Wrestlemania XXXII

There is none.

Thus, it is no surprise this match has no interest. Last year's Main Event was a huge hit because the actual match followed the storyline build perfectly. I'm not even sure this match is actually telling any sort of story whatsoever.(Though to be fair, this particular feud ended at TLC for me, because HHH already got his comeuppance for screwing with Roman.
What was WWE thinking having this as the main event. They had so many ways they could have went with this but they are failing. Reigns vs Ambrose for the belt would have been way better than this crap.
The crowd is booking this match...and they are booking a heel turn.

Come on Vinny Mac...radio in to the ref and fuckin call it
It looks like that both Ambrose and Reigns entered this Wrestlemania better than what they're going to leave. Both failed to make any impact tonight. So much for WWE's bright future.

I freaking agree... Jesus, Dean Ambrose should've been beaten to a pulp by Lesnar. Literally get knocked out. Something that would've made me feel sorry for Ambrose. Instead... they treated that as a wrestling match. It's like they gave 0 fucks to the build up.

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