Wrestlemania XXXII

At this point I am solidly behind Triple H. Roman should have never lost the world title. WWE caught lightning in a bottle in Philly and they fucked it all up.

The weird thing is I thought they were trying to create a redemption arc with Reigns recapturing the title at Mania after losing it at the Rumble but they didn't even emphasis that in the build up.

The fuck up was even worse when they made it 1 versus all in the rumble, as if he wasn't hated enough.
I've really enjoyed the show tonight so I feel terrible saying I have very little to zero interest in this main event.
Luckily the WWE brand draws and not the wrestlers or else this main event probably would have drawn about a quarter of the audience. Maybe less.
If WWE are smart, they have the LON come out to attack Reigns. Then a Shield reunion.

I would mark out if the Shield reunites, but fans will cheer for the Shield not Reigns, they break up again, he is back to square one.
The weird thing is I thought they were trying to create a redemption arc with Reigns recapturing the title at Mania after losing it at the Rumble but they didn't even emphasis that in the build up.

The fuck up was even worse when they made it 1 versus all in the rumble, as if he wasn't hated enough.

All booking, always has been booking. Reigns' character since his return a couple weeks ago, has been badass who has been looking to MDK HHH. Yet, in tonight's match, he is playing a clear underdog role once again. Where is the consistency?
All booking, always has been booking. Reigns' character since his return a couple weeks ago, has been badass who has been looking to MDK HHH. Yet, in tonight's match, he is playing a clear underdog role once again. Where is the consistency?

There is none.
It looks like that both Ambrose and Reigns entered this Wrestlemania better than what they're going to leave. Both failed to make any impact tonight. So much for WWE's bright future.
Honestly, some of this is on Triple H. I remember the Batista/HHH match at Mania 21 playing out similarly. Batista should have destroyed him there but Triple H dominated much of that match and it didn't work well.

HHH should have became Roman's bitch in this match, as it's been abundantly clear for months that the underdog booking does not work for Roman.

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