Was the video package adequate?

  • yes

  • no

  • left out a few career highs but all and all got the point accross

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Ron had a lengthy and important career, and the WWE skipped out a lot of important points, but his video package was about right in terms of length. He is not headlining a class nor is he in as a part of the nation of domination. I suspect they've held that back just in case. IIRC Ric Flair's original induction did not mention the four horsemen.
Stop being so fucking touchy. The only people that will possibly "riot" or "boycott" are people from this forum. I believe he should go in, but I won't riot or boycott if he doesn't and I'd be shocked if there was any significant drop in live attendance.
The fact they didn't use the name Farooq a single time in the package alone made me sigh.
Also, they skipped over the entirety of the Acolytes and jumped right into the APA (I also hate how they call him JBL and not Bradshaw)

I unfortunately don't know of his late 80's career sadly, so even though I'm a pretty avid follower of wrestling, I missed out on those accolades as I didn't follow early WCW.

But ya, I have a feeling that "damn" is going to be the only thing the demographic the video package was made for knows :(
Any time we're being informed that a superstar is being inducted into the HOF, all they're looking to give us is a brief announcement. No one ever claimed that the TV spot was intended as a full bio, nor is WWE trying to "sell" the candidate as worthy of being a HOFer; they're just telling us he's going in.

By the same token, I'm surprised Simmon's announcement gave us as much information as it did. They certainly didn't ignore his WCW days, which were where most of his glory stemmed from.

If Ron has more he'd like to divulge, he can give it to us in person at the HOF ceremony. Plus, there 'll surely be a more comprehensive bio given before his speech.

It's all good.
...but a lot is missing from that 12 year jump. His induction into the Orange Bowl HOF, his number being only the third in Fla. St. University history to be retired in 1988, his run with the Cleveland Browns, and his time in the USFL were he played with Lex Luger.

Why would the WWE focus on any of that? It's a wrestling HOF, not a football one. Yeah, they showed the FSU stuff, because WCW produced that video package when Simmons was there, and they own the video footage for it. But for a wrestling HOF induction, who gives a fuck if he played for the Browns?

If they had covered everything they could have covered, the video would have been a 3-disc DVD set, not a brief introductory video to welcome him to the WWE HOF. Did you also bitch about a significant portion of the Four Horsemen's legendary run being left on the editing room floor too? You only have a very brief amount of time to try to squeeze into those things, major stuff will always be left out.
The video to me its just an introduction to the HOF!! As Davi323 said if the video covered everything its be a 3 disc DVD!! Which by the way be badass if u ask me! On any superstar inducted major stuff will be left out all the time it just happens!! Im happy to see Ron Simmons in the wwe HOF!!

What he did for wrestling especially current african american wrestlers and being the first african american World heavyweight champion that in itself is amazing!! Hats off to you sir you deserve it
I think it was fine as a brief outline of his accomplishments. It covered his football career, his impact on the black wrestling community, his WCW title win and his time with the APA. My only real concern was that it spent too long on the whole 'damn', gimmick thing which has been fun even if just to see him again in recent years but that 20-30 seconds could have been better utilised detailing his time with the Nation, Acolytes or Doom
It has been announced that Ron Simmons is to be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame as a member of its 2012 class. The 2012 class includes such noteables as the c. 1989 incarnation of the Four Horsemen. My main issue with the video package for Simmons stems from the fact that its too short and does not go in depth. We start with him at FSU and I am quite pleased to see my boy in his prime running accross that grid iron and then lifting those huge weights and sporting that permed shag but Simmons' time at FSU ends in 1980 and then cuts to him winning the WCW World title from Vader in 1992 but a lot is missing from that 12 year jump. His induction into the Orange Bowl HOF, his number being only the third in Fla. St. University history to be retired in 1988, his run with the Cleveland Browns, and his time in the USFL were he played with Lex Luger. The dominance that he showed as one half of Doom with Butch Reed and its positive impact on the NWA's tag division should had been highlighted as well as their honor as being WCW's first tag team champions. His time in the WWF was pretty much summed up with his reign as a beer drinking bar hopping mercenary with Bradshaw (JBL) and then his time as the one worded wonder.. We don't see him fighting for the ECW title, we don't see him with the WWF tag gold, we don't see his work in the Undertaker's Ministry as half of the Acolytes and we don't see the bouts and fueds he fought in as head of the Nation of Domination and we don't see how he impacted Rocky Maivia's rise thru the ranks. Then it cuts to his influance on other Black wrestlers but we don't see footage of the Rock, Lashley, R-Truth, or Shelton Benjamin.. People viewing aren't going to be able to put his contributions in context and I suspect the vast majority of viewers don't even know him or even a twinkle in their dad's eye in 1992.. Some of these brats can barely remember the first few "DAMN!" segments!! What do you guys think? I think it was a poor excuse for a reflection on his career. Any other opinions?

I dont think it matters too much. The FSU stuff doesn't matter, they just needed to touch on it to show where he came from. They got all his biggest highlights. First black WCW champ, APA which was his most popular gimmick by far, and then his DAMN comedic relief. I do wish they touched on the Nation of Domination just because it turned out to be a pretty important stable but overall I think you're just nitpicking a little too much. The video is short and was meant to be short. They'll prolly have a more in depth synopsis of his career at the actual ceremony. I don't know why you would even care about this video package enough to make this thread lol.
I thought the vid did a perfectly adequate job when you consider Ron Simmons' career overall. Simmons is known to be a nice guy, a hard worker and always gave his best. At the same time, let's be honest, Simmons isn't the same caliber wrestler as The Four Horsement or Mil Mascaras nor is he an internationally known household name like Mike Tyson. All in all, Simmons was a guy that really had a few moments in the sun here and there along his career, but the guy was never really a legit superstar in my view.

They touched on Simmons' football career, which is good as the commentators were constantly going on about how great he was for the Seminoles back in the day. They touched on the fact that he's the first officially recognized African American to hold a major World Championship in pro wrestling. He never really had any legendary feuds or matches that people have talked about through the years and decades, he was never really anything to speak of on the mic. Simmons was mostly just a powerhouse with a good look that was simply better than most other guys like him. I think they could have touched on the fact that he & Bradshaw won the tag titles several times but, at the same time, the APA eventually became known more for their backstage poker game segments than really what they did inside the ring.
So like, I was reading the passage WWE.com has up on the Four Horsemen being inducted into the HoF... and it doesn't exactly say WHICH incarnation is being inducted. It does say that the most notorious one is the "original" horsemen, but it says that the group in its entirety is being inducted.

Under that assumption, that would mean that by way of the Horsemen, Benoit would be inducted as well.

Thoughts anyone?
The fact that Vince hasn't inducted Macho Man Randy Savage into the Hall of Fame doesn't mean anything. Anyone who watched his career knows he's one of the greatest icons in wrestling history, which was proven by the major mainstream media coverage of his death.

It's the WWE Hall of Fame which loses credibility by not having guys like Savage, Ultimate Warrior, and Bruno Sammartino in it.

As for Edge, I think it's too soon. A waiting period similar to other "legit" sports would be in order, at least a few years. Not to say he's not a Hall of Famer because he obviously is, I just think it's too soon.

Re: Ron Simmons, it's well deserved. I believe Yokozuna is going to be inducted this year, also well deserved, as well as the Four Horsemen.
It's the WWE Hall of Fame which loses credibility by not having guys like Savage, Ultimate Warrior, and Bruno Sammartino in it.

Your points about Edge and Simmons are well taken, but I feel it's a matter of practicality that Savage, Warrior and Bruno aren't in the HOF. At the very least, there's the fact that Warrior and Bruno would refuse to attend the induction ceremony. In my opinion, that strains their credibility more than it does WWE, since the men put in the body of work over the years and many old-time fans would take great pleasure in seeing them honored.

At worst, WWE would announce that they're inducting these guys in absentia; i.e., without their approval or presence. This could lead to the inductee publicly blasting WWE for whatever the hell they have against the company. In that case, everyone looks like an ass; the performer and the company......and it's the last thing WWE needs.

As for Randy Savage, his death has seemingly done away with whatever obstacles remained to his being inducted into HOF. Unless Leaping Lanny has any objections, Randy can go into the Hall with no controversy and no worries about what he might say on the podium (or beforehand). It's a damn shame it takes an untimely passing to unravel the problems that had built up, but at least Macho Man would get his just enshrinement.

Ultimate Warrior is just crazy; it isn't that vital whether he gets honored or not. Bruno, however, is short-sighted. After all these years, he's made his point, but he's an old man now and there's a bigger picture here than just his stubbornness. There are still a bunch of old-time fans out that would love to pay homage to the grandfather of modern wrestling......and the old fool is doing no one any good by not allowing it to happen.
How could Mike Tyson be inducted into the Hall of Fame over Muhammad Ali? Muhammad Ali had a much more active role during his tenure at that time with the WWF. Ali is a bigger name than Tyson will ever be. Ali just had his 70th birthday bash this year on ESPN. He is old and frail now but if any boxer should have been inducted into the HOF it was Ali. I would even put Butterbean in there before Tyson. How did Tyson deserve this HOF. He was pushed once by Austin, joined DX and did the "suck it" motion a few times in one episode, and punched HBK at Wrestlemania after a quick 3 count. Really that gets you into the HOF?
i do wonder though will flair make any comment, may not be obvious, towards tna? its like why not? its ur clear oppotunity to get fans to watch :p

Wouldn't that just be a disaster? I'd watch the ceremony just to see if he'd do it. Sure, Flair would be instructed to keep TNA out of it, but there are two factors that put the whole thing in jeopardy:

(1) I doubt he expects to be employed by WWE again, not after screwing up the whole retirement angle honoring him, so he has nothing to lose. He's already shown he's the most loyal employee money can buy.....and now he works for TNA, which could probably use the plug.

(2) He's a loose cannon. The guy must put a lot of faith in his legendary status.....and legends do what they want.

This could be fun.
I'm sure they will mention he is a current TNA star or something a long those lines. Something suttle that everyone already knows, but is probably part of the deal that TNA and the WWE has. No one will care, so I don't know why TNA was pushing so hard for it. A name drop won't give them better ratings or get people interested. Saying he works for TNA is like saying my Uncle works as a chicken catcher. It's pointless and no one will care. :)
Idc who he works for. They're inducting the Four Horsemen and it wouldn't feel right if they did so without Slick Ric.

I just hope the whole thing with Flair being there doesn't feel uncomfortable when he comes out. Everyone knows that he works for TNA and I'm sure that many people couldn't care less that he does, but what if the "smart fans" in the audience start giving him some shit? Like it or not, some fans were pissed off that he ruined his great retirement angle and that he ruined his great sendoff. I'm sure some people within the WWE were pissed as well.

It's going to be interesting to watch and I can't wait to see how it all turns out.
I'm sorry but I gotta say it.

Who cares?

Flair is going into the Hall of Fame...AGAIN...GREAT! Hey at least this time he won't be allowed to ramble on about incoherent nonsense. At least when he inducted Piper he told some FUNNY stories.

I don't see why everyone is honestly making such a big deal about Flair coming back to the WWE for this 1 night. Shouldn't everyone be more focused on the fact that the Horsemen are finally being put in their deserving place?

It's been said what's Flair going to do? Tell everyone to tune into Impact? Didn't they already try that when WM was down in Florida? Didn't they have a plane flying over head with banners and such? If you don't know that Flair is in TNA by now you shouldn't be allowed to watch wrestling. There is NOTHING Flair can say or do that will make this in any way beneficial for TNA. End of story.
I'm sorry but I gotta say it.

Who cares?

Flair is going into the Hall of Fame...AGAIN...GREAT! Hey at least this time he won't be allowed to ramble on about incoherent nonsense. At least when he inducted Piper he told some FUNNY stories.

I don't see why everyone is honestly making such a big deal about Flair coming back to the WWE for this 1 night. Shouldn't everyone be more focused on the fact that the Horsemen are finally being put in their deserving place?

It's been said what's Flair going to do? Tell everyone to tune into Impact? Didn't they already try that when WM was down in Florida? Didn't they have a plane flying over head with banners and such? If you don't know that Flair is in TNA by now you shouldn't be allowed to watch wrestling. There is NOTHING Flair can say or do that will make this in any way beneficial for TNA. End of story.

I believe this is the point of the whole thing. Remember, this could be A LOT worse. They're inducting the Four Horsemen. Tully, Arn, Ric, and Barry. Not Mongo and Benoit.

That's right, this could be a bigger PR nightmare for the WWE. If they inducted each incarnation of the Horsemen, the WWE would be forced to acknowledge Chris Benoit's participation in the Horsemen.

Flair is smart enough to not screw this up, because he'd only be hurting the other guys. We already know Ole Anderson hates Vince McMahon with a passion, so Flair should keep this as professional as possible. This whole induction is going to be sensitive, but it should go off without a hitch.

I do believe, in the purest sense, that this induction would be lacking should Flair not have been allowed to attend, so I am glad they finally allowed him to do so.
my whole question is this: if wwe and tna can come together on terms about ric flair being at the hall of fame does anyone else think that there could possibly be a co wwe/tna supercard sometime down the line? i know that it's really far fetched, but i think it would be a pretty good card.
I never had any doubt in my mind he would be there; Ric Flair is THE member of the Four Horsemen. It's not as if he'll be working for WWE, he'll be appearing there for his Hall of Fame induction and that's an honor he has earned, an honor TNA and Dixie Carter are smart enough to allow him to enjoy. I understand TNA is WWE's "rival" -- I use that word quite lightly -- promotion, but they can only benefit from this, though I doubt they're even mentioned on air by anybody aside from Ric Flair himself. As such, I don't think there ever should have been any mention of a TNA/WWE problem arising, the two sides were going to work it out.

I don't know what dialogue went down, but I doubt TNA is getting so much as a dime from the WWE here, nor do I think they should -- that's neither here nor there, though. I'm sure the ceremony will be all the better that Flair is confirmed and I think he'll be an absolute professional about it. I think Ric is well aware that it's more about the other Horsemen -- Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, and even JJ Dillon -- and even if he is the marquee member who folks will want to see, he'll defer to them. Ric may be a loose cannon, but he's not an idiot, he's had his moment. I doubt Ric pulls anything off that night, it just wouldn't seem right considering what the night is all about.

It should be a special night and I'm happy Ric Flair will get to be there.
my whole question is this: if wwe and tna can come together on terms about ric flair being at the hall of fame does anyone else think that there could possibly be a co wwe/tna supercard sometime down the line? i know that it's really far fetched, but i think it would be a pretty good card.

Look back through history and answer your own question. Vince doesn't do business with the competition, he buys the competition.

I also believe that TNA knows the importance of Flair attending this event, so it should not have been a problem to begin with.
I don't think Flair mentions TNA in any acceptance speech. He may mention NWA or WCW but only in honor of the Horsemen. It would be a disservice to the Horsemen legacy if Flair tries to sell TNA in that arena.

It is very likely that he will ask the crowd to borrow some money and use HBK's gift golf retirement watch as collateral and then he will get divorced, married and divorced again before the ceremony is actually over. :) LEGENDS, you so craazee.
First off, I'm very glad that Ric Flair will be there when the Horsemen are inducted into the HOF. It's an honor well deserved of the greatest stable in professional wrestling history. The two are one in the same. To not have Flair there would make it a farce, IMHO.

Secondly, to borrow from The Rock... IT DOESN'T MATTER who Flair works for right now! This is not about Flair's current job. This is about the work he and the others did as a member of the Horsemen. Is the HOF political? Yes indeed it us. Vince runs the damned thing, so he basically gets to put whoever he wants into the hall. If it were an independently run hall, none of this would matter. But you can't deny the fact that the Horsemen belong in the hall (along with many others who have yet to get in, but that's another rant for another time).

I don't think Flair mentions TNA at all in his speech... nor should he... if he does speak (if he doesn't speak, that's just a travesty). TNA has nothing to do with the Horsemen. I think Flair's smart enough to respect that and focus the event on the Horsemen. Flair definitely mentions NWA and WCW, because that's where the Horsemen ran and, of course, WWE owns the rights to WCW, so that will be displayed without a doubt.

Personally, I'm a little ticked that it's not the ORIGINAL Horsemen (Flair, Arn, Tully, Ole and JJ) going in, but Barry Windham was a great performer and deserves to be honored as well. I understand that a lot of other great wrestlers have been Horsemen, and they'll get each their respective due someday (well, except for Ole... and Benoit... maybe Sting and Luger... doubtful on Sid... possibly Pillman... and, please to God, not Mongo. That's yet another rant for another time right there). I'm just a fan of the original group and its' impact on the industry. I think Ole should be a part of it, but I understand why he's not and never will be. So it goes...
who knows whether flair will even speak, he may jus start randomly bleeding heavily, and keep shouting woo, for like 5 mins jus to piss everyone off, that in my eyes would be funny
I doubt he does mention TNA but even if he does do it the WWE will just edit it out, seeing as the Hall of Fame is on a Saturday and airs on the Monday. I'm just really looking forward to some crazy ass Ric Flair stories, some strutting, and some woo woo wooooooooooing!

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