WrestleZone Tournament Bar Room Sidetalk Thread

Can anyone remember when Shocky had a jobber wild card thing? There would be a list of 3-5 'jobbers' who would get in (like Stevie Richards etc) but to get in they would have to win a poll. THere was 3-5 polls running with about 5-10 people in each poll.

That way it limited the jobbers to 3-5 BUT also allowed them in, I think they have a place in the tourney even just for educational purposes.

May be worth doing something similar in future.
Curt Hennig.


Ahhhhhh. I see what you did there.
Can anyone remember when Shocky had a jobber wild card thing? There would be a list of 3-5 'jobbers' who would get in (like Stevie Richards etc) but to get in they would have to win a poll. THere was 3-5 polls running with about 5-10 people in each poll.

That way it limited the jobbers to 3-5 BUT also allowed them in, I think they have a place in the tourney even just for educational purposes.

May be worth doing something similar in future.

I don't think it was jobbers, it was just the last 30 or so on the list went into a few, I'm pretty sure JBL was on one time.
That makes sense, but something like that would be a bit more fun. Allows us to get Essa Rios etc. in.
Should I assume we are all comfortable in voting Andre to win this year? Surely a win of this caliber wont go to his head.
God damnit. Goldberg goes over Savage and Hogan but Ric fucking Flair is where you guys draw the line?

Savage losing to the written vote was kind of shit. No way he should have lost that.

Moral of the story: Type your shit out or deal with dumb people winning.

So yes. Flair is now the chosen one. They will all fall to Andre anyway, so who really cares if Uncle Jiggles Mc Overtan is the one to derail the 'Berg?

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