out and walks up the ramp. We go to a commercial and John Morrison’s Pick Your Poison match is next.
**Ain’t No Make Believe**

Back from the break and John Morrison comes out to a humungous pop, one of the biggest of the night in his signature fur coat and the WWE championship gleaming around his shoulder. He poses on the stage with pyros exploding in the background. He does his slo-mo walk down the ring as the girls erupt to cheer for him. He takes of his glares at the end of the ramp and gives it to a kid. He gets in the ring, atop the turnbuckle and poses with the title. He gets a mic and begins to speak.

Morrison: Hello Chicago!


Morrison: Huh. Earlier tonight, I picked up an opponent for The Miz. And he was R-Truth. And to tell you the truth, my friend disappointed me. Because I thought Truth could take Miz and wipe the floor with him but it’s the opposite that happened.

*Boos for that*

Morrison: But anyway, every dog has its day and Miz’s day was today. But, what caught my attention, is the Miz’s claim to end my so-called “fairytale” run with the title with a Skull Crushing Finale. Let me tell you Miz, that is not happening.

*More cheers*

Morrison: First, because my run is no fairytale run. Sure, I’ve had my sweet moment but the fairies don’t have to struggle for more than 7years to get their moment. They don’t have to go through innumerable doubters and naysayers. The didn’t have to run the race with ass-kissers like The Miz. And I tell you, I did!

*More cheers for the champ*

Morrison: But, but, my tale will have an ending fairytales have. A happy ending. A win over the evil. Yes Miz, at Judgment Day, don’t be mistaken that you could capitalize on my mistakes because I am not going to make a single one. Do not think that you can walk away with the title and I will stand there doing nothing. Miz, at Judgment Day, I’m coming to fight and I will do just that.

*A “Morrison!” chant breaks in the arena*

Morrison: Judgment Day, you won’t be walking out the most-must see WWE champion for two things Miz. First, because you are not most-must see. Second, I won’t let you do that. This WWE championship is what I have fought and crawled and scratched for. And I won’t let it slip away to a jerk like you.

*Cheers for calling Miz a jerk*

Morrison: And one final thing Miz, you may call yourself Awesome. But I am the WWE champion and I am going to stay that way!

*Morrison drops the mic waiting for his opponent to come out*


The Miz comes out in a t-shirt with a mic.

Miz: Strong words Morrison. Good work. I think you’ve rehearsed. But you can’t rehearse for our match, can you? And that is your weak point. You plan things. I am not a planner. I am a doer. I am going to come all guns blazing at Judgment Day, rip you part, hit you with a Skull Crushing Finale and take the WWE championship from you.

*Boos for the #1 contender*

Miz: And that by no means is a plan. That is just a guess. And I think that guess is right because that IS what will happen to you Morrison. So better keep cherishing the title. You’re just six days away from losing it. Because I’m The Miz and I’m AWESOME!!!!

*More boos*

Miz: And your opponent, I won’t say his name. But I’ll tell you that you are going to go through Hellfire and Brimstone!

**Man On Fire**

Kane’s pyros explode on the stage and out comes the Big Red Monster looking directly at his prey, the WWE champion. He walks down the ramp on his first appearance on RAW since Michael Cooper took over. He gets in the ring and stares at Morrison for a while before doing the throat-slit. He raises his arms in the air and drops them to which the pyros in the turnbuckle explode leaving the arena stunned.

Miz: Enjoy with that freak, buddy.

*Miz drops his mic and leaves as we go to a commercial*

John Morrison vs Kane

Back from the break and the bell sounds. Both men lock-up. Kane kicks Morrison in the gut and punches him down until the ref breaks it up. He picks him up by the hair but Morrison uppercuts his way out of trouble. He comes off the ropes but Kane catches him in mid-air and hits a sit-out powerbomb. Cover.

Morrison kicks out!
He picks Morrison up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and throws him down to the mat. He waits for him to get up and charges at him but Morrison ducks and kicks him in the gut. He goes for a suplex but Kane blocks it. He reverses it into a fisherman suplex of his own. He hooks the leg.

Morrison powers out!
He picks Morrison up and whips him. He goes for a boot but Morrison slides between his legs. He gets up and hits a spinning heelkick sending Kane into the corner. He charges at him but Kane sidesteps and Morrison crashes into the turnbuckle. Kane comes off the ropes and blasts Morrison off with a boot. He hooks both legs.

Morrison kicks out at 2 ½!
Kane gets frustrated and kicks away at Morrison. He picks him up and hits a bodyslam. He comes off the ropes and goes for a legdrop but Morrison sidesteps and Kane crashes hard on the mat. Morrison comes off the ropes and goes for a Pele kick but Kane ducks and lifts Morrison up by the hind. He tosses him but Morrison lands on his feet and hits an enzugiri out of nowhere. He quickly goes for the cover.

Kane powers out!
Morrison picks Kane up and slaps him across the chest. He whips him but Kane reverses and goes for a backdrop but Morrison stops short and kicks Kane across the torso. He comes off the ropes and goes for a crossbody but Kane catches him in mid-air. Morrison counters with a hurricana straight into a DDT. Cover.

Kane kicks out!
Morrison gets up and punches Kane down until the ref breaks it up. Kane takes a breather in the corner as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Morrison has Kane in the sleeper hold. Kane is down on his knees. Morrison is getting the better of the bigger man as Kane starts to choke out. Morrison applies more and more pressure but Kane avoids fainting out by using his tremendous power. He finally gets back to a vertical base but Morrison still has the lock locked in. He sees Miz coming out to ringside and loses his focus. Kane takes advantage and hits a Samoan Drop. Cover.

Morrison kicks out!
Kane stomps away at Morrison. He waits for him to get up and runs him down with a clothesline. Morrison rolls out to the floor. Kane goes out and throws Morrison into the barricade. He picks him up and does it again. Morrison’s neck bounces off the barricade as Miz throws orders at Kane. Kane gets frustrated and goes after Miz but Miz tells him to focus. Kane goes after Morrison but Morrison dropkicks him and Kane crashes into the steps. Morrison picks him up and throws him in the ring. He gets in and makes the cover.

Kane powers out!
Morrison glares back at Miz and calls for the Moonlight Drive. He kicks Kane in the gut but Kane pushes him off and hits a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him into the corner. He charges at him but Morrison gets his leg up just in time. Morrison charges at Kane but Kane counters with a sideslam. Cover.

Morrison kicks out at 2 ½!
Kane picks Morrison up and whips him but Morrison ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. He measures Kane and hits a standing shooting star press. He strikes a pose at Miz but Kane gets up Deadman style. Morrison runs at him for a Pele kick but Kane ducks and rolls him up.

Morrison rolls through!
Morrison goes for the Pele kick for a third time in the match but Kane grabs his leg in time. He grabs Morrison by the throat and gets up. He goes for a chokeslam but Morrison slips off and kicks Kane in the back of the knee. Kane goes down on his knees. Morrison goes for a scissors kick and connects. He hooks the leg.

Kane kicks out with authority!
Morrison picks Kane up and whips him but Kane reverses and hits an uppercut. Morrison goes down on his knees. Kane quickly hits a low DDT. He goes on the top rope and hits a flying clothesline. He calls for the Chokeslam. He grabs Morrison by the gut and lifts him for the Chokeslam. He hesitates for a moment and that is enough for Morrison to slip out and hit a flash kick. Kane goes down on his knees. Morrison comes off the ropes and drives his knee into Kane’s face. He goes for the cover.

Winner: John Morrison

Morrison celebrates with the title in hand as Kane kicks away at the barricade in frustration. Morrison climbs the turnbuckle and poses with the title but doesn’t see Miz sneaking in. Morrison gets off the turnbuckle and Miz catches him with the Skull Crushing Finale right on the WWE title. He picks the title up and poses with it as the crowd boos. He drops the title on Morrison’s chest and leaves as we go backstage where Scott Stanford has a pair of guests.

Scott: Ladies and gentlemen, my guests at this time, the WWE Tag Team champions, Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins, collectively termed as “The Broskis”.

*Cheers for the Broskis*

Scott: Curt, first question to you. This week on SmackDown!, you will be facing one of your opponents for Judgment Day, Jey Uso. Your thoughts on that?

Hawkins: Huh. That’s, that’s a tough question Scott. OBVIOUSLY, I’m well prepared. I know that I have to face The Uso and I am ready for it. I am ready to beat Jey Uso and I’m ready to do it in Broski style.


Scott: How’s the training going for Judgment Day?

Ryder: It’s great bro. We are in the shapes of our lives and we know we can retain our titles. We’ve been on an undefeated run so far and we are going to continue it to and through Judgment Day. Yeah, this Sunday, The Usos will be the sixth victims, coz we are gonna go 6 and 0.

*More cheers*

Scott: Umm, one last question. Umm, this past Friday on SmackDown!, umm…

Hawkins: Don’t hesitate Scott. Just let it out.

*Scott adjusts his tie before speaking again*

Scott: This past Friday on SmackDown!, you two were in a grueling match with each other. Has that caused in tension between the two of you?

Ryder: Are you serious, bro? How could you even think of that! How could you! How could you!

Hawkins: Calm down bro. Calm down. You see Scott, me and Zack, we did not grow up in the same locality. We are not blood-brothers. We are just Broskis. Broskis tied to each other by a ribbon of common interest and passion that is professional wrestling.

*The cheers keep coming*

Hawkins: We can do anything and everything to keep this championship and we’re not lying. We can take down any opponents, whether they are the Harts or whether they are the Usos. All we are about, is we are The Broskis and we are the best. And these championships, they prove it.

*A “Woo Woo Woo!” chant breaks out*

Ryder: And that is why nobody and I mean absolutely nobody can cause a rift between us, especially not our egos. That is why, there cannot be any sort of “tension” between us.

Hawkins: Yeah.

Ryder: Woo Woo Woo, You Know It!

*The Broskis leave to loud cheers as we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and the main-events of Judgment Day are promoted.





**You’re Not Enough For Me**

Michelle McCool’s music hits and she comes out to a loud pop. She slaps hands with the people stretching out to her on her walk down to the ring. She gets in the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and poses which brings out another loud cheer for her. She gets off and waits for her opponent to come out.

**Bad Karma**

Kharma comes out to a mixed reaction, with the cheers slowly out-numbering the boos. She stands on the stage and takes a look at the divided audience, and then to her opponent who she plans on dividing in half. She walks down to the ring in a horrifying manner, the maniacal laughter echoing all around the arena. She gets in the ring and poses and gives Michelle a deadly look.

Kharma vs Michelle McCool

The bell sounds and Michelle runs at Kharma but Kharma counters with a fist. Michelle goes down. She gets back up and dives at her opponent but Kharma catches her in mid-air and sends her back-first into the turnbuckle. She picks her up and slams her head-first into the turnbuckles. She picks her up and hits a suplex. Cover.

Michelle kicks out!
Kharma picks her up and whips her. Michelle ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Kharma counters with a backdrop. Michelle lands hard on the mat. Kharma measures her and hits a huge splash squashing the tall diva. She comes off the ropes and hits another splash and quickly goes for a cover.

Michelle kicks out!
Kharma picks her up and whips her followed by a clothesline. She waits for her to get up and hits another clothesline. She picks Michelle up and whips her into the turnbuckles. She comes at her but Michelle sidesteps and hits a pendulum kick. She goes on the top rope and goes for a crossbody but Kharma catches her in mid-air. She goes for a spinning sideslam but Michelle counters with a DDT. Cover.

Kharma kicks out with authority!
Michelle picks Kharma up and hits a swinging neckbreaker. She stomps away at the humungous diva. She picks Kharma up and whips her but Kharma blocks it and twists Michelle’s arm. She picks her up in a fireman’s carry and hits a Dominator. She hooks both legs.

Michelle powers out!
Kharma picks Michelle up and drops her with a clothesline. She calls for the Spear. She charges at Michelle but Michelle leapfrogs and Kharma crashes into the turnbuckle. Michelle comes off the ropes and hits a chopblock to the skull. She goes for a clothesline but Kharma ducks and goes for one of her own. Michelle ducks and nails her with a Superkick! She hooks the log-like leg.

Kharma kicks out!
Michelle picks Kharma up and goes to lift her up but injures her back in the process. Kharma attacks her shin and Michelle goes down. Kharma picks her up and whips her. She goes for a boot but Michelle sidesteps and comes off the ropes right into a Spear!! Kharma goes into the cover.

Michelle kicks out at 2 ½!
Kharma gets frustrated and kicks away at Michelle.. Trish Stratus comes running out with the title in hand but is stopped by the ref. He advices her to go to the back but she doesn’t pay heed. Candice Michelle out of nowhere is seen jumping the barricade. She takes advantage of the situation and gets in the ring with a chair. She swings it but Kharma ducks and Candice hits Michelle instead. She turns around and Kharma kicks her in the gut and hits her with an Implant Buster right onto Michelle. Candice rolls out of the ring. Kharma covers Michelle.

Winner: Kharma

Trish quickly gets in the ring and hits Kharma with the title in the back of the head. Kharma is stunned momentarily. Trish swings the title at Kharma but Kharma ducks and the title goes flying off. Trish turns around and Kharma kicks her in the gut. She goes for the Implant Buster but Trish counters and hits Kharma with the Chic Kick and follows it up with the Stratusfaction. She picks the title up and celebrates as cheers are heard in the arena. We go backstage.

Backstage, Kane has gone berserk again as he is causing madness throwing away stuff. He reaches a of mess of posters and billboards. He picks one poster up and tears it apart. He kicks away at the billboards before moving forward. He sees a security guard and grabs him by the t-shirt. He rips away at his t-shirt before throwing him into the wall all this while screaming “where is he!?”. He pushes a door wide open and sees Santino been given an ice therapy by the physios. Kane pushes the physio down and gets his hand on the glass full of ice. He looks at it before throwing it into the wall shattering it into pieces. He grabs Santino and pushes him against the wall.

Kane: Where is he?!

Santino: Where is who? Vladimir Kozlov? He’s in the toilet.

*Kane further pressurizes Santino*

Kane: WHERE IS HE!!?

Santino: Oh Teddy Long. Kane, you must have been misunderstand. This is RAW, not SmackDown!. Anyways, you want Teddy’s number?

*Kane’s anger grows by the minute as Santino places his fingers on his ear representing a phone*

Kane throws Santino to the floor and stomps away at him. He picks him up and throws him onto the bench. He picks up a Singapore cane and smashes away at Santino until Santino is all red. Kane chokes him out and throws him into the wall. He picks him up and goes for a Chokeslam but hesitates as Santino coughs out. He sees the physio lying down and out and his expression becomes cooler. He throws Santino onto the bench again and kicks him in the gut. He slams the door wide open and continues on his path of destruction as we go to Stephanie McMahon’s office where she is standing with Wade Barrett.

Barrett: Oh come on Stephanie. This match doesn’t need to happen. We have time. You can still call it off.

Stephanie: I haven’t made the match Wade. Michael Cooper has. And if I disobey his orders, I’ll be fired and so will you. So it’s better you get down there and compete. And you need to move fast, because your match is next.

*Stephanie McMahon leaves as we go to a commercial*

**Crank It Up**

Back from the break and Big Show’s music hits and he comes out to a loud pop. He poses on the stage with pyros exploding in the background. He walks down to the ring, high-fiving the people who cheer him on. He climbs the steps and gets on to the canvas. He poses one more time for the cheering crowd. He looks at his fist signaling that he is going to use the Weapon of Mass Destruction here tonight.

**I’ve Had Enough**

Wade Barrett comes out to a huge negative reaction. He poses on the stage and walks down to his fate, The Big Show in the ring. He slowly and steadily, making sure it is safe to enter, gets in the ring and just stares at Show for a bland moment and then poses which brings out a “You Suck!” chant from the crowd. Barrett tries to push off all the nervousness heading into the match as it is seen from his face.

Wade Barrett vs Big Show

The bell sounds and Show runs after Barrett but Barrett goes in the corner. The ref separates them. They circle around again and Barrett throws a fist but Show ducks and locks in a bear-hug. Barrett tries to wriggle free and does. He kicks Show in the gut and punches him down in between the eyes. He picks Show up and whips him but Show counters and hits a shoulder tackle. Cover.

Barrett kicks out!
He picks Barrett up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. Barrett falls forward and Show slaps Barrett’s chest with authority. Barrett clasps his chest and goes down on his knee. Show allows him to get up and then punches him in the kidney. Barrett goes down on his knees again. Show comes off the ropes and takes Barrett down with a clothesline. He hooks the leg.

Barrett powers out!
Show picks him up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He stomps away at Barrett’s kidney until the ref breaks it up. Show waits for Barrett to get up and punches him in the kidney again. Barrett rolls out of the ring. He shoos off the booing crowd and starts to walk up the ramp, unaware that Show is following him. Show attacks him from behind and punches him on the ramp. He picks him up and throws him inside the ring. He gets in and hits a legdrop. He goes into the cover.

Barrett kicks out again!
Show picks him up and rams him head-first into the post. Barrett falls on the outside. Show goes out and throws Barrett into the barricade. He picks him up and whips him into the steps. He waits for Barrett to get up and boots him on the outside. He picks him up and throws him into the ring. He gets in and hits Barrett with a clothesline. Barrett slowly tries to get up but Show immediately hits him with a boot. He hooks the leg.

Barrett kicks out at 2 ½!
Show picks Barrett up and whips him but Barrett ducks and baseball slides to the outside. Show follows him. Barrett runs around the ring with Show following him. He quickly gets into the ring. As Show tries to enter, Barrett kicks him off the apron and Show crashes hard into the barricade. Barrett takes a breather in the corner as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Barrett has Show in the Camel Clutch. He applies more and more pressure trying to get the giant to tap out but Show uses his strength to remain in the match. He tries to get to the ropes but Barrett uses all his strength to hold him back. Finally, Show uses his power to overpower Barrett and separate his hands. Show then gets back to a vertical base and goes for a Samoan Drop but Barrett slips off and chopblocks the back of Show’s knee. Show goes down on his knee. Barrett comes off the ropes and hits a boot. Cover.

Show kicks out with authority!
Barrett picks him up and kicks him in the gut. He whips him but Show reverses him into the corner. He charges at Barrett but Barrett sidesteps and Show crashes into the turnbuckle. Barrett goes after the knee and stomps away at it trying to injure the giant. Barrett grabs Show’s head and slams it into the mat. He taunts the crowd who boo him back. He kicks away at Show until the ref breaks it up. He waits for Show to get up and kicks him in the gut followed by a DDT. Cover.

Show kicks out!
Barrett quickly locks in the arm-bar on Show. Show tries to reach the ropes but the position of the hold makes it impossible for him to do so. He tries to kick away out of the hold but Barrett holds his own. Show uses all the strength he can to punch Barrett off his arm. Barrett releases the hold. He quickly gets back up and hits an elbow-drop to the arm of Show. He hooks the log-like leg.

Show powers out!
Barrett asks the ref to check his count but the ref remains stern. Barrett picks Show up and whips him but Show reverses. Barrett ducks a clothesline and goes for one of his own but Show blocks it and lifts Barrett up and hits a running powerbomb. He picks Barrett up and hits him with lefts and rights until Barrett falls in the corner. Show clotheslines him in the corner and follows it up with a spinebuster. Cover.

Barrett kicks out but just!
Show can’t believe it. He picks Barrett up and whips him but Barrett ducks a clothesline and kicks Show in the knee. Show goes down on his knees. Barrett comes off the ropes but Show catches him mid-way and throws him down to the mat. Both men get up. Barrett throws a fist but Show ducks and strikes Barrett with a boot. Cover.

Barrett kicks out!
Show picks Barrett up and whips him followed by a spinning sideslam. Barrett rolls out of the ring. Show is frustrated and is rolling as we go to another commercial.

Back from the break and Show has Barrett in the Camel Clutch. He tries to snap Barrett’s body in half but Barrett remains on his grounds and refuses to tap out. He slowly and steadily crawls nearer and nearer to the ropes with a quarter of a ton on his back. Barrett slowly reaches out to the ropes and finally gets them. Show has to release the hold. He waits for Barrett to get up and clotheslines him down. He picks him up and hits a delayed vertical suplex. He hooks both legs.

Barrett powers out!
Show picks Barrett up and rams him head-first into the post. He pulls him out and goes for a Chokeslam but Barrett slips out and nails a kick to the back of the knee. Show goes down on his fours. Barrett comes off the ropes and kicks Show in the gut. Show lets out a roar of pain and Barrett quickly hits a DDT. He hooks the leg.

Show powers out!
Barrett pulls Show to his knees and punches him down. He waits for Show to get up and hits a clothesline off the ropes. He goes on the top rope and calls for something big. He comes crashing down on Show’s chest elbow-first. He calls for Wasteland. He picks Show up and lifts him on his shoulders but Show elbows his way out. He goes for the Chokeslam but Barrett slips out. He kicks Show in the knee again and this time completes the Wasteland!! He goes for the cover.

Show kicks out at 2 ½!
Barrett can’t believe it. He asks the ref again and again to check the count but the ref refuses to. Barrett turns his attention to Show who is now on his knees. Barrett comes off the ropes but Show grabs him by the neck. He gets back to his feet, lifts Barrett up and drops him with a Chokeslam from 10 feet above the ring. Cover.

Barrett kicks out at 2 ½!
Show gets frustrated and thus pumped up. He looks at his fist and then calls for the WMD. He swings his fist at Barrett but Barrett ducks and kicks Show in the groin again!! The ref calls for the bell.
Winner: Big Show (by D.Q)

Barrett quickly rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp silently as Show is down on his knees in the center of the ring holding his groin in pain and frustration. Barrett slowly retreats up the ramp with the crowd booing him heavily in the background. He stops at the stage and turns back to Show whose anger boils by the minute as he shakes with frustration, still holding his groin. They show numerous replays of the end of the match. The two men still stare at each-other as we go to the final commercial of the night, the Final Face-Off to happen next.

**Cult Of Personality**

Back from the break and CM Punk’s music hits. Out comes the hometown boy to the loudest pop of the night. He smirks at the crowd and then goes down on one knee. He looks at his wrist and yells “It’s Clobberin’ Time” in the air. He walks down to the ring showing the “Best In the World” catchphrase written on his t-shirt. He gets on the turnbuckle and poses. The crowd starts a “CM Punk!” chant. Punk gets a mic. He is about to speak but the chants go louder by the minute. He finally begins to speak.

Punk: I love you too, Chicago.


Punk: This is the city where I grew up, as a person, as a little kid watching the WWE, as a professional wrestler. And I am yet to become a sports-entertainer. Which I will, if I have to overthrow John Cena from the top of the mountain. And when I tell you I will, I will.

*More cheers*

Punk: Now, six days away at Judgment Day, is one of the most hyped non-title match in the history of the WWE. John Cena versus CM Punk with the “Best In The World” moniker up for grabs.

*Cheers for the match*

Punk: But, I feel that all that hype is for nothing. Because the entire world knows that John Cena can’t beat me, John Cena won’t me. And after Judgment Day, you’ll see that John Cena didn’t beat me. I will beat John Cena at Judgment Day, and show him where he truly belongs. He belongs on an MTV show. This is World WRESTLING Entertainment and Cena, I’m here to stay!

*The kids too join the cheers*

Punk: I will, at Judgment Day, overthrow John Cena from the top of the mountain and finally, after a decade, a true professional in wrestling will carry the biggest company in this business known to man. And that will be the beginning of a new era, the era of WRESTLING, the era where there will be no cheesy catchphrases, no stupid jokes and certainly no 5 moves of doom. That era, will be the era of CM Punk!!

*More and more cheers for the Second City Saint*

**The Time Is Now**

The cheers stop all of a sudden as CM Punk’s rival, and thus Chicago’s rival, John Cena comes out. He looks at the crowd as the crowd throws a “You Can’t Wrestle!” chant at him. He ignores the crowd and looks directly at his Judgment Day opponent. And without any salute, he marches straight to the ring. He gets in and asks for a mic. He stares at Punk for a moment before he begins to speak.

Cena: Hmm-hmm, not the most supporting of crowds here but I’ll manage.


Cena: I’ve been managing to here your taunts for a whole month without showing much anger. But, but, that doesn’t mean I ain’t angry. I’m boiling from the inside. And the reason why I haven’t shut your mouth the best way I know to, is because I want you a hundred percent at Judgment Day.

*More boos*

Cena: I want you a hundred percent at Judgment Day, because I want to show you, these people here in Chicago and the people all over the world, that you are not Best In The World! You’ve got talent, I’ll give you that. But you haven’t got something that makes you the king of the mountain. And that is you haven’t got a heart.

*The boos keep coming*

Cena: I’ll tell you what, I might not be as good as you wrestling-wise, but I can still hang out with wrestling giants because I have the heart to. Punk, you might be a rising star, but you still can’t beat me. You still haven’t got the right to say that you are Best In The World, because you are not.

*A “CM Punk!” chant begins in the arena*

Cena: At Judgment Day, when you and me, meet in the same ring, at the same time, you know your fate. You know the end result. You know that I can and I will beat you at Judgment Day. And just keep admiring your t-shirt, because after Judgment Day, it will be gone!

*Some of the kids cheer for Cena*

Cena: And…

Punk: …you mean that you can beat me with your 5 moves of doom? You’re actually good at making others laugh when you don’t know you’re actually doing it. Cena, I am going to hit you with moves you can’t even spell. No, wait, I’ll give you a test right now. Name a move that isn’t the shoulder-tackle, clothesline, press slam, bulldog, suplex and fireman’s carry throw, AA if you don’t know what I am talking about.

*Cheer for the challenge put forth*

Cena: You wanna check my skills? I don’t mind. How about a powerbomb? A spinebuster? An enzugiri? A dropkick? An uppercut? A hiptoss? A belly-to-belly? A piledriver? A moonsault? A Shooting Star Press? A Superkick? Now is that your point? No it isn’t. You want to humiliate me and your failing miserably Punk.

*A loud cheer out-of-the-blue for Cena*

Cena: It isn’t about how many moves you know or how many moves you can perform. It’s the one move that you have to do, and that is to do it for these people.

Punk: That is what I am saying, jerk. I understand this, this, they see you work, they pay you earn psychology and that is what I am saying. These people spend their hard-earned money to buy a ticket and watch us perform every week, and since I am still as much a fan as a wrestler, I know that these people don’t want to see you beating the odds again and again and again, pay-per-view after pay-per-view.

*The “CM Punk!” chant goes off again*

Punk: And as long as you run this company, this will continue to happen. And that is what I am going to change at Judgment Day. I am going to beat you, I am going to end your reign as the top dog. Because I do not want John Cena t-shirts to appear on live television again. I do not want the WWE to go back to having stupid catchphrases and cheesy slogans written on t-shirts. I want a class and I want wrestling back to the company that I represent. And that quest starts at Judgment Day.

*More cheers for Punk*

Cena: You know what Punk, that’s enough! You like me, I appreciate. You don’t, I appreciate. But if you’ve got a problem with me, deal with it like a man! And you are not. We have been talking about this for way too long. It’s time to settle this the way we do it here in the WWE. I will not let you take my position Punk. Because I have fought too hard for it. I’ve crawled and scratched my way against Brock Lesnar and Evolution.

*Cena receives a loud pop*

Cena: At Judgment Day, I don’t care if you bring your thirty or thirty-thousand moves. All I care about is that I am going to bring my hundred percent and I am not going down without a fight!

*Cena drops the mic and is about to leave but Punk stops him*

Punk: Wait a minute, wait a minute. John, in these ten years that you’ve been in the WWE, you’ve always got more than what you’ve bargained for. And Judgment Day will be no different. You want a fight, I’ll give you a WAR!

*Punk drops his mic and leaves the ring to cheers as Cena stands motionless. Punk stops at the ramp and poses as the crowd continues to cheer and Cena looks on from the ring*

**End of show**


As announced on RAW, 3 WWE Divas who were on the injured list after being attacked by one of the challengers for the Women's title at Judgment Day, Kharma, the following 3 divas will be returning to action next week on RAW:

Backstage Interviewer Eve Torres
Kelly Kelly

Tune in for more updates.
Ok Icon, time to review to the Go-Home show for Judgment Day!

Nice opening with Jericho and HHH. Right off the bat, adding some last minute fire to an already hot feud heading into Sunday. But that Bret Hart...Hmm.....? Something just doesn't sit right with me.

A solid match by The Usos here. Most Tag Team Partner matches don't even turn out as good as people expect and good little brawl with The Broskis before their Tag Title Match Sunday.

The Saturday Night Verdict with Michael Cole.....Hmm...?

Great Promo by Miz, I think you got him down pretty good. Bashing Morrison in numerous ways that made it look cool. I feel as if Morrison should've said a little more before introducing Truth as Miz's opponent.

So Miz gets the win and has some momentum heading into Judgment Day, but I have a feeling this isn't the last we've heard from Morrison and Miz tonight.

Nice little segment with Hennig getting renewing his feud with Del Rio and a nice set up to the 6 Man Tag Match coming up next. Should be good.

A quick paced 6 Man Tag Team Match with Hennig getting in some offense and Drew getting WORKED in the beginning. I was gonna say maybe Hennig gets another crack at Del Rio, but Mason Ryan turns face and he looks like he's gonna be the next man to step up. Uh-Oh...

Good banter with Trish and Michelle, but I would've liked that they take friendly jabs at each other showing their competitive nature.

Interesting interview with Mr. Bret Hart. Hmm......

A good Triple Threat to showcase some talent. Always good to have some filler. And Skip get the nod. Hmmm...you must have something planned for this guy.

Morrison's promo worked for me in small ways. It got the point across. His banter with Miz lacked a little more substance. I feel like they should've said a little more.

The Kane/Morrison match was all weird. I don't know. Some of it just didn't flow well. Morrison hit Kane with a double knee attack? I don't know about that one dude. But nonetheless, Morrison gets his win before Sunday. But a nice touch to have Miz capitalize and leave his opponent for Sunday down and out.

A rather interesting promo by The Broskis, but that's what makes them interesting. They're weird, funny, and subtle.

On a side note, I like the other match card graphics you had for Judgment Day. They were simple and looked cool. I guess these are just too big for my liking. But that's JMO.

Kharma looked DOMINANT. I mean, she dropped Candice Michelle onto Michelle McCool for god sakes. Sheesh. Trish even tried and she got taken down. Should be an interesting scenario on Sunday cause it looks like double teaming Kharma won't even do any good. We may have a new Champion.

Wonder what Kane's problem was?

Solid match with Show and Barrett. Match of the night IMO. The countout thing did kill it though. I was hoping for Barrett to get a clean win. But if this is the start of another little feud heading into Judgment Day, then I'm all for it.

Great way to end with Punk and Cena. I like the way you made Punk sound. Pretty much like his character today and I think you nailed it very well. Towards the end, he sounded like Jim Cornette and his NWA Crusade back in 1998, but that's just me. Cena sounded like his old self, I expected more of and edge here. Not that he didn't have one, but I thought he'd have more of one is what I mean.

Overall, I'll give it a B-

Not too little build, but just enough to get people going. Punk/Cena, HHH/Jericho and even Morrison/Miz had some fire to their feud and Kharma made herself look damn near unbeatable and we even saw two more potential matches to be added to the card. Looking forward to seeing what SmackDown does. Should be very intriguing indeed.
Thanks for the review, sir. Those graphics, first they were made by JAM, now Theo and I feel both are equally good. Umm, well, that's that for the graphics. The two fueds that you're talking about, Barrett-Show is one, but I didn't get the second one. Maybe because I am not planning to add any more matches to the card. That, I think, will add more intigrue to Barrett-Show. Plus, there are already 8 matches and I don't need to get all of my fueds on the card. Thanks for the review again and check out SmackDown! when it is posted. Also, please vote for the BT! Awards.


This week on Friday Night SmackDown!, World Heavyweight champion Edge's talk-show, The Cutting Edge makes its return on the show after an absence of nearly half a year. And this time, it is more controversial than ever before. Because this week, Edge's guests are none other than his Judgment Day opponent, The Phenom The Undertaker, Sheamus and his former best friend, Christian. With all four men in the same ring at the same time, a lot of thoughts and words and maybe some blows are sure to be exchanged but who will leave with the final say?

It's sure a jam-packed night for the World title fighters as after being on The Cutting Edge, as per orders from Teddy Long, all four men will be in a match, in the SAME match! It will be the champion Edge teaming up with Sheamus to take on Christian and The Undertaker. Which team will co-exsist to out-perform the other two and which team will break-up in the end? Also, who will walk out with the momentum just 2 days away from Judgment Day?

Speaking of momentum, Cody Rhodes, the young gun as been building up a lot of steam going into his one-on-one match with Randy Orton in the American Airlines Center. This week, it is his opponent, former mentor who will be in action tonight. Yes, Randy Orton will take on the legendary veteran nephew of the late great Eddie Guerrero, Chavo Guerrero. Plus, Randy Orton has some words for his former mentee, the son of the American Dream. Will Randy Orton finally get back to his former snaky self? Or will Cody Rhodes have the mental advantage over the WWE's Apex Predator?

Confirmed matches

Edge and Sheamus vs Christian and The Undertaker

Randy Orton vs Chavo Guerrero

Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara vs Jinder Mahal and Dolph Ziggler


It's a pleasure to announce that the WWE's CEO himself, Michael Cooper has roped in the British band Motorhead, led by Lemmy to perform Triple H's theme "The Game" live at the American Airlines Center in Miami Florida, at the Judgment Day pay-per-view. So don't forget to tune in.

Matt Striker, Josh Matthews and Booker T welcome us to the go-home edition of Friday Night SmackDown!, and we are just two days away from WWE Judgment Day. And it sure is a jam-packed show as the announcers put over the main event tag-team match and Randy Orton vs Chavo Guerrero before promoting “The Cutting Edge” scheduled to happen right now!


Edge’s vintage music by Alter Bridge hits the speakers and out comes the World Heavyweight champion, the host of the Cutting Edge, The Rated-R Superstar, Edge through a cloud of smoke. He poses on the ramp with the World title as the crowd boos him profusely. He walks down the ramp arrogantly, his glares gleaming as a result of the reflection of light falling on it. He gets in the ring, where placed are four stools. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses with the title again and the crowd boos even more. He asks for a mic.

Edge: It’s here! Finally! It’s here!


Edge: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your favorite show on WWE programming, welcome to The Cutting Edge, hosted by your World Heavyweight champion, The Rated-R Superstar, Edge!

*More boos*

Edge: Tonight, we are not only just two days away from Judgment Day, but we are two days away from witnessing history. There are four men, four hungry men, vying for the same championship, the World Heavyweight championship. The championship that I have. And there can be only one man who walks out with the gold around his waist, rightly proving that he is the king of SmackDown!.


Edge: A match is guaranteed. No, a superb, out-of-this-world, historic match is guaranteed. And also guaranteed is a winner. But who will it be? Will it be Sheamus holding the World Heavyweight title in his “fiery red hand”?

*Boos for Sheamus*

Edge: Will it be The Undertaker walking away a World champion for the 8th time?


Edge: Or will it be Christian, who after 17 years will finally taste gold?


Edge: Well, I’ll answer my own questions. None of those scenarios are going to happen. Because there is another thing that is guaranteed, and that is me retaining MY World Heavyweight championship! And there is no denial or no stopping to that.

*A “You Suck!” chant begins in the arena*

Edge: So now, with that being said, let’s see what my opponents have to say about their nil chances of winning. That’s what we are here for, right? So without wasting more time, let’s bring out, the man who came to the States straight from Dublin, without a tan, Sheamus.

**Too Many Lies**

The crowd boos The Great White as he makes his way out to ringside. He stares down at Edge from the stage in a green “Laoch” t-shirt and tights bearing the same slogan. He pounds his chest on the stage and poses as the crowd continues to boo him. He walks down the ramp with Edge staring him down. He gets into the ring and poses one more time as Edge looks on. He picks up a mic placed on a stool as turns towards Edge.

Edge: Before you can speak Sheamus, how about you starting with a story of an Irish king?

Sheamus: So, you’re in a joking mood, huh? This is no time to joke, fella. It’s time to get serious. Because we are just two days away from, as you said, witnessing history. And history will very well be made. Not because you will walk away with the title, but because I will.


Sheamus: You see, after Judgment Day, till many years to come, this people won’t get rid of their hangover. All they will be talking about is how a young guy from Dublin, who wasn’t taken seriously until a year ago, beat two worthless Canadians and a stupid, old American Deadman to become the ruler of the World, to become the World Heavyweight champion!

*More boos*

Sheamus: And then Edge, I won’t be telling stories. I will be listening when Irish fathers tell their children, that there was once a fiery red warrior, who in an unknown hostile land, beat three of the very loved ones, to become a 3-time World champion, and the ruler of the World.

*The boos keep coming*

Edge: You dream a lot, don’t you? You see fella, beating me is no cup of tea. No jar of mayonnaise for that matter.

*Cheers for the taunt*

Edge: You see I am no John Cena crashing through a table because I lost my footing on the top rope, I am Edge and I will not bow down to a jerk like you. I will not give you my World title as easily as Cena did, you will have to fight for it. And comparing you and me, I know I can beat you in a fight.

*The crowd boos everything, not knowing what to and what not to*

Sheamus: To tell you the truth Edge, the stories have already started. You see, I beat The Undertaker twice in two matches. And beating you at Judgment Day is going to be no tough task.

Edge: Sheamus, you’re forgetting something. I made a career out of beating The Undertaker. And I can make a fool out of you.

**Just Close Your Eyes**

Christian's music interrupts Edge and Captain Charisma comes out to the first major pop of the night in a checkered blue shirt and jeans. He looks down at his opponents before walking down to the ring. He gets in the ring and picks up a mic from the stool. He goes on top of the turnbuckles and poses which brings out a loud pop. Christian puts the mic to his lips and begins to speak.

Christian: I really think you two should stop rambling about who is going to walk out of Judgment Day the champion because the answer is now right in front of you. You two haven’t given me winning a thought and I don’t blame you. Because that is something that you haven’t seen for two decades.


Christian: But, but, I made a promise when then new era in the WWE started. I made a promise to my Peeps, I made a promise to myself. You see my Peeps haven’t seen me win one title for 17 years and they have been patient enough for no one else would have tolerated such a failure for so many years.

*The crowd boos in disagreement*

Christian: But, I made up my mind. The Peeps have supported me for way too long for me to give them nothing before calling it quits. So this is my chance. This is my chance to realize my dreams, give the Peeps something they deserve for watching my back since I stepped foot in the WWE. And no man living on this earth can stop me from doing it in Miami inside the American Airlines Center.


Christian: Edge, Sheamus, I respect you two as competitors. You’ll have achieved great heights. But its time you step down and allow me to step up. And I know you aren’t going to do that the straight way, so at Judgment Day, I have to beat you, humiliate you and finish your reign at the top of the WWE, because next week on SmackDown!, the World Heavyweight champion will be me, Christian!!

*A “Let’s Go Christian!” chant breaks out in the arena*

**Graveyard Symphony**

The Undertaker’s music hits and the arena is filled with cheers. Smoke fills the arena as Edge, Sheamus and Christian look on from the ring, their eyes wide open. A lot of time passes, but The Undertaker doesn’t come out. The crowd stops cheering, Undertaker’s opponent become more tensed. Another minute passes, but no Undertaker. Finally, the smoke disperses and the lights become brighter, though still black. There is still no sign of The Deadman but his voice can now be heard.

Taker: You three men, at Judgment Day, you are going to be dragged to the grave. No matter what, where, how you come this Sunday, I am going to be there. And I will not let any of you walk out the champion. Because at Judgment Day, the Holy Grail comes back to where it belongs. To the grave, around my waist!

*The whole arena is stunned as the music continues to play and the arena goes pitch-dark again*


**So Close Now**

Back from the break and The Usos music hits. The man in action, Jey Uso comes out with his brother and tag-team partner, Jimmy Uso. They do the Siva Tau on the stage with the crowd booing them in the background. They rush to the ring and into it and do a pose of the Anoa’i. They jump around the ring and Jey warms up for a big momentum-builder of a match.


The Broskis come out a huge pop with the tag team championship around their shoulders. Curt Hawkins, the man in action, leads the way to the ring as his partner and co-WWE Tag Team champion Zack Ryder high-fives the Broskis of the WWE Universe. They continue to play the crowd before getting in the ring. They climb the turnbuckles and pose which brings out a loud cheer. Hawkins gives his title to Ryder. Ryder and Jimmy go out of the ring.

Curt Hawkins vs Jey Uso

The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Jey pushes Curt in the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him into another corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and hits a bodyslam. He comes off the ropes and hits a bodysplash. He waits for Hawkins to get up and hits a standing splash. Cover.

Hawkins powers out!
Jey picks Hawkins up and whips him but Hawkins ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes. But Jey catches him in mid-air and hits a spinning sideslam. Hawkins rolls over to the corner. He gets up in the corner. Jey charges at him but Hawkins sidesteps and Jey crashes into the corner. Hawkins comes off the ropes and takes Jey down with a clothesline. He hooks the leg.

Jey kicks out with authority!
He picks Jey up and slaps him across the chest. He whips him but Jey reverses and goes for a backdrop. Hawkins counters with a slap across the chest and comes off the ropes. Jey catches him in mid-air and goes for a suplex but Hawkins slips out. Jey turns around and Hawkins nails him with a spinning heelkick. Cover.

Jey kicks out!
He picks Jey up and goes for a DDT but Jey pushes him into the ropes and hits an elbow to the throat. Hawkins rolls over to the apron. Jey comes off the ropes and baseball slides right into Hawkins’ gut sending him crashing to the outside. He goes out and whips Hawkins into the steps. He picks him up and throws him inside the ring. He gets in and goes for the cover.

Hawkins kicks out!
Jey picks Hawkins up and drops him with a clothesline. He goes on the top rope and goes for a splash but Hawkins sidesteps and Jey crashes hard into the mat. Hawkins takes advantage and hits a knee-drop. Cover.

Jey powers out!
Hawkins waits for him to get up and goes for a clothesline but Jey ducks and hits a German suplex. Hawkins rolls to the outside as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Jey nails Hawkins with a running bulldog. He points towards the WWE Universe and goes for a splash but Hawkins rolls out of the way even before he can leap. Hawkins gets up and turns around only to be knocked down by Jey with a boot to the jaw. He hooks the leg quickly.

Hawkins kicks out!
Jey picks him up and whips him but Hawkins ducks a clothesline and locks in the sleeper. Jey goes down on his knees. He tries to get up but Hawkins holds him down. The crowd cheers Hawkins as Ryder tells him to apply more pressure and he does. But Jey uses his superior strength to overpower Hawkins and gets back up on his feet. He counters the hold into a signature Samoan Drop and hooks the leg.

Hawkins kicks out!
Both men are down. They get up. Hawkins runs at Jey but he counters with a backdrop. Hawkins goes to the corner. Jey charges at him but Hawkins gets his leg up in time. He comes off the ropes but Jey catches him in mid-air and goes for a spinebuster but Hawkins slips out and hits a running enzugiri. Cover.

Jey kicks out!
Hawkins picks Jey up and whips him but Jey reverses. Hawkins ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody. Jey goes down on his knees. Hawkins comes off the ropes and hits a dropkick to the jaw. He goes on the top rope and calls for the moonsault. He dives off but Jey sidesteps and Hawkins crashes into the mat. He turns around and Jey knocks the lights out with the Superkick. Cover.

Winner: Jey Uso

Jey celebrates as Jimmy gets in the ring. They hug each other in the middle of the ring as Ryder looks on in disbelief. He then goes to check on his partner who holds his jaw lying cold on the floor. Ryder helps Hawkins back to his feet and they retreat up the ramp, showing off that they are the champs. The Usos move their fingers around their waste signaling that they are coming for the championship as we go backstage where Todd Grisham has a guest.

Todd: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Daniel Bryan.

*The crowd cheers as Bryan comes into view*

Todd: Daniel, what are your thoughts on tonight’s tag-team match?

Bryan: Hmm. Todd, I have a lot of respect for Sin Cara. I’ve seen what he has done in Mexico and I know what he can do here in the WWE. And he’s been given the chance. So tonight, I say we have as much as a hundred percent chance of winning. Because the team of a high-flying Lucha and a submission specialist is enough to take down to egos.

*Cheers for Bryan*

Todd: And what do you think are your chances of winning the U.S championship this Sunday?

Bryan: As I said, Sin Cara is a great partner. But, he’s a better opponent. It’s going to be an uphill battle to take on not one but three good opponents in the same ring at the same time. They are going to come from anywhere and everywhere and I have to be ready for it if I have to walk out the winner.

*More cheers*

Bryan: I have to keep my eyes and ears wide open if I have to become the new U.S champion, which I will. But, it will be a difficult and fun task to do. I like challenges, and this is one of the biggest I’ve ever come across. But, I will walk out the champion. And I will represent my country with pride, honor and prestige.

*More cheers for Bryan as he walks off because his match is next*


Dolph Ziggler’s music hits and he comes out to boos with his valet, Vickie Guerrero. They hug on the stage and then walk down to the ring with the crowd greeting them with boos. Dolph jumps on the apron and holds the ropes down for Vickie to get in the ring. He takes off his jacket in style and gets in the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses which brings out more boos from the crowd.

**Main Yash Hun**

Jinder Mahal comes out to another negative reaction, Great Khali following him closely. Mahal raises his arms on the stage as the U.S title gleams around his waist. He walks down the ramp, his eyes locked on his partner, Dolph Ziggler. He gets in the ring with Khali. Khali picks him up on his shoulders and Mahal lifts the U.S title for everyone to see. Khali starts a “Jinder Mahal!” chant.

**Ancient Spirit**

Sin Cara comes out to a decent pop. He points towards his opponents before taking off his trench-coat and throwing it on the stage. He runs down the ramp and jumps into the ring, pyros exploding at the landing. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses for the cheering crowd. He gets down and waits for his partner to come out whilst keeping an eye on his opponents.

**Ride Of The Valkyries**

Daniel Bryan comes out to the loudest reaction of the four, all cheers. He poses on the stage with pyros exploding in the background. He slaps hands with the people on his way down the ramp. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses as the crowd starts a “Let’s Go Bryan!” chant. Bryan gets in the ring and high-fives his partner before climbing the turnbuckle again and posing.

Jinder Mahal and Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara

Cara and Dolph will start things off. The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Dolph kicks Cara in the gut followed by a slap across the face. He taunts the crowd before slapping Cara again. He goes for a third slap but Cara blocks it and kicks Dolph in the knee. He gets up and takes Dolph down with a side-Russian legsweep. Cover.

Dolph kicks out!
Cara picks Dolph up and tags in Bryan. Bryan goes on the top rope and hits a missile dropkick sending Dolph to the corner. He charges at Dolph and takes him down with a corner clothesline. He picks Dolph up and whips him but Dolph reverses. Bryan ducks a clothesline and hits a roundhouse kick. Dolph comes off the ropes right into a boot. Bryan hooks the leg.

Dolph powers out!
Bryan picks Dolph up and tags in Cara. Cara comes in and kicks Dolph in the gut. He picks Dolph up and whips him but Dolph reverses. Cara ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Dolph catches him in mid-air and hits a backbreaker. He lifts Cara up in the same position and throws him spine-first into the turnbuckle. He goes into the cover.

Cara kicks out!
He picks Cara up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash and follows it up with a running bulldog. He pulls Cara to his corner and tags in Mahal. Mahal gets in and kicks away at Cara. He picks him up and whips him followed by a sideslam. He hooks the leg.

Cara powers out!
He picks Cara up and whips him but Cara reverses. Mahal grabs him by the arm and twists it. He sends him arm-first into the post. He pulls him out and hits a clothesline. He tags in Dolph. Dolph gets in and stomps away at Cara. He waits for him to get up and hits a kick to the gut followed by an impeller DDT. He goes for the cover.

Cara kicks out at 2 ½!
Dolph picks Cara up and throws him into the post. Cara falls to the outside. Dolph taunts the crowd as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Mahal has Cara in the camel clutch. Cara tries fighting out of the hold but Mahal uses his strength to overpower the Lucha. Cara tries stretching out to the ropes but Mahal holds his own. Bryan starts kicking away at the steps to get Cara pumped up and the crowd follows suit starting a “Let’s Go Cara!” chant. Cara responds to the efforts as he starts crawling away to the ropes. He finally gets there and Mahal let’s go of hold. He waits for Cara to get up and slams him with a powerbomb. Cover.

Cara kicks out!
He picks Cara up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He pulls him to his corner and kicks away at him until the ref breaks it up. He tags in Dolph. Dolph gets in and continues the stomping. He picks Cara up and whips him but Cara ducks a clothesline. He goes for a springboard moonsault but Dolph catches him in mid-air and hits a spinebuster. Cover.

Cara kicks out!
He waits for Cara to get up and hits a running enzugiri. Cara goes into the corner. He charges at him and hits a splash. He waits for Cara to sit up and hits him with a running legdrop. He hooks the leg.

Cara powers out at 2 ½!
Dolph picks him up and tags in Mahal. They whip him and hit a double-teamed hiptoss. Dolph goes out of the ring. Mahal calls for something special. He kicks Cara in the gut and goes for a suplex but Cara slips out and nails Mahal with a kick to the temple. He hooks the leg.

Mahal kicks out!
Both men are down. They crawl over to their corners and tag in their respective partners. Dolph comes running but Bryan takes him down with a crossbody. He waits for Dolph to get up and hits a swinging neckbreaker. He
picks Dolph up and whips him but Dolph reverses. Bryan ducks a clothesline and hits a roundhouse kick. Cover.

Dolph kicks out!
Bryan whips Dolph into the corner followed by a knee to the face. He comes off the ropes and takes Dolph down with a clothesline. He calls for the enzugiri and connects. He goes into the cover.

Mahal breaks it up!
Both men get up. Mahal goes for a clothesline but Bryan ducks and dropkicks Mahal right into a missile dropkick from Cara. Dolph is up by the time. He runs at Bryan but Bryan ducks and Dolph hits Cara instead. He turns around and goes for a clothesline but Bryan counters and locks in the LeBelle!! Dolph has nowhere to go now as he struggles to remain alive in the match. Bryan applies more and more pressure and Dolph has no option but to
Winners: Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara

The two men celebrate in the ring as Vickie looks on in disbelief on the outside. Khali helps Mahal to the back only to stop at the stage. Mahal turns around and raises his title in the air. Bryan and Cara threaten him to get in the ring. They then continue their celebration before shaking hands and Cara leaves the ring. He goes up the ramp and he and Bryan engage in a stare down as we go backstage to Victoria’s locker room where she is taping up.

*The Bella Twins come in bringing in a chorus of boos*

Nikki: Hey Vic. Ready to roll?

Victoria: What have you got to do with it? Besides, you are not even walking out the winner.

Brie: Huh? My sister’s just come out from injury last week, but she’s still better than you in every sense.

Victoria: I don’t think so. I have beaten the best in the business. From Trish Stratus to Lita to Molly Holly and every other diva you can name.

Nikki: I am no Trish Stratus nor am I Lita. I am better than every diva you can name in the WWE. And I am going to walk out the winner tonight.

*Candice Michelle comes in and the crowd cheers*

Candice: Girls, maybe you’re forgetting something. The two of you are in the ring tonight not just against each other but against Kharma.

*Mixed reactions at the mention of Kharma*

Candice: And maybe, just maybe, she could walk out the winner, squashing you two into pieces. And then, at Judgment Day, I will beat Kharma and Trish Stratus to become the new Women’s champion and I will prove that I am the best of all the divas you can name.

*Candice winks at the divas and walks off*

Nikki: Sore loser.

Victoria: You too.

*Victoria walks off leaving The Bellas in her locker as we go to a commercial*

**I Come From Money**

Ted DiBiase’s music hits and he comes out to boos for his music. He poses on the stage. He rubs his index finger and thumb representing money as he walks down the ramp and the crowd boos. He gets in the ring and on the top turnbuckle and poses. He gets down and poses like his father which begins a “You Suck!” chant. He waits for Rey Mysterio to come out for their rematch from last week.


Rey Mysterio’s music hits and the kids go wild. He points towards one section of the crowd and then to the other, pyros exploding on both the occasions. He touches head-to-head while walking down the ramp with the kids wearing his mask. He takes off his vest and gives it to a small child. He gets in the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and poses. The crowd starts a “619!” chant.

Rey Mysterio vs Ted DiBiase

The bell sounds and Ted kicks Rey in the gut followed by a slap across the chest. He whips Rey but Rey ducks a boot and hits a slap across the face. Ted gets angered and goes for a clothesline but Rey ducks and hits a kick to the temple. Ted falls forward. Rey comes off the ropes and hits a hurricana. Cover.

Ted kicks out with authority!
Rey picks Ted up and whips him but Ted reverses and goes for the backdrop. Rey kicks him across the chest and comes off the ropes but Ted catches him in mid-air. He goes for a powerbomb but Rey slips out. He dropkicks Ted on the shin and Ted goes down face-first. Rey comes off the ropes and hits a scissors kick. He hooks the leg.

Ted kicks out!
He picks Ted up but Ted pushes him into the ropes followed by a clothesline. He picks Rey up and slaps him across the face. He pushes Rey in the corner followed by a splash. Rey falls forward and Ted lifts him up. He hits a running bodyslam. He waits for Rey to get up and then corners him with a clothesline. He measures him and hits a knee-drop. Cover.

Rey kicks out!
He picks Rey up and whips him but Rey ducks a clothesline. He comes off the ropes but Ted catches him in mid-air and hits a backbreaker. He pushes Rey’s back against his knee setting up a submission hold. Rey tries to wriggle free but Ted holds him down. Rey punches Ted in the face but Ted remains adamant. Rey starts kicking Ted in the gut and Ted has to release the hold. Ted waits for Rey to sit up and knocks him down with a boot. Cover.

Rey kicks out again!
Ted picks him up and rams him into the post. He goes out and knocks Rey down with a shoulder tackle. He picks him up and slams him into the barricade. He picks him up and throws him into the post. Rey is down and out as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Ted has Rey in an arm-drag. Rey is down on his knees. The ref asks him if he wants to quit but Rey refuses. The crowd starts a “Let’s Go Rey!” chant. Rey responds to the chant and starts punching Ted in the face. Ted finally releases the hold. Rey comes off the ropes and goes for a leg lariat but Ted catches him in mid-air and hits a spinebuster. Cover.

Rey kicks out at 2 ½!
Ted gets frustrated and kicks away at Rey. He picks him up and whips him but Rey slides through his legs and hits a bicycle kick. He comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline. He dropkicks Ted on the second rope. He goes for a 619 but Ted counters with a boot to the skull. He measures Rey and hits a fist-drop. Cover.

Rey kicks out!
Ted picks him up and whips him and goes for a backdrop but Rey counters with a kick across the torso. He comes off the ropes but Ted follows him into the ropes and takes him down with a clothesline instead. He comes off the ropes and goes for a legdrop but Rey sidesteps and Ted crashes hard into the mat. Rey goes on the top rope and goes for an Eddie Guerrero Frog Splash but Ted counters with a mid-air dropkick. He hooks the leg.

Rey powers out at 2 ½!
Ted can’t believe it. He punches away at Rey until the ref breaks it up. He avoids the ref and goes after Rey but Rey dropkicks him into the turnbuckles. He comes at Ted and takes him down with knees to the face. Ted falls forward. Rey comes off the ropes and hits a crossbody. He hooks the leg.

Ted kicks out!
Rey picks Ted up and whips him but Ted reverses. Rey ducks a clothesline and goes for a springboard moonsault but Ted catches him in mid-air. Rey does a hurricana but Ted counters and goes for a sideslam but Rey counters again and hits a swinging body DDT. He quickly goes into the cover.

Ted powers out!
He goes to the second rope and Rey dropkicks him onto it. He calls for the 619 and gets the crowd pumped up. He connects. He goes on the top rope and goes for the West Coast Pop but Ted rolls out of the way. He waits for Ted to get up and hits the Dream Street. Cover.

Winner: Ted DiBiase

Ted celebrates as the crowd boos him heavily. Rey is down and out in the corner as Ted climbs the turnbuckle and continues his celebration. He gets down and taunts the crowd before raising his arms in other attempt to annoy the crowd with celebrations.

**Man On Fire**

Ted is stunned as Kane makes his way out to loud boos. He gets in the ring. Ted goes for a clothesline but Kane blocks it and uproots Ted with an uppercut. Ted gets up and comes at him but Kane takes him down with another uppercut. Kane sees Rey running at him and takes him down with a boot. He picks him up and grabs him by the neck and asks him the same “Where Is HE!” question. He throws him into the corner. Ted comes running at him but Kane kicks him in the gut and hits a spinebuster. He waits for Rey to get up and hits him with another boot. He picks him up by the throat and lifts him up for the Chokeslam. He hesitates for a moment and throws Rey down. He leaves the ring looking angry, frustrated and annoyed as the crowd is stunned and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Randy Orton’s music hits and he comes out to a loud pop, one of the loudest of the night. He slowly and steadily walks down to the ring acknowledging the cheers he receives from the lively crowd and smirks at the booers. He climbs the steel steps and gets into the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses at which the crowd starts an “RKO!” chant. He gets down from the top and asks for a mic.

Orton: I don’t like to talk too much because I strongly believe that actions speak louder than words.


Orton: So let’s get to the point. You see, Cody Rhodes, that goof, is claiming to have owned me for two straight weeks. But the truth is, Cody got lucky. He got lucky because I underestimated him. He’s a great talent. But he is just forgetting that I am the man who revolutionized the principles he’s living by.

*More cheers*

Orton: I can be so dangerous and unpredictable and I can be a snake who slithers into your pants and poisons your “parts”. And Cody thinks that he can get into my head and have me beaten mentally, but let me tell you Cody, I have a mind so sharp and so tangled, that you can’t figure out how I am going to kick your ass though you know I am!

*The cheers get louder*

Orton: Cody, as I said, I believe that actions speak louder than words. So at Judgment Day, I will make my actions count. I will make you suffer for what you have done in the past few weeks. The utmost crime, you cost me the World Heavyweight championship.

*Boos for that*

Orton: And when I do that, you will be sorry for yourself. All you could do is beg for mercy and cry for pity. But I won’t stop until I have my revenge. And that won’t be fast. Cody, you’ll be sorry that you ever accepted to face me one-on-one, because you are still a lucky rat who got in because of what his father has done, and I am the Viper.

*An “RKO!” chant echoes around the arena*

Orton: And when all is said and done, more done that said, you will finally get back to where you belong, in your dark black mud-hole and I will be where I belong, at the top of the mountain, at the top of SmackDown!, because I am Randy Orton!

**Smoke and Mirrors**

Cody Rhodes’s music hits and he comes out to major heat with a black hooded jacket, refusing to show his face to the camera at the beginning. He walks down the ramp, his eyes locked on the Apex Predator as he does. He stops at the end of the ramp and asks for a mic. After receiving it, he pushes his hood back revealing the recently reconstructed visage and the foggy mask protecting it. He begins to speak.

Cody: Randy Orton. That’s what you are. And that is your biggest mistake. You think of yourself as an unbeatable, untouchable superstar. Slithery, slimy, snaky superstar who can strike his opponent in the middle of nowhere and win with the RKO, don’t you?


Cody: That’s the reason you’re so pathetic and bland. You are the same old mad guy with nothing, and I mean nothing, that intimidates his opponent. Randy Orton, you might have revolutionized being bad, but I made it look classy. Orton I am badder than you ever thought I could be. But you will realize just how bad I am when we meet in 2 days time, at Judgment Day.

*More boos*

Cody: Randy, you might be the youngest World champion. You might be my ex-mentor and you might have taught me things no one could. But you made a mistake. You made a mistake when you kicked my father in the head, you made a mistake when you kicked me out of Legacy. You made a big-bad mistake when you cost me the World Heavyweight championship.

*The crowd starts cheering Orton*

Cody: And Judgment Day is just revenge. Revenge for the sins you have committed against me. Revenge for being so bad to me. But as I said, I can be badder. I will punish you, torture you, and I will actually do things you “plan” to do to me. Randy, I will beat you so bad, that you will be sorry you ever came across this man, Cody Rhodes. It won’t be me begging for mercy, it will be you, on your knees, touching my feet, telling me to stop the assault.

*The crowd can’t stop booing*

Cody: But just when you thought I would stop, I will start punishing you again. And I will do this until my revenge is accomplished and THAT won’t be fast. I won’t stop beating you until I feel that you have paid the price for disrupting my beautiful visage. I won’t stop until you can’t move and that is when I will be satisfied.

Orton: Wait a minute Cody. Since you brought up satisfaction, I was satisfied when I kicked you and Ted DiBiase out of Legacy. Because my purpose was fulfilled. All I had to prove was that I am nothing like my father, and he has no influence on my career whatsoever. All I had to prove was that you, especially, were just here because your last name is Rhodes.

*Cheers for the Viper*

Cody: Hmm. Rhodes, Rhodes. Hahahaha. Rhodes is just a gift I received for being so talented and so unique. I am not that stereotypical heel like you who’s full of drool and who can’t set his mind straight. I am unique because I have a different agenda.

*More boos for Cody*

Cody: And to tell you the truth, I am nothing like my father. My father is a big, fat waste of space. He is a stain to the Rhodes family name. And I actually rebuilt the name after he crapped on it after coming to the WWE. I am more talented, successful and awesome than my father could ever be.

*The boos keep coming*

Cody: And besides, I am not an American Dream. I am a Viper’s Nightmare! Hahahaha.

*Cody drops the mic and continues his maniacal laughter as we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and Chavo Guerrero is already in the ring for his match with Randy Orton.

Randy Orton vs Chavo Guerrero

The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Orton converts it into a side-headlock but Chavo pushes him off. Orton comes off the ropes and takes him down with a shoulder tackle. He picks Chavo up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks Chavo up by the neck and hits a signature backbreaker. Cover.

Chavo powers out!
Orton stalks Chavo and stomps away at the exposed bones of Chavo pretty methodically. He then lands one foot to the right palm of Chavo and then to the left and a final one to the nose. Orton comes off the ropes and hits a knee-drop. He waits for Chavo to get up and kicks him in the gut. He lifts him up in a sitting position and hits the sit-out powerbomb. Cover.

Chavo kicks out!
He picks Chavo up and whips him but Chavo reverses. Orton ducks a clothesline and hits one of his own. He picks Chavo up and locks in a headlock. Chavo tries to wriggle free but Orton has locked in the hold pretty fairly. Chavo elbows Orton in the gut and Orton has no option but to release the hold. Orton runs at Chavo but Chavo ducks a clothesline and counters into a Russian legsweep. He hooks the leg.

Orton kicks out!
He picks Orton up and whips him but Orton reverses. Chavo ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes and takes Orton down with a chopblock. He waits for Orton to get up and hits a leg lariat. Orton is up immediately. He turns around and Chavo nails him with a dropkick. He quickly goes for the pin.

Orton powers out!
Cody gets frustrated on the outside and yells at Chavo. Chavo tells him to shut up and kicks Orton in the gut. He waits for Orton to get up and whips him but Orton reverses and knees him in the gut. He comes off the ropes but Cody drops him and Orton goes down face-first. Cody pretends he didn’t do a thing as Orton rolls out of the ring holding his nose and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Chavo has Orton in the sleeper. Orton is down on his knees. He desperately tries to reach the ropes but Chavo holds him back. Cody laughs at Orton who gets more angered and thus swings lefts and rights occasionally hitting Chavo. Chavo has to release the hold due to the madness. He waits for Orton to get up and nails him with a swift kick to the back of the head. He hooks both the legs.

Orton kicks out!
He picks Orton up and grabs him by the neck and goes on the second rope. He goes for a tornado DDT but Orton pushes him off and Chavo lands hard on the mat. Orton waits for him to get up and nails him with a clothesline. He picks him up and pounds him across the forehead as Cody orders the ref to stop the assault and the ref does. Orton avoids the ref and goes after Chavo but Chavo rolls him up.

Orton rolls through!
Both men get up. Chavo goes for a clothesline but Orton ducks and hits a dropkick sending him into the corner. He comes at him and takes him down with a splash. Chavo falls forward. Orton comes off the ropes and nails Chavo with a knee to the jaw. Chavo rolls over to the corner. Orton goes on the second rope and hits a knee-drop from there. He goes into the cover.

Chavo kicks out!
He picks Chavo up and places him on the top rope. He climbs on the second rope and hooks Chavo up for the superplex. Cody starts distracting Orton and that is enough for Chavo to punch his way out of the hold. He nails one final punch to the head and Orton goes crashing down. Chavo waits for him to get up and takes him down with a picture-perfect crossbody. Cover.

Orton kicks out at 2 ½!
Chavo can’t believe it. He stomps away at Orton. He picks him up and whips him followed by a hiptoss. He waits for Orton to get up and kicks him in the gut. He hits him with a suplex, followed by another and another and another. He goes for one final suplex but Orton slips out and connects wit ha boot. He hooks the leg.

Chavo kicks out at 2 ½!
Orton picks Chavo up and whips him followed by a clothesline and another. He picks him up and whips him followed by a scoop slam. Chavo rolls to the apron. Orton catches him on the second rope and hits the draping DDT. He starts pounding on the mat calling for the RKO. But suddenly he gets up and goes to the corner calling for the Punt. Cody distracts him again but this time Orton decides to focus in the ring. He runs at Chavo but Chavo sidesteps and kicks him in the gut. He lifts him up for the Gory Bomb but Orton slips out and hits the RKO out of nowhere. Cover.

Winner: Randy Orton

The ref raises Orton’s arm in victory. Before Orton can celebrate, Cody attacks him from behind and stomps down on him. He picks him up and whips him but Orton reverses and hits a clothesline followed by another. He picks him up and hits an uppercut. Cody goes into the corner. Orton charges at him and boots him down. He goes into the corner and calls for the Punt. He charges at Cody but Cody slides out of the ring just in the nick of time. He crawls back the ramp, holding his jaw as Orton dares him to get in. Cody has a relieved and at the same time a horrified look on his face as Orton poses in the ring and the crowd cheers. We go backstage where Todd Grisham has a guest.

Todd: Ladies and gentlemen my guests at this time, Jimmy and Jey, The Uso Brothers.


Todd: Jey, how are you feeling after your big win over Curt Hawkins tonight?

Jey: It’s great Todd. To be running faster than the champions, it feels great. My win tonight, signals what’s coming for The Broskis at Judgment Day. And what is coming for them, is a big, fat and unfortunate loss.

*More boos*

Jimmy: Yeah. We are going to beat The Broskis at Judgment Day and we will be the new WWE Tag Team champions in two days time. Because you see, The Broskis, just like Hawkins said on RAW, are two men bound together by a common interest in pro-wrestling. While the two of us, me and Jey, we are two brothers bound by blood and the common passion to be the top team in the world.

*The crowd starts a “We Want Broskis!” chant*

Jey: These people cheering for the Broskis, they are out of their mind. Because The Broskis are just two goofs who want to be like Edge and Christian were back in the day. But we, we want to create a name for ourselves. And that means we have to win the WWE Tag Team titles. And I don’t care if we have to go through Hawkins and Ryder or whoever to get it!

*A “You Suck!” chant is now directed towards the sons of Rikishi*

Jimmy: Hawkins and Ryder, in two days time, there will be new WWE Tag Team champions, me and my brother, The Usos.

Jey: Woo Woo Woo! You Know It!

*The crowd continues to boo as The Usos storm off and we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and they promote the Saturday Night Verdict with Michael Cole which is set to debut live on USA Network tomorrow night, just 24 hours before the Judgment Day PPV from the city hosting the PPV, Miami, Florida, where there will be 2,500 members of the WWE Universe in the studio. The guest will be revealed only on the show and it is a surprise until then.


**Don’t Mess With**

Victoria’s music hits and she comes out to major heat. She smirks at the booing crowd and then poses at the ramp. Some smarks cheer her on as she walks down the ring showing off her “smartness, sexiness and power”. She gets in the ring, climbs the turnbuckle and poses with most part of the crowd still booing her.

**You Can Look**

The Bellas come out to apparently a lesser reaction, all boos. The girl in action, who returned from injury last week, Nikki Bella taunts the crowd with the “loser” trademark sign as they get to the ring. They climb in and taunt Victoria with the same sign and then climb the turnbuckles. The pose with the crowd starting a “You Suck!” chant.

**Bad Karma**

Kharma walks out to a mixed reaction, the boos slowly outnumbering the cheers as she sways her head from left to right and then back. She poses on the stage and the crowd continues to let out mixed feelings. She walks down the ramp and laughs maniacally at her opponents. She gets in the ring and poses as her opponents trash-talk her. She gives them a horrifying look before warming up for the match.

Kharma vs Victoria vs Nikki Bella

The bell sounds and Nikki and Victoria circle around Kharma. They attack her and punch her down but Kharma pushes off Victoria. She rolls out of the ring. Kharma turns around and Nikki runs at her but Kharma catches her in mid-air and hits a 360º sidewalk slam. She hooks the leg.

Nikki kicks out!
She picks Nikki up and whips her into the corner followed by a splash. Nikki falls forward. Kharma comes off the ropes and squashes Nikki with a clothesline. She measures Nikki and hits a legdrop. Cover.

Victoria breaks it up!
Both women get up. Victoria swings her arm at Kharma but Kharma blocks it, kicks Victoria in the gut and slams her head-first into the mat. She picks Victoria up and whips her in the corner followed by a clothesline. She comes off the ropes and takes Victoria down with a boot. She quickly goes into the cover.

Victoria kicks out!
She picks Victoria up and whips her and goes for a backdrop but Victoria slaps her across the face. Kharma gets frustrated. Victoria goes for another slap but Kharma grabs her by the arm and lifts her in a fireman’s carry. Victoria elbows her way out of trouble and counters Kharma into a DDT. She hooks the log-like leg.

Kharma kicks out with authority!
Victoria turns around and Nikki nails her with a clothesline. She waits for Victoria to get up and hits another clothesline. She picks Victoria up and whips her into the corner followed by a cartwheel heelkick. Victoria falls right into a boot from Nikki. Nikki measures Victoria and hits a standing moonsault. Cover.

Victoria kicks out!
Nikki picks Victoria up but sees Kharma getting up. Nikki comes off the ropes but Kharma catches her in mid-air and hits a spinebuster. She turns around and Victoria nails her with a roundhouse kick across the temple. Kharma goes down on her knees. Victoria comes off the ropes and dropkicks Kharma to the mat. Cover.

Kharma kicks out!
Victoria measures Kharma and comes off the ropes for an elbow drop but Kharma rolls out of the way and Victoria lands hard on the mat. Kharma picks her up and throws her into the ring-post. She turns around and Nikki runs at her but Kharma ducks and Nikki hits Victoria. She turns around and Kharma breaks her into half with a Spear! She picks Nikki up and kicks her in the gut. She lifts her up for the Implant Buster and connects. She hooks both legs.

Winner: Kharma

Kharma isn’t allowed to celebrate as Trish Stratus and Candice Michelle run down the ring. Kharma ducks a clothesline from Trish but Candice catches her with a knee to the gut. Trish smashes the title into Kharma’s back and Kharma goes down on her knees. Candice comes off the ropes but Kharma catches her in mid-air and hits a powerbomb. She turns around and Trish nails her with the title to the head. She swings the title again but Kharma ducks this time and the title goes flying out of her hands. Kharma kicks Trish in the gut and hits her with a spinebuster as well. Trish rolls out of the ring. Kharma waits for Candice to get up and hits her with a Spear. She picks the title up and poses with it at which the crowd boos. She throws the title down in the ring and exits it. She laughs maniacally as we go backstage to Daniel Bryan’s locker where he is keeping his stuff in a bag.

*Jinder Mahal comes in bringing in a lot of boos*

Bryan: What’s your problem?

Mahal: What’s my problem? My problem is you.


Mahal: You know very well Bryan, tonight, you got lucky. You got lucky that it was Dolph you had to make to submit. You were lucky that it wasn’t me. If it had been me, you know very well, that you didn’t have a tiny chance to win the match.

Bryan: I’ll tell you what, the fact is, I won the match for my team. You did not. I have held that title for a longer period, not once, but twice, than you have. And the truth is, I am going to win it a third time this Sunday at Judgment Day.

*Cheers for Bryan*

Mahal: You know very well Bryan, that’s just a fantasy. What is fact is that you don’t stand a chance against me and I am greatness. I am the true king of the United States of America, and I will still be following Judgment Day. Because I am not giving up on leading you fat, useless Americans to the path of success. To the path where I walk alone, the path of greatness.

*The crowd boos heavily as Mahal exits the locker and the camera follows him. He bumps into Dolph and Vickie*

Dolph: Hmm. Mahal, you know that that talk was, just an excuse. You know that I am going to win the United States championship in two days time, don’t you?

Vickie: Dolph’s right, he IS going to beat you and the other two to become what he truly is, a natural-born and perfect champion. And then, the two of us, we are going to rule the WWE and the entire U.S.A for that matter.

Dolph: Because you are just a stupid Indian joke, while I am the Epitome of Perfection.

Mahal: At least I am not a fat woman’s Man Friday.

*The crowd cheers for that sentence as Mahal walks off and we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and the Judgment Day main-events are promoted.





**Too Many Lies**

Sheamus’s music hits and he comes out to loud boos. He takes a good look at the crowd and then pumps up himself by pumping his chest. He marches down to the ring with a big locket suspended on a bigger chain dangling around his neck. He gets in the ring and poses which gets the crowd to start a “You Suck!” chant. He pounds his chest again and says that he will win the World Heavyweight title.


Edge’s theme hits and the crowd boos heavily. Edge comes out cutting a cloud of smoke in his signature trench-coat and tights, the World title gleaming around his waist. He poses on the stage with pyros exploding in the background as the crowd continues to boo. He runs into the ring and gets in. He gives Sheamus a hard look and climbs the turnbuckles. He poses with the title which angers the crowd even more.

**Just Close Your Eyes**

Christian comes out to a huge pop. He poses on the stage and the crowd starts a “Christian!” chant. He looks out for his Peeps as he walks down the ramp. He slaps hands with the people before getting into the ring. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses. The crowd continues the chants and cheers as Christian looks out for his Peeps again. He moves his hand around his waist signaling that he will be the next champion.

**Graveyard Symphony**

The Undertaker’s music hits and he receives the loudest ovation of the night. The arena goes dark and smoky as the bell tolls. Taker slowly makes his way out to ringside as his Judgment Day opponents look on in awe. He steadily and mystically walks down the ring, his eyes locked on the other three men in it. He stops at the end of the ramp to take a look at the others and then climbs the steps. He gets in the ring and takes off his coat. He takes off his hat and rolls his eyes back as the lights go bright.

Edge and Sheamus vs Christian and The Undertaker

Christian and Sheamus will start things off. The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Sheamus pushes Christian into the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him but Christian ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes but Sheamus catches him with a clothesline. He tags in Edge. Edge comes in and goes into the cover.

Christian kicks out!
Edge picks him up and goes for a DDT but Christian pushes him off into the ropes and hits a clothesline. He stomps away at Edge methodically, attacking every exposed bone. He comes off the ropes and hits Edge with a bodysplash. He picks Edge up and whips him and goes for a backdrop but Edge counters with a kick across the torso. He comes off the ropes but Christian catches him with a dropkick. Cover.

Edge kicks out!
Christian picks Edge up and throws him into his corner and kicks him in the gut. He quickly tags in Taker. Taker gets in and punches down Edge in the corner until the ref breaks it up. Taker scares the shit out of the ref and then goes on to punch Edge. He picks Edge up and whips him but Edge reverses. Taker grabs his arm and twists it and sends him arm-first into the post. He pulls him out and goes for a cover.

Edge powers out!
Taker picks Edge up and smashes his skull on the turnbuckle. He whips him into a corner and hits him with a splash. He attacks him again with a clothesline and Edge goes down. Taker pulls Edge into his corner and tags in Christian. Christian goes on the top rope and hits a Frog Splash. He hooks the leg.

Edge kicks out at 2 ½!
Christian picks Edge up and kicks him in the gut. He pounds down on Edge’s spine until he goes down on his knees. Christian comes off the ropes but Edge counters and pulls Christian down by the tights. Christian falls face-first into the mat. Edge waits for him to get up and goes for a clothesline but Christian ducks and hits an enzugiri. Cover.

Edge kicks out!
Christian tags in Taker. Taker gets in and picks Edge up by the hair but Edge slips out and hits Taker with a face-buster. He tags in Sheamus. Sheamus runs in at Taker but Taker ducks and goes for a clothesline but Sheamus blocks it and strikes him on the jaw. Taker falls backwards and Sheamus hits him with a shoulder tackle. He goes for the cover.

Taker kicks out!
Sheamus kicks away at Taker until the ref breaks it up. He avoids the ref and continues the assault as we go to a final commercial of the show.

Back from the break and Sheamus pounds Taker in the corner. He kicks him in the gut and hits him with a clothesline. He pulls Taker towards his corner and continues to stomp away. He tags in Edge. Edge gets in and continues the stomping started by Sheamus. He picks Taker up and whips him but Taker reverses. Edge ducks a clothesline and hits a flying uppercut. He hooks the leg.

Taker kicks out with authority!
Edge pulls Taker up by the hair but Taker pushes Edge into the ropes and hits a hiptoss. He shows off his striking abilities as he hits Edge with lefts and rights. He goes for a blow but Edge ducks and knees Taker in the gut and hits a superb-looking DDT. He goes for the cover.

Taker powers out!
Edge gets up and tags in Sheamus. Sheamus gets in and knees Taker in the spine. Taker goes down on his fours. Sheamus kicks him in the gut. He picks Taker up and whips him but Taker ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes only to be cut off with a scoop slam from the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus picks Taker up and whips him. Taker ducks a clothesline and goes for one of his own but Sheamus blocks it and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker. He hooks both legs.

Taker kicks out!
Sheamus tags in Edge. Edge gets in and elbows Taker in the jaw. He comes off the ropes and hits a legdrop. He waits for Taker to sit-up and locks in a Camel Clutch. Taker tries to get to the ropes but Edge holds him back. He elbows Taker in the collar bone adding to the pressure. Christian starts a “Let’s Go Taker!” chant in the corner and tries to pump up Taker. Taker slowly and steadily uses his physical advantage to get back to a vertical base. He goes for a Samoan Drop but Edge spins out and hits a beautiful impeller DDT. He goes for the pin.

Taker kicks out at 2 ½!
Edge goes into the corner and calls for Spear but is stopped in his tracks when Taker gets up Deadman style! The crowd pops for that. Edge charges at Taker but Taker grabs him by the neck. He gets up and pushes Edge into the corner and kicks away at him. He whips Edge into the corner and hits a splash. Edge falls forward. Taker comes off the ropes and hits a crossbody. Cover.

Edge kicks out!
Taker picks Edge up and lifts him. He hits the Snake Eyes followed by the regular boot. He picks Edge up and goes for Last Ride but Edge slips off and chopblocks Taker in the knee. He comes off the ropes but Taker counters with another boot and falls into the cover.

Edge kicks out but just!
Both men are down. They crawl over to their corners and tag in their respective partners. Sheamus runs into the ring but Christian takes him down with a missile dropkick. He picks Sheamus up and whips him but Sheamus reverses him into the corner. He charges at him but Christian sidesteps and hits the Pendulum kick. He goes on the top rope and hits a spinning uppercut. Cover.

Sheamus kicks out!
He rolls over to the second rope. Christian comes off the ropes and chokes down Sheamus. He goes on the outside and slaps Sheamus in the face. He gets in the ring and grabs Sheamus by the neck. He goes on the middle rope and hits a tornado DDT. Cover.

Sheamus kicks out at 2 ½!
Christian calls for Killswitch. The crowd suddenly starts telling Christian to look back. He turns around and Edge runs at him. Christian leapfrogs a Spear. He goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks and hits the Edge-O-Matic. He turns around and Taker grabs him by the neck. He picks him up and hits a huge Chokeslam. He turns around and Sheamus boots him out. Christian grabs Sheamus from the back and goes for Killswitch but Sheamus pushes him into the corner. He charges at Christian but Christian sidesteps and Sheamus crashes into the corner. He charges at Sheamus but Sheamus cuts him off with a solid Brogue Kick. He hooks the leg.

Winners: Edge and Sheamus

Sheamus celebrates alone in the ring as Edge is down and out in the corner. The cameraman grabs a shot of Christian holding his arm on the outside near the steps. Sheamus continues the celebration as the crowd boos him. He moves his hand around his waist signaling that he will win the championship. Suddenly, the lights go off and the crowd pops! The lights return to normal and we see Taker standing right behind a stunned Sheamus. Sheamus turns around and Taker grabs him by the neck. He does the throat-slit and lifts Sheamus upside-down. He hits him with the Tombstone piledriver as the crowd goes nuts. He goes down on one knee and does the tongue-pose. The crowd continues the cheering as SmackDown! goes off the air with a final shot of Taker still in the pose in a dim-light arena.

**End of show**

The camera pans around the WWE’s exclusive studio in Miami, Florida where a full-house of 2,500 people are in attendance for the debut episode of the Saturday Night Verdict with Michael Cole on USA Network. Michael Cole sits atop the stage on a chair, a table separating the other one for the guest, a WWE legend. We turn to Michael Cole in close-up as the fans get ready for the history-making moment.

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first-ever episode of the Saturday Night Verdict and I’m your host Michael Cole and we are live just 24 hours away from Judgment Day, in the city that will host the pay-per-view, Miami, Florida.

*Cheers from the studio audience*

Cole: Tonight, two-thousand five-hundred members of the WWE Universe have aligned in the WWE’s exclusive Miami studio to witness history being made. Tonight, we are being viewed in over 30 countries around the world because of what the WWE is, a global phenomenon and I, the “Voice of the WWE”, Michael Cole, am going to interview a WWE legend on his predictions on the four huge Judgment Day main-events.

*More cheers*

Cole: Without wasting any more time, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together and applaud for one of the best in the business, the most badass man to step foot in this company, a WWE Hall of Famer, the one and only Texas Rattlesnake, “STONE COLD” STEVE AUSTIN!!!!

**Glass Shatters**

The crowd goes wild in excitement as Vince McMahon’s worst nightmare, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin steps foot in the Miami studio through the curtains and raises his arms. The crowd continues to chant his name as he smiles at them and then at Cole. He stops for a second or two to hear the faint boos of the people who expected to see somebody else, another name for a ‘stone’ and then proceeds to greet Cole who stretches out his hand. They shake hands.

Cole: Welcome to the show Austin.

Austin: Thank you Cole.

*Both men take their seats on opposite ends of the table*

Cole: Austin, thank you for joining us here tonight, on the first-ever edition of the Saturday Night Verdict.

Austin: You’re welcome, Cole. You’re welcome.

*The crowd starts a “Please Stun Michael” chant*

Austin: They’re pretty lively.

Cole: Sure they are. Now, Austin, before we can start, we have got a clip showing the highlights of a career. Roll it please.


Cole: How do you feel on being the first-ever guest on the Saturday Night Verdict with me, Michael Cole?

Austin: To be with you is a real test of endurance and ignoring skills but other than that, I’m pretty happy. You know, when I got a call from the head-office asking me if I would show up here tonight, I asked them why would I? And they told me that I could do anything I wanted, and that included kicking your ass!

*The crowd lets out another roar of cheers as Michael Cole listens patiently*

Austin: So if anybody wants to see Michael Cole get his later tonight, give me a hell yeah!

Crowd: Hell yeah!

Austin: I can’t hear you! I said give me a hell yeah!


Austin: That’s like it.

Cole: Now, now, now. Austin, cool it down. You are here to answer my questions, and here is the first one. Austin, now, you became what you are, who you are, in a time we call the Attitude Era. When the WWE was fighting WCW in the Monday Night Wars. You gave Vince McMahon a hell of a time and you played an instrumental role in the WWE ripping apart WCW back in the day. Fast forward to today, we are living in the “PG” era. And one of the biggest changes in the history of this pro-wrestling industry took place a little over two months ago, when Vince McMahon handed over his company, to his nephew, Michael Cooper. Your thoughts on that.

Austin: Hmm. You’re right. The Wars. They were the hardest times we could’ve ever gone through. We were on the verge of getting bought by WCW. But that’s, that’s the time I consider my best. I could do what I wanted to do on global television. I could swear, I could shed blood, it didn’t matter. What mattered were ratings and I was giving Vince just that.

*Another chant for Austin goes up*

Austin: Now, that’s the time where I got to know Vince so well. And I can tell you that he was a great visionary. I mean it’s pretty obvious, right? He took a company, a business, an industry that was lying low. Something nobody wanted to see, something that was considered a crime. He took that industry and made it into, as you said, a global phenomenon that it is today.

*A cheer for Vince McMahon*

Austin: WWE is not just a pro-wrestling company where guys like to bash up each-other for every small thing that happens, it’s a mainstream wrestling-entertainment program that over seventy percent of the world follows. And follows religiously. And all this is just because of one man and one man only. Vincent Kennedy McMahon. You know, he can a be a son of a bitch. He’s that evil, annoying boss who you just want to beat up every day and I did.

*More cheers*

Austin: But, at the same time, the guy has guts. He doesn’t move a muscle in the ring but he can tell monsters to shut up and if they don’t act according to him, he’s got the balls to tell them that they’re fired and then get beat up. And he is a great visionary. He might do some things the wrong way, but he does that for his company and the people that support his company. And I thought he was guy who would never, ever retire until he breathed his last breath and when he handed over the company to Mike Cooper, it surprised me a hell lot.

*The crowd and Cole listen on intently*

Austin: But what Cooper has done in these early two months of his career, has impressed me. He hasn’t done something out of the world, but at the same time he has done nothing to humiliate the company or for the world to doubt its presence in the world. It’s still early to comment on his leadership abilities but I can tell you from what I have seen in these two months, that he could be a great leader.

*Cheers for Mike Cooper*

Austin: And I am looking forward to his reign as the CEO of the WWE and I hope he does something not even Vince could do.

Cole: With that being said, let’s move on to the first main-event of the second PPV produced under Mike Cooper, Judgment Day. And that match is the No Holds Barred match between two of your most decorated rivals, Chris Jericho and Triple H. What is your say on the match and how does this Bret Hart factor play a part in it?

Austin: No Holds Barred. I just love those kind of matches where the ref can’t do a damn about what you do to your opponent. I just love that atmosphere, the rage, the blood, the pain and everything between the opening bell and the closing one. And with those two men in it, it just gets that much more entertaining.

*The cheers keep coming*

Austin: One of them, Chris Jericho. As you said, he’s one of the most decorated stars in the WWE. He keeps saying it all the time. He’s a nine-time Intercontinental champion. He’s the first-ever Undisputed WWE champion and he beat The Rock and me in the same night to do that.

*Boos for Jericho’s praise*

Austin: I mean, he’s, he’s come a long way from being the long-haired joker to the talented and unmatched legend that he is. I’ve seen him grow in front of my eyes. I was there when the clock started ticking. The clock to the millennium. I was there when Jericho interrupted The Rock on his first night in the WWE and what I saw then, told me that he was going to be one of the most successful people in the whole industry.

*More boos for Jericho*

Austin: He’s struggled a lot and that gives him the right to be better than the others. He’s pushed away boulders like Rock and me and Triple H when we were in the prime of our careers. He was that little rat who couldn’t hurt you physically, but could race you, crawl and scratch and move ahead of you in the nick of time. And he managed to do that. I’ve got to give him credit for that. But just when you thought, all that struggle, all those grueling matches, those historic moments, made him tough and likeable, he crapped on all that.

*A “Y2Sucks!” chant goes off in the studio*

Austin: He started coming out wearing suits and calling people parasites and shooting you with long, meaningless sentences and made all of his successes irrelevant. He just proved how good a scumbag he could be. He just proved that he didn’t have the guts to back-up his tough talk in the ring though he is one of the most talented superstars in the WWE right now.

*Austin pauses for a second*

Austin: And on the other hand, there is Triple H. That guy. The mad guy. You know, he too grew up in front of my eyes. From the Blue Blood to the Game, he has come a long-long way since he made his debut. He was that annoying son of a gun who enjoyed inflicting pain on his opponents, and I can tell you that because I have been one of his greatest rivals. He’s got hands and power in them like no one else. He won’t think a split second before crushing you under his sledgehammer.

*Cheers at the mention of the sledgehammer*

Austin: And that gives him the edge in the kind of match he will be participating in less than 24 hours from now, especially against Jericho. Hunter, I know, won’t go soft on Jericho after all those things he said. I mean, nobody can take insults to their wives. Yeah, I know, Hunter married Stephanie and he became more successful and all that crap but he is Triple H, The Game, The King of Kings, the 13-time World champion, all because of himself!

*Cheers for Triple H*

Austin: And, umm, the Bret Hart factor. It of course brings excitement to the match. Because that is what Bret is all about, excitement. The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best There Ever Will Be, Hart is truly a deciding factor in the match and as far as I know, he is going to be in Hunter’s corner. And that my friend, just throws the point-five percent chance that Jericho had in the match, out of the window.

*More cheers*

Austin: So my pick, is The Game, Triple H.

Cole: Speaking of The Game, ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleasure to announce that the WWE has roped in British band “Motorhead” to play Triple H’s theme “The Game” live in the American Airlines Center, at Judgment Day. Now let’s take you back to the past, where “Stone Cold” Steve Austin took on Chris Jericho’s opponent for tomorrow night, Triple H at the Survivor Series pay-per-view in 2000 in a No D.Q match. Take a look.



Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, we are back from the break on the first-ever episode of the Saturday Night Verdict with Michael Cole and our guest is WWE Hall Of Famer, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin!

*The crowd cheers as Austin comes into view*

Cole: Austin, with you placing your bet on the No Holds Barred match, it’s time to move on to the next main-event, the World Heavyweight championship match. For the second straight PPV, the World title is being defended in a multiple man match, this time four of them competing for it, Sheamus, Christian, The Undertaker and Edge. With each man having only twenty-five percent chance of winning, who do you see walking out with the gold?

Austin: First off all, this is going to be a hell of a match because as we all know, these men can do anything to get the title. You know what, Edge, we’ve got to give him credit. In the mid-90s and the early 2000s, Edge was just another superstar. But one win, one Money In The Bank victory changed his career for ever.

Cole: Yeah, it did. Certainly. He beat John Cena at New Year’s Revolution back in 2006 and has won 10 more championships taking his tally to 11.

Austin: Yeah. He’s made a great use of the opportunity that was given to him and he has had a good run with the ball. He didn’t screw it up like the many others who came before him. He’s proven himself Hall of Famer worthy in these past few years. And I’ll be a happy man to welcome him alongside me whenever he gets inducted. Because he deserves it.

Cole: He does certainly.

Austin: And you know why he deserves it the most? Because not only has he brought success for himself, but also for the washed-up B-grade brand that WAS SmackDown! before he went there. He went to Friday Nights, feuded with Undertaker and Batista and Mysterio and countless others and he made the show interesting again. Two weeks ago, when he said that The Rock just made the brand but he is the one who carried it, he is nothing but true.

*A little jeer for praising Edge*

Austin: And I know that when he says can do anything to keep the championship, he means it. He’s not your good guy with the right principles. He’s the bad guy with the wrong motives. I can see it in his eyes. He lives for the championship and he can die for it. No wait, he can kill anyone for it. He ain’t afraid of anyone and I know that he has a very good chance of keeping that title just because he is Edge.

*A “Edge Sucks!” chant is begun by the crowd*

Austin: On the other hand, you’ve got Sheamus. That pale, intimidating monster of a man. He’s got that height, that built and he can just make an example out of you. I’ve seen him end careers with his two bare hands and he’s nothing short of a mad guy with an AK-47. He’s done it before. He has won two championships and he’s beaten John Cena for it in his career of not more than two and a half years. And that’s a hell of an achievement.

Cole: Hmm-hmm.

Austin: He’s got that brute force and raw, unadulterated power that gives him the extra edge over his opponents. He won’t think twice before running you down and I’ve seen him do it to many people before. And you know what, those victories he’s getting against The Undertaker…

Cole: …he beat him twice in as many matches.

Austin: Yeah, those straight victories over Undertaker is adding nothing but confidence to an already obsessed man. He’s an Irish train right now. And it’s, it’s pretty impossible to stop it. I mean, if a guy can beat Undertaker twice, he can surely win the World Heavyweight championship with momentum and stamina on his side, because he’s the youngest and perhaps the fittest than the other three.

Cole: Indeed. And what about Christian? He’s not won a World title in nearly two decades and he calls this his best chance?

Austin: Why not. It well maybe. You know, he’s never been so fired up before. I can feel the frustration and pain and anger in his promos and in his matches. He just is dying to reach to the top and Edge’s success, it’s adding fuel to the fire. So, you know, that could well be the deciding factor of the match. Or the pressure he’s putting on himself might just lead him to getting nothing.

Cole: And… Undertaker?

Austin: That freak. I give him credit for sticking there so long and still being at the top of his game. He’s still that scary freak. He’s goddamn intimidating. I’ve taken him on before. And he is the only superstar to give me Goosebumps. Standing in front of you, is a tall, menacing figure wearing black all over his body. And when he rolls his eyes in the back of his head and when he sticks his tongue out at you, you know you’re in for a hell ride.

*The crowd cheers for Taker*

Austin: But, but, kudos to Sheamus. He’s never let Undertaker get into his head and I salute him for that because that is a tough task. And that is why, because he is so strong mentally and physically, I will just lean towards Sheamus and I say that Sheamus will walk out with the World title around his waist.

*Boos for The Celtic Warrior*
Cole: Right. So now, Austin, we have a special surprise for you. A surprise we call the “Q and A Round”. We have selected four individuals from around the world who would like you to ask a few questions and you will have to willingly answer them.

Austin: So you’ve selected them randomly?

Cole: We’ve selected the ones who posed the most innovate questions. Those four individuals will be talking to you live right now.

Austin: Bring it on baby.

Cole: Alright, so, the first person who would love to ask you a question is Philip George from our very own, Miami, Florida. So Philip, bring it on.

*The camera cuts to a minitron on the opposite end of the stage where a young guy in his late-teens wearing a black “3:16” t-shirt and specs stands in his front lawn*
Austin: How are you Philip?

Philip: I’m good, thank you. Stone Cold, umm, the question I have for you, is, umm, well… First off all, let me tell you, you are my favorite all-time superstar. With that being said, my question to you is, umm, will you come back for one last run in the WWE?

Austin: Hahahaha. I respect your question. Many people have asked this before and many are still. But I’ve, I’ve got just one answer and one answer only. You see, when I was in the WWE I worked my ass like no one else. In the process, I, I had some injuries. Some that threatened my career. You know, my knee, my neck they hurt a lot. I still am sore when I get up in the morning. So there’s absolutely zero chance of me working a full-time WWE schedule for even a few months.

*Philip looks on intently as Austin speaks*

Austin: So, uh, sorry Phil. I wouldn’t ever get into that ring even for one last match.

Philip: Thank you sir. Thanks a lot.

*The camera zooms out of Philip’s lawn and straight to Michael Cole’s face*

Cole: Thank you Philip. Now, our next participant in the Q and A Round is, Peter Williams. And he’s coming straight from Montreal, Canada.

*The camera cuts back to the minitron where Peter Williams, a stout, chubby teen sits on his sofa*

Peter: Hello Mister Austin. How are you doing?

Austin: I was fine until now.

*Cole lets out a small laugh*

Austin: How much do you Williams?

Peter: Umm, about one-fifty pounds?

Austin: Hahahaha. Shoot your question young man.

Peter: I’ve got a very simple question for you. Now before I “shoot” it to you, let me get one point across. I tune in to Monday Night RAW every week and Michael Cole never quite shuts up even after Jerry Lawler pleads him to. He keeps distracting me during great matches. So my question to you is, does Michael Cole annoy you?

Austin: He does annoy me. He annoys me a lot. He keeps saying “the longest running weekly episodic television show in history”. Cole, we know what RAW is. It’s great. Don’t make it poor. Stop your bitching and whining at every damn moment and stop burying the faces and making the heels irritating. Just do what you’re there for. Just call the goddamn matches.

Peter: Mister Austin, can you shut him up tonight?

Austin: Oh very well. But I’ll do it when the time comes.

Cole: Thank you fatty. Next question please.

Austin: You got owned Cole.

Cole: Alright, alright. Next, we have a female for the first time on the Q and A Round. Her name is Margaret Watts and she comes from Washington D.C, which by the way is the host city for the next WWE pay-per-view, The Great American Bash. Over to Watts.

*The camera switches to the tron where a young woman in her mid-twenties stands with a guy almost her age and height in their living room*

Margaret: Hello gentlemen. This is Margaret Watts and he is my boyfriend, David Peterson.

Austin: What are you a news reporter?

Margaret: No, umm, I am a fifth grade science teacher.

Austin: Oh. Oh.

Margaret: Mister Austin, you are known for your rivalry with Vince McMahon in the years gone by. But, one of your greatest rivals, was The Rock. Now, few years later, both of you are actors in Hollywood. Do you feel any type of competition between you and Rock?

Austin: What?

*The studio audience lets out a cheer for the catchphrase*

Austin: I mean no. Yeah we were rivals in the WWE. But that’s just limited there. Now, we are actors of two different routes. He’s doing G.I.Joe and Fast Five and all that and I am content with working with some of the best action heroes Hollywood has to offer. Sylvester Stallone, anybody?

*The couple from D.C look on*

Austin: So, no. At least I don’t feel any competition between me and Rock. I’m having my successes and he’s having his and I’m happy for him. He’s doing well.

Cole: Good answer there. Thank you Margaret and David for joining us and now, the fourth and final participant on the Q and A Round, all the way from Sydney, Australia, Richard West.

*Back to the tron and a guy in his thirties in a “SCSA” t-shirt sits in his living room couch*

Richard: Hello.

Austin/Cole (together): Hello.

Richard: Mate, I am just curious about this, and this is pure fantasy: IF you ever return to the WWE for one match, which of the current superstars would you like to face and why?

Austin: Well, that is certainly not going to happen. But since you say it’s fantasy I won’t disappoint you. If I ever have to face a current WWE superstar, I would like to face Alberto Del Rio. Why. Because he thinks he can buy the world with his money. He thinks he is the best because he is rich. But he is not. I can still show up and beat the crap out of his ass and leave him for dead. I would certainly like to knock some sense into the guy.

Richard: Thanks mate. Goodbye.

Cole: Goodbye. That was, ladies and gentlemen, the end of the first-ever Q and A Round of the Saturday Night Verdict with me, Michael Cole. And on that note, we’ll take a short break.

*The camera zooms out of Cole’s face and we go to a commercial*

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the debut episode of the Saturday Night Verdict with Michael Cole and we are live from Miami, Florida and sitting with us is the former 5-time WWE champion, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

*The crowd lets out a cheers as Steve Austin comes in the camera’s view*

Cole: Speaking of WWE champions, tomorrow night on Judgment Day, the former 7-time WWE champion John Cena will take on CM Punk with the “Best In The World” moniker hanging in the balance. Who do you think will win this epic battle between the two mega-stars?

Austin: Who will win? I don’t know. And to be honest, it doesn’t matter who wins.

*Die-hard Rock fans boo for “using” his catchphrase, though accidentally*

Austin: You see CM Punk, he was a kid when I first saw him. He was a kid in Ring Of Honor. When I went to one of their shows, this guy comes out with piercings all over his body and I thought he was the typical new age guy who just wants to show-off and not grow in the ring. But when he hit the ring, and when he actually wrestled, I knew he was a star in the making.

*Cheers for Punk*

Austin: And then, Paul Heyman picked him up and sent him to ECW. And that was the beginning of superstardom for Punk. When he came to the WWE, there was no turning back. He knew he had to go in only one direction, to the top, and that he did. He maybe a pain in the ass backstage, but in front of the WWE Universe, every week live on RAW, he is a solid performer. He is not just a professional in this industry, he bleeds wrestling.

*More cheers for Austin and Punk*

Austin: He can talk, he can walk, he can wrestle, he can even do commentary, and he does not suck at one of these. He does everything very well. He’s a nice blend of entertainment and wrestling and that is what the people of this day and generation look forward to. A nice and entertaining wrestling match and I can tell you from what I have seen, Punk gives a 5-star match every week, on purpose.

*A loud “CM Punk!” chant goes off*

Austin: But he is a man who isn’t afraid to tell you what he thinks you are. And that further makes him edgy in my opinion and I like that because that is what I was in my career, in my glory days. That’s what made who I am, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and that is what is going to make Punk, the CM Punk.

Cole: Well, yeah.

Austin: And on the other hand, we have John Cena. The man. The top dog. The guy who is on top of the food chain, on top of the mountain, on top of the company which is on top of the professional wrestling world. One of the most controversial and decorated superstars in the history of the WWE. And I credit him for that. Because the whole world knows he’s got a hell lot of a heart and he’s proven it time and time again.

*The kids start cheering for Cena*

Austin: When he came to the WWE, 2002, he was just another rapper with some if not no wrestling skills. And there were many, and I mean many who were better than him. But he and not they are now on every show the WWE produces because he worked hard for that. He was ready to bust his ass for Vince McMahon and company not to make himself the top guy, but to make the WWE a better product. And he paid for his work.

*A “Let’s Go Cena!” chant breaks out*

Austin: I say it again, the guy is not a Bret Hart nor is he a Shawn Michaels in terms of skills inside the ring, but he’s better than anyone who has stepped foot in the ring in terms of being loyal, trustworthy, hard-working and profitable. Because it’s no secret. The man has given the WWE income more than what they have expected from a single individual. And John Cena does it for the people! For you people!

*The chants continue to grow louder and louder*

Austin: He is on every damn RAW and every damn live show and every damn world tour and he interacts with every fan that he has. He is the highest wish donor in the Make-A-Wish Foundation and he is an active supporter of the B.A.Star Campaign. And he is the first crush of many girls around the world.

*A little laugh goes off in the crowd*

Austin: And the thing I respect him the most for, is that he replaced me, Steve Austin, as the face of the WWE and he has done it all so well.

*A “Cena Sucks!” chant breaks out to counter the original chants and the signature chants are sounded*

Austin: No he doesn’t people. Outta give him some respect. He has done it all in just a decade of his career. And he has many more years to go. With all those points noted down, my point is proved. It doesn’t matter who wins tomorrow night because whoever does, it’s going to be a profit for the industry, the business, the WWE and it’s Universe. That’s all I have to say.

Cole: Very well said. As Austin said people, John Cena is one of the most controversial and decorated champions in the history of the WWE. He has won 2 United States championships, 7 WWE championships and 2 World Heavyweight championships among the singles titles that he has won. Tonight, we take you back in time, where John Cena won his second World Heavyweight championship in a very auspicious night. The 25th anniversary of WrestleMania where John Cena took on Big Show and then World Heavyweight champion Edge in a triple threat match. Take a look.



Cole: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the first-ever episode of the Saturday Night Verdict and I am your host Michael Cole, the voice of the WWE, and alongside me is the Hall Of Famer, the most badass man to step foot in the WWE, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

Austin: Welcome back Cole.

Cole: Now Austin, before we can move on to the final main-event of Judgment Day, I want to ask you, what do you make of the Kane situation?

Austin: I don’t make head and tail, I can tell you that.

Cole: Yeah, but, what are your views as to where the situation is going? I mean, Kane has gone completely mad in the past couple of weeks.

Austin: As I said, it’s very difficult to figure out. You see Kane attacking people, and random people backstage, destroying the set, destroying the equipments is not what I have seen before. And it’s a very bad and strange-strange sight. He is pissed off all the time, but what I see on his face, is a look of desperation and frustration.

*It appears that the crowd agrees*

Austin: Somewhere deep down inside, something is not right with him. Something is troubling him and you can see it in his eyes. And the one thing I noticed, is he is showing pity and mercy for the others. And that is NOT what I expect to see from a monster, a Big Red Monster. Kane was there for nearly my entire career, and I have seen a side of him I have never seen before. A side that forgives a lot. I haven’t even seen him Chokeslam anybody ever since he’s gone berserk.

*The crowd still can’t do nothing but agree*

Austin: Whatever it is, it is a bad, disturbing, annoying and rather irritating scene and state of Kane. And although it is all that, it is quite interesting and I am dying to see where this leads to. Certainly something good.

Cole: With that being said, we move on to the final main-event of Judgment Day. Tomorrow night, two of the youngest and fastest rising stars in the WWE, John Morrison and The Miz will compete in a rematch from Backlash, for the coveted and most sort-after prize in sports, entertainment and pro-wrestling, the WWE championship. Austin, though the winner is obvious in this, which is The Miz, since this is your final prediction, just make sure you say everything that you want to.

Austin: The winner is The Miz? Really? Really? The Miz? Really?

*The crowd cheers at the mocking*

Cole: Yeah, The Miz.

Austin: WHAT! I didn’t hear you right. WHAT!

*More cheers for Austin*

Austin: Cole, even you know down in your heart that The Miz is no competition for Morrison. Miz has come a long way since hosting a diva search, I’ll give you that, but, he is far from being the guy who carries the company and the championship on his shoulders. He is by no means the top guy of the WWE.

Cole: That is not true.

Austin: That is the truth, Cole. And though you might not want to accept it, you have to because that is in plain sight. Everybody knows Morrison can own Miz in the ring on any given night and we are talking about the WWE championship being on the line. And there is no way, no way in hell, that Miz can out-perform Morrison on a stage where nothing else matters. All that matters is the WWE championship, and I can see that Morrison wants it more bad than Miz and I know he can do anything to keep it.

Cole: He can do anything to keep it. You’re right. But whatever he does, is not enough to stop The Miz. And you have got to admit it, The Miz is one of the most-improved and most must-see superstars in the WWE and Morrison, is just floating garbage. He’s a spot monkey.

Austin: Miz is one of the most-improved superstar. I can’t deny that. But, most must-see? I don’t give a crap about that. Because Miz says it every week and that just shows how desperate he is to prove it when he is not. And I’m telling you he will fail miserably when he gets into that ring with Morrison.

*The crowd is loving the back-and-forth*

Austin: And John Morrison a spot-monkey? He is one of the most talented and exciting wrestlers I have seen in a long-long time. He is by no means a spot monkey. He is entertaining and at the same time he is capable of handling the pressure of being WWE champion.

Cole: What? Are you serious? The Miz is the new face of the WWE. He is on every television show there is. MTV, TMZ, late night shows and he is the true man who can carry this company on his shoulders.

Austin: You know what. That’s the difference between Miz and Morrison. Miz is a reality T.V jerk while John Morrison is a true performer in every sense. He is a true athlete and he had devoted his time and work for the WWE and his fans. And he’s getting paid for what he has done. He is the WWE champion and I believe, I strongly believe that he is going to keep it that way even after Judgment Day.

*The crowd cheers for Morrison*

Austin: Miz got lucky to have one more shot at the gold but he won’t be as lucky when he steps foot in the ring with Morrison. He won’t be so lucky when Morrison pins him 1-2-3 and he does it clean. He won’t be lucky when he will be down and out in the middle of the ring staring at Morrison who will be holding the WWE title. And that’s the bottom-line cause Stone Cold said so.

*The crowd pops huge for that statement*

Cole: You may say what you want but the truth is, Miz is better than Morrison and he can and he will beat him at Judgment Day. And the next night on RAW, The Miz will come out with the WWE championship around his shoulders, proving that he is indeed the most must-see WWE champion in the history of the company.

Austin: Cole, I can’t argue any more. You will be on that announce booth during Judgment Day and I request you to watch the match carefully and see what my boy does to your boy.

Cole: That will be seen Austin. Anyways, to leave on a high-note, ladies and gentlemen, it was a pleasure to be here in Florida and I hope you will all order and enjoy WWE Judgment Day. We will return next month, live from our studio in the nation’s capital Washington D.C bringing you our predictions on the next pay-per-view, The Great American Bash. And for the final time, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for “Stone Cold”…

Austin: …wait a minute Cole. The party’s not yet over. Bring the beer.

*Austin raises his arms and two beer cans are thrown at him*

He busts the cans open and pours the beer in his mouth, some of it falling on his t-shirt. He asks for two more cans and receives them. He gives one to Cole and tells him to open it. Cole does and before he can drink it, Austin sticks up his middle finger at Cole and kicks him in the gut and nails him with the Stunner!!!! The crowd goes mad for that as Cole falls off the stage and into the hands of some crew members. Austin laughs about it before he continues celebrating. He asks the crew to hand some cans to the audience. Austin goes over to the table and stands on it as the crowd continues to cheer him. He strikes his pose one final time as the camera zooms out.

**End of show**
Jam's Review

Saturday Night Verdict

Here's the first episode of the Verdict and I honestly don't know how I feel about this. It seems like a good concept but it's just talking and going back to some highlights from the past, kinda like Sunday Night Heat.

There were some things said by Austin that I think he'd never say. So some improved promo writing would be nice. I don't think Austin would have praised the guys on here as much as he did, that threw me way off. However, Austin being the first guest on the show probably helps here because he's a big star.

My favorite part was the Q&A portion with the WWE Universe. I feel like the questions asked were answered too soon. We never know, maybe you could somehow use Austin later on in the future. And Austin wants to face Del Rio? Really? Looks like someone is getting a push.

Typical way to end things: A stunner and beer, yeah!

Overall, I like your concept but there's just something that is missing from this episode. When you figure out what that is, this show will be awesome, so yeah. Can't wait to read Judgment Day GI.

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