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Wrestling Matters

Reading the interview with Kurt Angle on the front page, it sounds like a few people have raised the issue with Dixie that TNA is becomming Total Nonstop Talk and they want to get it back to 5 star matches. If this is the first step, then bring it on.

If memory recalls, didn't they have a really good match with Angle and Lethal some months back? And I know I remember the great matches with Angle and AJ. I also enjoyed the matches with Joe, AJ, and Daniels back months and months ago.

Another series I liked alot was Beer Money v. MCMG, and more recently MCMG v. Gen Me.

I really hope we get back to those kinds of matches and soon.
Actions speak louder than words & talk is cheap are just a couple of old cliches that spring to mind when hearing all this.

For roughly 2 years now, we've read/heard one bold proclamation after another made by the TNA brass about how something is going to put TNA on another level or how this will take TNA to new heights or how this is going to change TNA forever, etc. How many times have we heard Dixie tweet about some "surprise" that'll revolutionize TNA and all that stuff? As of right now, "Wrestling Matters" are just empty words for me. TNA's blown a lot of hot air with these big company changing promises & surprises and that's about all.

Personally, and I don't think I'm alone in this line of thinking, I'm tired of all the big talk with nothing coming out of it. "Wrestling Matters" are hollow words at this point in time. If TNA actually, for once, follows through on this supposed big sweeping change, I'll be the first to stand up and cheer the loudest.
Yeah, I actually have to see this change before I can believe it. Jack Hammer really hit the nail on the head with his post. We've heard about these promises that will "change TNA forever" so many times, and these promises usually don't live up to the hype. TNA does have a talented roster, so if they do become more focused on wrestling, then I will be all for it. I just hope matches get a lot more time, because the usual quick encounters aren't anything to remember.
Yeah, I actually have to see this change before I can believe it. Jack Hammer really hit the nail on the head with his post. We've heard about these promises that will "change TNA forever" so many times, and these promises usually don't live up to the hype. TNA does have a talented roster, so if they do become more focused on wrestling, then I will be all for it. I just hope matches get a lot more time, because the usual quick encounters aren't anything to remember.

What promises did TNA make? Honestly? Anything else was storyline related.

They never rebranded their look or certain way of doing things to focus on that particular change. You can't expect a large amount of matches because it's 2 hour show and it's not like WWE where you have 2 hours of Raw and Smackdown.

Remember that people.
What promises did TNA make? Honestly? Anything else was storyline related.

They never rebranded their look or certain way of doing things to focus on that particular change. You can't expect a large amount of matches because it's 2 hour show and it's not like WWE where you have 2 hours of Raw and Smackdown.

Remember that people.

I don't think there's any question that TNA made statements about certain dates and used phrases that were designed to hype big changes or big moments for the fans and most of the time those promises fell flat or short of expectations. Heck in the Hardy v. Sting main event weren't PPV buyers promised a main event? And instead, they were treated to one wrestler who was unfit to be in the ring, much less to be out in public. So there is plenty of evidence to suggest that TNA has fallen far short of delivering on promises it's made to fans.
I don't think there's any question that TNA made statements about certain dates and used phrases that were designed to hype big changes or big moments for the fans and most of the time those promises fell flat or short of expectations.

Really? Like what? They promoted Hogan's debut. They hyped 10.10.10 which was change within kayfabe.
Heck in the Hardy v. Sting main event weren't PPV buyers promised a main event? And instead, they were treated to one wrestler who was unfit to be in the ring, much less to be out in public. So there is plenty of evidence to suggest that TNA has fallen far short of delivering on promises it's made to fans.
So, It's TNA's fault that Hardy decided to drink or do drugs before the match? Are you fucking kidding?
What promises did TNA make? Honestly? Anything else was storyline related.

They never rebranded their look or certain way of doing things to focus on that particular change. You can't expect a large amount of matches because it's 2 hour show and it's not like WWE where you have 2 hours of Raw and Smackdown.

Remember that people.

In that video Shattered Dreams posted, all of the wrestlers proudly talked about how wrestling matters to them. The look of TNA's website has changed, they are now calling themselves Impact Wrestling, and Foley did give a pretty passionate speech about wrestling matters during his return promo last night. Those are some pretty bold changes, and this isn't the first time TNA has said they're going to do something different. Again, if there is more wrestling, then good for TNA. I would definitely love to see it.

As far as more match time goes, yeah, I understand TNA can't give every wrestling match twenty or thirty minutes, but giving matches more time shouldn't hurt. I should've been more clear about this the first time around.
So, It's TNA's fault that Hardy decided to drink or do drugs before the match? Are you fucking kidding?
Um, yes? Jeff Hardy didn't park his trailer in the gorilla position. It's not TNA's fault Jeff Hardy decided to pop a few Percs before he performed; that is completely a personal issue, but it is their fault for allowing him to go out on stage in the condition he was in. There are at least half a dozen people between Jeff Hardy and the ring with the authority to say "hold on there, youngster."

It's not TNA's fault that Jeff's a junkie, but TNA made the decision to accept the risks of working with a junkie. That is their fault.
Really? Like what? They promoted Hogan's debut. They hyped 10.10.10 which was change within kayfabe.

So, It's TNA's fault that Hardy decided to drink or do drugs before the match? Are you fucking kidding?

Yes, it's TNA's fault that Hardy showed up high for the PPV. It wasn't the first time he's shown up to work in that condition and they KNEW what they were getting when they signed Hardy in the first place. Why do you think he got booted from WWE? He was a DRUG ADDICT and they were tired of his behavior.

So yes, TNA is to blame. Not only did they know of his condition, they did nothing to help him overcome is addictions. You do know that for months BEFORE the PPV that he had that pending court case for multiple drug-related charges right? What? TNA didn't know? Funny, because all the delays and continuances were posted on THIS SITE!!!! Seems almost impossible for them to claim they didn't know about it.

Yes, they hyped big change several times in TNA. They hyped the coming of Hogan and that fell flat. They hyped the coming of "they" and that fell flat. They hyped the comeback of Sting and that fell flat. Then Crimson hyped the coming of the next they and that fell flat. Now they are rebranding to just Impact and we're supposed to believe there is going to be some sea change in structure to their show?

I'll believe it when I see it.
In that video Shattered Dreams posted, all of the wrestlers proudly talked about how wrestling matters to them. The look of TNA's website has changed, they are now calling themselves Impact Wrestling, and Foley did give a pretty passionate speech about wrestling matters during his return promo last night. Those are some pretty bold changes, and this isn't the first time TNA has said they're going to do something different. Again, if there is more wrestling, then good for TNA. I would definitely love to see it.

As far as more match time goes, yeah, I understand TNA can't give every wrestling match twenty or thirty minutes, but giving matches more time shouldn't hurt. I should've been more clear about this the first time around.

Bold changes? What exactly did they change? Foley? Nope, he's not new. Chris Harris? Nope, he's not new. Chyna? TNA hires yet ANOTHER addict. What a shocker!!! I'm beginning to think Jeff Hardy is running talent relations for TNA. Scott Hall, XPac, Jeff Hardy, MCMG, RVD, now Chyna. Is Don West running a drug operation behind the scenes? (just kidding)

Foley comes out, makes one of his empassioned speeches about caring about wrestling a la old school, firing a shot across the bow of WWE, as though they can actually compete with them, as they open the show with a 10 minute vignette in the ring the the Jarretts and Angle. Yep, more wrestling alright. They manage to pull off an average battle royal and we're all supposed to believe this is bold change? Are you kidding me? Does anyone really believe that RVD is going to win the gold this week? I see him turning heel, but Sting keeping the belt or Anderson going to Immortal to make the Sting v. Anderson a true heel v. face match at Slammiversary.
In that video Shattered Dreams posted, all of the wrestlers proudly talked about how wrestling matters to them. The look of TNA's website has changed, they are now calling themselves Impact Wrestling, and Foley did give a pretty passionate speech about wrestling matters during his return promo last night. Those are some pretty bold changes, and this isn't the first time TNA has said they're going to do something different. Again, if there is more wrestling, then good for TNA. I would definitely love to see it.

As far as more match time goes, yeah, I understand TNA can't give every wrestling match twenty or thirty minutes, but giving matches more time shouldn't hurt. I should've been more clear about this the first time around.
Well, If you want more wrestling Spike TV has to be held accountable. Xplosion is a 1 hour wrestling program. No storylines but they refuse to air it here.

I know TNA pitched some other show ideas that they refuse to pick up. There is no excuse because UFC draws around the same type of ratings of Impact and we all know UFC has multiple shows on Spike.

Therefore, I think the IWC needs to show more distain for Spike not getting TNA enough shows to produce a complete product.

TNA has over 50 wrestlers. 5 titles. I do not believe Russo is a terrible writer. He is a writer that has to book simple shows.

Once they figure out how to simple their roster with certain talent they will be fine.

TNA to me seems to scared to do a brand extension because Spike won't air anything else but Impact and they don't want to get bashed for copying WWE...Because let's face it...Nobody will think logically and see they need one but instead say they are copying them when we all know WCW was first with the B show gimmick.

My issue with TNA is just booking certain wrestlers in feuds. Everything else is justified.

I think TNA will grow bigger balls with this move. Spike TV needs too as well.
Well, If you want more wrestling Spike TV has to be held accountable. Xplosion is a 1 hour wrestling program. No storylines but they refuse to air it here.

I know TNA pitched some other show ideas that they refuse to pick up. There is no excuse because UFC draws around the same type of ratings of Impact and we all know UFC has multiple shows on Spike.

Therefore, I think the IWC needs to show more distain for Spike not getting TNA enough shows to produce a complete product.

TNA has over 50 wrestlers. 5 titles. I do not believe Russo is a terrible writer. He is a writer that has to book simple shows.

Once they figure out how to simple their roster with certain talent they will be fine.

TNA to me seems to scared to do a brand extension because Spike won't air anything else but Impact and they don't want to get bashed for copying WWE...Because let's face it...Nobody will think logically and see they need one but instead say they are copying them when we all know WCW was first with the B show gimmick.

My issue with TNA is just booking certain wrestlers in feuds. Everything else is justified.

I think TNA will grow bigger balls with this move. Spike TV needs too as well.

UFC? You really think that TNA competes on the same level for ratings and PPV buyrates as the UFC? Are you out of your mind? The UFC is one of the fastest-growing sports franchises/entities in sports right now. It's popularity has literally exploded and ironically, a former wrestler in Brock Lesnar, helped them get there.

TNA gets horrible ratings which is why Spike TV won't give them more airtime for additional programming. If they were getting those ratings, Spike would be crazy to turn down their ideas. Fact is, TNA is a smaller operation and will likely remain a smaller operation unless someone with very deep pockets comes into the picture for TNA.

It's why I keep telling people they really have to stop trying to compare TNA to the WWE as TNA is NEVER going to be what WWE has been for decades now. It's impossible UNLESS they suddenly get a gigantic influx of funding.
Yes, it's TNA's fault that Hardy showed up high for the PPV.

For god sakes, they found him in the bathroom 10 minutes before the match started. Don't even try to blame TNA for something Jeff did.
Why do you think he got booted from WWE? He was a DRUG ADDICT and they were tired of his behavior.
Your the biggest failure I've ever seen. HE LEFT WWE ON HIS OWN.

So yes, TNA is to blame. Not only did they know of his condition, they did nothing to help him overcome is addictions. You do know that for months BEFORE the PPV that he had that pending court case for multiple drug-related charges right? What? TNA didn't know? Funny, because all the delays and continuances were posted on THIS SITE!!!! Seems almost impossible for them to claim they didn't know about it.
Really? So go ahead and pull up reports about TNA knowing about his condition. I'm telling you to do it.

Yes, they hyped big change several times in TNA. They hyped the coming of Hogan and that fell flat
Oh really? I think the ratings and merchandise sales for Hogan's arrival will speak differently.
They hyped the coming of "they" and that fell flat.
Oh really? 6 weeks of the highest ratings in Spike is certainly falling flat.
They hyped the comeback of Sting and that fell flat.
How the fuck did it fall flat? He's the world champ. Do you expect TNA to draw 4.0 ratings EVERY time they promote something?

Then Crimson hyped the coming of the next they and that fell flat.
For god sakes they didn't hype anything. How the fuck is that possible when Crimson is the guy with the undefeated streak and being hyped as an upcoming talent?

Do you even think?

Now they are rebranding to just Impact and we're supposed to believe there is going to be some sea change in structure to their show?

You don't have to believe anything. Shut up and enjoy the show. If you don't then nobody will care. Nobody owes you anything.

You will never believe because you will have fault with whatever they do.
Bold changes? What exactly did they change? Foley? Nope, he's not new. Chris Harris? Nope, he's not new. Chyna? TNA hires yet ANOTHER addict. What a shocker!!! I'm beginning to think Jeff Hardy is running talent relations for TNA. Scott Hall, XPac, Jeff Hardy, MCMG, RVD, now Chyna. Is Don West running a drug operation behind the scenes? (just kidding)

Foley comes out, makes one of his empassioned speeches about caring about wrestling a la old school, firing a shot across the bow of WWE, as though they can actually compete with them, as they open the show with a 10 minute vignette in the ring the the Jarretts and Angle. Yep, more wrestling alright. They manage to pull off an average battle royal and we're all supposed to believe this is bold change? Are you kidding me? Does anyone really believe that RVD is going to win the gold this week? I see him turning heel, but Sting keeping the belt or Anderson going to Immortal to make the Sting v. Anderson a true heel v. face match at Slammiversary.

Umm, did you miss the part where I said IF there's more wrestling??? I was talking about how TNA would be as they moved forward. Of course things aren't going to change on the first epsiode where Foley makes the actual announcement. You have to give them some time. Also, I used Foley's speech as an example, not the entire episode of Impact. I didn't mention Sacrifice, Chyna, or RVD, so I don't know where that came from.
UFC? You really think that TNA competes on the same level for ratings and PPV buyrates as the UFC? Are you out of your mind? The UFC is one of the fastest-growing sports franchises/entities in sports right now. It's popularity has literally exploded and ironically, a former wrestler in Brock Lesnar, helped them get there.

I said RATINGS. I never said buyrates. I said RATINGS. You can't seem to read properly.

TNA gets horrible ratings which is why Spike TV won't give them more airtime for additional programming.
1.8 million viewers is not horrible ratings. Considering Spike's non sports shows draw 900,000 to 1 million. If you do not know the ratings of Spike TV's programs outside of Impact then don't speak on it.

If they were getting those ratings, Spike would be crazy to turn down their ideas. Fact is, TNA is a smaller operation and will likely remain a smaller operation unless someone with very deep pockets comes into the picture for TNA.
You do realize Spike owns a portion of TNA right?
It's why I keep telling people they really have to stop trying to compare TNA to the WWE as TNA is NEVER going to be what WWE has been for decades now. It's impossible UNLESS they suddenly get a gigantic influx of funding.
Who the fuck was comparing TNA to WWE? You just brought it up. Funding won't solve a thing. Goes to show how much you know about business.
For god sakes, they found him in the bathroom 10 minutes before the match started. Don't even try to blame TNA for something Jeff did.

Your the biggest failure I've ever seen. HE LEFT WWE ON HIS OWN.

Really? So go ahead and pull up reports about TNA knowing about his condition. I'm telling you to do it.

Oh really? I think the ratings and merchandise sales for Hogan's arrival will speak differently.

Oh really? 6 weeks of the highest ratings in Spike is certainly falling flat.

How the fuck did it fall flat? He's the world champ. Do you expect TNA to draw 4.0 ratings EVERY time they promote something?

For god sakes they didn't hype anything. How the fuck is that possible when Crimson is the guy with the undefeated streak and being hyped as an upcoming talent?

Do you even think?

You don't have to believe anything. Shut up and enjoy the show. If you don't then nobody will care. Nobody owes you anything.

You will never believe because you will have fault with whatever they do.

1. Jeff was a three time failure of the wellness policy in WWE. HE got the boot.

2. TNA KNEW about his condition when they hired him. PERIOD!!!

3. Ratings and Merchandise sales? What ratings and merchandise sales? On second thought, it's probably the only thing putting money in their pockets given the fact they have to give away PPV seats.

4. They put the belt on Sting because Hardy was unable to compete!!! He was HIGH!!!!! He couldn't actually stand, much less wrestle!!! What where they supposed to do, have Sting job to a guy who was too high to even realize what he was doing? Are YOU high right now?

5. So they aren't hyping Crimson and his undefeated streak? Really? Why is he undefeated then? And if not, what is the point of his push? And do you think fans are buying into his undefeated streak when Abyss has flattened him the last 3 weeks in a row? He can't beat Abyss, yet somehow he's undefeated. Yeah, sure.

Stop drinking the kool aid.
1. Jeff was a three time failure of the wellness policy in WWE. HE got the boot.

He left on his own terms. Don't play stupid. They gave him a proper send off. After he left the company, he got caught up in that arrest situation.

2. TNA KNEW about his condition when they hired him. PERIOD!!!
He never had a condition. Besides the court case.

3. Ratings and Merchandise sales? What ratings and merchandise sales? On second thought, it's probably the only thing putting money in their pockets given the fact they have to give away PPV seats.
6,000+ for Lockdown and none of it was papered. You want to keep going?
4. They put the belt on Sting because Hardy was unable to compete!!! He was HIGH!!!!! He couldn't actually stand, much less wrestle!!! What where they supposed to do, have Sting job to a guy who was too high to even realize what he was doing? Are YOU high right now?

No but since your looking like an idiot here. I must ask you...Are YOU high right now? I know everyone here thinks you are.

5. So they aren't hyping Crimson and his undefeated streak? Really? Why is he undefeated then? And if not, what is the point of his push? And do you think fans are buying into his undefeated streak when Abyss has flattened him the last 3 weeks in a row? He can't beat Abyss, yet somehow he's undefeated. Yeah, sure.

Okay, so building him into a face by Abyss using cheap shots WHILE he continues to win matches isn't smart booking? Great logic. I bet you would make a fantastic booker huh?

Stop drinking the kool aid.
I don't drink kool aid. I prefer lemonade. Mostly ice tea is what I drink.

Are you gonna make me some?
I love it.

When TNA brings back has beens its flame on.

When WWE brings them back they are celebrated and welcomed with trumpets, 72 virgins and a unicorn.
I love it.

When TNA brings back has beens its flame on.

When WWE brings them back they are celebrated and welcomed with trumpets, 72 virgins and a unicorn.

How can TNA get shit for signing Chyna and calling her a drug addict but WWE brings in Waltman and it's okay? WWE offered Jeff Hardy over 500,000 dollar not to sign with TNA. Doesn't sound like they cared if he did drugs or not.
He left on his own terms. Don't play stupid. They gave him a proper send off. After he left the company, he got caught up in that arrest situation.

He never had a condition. Besides the court case.

6,000+ for Lockdown and none of it was papered. You want to keep going?

No but since your looking like an idiot here. I must ask you...Are YOU high right now? I know everyone here thinks you are.

Okay, so building him into a face by Abyss using cheap shots WHILE he continues to win matches isn't smart booking? Great logic. I bet you would make a fantastic booker huh?

I don't drink kool aid. I prefer lemonade. Mostly ice tea is what I drink.

Are you gonna make me some?

Jeff Hardy had twice been suspended by the WWE for violation of their wellness policy. Ignore it all you like, he's had an addiction problem for years.

Wow, 6K people for Lockdown? That's like one third of one side of an arena. Impressive. You do understand that's NOT a victory right?

No, I don't think it's logical to write Crimson as undefeated by using tactics that make him look like a weak undefeated wrestler. All I remember are the 3 beatdowns that Abyss has laid on him, and not his win over Joe, thanks to the Black Hole Slam from Abyss. Remember Goldberg's streak? Hardly the same feel if you ask me. Crimson is looking weak.

Glad to hear you drink the lemonade instead of the kool aid. Doesn't change the fact that TNA needs a LOT of work.
No, I don't think it's logical to write Crimson as undefeated by using tactics that make him look like a weak undefeated wrestler. All I remember are the 3 beatdowns that Abyss has laid on him, and not his win over Joe, thanks to the Black Hole Slam from Abyss. Remember Goldberg's streak? Hardly the same feel if you ask me. Crimson is looking weak.

Brian in Austin, sorry dude but you are wrong in this case. Crimson is being beaten down by Abyss, because he is the one who sidelined Abyss a couple of months ago. Its all for storyline purposes don't over think this man. If Crimson defeats another wrestler and Abyss black hole slams him after he won, well guess what Crimson still won the match.
First things first, "wrestling matters." Cool slogan and true, it does. Too bad that little vignette has quickly pounded that slogan into the dirt day 1. BOOKING is the issue? Nah, whomever works with the promos is the issue. If that's noone then they better hire someone, that was painful to watch. Robert Roode and AJ Styles essentially gave the exact same damn promo, "wrestling MATTERS! It matters to ME, it's all I know how to do!"

I get the intent but two of your major players saying the exact same thing doesn't help to get the message across, IMO of course. Awesome impact though.

I love it.

When TNA brings back has beens its flame on.

When WWE brings them back they are celebrated and welcomed with trumpets, 72 virgins and a unicorn.

Yeah pretty much. Jeff Hardy, Anderson or RVD could walk out on Raw monday night and there would be a 10 page thread within an hour of it happening with much of the same people hanging off that wrestlers nuts and McMahons nuts for "listening to the fans" and "bringing them home." Hell Hogan could walk out on Raw, cut a 10 minute promo and they'd mark the hell out over it.

It isn't because they're "hasbeens" or no longer worthwhile, it's all about them no longer being in the WWE just as it has been for the last 18 years.
No, I don't think it's logical to write Crimson as undefeated by using tactics that make him look like a weak undefeated wrestler. All I remember are the 3 beatdowns that Abyss has laid on him, and not his win over Joe, thanks to the Black Hole Slam from Abyss. Remember Goldberg's streak? Hardly the same feel if you ask me. Crimson is looking weak.

Brian in Austin, sorry dude but you are wrong in this case. Crimson is being beaten down by Abyss, because he is the one who sidelined Abyss a couple of months ago. Its all for storyline purposes don't over think this man. If Crimson defeats another wrestler and Abyss black hole slams him after he won, well guess what Crimson still won the match.

I understand what you're saying here, but it doesn't change the fact that after each match now he's getting those beatdowns. Now, if they have Crimson go over Abyss at a PPV via clean pinfall, it works out but only if his run continues to bigger goals. If he loses to Abyss via clean pinfall, then all is lost on this particular storyline and another abrupt end to a storyline that never got off the ground.

I'm not questioning the storyline itself, but again, the execution OF that storyline. This is where I believe that TNA is weakest from a creative perspective. They can come up with the ideas, but then seemingly, they lose focus on what to do after that and usually end the storyline far too quickly or take it in some bizarre direction, i.e. Pope v. Joe.
First things first, "wrestling matters." Cool slogan and true, it does. Too bad that little vignette has quickly pounded that slogan into the dirt day 1. BOOKING is the issue? Nah, whomever works with the promos is the issue. If that's noone then they better hire someone, that was painful to watch. Robert Roode and AJ Styles essentially gave the exact same damn promo, "wrestling MATTERS! It matters to ME, it's all I know how to do!"

I get the intent but two of your major players saying the exact same thing doesn't help to get the message across, IMO of course. Awesome impact though.

Yeah pretty much. Jeff Hardy, Anderson or RVD could walk out on Raw monday night and there would be a 10 page thread within an hour of it happening with much of the same people hanging off that wrestlers nuts and McMahons nuts for "listening to the fans" and "bringing them home." Hell Hogan could walk out on Raw, cut a 10 minute promo and they'd mark the hell out over it.

It isn't because they're "hasbeens" or no longer worthwhile, it's all about them no longer being in the WWE just as it has been for the last 18 years.

You can try to generalize all you want, but I won't be one of those people.

Hogan walk's out on RAW, I'll be pissed off. Same with RVD, Anderson, Hardy. I'll just make me want them to lose and make it hard to watch the product when thier on TV. Why else do you think I stopped watching TNA for a month? It's hard to watch a product with guy's I don't respect.

Them not being in WWE makes them irrelevant. An example, Jeff Hardy. He was the seond top babyface behind John Cena in 2009, even outpopping Cena some night's. He was a two time World Champion. He goes to TNA, nothing. No higher rating's, no big filled arena's. TNA is where people go to irrelevant. Hell, remember Angle and Nash saying in the past that fan's would go up to them and ask "where you working at now?"

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