Wrestlemania XXX Aftermath & Discussion

Alright, I'm throwing out my ideas.

Batista vs. Brock Lesnar

This is easy. Both Lesnar and Batista return in the Rumble, one throws out the other, violence ensues. They can play up both mens' savagery and MMA experience.

WWE title: Randy Orton (c) vs. CM Punk

Punk wins the Rumble and fights The Corporation head on till he wins the title at the main event of WM.

Daniel Bryan vs Triple H with Shawn Micheals as guest ref

Daniel Bryan gets vindication for The Corporation screwing up his awesome WWE title wins by making both HHH and Micheals tap out.

Wyatt Family vs the Shield, winner take all

The Wyatts win the tag titles at the Royal Rumble and successfully defend them at EC. Then they start clashing with The Shield. This sets up an all-heel match where the winning team will win both the Tag Titles and the USA title. Who gets what title depends on who pinned who: if Bray Wyatt pins Ambrose, he becomes USA champion while his Family becomes tag champs, etc.

Undertaker Vs. John Cena

Cena plays a heelish role here. He's angry that he's not in the title match, so he interrupts Undertaker's hall of Fame/retirement speech. He claims he's always been better and plays up how Undertaker was never the face of the company. He challenges UT to a match, which UT gladly accepts. Cena is cocky throughout their promos and the match at WM. But after putting on a good, clean match, he loses to UT at WM, and UT extends his hand in a show of respect. So Vince gets his good old boy back as a full face and everyone goes home happy.

Big E (c) vs. Mark Henry-IC title

This is a good idea, so I'm stealing it. Big E proves he's better at lifting, promos and being a face than Ryback. Mark Henry re-opens the Hall of Pain and finally continues where he left off when he was World Champion. Big E retains.

Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes, with Dusty as special guest ref

Also an amazing idea. Do it. Now.

8 vs. 8 tag match: everyone else.
I swear you guys are some hypocrites...For a bunch of people that hate part timers coming back and stealing spots from younger talent, you sure do pack a lot of part timers in your fantasy wrestlemania cards
I swear you guys are some hypocrites...For a bunch of people that hate part timers coming back and stealing spots from younger talent, you sure do pack a lot of part timers in your fantasy wrestlemania cards

It doesn't necessarily suggest hypocrisy. It's reasonable when you consider that there'll be a good number of part timers as part of WrestleMania. Taker, Lesnar and Batista are three that are all but guaranteed to appear. There's also the possibility of seeing the return of Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam for WrestleMania season. Part of the reason WWE imports part timers/past stars for WrestleMania, usually for a pretty good chunk of change, is to help jack up buys for the show. So with a lot of them running around and/or almost certainly going to be on the roster when WrestleMania comes around, not having them in matches while brainstorming/fantasy booking just isn't logical.
There's still roughly 4.5 months to go and, like everyone, I have various little ideas floating around in my noggin as well. Don't know how likely they are, but I think the top matches could look something like this, depending on which part timers and how many pop up over the next few months.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Batista - With alleged word of Batista's WWE deal, indicating that he'll be around until at least SummerSlam, and the fact that he has a prominent role in the Guardians of the Galaxy flick, which is set for release on 8-1-14, I think it's likely that he'll be in the WWE WHC match at WrestleMania. I also think that Vince might like the idea of Batista being WWE World Heavyweight Champion during the time when the Guardians of the Galaxy flick premieres. He loves any & all mainstream media attention and shamelessly ****es WWE out for it. I don't see John Cena not being involved in this match somehow. I know there have been reports that one idea is for him to team up with Hulk Hogan in a match, but I just don't see it. I don't think Hogan's healthy enough and Cena just seems to be far too big to waste in what ultimately will amount to giving Hogan a nostalgia moment.

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar - Allegedly, the reason why Lesnar went over Punk at SummerSlam was because Taker officially informed WWE officials that he was on board for WrestleMania XXX just a few days before SummerSlam. Reportedly, WWE didn't want Lesnar going into WrestleMania against Taker with a 2-3 ppv record since his return. It's a match a lot of people want to see, myself included, though I'm also a little concerned about Taker's well being. Lesnar's so damn stiff and Taker's wear & tear over the past 4 or 5 years is well documented. If Taker gets out of this match uninjured, it'll be a minor miracle. They'll also have no problem building Lesnar as the biggest threat to the streak ever.

CM Punk vs. Triple H - I don't know if this match will be part of a renewed power struggle storyline with Trips & Vince or not. I'm actually hoping not because there's too much of a chance of Vince & Trips being made the center of WrestleMania XXX. Allegedly, they're holding off on Punk confronting Triple H for a more special occasion, which indicates the possibility of a match for them at WrestleMania. Otherwise, why have Punk be on the receiving end of screwjobs and handicap matches after insulting Trips' role as part of The Authority. There's unfinished business between them stemming back from the summer of 2011, so this match has a lot of potential.

Daniel Bryan vs. Shawn Michaels - According to a report from either last week or the week before, WWE officials want this match to happen but are leaving it all up to HBK as to whether or not it does. I think there's a strong possibility that we'll know if this match is going down by the time the Royal Rumble is over. I could easily see Bryan being one of the 3 or 4 guys in the Rumble match looking like he's closing in on the win with the live crowd going ape shit before Michaels slides into the ring out of nowhere, delivers Sweet Chin Music that either sends Bryan over the top rope or lays him out so that he can be eliminated.

Of course, there's still a long ways to go and anything can go down between now and then. There's been talk of WWE really wanting to elevate Roman Reigns in 2014, so maybe he'll wind up winning the Royal Rumble to challenge for the strap, leading to a break up with The Shield due to them screwing him over, due to jealousy, at WM against Orton. Maybe they'll break up before then Reigns still as a heel resulting in some sort of threeway between them. Maybe he'll challenge Big E. for the IC title.

But, as of now, I think these have a good chance of being the top matches on the show
  • Pre-Show Match:
  • 30-Man Battle Royal / #1 Contender for IC title
  • Reason for Match: Obvious; Shows off WWE talent.
  • Winner: The Miz
  • Great heel, can tell a story in the ring, and potential good feud in and out of ring between Miz and Big E.
  • Other Potential Winners:
  • ‘Bad News’ Barrett (cash in on 5th or 6th repackaging)
  • Brodus Clay (further heel turn)
  • Damien Sandow (save dying potential)
  • Fandango (fan pop)
  • Ryback (umpteenth last chance to get over)
  • Match #1 (Opening):
  • WWE Tag Team Titles: The Real Americans (w/Zeb Colter) © vs. Big Show & Rey Mysterio
  • Reason for Match: Antonio Cesaro spins Mysterio out of the ring. Swagger sets up Big Show. Cesaro spins Show for the win. Immediately get the crowd into this event.
  • Winners: The Real Americans
  • Match #2:
  • Grudge Match: Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust
  • Reason for Match: Well if WWE hasn’t been building towards this match they are stupid. If they don’t book the match in real life they are even dumber. The Rhode brothers have done nothing but put on excellent match after excellent match. They attempted to rally support for this match some time back and the fans wanted it as well so throw them a bone.
  • Winner: ???
  • While I’d personally like to see Cody win either Rhodes could win continuing the feud past WM or ending the bout by raising the other’s hand. Either way this match could be a show stealer.
  • Match #3:
  • U. S. Title: Dolph Ziggler © vs. Bray Wyatt (w/ The Wyatt Family)
  • Reason for Match: I have Ambrose booked losing the title at EC to further dissension with the Shield as I also have Reigns winning a spot in the chamber match over his team in a beat the clock challenge. Since Bray ‘should’ be in a match at WM, he’s good: bottom line.
  • Winner: Dolph Ziggler
  • Ziggler can return to glory and it could start with a second PPV win. Bray doesn’t need a title right now, it adds nothing to the mystic that led him this far.
  • Match #4 (Main Event #1):
  • The Streak vs. The Shield: Undertaker vs. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns
  • Reason for Match: Three reasons. 1. It allows WWE to finally continue a storyline they started when The Shield took out Undertaker. 2. It gives Undertaker a floater match to 25-0 that doesn’t need to be “Mr. WrestleMania Quality.” 3. Will finalize the breakup of the Shield with an epic opponent.
  • Winner: Undertaker
  • Intermission #1: Halftime Performance
  • Cast of Total Divas, Xavier Woods, R-Truth, Prime Time Players, Great Khali, Hornswoggle, Fandango, 3MB & Kane
  • Reason: Plug for Total Divas, bathroom break, cool down time after first main event.
  • Winners: HoF Inductees
  • Hopefully everyone returns from the bathroom break for next intermission.
  • Intermission #2: Hall of Fame Inductee Ceremony
  • Reason: Tradition
  • Winners: WWE Universe
  • Match #5:
  • IC Title: Big E. Langston vs. The Miz
  • Reason for Match: The Miz can work but he needs a believable person to work with and Kofi is past due. Big E needs a legit feud with a legit heel that is more than one PPV long.
  • Winner: Big E. Langston
  • Big E. could sneak into the main event spot next year, The Miz can’t. With the level of top stars (full & part-time) the Miz has lost his appeal to main event but can easily still be a top mid-carder.
  • Match #6 (Main Event #2):
  • The Beast & The Animal vs. The Face & The Beard: Brock Lesnar & Batista vs. John Cena and Daniel Bryan
  • Reason for Match: This match could actually be split many ways but it wouldn’t accomplish anything but spread WrestleMania thin with single bouts. By making it a tag match you get Cena over with the crowd. Oh and you get potential feuds like Brock vs. Batista (for SS) or Batista vs. Bryan (following pay-per-view).
  • Winners: John Cena & Daniel Bryan
  • These two superstars are amongst an elite class where winning and losing won’t matter. But having two part-timers that could be best put to use in a feud with each other win offsets that potential scenario.
  • Match #7:
  • WWE Divas Title: AJ Lee © vs. Anyone not in the current Divas Roster
  • Reason for Match: Total Divas is a success but only as a reality show. No one on the cast deserves a shot. As for the remaining roster I couldn’t name them if I tried. So give AJ a gimmick match with a returning star or a celeb.
  • Possible Picks: Trish Stratus, Lita, Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix or Kharma.
  • Winner: Toss-up
  • If the returning star or celeb wants to stick around for a bit let them win. If not, keep the belt on AJ Lee and watch her options dwindle further and further.
  • Intermission #3:Celebrity Performance
  • Who ever provides the theme song for WrestleMania
  • Reason: Still need time from last main event to prepare for the real main event
  • Winner: Vince McMahon
  • I’m sure Vince hates when his main event doesn’t get the pop he wanted so this gives the crowd some breathing time to fully prep for the main event.
  • Match #8 (Main Event #3):
  • WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton © vs. CM Punk ®
  • Reason for Match: Randy needs to become the top (heel) guy through performance not forcefully down our throats. Surviving Elimination Chamber against: John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Batista, Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt. Then main eventing WrestleMania gives him credibility. / CM Punk is the only top guy not featured in the EC match so he would have to win Royal Rumble.
  • Winner: Randy Orton
  • You want heat for someone than you put him over on the most overwhelming guy in the business (aside from Daniel Bryan) today. Plus it starts what should have been a great feud in 2011
  • Orton should not lose the title to anyone until SummerSlam against Daniel Bryan, the man he can’t beat cleanly.
Im thinking that wouldnt Batista be a great perosn to put over Roman Reigns in his first major singles fued post Shield?

Batista is coming back for a 7-8 month run, he is established. Reigns wioll need credible main event calibre talent to wrestle with to get him over in that top level they are talking him up for.
Roman Reigns vs Batista at Wrestlemania XXX would be a great match.

I certainly see Daniel Bryan finally winning the WWE Heavyweight Championship at Mania XXX, just not sure who will be holding the strap by then. I think Orton will be dethroned at Royal Rumble, so a possible John Cena vs Daniel Bryan match would be fine by me. But Cena has already put Bryan over clean on ppv, not sure if they would go there again.

CM Punk needs to be back in the main event picture, he should be paired against Triple H in a grudge match and Helmsley needs to do the right thing and put Punk over.

Undertaker I have thought for a while now would have a good opponent in a returning heel Sheamus. He is a big enough name to match Taker on ppv at mania 30.

As for Randy Orton, why not Brock Lesnar??? Orton claiming to be the greatest, having beat anybody. I dont think they have ever met in a WWE ring(not counting OVW). This would be a great match, with Lesnar returning as a possible face or storyline turning him face against a heel Orton.

My card then shapes up like this;








BIG SHOW, KANE, CHRIS JERICHO, guys on the roster Vince wants to have on the main ppv, and added with a bunch of guys like HULK HOGAN, KING KONG BUNDY, STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN, THE ROCK, RIC FLAIR, MICK FOLEY etc in a mix of guys who have wrestled at Wrestlemania overthe past 30 years. Part comedy, part serious.
Im thinking that wouldnt Batista be a great perosn to put over Roman Reigns in his first major singles fued post Shield?

You're misguided if you think Batista is coming back to job. He's the guy that threw a fit about not being booked well so WWE appeased him by having Cena put him over at SummerSlam. When a guy is so obsessed over wins and losses like that (Triple H, Bret, Austin, etc.), he doesn't just come back for a big return and lose.

This is what I think is going to be the card

Kick-Off: Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust

1. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose

The Shield split leads to a Triple Threat just like Legacy's split at WM26.

2. Sheamus vs. Kane

Sheamus comes back and targets the Authority, and Kane ends up fighting him.

3. WWE Diva's Championship: AJ Lee (c) vs. Stephanie McMahon

AJ turns face and goes up against Steph. There were public documents that filed Stephanie under a wrestler's contract earlier this year, and Triple H has put over in his interviews with Cole that his wife is a "former Diva's Champion".

4. 30-Man Ta Team Battle Royal for the Tag titles

In honor of WM30, they'll do a big 30-man match. Teams will be:
• Rey Mysterio and Big Show • The Real Americans • The Ascension • The Miz and Kofi Kingston • R-Truth and Woods
• Los Matadores • Santino Marella and Great Khali • 3MB • Damien Sandow and Bad News Barrett • Prime Time Players
• International Airstrike • Curtis Axel and Ryback • Big E and Mark Henry • The Usos • Dolph Ziggler and Sin Cara

*Look for a spot with El Torito and Hornswoggle in the ring

5. Batista vs. Brock Lesnar

Batista comes back, and randomly feuds with Lesnar for no reason. WWE loves these "for no reason" feuds at Mania (Ryback/Henry, Orton/Kane, etc.)

6. The Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt w/ Luke Harper and Erick Rowan

Undertaker comes back and the Wyatts immediately target him. The feud writes itself. Maybe make it a casket match.

7. Unsanctioned match: Daniel Bryan vs. Shawn Michaels

Shawn keeps screwing Bryan, and Bryan challenges him to a match at Mania. Will probably be a straight up singles match, but I'd prefer if they went with the Unsanctioned stip just to cut around HBK un-retiring.

8. Eva Marie and Jojo vs. The Bella Twins

Big Total Divas episode, where the new girls take on the Bellas. Maybe the Funkadactyls make it a 3-way, but WWE might just leave it like this.

9. No Holds Barred: CM Punk vs. Triple H w/ Vince and Brad Maddox

Triple H's COO job will be on the line just like at NoC 2011, but this time, Punk wins. Maybe Vince is in Punk's corner, but I doubt it.

10. WWE World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs. Randy Orton (c)

John Cena wins the Rumble and goes on to face Orton at Mania. They just had a TLC but WWE is going to book this as a singles match because that's WWE-logic. Cena wins of course.

1. Christian, Alberto Del Rio, Chris Jericho, Fandango and Rob Van Dam were all snubbed. Can't find room for them on the card.
2. David Otunga, Ezekiel, Evan Bourne, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Yoshi Tatsu, JTG and Camacho are never on the show, so yeah, snubbed.
3. Tensai and Brodus Clay were kept off the card too. If they turn heel together, they might make it in the BR instead of Ascension.
4. Natalya, Kaitlyn, Fox, Cameron, Naomi, Summer, Layla, Aksana, Tamina and Rosa were all snubbed to, but maybe the tag match becomes a lumberjill.
You're misguided if you think Batista is coming back to job. He's the guy that threw a fit about not being booked well so WWE appeased him by having Cena put him over at SummerSlam. When a guy is so obsessed over wins and losses like that (Triple H, Bret, Austin, etc.), he doesn't just come back for a big return and lose.

Batista is returning January 20th, Im pretty sure Wrestlemania 30 os nearly three months from then. Batista wont be losing first up, agree. All I CLEARLY stated was wouldnt a guy of Batista's level be a good guy for Reigns to go over, and Wrestlemania would be a fitting place to elevate Reigns over an established star, not his Shield allies everybody knows Reigns will be the breakout star of the group. Plus, Batista doesnt have the politcial pull he once had. Vince let him go three years ago, Batista will do what he is told this time around, so him doing a job for anybody of note won't be a problem in 2014, especially with him back for a short run, not back as a full time talent.
My Prediction of a Wrestlemania XXX - On today the 28th December, it'll probably change a couple of times with so many various avenues to go down but this is what I would like/realistically see happening.

Main Event - WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Randy Orton (c) verses Batista

Books itself, Batista returns the week before the Rumble, wins the Rumble, Orton retains in the period up too and including the Elimination Chamber PPV. Evolution is brought up, Batista says he dislikes Orton now that he has had everything handed to him recently and he wants to hand a defeat to Orton. Batista can win the belt here or not.

Vince's Pick vs. The COO - CM Punk w/ Vince McMahon verses Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon

Vince wants to teach HHH a lesson and says that he hasn't been looking after the WWE and its Universe in the best way (slight take of what HHH said of Vince in 2011). Vince picks Punk to represent him at Mania and the two have a match but control isn't up for grabs but neither man wants to lose. Punk wins but HHH puts together a plan during the next few months to take Punk out ie typical handicap matches, screwjobs and having him have to battle Daniel Bryan in a match where neither can come out well.

The Beast vs. The Streak - Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman verses The Undertaker

No Holds Barred. Last year that I can realistically see this match happening to the best standard it can. Lesnar and Heyman say the usual stuff in the buildup including that Lesnar beat both of Taker's last two Mania opponents and broke the arm of the one before them. Have one or no physical confrontation before the night. Streak continues obviously, but the two have a rematch at Summerslam or Survivor Series.

Handicap Match - John Cena and Hulk Hogan verses Bray Wyatt, Eric Rowan and Luke Harper

The ultimate nostalgia teaming of two sports entertainers. The Wyatts target Cena after the Rumble because he is the one at the top of the tree and has been for years (slight take on what they said about Bryan). Cena says that if Daniel Bryan can't beat the Wyatts then he stands no chance, Bray says he doesn't want to face Bryan again so Cena must pick someone else, the next week he reveals he wants to tag with Hogan. Match can be laid out so Hogan doesn't have to do much, gets a hot tag at one point and then 'Hulks Up!' on one of the Wyatt family and the faces pick up the win and we have a 'Wrestlemania Moment'

OR if Hogan can't wrestle in that match

John Cena verses Bray Wyatt

Some sort of No DQ but No interference match with the similar sort of buildup.

The End of the Road for The Shield - Seth Rollins verses Roman Reigns verses Dean Ambrose

The break-up happens from the Rumble onwards with Ambrose losing his US title or maybe keeping hold of it and losing it here.

Daniel Bryan verses Kane

Bryan gets another shot at Orton for the title but is 'screwed' again, this time solely by Kane (who hasn't wrestled since siding with the Authority). It's the highest I could get Bryan on the card at this point.

Brothers Collide - Cody Rhodes verses Goldust

Dusty Rhodes at Ringside
. The brothers breaking up after losing or during losing the tag titles, a couple of weeks worth of promos and each other costing the other one matches. Dusty stationed at ringside but doesn't want to see them battle it out (could of been made by the Authority).

Divas Championship - AJ Lee (c) verses Paige

Under Lumberjill Rules
. Really want to see Paige on the main roster soon and think she would make the ideal opponent to end AJ's reign and this would be the prefect night for a newcomer to make that big impression. Having the other divas around the ring gets them on the card and AJ could be beaten down by all of them (in keeping with the ongoing storyline if she falls out with the 'Real Divas' and Tamina) before Paige picks up the win in the ring.

OR AJ against Tamina

No debut from Paige until after Mania and we see the breakup between AJ and Tamina although not sure this would go down too well with the crowd if it was AJ that turned on Snuka as I would predict AJ to get a more welcomed response.

Intercontinental Championship - Big E. Langston (c) verses Winner of Pre-Show Battle Royal

A way for the IC title to get on the show in an 'unpredictable' match.

WWE Tag Team Championships - The Real Americans (c) verses Tons of Funk verses Prime Time Players verses The Usos

Two heels teams and two face teams in a one fall to a finish match. Read on one report that they were thinking of putting the belts on the Wyatt family but if they were to oppose Cena/Hogan in a main event, then it would be an unwanted distraction between now and then to win and then lost the belts before Mania. Still, there four teams together could have a good match that could open the show, if it did then maybe it would be good to see a babyface team win it (Post Mania Season they go on and feud with Wyatt family that need a rebuild).

Pre Show Match - Battle Royal featuring Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Ryback, Bad News Barrett, Mark Henry, Curtis Axel, Damien Sandow, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Fernando, Fandango, The Great Khali, Heath Slater, Sin Cara, Jinder Mahal, Diego, Santino Marella, Tyson Kidd, Xavier Woods, Yoshi Tatsu and Zach Ryder

That's 23 names in the hat to earn a shot at the IC champion on the main show. And could always insert names from NXT.

  • I was unsure what to do with Christian, Sheamus and Big Show
  • Bret Hart could referee Punk/HHH
  • Divas Past/NXT Divas could also be lumberjills
There is probably very little in the fact that Ziggler faced Orton on Smackdown but I do think that shows they appreciate his talent. They could have gone with any mid-carder but Ziggler was chosen and I desperately hope that leads to something significant. Punk or Bryan are the main options to win the Rumble but with all the options available, maybe Ziggler wins.

Something like:

Cena vs Taker

Orton (c) vs Ziggler

Bryan vs Batista

Punk vs Triple H

Lesnar vs Sheamus

Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose (c)

Wyatt Family vs a three man team. (Kane, Jericho, RVD, Henry, Big Show all options)

Intercontinental Title, Divas Title and Tag-team Titles as well as a program with legends. Plenty of options for the WWE and that would be a card I would love to see.
I like this card....

John Cena vs. CM Punk (WWE Title)
* these 2 both deserve 2 close the show

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
* this match should've happened last year

Daniel Bryan vs. Batista
* David vs. Goliath match setup by HHH himself

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus
* Orton goes crazy after losing the title and Sheamus challenges the Viper at Mania

AJ Lee and Tamina vs. LayCool
* a returning Michelle McCool would add a lot to the Diva's division.

The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family
* falls count anywhere everything goes match

Big E Langston vs. Mark Henry
* the friends betray one another

Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust
* brother vs. brother

Mysterio/Big Show vs. Real Americans (Tag Titles)
* Cesaro does the swing on Big Show

Battle Royal to face Langston (Mark Henry wins)
WrestleMania 30

WWE World Heavyweight Championship (Triple Threat Match)

Randy Orton (c) vs Daniel Bryan vs John Cena

How I would set this one up would be that I would have Daniel Bryan go through hell winning the 2014 Royal Rumble Match enduring over an hour of hell outlasting 29 other superstars becoming only the 3rd man in WWE history to win the Royal Rumble Match being the #1 entrant and Cena interjecting himself into this match by coming up short at the Rumble in his rematch against Orton with Orton using underhanded tactics to retain his title and then at Elimination Chamber again using those same underhanded tactics inside the Chamber to barely escape the Chamber with his title in tact and Bryan of course being the Rumble winner challenges Orton, cue the Triple Threat

Control of the WWE

Batista w/Vince McMahon vs Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon

How I would set this one up would be that I would have Vince come back as a face with Vince seeing that his son-in-law Triple H and his daughter Stephanie being on an immense power trip comes back to reclaim his company from them only for Triple H and Stephanie to claim that Vince no longer has any power any more and that he is past it and that it is time for the company to be taken into the future being led by them...Vince then ends up proposing a winner take all match at WrestleMania 30 with the winner having complete control of WWE and Vince of course having his representative representing him since he can't compete...Triple H representing himself Vince chooses Triple H's former Evolution teammate The Animal Batista as his representative...WrestleMania 21 rematch with Batista facing Triple H

Grudge Match (SummerSlam Rematch) (Last Man Standing Match)

CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman

The ultimate re-match right here if you ask me considering these 2 had a classic match as far as I'm concerned at SummerSlam with Brock coming out on top and Punk never really got his revenge for that loss to Brock so why not have Punk and Lesnar go at it again this time at WrestleMania 30 in a Last Man Standing Match and Heyman & Punk's feud then could also end at WrestleMania at the same time

Streak Match (21-1 or 22-0)

The Undertaker vs Sheamus

How I would build this one up? Sheamus returns at the Royal Rumble during the Royal Rumble Match and he ends up lasting until the final 2 men before being eliminated by Daniel Bryan and then Sheamus comes up short in the Elimination Chamber for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Sheamus will not be in the main event at WrestleMania 30 but he plans on making history by challenging The Streak by challenging The Undertaker and how he has nothing but the utmost respect for Taker and then cue the challenge Taker accepts and in the build-up of course Sheamus tells the whole world that he respects Taker but he is not afraid of Taker at all in the least and then cue the mind games from Taker on The Great White but then you start to see Sheamus become like the Sheamus of old which eventually leads up to a heel turn from Sheamus

Bray Wyatt vs The Big Show

The Wyatt Family set their sights on Big Show after Big Show saves whoever the Wyatts try to target, and then cue Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan targeting the World's Largest Athlete but of course Big Show with the Knockout hits Harper and Rowan with the Knockout Punch only for Bray Wyatt to hit Sister Abigail on Big Show in the build-up towards this match

Return of Money in the Bank at WrestleMania

Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston vs Fandango vs Christian vs Damien Sandow vs The Miz vs Rey Mysterio vs Del Rio vs Chris Jericho vs Sin Cara

This would be a clusterfuck of a match with 10 men in Money in the Bank but it isn't like they haven't done it before having a 10 man MITB at WrestleMania 26, they could do it again this time at WrestleMania 30 but with these 10 superstars they would easily be able to put on a show here

Brother vs Brother No Holds Barred Match

Goldust vs Cody Rhodes

Like think Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy at WrestleMania 25, this feud between the Rhodes Brothers will get really personal with Goldust turning on Cody after they lose the WWE Tag Team Championships to whoever, Goldust just proceeds to blame his brother Cody for the loss and Cody trying to apologize only for Goldust to accept the apology only out of nowhere to attack his brother blindsiding Cody basically beating the holy hell out of him and then of course not giving the fans an explanation as to why he turned on Cody saying he doesn't owe the fans anything as far as he's concerned only for Cody to return the favor attacking Goldust but then cue Goldust's eventual explanation explaining that he's always been jealous of Cody because of the fact that their father The American Dream Dusty Rhodes always loved Cody more than he did Goldust and Goldust wanting to prove that he's the better son and then cue Dusty Rhodes who ends up being a factor in this feud with his sons

The Shield Implosion (WWE United States Championship) (Triple Threat Match)

Dean Ambrose (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins

The implosion is bound to happen sooner or later and if and when it does it needs to happen at WrestleMania and what better way than for them to go at it in a Triple Threat with the US Title on the line and the 3 of them going their separate ways after all is said and done with Reigns going babyface and Rollins going tweener eventually turning babyface and Ambrose staying heel

WWE Divas Championship (Lumberjill Match)

AJ (c) vs Tamina Snuka

Simple build-up with Tamina turning babyface turning on AJ by basically beating the holy hell out of her and then Tamina basically explaining that she felt sick and tired of protecting AJ all the time and how she was never friends with AJ but that the only reason she aligned herself with AJ was to eventually turn on her and become WWE Divas Champion only for AJ to claim that Tamina was always jealous of her always jealous of the fact that she was WWE Divas Champion and not her and then you can play up the rivalry from there with divas surrounding the ring as lumberjacks

WWE Intercontinental Championship

Big E. Langston (c) vs Mark Henry

Mark Henry eventually turns heel on Big E. claiming that Big E. is nothing more than a Mark Henry wannabe and how there is only one World's Strongest Man in the WWE with Big E. of course taking offense to it and then of course you have the 2 of them trying to one-up each other every step of the way especially in strength competitions with Big E. showing up Henry only for Henry to attack Big E. and then at Mania it all coming to a head


WWE Tag Team Championship (Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Match)

Rybaxel (c) vs Real Americans w/Zeb Colter vs The Usos vs The Primetime Players

This would make for a great opener for WrestleMania 30 as a way to pump up the crowd before the actual pay per view starts and what better way than for these 4 teams to go at it for the WWE Tag Team Championship
In the other thread there is a discussion going on about Cena vs Wyatt.

How about have Batista come back and in the Royal Rumble, he catches Bray Wyatt's attention somehow, and starts a feud with them. Batista would hopefully be willing to go over and I think the build-up to the match would be good on the Road to Wrestlemania.

It would also allow Daniel Bryan(who would have to be somehow written out of the Wyatt feud) to move onto the possibility of Main Eventing at Wrestlemania against someone other than Randy Orton.
There has been much speculation as of late as to what direction WWE is going to go in with regards to Wrestlemania. Personally, I think this has the potential to be one the best cards in some time, and it is already apparent that some matches are more likely to happen than others. For time purposes I will avoid discussing too much about the lower card, but the main event picture is looking sublime at this current moment.

Firstly, it is fair to say that a big question year in, year out is who the Undertaker will face going into said Wrestlemania. There has been various names thrown into the mix this year, the most likely scenario being that he puts the streak on the line against Brock Lesnar. This, I feel is an extremely exciting match, but the fact of the matter is that in doing so Undertaker will be potentially putting his health at great risk. It is well known that Brock is a stiff worker, and with Undertakers recent health problems (particularly his hip) it wouldn't come as a huge surprise if Brock permanently ended Taker's career. On the other hand, I hypothesize that a match with John Cena would certainly be the way to go. No one else would have the doubt factor to the extent that Cena would, and I could imagine the crowd being red hot for the match. Not only that, but Cena has shown himself to be highly capable in almost all situations and Taker always brings it around Mania season, leading the possibility of a masterpiece. Other outside chances for Takers opponents are Batista, The Shield, or even Daniel Bryan. In the case of the latter, I'm afraid it's the height difference that hinders him, killing the suspension of disbelief.

Final Prediction: The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

The World Championship is a completely different kettle of fish. Three names circulate whenever I think about the unified world title: Randy Orton, John Cena and Daniel Bryan. A part of me struggles to see Orton losing the title from here until Mania, as it would therefore just establish this current reign as a transitional one, and a waste at that. On the other hand , it is difficult to imagine a Wrestlemania in which John Cena does not contend for a world championship, the one exception being Wrestlemania 28 in Miami if we look at recent years. It is for these reasons that I feel they are an absolute lock for the match. Daniel Bryan, it could be said, is the white elephant in the room. Will management pull the trigger on him? It's clear the fans want it, and it could provide for the feel good Wrestlemania moment the fans have come to miss recently. 70,000 people doing "YES" could make for iconic viewing, and it is for this and this alone that I will go out on a limb and say I see Bryan leaving Wrestlemania 29 with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, ending his long journey and in the process making him a star.

Final Prediction: WWE World Heavyweight Championship-John Cena vs Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan

In the case of what CM Punk will be doing come Wrestlemania time, I can only assume he will work with Triple H. I see him taking over the position of the leader against the authority- a role he was best suited for from the beginning. As I mentioned in an earlier thread, this is a match that has been 2 years in the making, and could hopefully play a role in convincing Punk to extend his contract when the time comes. Not only this, but it would act as a passing of the torch if you will. I envision Shawn Michaels in Hunter's corner for this match, and I feel this could make for some dynamic storytelling. This was highlighted by Shawn and Punks previous confrontation on RAW. If for some reason the match with Hunter doesn't take place, I could easily see the returning Batista taking on the authority role, however I don't think it will be the case. This is the only match I am certain will take place, with Punk coming out on top.

Final Prediction: CM Punk vs Triple H

These are only a few of my ideas, and some of them are more explicit than others. Like many, I was always against the idea of Shawn Michaels coming out of retirement, however I can't help but wonder how good the match could be if given the opportunity to steal the show with Bryan. On the other hand, I just don't see it happening. There are various other superstars whom I could see playing a major role going into Wrestlemania season, Bray Wyatt and all three members of The Shield being just a few, but currently I struggle to imagine what part they will play. 6 man tag match perhaps?

It's fair to say that things are certainly looking good in regards to what could potentially be the biggest show of all time, with the card beginning to take shape rather well recently.
My WM Card(At Present,subject to changes):

WWE Divas title Dark Match: AJ Lee(c) vs Tamina Snuka
I expect or rather,hope that this match takes place. It is an expected scenario,where Tamina turns on AJ Lee as she gets fed up of playing bodyguard. Could be a good storyline rather than the crap total divas fillers always thrown out.

WWE Tag Titles: Wyatts(Harper & Rowan)(c) vs Real Americans vs the Usos vs Dolph Ziggler & Kofi Kingston
It has been rumoured that the two Wyatt henchmen will be challenging for the tag title after beating the current tag champs recently. I believe they will win it and continue to rise into a dominant stable.

US title: Dean Ambrose(c) vs Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins
This will result from the Shield implosion and will help improve the US Championships prestige. It will also be an eagerly anticipated storyline also.

Cody Rhodes vs Goldust
These 2 brothers will lose the tag titles to the Wyatts and have a blame game. This will result in a feud between the two. Judging by Goldust's resurgence in the ring, I don't forsee a retirement match for him just yet.

IC title: Mark Henry(c) vs Big E Langston
These 2 have been teaming up recently,but Henry as a heel is much better than a face. I would have Henry turn on Langston out of jealousy and win the IC title in the lead-up to WM. This match would be a culmination of the feud between the 2 and will result in Big E being put over.

CM Punk vs Triple H; Shawn Michaels(Special Referee)
This feud has been in the works for a while, moreso since the Shield ambushed Punk. Expect it to intensify in the coming weeks.

John Cena vs the Wyatt family
This is a rumoured feud and can be the ultimate pay off in the elevation of the Wyatts(Bray especially) if done properly. It will allow John Cena to build up someone in an interesting non-title storyline, whilst allowing D-Bry to move into the WWE title picture.

the Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar
This is also a rumoured feud. Their showdown at a UFC event is one of the driving forces for a match between the 2. How they do the story is what will make it interesting. I am guessing maybe, Paul Heyman brings his marquee guy in a bid to gain revenge after last year's CM Punk loss at WM.

WWE World Heavyweight title: Batista(c) vs Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan
Here is the thing; D-Bry is my pick for RR winner. Batista is returning and could be the new Authority figure after defeating Orton in the Elimination Chamber. Orton after being thrown out by the Authority as he is no longer champion, goes on a One-Man tweener mission to regain his pride and dignity and will look to do any and everything to get what he wants.

There could be segments involving Hulk Hogan,the Ultimate Warrior,Ric Flair,Stone Cold Steve Austin and if available,the Rock.No Matches please,unless it is the Rock vs Stone Cold,one more time.
Royal rumble winner should get to face the Undertaker for the streak, and the winner to be. Randy Orton after he looses to Cena the same night at the rummble, to be a last man standing match vs understaker.

TLC match for the Tag team tiltles. Cody & Goldust, RVD & rollins (who turns face) and Big show & rey mysterio

The return of the HARDCORE CHAMIPIONSHIP, First pin fall with become the new Hardcore 24/7 champion, Big show, ryback, primtime players, the real americans,harper,rowan,Sandow,usos,Dolph Ziggler,Curtis axel, All to be in the ring as the match is announced.

Big e vs Ambroes no DQ match for the NEW World middleweight champion .

Brock lesnar and Shemas in a last man standing match


. World Tilte match at mania,Jhon Cena, CM Punk, Danial Bryan, Batista, Bray Wyatt,Mark Henry and Roman Reigns in a 6 man Elimination inside Hell in a cell
I'm really hoping the rumours of Cena vs Wyatt and Batista vs Orton for the title are red herrings, I don't want to see either of those matches, I think Bray is developing well but Cena deserves something much bigger at a landmark Mania, and I don't want Batista waltzing back in to win the Rumble and main event Mania.

I still think WWE could cover their bases quite simply if they did Cena vs Taker for the streak and Bryan vs Punk for the World title, but with all the other people needing to be catered to both matches seem very unlikely.

Now Brock has thrown his name into the World title mix it raises the possibility of title vs streak or Batista vs Lesnar for the title, a Vince wet dream I'm sure but an easy skip for me. However I can't see Brock failing to follow through on his declaration and I don't see WWE booking anyone but the aforementioned two against him at Mania.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship - John Cena (c) vs Daniel Bryan

Cena defeats Orton at the Royal Rumble and also retains it in the Elimination Chamber match, with DB winning the Royal Rumble. Match between 2 of the biggest stars of the past few years, putting on yet another great match.

Streak Match - Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker - No Holds Barred match

Undertaker to possibly cost Lesnar the championship in the EC match, before returning the next night on Raw in his American Badass gimmick. Another Match of the Year contender, with Lesnar just coming up short.

US Championship Triple Threat Match - Dean Ambrose (c) vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns
Shield implosion occurs after Elimination Chamber, leading to this. Reigns wins to lead to a unification match between he and Big E.

Intercontinental Championship - Big E Langston (c) vs Mark Henry
Henry challenges his friend Langston in a face vs face match. Big E goes over, Henry holds his arm up after the match as a sign of respect.

Goldust vs Cody Rhodes w/ Dusty Rhodes as Special Guest Referee
They lose the tag team titles, and Goldust turns heel. Stipulation could also be added where the loser is fired. Rhodes wins.

CM Punk vs Triple H
Power struggle happens where McMahon chooses Punk as his representative in his match against Triple H, where the winner is in control of the WWE. Punk wins, ending the Authority storyline.

Batista vs Randy Orton
Batista returns, Orton loses his title at the Royal Rumble and eliminates Batista, causing a feud between the two. Batista wins.

10 Man Money in the Bank Ladder Match - Damien Sandow vs Kane vs Curtis Axel vs Dolph Ziggler vs Bray Wyatt vs Chris Jericho vs Sheamus vs John Morrison vs The Big Show vs Ryback
JoMo returns at the Royal Rumble along with Sheamus. This opens the show. Either Sheamus or Ziggler win, starting a massive push for either of them.

WWE Tag Team Championship Triple Threat - Luke Harper and Eric Rowan (c) vs The Real Americans vs Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara
Real Americans win.

Divas Championship - AJ Lee (c) vs Natalya
Natalya finally wins the belt off AJ.
I love putting together prediction cards, but in all honesty I don't think any of us comes anywhere near what is going to actually happen. There's just SO many wrestlers that are going to be showing up past/present and in a wrestling/non-wrestling capacity.

We know that Hogan has agreed to a contract or has maybe signed one by now. Will he get a last match? A 30th anniversary is a perfect send off for a guy who has one more left in him, even if it's a tag match in a limited role that will replicate his very first Mania.

Stone Cold and The Rock. Rocky revealed he was planned originally to face Brock but not anymore. That means he was open to wrestling this year. Will he? If not, will he even be there? Austin has been teasing us for the longest, and saying he would then wouldn't. If not he must at least be there, but in what role? There's a lot of predictions here but none include the 3 top afforementioned wrestlers.

Jericho said he wouldn't be around in the early part of 2014, but what constitutes as early? April is 25% of the year in, so does that mean he could be there?

Reports show that Batista will more than likely win the Rumble, and we know Brock is getting a shot at the title after the Orton/Cena Rumble match.

Cm Punk and Bryan are so far away from the title picture it's not even funny. Granted there's a lot of time left (January, February, March) til April, but with guys like Batista, Brock, Cena, Orton ready there and the drama between HHH and HBK it's unlikely they will be going for the gold. It's also rumored that Punk vs HHH (again) and Bryan vs HBK is what Vince wants.

So where does that leave Undertaker??? We all want to see Cena take him on, but it's unlikely to be honest. I just can't see it. Cena is so damn stubborn about turning heel that it would have to be Taker as the aggressor. I just can't see that.

Some have mentioned a fatal 4-way with the best guys in the business (Cena, Punk, Bryan, Orton) but I don't think Vince wants that. A traditional singles match is what we'll probably see and that's what I want as well.

I highly doubt Reigns or Bray Wyatt get any kind of significant push for this Mania. It will likely happen once the dust has settled afterwards. So no Reigns or Bray vs Undertaker or Batista or Brock.

With all of the rumors I'd have to say that the card is shaping up to look like...

Batista vs Brock (WWE Title)

Punk vs HHH (again)

Bryan vs HBK (maybe Austin is a special ref or enforcer as a sympathizer to Bryan vs The Authority)

Cena+Hogan vs Orton+Piper (or Real Americans smh)

Undertaker vs ??? Maybe the Shield and a loss causes their break up?

Still have Jericho, RVD, Ziggler, Del Rio, Mysterio, Big Show, Mark Henry, Ryback, Big E, Wyatt's, Women's match, etc.

Hopefully they don't mess this up.
This 'Mania easily has the chance to be one of the best ever. You could have 4 or more matches that could main event. I think the best choice is 'Taker/Cena. Punk/HHH seems evident and Batista/Lesnar for the title seems like the best one left. Problem is, where do you put Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton? It would be nice to see DB win the title after chasing a real reign for so long, but now that he's joined the Wyatt Family it seems less likely. Orton/DB already had a feud. HBK/Daniel Bryan would be great but I don't see it happening. Maybe he just faces Wyatt to get out of the family. Orton is also deserving of a marquee match. Truth is, there are a ton of deserving superstars: Shield, Langston, Wyatts, Goldust, Cody Rhodes, and many others. WWE just has a large caliber of superstars to play with this time around. They really have the chance to make WM 30 an epic event, which is exactly how it should be. Should be really interesting to see how it all comes together.
To me, the top of the card seems to be looking something like this, from what's been reported on the dirt sheets:

Streak Match: Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs Batista (royal rumble winner)

6-Man Tag Team Match: John Cena, Daniel Bryan & Hulk Hogan vs The Wyatt Family

Grudge Match: CM Punk vs Triple H​

Of course, you take everything you read online with a grain of salt, but I have a feeling this is what we will see. I'm certain Punk vs Triple H is indeed a 'lock', so that rules Punk out of the Royal Rumble winning spot, leaving really only Batista, Daniel Bryan, and maybe Lesnar or Cena. The WWE seem to be pre-occupying Bryan with the Wyatts, so I'm becoming less and less hopeful that he'll win it. Undertaker apparently wants to work with Daniel Bryan - which would work very well, but where would that leave Lesnar? A match vs Roman Reigns maybe? But that leaves Cena and Hogan against The Wyatts. Perhaps Sheamus could be added to that?? One glaring issue I see with those matches is - what closes the show? Vince, again apparently, said that Cena will headline 'Mania until 'he's clearly past it' or something along those lines. Does that mean the 6-Man Tag Team Match would close 'Mania??? Is the WWE WHC Match less important than that? Or The Authority storyline? Or 'The Streak'!!?

It's true that WrestleMania season is upon us, which is a great time for fans. I wouldn't be too let down if that were the top-end of the card for WrestleMania XXX, although I believe it could be made better. At least all bar one of the match-ups is something we've never seen, or haven't seen in that fashion. With that many top-liners/main-eventers, we really will see a WrestleMania with 4 true, top of the card, main-event matches.

I'll post my full dream card soon
Cena not in the main event of Wrestlemania is just wishful thinking. Same for Hogan in the main event while in a tag team with Cena. The main event will most probably be for the WWE World title and I would be shocked if Cena was not involved. This is not Wrestlemania 1 when you can have a tag team main event, no matter who is involved. Lesnar vs. Taker exists only in online speculations, there is no hint of that so far. What we know, is that Lesnar will be challenging for the title after the Royal Rumble. So the card might look like that:

Main Event-WWE World Title
Cena vs. Lesnar.
Of course, the reason this could not happen is the mere fact that non of these 2 are scheduled to be in the Royal Rumble match as of now. But you never know about Lesnar involvement in the Rumble.

Grudge match
Batista vs. Orton
Can easily be build up around there evolution history.

HHH vs. Punk
The feud could get the best out of Punk as it has previously.

Taker vs. Bryan as rumored recently.

Matches might be shuffled though, we may have Taker vs. Lesnar. In which case, Bryan might win the Royal Rumble and we will have Cena vs. heel Bryan in the main event. But if Batista is in the Royal Rumble match, he might just be a sure bet. In any event, these guys (Cena, Taker, Orton, Batista, HHH, Punk) are probably the main actors of Wrestlemania 30.

Hogan can easily be in a segment with the Real Americans , I think WWE would look at it as a waste of their top star if they had Cena tag with Hogan.

Goldust vs. Cody will probably happen and don't forget Sheamus will probably have returned by then. A match vs. Show or Henry might just be ok for him.

I would love Shield vs. Wyatt but I don't the Shield will remain 1 by Wrestlemania.
Well, if you believe the online reports it looks like Cena will be involved somehow in a nostalgia match with Hogan. And that CM Punk and Triple H is a lock. This leaves the WWE WHC match to involve two of Batista, Lesnar, Orton and Bryan. The likely competitors will be determined by whoever doesn't draw the Undertaker at WMXXX.. And whether Vince has bigger plans for Bryan at 'Mania than Bray Wyatt, or if the Wyatt feud payoff is planned for 'Mania. There's also been reports of both Taker/Lesnar and Taker/Bryan. So here are two card options for the main events:

Option 1
WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton 'C' vs Batista

30 Years of WrestleMania
John Cena & Hulk Hogan vs Sheamus (heel) & Rowdy Roddy Piper
(This could also play off of the true Americans vs the Scottish/Irish)

Triple H vs CM Punk

No Disqualification
The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

Some type of gimmick match
Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt

US Championship
Dean Ambrose 'C' w/ Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns


Option 2
WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Brock Lesnar 'C' vs Batista

30 Years of WrestleMania
John Cena & Hulk Hogan vs Randy Orton & Rowdy Roddy Piper

Triple H vs CM Punk

The Undertaker vs Daniel Bryan

US Championship
Dean Ambrose 'C' w/ Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns

Some type of gimmick match
Bray Wyatt vs 1 of Rob Van Dam, Sheamus, The Big Show or Rey Mysterio (someone who can make Bray look convincing and dominant in his first 'Mania)

Of course, who knows how things will play out. But here are some of my predictions on where the chips will fall, if you believe any of the online rumours out there. I think I'd prefer to watch Option 2... mainly because I think Bryan might actually be a better option for Undertaker.. and we haven't seen Lesnar/Batista before, while we have seen plenty of Orton/Batista. Also, like The Rock last year... Lesnar has promised to hold the WWE Championship once again.

Also, if I'm Vince right now... I'm doing anything/trying desperately to cut a deal with Austin for a Stone Cold run-in during the Triple H/CM Punk match. The entire thing will be based on rebel vs authority, so Austin's character fits here. I'd book the match with CM Punk trying to overcome the outside interference of Kane, Vince, Stephanie, Maddox, etc... and just when it looks like it's too much for him to handle.... *glass shatters*... huge pop, Austin clears house, CM Punk hits the GTS and pins Hunter... Punk and Austin celebrate/further tease a future match (even though it'd likely never happen, but the tease alone would be worth it). That's a huge 'Mania moment there for CM Punk... especially if the plan is to push him hard in the summer of 2014.
my card would be with the assumption Jericho is coming back

Randy Orton© vs. Chris Jericho (WWE world title) (to determine the true champion of champions)(heel vs. heel)
Undertaker vs. John Cena

Lesnar vs. Batista (animal vs. beast)

HHH /w/ HBK vs. CM Punk /w/ Mr.McMahon (Control of WWE ) (Stone Cold as ref.)

Bray Wyatt vs. Daniel Bryan (Falls Count Anywhere)

WWE TAG TITLES :The Miz,Damien Sandow vs. Usos© /w/ Rikishi

Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust (Dusty as ref.)

Big E.vs. Mark Henry

Roddy Piper,Hogan,Slaughter vs. Real Americans,Del Rio

Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara

IC/US title unification Roman Reigns ©vs. Dean Ambrose ©vs. Seth Rollins

30 years of wrestlemania legends battle royal

MITB Match (Show vs. Kane vs. Ziggler vs. Sheamus vs. RVD vs. Fandango vs. Woods vs. Truth vs. Christian (winner cashes in at WM XXXI gets that one more match Edge comes out he drops the title and walk out with Edge retiring)
Brodus Clay vs. Tensai (who becomes Albert again)

Natalya vs. AJ vs. Tamina vs. Cameron (Divas title)

Lita,Trish,James,Eve vs. Bellas,Aksana,Fox

Option 2
WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Brock Lesnar 'C' vs Batista

30 Years of WrestleMania
John Cena & Hulk Hogan vs Randy Orton & Rowdy Roddy Piper

Triple H vs CM Punk

The Undertaker vs Daniel Bryan

US Championship
Dean Ambrose 'C' w/ Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns

This is exactly the top of the card I'd like to see, with the addition of the Wyatts (or just Bray) involved in The Streak match some how, I think the promo buildup between Taker and Bray would be immense, and with Taker asking for Bryan then I think it could work to keep him in the Wyatts until WM.

Other matches I'd like to see:

Big E (C) vs Mark Henry for the IC title

Golddust vs Cody

The Real Americans (C) vs The Wyatt Family vs The Usos vs Rey and Big Show (or another team put together nearer the event) fatal 4-way for the tag titles

It's difficult to find places for people like Sheamus, RVD, Jericho etc - but I think as long as the top of the card is as mentioned above, WM30 is gonna be awesome

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