Wrestling Spam Zone Heated Debate (Currently serving up WWE Hall of Fame)

Benoit should not be promoted by WWE in any way, but that does not mean he should be erased from history. I was pleased when the SummerSlam box set came out and they left all the Benoit matches in tact. They should never advertise him for something like that but they should also not erase him from it.

Obviously I'm not defending what he did, but I'm not going to forget him. For example, Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle at Royal Rumble 2003 was a great match. Four years later after the murders it was still a great match. Nothing will ever change that from being a great match.
That's just it though: he'll never actually be erased from history. WWE can distance themselves from him as far and as much as they want, but the people will still remember the memories from his life(good and bad) and will spread them to others, where some people(includind me) will truely remember him for the great matches he had through his life.
No one has a flawless personal life but that should not be included in there professional life. WWE should induct him into the hall of fame based on his career instead of keeping him out based on a mistake that he made.
Saying "No one has a flawless life" is kind of an understatement when talking about Benoit. The man murdered his family, that's not something you just brush off, the NFL, NBA, MLB, and pretty much any organization with a hall of fame wouldn't induct someone that has commited such a terrible crime.

It would reflect horribly if the 'E were to induct that man, and they shouldn't.
Being erased from history isn't the same as just not being mentioned. WWE doesn't mention Benoit and rightfully so, but there is no need to ignore stuff like him being the 2004 Royal Rumble winner or the moment he shared with Eddie in WM XX. WWE needs to draw the line as far as Benoit is concerned. Where he can and cannot mention him. Title reigns and records yes. Commentator references no. DVD's that just have his matches as opposed to chronicling him are also alright.

Although a DVD that covers the incident and the controversy would be neat.
The denial of the Benoit marks gets downright ridiculous at times. It is like they are saying his great matches supersede the horrific murders. Talk about some fucked up priorities.
The denial of the Benoit marks gets downright ridiculous at times. It is like they are saying his great matches supersede the horrific murders. Talk about some fucked up priorities.

Definitley, I'm a huge Benoit fan. But he definitley lost some points when I found out what he did, killing your wife and kids is a big no-no in my book.
I dont know his wife or the kid so their death's did not concern me call it fucked up or whatever but hey it is what it is. He does not need a big ceremony for his hall of fame induction just place him there. He does not need a DVD but he should have his matches put on them it's almost as if the fans are being punished for his actions
I dont know his wife or the kid so their death's did not concern me call it fucked up or whatever but hey it is what it is.

There is no whatever about it..that's fucked up, and so are you.

He does not need a big ceremony for his hall of fame induction just place him there. He does not need a DVD but he should have his matches put on them it's almost as if the fans are being punished for his actions

Hall of Fame?? Is that a joke? Please tell me you're kidding. He will never get anywhere near the Hall of Fame, and rightfully so. HE..MURDERED..HIS..FAMILY! Is it really that hard to grasp?

We don't have to forget about him, but to say murdering his family should be totally separate from what he did in the ring is ridiculous. Personally, he was one of my top 3 or 4 favorite wrestlers of all time until, ya know. Now, I don't even feel comfortable saying that. Sometimes, when a tragedy of that magnitude occurs, you have no choice but to let it effect your view on another human being.
Fuck that shit. I can separate Chris Benoit the man from Chris Benoit the wrestler/entertainer. Still one of my favorite in-ring performers of all time. Outside the ring not so much as far as human beings go.
Fuck that shit. I can separate Chris Benoit the man from Chris Benoit the wrestler/entertainer. Still one of my favorite in-ring performers of all time. Outside the ring not so much as far as human beings go.

If he would have been caught with drugs, hookers, a meth lab, whatever else, I could deal with it. If he would have been caught beating his wife (Austin-style), I would be disappointed, but I could forgive it. Hell, if he would killed a guy in a bar fight, I could get over it. But he murdered his wife and kid. Just too much for me, personally.
I can't just sit down and watch him wrestle anymore, I just see a murderer. Sure, I liked him before all that, but I can't bring myself to even watch him at this point. It is such an overwhelming feeling of disgust and cowardice that comes to mind when thinking about Benoit. Roid-rage or not, anybody that would do that to a woman and a little innocent child doesn't deserve to ever be looked at in a positive light again. He DESERVES to be erased from WWE history.
If Charles Manson, Hitler, Saddam Husein and Satan are big parts of history, then why are they not erased?
Because they're important and people need to learn from mistakes. I see what you're getting at though Killjoy. I don't think he should be erased, I just choose not to watch him.
If Charles Manson, Hitler, Saddam Husein and Satan are big parts of history, then why are they not erased?

Comparing those men being remembered by the world for the horrible things they did and Chris Benoit being honored for his professional wrestling achievements doesn't work. Are these men celebrated? No. If the WWE were to induct Chris Benoit in to the Hall of Fame, that would be celebrating his memory.
Exactly. None of the things he did should be ignored. Take it as a success story gone wrong. There's just no need to bring his name up on actual WWE TV.
Comparing those men being remembered by the world for the horrible things they did and Chris Benoit being honored for his professional wrestling achievements doesn't work. Are these men celebrated? No. If the WWE were to induct Chris Benoit in to the Hall of Fame, that would be celebrating his memory.
Then don't induct him. You don't need to be in a Hall Of Fame to be remembered.
If he would have been caught with drugs, hookers, a meth lab, whatever else, I could deal with it. If he would have been caught beating his wife (Austin-style), I would be disappointed, but I could forgive it. Hell, if he would killed a guy in a bar fight, I could get over it. But he murdered his wife and kid. Just too much for me, personally.

That is your deal. I'm able to separate it. Mostly because his brain was fucked from what I have read. Case closed.
If he would have been caught with drugs, hookers, a meth lab, whatever else, I could deal with it. If he would have been caught beating his wife (Austin-style), I would be disappointed, but I could forgive it. Hell, if he would killed a guy in a bar fight, I could get over it. But he murdered his wife and kid. Just too much for me, personally.

So beating his wife is ok and killing some random guy is ok but what he did is different how?
So beating his wife is ok and killing some random guy is ok but what he did is different how?

I never said either of those hypotheticals were ok, just not on the level of murdering a woman and child. Beating your wife is about as bad as you can get, but it can be helped, via counseling and such things. Maybe the bar fight situation wasn't appropriate, I'll give you that. But none are on the level, IMO, of murdering your wife and child.
Do talents such as Eddie Guerrero and Curt Hennig belong in the Hall of Fame or are they only there because of their untimely deaths

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