WWE 2011, a few different things


Championship Contender
Backstory -

- After the 2011 draft, Alex Riley was drafted to SmackDown. The Miz, desperate to keep Riley at his side, teamed up with his assistant and won the tag team titles from Big Show & Kane for the sole purpose of keeping Riley in his corner. With Riley as 1/2 of the Tag Team Champions, he was able to remain on RAW by The Miz's side and helped him retain the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules. The RAW prior to the I Quit Match at Over the Limit, Miz and Riley lost the tag team titles to The New Nexus, and Riley was forcibly removed from the arena by John Cena, leaving Miz to face Cena on his own. Without Riley by his side, Miz was easily squashed by Cena, saying I Quit after Cena threatened to shock The Miz with a car battery.

- On SmackDown, Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase attempted to bully Riley, making homophobic slurs in regards to his former relationship with The Miz. Riley turned face by attacking Ted, while Cody just stood there and watched, hoping that Ted would "man up" and "handle his business." Riley had a series of matches with Ted, which Riley won every encounter. Ted filed a complaint to Teddy Long and Riley was sent back to RAW. Cody turned on Ted, embarrassed and disgusted that Ted wouldn't "took the cowards way out" and didn't "handle his business like a man." turning Ted face as a result.

Riley returned to RAW, and began feuding with The Miz, who was pissed at Riley for "abandoning" him. Riley & Miz are now mortal enemies. The Miz has also formed an alliance with R-Truth, as they feel they are held back by a con-spiracy. R-Truth has also helped Miz out in his never ending feud with Riley, as R-Truth, having had a similar break up with his own sidekick Johnny Curtis (Curtis helped R-Truth attack Morrison in the infamous Long Island episode of RAW, but walked out on Truth out of guilt), saw Miz as a kindred spirit.

- CM Punk cut his epic shoot promo, won the WWE Championship and walked out on the WWE. Vince McMahon fired John Cena as a result. Triple H returned and was announced as the new COO, relieving Vince of his duties. Triple H rehired Cena, but suspended him indefinitely for failing to retain the WWE Championship.

Alberto Del Rio cashed in the Money in the Bank, hoping that in doing so, he would automatically be awarded the new WWE Championship. However, Triple H instead forced him to face the winner of the WWE Title tournament. The finals of the tournament came down to The Miz vs. Alex Riley, having the blowoff match for their feud. Riley won the tournament, but lost the title match the following week after Miz interfered, saying that if he couldn't have the title, Riley wouldn't either.

CM Punk made his return and at Summerslam, he and Del Rio fought to become the Undisputed WWE Champion. Also at Summerslam, Cena won a Fatal 4Way involving Miz, R-Truth and Riley, to become #1 contender for the title at Night of Champions. Del Rio retained, defeating Cena with the cross armbreaker. Cena did not submit, but he was unable to escape the hold after 4 minutes, even after dragging Del Rio across the ring with his freakish strength, and the referee saw no choice but to stop the match to protect Cena from injury.

Christian retained the World Heavyweight Championship against Orton and never turned heel. He successfully defended the title against a then heel Sheamus at Over The Limit and lost the title to Orton at Summerslam. Christian and Mark Henry fought for the #1 contendership on the following SmackDown and Henry won. Henry went on to defeat Orton and Night of Champions, and Orton demanded a rematch the following SmackDown, which he lost due to interference by Cody Rhodes. Christian began his One More Match campaign, attempting to defeat Henry on multiple occasions but losing over and over again. Christian, despite being a face, joined David Otunga's new alliance, but has no real interest in the other superstars' demands.

At Night of Champions, The Miz & R-Truth brutally attacked Air Boom before their scheduled Tag Title match could even get started, saying that they had bigger fish to fry than competing for the tag team Championship (interfering in the CM Punk/Triple H match). Vickie Guerrero chose this opportunity to bring Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler out and challenge the tag champions. Kofi and Evan, being the valiant fighters they were, accepted the challenge despite not being 100%. Although Dolph had competed earlier in the night, having successfully defended the U.S. title against Alex Riley, Swagger was still fresh which gave Vickie's team the advantage and Swagger won the match and the titles for their team after making Evan Bourne tap out to the ankle lock.

Miz & R-Truth were fired at the beginning of the following RAW, but Triple H gave them the opportunity to fight for their jobs by taking on the entire RAW Roster (All of the faces + Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez) in an elimination handicap match. Miz & Truth managed to eliminate all of the undercard guys, but were completely dominated by Cena, Punk, Del Rio, & Ricardo. Del Rio & Ricardo chose to walk out of the match. This angered Cena who chased them down, getting himself counted out, leaving CM Punk against Miz & Truth on his own. Triple H then came out during the match with his sledgehammer, and nailed CM Punk with it, purposely getting Miz & Truth disqualified. Triple H sent out the entire roster out to throw Miz & Truth out of the arenan.

WWE Champion: Alberto Del Rio
World HEavyweight Champion: Mark Henry
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes
WWE United States Champion: Dolph Ziggler
WWE Tag Team Champions:
The All American Perfection (Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger).
WWE Diva's Champion: Beth Phoenix. Beth Phoenix won the Diva's Championship at SummerSlam.

Alberto Del Rio
Beth Phoenix
The Bella Twins
CM Punk
Curt Hawkins
Dolph Ziggler
Drew McIntyre
Evan Bourne
Jack Swagger
John Cena
John Morrison
Kelly Kelly
Kofi Kingston
Mason Ryan
Rey Mysterio
Ricardo Rodriguez
Triple H
Tyler Reks


Alicia Fox
Cody Rhodes
Ezekiel Jackson
The Great Khali
Jimmy & Jey Uso
Jinder Mahal
Mark Henry
Matt Striker
Randy Orton
Rosa Mendes
Sin Cara
Sin Cara
Ted DiBiase
Trent Baretta
Tyson Kidd
William Regal
Yoshi Tatsu

The NXT Roster consists of all NXT alumni with special appearances by former NXT pros. The NXT Superstars are allowed to appear on the main shows, but usually only the more over ones do so while the rest compete mostly on NXT.

Alex Riley (cross branded with RAW)
Brodus Clay (cross branded with SmackDown)
Byron Saxton
Conor O'Brian
Daniel Bryan (cross branded with SmackDown; appears on special episodes of RAW)
Darren Young
David Otunga (Cross branded with RAW)
Derrick Bateman
Heath Slater (cross branded with SmackDown)
Johnny Curtis (cross branded with SmackDown; occasionally main events Superstars)
Justin Gabriel (cross brand with SmackDown)
Michael McGillicutty
Percy Watson
Titus O'Neil
Wade Barrett (Crossbranded with SmackDown; appears on special episodes of RAW)

Former Pros occasionally appear on NXT
Alberto Del Rio (& Ricardo Rodriguez)
Alicia Fox
The Bella Twins
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan
Dolph Ziggler (& Vickie Guerrero)
John Morrison
Kelly Kelly
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
The Miz
Ted DiBiase
Tyson Kidd
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder

Tag Teams

Awesome Truth (The Miz & R-Truth; occasionally appear on NXT due to both being former pros)
The All American Perfection (Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger)
Air Boom (Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne)
The Major Broskis (Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins)

Jimmy & Jey Uso

Derrick Bateman & Johnny Curtis (crossbranded with SmackDown)
South Beach PArty Boys (Percy Watson & Darren Young)
Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel (cross branded with SmackDown)
RAW SuperShow

RAW SuperShow opens with John Cena coming out to cut a "Is everybody having a good time tonight" esque promo. He is interrupted by Vickie Guerrero coming out with Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger.

Vickie cuts a promo about how her skills have led many superstars to success. She has the United States Title and the Tag Team Titles in her camp. She says that with her guidance, Ziggler & Swagger are unstoppable.

Cena cuts her off and makes a few jokes about Vickie's appearance. Alex Riley's theme song hits, and he comes out in his ring gear, as he is scheduled to challenge Ziggler for the U.S. title. Riley has a mic, and he and Cena take turns in insulting Vickie and her boys with corny jokes. Riley gets a huge pop when he throws in this gem: "I know why they call you Jack Swagger. Because you jacked all your swagger. Oh it's true, it's damn true." Cena hi-fives Riley and says "Wow, you've improved since that toilet joke."

Match #1: United States Championship: Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Alex Riley
Riley goes for his A-Bomb elbow drop only for Swagger to trip him. Cena gets up from his chair and tackles Swagger. The referee ejects Vickie, Swagger, and Cena from ringside. While Swagger & Vickie argue with the referee, Cena simply waves goodbye to Ziggler, who turns around into a TKO from Riley, and scores the pin.
Winner and NEW United States Champion: Alex Riley

As Riley is celebrating winning his first title, the Miz (who is still fired along with R-Truth) runs in through the crowd and attacks Riley. Miz is in an emotional state, screaming at his former friend, "This is all your fault! You're not allowed to be happy while I'm miserable!"

Riley is backstage being tended to by the trainers. Triple H comes in and apologizes to Riley over what the Miz did. Triple H assures Riley that he's taking actions to ensure that it doesn't happen again. Vickei and her crew come in and complain about how Cena ruined everything. Triple H books Jack Swagger vs. John Cena as the main event.

Match #2. Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez vs. The Major Broskis
Ricardo comes out to the ring with a new entrance theme. Justin Roberts introduces Ricardo. Ricardo snatches the mic from Roberts and says, "Beat it, pendejo. Afuera! Let me show you how it's done." Ricardo then introduces himself, then Del Rio's theme song plays and Ricardo does his normal Del Rio introduction.

Zack Ryder's theme song hits and The Major Broskis come out. Hawkins has a mic in his hand.

Hawkins: You gave a great introduction Ricardo, but now let US show YOU how it's done. Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my honor and my privilege to introduce to you the two hottest things to ever come out of La Familia, sorry Vickie. The Party Starter Curt Hawkins! The Internet Champion, Zack Ryder! The Major Broskis.

Ryder: And if you're not down with us, I just have one question. Are you serious bro?

Ricardo works most of the match, with Del Rio only coming in when either of the faces are down. At one point, Ryder starts to make a comeback, and Del Rio makes a blind tag just before Ryder hits the Rough Ryder on Ricardo. Del Rio knocks Ryder out with the Enziguiri, knocks Hawkins off the apron, and then makes Ryder tap out with the cross armbreaker.
Winners: Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez

Del Rio grabs the mic and then says, "I am the WWE Champion, and these two gringos not even close to be my level. It makes me wonder, how you say, are you serious bro?"

Del Rio & Ricardo then laugh, but then are attacked by John Morrison

Match #3 Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre
Orton wins a rather quick match with the RKO.
Winner: Randy Orton

Match #4. Mark Henry vs Evan Bourne.
Mark Henry wins the match in about 5 minutes. Bourne fights valiantly, but in the end gets squashed when Henry hits the Worlds Strongest Slam
Winner: Mark Henry

After the match Henry picks Bourne up and gives him another World's Strongest Slam. continues the beatdown, but Kofi Kingston runs out to make the save

Match #5. Jack Swagger vs. John Cena.
Jack Swagger comes out with Vickie and Dolph. Swagger stops them, and orders them to the back, saying that he'll take Cena on on his own.

Cena comes out to usual fanfare.

Swagger & Cena put on a 15 minute classic, with Cena actually doing more moves than normal. Cena goes for the Five Moves of Doom, but when he attempts the Five Knuckle Shuffle, Swagge rrolls out of the way and quickly locks on the Ankle Lock. Cena crawls for the ropes, but Swagger drags him back to the center of the ring before he can reach it. Cena crawls to the ropes a second time, but then Swagger drags him all the way back to the other edge of the ring and grapevines the leg a la Kurt Angle. Cena then taps out.
Winner: Jack Swagger

Swagger does a victory lap and confetti and balloons begin raining down from the ceiling. Michael Cole goes crazy over Swagger having made Cena submit.


Swagger walks to the stage, and Vickie and Dolph come out and spray Swagger with champagne before they all make their way backstage. The music stops playing and there is an awkward silence as Cena is in shock in the center of the ring. He stands up and looks around pondering what just happened. He slowly makes his way backstage in sadness and in shame over having tapped out. We see random shots of sad children. The last shot of RAW is an empty stage.
* NXT opens with Wade Barrett coming out to the ring in his wrestling gear.

Barrett : "Isn't this a pleasant surprise? I've come home to NXT, the show where I got my start. But in all seriousness, I am the only decent thing that has ever come out of this abomination of a show. The name Redemption is quite appropriate for a show that has fallen so far ever since I left, because NXT is in need of some serious redemption.

* Barrett is interrupted by Johnny Curtis who gets in the ring with Barrett.

Curtis : "Hold on, Wade. I have to stop you right there. You're not the only NXT success story here. I too have won NXT."

* Barrett then laughs in Curtis' face.

Barrett : "In the past year since I won NXT, I led the Nexus and the Corre and blazed a trail through the WWE. I brought the winds of change into the WWE and main evented PPVs. I am a former Intercontinental Champion. What exactly ave you been doing other than making bad puns?"

Curtis : "Okay, Wade. I'll give you that. You're right. I have not taken full advantage of my opportunities the way you have. I'm not as successful as you. Maybe I am nothing but bad puns. Speaking of bad puns, here's one for you now. Talk to the hand!"

Curtis slaps Barrett to a huge pop. The two begin fighting and Curtis gets the advantage, knocking Barrett from the ring. Curtis grabs the mic and challenges Barrett to an NXT winner vs. NXT winner match, right now!

Match #1 Wade Barrett vs. Johnny Curtis
Barrett dominates most of the match with Curtis getting random flurries here and there. Curtis gets Barrett in the corner and goes for the 10 punches, but Barrett escapes and drops him face first on the turnbuckle. Barrett lifts Curtis over his shoulders, hits the Wasteland and pins him for the win.
Winner: Wade Barrett


* David Otunga approaches Alex Riley backstage.

Riley : What do you want?

Otunga: I saw what happened to you on Monday and I felt that that was completely unfair. Triple H fired The Miz & R-Truth and Miz took it upon himself to take his frustrations out on you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. You can join the rest of my clients in legal action against Triple H.

Riley : That sounds pretty tempting. Miz did blame his problems with Triple H on me, and his actions against me were completely undeserved.

Otunga : Glad to see you understand.

* Otunga goes to shake Riley's hand, but Riley pulls away

Riley : "You can take your lawsuit, and shove it!"

* Riley walks away, leaving Otunga seething in anger.


* Mark Henry's music plays and he comes out with the World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder.

Henry : The World Heavyweight Championship is the ultimate prize in this business. It's what all these young guns in NXT strive for. But as long as I'm the World Heavyweight Champion, a shot at the title isn't a dream! It's a nightmare!

* Henry stays outside to watch the next match.

Match #2 Brodus Clay vs. Yoshi Tatsu
Clay wins in a quick squash, and then has a staredown with Henry.

- Recap of Swagger making Cena tap out on RAW.

Match #3. Tyson Kidd vs. Alex Riley
Kidd has resumed his random manager gimmick. Tonight his manager is The Miz. The commentators note that although Miz & R-Truth were fired, Miz is in the arena solely at Kidd's invitation. Riley & Kidd have a back and forth match, with Miz taking cheap shots at Riley and berating him whenever the referee isn't looking. Miz whispers some instructions to Kidd, and Kidd attempts to do Miz's flying clothesline in the corner, with obligatory YEAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! screaming, only to be cut off with a right hand by Riley who audibly yells "SHUT UP! THIS ISN'T WOMEN'S TENNIS!" to a huge pop from the crowd.

When Riley gets the advantage, Miz trips him. Kidd takes advantage and gets Riley in the Sharpshooter. Riley crawls to the ropes, face to face with The Miz, who slaps him out of the ref's line of sight. Miz is mocking Riley, yealling "What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do?" over and over again. Riley then looks Miz dead in the eye, and says, "Your ass is mine." Riley then taps out to the Sharpshooter.
Winner: Tyson Kidd

Miz is insulting Riley to his face and but then slowly comes to the realization that Riley tapped out on purpose so that Kidd would let go of him, and gulps in horror as Riley gives him a sinister smile. Quick as a flash, Riley goes after the Miz and chases him backstage.

Riley is searching for the Miz, who attacks him from behind. The Miz & Riley brawl backstage and Riley has the advantage, ripping Miz's clothes. Miz picks up a steel pipe and wildly swings it at Riley dropping it. Riley ducks, hits Miz in the stomach and picks up the pipe. Riley chases Miz to the parking lot where R-Truth is waiting for him in a getaway car.

R-Truth: "Ninja, quit playing with Little Jimmy and let's go!"

Miz quickly rushes to the passenger's seat and yells, "Go! Go! Go!" Riley smashes one of the car's windows with the pipe before it can peel out. The show ends with Riley left in the parking lot groaning in frustration
* Superstars oddly opens up with Triple H coming out to the ring in a suit.

Triple H : "Don't adjust your sets. This isn't a dream. Triple H is on Superstars. I realized that we have a bunch of talented guys in the back, who put their blood sweat and tears into this show week after week, yet hardly anyone acknowledges their hard work because they can't be bothered to take one hour out of their time to watch this show. I used to watch Superstars in the 80s, I remember when Superstars used to have 'super stars' and I loved it! Guys like Mr. Perfect, guys like Demolition, guys like The Hart Foundation, guys like Razor Ramon, and even guys like Kevin Nash, bless his heart, used to come on this show week after week. This show has fallen so far ever since then. I have made it my mission to make this show actually mean something again!!!

"That's why I've made a stellar main event tonight with two of the hottest young stars in the WWE. The Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes will go one on one with the United STates Champion Alex Riley in a Champion vs. Champion match."

* Cody Rhodes comes out in a suit, (NOTE: He still has the Attitude Era IC belt) He gets in the ring

Cody : "I refuse to compete against Alex Riley."

Triple H : "Are you afraid of A-Ry? If you are you can...say it to my face. Don't be ashamed, we all are afraid of something. I'm afraid of heights, and I'm afraid of people with thick glasses. It makes their eyes look big like they're judging you."

Cody : "I do not fear that common man Alex Riley. But Alecth Riley has a target on his back. The Miz...that tacky suit wearing....frog faced....glorified....reality television reject that used to work here has made Alecth Riley a target for reasons that I give an minimal amount of fudge about. I am the WWE Intercontinental Champion, and an innothent bysthander. I should not have to rithk being caught in the crothfire of a thychotic clown

Triple H: Tell us how you really feel. The match is still on.

Triple H leaves the ring while Cody stands there frustrated.


Ted DiBiase is having one of his DiBiase Posse tailgate parties outside the arena. Fans and Superstars alike are having fun and generally having a good time.

Suddenly we hear the voice of R-Truth...


Miz: This tailgate party is about to get AWWWWEEEEESOOMMMMMEEEEE!!!!

* There is an awkward silence as Miz & R-Truth, both wearing DiBiase Posse T-shirts (Miz is wearing it with a suit) walk through the tailgate party with smug looks on their faces. They both put their arms around Ted

Ted : Nobody invited you here.

R-Truth: Come on Ted. A year ago you was begging me to be your buddy!

Ted: This is not quite what I had in mind.

Miz : Why so serious Ted?

R-Truth : We might not be part of the WWE anymore, but we still proud members of the DiBiase Posse, and we just came to enjoy a tailgate party.

* Miz snatches a burger out of Zack Ryder's hand

Ryder : Are you serious bro!

Ryder then storms off to the ring as his match is next. Miz smiles and starts eating the burger.


Match #1: Zack Ryder vs. Brodus Clay
Zack Ryder comes out with his camera, while Clay gets a jobber entrance. Ryder grabs a microphone, gets in the ring, and points his camera at Clay.

Ryder : Hey Brodus! You're on my show right now! You wanna be my Broski of the Week? I can call you Broski Clay!

Ryder tries to pal around with Brodus, oblivious to the big man's obvious annoyance. The bell rings and Brodus dominates Ryder with various power holds. Ryder does manages to get Brodus down to one knee, and attempts the Rough Ryder only to be caught and slammed down hard. Brodus then hits a running cross body and pins him.
Winner: Brodus Clay

After the match, Brodus grabs Ryder and tosses him out of the ring. He then grabs a mic

Brodus : "I told you I was gonna kill all your heroes! Starting with this one right here! AND YOU DO...KNOW...THAT!"

* Brodus then walks over to Ryder as he is getting up, and tosses him into the steel steps. He then leaves the ring area and makes his way backstage.

A recap of Swagger making John Cena tap out on RAW plays

* Vickie Guerrero, Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger are watching the recap backstage on a monitor. Brodus Clay walks past them, and Vickie stops him.

Vickie : Ahem, excuse me. I was watching your match, and I was pretty impressed. As you can see, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger are the WWE Tag Team Champions. And most recently as a result of my guidance, Jack Swagger did the impossible when he made John Cena tap out on RAW. If you join me, I can guarantee that you'll have similar success,

* Vickie hands Brodus a business card. HE looks at it, and then tears it up. Brodus grabs Ziggler by his tie. Swagger moves in to aid his partner, but backs off when Brodus glares at him.. Brodus smiles, then lets go of the smaller man and walks away.

Ziggler then shamelessly quips in smartass fashion: "That shaved gorilla just made me soil myself!" and hurriedly heads off to the locker room to change


- A video package featuring David Otunga and his interactions with the various Superstars plays.

* All About The Power plays and David Otunga comes out along with his former Nexus stable mates Michael McGillicutty, Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel. All of them have their ring gear on as they are about to compete in an 8 man tag match. Otunga grabs a mic.

Otunga: "My name is David Otunga...."

The crowd starts to chant MISTER HUDSON * clap clap clap clap clap *

Otunga : "You may recognize me as well as the men you see before you as former members of The Nexus. These men would like to air their own opinions regarding the COO Triple H."

Gabriel : "While the group of individuals collectively suing Triple H have their own complaints, they at least have enjoyed the privilege of performing on RAW and SmackDown and competing for championship title, while we have gotten nothing but scraps."

Slater : How many times is Triple H gonna give Christian 'one more match' over and over and over again while the rest of us sit back on the sidelines?

McGillicutty : We are sick of the poor treatment that Triple H has given us. We are tired of being ignored. We will no longer be overlooked. No longer will we not be given the attention we rightfully deserve... *

The crowd is actually cheering for McGillicutty as he has another "This moment starting now" moment. McGillicutty's rant is cut off by The Usos theme starting up. Jimmy and Jey come out dragging a reluctant Johnny Curtis & Derrick Bateman out by the arm. Curtis audibly yells "I don't wanna!" while Bateman shakes his head no. The Usos then start to do the Siva Tau dance and Curtis & Bateman reluctantly do it with them....awkwardly and badly.

Match #2. Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty vs. Johnny Curtis, Derrick Bateman & The Usos.
The match lasts about seven minutes. Otunga hits his spinebuster on Curtis and scores the pin.

A recap of Miz's attacks on Alex Riley plays.

Miz & R-Truth are still at the tailgate party, each have an arm around Ted's shoulder, as they are watching the recap on a TV. Ted (and everyone else) is no longer having fun due to Awesome Truth's presence. Cody Rhodes shows up in his ring gear, along with his baggers, about to head out for his match.

Cody : Ted, Are you seriously cavorting with these outsiders?

Ted : I don't owe you an explanation! But just to let you know I didn't invite them! They just showed up.

Cody : If you have any sense of decency or brain cells, you will get rid of these interlopers now.

R-Truth : My dad used to take me hunting for interlopers when I was a kid!

Cody : As if a despicable worm like you could ever actually have a father....

R-Truth picks up a bottle of mustard and squirts it on Cody. Cody retaliates by taking out a paper bag and putting it on R-Truth's head. A blinded R-Truth begins spraying the mustard around wildly on everyone. Cody reaches into a bowl of potato salad and slaps The Miz

Miz then yells "Food fight!" and all of the superstars begin throwing food at each other and brawling. Cody takes the brunt of the punishment. Ted begins to grow increasingly angry as his tailgate party has officially been ruined. Ted grabs a toasting fork and tries to attack R-Truth and Miz with it, and they flee the scene. Ted turns his attention to Cody who is cowering behind his baggers. Ted tries to attack Cody but the baggers restrain Ted while Cody flees to the ring for his match.


Match #3. Champion vs. Champion match: Alex Riley vs. Cody Rhodes
This match lasts about 11 minutes, and goes back and forth. Riley hits a spinebuster on Rhodes, and then goes for his A-Bomb elbow drop, but Cody dodges it and then hits the Beautiful Disaster Kick. Cody hits the Cross-Rhodes on Riley for the win.
Winner: Cody Rhodes

Cody celebrates with the Intercontinental title, and Ted runs out and attacks Cody, pissed off that Cody provoked Miz & R-Truth and started the food fight. Cody tries to run, but trips on the fallen form of Riley Ted beats Cody a few more times and Cody retreats up the ramp. Ted stares down Cody to end the show
* Smackdown opens up with Teddy Long's music playing. The Smackdown GM comes out flanked by Zack Ryder, who is wearing a suit similar to Teddy's, except purple in color, and wearing an orange tie and a Broski headband.

Teddy : Tonight, we have a great main event. Randy Orton will team up with former Legacy teammate Ted DiBiase to take on the Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, and his lawyer David Otunga.

* All About The Power plays and Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel come out. (NOTE: All About The Power is the theme song for both teams of Slater/Gabriel and Otunga/McGillicutty. The two teams have not reformed "The Nexus" but they are a loosely affiliated alliance.)

Gabriel: Why have we not been booked tonight?

Slater : We're tired of being overlooked! We deserve to have competition on SmackDown tonight!

Teddy : I'm sorry, but the show is fully booked. There's no room to squeeze you in.

Ryder : Hold on, Teddy. If the Rad Bromance here is looking for competition, I'd be willing to give it to them.

Teddy : I can't let you do that player. You are only here as my assistant, not to compete. Besides, there's two of them and only one of you.

Ryder : You're gonna be mad at me Teddy, but I invited someone from RAW over. My tag team partner the Party Starter Curt Hawkins.

* Hawkins comes out to no music and stands on the stage.

Ryder : So why don't you do that thing you do so well and make a tag team match tonight!

Teddy : Zack, that's actually the smartest thing you've ever did. Later on tonight, it will be the team of Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins, takin' on the team of Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel. Holla holla!

Match #1: Daniel Bryan vs. Jinder Mahal
As soon as the bell rings, Jinder rushes Bryan and beats him down. He picks him up and then gives him a scoop slam. Jinder stops and yells at Bryan in Punjabi. Bryan, taking advantage of the opening, quickly trips Jinder, puts him in the LeBell Lock and Jinder taps out.
Winner: Daniel Bryan


Match 2. The Major Broskis vs. Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel.
* Slater and Gabriel come out first to All About The Power. Hawkins and Ryder come out to the ring to Ryder's music

Hawkins : "No disrespect to Edge, but you're looking at the two hottest things to come out of La Familia! The Party Starter Curt Hawkins! Long Island Iced Z, Zack Ryder! The Major Broskis!

Ryder : And if you're not down with us, I just have one question. Are you serious bro?

Ryder starts off the match with Gabriel. Slater and Gabriel spend the match making quick tags and isolating Ryder. Ryder make the hot tag to Hawkins who beats both men with a flurry. Hawkins hits the Heat Seeking Elbow on Slater, and then tags Ryder in who finishes Slater off with the Rough Ryder.
Winners: The Major Broskis


* Just Close Your Eyes plays and Christian comes out with Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler & Jack swagger.

Ziggler : Last Monday night on RAW, I was screwed out of my United States Championship. John Cena had no right to interfere in my match! Alex Riley got lucky last monday, and next monday, I will have my rematch. Triple H, I demand that John Cena be fired for his actions!

Swagger : Even though Triple H generally thuckth at hith job, he actually did something good on Monday Night, when he placed me in a match against John Cena, and I made him tap out in the center of the ring.

* Christian is standing in the corner, looking bored while the other Superstars talk. Christian is still a face, but he hangs around with these guys for the lulz. The crowd cheers as he makes funny faces at the heel Superstars behind their backs.

Cody : Triple H forced me to compete against Alex Riley, a man who couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag, and I was nearly maimed by his self aggrandizing ex boyfriend The Miz and his ebony skinned friend R-Truth, and then that ungrateful hater of players Ted DiBiase tried to shank me with a toasting fork. Triple H made the stupid decision of allowing Ted DiBiase to throw his stupid tailgate parties when he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near sharp objects.

Christian : Yeah! Because of Triple H's poor job as COO * points at Dolph * His title got stolen by the Miz's slightly bigger and less charismatic clone/ex boyfriend. * points at Swagger * Triple H forced John Cena to compete with a cramp in his hand, and * points at Cody * and Cody almost got forked in the ass! This is unacceptable and because of that I should have ONE MORE MATCH!!!"

* The heels roll their eyes in annoyance and the crowd pops. Somebody's Gonna Get Their Ass Kicked plays and Mark Henry comes out.

Henry : Christian? You on drugs or something? If you ain't learn nothing from the last 28 times you got swatted into the ground you gotta be smokin' something!

Christian : 29, but who's counting?

Henry : Nobody standin' in the ring or in the back can beat me! That's why I got this! But If I gotta faceroll yo ass again, so be it!


Match #3. Jack Swagger & Dolph Zigger (w/ Cody Rhodes & Christian) vs. The Usos.
Swagger & Ziggler are already in the ring while Christian and Cody stand on the outside. The Usos come out and do their war dance. The heels look annoyed as Christian is actually bobbing his head to the Uso's entrance music.

The Usos put up a decent fight against the tag team champions, but ultimately Swagger makes Jimmy tap out with the Ankle Lock.
Winners: Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler

* Tyson Kidd is shown walking through the hallways when he bumps into the Divas of Doom. He gives Natalya a kiss on the cheek and Beth rolls her eyes. The three of them walk out to the ring as Tyson Kidd has a match...NEXT.


Match #4 Tyson Kidd (w/ Natalya & Beth Phoenix) vs. Trent Baretta
Kidd comes out with The Divas of Doom tonight. Kidd and Nattie are holding hands, while Beth has an annoyed scowl on her face. Your typical Tyson Kidd match with obligatory screaming. Nattie trips Trent up. Kelly Kelly runs out to the ring and attacks Nattie. Beth grabs Kelly and tosses her into the ring post. Kidd stops to laugh at Kelly, which gives Trent the opening to hit the Dudebuster DDT for the win.
Winner: Trent Baretta

Beth throws Kelly into the ring and starts beating her up. She stops when she notices that Nattie isn't helping her and is tending to a hurt Kidd. Beth gives Kelly the Glam Slam, glares at Nattie, kicks Kidd in the ribs for no reason and leaves pissed off.

* Randy Orton is in the back getting ready for his match when Ted DiBiase comes in.

Ted : Randy, I know we haven't seen eye, but tonight, we're gonna team up against Cody and David Otunga. You and I know Codes better than anyone else. He's lost it completely.

Randy : My issues with Cody, are about more pressing matters than some lame barbecue. It's funny when you think about it. Cody teaming up with his lawyer David Otunga to file a class action suit against Triple H. It wasn't so long ago that I tried to use lawyers against Triple H, back when we were Legacy. I guess I taught him a little bit too much. I'm gonna have to fix that

Match #5: Randy Orton & Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes & David Otunga
Ted plays the face in peril for this match, but after hitting the juke out clothesline on Cody, he tags in Orton and Cody tags in Otunga. Orton cleans house on both men and hits the powerslam, and the DDT on Otunga. Orton then attempts to do the punt to Otunga, but Cody saves Otunga when he dives between them and takes the punt to the face. Cody rolls out of the ring, stunned, but not seriously injured; the commentators play it off as the mask having absorbed most of the impact. Orton hits the RKO on Otunga for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton & Ted DiBiase

Orton and Ted celebrate in the ring, and then Orton gives DiBiase the RKO for good measure, and poses for the fans

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Christian vs. Mark Henry

Christian uses his speed against Henry, while Henry manages to knock him down with clotheslines every time Christian gets the advantage. Christian drop toe holds Mark Henry into "619 position" and then hits his "Springboard Bitch Slap." Christian attempts to do his springboard thingy off the second rope, but Henry catches him and hits the World's Strongest Slam and pins him.
Winner: Mark Henry

We hear Henry yell, "THIS GON' HAPPEN EVERY TIME!!! YOU AIN'T GON' GET THIS!!!!" at Christian over and over again before finally leaving the ring. Henry walks to the stage and holds up the World Title belt. Christian manages to pull himself to his feet on the ropes, and hold one finger up in the air, signaling for One More Match and the crowd pops. Henry stares at Christian, seething in anger by his refusal to just give up.
RAW opens with CM Punk coming out to the ring.

Punk : I have a few issues with the COO HHH. Now last week, I was forced against my will to team up with a roster of people that I can't stand to take on The Miz & R-Truth, the stipulation being that the two of them would be fired if they lost. Now, why am I concerned over Miz & Truth getting fired? Take a look at this.

He shows the a recap of the Awesome Truth vs. the RAW roster match, with Punk being left to take them on on his own. Triple H comes down with his sledge hammer and purposely nails Punk with it to get Miz & R-Truth disqualified.

Punk : Okay. Now, I don't have a problem with HHH firing Miz and R-Truth. Hell, I say good riddance and I think the WWE is a better place without them. What I do have a problem with was HHH making an example out of me to get his point across

Time to Play The Game hits and Triple H comes out.

HHH : Okay Punk, here's the thing, I really didn't want to hit you in the head with that sledge hammer. Nah, who am I kidding, I loved every second of it. I got to shut you up, albeit temporarily and fire two pains in the ass at the same time. It was like killing two birds with one stone. RAW was so much more quiet and peaceful without you around for a whole week. You talk about the status quo, but the new status quo has become you coming out here week after week, bitching and moaning about how the big bad HHH has been holding you down and screwing you over. Now it's starting to rub off on everyone else and it's pissing me off!!!!!

CM Punk : Cool story bro.

HHH : You say I haven't given anyone opportunities. Well, I'm gonna give one guy in the back an opportunity right now. You're gonna be in action. Next.

Triple H leaves, while Punk waits in the ring for his opponent.

Match #1 : CM Punk vs. David Otunga

All About the Power plays and Otunga comes out. Otunga has a mic.

Otunga : Punk, what kind of a name is Punk anyway?

Punk : I don't know. I asked myself the same question when New York gave it to you.

The crowd pops

Otunga : Very funny. You wanna know the truth. I never liked you. Not even in Nexus. It was a mistake for me to ever associate myself with you. You complain about how Triple H screwed everyone else for his own selfish reasons. I don't like Hunter very much either, but you were just as bad as he was. You held the rest of us bac. Soon as you walked out, the sky was the limit and...

Punk cuts Otunga off with a kick. He goes for a cover, but Otunga kicks out. Punk picks Otunga up, but Otunga rakes Punk's eyes and hits a vertical suplex. Otunga drops a few elbows on Punk and then goes for a cover. Punk kicks out. Otunga picks Punk up, whips him into the ropes and hits a back elbow, and goes for another 2 count.

Punk whips Otunga into the corner, and then hits the flying knee and the bulldog. He then hits the GTS and pins Otunga for the win.
Winner: CM Punk
Scott Stanford is interviewing John Cena backstage.

Stanford : John Cena, last night you were given the shock of your life. Could you share your thoughts please.

Cena : Jack Swagger is a hell of a competitor. I've fought the guy multiple times and he's always taken me to the limit. The difference between all those times and last week is that I always came out on top. But that was not the case last week. Last week, Jack Swagger made me tap out and off the record, I cried like a little girl. I was so sad that I spent the week eating ice cream and watching chick flicks. But I should be given the chance to redeem myself, by taking on Jack Swagger...in a rematch! Tonight.

Swagger walks up to Cena.

Swagger : Not gonna happen. I got nothing else to prove to you.

Cena : What's the matter Jackie boy? Afraid you can't do it again?

Swagger and Cena get into each other's faces.

Swagger : Fine! I accthept. But don't get mad when I make you cry like a little girl all over again.

Match #2: Cody Rhodes (w/ Christian) vs. Johnny Curtis

Cody comes out, but in lieu of his normal baggers, Christian comes out dressed as a bagger, handing out paper bags to the fans. All of the bags that Christian hands out have “One More Match” written on the “foreheads.” Johnny Curtis is already in the ring, having gotten a jobber entrance. Christian gives a bag to Michael Cole, who frowns at him.

Curtis backs Cody into the corner. He backs off, but Cody punches Curtis in the face. He whips Curtis into the ropes, but Curtis counters with a shoulder block.

Cody puts Curtis in a chinlock, but Curtis slowly starts to fight his way out of it. Curtis breaks free and starts hitting European Uppercuts, before running the ropes and knocking Rhodes down with a spinning wheel kick.

Curtis gets Rhodes in the corner and does the 10 punches while the crowd counts along. Rhodes slips out and drops Curtis face first into the top turnbuckle. Rhodes then hits the Beautiful Disaster kick and pins Curtis for the win.
Winner: Cody Rhodes.

* Ricardo Rodriguez is backstage talking to Natalya. Natalya gives Ricardo a $100 bill and an index card and walks off, and Ricardo makes his way to the ring.


Match #3: Tyson Kidd (w/ Ricardo Rodriguez) vs. Curt Hawkins

Kidd comes out vwith Ricardo, reading from the index card that Natalya handed him backstage.

Ricardo : Damas y caballeros. *Starts speaking English * Allow me to introduce to you a man who makes my heart melt whenever I look into his eyes. A man whose thighs are even more amazing than Randy Orton's. I just want to grab his perfectly shaped butt and take a bite out of it. He is TYSOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNN KIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDD!

Natalya comes out to the stage and waves at Kidd. Kidd gives a shy smile and looks down at the canvas.

Hawkins comes out to In The Middle Of It Now. He looks at Natalya standing on the stage swooning over Kidd, laughs, and makes his way to the ring.

Hawkins attemps a hammer lock on Kidd, but Kidd snapmares him down and puts him in a front facelock. Hawkins makes a comeback, but Kidd stops his flurry with a spin kick to the gut, and then hits a snap suplex. Kidd goes to the outside ring apron, and attempts to do the springboard elbow drop, but Hawkins gets his knees up. Hawkins then goes to the top rope and hits the Heat Seeking Elbow for the win.
Winner: Curt Hawkins

Natalya runs out to the ring to console Kidd, and they make lovey dovey eyes at each other.

* Beth Phoenix's music hits and she comes out with the Diva's title belt over her shoulder, and carrying a briefcase.

Beth : Now that this after school Disney crap is over, let's get on to business. I have an announcement to make. I am the WWE Diva's Champion. This (referring to the belt) is the WWE Divas Championship. What is wrong with this picture? This is a toy! This isn't any more a real title than Zack Ryder's Internet Championship!

Beth then drops the title on the ground,

Beth : That is a belt!

Beth then opens the brief case and then pulls a new belt out of it.

Beth : THIS is a championship title!

The new Divas Championship resembles the Women's title, except with the addition of diamonds (but not overly gaudy like the Spinner belt) on the “corners” of the faceplate. The belt is silver in color (made of white gold, not platinum like the Butterfly belt), and has the word “DIVAS CHAMPION” on it in purple (same lettering as the Women's belt).

Beth, Nattie, and Kidd walk out, all of then nonchalantly stepping over the Butterfly belt and leaving it in the ring. Ricardo stays in the ring as Alberto Del Rio's entrance hits and Del Rio comes out in one of his cars.

Ricardo : “Damas y caballeros, es mi honor de introducir, Un hombre cuyo Dick es más grande que el suyo. Tuvo relaciones sexuales con your mom last night.....

Cole : Ricardo is a genius. Where does he come up with this stuff?


Del Rio gets into the ring, picks up the discarded Butterfly Divas Title belt and tosses it out disregardingly onto the ramp.

Del Rio : After our tag match last week in Monday Night RAW. John Morrison. He come out here. And he deesrespect Alberto del Rio. The WWE Champion. Why he think he can hang with El Patron? Last time he challenge against me in the ring, I squash heem.

Morrison's music hits and he comes out.

Morrison : Alberto. You're right. The last time we faced off against each other you did quote unquote squash me. But I was not mentally ready for that encounter. My mind was else where. Woman trouble, you know.

Morrison gives a smirk towards the hard camera.

Del Rio : Ha. Woman trouble. Is funny, Was it that time of the month. Did you have to go to the Siete-Once, The 7-Eleven and get your self some tampons. Is okay. Don't be ashamed. Todos mujeres, all womens have that problem.

Del Rio winks at Morrison. Morrison attacks Del Rio and Ricardo makes the save. Del Rio bails from the ring and retreats to the stage, while Ricardo continues stomping on Morrison. Ricardo picks Morrison up and whips him into the ropes, but Morrison comes back with a flying dropkick. Morrison then picks Ricardo up and hits the Moonlight Drive. Morrison stares down at Del Rio, and motions that he wants the WWE Title.


Match #3. United States Championship: Alex Riley (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler.
Dolph Ziggler comes out alone. He looks at the Butterfly belt, which is still laying on the ramp., picks it up, wipes his ass with it, and drops it back on the floor, before getting in the ring.

Alex Riley comes out next to a huge pop.

Ziggler and Riley have a staredown, and Ziggler slaps Riley. Riley takes Ziggler down by the legs and starts punching him in the face. Riley picks Ziggler up for the TKO, but Ziggler slips out and goes for the sleeper hold. Riley quickly grabs the ropes and Ziggler breaks the hold.

Ziggler takes Riley down with a headlock takeover. Riley fights his way out of it and hits a Spinebuster. He goes for the cover but Ziggler kicks out. Riley picks Ziggler up, and attempts to do the Impaler DDT, but Ziggler counters, kicks Riley in the gut and hits the FameAsser.

Ziggler goes for a cover. Miz runs in throught the crowd, pulls Ziggler off of Riley, and then slides in the ring and starts beating Riley up. The ref calls for the bell and Dolph protests.
Winner: Alex Riley by DQ

Ziggler gets back in the ring, pulls Miz off of Riley and argues with him. Ziggler yells “What do you think you're doing! You ruined everything!” Miz stares a hole through Riley and doesn't even look at Ziggler, and he resumes attacking him. Ziggler pulls Miz off of him again, and says “Hey! You listen to me when I'm talking to you!” Miz turns his head towards Ziggler, stares at him with cold,nemotionless eyes, turns his head back towards Riley, and starts beating Riley up once again. Swagger comes running out to the ring, and Miz bails , and runs back into the crowd.

Ziggler and Swagger both look at the fallen Riley. Swagger puts Riley in the anklelock and Ziggler immediately latches on the sleeper hold, both of them staring a hole through The Miz who is standing in the crowd staring back at them. Ziggler is screaming out “I HATE BOTH OF YOU! YOUR STUPID DRAMA IS RUINING EVERYTHING FOR ME!!!!!”

Referees and security, run out. Half of them try to pry Ziggler & Swagger off of Riley, while the other half jump into the crowd to try and chase The Miz.

Triple H and John Laurinaitis are in the office. Dolph Ziggler bursts in mad as hell.

Ziggler : Did you guys see that out there? The Miz ruined everything

Triple H : You wanna rematch. You gotta earn it.

Ziggler : I gotta earn a rematch that I was screwed out of! Are you serious bro?

Zack Ryder walks in.

Ryder : That's gimmick infringement! Are you serious bro!

Ryder leaves as quickly as he came in.

Triple H : As I was saying, you're gonna have to earn your rematch. Next week, in the main event. If you win, you'll get a rematch for the United States Championship. Oh, and your opponent. John Cena.

Ziggler scowls at Triple H, and then leaves.

Match #4. Randy Orton vs. Christian
Randy Orton comes out first. Then Christian comes out. He's wearing the sparkly pants and the hoodie once again.

The two of them start with a collar and elbow tie up. Christian backs Orton up towards the ropes and then Irish whips him Orton does the Lou Thesz Press and starts punching Christian in the face, before locking in a chin lock. Christian fights his way out of it, kicks Orton in the gut and then runs the ropes. Christian goes for a clothesline, but Orton ducks under it and hits his backbreaker move. Cody Rhodes starts to make his way down the ramp as we go to commercial

Back from commercial and Christian has Orton in a headlock. Orton pushes Christian off. Orton hits the powerslam and then starts going into that dark place of his. Orton coils up for the RKO, but Christian counters with the reverse DDT and gets a 2 count. Christian climbs the top rope and goes for a missile drop kick, but Orton dodges it. Orton tosses Christian over the rope. Christian lands on the apron, and Orton sets him up for the rope DDT. Christian counters by getting his feet off the ropes, and dropping Orton into 2nd rope in “619 position.” Christian then does his springboard bitch slap. Christian attempts the Killswitch, but much like their 2005 encounter, Orton counters by leapfrogging over Christian, and then goes for the RKO. This time however, Christian blocks it, and rolls Orton up for the victory.
Winner: Christian

After the match, Christian offers Orton a handshake. Orton thinks about it for a second, and then tries to RKO Christian for no reason other than being a general douche nozzle. Christian again blocks the RKO, and hits the Killswitch in self defense. Christian then “Kanye Shrugs” to the crowd. He leaves the ring and puts his hand up to try to get a high five from Cody. Cody simply glares at him and refuses to return the gesture. Christian, disappointed at being left hanging, leaves the ringside area. He notices the discarded old Divas Title belt and picks it up, mouthing “Somebody's gotta clean up around here,” before making his way backstage Cody slithers into the ring, gives Orton the Cross Rhodes and leaves.

Match #5. John Cena vs. Jack Swagger
Jack Swagger comes out first. He does his pushups and the push up pyro is back, which gets a few pops from the crowd.

Cena comes out next to the usual mixed reaction.

They begin with a collar and elbow tie up. Swagger immediately does an amateur takedown to Cena and tries to go for the ankle lock again, but Cena avoids it, and they have a staredown. Cena goes after Swagger with punches, and whips him into the ropes, but Swagger comes back with a huge clothesline, and covers for 2. Swagger picks Cena up and hits a belly to belly suplex, getting another 2 count. Backs him into the ropes and slaps him. Cena angrily punches Swagger, and then hits a drop kick. Cena hits a gutwrench suplex on Swagger. He goes for a second one, but Swagger counters, and hefts Cena over his shoulder. He puts Cena in the tree of woe and punches his ankle a few times, and then stomps him as well for a 5 count. Cena gets to his feet and Swagger hits a half nelson suplex and gets a 2 count. Swagger picks Cena up and whips him to the ropes. Cena comes back with his shoulder blocks, and then the Protobomb. He goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Swagger rolls out of the way. Swagger then hits the Dr. Bomb on Cena, but instead of going for the cover, he locks on the Ankle Lock. Cena raises his right hand as if to tap out, but then catches himself with his left hand. Cena is clasping on to his right hand with his left for dear life like he is trying to stop himself from tapping out. After a full minute, Cena can take the pain no more and finally taps out.
Winner: Jack Swagger.

Swagger keeps the ankle lock locked in and refuses to break the hold. The referee then reverses his decision

Justin Roberts : Ladies and Gentlemen, the referee has reversed his decision. Therefore your winner by disqualification, JEEEEEYAHHHHHNNNNN CEEEENNAAAAAA!!!!!!”

The referee tries to raise Cena's hand, but Cena pulls away and argues with the ref, refusing to take the cheap win, saying “No! I don't want it like that!” And Cena walks away with his head down in shame once again, while Swagger looks on with a smirk on his face.
Match #1 Heath Slater vs. Derrick Bateman
Derrick Bateman hits the Mantastic and scores the pin.
Winner: Derrick Bateman

Ricardo Rodriguez's music plays and he comes out, and introduces himself Mr. Kennedy style, before proceeding to introduce Alberto Del Rio.

Del Rio : My name, is Alberto Del RIOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! But you, you already know that. Now the World Heavyweight Champion, Mark Henry. Last week he discourage the young superstars of NXT. He say that challenging him, in the World Heavyweight Championship match...is a nightmare. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to inspire the young talent. They can aspire to take the WWE Title away from Alberto Del Rio. They never will, but they can try. There's nothing wrong with 2nd place. When you're 2nd to Alberto Del Rio.

Del Rio continues to talk until he is interrupted by Zack Ryder's theme song, and Ryder comes out

Ryder : Hey, Alberto. You say you wanna inspire? Well I'm pretty inspired. Inspired enough to challenge you to a match, tonight. How about it, bro? The WWE champion, against the Internet Champion, tonight!

Del Rio : Ha. This will be like taking a candy...from a little bambino!


Match #2. Michael McGillicutty vs. Darren Young
Finish: McGillicutty wins a short 5 minute match with the McGillicutter
Winner: Michael McGillicutty.


* Recap of the John Cena/Jack Swagger rematch.

Match #3. Justin Gabriel vs. Johnny Curtis.
Finish: Curtis attempts a superplex, but Gabriel pushes him off and hits the 450 Splash
Winner: Justin Gabriel

* Recap of The Miz interrupting the U.S. title match and Dolph Ziggler demanding a rematch and being forced to face John Cena next Monday.

Match #4. Alberto Del Rio vs. Zack Ryder
Finish: Ryder attempts the Rough Ryder, but Del Rio catches him and drops him across the ropes. He then makes Ryder tap out with the Cross armbreaker.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio

After the match Del Rio refuses to release the hold, and then John Morrison comes out and makes the save.
Match #1. Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Kofi Kingston
Ricardo is out first. He is wearing his Chimaera gear (without the mask). He is introduced by Justin Roberts, but Ricardo as usual, snatches the mic and performs his own introduction.

Kofi Kingston is out next to a huge pop.

Kofi and Ricardo put on an 8 minute match full of various high flying spots. Eventually Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise and scores the pin.
Winner: Kofi Kingston

Match #2. Tyler Reks vs. Evan Bourne
Evan Bourne comes out first to a pop. Reks comes out next and he has a mic in his hand.

Reks : Ok, I was gone for a minute, but now that I'm back, every single superstar in the WWE, as well as those who used to work for the WWE (a veiled threat at Miz & R-Truth not to try anything with him) better watch their backs.

Reks uses his power to dominate Bourne, although Bourne manages to get his usual flurries of kicks and knees in. Bourne goes for the Shooting Star Press, but Reks moves out of the way. Bourne lands on his feet, but Reks quickly scoops him up and hits the Burning Hammer for the 1-2-3.
Winner: Tyler Reks

Match #3. Daniel Bryan vs. Ted DiBiase
They shake hands before the match starts. The match goes back and forth with the crowd cheering for both men. DiBiase goes for Dream Street, but Bryan counters into the LeBell Lock and DiBiase taps out.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

After the match, Bryan and Ted shake hands. Bryan goes to leave the ringside area, but Ted grabs a mic

Ted : Daniel, hold on. Don't go back to the hotel yet. This night isn't over. The DiBiase Posse is going strong, and there's a party going on outside. I know you don't eat meat, but we've got some tofu burgers and asparagus, and you're welcome to join us!

Bryan smiles for a bit, and then nods his head in agreement. Ted and Bryan leave the ring together.

Match #4. Tyson Kidd (w/ Alex Riley) vs. Yoshi Tatsu.
Kidd comes out with Riley as his manager for the night. A-Ry is wearing a suit, carrying the U.S. title and even has the metal briefcase once again. Yoshi comes out with his Muta-esque face paint.

Kidd and Yoshi manage to go for about 15 minutes, while Riley observes from ringside. Riley, a face, does not interfere on the heel Kidd's behalf, but Kidd doesn't really need the help, matching Yoshi move for move. During the course of the match, Miz & R-Truth jumps the barricade. Truth knocks Riley out with the Water Bottle of Doom, while Miz, nods his approval and talks trash to his former friend. Yoshi, for some reason, stops to argue with Truth, which gives Kidd the opening to score a roll up with his feet on the ropes.
Winner: Tyson Kidd.

Natalya comes out, and Kidd walks up the ramp to meet up with her, and they make out like lovesick teenagers on the stage. Security runs in to try to apprehend Miz & R-Truth. In the midst of the chaos, Dolph Ziggler runs out, and gives Riley the Zig Zag on the floor. He grabs Riley's U.S. title belt, and holds it up high and shouts "Soon this will be back where it rightfully belongs!"

* Fireworks go off and Michael Cole, Booker T & Josh Mathews welcome us to SmackDown.

* A.J.'s music plays and the ChickBusters come out, along with Christian. The three of them are wearing cheerleader uniforms with Christian's old C logo on it.

* The Chickbusters & Christian do a well choreographed cheer basically asking for Christian to get One More Match. Sheamus comes out.

Sheamus : Let me tell ya somethin' fella. Watchin' ya make an arse out of yerself and beg for a title shot every week is probably the most interestin' part of the show. But fella, give it up. Give other people a chance. Maybe if I were World Heavyweight Champion, ye might have a better chance at winnin'. Therefore I should be the #1 contender.

* Teddy Long comes out.

Teddy : Both of you have valid claims to be #1 contender. I say we settle it in the ring. So tonight, it will be Christen, vs. Sheamus. And the winner will be the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Championship! Holla Holla

* An Earlier Today segment plays. The Tag Team Champions Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger arrive outside the arena, where Miz & R-Truth are just lounging around.

R-Truth : Hey, Mr. Ziggles. Hey Mr. Swaggie.

Dolph : Hey listen, Miz. Could you lay off Alex Riley for the next few weeks?

Miz * glaring at Dolph * : Really? Really? That's like asking me not to eat or breathe.

Dolph: Listen! This past Monday, I was THIS CLOSE, to regaining MY United States Championship from your ex! Then you had to jump in and ruin everything just because you couldn't keep your hands off of Alex Riley! * Ziggler starts throwing a temper tantrum * STOP RUINING MY LIFE!!!!

Miz *unfazed* : I saw your lips move, but all I heard was blah blah blah.

Truth : I think he implied that you was a "homo-sapien" with Little Jimmy Riley

Ziggler : Just stay out of my way until I take back what's rightfully mine!

* Swagger calms his partner down.

Swagger : Triple H has unfairly forced Dolph into facing John Cena on Monday. Now that's an easy task, considering that I made Cena tap out two weeks in a row, but Dolph shouldn't have to waste his time.

* Dolph & Swagger storm off. Miz smiles at Truth.

Miz : I don't like the way they talked to us.


Match #1: William Regal & Ezekiel Jackson vs. Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel...
Regal & Zeke come out to Regal's music, while Slater & Gabriel come out to "All About The Power."'

Slater & Gabriel isolate Zeke by keeping him grounded and taking turns attacking the legs of the big man. Zeke eventually makes a comeback, hitting his scoop slams on both Slater & Gabriel, before tagging Regal in, who finishes Slater off with his old arm twist neckbreaker finisher.
Winner: William Regal & Ezekiel Jackson

* Backstage, Zack Ryder (wearing an black suit with an orange shirt, and a custom purple tie with Broski written on it), and Alex Riley (wearing his usual relaxed, tie-less suit) are hanging out backstage, showing off their Internet and U.S. title belts. They are approached by Ziggler & Swagger, who are pissed off.

Ziggler: This is all your fault.

Ryder : What's the problem? Run out of hair bleach?

Ziggler: Move it. Grown men are talking.

* Swagger tries to use his size to intimidate Ryder, but Riley steps between them.

Riley : What's your problem.

Ziggler : My problem is that your stupid little cat fight with The Miz is starting to cramp my style. Because of your little relationship problems, I got screwed out of regaining MY United States Championship, and now I have to face John Cena on Monday to quote unquote earn another rematch. Keep your stupid ex boyfriend and his black friend out of my way!

Riley : I saw your lips move, but all I heard was blah blah blah.

Ryder : Bro, I think he implied that you were a homo-sapien with Big Fat Mike, but at the same time that would imply that Miz knows more than one move if you know what I mean. * Riley & Ryder laugh together, but The All American Perfection is not amused *

Riley : I don't condone anything that the Miz & R-Truth have been doing, but if it's making you unhappy, at least one good thing came out of it. If you're itching for a fight, I'd be more than welcome to give it to you.

Ryder : Hold on, A-Ry. You don't have to prove anything else to him. But I'd sure like to meet him in the ring *Ziggler & Swagger smirk *.

Ziggler *adjusts his suit * : You don't want none of this.

Ryder : Oh, I so want all of it!

Riley : I bet Zack can beat you. If I can beat you, and I can't wrestle to save my own life... * turns toward the camera and winks *

Ryder : He's right. He can't. * to Swagger * You know all about that Jackie boy.

Riley * continuing his sentence * : I know he can.

Ziggler * glares at Ryder *: Edge was right about you, you are a tool. You're on!

* Ziggler & Swagger walk away. Ryder and Riley fist pump together.


Match #2. Beth Phoenix vs. Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn is wrestling in her "One More Match" cheerleading gear. Beth wins in a three minute squash.
Winner: Beth Phoenix

Match #3. Randy Orton vs. Tyson Kidd (w/ Cody Rhodes)

* Randy Orton comes out first, and he has a mic

Orton : For the past few weeks, Cody Rhodes has been trying to get under my skin. Cody, for your entire career, you were like the annoying little kid that tries to tag along with the big boys. Now, you've become At Vengeance, you will realize that sitting at the big kids' table isn't all it's cracked up to be. Vengeance will be mine, when I take away the one thing that you value more than anything else. The Intercontinental Championship.

* Tyson Kidd comes out with Cody Rhodes & his baggers as his managers for the night.

Orton goes into his beast mode early, but Kidd manages to use his technical prowess to counteract Orton's intensity. He manages to escape Orton's rope DDT and counter with a Northern Lights Suplex. After 11 minutes, Kidd attempts a springboard move (think of the famous HBK/Shelton Benjamin spot) only for Orton to leap up and hit the RKO out of nowhere. Cody runs in and attacks Orton, and the ref calls for the bell.
Winner: Randy Orton by DQ

Cody & Kidd double team Orton. Cody gives Orton the Cross Rhodes, and then Kidd holds Orton down as Cody puts a paper bag over his head.


Match #4. #1 Contender's match. Christian vs. Sheamus
Christian comes out first, still wearing the "One More Match" cheerleading gear. Sheamus comes out next.

The two of them go at it for 17 minutes. Mark Henry comes out and attacks both men, laying them both out with The World's Strongest Slam. He repeatedly shouts "None of yall worthy!"
Winner: No Contest

* Teddy Long then comes out.

Teddy : Now it seems we don't have a clear winner. Therefore, at Vengeance, it will be Mark Henry defending the World Heavyweight Title, against Christian, and Sheamus, in a Triple Threat match! Holla holla!

We see a split screen of Ziggler/Swagger and Ryder/Riley coming out to the ring, as the main event is NEXT.


Match #5. Dolph Ziggler (w/ Jack Swagger) vs. Zack Ryder (w/ Alex Riley)

After 9 minutes, Ryder manages to hit the Rough Ryder on Ziggler, but Miz & R-Truth hit the ring. Truth shoves Swagger into the ring post, while Miz pulls Ryder out of the ring as he tries to go for the cover on Ziggler.
Winner: No Contest

Miz gives Ryder the Skull Crushing Finale on the floor. Riley tries to come to Ryder's aid only to be knocked out by R-Truth's Water Bottle of Doom. They throw Ryder and Riley in the ring and Truth continues to beat down the two of them (Ziggler is still laid out from The Rough Ryder) while Miz searches under the ring for weapons.

Truth continues beating on Riley in the corner. Swagger is also back up and he jumps into the ring. Swagger rushes at R-Truth, plowing through Ryder he is getting back up on his feet with a clothesline, and in one fluid motion, pulls R-Truth's legs out from under him and locks on the Ankle lock. Swagger is audibly yelling, "Tap you thupid <n-word>" R-Truth is tapping out. Miz smirks deviously as he pulls a sledgehammer out from under the ring. He gets the ring and nails Swagger in the back of the head with it

Ziggler slowly staggers to his feet. Miz goes to hit Ziggler with the sledge hammer, but he bails from the ring. Ziggler steals Riley's U.S. title belt, and clutches on to it as if it were his "precious" and retreats up the ramp, leaving Swagger behind to take another sledgehammer shot as he tries to pull himself up on the ropes. R-Truth picks Ryder up, and Miz nails him with the sledgehammer. Truth then picks Riley up and holds him for The Miz. Miz talks trash to his former friend, and then shockingly, he kisses Riley on the lips (the Kiss of Death) before giving him two sledge hammer shots, one to the gut and the second to the face.

R-Truth stacks Riley on top of Swagger, and then puts Ryder on top of Riley. Miz does Triple H's taunt with the sledge hammer.

* Triple H & John Laurinaitis are watching backstage on a monitor.

HHH : This is really starting to get old.

Johnny Ace : I agree. This Miz & R-Truth situation needs to be nipped in the bud now.

HHH : John, I just came up with the perfect idea. Miz & Truth wanna come back? Well Monday, they're coming back.

Johnny Ace : You're hiring them back?

HHH : No. Miz & R-Truth will get a chance to let their voices be heard next Monday, when they're guest hosting RAW.

* HHH walks away and Laurinaitis looks at him as if he's gone insane.

Note: Although my BTB is an alternate version of recent storylines, The Hell in a Cell PPV does not occur. I am building from Night of Champions all the way to Vengeance which would occur on the same date as this past Vengeance

* We begin with a recap of Smackdown, showing Awesome Truth's confrontation with All American Perfection, Zack Ryder challenging Dolph Ziggler to a match, Miz/Truth interfering in the match, Ziggler stealing the United States title belt, Miz laying everyone out with a sledge hammer, and Triple H booking Miz/Truth to be the guest hosts of RAW tonight....

* RAW begins with All American Perfection standing in the ring to huge heat. Swagger's head is bandaged up due to the sledgehammer shot he received from the Miz on SmackDown. Dolph is clutching Alex Riley's U.S. title belt closely to his chest like a favorite stuffed animal.

Swagger : Shut up!!!! We are the two biggeth tharth in the WWE. We are the Tag Team Championth. I made John Thena tap out two weekth in a row! And the fact that we are overshadowed by two men who don't even work here anymore ith a travethy!

* My Time Is Now plays and John Cena comes out looking serious.

Cena : Jack, you're right, you did make me tap out two weeks in a row. At Vengeance, the two of us will go one on one, in a Submission Match, and Dolph, if by some chance you manage to beat me tonight, you will get your rematch against Alex Riley at the aforementioned event. Now, Zack Ryder was flown back to New York at his request, so that he could make his recovery in the same medical facility as his best friend Mike Chiappetta *Cena looks at Dolph with accusatory eyes when he says that *. Alex Riley is an emotional wreck. He blames himself for the injuries that Zack sustained. He's in the back, and he' a mess. He can't speak for himself right now, so I'm here to speak for him. Dolph, do the right thing, hand over the United States Championship, so that I can return it to its rightful owner

* Dolph starts to throw a temper tantrum

Dolph : I am its rightful owner! Miz screwed me out of my rightful rematch! I wouldn't have even lost this if it weren't for you! No one is taking this from me! Not you! Not R-Truth! Not The Miz, and especially not Alex Riley! The US Title is mine! Mine! Mine!

* Cena cuts off Dolph's rant with a right hand, and Swagger pulls Cena's legs out from under him and latches onto the ankle lock again. The commentators call Swagger's ankle lock "Superman's Kryptonite" Before Cena can tap, Dolph recovers and gives Cena a hard stomp to the head, knocking him unconscious, snatches up the U.S. Title and shouts "MINE!" Swagger is offended that Dolph robbed him of the joy of making Cena tap again but backs away upon seeing how crazed his partner has become. They walk to the back, with Swagger keeping his distance.

* Miz & R-Truth watch on a backstage monitor.

Truth : Mr. Ziggles is officially coo coo.


* We see a clip of what happened during the commercial break. Triple H had to forcibly take the U.S. Title from Dolph, but was met with resistance. Dolph had to be tased by armed security guards after trying to attack HHH.

Match #1. Battle Royal to Determine the #1 Contender for the WWE Championship at Vengeance.
Justin Roberts : The following contest is a battle royal. The winner will receive a WWE Championship match at Vengeance.

* Ricardo comes out first. He introduces himself, and then Del Rio who sits at the announce table

* Alex Riley comes out with taped ribs, and he is accompanied by the armed security. Riley hands them the U.S. title and they stand on the stage, waiting for Riley to finish.

* David Otunga, Michael McGillicutty, Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel come out together.

* Cult of Personality plays and CM Punk & Mason Ryan come out together.


* The All American Perfection come out with Vickie. Ziggler slowly limps to the ring, trying to recover from getting tased. Vickie goes to do commentary as well, arguing with Del Rio throughout the match.

* John Morrison comes out, has a staredown with Del Rio before getting in the ring

The bell rings and CM Punk immediately gives Slater the GTS, who sells it by staggering and stumbling over the top rope. Everyone starts fighting. Ziggler & Swagger stay by each other's side throughout the battle royal, eliminating Santino, Primo, Darren Young, and Curt Hawkins.

Mason Ryan and Tyler Reks have a stare down and the two monsters go at it until Ziggler & Swagger toss them out. CM Punk begins cleaning house, and goes on a hot streak, eliminating McIntyre, Otunga, McGillicutty & JTG. Suddenly, Johnny Curtis of all people dropkicks Punk from behind, sending him over the top rope. Punk gives Curtis a thumbs up and a golf clap, and Curtis can't believe it. Suddenly the moment is ruined with Gabriel spin kicks Curtis over the top rope. Gabriel mocks Curtis, and then eats a knee from Evan Bourne. Bourne and Gabriel go at it for a while until Bourne makes the fatal mistake of going to the top turnbuckle, and he gets shoved off, into the barricade by Ricardo. Kofi gives Gabriel the Trouble In Paradise, and throws him out, before he is thrown out by All American Perfection.

Ziggler is eliminated by Riley. Swagger gets Riley in the ankle lock, but Riley rolls through it and flips Swagger out of the ring. Swagger runs back in the ring and throws Riley over the top rope before leaving

The last two men in the ring are Ricardo and Morrison. Del Rio jumps into the ring to interfere, but Morrison avoids his attack and he accidentally knocks Ricardo over the ropes.
Winner: John Morrison

Del Rio is astonished and Morrison motions that he wants the WWE Title.


Back from Commercial

Justin Roberts : Please welcome your guest hosts for tonight, former WWE Superstars, The Awesome Truth!

* Miz & R-Truth come out rapping You Suck

Miz : For the past few weeks, the two of us have blazed a trail through the WWE. We attacked Triple H, we attacked Zack Ryder, We attacked Jack Swagger,

R-Truth : We made Mr. Ziggles go coo coo!

Miz : But no Superstar has felt our wrath more than Alex Riley. Now, a lot of you are wondering, why did I do all of this to Alex Riley?

R-Truth : Speak on it, my ninja! Speak on it!

Miz : You see, A-Ry and I have a complicated history. It goes back before Wrestlemania, hell, it goes back before NXT. It goes back ten years! Back when I was on The Real World and Alex was still at Boston College! We used to be pen pals. We sent emails to each other every day, and we promised that one day, we would meet up in person. I tried to get him to fly out to New York and make an appearance on The Real World with me, and he refused, because he was shy at the time and he hadn't come out of his shell yet. When Alex finally made it to NXT, I was so excited that I asked to be his pro. I protected Alex from all the bullies backstage, and I had his back whenever he got in trouble.

Alex and I were like best friends. Sure we fought for a bit, but what friends don't fight every now and then? I actually wanted to make things right with Alex, and then this happened. Alex hurt me and broke my heart when he betrayed me...

We show a video package of Triple H firing Miz & R-Truth. Miz pause the video to show that Riley is one of the superstars who is throwing them out of the arena.

Miz : Why'd you do it Alex? Why did you help them? I thought you would be the only person that had our backs! You threw me out in the cold in nothing but my wrestling trunks. Do you have any idea how cold it is in Cleveland! You embarrassed me in my home town! But that's okay. If you embarrass me. I'm gonna embarrass. I have another video to show the WWE Universe. A video of how Alex and I first met...

Riley comes out, still in his ring gear pissed off with Triple H trying to hold him back. Riley is shouting, "I will kill you! If you show that video, I will kill you!

Miz : Monkeys in the truck! Roll the footage. Cover your eyes kiddies. This isn't exactly, PG if you know what I mean.

The footage is apparently in Miz's house. Miz walks in with Riley and introduces him to Maryse.

Miz : Hey babe. This is the guy I was telling you about. We were pen pals for ten years, and I finally got to meet him when they put him on NXT!

Riley : Hi, I'm Alex.

Maryse * putting a hand on Riley suggestively and looking at Miz *: He looks almost like you, except bigger.

Miz : Oh's he's taller, but definitely not bigger. I gotta admit, I looked.

Riley: You looked. And she's okay with that?

Miz : Yeah. she's okay with it. She's really into that kinda thing. *he gestures toward the camera * She's into a lot of stuff.

Maryse : I'm into a lot of stuff. I'm into Mike *she kisses Miz* . I'm into you *she kisses Riley *, and I'd really like to be into both of you, at the same time.

* Maryse and Miz start making out and they both grab Riley by his shirt collar and pull him into a triple kiss. Maryse starts unbuttoning both of their shirts with her hands while Miz and Riley start kissing each other, and they are about to have a three way...

The show is cut off with a graphic of Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder: "WWE is experiencing technical difficulties.....Are You Serious Bro?"

* The production crew were able to cut off the video before it got too graphic. The live audience had already seen quite a bit. The huge pop from the crowd, Miz's smug expression, and the look of embarrassment, anger, and hate on Riley's face shows the viewers at home exactly what happened. Leave the details to your imagination.

Miz : Alex has a sweet tooth for all pastries! He likes pie, and strudel! For the benefit of those with smartphones, I uploaded that video to my YouTube channel right before the show. You won't get to see any of the juicy stuff, but Let's just say they won't be calling me #Missionary-Mike anymore. How about, #Down-Alex-Riley's-Throat-Mike, or in the words of my good friend Dwayne, #Straight-Up-Alex's-Candy-Ass-Mike.

* Riley, unable to take Miz's insults to his manhood anymore, attacks his former friend. Truth tries to aid his partner, but Riley tosses him out of the ring and continues his attack. HHH pulls Riley off of Miz and yells at him, "You can't do that! The company is liable!" Riley ignores the COO's pleas and resumes beating the Miz. HHH, left with no other choice, gives Riley the Pedigree to neutralize him.

HHH : I've had enough of this! Your guest hosts are gonna be in action tonight?

Miz : Really? All I had to do was show this video of me screwing Alex's brains out and you'll hire us back?

HHH : I'm not hiring you back! This is a one night only deal. Miz, you're going one on one with Alex Riley. And Truth, you're gonna team up with one of the men you attacked last Friday, the All American American Jack Swagger to take on the team of Christian and a partner of my choice. Consider this your tryout matches! If I like what I see, MAYBE, I'll consider hiring you back. Now get out of my sight!

Miz & Truth leave the ring.

Match #2. Miz vs. Alex Riley
Riley is in the ring already, having recovered from the Pedigree. Miz comes out next. They go at it for about two minutes before the match deteriorates into a brawl on the outside. Riley ends up tackling Miz through one of the barricades, breaking it.
Winner: Double Countout

EMTs come out to tend to both Miz & Riley.


R-Truth approaches Jack Swagger in the locker room.

Truth : Hey, Mr. Swaggie. On behalf of the Miz and myself, we want to apologize for bustin you upside the head.

Swagger : And I want to apologize for alling you a thupid....

Truth : Ah, ah ah...you can't say that word. PG show remember. The con-spiracy will fine you for sayin' that word. Now, I know that Miz and Mr. Ziggles don't like each other very much, but that don't mean we can't be friends.

Swagger nods.

Swagger : Thomebody'th ankle ith about to get got!


* CM Punk and Johnny Curtis are in Triple H's office. Curtis is sitting in HHH's chair while Punk massages his shoulders. HHH bursts in.

HHH * to Curtis *: You! Get out! *to Punk * You! STay! We need to talk!

Curtis : Ok. Thanks for giving me the rub, Punk. * Curtis leaves *

Punk : Any time. Hey Hunter, what's up? See any good movies lately?

HHH : I'm not in the mood to deal with your crap! You're gonna be Christian's partner tonight! Get your ass out in that ring, it's next!"

Punk *mocking HHH by talking like a slave * : Yessa, massa. I's gone get ready right away.

* Punk leaves. A frustrated HHH throws everything in the office around.


Jack Swagger & R-Truth vs. Christian & CM Punk
The heels come out together to Swagger's music. Truth does his dancing in perfect timing to Swagger's push up pyro. Christian is out next, followed by Punk.

The match lasts about 11 minutes, with Christian playing the face in peril.

Finish: Punk lifts Swagger up for the GTS, but Swagger lands on his feet, catches the knee strike and locks on the ankle lock. Christian breaks it up with his flying back elbow, and starts fighting with R-Truth. R-Truth reverses an irish whip and throws Christian into the steps before getting back in the ring and hitting his finisher on Punk. Swagger scores the pin and does a victory lap.

Winner: Jack Swagger & R-Truth


Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. John Cena (If Dolph Ziggler wins, he gets a shot at the U.S. Title at Vengeance).

This match goes back and forth.

Ziggler manages to counter every attempt at the five moves of doom. The commentators note that Ziggler's obsession with the U.S. title has given him freakish resiliance almost similar to that of Cena's own. Ziggler slips out of the AA and hits the Zig Zag.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler.

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