Avitus25's WWE: TLC 2010 and onwards

Well, here's your review Avitus.

-A great opening promo from Alberto Del Rio. He sounded real. Edge too sounded real, but he should have said more than he did. Edge teasing Alberto was quite funny. Here comes Rey and I am expecting a match between Rey and ADR. Out comes Kane to even things up! Teddy makes two great announcements out of which one I predicted. So far so good. Edge vs Swagger, now! Wow!

-Great match between Swagger and Edge. Swagger looked great in defeat. But Kane comes out and attacks Edge aftermatch! Great move here. Keeps me intigrued. I am really looking forward to next week now. But I would loved to hear what Edge had to say. Anyways, thats the most minor thing.

-The Royal Rumble package was awesome as the poster above me said.

-Chavo vs JTG, not sure what to say. It was a pretty quick match up with Chavo winning, as expected. Looks like you're giving him a well-deserved push. A feud between him and Horns. I can see Horns eliminating him in the Rumble.

-Wohoo! Kong is in the WWE! I loved the attack she did on Kelly and Rosa. Well, the figure in the back got me intigrued. That was done very very well. It hooked me up completely. Todd hinting it could be Rhodes!! I don't see that happening.

-Another great match with Cody getting the victory. I like Cody and I like the fact that he went over the giant in this match. Now what's this? Cody's linked to the figure in the back?? Great storyline dude. Keep it going. I wonder if the figure is Hardcore Holly!!!

-McIntyre vs Masters. Not interested to be honest. Quick match with the expected result. Decent match and decent promo.

-Ziggler cuts a very very solid promo. I like the way how you're using him right now. He's a very talented wrestler and I would like to see good things come for and from him.

-Rey vs ADR was match of the night. It stole the show. Awesome match-writing. Alberto got the victory which is fine considering he's a rising star. I guess it will be Edge vs Alberto at the Rumble. Yes, I am predicting that Edge goes over Kane next week.

Overall, a great show. I don't like to grade anybody so no grades from me. It was a very very solid show with Rey-ADR being the highlight of the show. I am really looking forward to next week. Great show and keep it up!!
Thanks to both of you for the reviews guys!!

Just one thing...

- Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show, good; solid match, but Big Show didn't win, which is completely fine because there's obviously something starting with Show and his attacker. Undertaker? Mark Henry? Well, whoever it was, this was a great way to start something.

It was a combination of wanting to advance the Big Show storyline but also because I've got something coming up for Cody and this was a great way to get it over... you'll understand over the next few weeks and into the Rumble... Big things coming for both men...

Thanks again to both of you and I'll definitely keep my eye out for your latest posts!!
Time for your review Avitus. Sorry I didn't get it you sooner. I've lost track of your BT, so forgive me if I dnt know some things that have already been revealed.

Good overall show. I'll start from the beginning to the end.

Promo by Del Rio was good. Edge came out and completely owned Del Rio on the mic haha. I like Mysterio and Kane coming out for a chaotic starts to SmackDown. The opening match between Edge and Jack Swagger was very good IMO. Glad it wasn't a total squash. Edge prevailed in a good one.

Kane coming out and taking out Edge sets up their match great. Builds it up for what should be a good one.

Winner of Edge/Kane takes on the winner of Del Rio/Mysterio at the Royal Rumble. Interested even more in the Main Event now.

JTG vs Chavo was a pretty good match. Chavo looks be to on a mean streak. First Hornswoggle, then hitting being stiff with JTG. Chavo wins in dominating fashion. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this. Everybody has this mean streak when they get a push.

One problem, why would Chavo look anxious when Hornswoggle's music played? The guy's like 2 feet tall haha. Maybe the return of

Amazing Kong finally making her debut!! Could've been done a little better. It seemed a bit anti-climactic...

Now, the best part of the show IMO is that promo. It was so well done, it had me freaked out a little bit. I wonder who it is...

Big Show vs Cody Rhodes: Show dominates the early part of the match. Lights go out and its that....thing. Whatever it was, Lights come back on and Big Show is Out! Whoever this guy is has a problem with the Big Show. Cody gets the win. Prob would've had what happened to Show after the match. Cody getting a win is a huge upset.

Del Rio promo was ok. Nothing quite special.

The McIntyre promo sounded ehh at first, but having him turn like that was pretty cool. His match with Masters seemed like a squash to me. McIntyre looks impressive and we'll see where he goes.

Wonder who Cody is talking to on the phone...

RAW Rebound is a good idea to let people know what went down on RAW especially if there's a big gap between shows and people forget what happened.

Dolph Ziggler promo was gold. I loved it. He barely gets to speak on WWE Television. At least to my knowledge. Nice to see that you're giving him a chance. He's certainly got my attention.

The Main Event was well done. Lots of Back and Forth action and both men seemed even for a little bit. You wrote this one very well. Both men put on one hell of a match. No one man really dominated for most of the match. Great TV Main Event.

So overall, a good show. Nothing too amazing or exciting, or special. But a good show nonetheless. Looking forward to seeing who that guy is behind all those promos. Looks like it's going to be a big deal. Promos were solid, especially Dolph's which was amazing again and the matches did just what they had to do. I'll be watching for the next show as we build towards The Royal Rumble.
Thanks for the review :)

Fans of Dolph Ziggler should definitely keep an eye out, big things coming for Ziggler in the future!

About Kong... I needed a way to try and end the McIntyre/Kelly storyline, and this debut seemed like it'd work for numerous things, both getting Kong over, and giving McIntyre a new focus.

Cheers again :)

Preview – 3rd January

Championship Chaos
After last week’s tumultuous WWE title match, where Orton inadvertently hit Morrison in the face with the WWE Championship, whilst aiming for The Miz, the WWE Universe will hear from all three men who had such vital roles in that match. The WWE Champion, The Miz, is expected to open the show, addressing the situation, and it would be almost stupidity to assume that Morrison and/or Orton won’t get involved. Will we determine who will gain the next title match after tonight’s show?

Risk or Reward?
The WWE’s most exciting Pay-Per-View of the year, The Royal Rumble, gained a fresh perspective, when the Risk or Reward Tournament was announced by the anonymous RAW General Manager. The winner of the final match will gain the number 40 entry, whilst the loser will gain the number 1 entry. This week on Monday Night RAW, the first round matches start, with John Cena facing off against Cody Rhodes, and David Otunga facing off against the World’s Largest Athlete, The Big Show. Who will leave RAW one step closer to their goal?

Truth & Consequences
Last week, R-Truth was cheated by Tyson Kidd and Jackson Andrews, and now Truth wants revenge. The RAW GM announced last week, that Kidd and Andrews will face Truth and a partner of his choice tonight on RAW. If Truth and his partner win, then Kidd will have to face off with R-Truth one on one next week on RAW! Will Truth earn the opportunity to show Kidd the consequences of his actions? Or will Kidd be able to avoid ever having to face Truth?

Gold In His Sights
Ted DiBiase is no stronger to gold, but in his career he hasn’t held much gold of the Championship variety. DiBiase has recently renewed his efforts to try and gain the US Championship from Daniel Bryan, and tonight, DiBiase will be looking to prove he deserves a shot at the gold, when he faces off with Goldust. DiBiase has looked impressive these past few weeks, will he be able to maintain that against Goldust tonight?

Tag Team Turmoil
Nexus have redoubled their efforts for the Tag Team Championships after their defeat at the TLC Pay-Per-View, and they seem to have identified Tamina as a way to get under the skin of the Tag Champions. Tonight the Champions have a match against The Usos: a difficult enough pair of opponents under normal circumstances. Will the Champions be able to pick up the win over The Usos whilst keeping an eye on Tamina and Nexus?

Tune into RAW this week to find out!

Confirmed Matches

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov v The Usos

Big Show v David Otunga

John Cena v Cody Rhodes

R-Truth & ??? v Tyson Kidd & Jackson Andrews

Ted DiBiase v Goldust​

Omaha, NE


The RAW opening theme and pyro thunders around the arena, sending the crowd into a wild frenzy as they excitedly look forward to the start of Monday Night RAW!

Michael Cole
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Monday Night RAW! We are here at the Qwest Centre, in Omaha, Nebraska for the first Monday Night RAW of 2011!

Jerry Lawler
And what a show we have for you tonight! We’ve got two of the first round matches of the Risk or Reward Tournament! We’ve got The Big Show facing off with David Otunga, and John Cena facing off with Cody Rhodes with all four men vying to advance to the second round!

Michael Cole
Plus we know that tonight, R-Truth will be choosing a tag team partner to face off with Tyson Kidd and Jackson Andrews, and if Truth’s team manages to win, then Truth with get Tyson Kidd one-on-one next week!


Michael Cole
It looks like we’re starting off Monday Night RAW in style with the WWE Champion! The Miz prevailed in a hard fought match last week over John Morrison to retain the title!

Jerry Lawler
It’s important to point out that Randy Orton’s backfired interference had a huge impact on the match!

The Miz walks out onto the stage, accompanied by a huge barrage of boos, and flanked by Alex Riley. Both men are wearing suits, and both men hold an item; Alex Riley holds his usual briefcase, and The Miz has the WWE Championship slung over his shoulder. The Miz begins to walk down to the ring, as the titantron shows a recap of last week, including The Miz attacking Randy Orton with the title belt during his interview, as well as Orton’s backfired interference. The crowd boo again as the replay shows Orton accidentally hitting Morrison with the title, before The Miz hits Orton with Riley’s briefcase and covers Morrison to retain the title.

The feed returns to ringside, where The Miz is bowing into the ring, smoothing his suit down and calling for a microphone. The Miz smirks into the booing crowd, before raising his WWE Championship over his head with both hands. Riley stands slightly back, applauding, as the crowds boos amplify even further. The Miz finally replaces the title over his shoulder, before he raises the microphone and begins to speak.

The Miz
That’s right. I am still the WWE Champion!

The crowd erupt into a fresh tirade of boos.

The Miz
I’ve heard what you people have all been saying this week. The entire WWE Universe have been talking about how The Miz got lucky, or The Miz didn’t deserve the win. You’ve been saying that the only way I could get the win was because Orton made a mistake. You sit on your sofas, watching me take part in one of the most demanding industries out there, and you judge my performance? Does it matter how I won? Does it matter what any of you think!? I am the WWE Champion and that is what matters!

Jerry Lawler
You have to give the devil his due. Regardless of how he did it, The Miz did retain the WWE Championship last week!

Despite this, the WWE Universe takes this time to prove that just because something is true, you don’t have to like it! The arena is filled with a chorus of jeers, but The Miz seems completely unfazed.

The Miz
Randy Orton made all his empty threats. He told me to watch my back. But look what ended up happening… I took Orton out twice in one night. Twice! The Viper got bitten, and in the process I again proved that I am the most must see WWE Champion in history! Not only that, but I finally proved what I’d been telling the world for years… that I was the reason for the success of Miz and Morrison. I proved that Morrison is weak and cannot compare to me. I was consistently one step ahead of Morrison, and every single one of you knows that even if Orton had kept his nose out of my business, I would have still beaten John Morrison to retain the WWE Championship!

The crowd again burst into boos, as Alex Riley grins in the background, clapping his hands and shouting “That’s right!”

The Miz
Both of them just need to realise that they have no hope in hell of taking this title from me. They need to step to the back of the line, and the next wannabe can have his own pathetic stab at trying to pry this title from my grasp. Orton needs to see that if he tries to cross me, he will always be the one who gets hurt!

As The Miz finishes his sentence the crowd erupt into tremulous cheers as a new theme begins to play around the arena.


The Miz and Alex Riley both turn quickly to face the stage, waiting for the Viper to come out onto the stage. However, after a few moments it becomes plain that the Viper isn’t going to come out onto the stage. Instead the crowd erupt into a further round of cheers as Orton jumps over the ringside barricade by the announce table and charges into the ring. The Miz turns around and his face changes to a look of shock, and then pain, as Orton’s shoulder crashes into his abdomen. Orton rains punches down onto The Miz after the tackle, taking great satisfaction in colliding his fist with the face of The Miz. The fans are hot for it, until Riley drags Orton off of The Miz, trying to neutralise the Viper with kicks and punches, but Orton just shrugs them off, tackling Riley too and raining down punches on him. The Miz recovers, hitting a hard boot to the back of the head of Orton, stunning him for a moment, and giving the WWE Champion and his associate a chance to pounce. The Miz hits some of his own punches to the head of Orton, as Riley hits stomps.

Michael Cole
Randy Orton just can’t seem to get the advantage over The Miz! The Miz has managed to take Orton out every time they’ve collided!

The Miz and Alex Riley stand up, smirking at the camera, before The Miz takes position behind Orton, waiting for him to get to his feet. Just as The Miz is about to lock on the Skull Crushing Finale however, another theme plays over the arena sound system.


John Morrison’s appearance elicits more cheers from the crowd, as he sprints down to the ring. The Miz throws Orton to the mat, but is not quick enough to dodge the huge clothesline from John Morrison. Morrison then focuses on Riley, hitting some big right hands before throwing Riley over the top rope. The Miz sneaks up behind Morrison, hitting him with some big forearms, before Orton sneaks up behind The Miz, hitting him with some big right hands before clotheslining him over the top rope and to the floor by Alex Riley.

Jerry Lawler
Randy Orton did a good job of dealing with The Miz when the sides were even Cole!

The tension in the arena doesn’t even begin to dissipate however, as Morrison and Orton turn to face each other in the centre of the ring. The frustration from last week is evident on the face of Morrison, and Orton has his usual cold stare as he looks into the angry eyes of John Morrison. The two stand glaring at each other for almost half a minute, with the crowd split between the two superstars, before the usual chime sounds the intervention of the Anonymous RAW General Manager. The crowd begin to boo as Michael Cole walks over to the podium, but it takes several moments for Randy Orton and John Morrison to tear their gaze away from each other.

Michael Cole
Can I have your attention please? I have received an e-mail from the anonymous RAW General Manager…

The Miz and Alex Riley have reached the stage by now, but stop to turn and hear what the GM has to say. Both Morrison and Orton are looking intrigued as to what the GM wants, but are also sure to keep a wary eye on each other.

Michael Cole
And I quote… “The Miz is right. As much as a lot of the WWE Universe might hate it, The Miz is still the WWE Champion. However… I can understand the plights of both John Morrison and Randy Orton. Morrison had his title shot unfairly tampered with, and Orton has been provoked time and time by again by The Miz. Due to this, I have devised a match, which could provide both men with a WWE Championship match at the Royal Rumble, and a chance to get their hands on The Miz. So, tonight, the Main Event will be Randy Orton & John Morrison vs The Miz & Alex Riley. If the team of Randy Orton & John Morrison win the match, then there will be a Triple Threat WWE Championship match at the Royal Rumble, but if The Miz and Riley secure the win, then neither Orton or Morrison will receive a WWE Championship match! So you two better sort your problems out if you want to get your hands on The Miz or the WWE Championship!”

The crowd erupt into cheers, and The Miz looks slightly perturbed, until he spies the two men eyeing each other with suspicious in the ring.

Jerry Lawler
Will Orton and Morrison be able to co-exist? They have the same goal, but there’s definitely some unsettled business between the two of them! Stay tuned to Monday Night RAW to find out!

The Miz and Alex Riley begin talking to each other, neither man taking their eyes off of the two men in the ring, who look far from a cohesive team. The Miz slowly begins to smirk as RAW fades to commercial.

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The timekeeper rings the bell, as Tyson Kidd and Jackson Andrews appear on the stage. They both look focussed, but also look reasonably at ease, and not particularly worried about the upcoming match. It seems as though Tyson really believes his words and arrogance is entitled. They are greeted by a substantial amount of boos, and these are sustained through the ring announcers introduction.

Justin Roberts
This following tag team bout is set for one fall. If R-Truth and his partner win the bout, then R-Truth will face Tyson Kidd next week one-on-one with Jackson Andrews barred from ringside!

The crowd cheer this announcement, but then return to booing Andrews and Kidd as Justin Roberts introduces the two competitors.

Justin Roberts
Introducing first, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 199 pounds, Tyson Kidd! And his partner, from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 340 pounds, Jackson Andrews!

Both men by this time has stepped into the ring, and raise their arms as Roberts finishes their ring announcement, before they both turn to look at the stage, waiting in nervous anticipation to see who R-Truth will reveal as his tag team partner.

* WHAT’S UP? *

The crowd erupt into cheers as R-Truth steps out onto the stage. Truth is not rapping his entrance theme as he usually would however, instead he is looking slightly gleeful as he raises a microphone to introduce his partner.

Tyson, when I learnt that I needed to find a partner for our match this week, I had one name that came to mind straight away. This man’s name came to mind for a few reasons. A little known fact about this man, is that he too was trained by the Hart Family, and I knew that you losing to him would be just so irritating for you. Most importantly though, I knew I had to counter-balance the strength of Andrews, and who better to do that, than… The World’s Strongest Man… Mark Henry!


Mark Henry steps out onto the stage, with several reactions taking place in the arena. Tyson Kidd and Jackson Andrews look suddenly worried about the upcoming match-up, whilst the crowd are thrilled by Truth’s choice for his partner tonight.

Jerry Lawler
Woah! A great choice of partner by R-Truth tonight! Who knew that Mark Henry was trained by the Hart family!?

Michael Cole
Of course as an investigative journalist I knew that fact.

Jerry Lawler
Yeah ok Cole… of course you did…

Mark Henry and Truth begin to walk down the ramp, slapping hands as they do so. Truth has a huge smile on his face, obviously overjoyed by his choice of partner tonight.

Justin Roberts
And introducing their opponents… first, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing in at 235 pounds, R-Truth! And introducing his partner, from Silsbee, Texas, weighing in at 398 pounds, The World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry!

Henry and Truth step into the ring and smile at each other as Kidd and Andrews bow out of the other side of the ring, watching warily the two determined men in the ring. Kidd and Andrews can be seen conferring with each other as Henry and Truth play up to the fans in the ring, before Kidd steps onto the apron, sending Andrews in to start the match up. Henry tells Truth that he has this one, getting right into the face of Andrews as the bell rings to signify the start of the match.

R-Truth & Mark Henry v Tyson Kidd & Jackson Andrews
Andrews looks determined as he starts into the face of Henry, before the two men lock up. Andrews shows some fire early on, whipping Henry into the ropes and taking him down with a big shoulder tackle. Henry looks shocked, but also impressed, and the two big men lock up again as Henry gets to his feet. This time Andrews is the one overpowered, as Henry pushes him back into the corner. Kidd backs away quickly, obviously not wanting anything to do with Henry yet. Henry grins at Andrews and Kidd, and this simply infuriates Andrews who charges at Henry with a big clothesline. Henry manages to block it however, scooping Andrews up and slamming him down with a quick slam. Andrews is quick to get to his feet, but walks straight into a big clothesline from Mark Henry. TAG! Henry brings R-Truth into the match, and Truth climbs to the top rope, waiting for Andrews to get to his feet. When Andrews does so, Truth leaps with a big missile dropkick! BAM! Truth slams to the canvas as Andrews is able to dodge, and Andrews quickly hits the ropes, coming off with a quick elbow drop. First cover of the match-up.

Kickout by Truth!

Now that Truth is down, Kidd signals to Andrews that he wants in the match, and Andrews obediently heads over to the corner to make the tag. Kidd comes in quickly, stomping on the prone R-Truth repeatedly, as the fans will Truth to recover and get back into this. Kidd hits the ropes, coming off with a big Leg Drop… but Truth moves! Tyson ends up sat on the canvas, a grimace of pain on his face, and Truth takes the opportunity to hit the ropes himself, aiming a big kick at the face of Kidd. Kidd sees it coming, and is able to drop backwards, ducking the kick, and using Truth’s surprise to roll him up.

Truth is out again!

Kidd is the quickest to get to his feet, and hits a big kick to the gut to neutralise Truth, before hitting a hard kick to the side of the head. Truth seems out on his feet, and Kidd takes advantage: hooking him up for a quick snap suplex. Truth is down on the canvas again. Kidd makes the tag to Andrews after dragging Truth into their corner. Kidd and Andrews then drag Truth to his feet, and Kidd whips Truth towards the giant Jackson Andrews, who takes Truth down with a big boot to the face. Truth lies motionless on the canvas as Andrews makes the cover.

Truth just manages to kick out!

Andrews gets to his feet, waiting for Truth to do the same, as the crowd cheer Truth on, hoping that he can find some way to end this onslaught. Andrews decides to show the fans exactly what Truth has to contend with, scooping Truth into the air and holding the rapper over his head for several seconds. Andrews grins as he does so, but the grin slips as Truth begins to fight out. Truth drops behind Andrews, hitting a big right hand as Andrews turns around in surprise, sending him stumbling backwards. Andrews tries to regain control through a clothesline, but Truth ducks, performing the splits as he does so, before popping back up with a big calf kick to the big man’s face. Both men are
down as the crowd wills Truth to make it to his corner for the tag. Henry is clapping on the apron, before leaning his arm out to shorten the distance between him and the weary Truth.

Michael Cole
Truth really needs to make a tag here or this one could be over soon!

The fans squeal with delight as Truth dives the last few inches, tagging The World’s Strongest Man into the match. Andrews has stumbled to his feet by this point, and looks to meet Mark Henry head on, but he is unprepared to face the sheer amount of force coming towards him. Henry charges at Andrews, colliding with a thud, and sending Andrews quickly down to the mat. Andrews is quick to get back up, but may wish he stayed down, as Henry whips him into the corner. Henry, with an uncharacteristic display of agility, charges into the corner after Andrews, leaping at the last second and hitting a big splash on the chest of the big man. The camera gets a close up of Andrews face, which is contorted in pain, as he collapses to the canvas. Henry runs the ropes, hitting a big splash on the prone man.

Kidd breaks up the pin!

Henry slowly stands to his feet, turning to face Kidd with an angry look on his face. Kidd’s facial expression changes to one of terror, as the crowd cheer in anticipation of Henry dishing out a beating on Kidd. Kidd starts to slowly back away, as Henry advances, but Kidd seems to be standing his ground rather confidently. The reason for this is revealed shortly afterwards, as Andrews clatters into the back of Mark Henry, sending him stumbling forward, and allowing Kidd to hit a huge Superkick to the face of the World’s Strongest Man. Kidd then bows out of the ring before the 5 count, and Andrews looks to take advantage of the World’s Strongest Man’s plight. Andrews scoops up Henry, seemingly with ease, and smirks, before he drops Henry down over his knee, causing a huge amount of pain to shoot up Henry’s spine.

Jerry Lawler
What a display of power by Jackson Andrews! I’ve never seen anyone lift Mark Henry with such apparent ease!

Andrews covers the big man.

This time it’s Truth who breaks up the pin!

Truth heads out of the ring as per the referees orders, but the match has been saved, at least for now. Andrews looks frustrated, but Kidd again wants into the match, and Andrews again heads over to make the tag. Kidd’s face takes on an excited look, like a predator about to finish his prey. Kidd walks along the ring apron, to be alongside Henry’s prone form, before he springs up onto the top rope, and through the air with a breath-taking Springboard Elbow Drop. BAM! All Kidd hits is the canvas, as Henry is able to roll out of the way. Both men are down, and the crowd will Henry to make the tag. He inches closer and closer to the corner and finally gets the tag. Truth comes in like a house of fire, but as soon as Kidd sees that Truth has made the tag he scarpers across the ring, bringing the big man into the match once more. The fans rain boos down on the cowardice of Kidd, but cheer as Truth immediately goes to work on Andrews, hitting some hard right hands, before he hits the ropes, ducking a clothesline attempt before hitting the Lie Detector Corkscrew Forearm out of nowhere. Andrews clatters down to the mat but Truth isn’t finished. Andrews rolls onto his front and slowly stumbles upwards, still bent at the midsection, giving Truth just the opportunity he needs.

Truth hits the ropes, the fans cheering in expectance. Truth leaps for the Scissors Kick, but Andrews moves quickly, taking advantage of the surprise of Truth to hook him up for a powerbomb. Truth is held in the air, and looks fearful of what might happen, but he is able to gain some leverage. He rolls through the hold and gets a Sunset Flip pin on Jackson Andrews.

This one is over! Truth gets Kidd one-on-one next week!

Winner: R-Truth and Mark Henry (in 8:52)

The crowd erupt into cheers as Truth gets the win, and the cheers amplify when the titantron shows a close up of Tyson Kidd’s face. His face is contorted in a mixture of anger, fear and frustration, as he realises that he has to face a pumped up Truth one-on-one next week. Kidd quickly begins to retreat up the ramp as Justin Roberts announces the result.

Justin Roberts
The winners of the match, R-Truth and Mark Henry! As a result, R-Truth will get to face Tyson Kidd next week on Monday Night RAW, with Jackson Andrews barred from ringside!

The crowd all erupt into cheers again, but these quickly turn to boos, as Truth is blindsided by Jackson Andrews.

Jerry Lawler
Truth’s attention was all on Tyson Kidd but you can’t take your eyes off someone as destructive as Jackson Andrews.

Truth collapses to the mat, and Andrews again looks to scoop him up for a powerbomb, but Andrews too has turned his back on a very vicious enemy. Andrews feel a slight tap on his shoulder, and turns around to see Mark Henry shaking his head. Henry scoops Andrews up, quickly hitting a World’s Strongest Slam with a grin on his face. Andrews crushes into the mat, as Truth returns to his feet. Truth thanks Henry before they both turn to look at the terrified figure of Tyson Kidd on the ramp, as RAW heads to commercial.

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Monday Night RAW returns from commercial to show Josh Matthews stood in front of a red screen emblazoned with the RAW logo. Matthews is wearing a smart black suit, and holds a microphone in his hand.

Josh Matthews
Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, one of the competitors in tonight’s Main Event Tag Team Match, Randy Orton.

Cheers from the crowd in the arena can be heard as Randy steps into view and the camera pans out slightly to fit both Josh and Randy on the screen. Randy is wearing his wrestling gear and his latest T-Shirt.

Josh Matthews
Randy, last week you were attacked by The Miz during an interview just like this, and you chose to retaliate during the WWE Championship match. Your interference backfired and led to The Miz retaining his title over John Morrison, who you accidentally hit in the face with the WWE Championship. Tonight you have to team with John Morrison, and you must win in order to get another chance at The Miz and the WWE Championship. Do you have any words for your partner tonight?

Orton looks contemplatively into the camera, before casting his gaze around a little, and then turning to speak into the microphone.

Randy Orton
If Morrison is expecting me to apologise this week, then he’s going to be sorely disappointed. I’m not sorry for what I did last week. Everyone in the WWE and the WWE Universe knows that I have some slight… anger problems. And everyone in the WWE and WWE Universe knows that The Miz is one of the most irritating and infuriating men in the entire world. Not only has The Miz constantly run his mouth, but he attacked me last week. Did any of you honestly expect me not to try and get some measure of revenge? Morrison, you know first-hand how good The Miz is at making your blood boil. You’d have done the same and we both know it. So I’m not sorry for interfering last week. I’m not really sorry for hitting you with the title either. I’m only sorry that I never managed to get my hands on The Miz.

Orton stares intently into the camera, as if looking directly into the eyes of the WWE Champion, The Miz. Matthews takes this opportunity to interject.

Josh Matthews
But you do get the chance to get your hands on The Miz tonight?

Orton smirks, then nods.

Randy Orton
You’re right Josh, I do, and I plan on taking full advantage. Morrison, if you get in the way of me getting some retribution against The Miz, I can promise you I won’t be responsible for my actions.

Orton stalks off screen, and Josh Matthews exhales, before sending the action back to ringside.

Michael Cole
I wouldn’t want to cross Randy Orton tonight! But I’ve got a feeling that John Morrison wants to get his hand on The Miz as much as anyone else tonight!

Jerry Lawler
That’ll certainly be an interesting match tonight! But first, up next, we’ve got the first match in the Risk and Reward tournament!

Michael Cole
That’s right! This concept was devised by the anonymous RAW General Manager, and features 8 of the top RAW and Smackdown superstars competing in a series of knockout matches. The winner of the tournament will receive the No. 40 entry in the Royal Rumble, whilst the runner up will receive the dreaded No. 1 entry!

Jerry Lawler
It’s certainly a case of risk and reward Cole. The first match up is next, and features David Otunga of the Nexus against a man whose had some serious issues over on Friday Night Smackdown, The Big Show.

Michael Cole
Will the mysterious figure from Friday Night Smackdown make another appearance?


The crowd erupt into cheers as The Big Show walks out onto the stage. He seems to be in visible pain from the attacks the past two weeks on Smackdown by the mysterious figure. He also seems to be wary of another attack, looking around the arena and over his shoulder regularly in case of any signs of attack. Despite this the crowd cheer as loudly as normally, willing The Big Show on for his match tonight.

Michael Cole
I don’t know about you Jerry but I’ve never seen The Big Show this rattled by something.

Jerry Lawler
I’d be rattled if I’d been attacked as many times as Big Show has these past few weeks! Especially after these creepy videos!

Justin Roberts
This match is a First Round match in the Royal Rumble Risk and Reward tournament! Introducing first, from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 485 pounds, The Big Show!

The Big Show seems to be in even greater pain as he walks up the steel ring steps and steps over the top rope. He stands in the middle of the ring and does his usual accommodating to the fans, but more cautiously than normal. Just as The Big Show returns to the centre of the ring, his face snaps to look at the stage as a new theme hits.


The crowd erupt into jeers as the new, streamlined Nexus walk out onto the stage. The crowd boo even more venomously because the competitor, Otunga, is flanked by the entire Nexus contingent, even though it seems unlikely that anyone expected any different. Nexus stand in a line at the top of the ramp, raising their right arms into the air at the same time, before they all nod to each other and begin to walk down the ramp.

Justin Roberts
Introducing his opponent, accompanied by the Nexus, from Hollywood, California, weighing in at 250 pounds, David Otunga!

Nexus pause at the bottom of the ramp, and all seem to gather into a circle, conferring about something, before the circle breaks apart, and with growing smirks on their faces, Nexus begin to surround the ring. The Big Show’s face changes from a look of irritation to one of anger. His face bears none of the fear exhibited previously however, showing that his fear is not based upon the upcoming match up, or the potential attack of the Nexus.

Michael Cole
Nexus seem to be looking to make Otunga’s match as easy as possible for him!

Nexus look at each other before each member steps closer to the ring apron, looking to be ready to begin the assault of The Big Show. As the Nexus all reach to step onto the apron however, the lights in the arena all suddenly extinguish.

Jerry Lawler
We’ve seen this before!

An ear-piercing scream echoes throughout the arena, continuing for an inhuman length of time. Every member of the WWE Universe, in attendance and at home, feels the goosebumps rise on their flesh, and their hairs stand on end. The noise and blackness continue on for several moments, until the sound slowly starts to fade into silence, at which point the lights flick back on. The fans in attendance shield their eyes to the sudden brightness, but begin to boo as they are able to see what has occurred. The Big Show, similar to two weeks ago on Smackdown, is laying in the ring unconscious. Most harrowing of all, however, is the fact that The Big Show is entombed in a Strait-Jacket. Nexus around ringside look as worried and shocked as the rest of the arena, but begin to slowly smirk as they see what has occurred.

Michael Cole
The Big Show has been left laying in the ring again! In a Strait-Jacket! Who could have done this!?

As Michael Cole finishes speaking, the Nexus regroup on one side of the ring, conferring once more, until a familiar noise echoes throughout the arena.

Michael Cole
Can I have your attention please? I have received an e-mail from the anonymous RAW General Manager…

The crowd erupt into boos, even more violently than those raining down as a result of the incapacitated Big Show, as Michael Cole approaches the podium and begins to speak the General Manager’s will.

Michael Cole
And I quote… “It seems that The Big Show has something of a situation developing here with this mysterious figure, but I’m afraid, as the figure is not necessarily under a WWE contract, that there is nothing I can do about that. I can only try and deal with the affects. Now, as the match-up did not officially start, I cannot disqualify David Otunga, and indeed, it may have been unfair to do so anyway. Instead, due to the current state of The Big Show, I have had to come to a decision. For the safety of The Big Show, I have decided to withdraw The Big Show from the tournament. Therefore, advancing as the result of a forfeit, is David Otunga!”

The crowd erupt into jeers once more, as Otunga and Nexus smirk from the bottom of the ramp. Cole returns to his seat, as Otunga nods to the other members of Nexus. They simultaneously step up onto the ring apron and advance into the ring. Otunga calls for a microphone and begins to speak.

David Otunga
That was even easier than I thought it was going to be.

The crowd erupt into fresh boos at this.

David Otunga
I am now one step closer to winning this tournament, winning the Royal Rumble and winning the WWE Championship. While I do consider it unfair, that only I would be entered into this tournament, rather than the entire Nexus, we have discussed this situation among ourselves. I am not the leader of the Nexus. I am not the main figure in the Nexus. We are all equal. The other members of the Nexus have graciously allowed me to strive for the WWE Championship, but it isn’t for me. When I pin the WWE Champion at Wrestlemania. I am not becoming WWE Champion… we are becoming WWE Champion. I will not hold this title for selfish reasons, I will hold the title to represent the power of the entire Nexus. I will hold the title as a beacon to prove to the entire WWE Universe that we are dominant.

The members of Nexus all smile and nod in the background, as Otunga turns to look at them and smiles himself.

David Otunga
Wade Barrett was not a team player. Wade Barrett was determined to use the Nexus for his own purposes. He recruited us with the promise that we would be equal, and stand side by side at the head of the WWE. Instead he tried to use us to win him the WWE Championship. Wade was never Nexus, he was always against us. And now, since Barrett has gone, we have become even more dominant. In case you needed any more proof of that…

Otunga turns to look at the prone form of The Big Show and smirks, before turning back to the camera, sneering and dropping the microphone. He points to the other members of the Nexus, and between them they elevate the prone form of the Big Show to his feet, still encased in the Strait-Jacket. Otunga takes the weight of Big Show, supporting him, before elevating him into the air with an impressive display of strength. Whilst The World’s Largest Athlete was not elevated too far into the air, he still crashed into the canvas with a brutal thud after Otunga’s Thrust Spinebuster! Otunga then points to Gabriel, who nods and smirks before ascending to the top rope. The TV feed gets a brilliant angle, from over the shoulder of Justin Gabriel, looking down at The Big Show in the ring, before Gabriel takes a deep breath and leaps through the air with the breathtakingly deadly 450 Splash onto the prone Big Show. Gabriel grabs his stomach in pain but smirks as he gets to his feet, and all of Nexus once more raise their right arms into the air as their theme hits, and the WWE medics and trainers come out to try and treat The Big Show.

Jerry Lawler
What a brutal attack by the Nexus! And by the mysterious figure before that! The Big Show has never been dominated like this! It’s really unnerving Cole!

Michael Cole
That it is King, but I expect it’s only a matter of time until The Big Show gets a measure of revenge on this figure. Nonetheless, as a result on the events here tonight, David Otunga has advanced to the second round of the Risk & Reward Tournament. He will face the winner of the Carlito v Kofi Kingston match this week on Friday Night Smackdown!

Jerry Lawler
That’s sure to be an exciting match Cole, but we’ve still got a lot of action tonight on Monday Night RAW! Be sure to come back after this to check out what else we have in store tonight!

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RAW returns to ringside, where Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole are sat looking expectantly into the camera.

Michael Cole
Welcome back to Monday Night RAW ladies and gentlemen. What an action packed show night it’s been so far King! And it’s only going to get better!

Jerry Lawler
I can’t wait for our Main Event! It’s going to be a great match up!

Michael Cole
This week, you’ll also be able to tune in for some great match ups on Wednesday Night! It was announced earlier on today on WWE.com that a new WWE TV program will be debuting this Wednesday Night on WWE.com. The new program, WWE Temptation, will be a Diva-exclusive program running for an hour.

Jerry Lawler
An hour devoted entirely to the Divas! I’ll definitely be tuning in! I can’t think of a better way to spend a Wednesday night! And this first show is due to be an extra special one! The new Temptation General Manager will be revealed this week!

Michael Cole
It’s sure to be an action packed night on Wednesday but don’t forget, we’ve also got much more to come tonight!


Ted DiBiase steps out onto the stage, Maryse linking his arm, as the crowd erupt into boos. He slowly walks down the ramp, smiling at Maryse as he does so, before looking vacantly, uncaringly out at the crowd. The bell rings as Justin Roberts begins his introductions.

Justin Roberts
The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Maryse, from West Palm Beach, Florida, weighing in at 235 pounds, Ted DiBiase!

Michael Cole
DiBiase has renewed his pursuit of the United States Championship over the past few weeks, and he looks to build more momentum tonight.

Ted holds the ropes open for Maryse to step into the ring, before Ted stands in the middle of the ring, taunting the fans at ringside. DiBiase smiles at Maryse again, before another theme hits.


The crowd begin to cheer as the TV feed narrows, as usual for Goldust’s entrance. Goldust stops at the top of the ramp, slowly raising his arms above his head as the entire arena is lit gold. Goldust begins to walk down the ramp, slapping hands with some of the fans as he does so.

Justin Roberts
And introducing his opponent, from Hollywood, California, weighing in at 240 pounds, Goldust!

Goldust bows into the ring, and both men retreat to their corners in preparation for the match, but before the referee can ring the bell another theme begins to play.


The crowd erupt into even louder boos, as the United States Champion walks out onto the stage, a Bella on each arm. He is wearing jeans and a shirt, with the US title slung over his shoulder, whilst the Bellas are both wearing identical dresses. They begin to walk down the ramp, smiling at the focussed, intent look on DiBiase’s face.

Justin Roberts
Introducing the United States Champion, Daniel Bryan!

Bryan walks around ringside to sit alongside the commentators. The Bellas stand to one side of him, talking to each other, as Bryan says hello to the commentators.

Jerry Lawler
Welcome to ringside Bryan! I’m assuming you’re out here to scout one of your most likely future opponents for the US title?

Daniel Bryan
That’s right King, DiBiase and me haven’t had the best relationship recently, but he’s been certainly looking better than ever recently. I think we could have a great match for the US Title.

Michael Cole
Oh come on! If you two had a match it’d be nothing more than a dominant victory for DiBiase! He’s a third generation superstar, and one of the most promising young talents on RAW!

Daniel Bryan
I never denied any of that Cole, but at the end of the day, me and DiBiase have faced off a few times for this title, and I’ve walked out with it every time!

Michael Cole
That’s just luck. Just wait til DiBiase gets another shot, then we’ll see who is the better competitor!

DiBiase manages to stop glaring at Bryan long enough to turn around and get the match started.

Ted DiBiase v Goldust
DiBiase shows some aggression early on in this match, raining fists into the face of Goldust, quickly beginning to wear his opponent down. DiBiase shows his usual arrogant swagger after neutralising Goldust, smirking at the crowd before exchanging some barbs with a fan at ringside. DiBiase turns his attention back to Goldust, just as the Bizarre One gets to his feet. DiBiase hits a low kick to the gut, following it up with a clubbing blow to the back, before he leaps for a picture perfect dropkick. Goldust hits the mat, and Ted DiBiase is quick to follow up with his trademark fist drops to the face. DiBiase goes for the cover.

Kickout by Goldust!

Michael Cole
See Bryan! DiBiase is just dominant!

DiBiase doesn’t let up, elevating Goldust to his feet, before hitting the ropes for a clothesline. Goldust is able to counter however, hitting a scoop powerslam to take DiBiase down. Both men are quick to get to their feet, but Goldust manages to continue his advantage, hitting fists, before throwing DiBiase into the corner, using the rebound momentum to hit a big bulldog on the Million Dollar Son. Goldust goes for the cover this time.

DiBiase is quickly out.

Daniel Bryan
You were saying Cole?

Goldust attempts to follow up on his advantage, but DiBiase stops that idea dead in its tracks with a knee to the gut. DiBiase hooks Goldust up for a DDT, but Goldust fights out, hitting fists and elbows to the gut of DiBiase. Goldust wriggles free and hits the ropes, looking for a clothesline. Goldust rebounds, but stops in confusion as DiBiase has disappeared from his view. Goldust turns around just in time to get clattered with a huge clothesline by DiBiase. DiBiase gets to his feet, taunting Goldust, hitting slaps to the side of Goldust’s head. DiBiase then hits the ropes, hitting a low kick to the side of the prone Goldust’s head. The hit rolls Goldust out of the ring, and he crumples to the thinly padded floor. The referee tries to stop DiBiase from following out of the ring, but he manages to circumnavigate the referee, and hits another big running boot to the side of Goldust’s head. DiBiase turns and glares at Bryan, how returns the look just as intensely from his position behind the announce table. DiBiase smirks, before turning around and picking Goldust up from the floor. Goldust looks to be almost out of it, and DiBiase takes advantage, looking to roll Goldust into the ring for the pin. But no! DiBiase follows the momentum through, instead throwing Goldust head first over the announce table and into Daniel Bryan! Bryan seems to take a nasty knock to the head as Goldust’s full body weight lands on him.

Michael Cole
That serves him right if you ask me!

Jerry Lawler
Cole, I don’t remember anybody asking you.

The Bella twins check on Bryan, but DiBiase muscles them out of the way to get to the prone form of Goldust. DiBiase rolls Goldust into the ring, leaving his head draped over the ring apron. He takes a few steps backwards, before hitting a big kick to the side of Goldust’s head. The crowd gasp, and DiBiase is quick to leap into the ring, dragging Goldust to his feet. He locks in the Million Dollar Dream and then lifts Goldust into the air, slamming him to the mat with the Dream Street! This one’s over!

DiBiase picks up the win and makes a major statement to the US Champion at the same time!

Winner: Ted DiBiase (in 4:28)

Justin Roberts
The winner of the match, Ted DiBiase!

Daniel Bryan understandably isn’t happy about what happened, and is seeking revenge. He slides into the ring, but DiBiase sees him coming and slides out of the other side. Bryan gives chase, but as he slides out of the ring to follow Maryse steps into his path. She begins to shout at Bryan, buying time for DiBiase to retreat backstage, before… CRACK! Maryse hits with Bryan with a stinging slap across the face. Bryan’s face whips around, and he tries to move around Maryse, to get to DiBiase, but Maryse just follows him, slapping him again. Bryan seems to be in the midst of a moral debate with himself, knowing that he shouldn’t hit a woman, but his anger has boiled over. The mid-match attack by DiBiase, coupled with the slaps from Maryse have left Bryan at breaking point, but before he has to make the difficult decision, the Bellas come and solve his issue, chasing Maryse away. She quickly heads up the ramp, but by this point, DiBiase is long gone. The fans rain boos down on the cowardice of DiBiase, as Bryan stands fuming on the ramp.

Jerry Lawler
Just wait until Bryan gets his hands on DiBiase! DiBiase may live to regret this!

Michael Cole
Or… DiBiase could end up becoming US Champion from this! We’ve got plenty more tonight on RAW, so stay tuned.

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RAW returns from commercial, with a Royal Rumble Video package. A deep, clear voice speaks over the video, which begins with the Wrestlemania logo.

Wrestlemania... The Showcase of the Immortals.

Images of several WWE legends, such as Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin flash onto the screen.

The pinnacle of competition.

Several small scenes play in the background, such as Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant, Shawn Michaels’ jump from the top of a ladder onto Razor Ramon, and The Undertaker burying Shawn with a Tombstone Piledriver.

A chance to begin a legacy.

A video of Owen Hart’s victory over Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 10, then a video of Batista v Triple H at Wrestlemania 21 play on the screen.

Everyone in this industry strives to stand on the shoulders of legends at Wrestlemania.

Images of The Ultimate Warrior facing off against Hulk Hogan at Wresltemania 6, Steve Austin facing Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 14, and Undertaker v Edge at Wrestlemania 24.

The road to Wrestlemania starts here.

The Royal Rumble theme song, Hell Yeah by Rev Theory, plays, and a Royal Rumble graphic appears on the screen.

40 will step into the ring.

The theme continues to play, as clips of superstars walking to the ring at previous Royal Rumbles are shown, including John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho & The Miz.

39 will have their hopes and dreams shattered.

Images of grief-stricken faces show on the screen, culminating with a clip of Shawn Michaels’ elimination in the 2010 Royal Rumble, and the resulting carnage.

One will survive... One will triumph... One will headline Wrestlemania!

Face after face appears on the screen, flicking through the majority of the current roster in rapid succession, before ending with the Wrestlemania logo, as the theme fades, and the screen fades to black.


Royal Rumble
3 Weeks

The feed returns to ringside, where Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole are running down the current Royal Rumble card.

Michael Cole
The Royal Rumble is one of the most unpredictable and exciting events of the WWE calendar, and this year is bound to be even better!

Jerry Lawler
So far we know that Alberto Del Rio will be challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship, against either Edge or Kane! Del Rio’s been on a meteoric rise here in the WWE, and he hopes to cement that with a World Heavyweight Championship victory at the Royal Rumble!

Michael Cole
That’s right Jerry! We also know that the Divas will be in action at the PPV, as Natalya defends her Divas Championship against Melina! Melina’s new attitude of late makes this an unpredictable match up, and definitely not one to miss!

Jerry Lawler
And then we have the Main Event of the evening: The Royal Rumble match itself! The match is even more unpredictable than usual this year, with 40 men rather than 30! We’ll also know headed into the PPV who one of the top contenders is as a result of the Risk and Reward tournament.

Michael Cole
But if there’s one thing we know about the Royal Rumble, King, it’s that you can never guess what’s going to happen! One of the competitors in the Risk and Reward tournament is backstage with Josh Matthews right now.

The camera switches to show Josh Matthews stood backstage, in the same position as earlier.

Josh Matthews
Thank you Cole. Ladies and Gentleman please welcome my guest at this time, Cody Rhodes.

The crowd erupt into boos as the Smackdown star walks onto the set, admiring his own features in a mirror as he does so. He smirks at his own reflection, as Josh asks his first question.

Josh Matthews
Cody, the past few weeks you seem to be determined to prove yourself. You defeated the Big Show Friday Night on Smackdown, albeit with what seemed to be a bit of outside interference-

Cody interrupts Josh angrily.

Cody Rhodes
Everyone has been saying that to me. Everyone has been saying that I only defeated The Big Show because someone else interfered in my match, but not one of those people can prove that anyone other than me was responsible for my monumental victory. I defeated The Big Show. I pinned him to the canvas. 1..2..3..

Rhodes holds his fingers up as he counts 1,2,3, just to emphasise the point.

Cody Rhodes
Not many people can say they’ve done that… and certainly not all of those people that have been disrespecting me this week! They just can’t stand the fact, that not only am I more dashing than them, more charismatic than them, but I’m just generally better than them. I was born to do this, it’s in my blood, and those people out there have no chance with their meaningless, mongrel heritage. Much like John Cena tonight.

The crowd pop at the mention of Cena’s name.

Cody Rhodes
Cena comes out here week in, week out, talking about how he’s fought to get to the top, how he’s dedicated his life to this, and trained for his entire life for this. Cena comes out saying that this is his dream. It’s all he’s ever wanted to do with his life. For me, this is all I’ve ever been meant to do. I was born as a professional wrestler. I have more inherent talent in one of my fingernails than Cena does in his entire body. Cena needs to learn that in this game there are the elite, and the weak. I, Cena, am the elite. And tonight, I’ll prove that to you!

Cody sneers into the camera, before Josh asks a new question of Cody.

Josh Matthews
Cody, the past few weeks you’ve been seen communicating with some unknown figure. Can you give us any indication who that is?

Cody smirks and shakes his head.

Cody Rhodes
Now that would be telling… but don’t worry… you’ll find out soon enough…

Cody smirks once more before he walks off screen, and Josh sends the action back to ringside.

Michael Cole
We’re still no closer to determining who Rhodes has been communicating with, but we do know that Cody Rhodes seems determined to defeat John Cena tonight in the first round of the Risk & Reward Tournament.

Jerry Lawler
And that match will be up soon, but first, the World Tag Team Champions are in action!

The camera pans to show the Usos already stood in the ring. The bell at ringside sounds, and Justin Roberts stands to perform the introductions.

Justin Roberts
This non-title tag team bout is set for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 475 pounds, Jey & Jimmy, The Usos!

The Usos raise their arms in the ring as Robert announces them, before their heads snap around to watch the ramp as their opponents theme hits.


Michael Cole
The Tag Team Champions have been having some trouble with the Nexus these past few weeks after they successfully retained the title at the TLC Pay-Per-View! With the refocused Nexus we have to expect them to make some kind of effort to regain the Tag Team Titles in the next few weeks!

The Tag Team Champions walk out onto the stage, their WWE Tag Team Title belts strapped around their waists. Santino performs his usual taunting, trumpeting at the crowd as Kozlov looks as serious as ever behind him, with Tamina grinning at Santinos antics.[/]

Justin Roberts
Introducing their opponents, accompanied by Tamina, weighing in at 530 pounds, the WWE Tag Team Champions, Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov!

Kozlov and Marella step into the ring, after opening the ropes for Tamina. Marella is repeatedly looking towards Tamina and around the arena, as if suspicious that something may occur, after Nexus’ intimidation of her several weeks ago.

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov v The Usos
Kozlov and Jimmy step onto the apron and Tamina steps down to the floor, as Jey and Marella lock up to start the match. Marella shows some impressive athleticism to start with, sweeping the leg of Jey so he falls to the mat. Marella covers.

Easy kickout for Jey!

Jey quickly gets to his feet, and charges towards Marella, but he drops down, before springing back to his feet and hip tossing Jey as he rebounds off the ropes. Marella hits the ropes and performs his saluting Jumping Headbutt to the chest of Jey. The crowd erupt into massive cheers, before Marella hooks the leg.

Another kickout by Jey!

Marella drags Jey over to the corner and tags in Kozlov. Kozlov comes into the ring to a round of cheers, as he elevates Jey to his feet, and hits some strong punches to the face, before hitting a big headbutt to send Jey to the mat again. Kozlov then picks Jey up and slams him down to the mat with a huge scoop slam, before elevating him to a sitting position, and hitting the ropes, connecting with a huge boot to the face of Jey Uso! Kozlov covers!

Jey kicks out!

He props Jey up in the corner, before backing scooping him up and lying him over the corner. Kozlov shouts, before raining headbutt after headbutt into the ribs of Jey. When Kozlov reaches 4, he lifts Jey, looking to hit a huge Fallaway Slam! Jimmy runs along the apron, however, distracting Kozlov, and giving Jey chance to hit elbows to Kozlov’s head. Jey fights out, ducking under a Kozlov clothesline, before hitting a big superkick to the face of Kozlov.

Michael Cole
Jey Uso almost decapitated Kozlov there!

Jey shakes his head, trying to get back into this, and then gets to his feet, tagging in his fresher brother. Jimmy comes in, immediately working on grounding and isolating Kozlov. Jimmy, being the stronger of the two, pulls Kozlov to his feet, hooking him up for a big suplex that shakes the ring, whilst also moving Kozlov nearer to The Usos’ corner. Jimmy floats over into a quick cover.

Kozlov still has plenty of life left!

Jimmy tags his brother Jey in, as the two begin to pick apart Kozlov. Jimmy props Kozlov in the corner, before whipping his own brother Jey into Kozlov with a big splash. The sounds of the air rushing from Kozlov’s lungs is picked up by the camera, before Kozlov slumps further into the corner. Jey takes Kozlov down with a snapmare, before hitting the ropes, and leaping with a big knee drop, crashing into the face of Kozlov. Jimmy cheers on the apron, as Tamina and Marella shout encouragement at Kozlov. Santino, however, does not look entirely focussed, periodically looking across at Tamina, and looking around the arena, to make sure that Nexus do not try and again get to Marella and Kozlov through their valet. At this moment though, Santino is completely focussed on encouraging Kozlov to kick out of the pinning predicament.

Kozlov kicks out!

Jerry Lawler
Kozlov’s doing well here tonight to stay in this, but Marella doesn’t look entirely focussed on this match!

Jey again tags Jimmy in, and the duo hit a Double Back Body Drop on Kozlov, elevating the big man high above the ring. Jimmy drags Kozlov back towards his corner, before covering once more.

Kozlov looks even weaker still!

Michael Cole
Kozlov looks like he’s fading and his partner doesn’t look like he’s entirely focussed on this match! Will the Tag Champions be able to get back into this?

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When we return from commercial, Jimmy has Kozlov isolated in the middle of the ring, with a Chin Lock cutting off Kozlov’s windpipe. The fans and Marella have rallied behind Kozlov, clapping over and over to try and motivate Kozlov. As if in response, Kozlov slowly starts to fight his way to his feet, hitting big elbows to the stomach of Jimmy. Jimmy eventually loosens his grip, and Kozlov capitalises, pushing Jimmy away before hitting a huge thrust kick to the chest of the Samoan. Both men collapse to the mat after the move, and both begin to crawl to their partners. The crowd begin to cheer as Kozlov inches closer to Marella, but the cheers turn to boos as Jey gets the tag, charging across the ring to hit a big elbow to the back of Kozlov’s head. Jey wrenches Kozlov to his feet, hitting a low knee, before taking Kozlov up for a Samoan Drop! Kozlov is in a dangerous place right now! Kozlov hits some elbows in desperation, dropping down from Jey’s shoulder. Kozlov turns to run the ropes, but Jey just grabs Kozlov’s head, throwing him viciously to the canvas. Kozlov is down, and Jey covers.

Kozlov kicks out!

Jey decides it’s time to end the match. He waits for Kozlov to get to his feet, hitting a huge superkick to the face of the Russian, before climbing to the top rope. As Jey does this, the crowd erupt into jeers, as Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel begin to walk down the ramp. They begin to walk down the ramp as Marella notices their presence, dropping from the apron to shield Tamina from them. The two Nexus members grin at this, edging closer and closer to Marella and Tamina. While this is happening, Jey leaps from the top rope with a huge splash, but no! Kozlov moves out of the way, makes it to his feet and leaps to his corner for the tag! Wait! Marella isn’t there to receive the tag! Jey manages to get the tag himself, as Kozlov shouts towards Marella stood looking up the ramp at Nexus. Marella doesn’t hear Kozlov, and so Kozlov is basically left in a handicap situation. Kozlov realises this, frustration setting in, as he turns around, just as he is hit by stereo Superkicks by the Usos! Jey follows it up with a big Samoan Drop, before Jimmy leaps from the top with a huge Splash. BAM! Kozlov is crushed under the weight of Jimmy. He hooks the leg.

The Usos have pinned the Tag Team Champions thanks to a distraction from the Nexus!

Winners: The Usos (in 6:40)

Justin Roberts
The winners of the match, Jimmy and Jey, The Usos!

As Roberts announces this, Marella seems to remember where he is, turning around to look at the ring. He sees Kozlov laid out on the mat, and his face changes to a sullen look, before he guides Tamina into the ring, where they both look at the fallen Russian. Nexus are stood at the top of the ramp, rubbing their hands together and grinning, enjoying the results of their distraction.

Michael Cole
The Usos pick up a big win tonight over the Tag Team Champs!

Jerry Lawler
With a big help from the Nexus! In my opinion Santino did the right thing by protecting a woman, but Kozlov surely won’t be happy about this!

Kozlov slowly starts to come to, and seems to be exchanging some harsh words with Marella, who looks apologetic, before the camera fades to backstage, where John Morrison is shown warming up in his locker room. The crowd begins to cheer as they recognise the superstar, and Josh Matthews walks into the room, microphone in hand.

Josh Matthews
Morrison, last week, you were defeated by The Miz in a WWE Championship match, after Randy Orton interfered and accidentally hit you in the head with the WWE Championship. Tonight you team with Orton to try and earn another WWE Championship match against Alex Riley and The Miz. Orton has said that he isn’t going to apologise for his actions last week. Do you have anything to say to Randy before you team together tonight?

Morrison finishes lacing his boots up, before he turns to the camera and sighs, beginning to speak.

John Morrison
Orton isn’t going to apologise? Did I expect anything different? Honestly, no I didn’t. Orton’s earned his reputation as a Viper for a reason. He’s not here to make friends. He’s not here to build relationships with people. I get that. That’s not a bad thing. He’s here to win, and at the end of the day that’s what we’re all here for. I understand why Orton tried to attack The Miz last week, and I understand why he doesn’t feel like he has to apologise to me. He doesn’t have to, he just has to live with the fact, that even with the added advantage over The Miz last week, even after The Miz had competed in a gruelling match-up, even with the element of surprise, Orton wasn’t able to get his hands on The Miz. Orton doesn’t have to be sorry to me about that, he has to be sorry to himself.

Morrison strokes his chin, thinking, before he continues talking.

John Morrison
Randy said that he thought I’d understand why he feels how he does, and I do. The Miz is the most irritating superstar in the entire WWE. How I managed to co-exist with him in a tag team for so long I’ll never know, but now, I want to get my hands on The Miz and the WWE Championship just as much as Orton. I just don’t have the added insecurity of knowing that I lost the WWE Championship to The Miz.

Morrison turns to look expectantly at Josh Matthews, expecting another question, which Josh is only too pleased to supply.

Josh Matthews
John, Orton said that tonight you should stay out of his way so that he can get his hands on The Miz. You’ve said that you want to get your hands on The Miz as much as him, so do you have anything to say to Orton about that comment?

Morrison smirks a little before speaking.

John Morrison
There’s a typical Orton, tough guy threat. Orton says that I better not get in his way, but tonight, I am going to prove that I deserve a title shot. I’m not one of those people who’ll let Randy do all the work tonight and coast on through to a WWE Championship shot. I fight to earn everything I aim for. I want to become the WWE Champion because I’m the best, not because I rode the coattails of Orton until I could capitalise. I’m not going to throw my shot away tonight by blind-siding Orton or anything stupid, because I know that when we win tonight, and advance to the Triple Threat at the Royal Rumble, I’ll have the opportunity to get my hands on The Miz, and pay Orton back for costing me the title last week.

Morrison looks intensely into the camera, his frustration boiling over a little into the last sentence. Matthews thanks Morrison for his time, before sending the action back to ringside.

Michael Cole
The Miz and Alex Riley might have an even easier job than expected tonight, King. Their opponents are saying they’re on the same page, but its obvious there’s some pent up tension between them!

Jerry Lawler
That’s true Cole, but both men want the WWE Championship, and I think they’ll be able to put their differences aside tonight to earn another chance to compete for that gold!

Michael Cole
Well, we’ll find out in the Main Event tonight King, but up next, we have another first round match-up in the Risk and Reward tournament! The 9-time World Champion John Cena, faces off with a young up-and-coming superstar from Friday Night Smackdown, Cody Rhodes. Rhodes is coming off a huge win on Smackdown, and tonight it’ll be interesting to see if he can pick up another huge upset victory over John Cena!


Cody Rhodes swaggers out onto the stage, smirking at all of the fans, before turning around and examining himself in the mirror on the titantron. Rhodes looks pleased with what he sees, and winks at himself, before he begins to walk down the ramp, seemingly oblivious to the boos from the WWE Universe.

Justin Roberts
This following match is set for one fall and is a first round match, in the Risk and Reward Tournament! Introducing first, from Marietta, Georgia, weighing in at 223 pounds, Cody Rhodes!

Cody steps between the ropes, removing his jacket, as the fans continue to boo him. Cody’s music fades away, and the atmosphere in the arena is hyped, as usual before the entrance of this man.


The crowd erupt into a mixture of jeers and cheers. The crowd seems to be a lot less hostile to Cena that average, but the atmosphere upon his arrival is just as electric as normal. He bursts onto the stage, saluting the fans, before doing his usual sprint down the ramp and slide into the ring, throwing his purple cap into the audience, closely followed by his shirt.

Michael Cole
Cena would seem to be the favourite here to win tonight, he has big match experience, and has held a good number of World Championships in his career. On the other hand however, you can never underestimate the hunger of a young superstar!

Justin Roberts
And introducing his opponent, from West Newbury, Massachusetts, weighing in at 240 pounds, John Cena!

Fresh cheers, as well as boos, rain down as Cena throws his hands into the air in recognition of his introduction. Cena then retreats to the opposite corner of the ring to the snarling Rhodes, as the referee rings the bell to get this underway.

Risk or Reward Tournament First Round
John Cena v Cody Rhodes

Once the bell rings, both men begin to circle in the ring, waiting for their opportunity. Cody shoots in first, aiming to grab the leg of Cena for a takedown, but Cena quickly counters, hitting a big clubbing forearm to the back of Rhodes, before elevating him over with a big Gutwrench Suplex. Cody slides quickly out of the ring, as Cena taunts in the ring, eliciting cheers from the audience. Cody takes a moment to regroup, before sliding back into the ring, and again both men begin to circle. Cody is more cautious this time, allowing Cena to make the first move. Cena comes across the ring and hooks Cody in a headlock, scooping him over with a headlock takeover. Cena smiles, enjoying showing some of his more technical abilities, before Cody fights to his feet and pushes Cena into the ropes. Cena rebounds across the ring, leaping over Rhodes as he ducks, and then rebounding again. Rhodes sticks his arm out for a hip toss, but Cena reverses, hitting Rhodes with a hip toss of his own. Rhodes quickly gets to his feet, just to be hit by another headlock takeover from Cena.​

Jerry Lawler
Cena showing some impressive technical wrestling skills here. Rhodes hasn’t been able to mount any offence so far!

As Lawler says this, Rhodes wiggles out of the headlock and hits a huge kick to the back of Cena’s head before he can get to his feet. Cena slumps to the mat, and Rhodes smirks, quickly capitalising with some big stomps on the back of Cena. Rhodes rolls Cena over and we have the first cover of the match.

Cena kicks out!

Rhodes takes a few steps back, and as Cena begins to get to his hands and knees, charges towards Cena, hitting a huge kick to the ribs of the 9-time Champion. Cena gasps and holds his ribs as he collapses again to the mat, shuffling into the corner. Rhodes pauses, waiting for Cena to get to his feet in the corner, before charging in, hitting a big forearm to the face. Rhodes smirks over the turnbuckle into the camera, propping Cena up, before grabbing his head and charging for a bulldog. Cena fights out, pushing Cody across the ring into the ropes. Cena waits for Cody to rebound, but Cody is too quick, grabbing onto the rope. Cena charges in, but Cody lifts his foot, kicking Cena in the face. Cena stumbles, turning around as he does so, allowing Cody to hit the bulldog. Cena’s head bounces off the canvas, and Cody goes straight for the cover.

Cena kicks out again!

Rhodes quickly gets to his feet, and taps his bare knee, before leaping into the air, and coming down knee-first onto the face of Cena. Cena again clutches his face, rolling over to under the bottom rope. Rhodes notices this, charging and leaping with a huge hesitation dropkick to send Cena to the thinly padded concrete floor face first. Rhodes smirks, and looks around the arena, as Cena writhes on the floor. The referee begins counting, but Rhodes is quickly out of the ring to continue his assault on Cena, knowing that Cena is more resilient than most people. Rhodes runs around ringside, hitting another big kick to the ribs of Cena. Rhodes props Cena up against the ringside barricade, before taking a few steps back. Rhodes runs towards Cena, looking to crush Cena’s head between the barricade and his knee. BAM! Cena just managed to move, and Rhodes’ knee buckles as he bounces off the barricade. Cena is the quickest to get to his feet, and slides into the ring, as the referee counts to 7.

Rhodes stumbles over to the ring apron, slowly pulling himself onto it, as Cena walks over to the apron. Cena grabs Rhodes head, hooking him up for a suplex from the apron to the ring. Cena wrenches Rhodes into the air, and holds him there for several seconds… just long enough for Rhodes to wiggle out of the suplex, and land behind Cena, grabbing his neck and slamming it to the mat with a huge neckbreaker. Rhodes drags Cena away from the ropes, and goes for the cover.

Cena kicks out, but he’s getting a lot weaker!

Michael Cole
Cena has to get back into this, Rhodes has managed to take control here!

Rhodes waits for Cena to get to his feet, and when he does so, Rhodes leaps into the air, looking to hit a huge dropkick on Cena! BAM! Rhodes hits the mat after Cena steps back, and grabs one of Rhodes’ legs while he’s in mid-air. Once Rhodes hits the mat, Cena is quick to step over the leg, attempting to lock Rhodes in the STF. Rhodes knows what is coming however, and is quick to fight out and get to his feet. Cena sees this, and whips Rhodes into a corner so hard that Rhodes bounces back out. Cena uses this bounce to hit a bulldog on Rhodes and rolls him over to try and cover.

Rhodes kick out!

Cena then heads over to the corner, climbing to the top rope, trying to again hit a big facebuster on Rhodes. Cena wobbles on the top rope, and this gives Rhodes a chance to sprint over to the corner, knocking the ropes, and crotching Cena on the top rope. Cena gasps in pain, and Rhodes is quick to take advantage, hooking Cena up for a big Alabama Slam! Rhodes hits it, crashing Cena down to the canvas.

Cena only just manages to kick out!

Rhodes drags Cena to his feet, hitting some right hands to the face, before Rhodes turns and springboards off the ropes aiming for a Beautiful Disaster kick. Cena ducks it, hits the rope himself and hits a big shoulder block. He’s quickly up and hits another one to take Rhodes down again. He waits for Rhodes to get to his feet, and ducks Rhodes, attempt at a clothesline, picking him up and slamming him down with a spin-out powerbomb. Cena bounces to his feet, grimacing as he does so, before he bends over the fallen Rhodes, waving his hands in front of his face. A large portion of the crowd chant along with Cena “You can’t see me!” Cena bounces off the ropes and performs his usual theatrics before he drops his fist on the face of Rhodes. Rhodes slowly stumbles to his feet, only to get elevated onto the shoulders of Cena. Cena turns to face the camera, smiling, but before he can hit the Attitude Adjustment, Rhodes hits some big elbows, and drops behind Cena. Cena turns around, but gets dropped with the Beautiful Disaster kick! Cena collapses to the mat.

Cena just manages to kick out!

Rhodes waits for Cena to get to his feet, stalking behind him, looking for the Cross Rhodes. Rhodes kicks the back of Cena’s knee once he gets up, catching him in the position for Cross Rhodes, but Cena uses his impressive strength to turn it into a powerslam. BAM! Rhodes’ back crashes against the canvas, as Cena again goes to the top rope. He stands up, looking more sure of himself this time, then leaps as Rhodes begins to get to his feet, crushing him head first into the canvas. He rolls Rhodes over for the pin!

Rhodes just manages to kick out!

Cena tries to lock the STF on as the crowd cheer, but Rhodes struggles viciously, rolling onto his back and kicking Cena away into the corner. Rhodes climbs to his feet, just in time to avoid a clothesline from Cena. Rhodes ducks underneath and hits the ropes, coming off with a huge Crossbody! Cena catches Rhodes! Cena throws Rhodes onto his shoulders with an impressive display of strength, Cena throws Rhodes over with the Attitude Adjustment. Wait! Rhodes landed on his feet! Rhodes turns around, just in time for Cena to clothesline him over the top rope. Rhodes lands on the floor outside, and the referee begins to count. Cena knows that Rhodes will be up and in the ring before the ten count so waits in the ring for Rhodes to return, but instead, Rhodes begins to back up the ramp, smirking as he does so, before bowing backstage just as the referee reaches a ten count. Cena win!

Winner: John Cena (in 9:38)

Justin Roberts
The winner of the match, by count-out, John Cena!

Cena looks disappointed in the ring, but still pleased to be through to the second round. The crowd know that this is not the way that John Cena wanted to progress however, and rain a few boos down on the departed Rhodes. Cena continues to stand in the ring, looking dejected, as RAW fades to commercial.

=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ COMMERCIAL=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
RAW returns from commercial with a replay of the two tournament matches this evening, showing the RAW GM announcing the forfeit of Big Show, and David Otunga’s advancement to the second round of the tournament, as well as Cody Rhodes walking out on his match with John Cena, allowing John Cena to advance to the second round also.

Jerry Lawler
So far tonight, we’ve seen two tournament matches, even though only one really got under way! This tournament sure has led to some controversy here tonight!

Michael Cole
It sure has King, and that sense of unpredictability will continue onto Friday Night Smackdown, which will feature the other two first round matches.

Jerry Lawler
Definitely not one to miss, Cole!


Michael Cole
Speaking of which, Sheamus is one of the men who will compete in those match-ups on Friday Night Smackdown! The 2010 King Of The Ring abandoned that moniker last week, and looks to undergo something of a career revival this week on Smackdown.

Sheamus walks out onto the stage, without the ceremonial garb that he has been known for wearing the past few months. He smacks his forearm against his chest a few times, before throwing his arms wide and yelling into the arena. The crowd respond with a barrage of jeers, before Sheamus begins to walk down the ramp, smirking at the crowd as he does so.

Justin Roberts
Introducing at this time, the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus!

Sheamus steps into the ring, stopping to collect a microphone, before standing in the middle of the ring, and letting the boos die down. Once the arena has quietened a little, he begins to speak.

Last week, here on RAW, I saw the light. I saw that fake titles… meaningless names… pathetic tournaments… aren’t a boost to a man’s career. They don’t make you better, they don’t give you more power, more prestige. No, they make you weaker. Last week, I realised that being King of The Ring was nothing more than a hindrance. It made me put my faith in that title. I don’t need to do that. I know that now. I know that I am stronger, quicker, better, than any of you out there, without having to give myself a title.

Sheamus points out around the arena as he does so.

Jerry Lawler
The King of the Ring is a prestigious tournament! It’s been the stepping stone for so many men to go on to great things! Bret Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, Randy Savage! They’ve all won this tournament and I’m sure all of them would hold it as one of the most important, and proudest moments of their careers!

I have the natural ability to do whatever I want in this business. I won the WWE Championship within 6 months of making my debut in the WWE. I am the first Irish-born WWE Champion in history. This Friday on Smackdown, I will go one step closer to my next goal, Main Eventing Wrestlemania. On Friday, I take on Rey Mysterio in the Risk or Reward Tournament. Rey Mysterio? Does anyone honestly believe that little Rey Mysterio can beat me? It’s impossible. This Friday on Smackdown, I will beat Rey, and then I’ll beat whoever they put me against in the next round, and the Final. I’ll be the No. 40 entrant at the Royal Rumble, and I’ll win it. I’ll go on to headline Wrestlemania, and I’ll leave as World Champion. I don’t need a false, pompous title to do that, just watch.

Sheamus drops the microphone and again pounds his chest, before throwing his arms wide, as his music begins to play.

Michael Cole
Strong words from Sheamus there, will he be able to back it up this Friday when he goes one on one with the Master of the 619, Rey Mysterio?

Jerry Lawler
I’ll definitely be watching Cole, and I hope Mysterio leaves Sheamus down and out on Friday!

Michael Cole
Next up tonight, is our Main Event, with The Miz & Alex Riley facing off against John Morrison & Randy Orton, if Orton and Morrison win, then they’ll advance to the Royal Rumble to face The Miz in a triple threat for the WWE Championship! Here’s a recap of how we’ve got to this pont.

A video begins to play, highlighting the ongoing feuds between these men, starting with The Miz cashing in his Money In The Bank briefcase against Orton, followed by his victory over Orton at the TLC Pay-Per-View. The video then continues on, showing John Morrison beating Sheamus at the TLC Pay-per-view for a title shot, as well as showing Morrison challenging The Miz. The video shows the competitive match-up between the former tag team partners last week on Monday Night RAW, and then progresses onto the controversial finish to the match, before the video ends on a recap of the confrontation at the start of the show.


The Miz walks out onto the stage, with Alex Riley stood next to him clapping and cheering. A-Ri is carrying his normal briefcase, and The Miz has the WWE Championship slung over his shoulder, covering his Name Tag T-Shirt. As The Miz reaches the top of the ramp, he holds the WWE Championship up in the air, before looking at it lovingly, and then walking down the ramp to ringside.

Justin Roberts
The following tag team bout is set for one fall. If the opposing team wins the match, then they will progress to the Royal Rumble to compete in the WWE Championship match! Introducing first, from Washington D.C., weighing in at 251 pounds, Alex Riley! And introducing his tag team partner, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at 231 pounds, he is the WWE Champion, The Miz!

The pair reach ringside, before bowing into the ring and raising the WWE Championship into the air, as another theme hits.


Morrison’s theme hits, as he walks onto the stage, accompanied by a tremendous ovation from the WWE Universe. Morrison performs his usual pose, before he walks quickly down the ramp, slapping a few hands as he does so, but mostly looking focussed. He reaches the ring and slides in, a determined look on his face, as The Miz and Alex Riley bow out of the other side of the ring.

Justin Roberts
Introducing his opponents, first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 224 pounds, John Morrison!

Michael Cole
Both John Morrison and his tag team partner have said they can’t wait to get their hands on The Miz, it just remains to be seen whether they’ll be able to co-exist!

Morrison performs his signature taunt in the ring, before staring at The Miz over the top rope.


Orton’s theme hits and all eyes around the arena, including Morrison’s, turn to look at the Viper as he stalks out onto the stage. He wears his usual cold, determined glare, and strides confidently, but also alertly to ringside, to the soundtrack of cheers.

Justin Roberts
And introducing his tag team partner, from St. Louis Missouri, weighing in at 245 pounds, Randy Orton!

Orton slides into the ring, and stands on one of the corner ropes, throwing his arms out in his signature pose, before he turns and comes face to face with Morrison. The two men nod at each other, before Orton smirks and steps onto the apron. Alex Riley steps into the ring after some coaxing from the referee, and The Miz hesitantly elevates himself onto the apron as the bell rings.

The Miz & Alex Riley v John Morrison & Randy Orton
Morrison is eager to get things going early on, and charges at Riley with big clotheslines, hitting 2, before hitting the ropes and coming off with a big calf kick to take Riley down. Morrison waits for Riley to get to his feet again, whipping him into the corner and following it up with a big clothesline. Riley sags to the floor as Morrison looks over at Orton, who has his arm outstretched. Morrison heads over and almost reluctantly tags in The Viper. Orton comes in quickly, stomping all over the exposed body of Alex Riley. Riley writhes on the mat, as The Miz looks fearful on the ring apron. Orton then retreats across the ring, as Riley slowly gets to his hands and knees.

Jerry Lawlerl
Randy looks like he’s setting up for the punt on Alex Riley!

Orton begins to charge across the ring, his boot itching to crush Riley’s skull. BAM! Riley managed to move, and Orton just smashed into the turnbuckle, to the boos of the arena. Riley quickly takes advantage, hitting a big back suplex on Orton. Riley takes a moment to recover, before tagging in The Miz. The Miz comes in, looking more confident now his opponent is down. Orton begins to get to his feet, and Miz runs at him, hoping to hit a big knee lift to the face. Orton manages to dodge however, hitting a quick scoop slam on The WWE Champion on the rebound. The Miz quickly slides back over to his corner and tags Riley back in. Riley looks initially hesitant but eventually sets his face in a look of determination and steps into the ring. Orton comes at him quickly, hitting a Thesz press, and raining punches on Riley. Orton then drags Riley over to his corner, where Morrison now wants the tag. Orton tags in Morrison, and the two show a moment of teamwork, hitting a quick double suplex on Riley. Morrison floats over into the first pin of the match-up.

Riley still has plenty of life left!

Morrison is quick to keep Riley grounded, hitting a big twisting leg drop across his throat. Morrison gets to his feet, smirking at the crowd, before he performs his signature taunt, then hits a Standing Shooting Star Press on Riley! The crowd gasp in amazement as Morrison seems to be trying to prove something tonight. Morrison again goes for the cover.

Riley again manages to kick out!

Morrison takes a few steps away from Riley, exchanging a few choice words with The Miz, as Riley retreats into the corner. Morrison turns and charges towards Riley, but Riley gets his foot up, hitting Morrison in the face. Morrison stumbles backwards, and Riley runs at him for a clothesline. Riley swings for it, but Morrison ducks, and locks his arm across the chest of Riley, pushing him backwards and down into a backbreaker. Riley yells and grabs his back as he tumbles to the mat. Morrison again smiles and goes for the cover.

Riley is out JUST before the 3 count!

Morrison pulls Riley to his feet, hitting some big right hands, before he kicks Riley in the gut. Riley doubles over, and The Miz takes the time to distract Morrison, shouting at him, in order to buy is partner some time. Morrison turns to look at The Miz, and aims a punch in his direction, but the Miz steps off the apron, avoiding it. Riley takes full advantage, kicking Morrison in the gut and then dropping him to the mat with a big DDT. Morrison lies prone on the mat, unmoving, and Riley takes this chance to tag in The Miz.

Jerry Lawler
Now Morrison is neutralised, I’m sure The Miz & Riley will try and pick him apart and wear him down until they can get the pin!

Michael Cole
And no one has really thought much about what will happen if The Miz and Riley do win! Who will The Miz face at the Royal Rumble then?

The Miz stomps on the back of Morrison, and then drags Morrison to his feet. The Miz locks Morrison up for a suplex, and lifts him into the air. The Miz drops Morrison down stomach first on the top rope, driving the wind out of Morrison lungs and leaving him fighting for breath. Morrison stays hanging on the top rope, and The Miz takes advantage of this opportunity, mouthing off to Orton. The Viper tries to come into the ring, and the referee to forced to restrain him, giving Riley chance to attack Morrison on the apron. Riley runs at Morrison, but Morrison is able to kick him in the stomach and throw him into the barricade from the ring apron! The Miz takes advantage of this distraction though, kicking Morrison in the gut and pulling him between the top and second rope. The Miz uses this elevated position to hit a brutal swinging neckbreaker on Morrison. The crowd gasp as Morrison’s body gets contorted, but the gasps fade away when The Miz goes for the cover, with the entire crowd expecting this to be the end.

Morrison grabs the bottom rope!

The Miz looks frustrated as Morrison begins to drag himself up using the ropes. The Miz quickly tags in Riley, and they drag Morrison over to the corner. The Miz charges at Morrison, hitting his signature flying clothesline, before throwing Morrison towards Riley in the middle of the ring. SLAM! Riley shows some impressive strength, lifting Morrison into the air and slamming him down with a huge Spinebuster. Riley holds the position post-move, resulting in a pinning predicament.

Morrison just manages to kick out! Morrison is showing some impressive heart here!

Riley picks Morrison up to his feet, hitting some right hands, before whipping Morrison into the ropes. Morrison rebounds, ducking under Riley’s clothesline attempt, and diving off the ropes with a big springboard Crossbody. BAM! Morrison misses and hits the canvas, he stumbles to his feet, doubled over, and this gives Riley chance to hit a big knee lift to the face. Morrison is down! Riley tags in The Miz, and the two pick Morrison to his feet, throwing him into the ropes, hitting a double flapjack on the rebound. Morrison lays limp on the canvas, and The Miz is quick to roll him over for the pinfall.

Morrison is out again! He can’t have much left!

The Miz stalks Morrison from behind, looking to hit a Skull Crushing Finale. Morrison gets to his feet, and The Miz tries to lock in the Full Nelson for the Skull Crushing Finale. Morrison wiggles out of it, and drops down, rolling The Miz up for a pin attempt.

The Miz kicks out!

Both men are quick to get to their feet, and The Miz swings for a clothesline. Morrison ducks underneath, rebounding off the ropes with the Chuck Kick! The Miz takes the boot square in the face, and collapses to the canvas. Both men are down, with Morrison trying to crawl to his corner for the tag. The crowd rally behind him, chanting, cheering and clapping, trying to motivate Morrison. Morrison gets within an inch of Orton’s hand, the crowd ready to explode, when Riley crashes down onto the back of Morrison. Morrison’s hand goes limp, as he gets dragged away from the corner by Riley. Riley hits a big stomp to the head of Morrison, before hitting some big elbow drops. The air rushes from Morrison’s lungs with each hit, and Riley follows the last elbow with a pin attempt.

Morrison kicks out!

Morrison isn’t going down without a fight! Riley wrenches Morrison to his feet, and locks Morrison in a DDT position, dragging him over to the corner of The Miz. Riley makes the tag to Miz, and Morrison manages to put up a bit of a fight, hitting punches and kicks to both men, trying to fight out of the corner. The Miz takes advantage though, kicking the back of Morrison’s knee as he walks away, allowing The Miz to hit the backbreaker/neckbreaker combination. Morrison writhes on the mat, as The Miz goes for the cover.

Morrison barely manages to kick out!

Jerry Lawler
Morrison just isn’t giving up! This shows how much heart he has and how much he wants a shot at the WWE Championship!

Michael Cole
It’s only a matter of time until Morrison fades though!

The Miz gets to his feet, and drags Morrison to his feet also. As Morrison gets to his feet he hits some big punches to the gut of The Miz, but the WWE Champion neutralises Morrison with a knee to the gut, before hooking up a suplex. Morrison wriggles whilst elevated, and drops out the back, landing on his feet behind The Miz. Morrison picks The Miz up as if for a back suplex, but then quickly reverses the momentum and slams The Miz down to the mat face first. Morrison collapses to the mat after the exertion, and both men begin to crawl for the tag. The crowd absolutely erupt as Orton is tagged in. He charges across the ring with a big clothesline for Riley, who was tagged in by The Miz. Riley hits the canvas, and then gets to his feet, just to be taken down by another clothesline. Riley gets to his feet, and aims a clothesline of his own at Orton, but Orton ducks under, turns around, and hits another big scoop slam. Orton drops to the canvas and pounds his fists, waiting for the RKO. As Riley gets to his feet, Orton leaps for the RKO, but Riley pushes him off. Orton heads to rebound off the rope, but The Miz pulls the top rope down and Orton hits the floor at ringside hard. The Miz takes a few steps away with his arms in the air, pleading innocence, as Alex Riley drops out of the ring to continue the assault on Orton. Riley punches Orton a few times in the face, before ramming him into the ring apron, once, twice, three times. Orton’s back must be in agony!

Riley goes for a scoop slam onto the floor, but Orton fights out, dropping behind and hitting a big dropkick to the back of Riley, sending him crashing to the floor. Orton rolls in the ring to break up the count, before rolling back out. He wrenches Riley to his feet, and whips him hard into the barricade. NO! Riley reversed it and tried to whip Orton. Orton stops just short of the barrier, turns around, and manages to drop-toe-hold Riley face first into the barricade as he charged towards Orton! Riley collapses to the floor and Orton stands to come face to face with The Miz. The Miz takes a few steps back, but Orton clotheslines him down. Orton then rolls Riley onto the ring apron. Orton climbs into the ring, and puts on his demented glare, wrenching Riley between the top and second ropes, looking for his elevated DDT. The Miz climbs onto the apron and pulls Riley’s legs back onto the apron, but Orton is prepared, hitting a double shoulder tackle, before pulling both men into front facelocks. He steps backwards, hanging them by their legs from the second rope, before dropping down and driving them both head first into the canvas. The Miz rolls out of the ring, but Riley lays motionless, and Randy again prepares for the RKO.

Jerry Lawler
If I was Riley I wouldn’t get up!

Riley, unable to hear Lawler, stumbles to his feet, and Orton leaps with the RKO! BAM! Riley holds the ropes and Orton drops to the canvas alone. Riley hits Orton with a big kick to the back of the head and he hits the floor, before wrenching him to his feet, trying to hit a DDT. Orton this time holds the ropes, but as the referee checks on Riley, who hits the canvas hard, The Miz takes the opportunity to poke Orton right in the eye. Riley tries to take advantage, running at Orton as he leans on the rope, but Orton gets his elbow up and Riley staggers back. This time Orton charges, but Riley counters with a huge Samoan Drop. Riley goes for the pin!

Orton barely kicks out.

The Miz cheers Riley on from ringside, as Riley drags Orton to his feet, again looking for a big jumping DDT. Orton pushes Riley off and hooks his head, dropping to his knees, and hitting his signature backbreaker as he does so. Riley hits the canvas hard. Orton goes for the pin.

The Miz breaks up the pinfall!

As The Miz stumbles to his feet, Morrison hits the Chuck Kick, obviously not happy at The Miz trying to stop him getting a title shot. The Miz rolls out of the ring, and Morrison hits a big plancha onto him from inside the ring, but only after looking Orton right in the eyes first. Morrison looks like he’s trying to prove something to Orton tonight! Orton, meanwhile, waits for Riley to get to his feet, again looking for the RKO. Riley gets to his feet, but again reverses the RKO, pushing Orton into the turnbuckle. Orton rebounds out, and Riley goes for a big clothesline. Orton ducks, and again tries for the RKO, but Riley manages to reverse it into a DDT position! Riley leaps, hoping to drill Orton’s face into the mat, but Orton pushes him off backwards, and Riley hits the mat, face first, and hard. As Riley stumbles to his feet, Orton finally manages to hit the RKO! He rolls Riley over for the cover! The referee won’t count it! Morrison managed to get a blind tag as Orton hit the RKO! Morrison steps into the ring, as the referee tries to shepherd Orton out. The referee fails to do so, but The Miz drags Orton’s leg and pulls him out of the ring, throwing him into the steps. The Miz then steps onto the apron, as Morrison readies for the Starship Pain, but Morrison adjusts, hitting a high kick to the side of The Miz’s head that sends him tumbling to the floor. Morrison finally leaps for Starship Pain, amidst a crowd of cheers, but also some confused boos. The arena fills with camera flashes at the breath-taking move, as Morrison crashes down onto the prone Alex Riley. Riley must be out of it now.

It’s Morrison v Orton v The Miz at the Royal Rumble for the title!

Winners: John Morrison & Randy Orton (in 13:23)

Justin Roberts
Here are you winners, the team of John Morrison & Randy Orton!

Morrison allows the referee to raise his hand in the ring, as Orton slides in. The two men turn to face each other, and the atmosphere in the entire arena changes to one of tension. The two men are both looking intense, as the tension continues to build as these two just stare at each other. Orton snarls, and Morrison smirks, but the two men still neglect to move.

Michael Cole
An incredibly hard hitting match up right here! These four men really went for it tonight! But now we know, that the WWE Championship will be defended at the Royal Rumble in a Triple Threat match!

Jerry Lawler
Orton and Morrison look more focussed on their personal differences than their success right now though. This situation could explode!

BAM! The Miz and Alex Riley come clattering into the two victors! The two men hit the mat, as The Miz picks up his WWE Title. For the second time in two weeks, Morrison is hit with the WWE Championship belt as he gets to his feet. Orton fairs no better, getting a brutal shot to his forehead as he stumbles to his feet. Finally The Miz drops the WWE Championship to the mat, and wrenches Morrison to his feet. He locks on the Skull Crushing Finale, murmuring into Morrison’s ear with a snarl on his face as he does so, before he drops Morrison face first straight onto the WWE Championship Belt! He rolls Morrison away from the title, before picking Orton up and repeating the treatment. The crowd rain down venomous boos, both for attacking their heroes, and for disrupting what would have been a very interesting confrontation.

Michael Cole
The spotlight was taken away from The Miz, and The Miz there once again proved why he’s the most must-see WWE Champion, by wrenching the spotlight back to where it should be, on The Miz!

Jerry Lawler
The Miz definitely wanted to assert his dominance over his Royal Rumble opponents, and even if I don’t agree with the methods, it most definitely worked!

Michael Cole
It sure did King, Morrison and Orton won’t forget this in a hurry. Anyway, that’s all we have time for here on Monday Night RAW! Thanks for tuning folks, and be sure to tune in next week for what is sure to be another unpredictable episode of Monday Night RAW!

The show fades as The Miz’s theme hits, and he climbs to his feet, holding his WWE Championship in the air above his head. Alex Riley is stood grinning and smiling behind The Miz, as The Miz smirks at the crowd, confident that he’s got the advantage as we head ever closer to the Royal Rumble!


Credit to WeJammmin'22 for the wicked poster
Royal Rumble
3 Weeks

Current Card


The Miz (c) v John Morrison v Randy Orton

Alberto Del Rio v ???

Natalya (c) v Melina

More to be announced!
AV my man, I'm not a big fan of the WWE talent rosters and its usually not my cup of tea, but you've been really supportive and I'm so eager to see your latest episode of RAW!

I can't wait to get into it so let's go

The GS Review

The Miz is your WWE Champion, he's got Riley with him and he's come to bring the awesome.

Straight away I can see that you are one of the top guys and put every bit of detail into it. From announcers to the promos to what they do in between sentances. It's on an epic scale and if you haven't been commeded for it before then AV bravo to you sir, bravo.

Now back to the Miz, and Randy Orton and John Morrison. Setting up a triple threat situation.

Man as detailed as your show is, it is kinda tough going, that's one thing I'll say.

I've seen this Kidd Jackson team before in your fed, surprised they lost leading upto a ppv, but a fun match.

Otunga is the mouthpiece of your Nexus, that's smart and it makes total sense and wish WWE went that way, as that's how it was always depicted with that Megatron/Starscream dynamic. Otunga gets a lot of mic time and I see you are trying to tell the new story of the Nexus, somehow I don't beleive Otunga.. haha...

Show put in a straight jacket man it must be a 10x size! Very interested where this goes.. have you signed Abyss from TNA? Raven? Can't wait to see where this goes. To be honest though I've never been a fan of Show as a face, so its great to see you've got me interested.

The tag match seems like filler...

Cena beats Rhodes.. meh, atleast Cena wasn't the mian event.

Sheamus is a badass and I rather him in the ring then on the mic. Wold love to see him driving his boot into other's temples, but I guess this is part of your story so no dramas.

Main event, predicatable, but awesome. It ended the only way it should and we get all the dynamics in it. You send the fans home happy but also build tension for the Royal Rumble title match.

I'd have to say the whole show is right out of the McMahon play book, and can picture it all on tv quite easily. It felt like a Raw, it had all the elements and happy to see Cena wasn't in the title picture. But it's nothing new.. in saying that though you are only weeks away from the Rumble, and I can feel that whoever you book to win the rumble match will turn your fed on it's head, and I can't wait for that.

I don't know how you have the patience to put on such a huge show everytime, and I hope you don't get burnt out from all the details, you are indeed one of the top gys like I said and are setting the bar every show.


Thank you for the review!

In terms of the length and being hard going this was a lot longer than I wanted it to be and I just struggled to cut it down, I'm gonna make sure with my next shows to really reduce the length, half this length if possible.

About it being quite like WWE I wanted it to start as something that could slot right into where the WWE left off... after the Royal Rumble things will really start to change.

Thanks again for the review :):)

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