Wrestling Matters

shattered dreams

Hexagonal Hedonist

What does everyone think of what appears to be the new catchphrase for the company?

I think it is easy to just say they are taking a shot at WWE but then you watch this video and they really aren't "just taking a shot." These guys legitimately care about the wrestling and their genre. I think trying to erase the legacy of the industry has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. It used to be that places didn't hide from the stigma surrounding the industry, they tried to change them. Who in their right mind would go out of their way to not call these guys athletes? This certainly does seem like a great time to put that emphasis on their desire to be somewhere that isn't giving up on prowrestling.
I agree, Wrestling Matters, they should be able to say WRESTLING or ATHLETES whenever they want. TNA is good for embracing it, but theres a problem.

TNA is obviously taking shots at WWE, and it's kind of pathetic to watch. Sure, TNA can say whatever they want, but is it changing anything? I don't think it'll change much. WWE is ******ed for banning the words wrestling and athletes. But does that stop WWE from being a WRESTLING COMPANY?

WWE has great workers, they have WRESTLING every week. The TNA stars just seem to be bragging here or something, but really, WWE has athletes that wrestle, and they ALL SHOULD KNOW THAT. Honestly, the word Wrestling is important, but ridding of it doesn't stop WWE from putting on hard working matches.

And anybody who says WWE isn't a wrestling company, just for banning a name, should tell me one thing.

If the WWE isn't a wrestling company, then what do the men do when they have match?

Anyway, TNA is doing the right thing, except they didn't have to be so obvious in spitting WWE wrestlers in the face, because they work their asses off also.
I think it's partially in reaction to WWE if not entirely and that's fine. It's not taking a shot at them. It's saying "Hey, we know what we are and we're proud of it. We're not going to insult our fans by saying something else. We do what they don't and that's why you should watch us." Not a thing wrong with that. Does it mean much? It might and it might not but at the same time I see nothing wrong with this move at all. Keeping the name Impact helps a lot as you're not confusing people because a ton of people will just call it Impact anyway. I don't see a downside to this at all and it's a nice thing to see for some fans. No problem here.
I need to see this before I can believe it, sorry. With that said, I do really hope that TNA makes this a priority and not just an empty slogan. They have a roster that's talents are much higher in the ring than on the mic, and it has really showed in the very talking-heavy Impact broadcasts since Hogan and Bischoff took over. If TNA can focus on telling simple storylines through more in-ring action, I feel it will be incredibly beneficial to the company and, in one small gain, possibly bring me back into the weekly Impact audience.
Actions speak louder then words here. It is great that Impact is focusing on pro wrestling and calling themselves "Impact Wrestling". We just have to wait and see if those words are true every week when we see Jeff and Karen Jarrett along with Hogan and Bischoff talk the majority of the show.
Can't really blame them for pointing out that they are going the other way. TNA carries a lot of flack for following in WWE's footsteps and while to IWC it's differences are obvious, to the casual fan, the one's they've been trying to reach for so long, it's all the same. Sure, I know it'll take more than a slogan and name change to actually show that "wrestling matters" but it's still a very profound step that with the proper adjustments can be achieved. But the true question is, do people want the wrestling to matter? Hopefully, they do and we see changes for the better.
Sure, they might be putting more emphasis on the wrestling part of things, but if you think about it, do you really think it's going to change much? Sure, there's going to be more wrestling obviously, but you'll still have people cutting promos in the ring for about 10 minutes, and you'll still have the little backstage segments. They're not going to change anything in the programming; It's just the name they're changing.
yes wrestling matters .. but having Hogan on screen for 80min of the show is alot more important. Or in steed of 20min MAX a week we are going now get 25 MAX a week in wrestling while the rest is spent on Hogan.
Finally, after about a dozen tries, TNA figures out how to make a swipe at the WWE without it looking petty. They aren't talking about what their competition is doing and how they're the alternative; they're making a statement about what TNA is. That's how you're going to have a strong brand identity; not by having Ric Flair bleed all over the place because your rivals aren't doing blood.

As far as the accuracy of that statement goes, the company is currently feeling out fan reception for a match between two people with a combined age of over a hundred for their biggest PPV of the year, with one of the participants having had half a dozen back surgeries in the past year. Make your own judgments on the veracity of their new slogan.

The important thing is that this is a major step in identifying what TNA stands for as a brand, as opposed to identifying what the WWE doesn't stand for. Excellently played.
Sure, they might be putting more emphasis on the wrestling part of things, but if you think about it, do you really think it's going to change much? Sure, there's going to be more wrestling obviously, but you'll still have people cutting promos in the ring for about 10 minutes, and you'll still have the little backstage segments. They're not going to change anything in the programming; It's just the name they're changing.

So you're saying that your opinion is that they are going to keep the same basic direction and style as they've been using, but up the percentage of time spent on actual in-ring action?? Perfect. I think there are alot of us here who want exactly that.
Ok I dont mind the shot at WWE because i think they are wrong for taking wrestling and athletes out of their vocabulary. This is what IMPACT needs to do seperate themselves from WWE. Dont copy them go the opposite way that WWE does. Now we just have to see if IMPACT implements what they are preaching about Wrestling matters. If thats true i wanna see some amazing matches every week on IMPACT. I like hearing the thing about how anyone can talk but its about the wrestling, cause I dont feel talking should have more weight than your ability in the ring. Your in ring ability should be 85 to 95% of what matters in wrestling. Your ability to cut a promo for medoesnt matter it can be entertaining but in the end fans of wrestling will always pop huge for a guy is can perform in the ring and gets them into the match.
Well above all else, it's certainly better than "Cross the Line". I never got that from the start. What line?

That said, I think it's fantastic, genuine and on point with the change to "Impact Wrestling". As KB noted, yes, it's partially a shot at WWE, but at the same time it's a mission statement to TNA fans that the company isn't ashamed of who they are.
I think that part of the reason for doing this is WWE taking the wrestling out of its name but a bigger reason for doing this is also because they are slowly going to phase as out the TNA name and logo. In a interview Hulk Hogan did recently he said that when ever he went on Business meetings for TNA and looking to get sponsors the first 15 minutes of the meeting would be Hogan explaining that TNA doesn't stand for Tits'n Ass and it was a Wrestling Show. I really do think that we will be getting more wrestling then we get it now and like the new slogan says it will matter. I don't think they would do all of these think like the video the new web design and new blue logo and the new Impact Wrestling shirt that they are already selling on shoptna.com if they weren't going to stand to by it. The next couplevof weeks will be Very Interesting for Impact Wrestling.
I do not think there is going to be a massive change in how they use wrestling on the show in the long term. Short term maybe they will place a slightly higher emphasis on it but to me this isn't about just the in-ring product. I am sure the ROHbots will start crying about this soon enough but who really gives a fuck about them? This whole thing seems more about not being ashamed of who you are.

I tune in to watch prowrestling: storylines, promos, and athletic in-ring competition. I want to see them all and I do not want to see all the focus placed on only one part of that equation in the name of whatever the latest McMahonism gospel suggests. Yes, it is entertainment but it isn't only entertainment or I would assuredly watch something else. Yes, these guys are athletes but if I only wanted to watch athletes I would assuredly watch something else. It is this combination that is important and Impact lies somewhere in between. That is what they are really selling IMO. We are proud to be a prowrestling company and if you are fed up with the increasingly ridiculous entertainment focus at the expense of the rest of the industry you love(d) then maybe you would like to look over here and recapture some of that passion. We are not afraid of putting the focus on the ring when it matters.
I do not think there is going to be a massive change in how they use wrestling on the show in the long term. Short term maybe they will place a slightly higher emphasis on it but to me this isn't about just the in-ring product. I am sure the ROHbots will start crying about this soon enough but who really gives a fuck about them? This whole thing seems more about not being ashamed of who you are.

I tune in to watch prowrestling: storylines, promos, and athletic in-ring competition. I want to see them all and I do not want to see all the focus placed on only one part of that equation in the name of whatever the latest McMahonism gospel suggests. Yes, it is entertainment but it isn't only entertainment or I would assuredly watch something else. Yes, these guys are athletes but if I only wanted to watch athletes I would assuredly watch something else. It is this combination that is important and Impact lies somewhere in between. That is what they are really selling IMO. We are proud to be a prowrestling company and if you are fed up with the increasingly ridiculous entertainment focus at the expense of the rest of the industry you love(d) then maybe you would like to look over here and recapture some of that passion. We are not afraid of putting the focus on the ring when it matters.

Exactly. TNA wants to market something that's inbetween. Do NOT expect an all-wrestling show. Expect the same iMPACT you saw last week, but with more wrestling in it than usual. That's what it seems to me, we'll see if I'm right or wrong. Like Shattered said, I watch pro wrestling because it has everything. Too much of one thing is bad. Quality bits and pieces of EVERYTHING is what makes pro wrestling - pro wrestling. Hopefully this is what TNA is planning to do.
I'm interested to see how this goes.

If you recall the mid-90s, when Nitro was winning the monday night wars, there was an absolute ton of wrestling on the show, even ignoring that the show was 3 hours.

I never really was a fan of stone cold era WWF. Too much talking and magic, and such.

WCW was my thing, though. And if you look back, they had grade A talent in their mid-card. Many people who later became main-eventers in their WWF/WWE careers (Eddie Guererro, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, etc).

The interesting thing about those guys is that they carried the cruiserweight division, put on great feuds, in awesome storylines, and almost NEVER cut a promo. They were few and far between.

The way the story was told was by the nitro commentators: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Larry Zbyszko, and Tony Schiavone. Those guys were very good at not only keeping the running commentary of the match, but explaining the "hatred" between two wrestler, and "the backstory" and how so-and-so would be looking for revenge.

That's not to say promos aren't needed, but I think in this day and age, both companies over-emphasize their importance. If they want to move into using more wrestling, I think it can work, Bischoff has seen it work, and I think it will rely on whether Taz and Mike are up to the task.

I think I'm in the minority in thinking that Mike Tenay is very good at story-telling. He knows the business well, and knows how to sell a feud. However, to me, it seems like Taz is just up there shooting the breeze. Tenay needs somebody who can play off of him, or maybe even a third commentator, while letting Taz play the Bobby Heenan heel-commentator role.
I'm interested to see how this goes.

If you recall the mid-90s, when Nitro was winning the monday night wars, there was an absolute ton of wrestling on the show, even ignoring that the show was 3 hours.

I never really was a fan of stone cold era WWF. Too much talking and magic, and such.

WCW was my thing, though. And if you look back, they had grade A talent in their mid-card. Many people who later became main-eventers in their WWF/WWE careers (Eddie Guererro, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, etc).

The interesting thing about those guys is that they carried the cruiserweight division, put on great feuds, in awesome storylines, and almost NEVER cut a promo. They were few and far between.

The way the story was told was by the nitro commentators: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Larry Zbyszko, and Tony Schiavone. Those guys were very good at not only keeping the running commentary of the match, but explaining the "hatred" between two wrestler, and "the backstory" and how so-and-so would be looking for revenge.

That's not to say promos aren't needed, but I think in this day and age, both companies over-emphasize their importance. If they want to move into using more wrestling, I think it can work, Bischoff has seen it work, and I think it will rely on whether Taz and Mike are up to the task.

I think I'm in the minority in thinking that Mike Tenay is very good at story-telling. He knows the business well, and knows how to sell a feud. However, to me, it seems like Taz is just up there shooting the breeze. Tenay needs somebody who can play off of him, or maybe even a third commentator, while letting Taz play the Bobby Heenan heel-commentator role.
I don't think you're in the minority at all. It seems to me that the general feel is that Tenay is good but he's as good as his co-commentator. Tenay is very knowledgeable and has good reactions to important moments, it's Taz who squats over everything. Tenay drops an intelligent and well placed comment about ... let's say Angelina Love being all zombie and stuff, and then Taz goes "Yeah she's .. yeah .. look Mike .. she's like .. um .. like a zombie or um .. yeah look at her. Yeah."

I think that TNA should find another commentator to replace Taz or at least a third one. Jeremy Borash comes to mind, Don West of course, maybe even Desmond Wolfe? Wolfe's well spoken, knowledgeable and if he can't wrestle then he might as well do something. Plus a Brit on commentary is kind of refreshing.
If this is a reaction to WWE, then the sheer hypocrisy of "Impact Wrestling" is making my head hurt. This is a show which routinely sees less actual wrestling than an episode of Raw or SmackDown.

To those who think that this will mark the start of a new era, GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS. It will be the same old TNA. If they plan on showing more in-ring action then great. I'd be delighted. But that's only part of the problem anyway. As long as they keep putting out the piss poor storylines and delivering the piss poor booking, this won't make any difference.

But, I guess I need to put in something positive so... I like the colour blue.

P.S. - On a separate note, if I see another person say that WWE are ashamed of being a wrestling company I'm going to freak out at their failure to understand business.
I think that TNA should find another commentator to replace Taz or at least a third one. Jeremy Borash comes to mind, Don West of course, maybe even Desmond Wolfe? Wolfe's well spoken, knowledgeable and if he can't wrestle then he might as well do something. Plus a Brit on commentary is kind of refreshing.
I find myself in total agreement with you. Putting in Borash or Wolfe as a replacement to Taz (who hasn't really done much for TNA in the booth or as a manager) would be great. I'd go for Wolfe, since he's feuded with a few of the top names, has his "friends" in Magnus and Williams to look out for and promote, Angle to bury, etc...

He'd be a perfect heel commentator in my opinion. :shrug:

Edit: Also, in regards to the name change, if they took more after Smackdown and less after Raw in terms of wrestling per weekly episode, then that would really help show the difference.
Well like everyone else, I do feel that the "Wrestling Matters" tagline is a result of WWE not wanting to use WWE in their name. Ironically though, they promote more wrestling in their product than TNA. The last few weeks have featured some very good matches in the WWE. I haven't seen this week's episode but in the last few weeks there has hardly been a lot of wrestling on their show.

It's not a bad step at all but they need to practice what they preach. If a company which supposedly shuns wrestling gives me at least 45 minutes of in ring action on their show, I expect even more in ring action in a company where "wrestling matters".
Actions speak louder then words here. It is great that Impact is focusing on pro wrestling and calling themselves "Impact Wrestling". We just have to wait and see if those words are true every week when we see Jeff and Karen Jarrett along with Hogan and Bischoff talk the majority of the show.

You honestly can't expect them to throw away every storyline to please the wrestling fans that want it for 1 hour nonstop.

The battle Royal was just an example. But nobody seems to see that. It's clear they are serious about it but we will see how different thing are in terms of booking the right matches.
Well like everyone else, I do feel that the "Wrestling Matters" tagline is a result of WWE not wanting to use WWE in their name. Ironically though, they promote more wrestling in their product than TNA. The last few weeks have featured some very good matches in the WWE. I haven't seen this week's episode but in the last few weeks there has hardly been a lot of wrestling on their show.

It's not a bad step at all but they need to practice what they preach. If a company which supposedly shuns wrestling gives me at least 45 minutes of in ring action on their show, I expect even more in ring action in a company where "wrestling matters".

True but remember one thing. TNA only has one show per week, so they have to do what they have to do with those restraints. If they had more shows like in the WWE, 45 minutes of wrestling (yeah thats right WWE i said wrestling) it would be unnacceptable.
To be clear, I take no issue with this slogan. Given WWE's moving away from wrestling, it makes sense.

But does it mean anything? Will it make any kind of difference? Doubtful. Hogan and Bischoff are well known for saying things, even if they have no intention of delivering. It's all about gaining press, making a splash. Never a serious amount of follow through.

Personally, I don't care if the show doesn't have a ton of wrestling. If the storylines are interesting, a smaller amount of in-ring action doesn't bother me. But, as I'm not exactly happy with TNA's creative direction, the storylines actually bother me, so a little more action can't hurt.

I hope this is for real. I hope those in TNA see how much in-ring talent they actually have, and are willing to showcase it. Being storyline-heavy isn't a problem, but they have gone overboard upon the arrival of Hogan and Bischoff. If people aren't talking about the storylines, and they aren't drawing bigger numbers, a change in direction might be a good idea.
Reading the interview with Kurt Angle on the front page, it sounds like a few people have raised the issue with Dixie that TNA is becomming Total Nonstop Talk and they want to get it back to 5 star matches. If this is the first step, then bring it on.

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