Wrestling Spam Zone Heated Debate (Currently serving up WWE Hall of Fame)

I did indeed re-watch the match Sly, twice. It still isn't a good match. At all. Story is great, hype is great, crowd is great, problem is Andre is nothing but a walking tin can in the ring at that point and they worked the same Hogan formula match they did on every main event of a house show. It isn't entertaining, it isn't competitive, there's nothing particularly special about the in-ring work, storytelling or psychology to separate it from a million different matches.
But it also wasn't a case where the majority of the match was spent in a bearhug, and it wasn't a match devoid of storytelling, as you made it seem earlier.

Yeah I hate it too when things work out perfectly and are a rousing success, immediately creating a new midcard star with a good amount of crowd support. I hate it when that happens.
That's an oxymoron.
But it also wasn't a case where the majority of the match was spent in a bearhug, and it wasn't a match devoid of storytelling, as you made it seem earlier.

You're right, I did exagerrate how long the bearhug was and I've already admitted that. I never said it was devoid of storytelling, I said it told the exact same formula story you could see on any house show Hogan wrestled on. Take away the crowd and there's nothing memorable about the match at all.

That's an oxymoron.

Tito Santana, Pedro Morales, Chris Jericho, and Magnum TA would beg to differ.
And yet, you responded to everything else I wrote, including my last post. So, it's not REALLY that you don't want to read/respond to it, it's you CAN'T respond to it, because you don't know what you're talking about.

Wrong. I had to go somewhere actually. Hogan/Andre is still (in my opinion of course) a bad match.

But hey, your thread is up in the Cigar Lounge.

You didn't dedicate to me like you promised. I'm dissapointed.
Tito Santana, Pedro Morales, Chris Jericho, and Magnum TA would beg to differ.
It's a completely different era today than it was when those guys were in the midcard, except for Jericho and he's a multiple time World Champion (and Morales was a 1 time champion, and Magnum would have been).

The midcard today is MUCH further down than it was 20+ years ago. With having two shows and two World Championships, instead of having 4 or 5 main-events, we have nearly double digit numbers of main-eventers. Aside from that, calling Danielson a midcarder would even be a stretch at this point, as he's yet to really do anything in the WWE. Yes, I know it looks likely there will be a pairing between him and The Miz, but let's see how that progresses, and where he goes from there.

But, in this day's WWE, a "midcard star" is an oxymoron.
Dat bone structure.

People keep saying this, and yet, what's boring about him? I think his "comeback" sequence is goofy, but he's a darn fine worker in the ring, especially as a heel.

I think he gets a bit formula at times. I mean, Cena can do the same finishing sequence most matches, but he puts so much energy into it that you can't even tell. Orton's style doesn't lend itself to high energy until the RKO, really. He is a good worker, but sometimes I just can't get myself to care about matches he's in. I don't always dislike Orton. Sometimes I even find him very fun to watch, but there are times when it seems he's just coasting until the RKO.
I just don't understand why everyone thinks that just because a wrestler isn't constantly shouting on a microphone or bouncing off the walls during their matches that they are "boring".
I call him boring SOMETIMES, because there are times where it seems he's just phoning it in. Did you see his match with Sheamus at Hell in a Cell?
I did but I see you calling him boring all the time. And you're not the only one. I just don't get it... I think his character is very unique and very Attitude-esque. Isn't that what all you kids have been crying out for?
Yeah Orton is boring. He's so boring that the RKO gets the loudest pop of the night. The fans have reached such a level or boredom that they cheer for him. Odd.
Yeah Orton is boring. He's so boring that the RKO gets the loudest pop of the night. The fans have reached such a level or boredom that they cheer for him. Odd.

This is EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK I'm talking about. You guys are all so stubborn and wrong about Orton. The guy was similar to SCSA and the Rock in the sense that their heel character was so bad that it turned them good. Was it boredom? I highly doubt it when women are practically throwing their children into the ring just to get his attention when he poses in the ring.

I've said it a million times before... Orton is playing a guy that is a head-case who could snap at any minute. He stays calm, cool, and collective until he's pushed to his boiling point. Then, just like a snake, he strikes. But he's not doing 450 splashes, missile dropkicks, and shouting at everyone on the microphone so he must be boring, right??
This is EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK I'm talking about. You guys are all so stubborn and wrong about Orton. The guy was similar to SCSA and the Rock in the sense that their heel character was so bad that it turned them good. Was it boredom? I highly doubt it when women are practically throwing their children into the ring just to get his attention when he poses in the ring.

I've said it a million times before... Orton is playing a guy that is a head-case who could snap at any minute. He stays calm, cool, and collective until he's pushed to his boiling point. Then, just like a snake, he strikes. But he's not doing 450 splashes, missile dropkicks, and shouting at everyone on the microphone so he must be boring, right??

Yes. What are you mental? 450s and swearing on the mic are all necessary to not be bored. Fucking duh!
Yeah Orton is boring. He's so boring that the RKO gets the loudest pop of the night. The fans have reached such a level or boredom that they cheer for him. Odd.
When a guy spends .99 of his matches working at a speed that clocks in at around .15 of the speed which the average person moves at, people have a tendency to pop when something actually happens. Doesn't mean I need to pretend he's a great worker.
When a guy spends .99 of his matches working at a speed that clocks in at around .15 of the speed which the average person moves at, people have a tendency to pop when something actually happens. Doesn't mean I need to pretend he's a great worker.

Hogan was far from a great worker. He didn't need to be. Lou Thesz was probably the best worker ever for his time. He was boring as hell though. Two different things.
It's most likely the same fact to people hating John Cena. Orton started winning a lot, and has become more and more of the superman syndrome that people like to put on John. And because of that they get bored with him, and start to hate him.

While Orton might not be the greatest of wrestlers now, he certainly is more than interesting. I enjoy watching Orton on my screen. I enjoy his matches as well. Also, he has like the most picture perfect drop kick in WWE, if not wrestling right now.
This is EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK I'm talking about. You guys are all so stubborn and wrong about Orton. The guy was similar to SCSA and the Rock in the sense that their heel character was so bad that it turned them good. Was it boredom? I highly doubt it when women are practically throwing their children into the ring just to get his attention when he poses in the ring.

I've said it a million times before... Orton is playing a guy that is a head-case who could snap at any minute. He stays calm, cool, and collective until he's pushed to his boiling point. Then, just like a snake, he strikes. But he's not doing 450 splashes, missile dropkicks, and shouting at everyone on the microphone so he must be boring, right??

No! I don't like him sometimes he just seems to be phoning it in, such as vs. Sheamus at HIAC. In that match, he just did his normal Orton routine while Sheamus kept trying to do new things in order to make that match different from their previous few.

The crowd loves him, you seem to like him, but I, personally, don't - sometimes. It's a matter of opinion. And how can you say it isn't because he's doing 450 splashes? John Cena is one of my favorite wrestlers!
I've said it a million times before... Orton is playing a guy that is a head-case who could snap at any minute. He stays calm, cool, and collective until he's pushed to his boiling point.
There's a difference between being calm and being so slow that you'd lose a foot race to Robocop.

There's a difference between being calm and being so slow that you'd lose a foot race to Robocop.

I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you guys. It's obvious that you guys like one type of wrestler and we like another. There's a billion things I could say about Orton but why waste my time?
'Cause when it comes right down to it, some of us just enjoy things that aren't boring.

Glad we can agree to disagree.

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