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Shield Being Replaced by Wyatt Family

I think WWE realizes they missed the boat with a Nexus/Corre feud. We will get to see The SHield vs The Wyatt Family, but the Wyatt's need a little more time to built up. I'm thinking the Royal Rumble would be the most interesting way for both squads to first interact. It doesn't even have to be all members. It just takes 2. From there they can do a slow build. Wrestlemania in New Orleans would make for a great 6-Man tag.
NWO vs the Wolf Pac anyone?.

I don't think the Shield are being replaced, they are just trying to get as many new people into the mix atm and the easiest way is to start as a heel group til you get established. Bray Wyatt is doing a better job with his character then The Shield combined is doing since they started going back to fueding with midcarders

The Shield does seem to have taken a back seat and there impact is not as great but that could just be they want to focus on Bray Wyatt's vs The Brothers of Destuction atm which could also include the SHield since Kane and Taker both have beef with them too maybe instead of fueding they'll end up joining forces which would be overkill IMO..
Long term there's probably nothing planned for either group, but the wyatt family won't be taking over the shields place anytime soon. How can they think that having two groups of people on tv will mean one HAS to be relegated to a lesser standing? There's 5 hours of programming EVERY WEEK, at most the segments will take up a total of ~15 minutes each group, so that's still 4-4.5 hours left for the other crap they put on. If they think their tv schedule is too packed to dedicate that little time to two of the biggest angles all year, then the writers really need to check their priorities, but most likely this is just the usual IWC's (honestly justified) pessimistic outlook on everything making us all worry too much about a what if scenario.
Titles should be used as rewards FOR getting over, not TO get people over. That's the reason all the belts have diminished in prestige for the past few years. That's why the title structure is so screwed up nowadays.

The Wyatts were basically over since NXT lol give the fued a month and the match can be viable. better than giving the us title to miz or kofi and the tag titles to whoever wwe throws together next
The Wyatts and the shield won't clash anytime soon. The Shield have stopped attacking people lately and and struggle in 3 on 3 matches whereas the Wyatts have just got started. The Wyatts haven't replaced the Shield, because they're two totally different stables. With the Shield you have; three men, who fight for justice and don't really have a leader. With the Wyatts you have three man who are lead by someone and they live in a strange lifestyle.

The fact that there are two 3-man factions in the WWE does not mean that one has to take the place of the other. It also doesn't necessarily mean they have to feud with one another, all though that could be an option (and a successful, engaging one at that) given the right booking. These two factions are very different in make-up and, more than likely, in desired destination.

The Wyatt Family is obviously a vehicle for the Bray Wyatt character, hence the name WYATT Family. The other two add depth to the faction and layers to the Wyatt character. He will, and should, always be the main focus of the group. They may compete as a group on occasion but the big draws will come when he is competing one on one with another top star. The existence of his followers only adds options and unpredictability to his matches. Similar to the Raven character and The Flock in the 90's. There is no need to break up this group because they have a clear leader and leading a group is an integral part of the character. They only break up if the character flops or if one of the other members catches fire and they want to push him. In that case another new guy can be brought into the family to replace him. The Wyatt Family still exists but perhaps with different members. The constant being that Bray Wyatt is the leader.

The Shield, on the other hand, do not have a clear cut leader even though Ambrose has the singles title and tends to lead the promos. They aren't called Ambrose's Shield for a reason. This could end up being the case, but I doubt it. The same rationale about one member leaving and a new one being added could be applied to The Shield, but again I doubt it. These are 3 guys the WWE has high hopes for and putting them together in this faction was obviously just a way to get them on TV. It has worked so far so they have kept going with it. The problem is, where do they go next? Break them up or keep it going? And if you keep it going what direction do you take them?

They are still good as a unit but the 3 man gang attacks are getting a little stale. The reason is because there is never any real payoff. They move from a 3 man face team to another and they have already beat all the superstar face teams there are. Who's next....and who cares?

It was cool when they all won titles but the problem now is who do they fight for them and again does anyone really care. For Rollins and Reigns there aren't any good, real tag teams for them to face. It's not their fault there is no viable competition in the division in which they are champions of. If it was the late 90's and they had the Dudley Boyz and the Hardys for them to face we could see some amazing ladder matches and the tag team titles would mean something. Maybe the American Wolves will debut in a month and we will really have something....but again I doubt it.

Same goes for Ambrose. There isn't a hot up and coming face that really needs a midcard title for him to feud with. His match with RVD may be good but real RVD fans don't really care if he wins the US title do we?

The one thing that isn't a problem is that The Shield is still interesting. Fans still pop when the music hits and want to see them. For the sake of keeping them together turning them "face" may be the best option. They would still need to be ruthless and attack people but now they could attack heels. For example Brad Maddox makes a stupid announcement and outcome The Shield. That would sure get a pop. Now each individual member could focus on getting some of their own offensive moves over to the delight of the crowd. It's much easier to form heel tag teams to go against a hot face Rollins/Reigns team, for example Cesaro and Swagger. There are lots of midcard guys for Ambrose to work with too, like Fandango and Big E. A potential showdown between The Shield and Wyatt Family now becomes an option, but is certainly not mandatory.

A face Shield may not last very long but it could be an interesting way to keep them together for a little while longer and add some interest and importance to the titles they hold.
I wouldn't be surprised if WWE set the wheels in motion to break up The Shield sometime this year. Fact of the matter is, The Shield has peaked. They've gone about as far as they're going to go as a team by holding the vast majority of mid card titles in WWE. And I don't think any tweaks would help achieve a goal of sustaining longevity and achieving more success. Adding Punk didn't help The Nexus, it made things worse. The Corre was a poor man's version of Nexus, and the stable never picked up any momentum. With The Shield, I think it's best to cash out while they still have some value left, because it won't work out well if WWE pushes them pass their expiration date. You have to face facts, The Shield's shock value has faded away a lot, and they're just kind of there now.

And yeah, it's obvious WWE is grooming The Wyatts to take over as the top stable in WWE. The Shield, they were a breath a fresh air and something different. The Wyatts are something different and refreshing, and with more time to come into their own, they'll take the top spot of being the #1 heel stable in WWE. Variety is essential in pro wrestling, and you can't get anymore unique and eccentric than The Wyatt Family.

Of course it shouldn't happen now, but I could picture a scenario, where Harper and Rowan take the straps of off Rollins and Reigns. I don't know what you would do with Bray, because the US Title would be an odd fit for his character, but Bray could be the mouthpiece for Rowan and Harper as champs, as they tear through the competition.
Bottom line, in the landscape of the WWE I think Shield has done about all they can do as a unit unless they align the Shield with Vince in his battle against Triple H. If not, damn build up a feud between The Shield and the Wyatt Family soon that ends with the Shield ultimately splitting and going their own ways.
If the Wyatt Family eventually needs some sort of foil, it seems like Ascension would be great to call up. Conor seemed to have done enough with NXT that eventually he's getting his shot in the WWE. Why not have them called up and either Bray adds them to the family to finally build more of the demonic theme to Wyatt, or even as a potential feud if they can adjust the gimmicks enough to have that become logical.
A problem of having the Wyatt family vs The Shield is that one stable has to lose and is in danger of getting buried. I suppose a counter of that is if it is done at WM30 it could be used to split The Shield and let them move onto better things.

I'm not convinced by the Wyatt Family. I like Bray but the other two seem to be average in the ring. Obviously, they have time to change my mind but I have not been impressed thus far.

I still think that these two stables should be kept separate. The Shield will be involved with the McMahons; whereas, the Wyatt family are feuding with Kane. Their paths do not to cross paths. Even at WM30 they can have The Shield in a 6-man tag-match against three guys. Bryan Wyatt can have a singles match against someone like Kane or Jericho.

There is no reason that a push for the Wyatt family has to result in The Shield getting buried. Both are independent stables and Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose and Wyatt can all be a success at the same time.
i just have a feeling if the Shield is destined to be in the new Corporation type stable, i think one of the guys gets cut basically and have it been only 2 guys. im hoping they let Ambrose go (which seems logical) first because hes obviously got "it"
Seth Rollins is one of the best in ring performers on the roster right now! No joke. Ambrose is one of the best mic workers right now, he has just not been given the chance to show it yet. He will though....and I can't wait. C.M. punk vs. Ambrose is going to be AMAZING in about 1 year. Reigns is going to make a MUCH better big man then Skip Sheffield. The sheild is in the perfect place right now. All 3 are visible, and in the cameras eye. It will make for a great future. They are a big part of it! Bray Wyatt is too. (just wanted to throw that in because he is)
Well we were all right in dismissing this story as total bullshit, I'd say being attached to the main event angle as Triple H's mercenaries is an upgrade on wrestling The Usos.

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