Wrestlemania XXIV: Playboy Bunny Match


SmackDown! is MY Show
Playboy Bunny Match
Maria and Candice Michelle vs Melina and Beth Phoenix

So we now have conformed by the WWE at their press conference today that Maria and Candice will most likely team up in a playboy bunny match at Wrestlemania. Now looking at that both Candice and Maria are faces its safe to assume that their adversary's will be Melina and Beth Phoenix as I see not other real diva heels facing them at Mania.

This match will be nothing more than a piss break and damn excuse to promote Maria in playboy. Really this match will go now more than 5 or so minutes with some hitting and slapping but not much else so much of a waste of time I rather see Mickie vs Beth again for the gold than this, but oh well be a good piss break.
Lame. Adds another reason why this will be yet another piss poor Wrestlemania. I'm sure they will place it before the triple threat main event and give us 5 minutes for boredom and shit breaks. Looks like Beth and Melina will be the opponents, either way. Boring.
Well if Beth is added to the match, which I highly doubt. I can see some wrestling. Even if it's Melina and Jillian, Candice will at least show some wrestling.

This is a huge shock considering they just had Candice return and distract Beth. One would think the two would meet up for the title and continue their storyline but WWE, as usual, just goes to show why it's the best at Women's Wrestling.

**Crosses fingers for Mickie vs. Beth even though I really wanted a triple threat with Beth, Candice, and Mickie.

Seriously though, the Playboy thing HAS to stop. Of course the issues are awesome to buy, but it's fucking every other diva over at Mania. Now women like Melina, Jillian, Beth, and Candice have to be in crap like this when they should be in the title match.

So much for WWE wanting Candice to be a serious wrestler.
This is just going to be pathetic... Though now hopefully we'll see Beth hold the title into Mania, but unless she's in this match, what are the odds that she'll even make it onto the show... I agree that the opponents will be Beth and Melina... In which two divas that have incredible talent will loose to the eye candy who's biggest claim to fame is just that... being eye candy for playboy... Another one of the reasons I refuse to order Mania this year is just the piss poor way that the matches are being set up... No suspicion or surprises at all...
:eek2: really? really WWE

Just more proof of how seriously WWE takes their womens division, after this match no one can seriously try justify the WWE not putting sex appeal over wrestling talent. I feel rather embarrassed, not just for the women that have to compete in this (especially if its for the title), but to the long line of proud WWE womens champions and the veterans outside of WWE busting their assess to deliver the best matches possible. I hope to god this is a filler match and WWE is planning on Mickie vs Beth for the title. IMO, having the Womens championship left of the card completely at WM would be better than to see it defended in a match like this.
:eek2: really? really WWE

Just more proof of how seriously WWE takes their womens division, after this match no one can seriously try justify the WWE not putting sex appeal over wrestling talent. I feel rather embarrassed, not just for the women that have to compete in this (especially if its for the title), but to the long line of proud WWE womens champions and the veterans outside of WWE busting their assess to deliver the best matches possible. I hope to god this is a filler match and WWE is planning on Mickie vs Beth for the title. IMO, having the Womens championship left of the card completely at WM would be better than to see it defended in a match like this.

What? I thought for sure you'd be excited for this. I mean Maria and Candice are your dream team aren't they?

Seriously though, this is the WWE women's division in a nutshell. They have no current program with the women's title heading into Wrestlemania, despite two of their best female wrestlers being in a fued, but they make damn sure they have some sort of Playboy/sex storyline hyped up. People will get excited to see half naked divas, not realizing that they can get that on the internet everyday.
Wouldnt it make MUCH more sense for Maria and Ashley to team up, instead of Candice?

Ashley is the one who supposedly got Maria interested in Playboy in the first place, storyline-wise...so why not have her team up with Maria?

Then Beth Phoenix could face Candice and Mickie James in a 3-way match for the women's title.

Just seems to make a lot more sense to me...but what do I know.
This has not been confirmed on WWE.com yet, so there could be something more to this yet. I hope so because this would suck, whoever is involved.
Guys, get a life.

Why are you so angry about that??? Watching hot women isn't that bad, right? And common, there are 4 HOURS !!! WM 24 and you complain about 10 minutes of this women's contest?! You cannot be serious, honestly.You got a very good WM 24 Card with the World Title Matches, the MitB, Mayweather vs. Big Show, Flair vs. (probably) Shawn Michaels, US Champ MVP vs. Matt Hardy, some hardcore stuff with Finlay/JBL w. McMahon and a solid ECW Match. So don't complain. WM will deliver this year, I bet on it!!!
Guys, get a life.

Unacceptable and inappropriate.

Why are you so angry about that??? Watching hot women isn't that bad, right? And common, there are 4 HOURS !!! WM 24 and you complain about 10 minutes of this women's contest?! You cannot be serious, honestly.

Watching hot women isn't bad, its just that if I want to see a hot woman thats not my girlfriend, I can find it on the internet or elsewhere. Hell, I have a Flex magazine right here at my gym with a Candice Michelle spread where she's wearing an extremely small bikini, I'm almost positive she'll be wearing more at Mania.

People are not complaining that they have to watch Candice and Maria look hot. They are complaining because they are wrestling fans, who want to see a great women's wrestler defend her title against a worthy challenger. Excuse them for voicing their opinions on how disappointed they are with the direction of the WWE women's division.
Well i think i heard somewhere that ashley is injured "again" so that could be the reason they replaced her with candice, i still have my fingers crossed for this to be a filler leaving us with mickie vs. beth.
OKay, so the match shouldn't be bad afterall. Melina, Beth, and even Candice are good workers, but sadly I see Candice having to do almost ALL of the work for her team.

Problem is, shouldn't this be a RAW match or another PPV match?

Plus I don't think WWE wants to give Candice the title too soon and they don't want Mickie to have another reign yet considering she'll be caught up with Lita.

I see Candice vs. Beth as the main focal of the feud.
Its official.. the World Wrestling Entertainment company doesn't give a shit about their Women's Division. I don't even want to hear an argument about it, because if they did, their Women's Heavyweight Champion would be defending her title against someone, or multiple someone's.. instead of joining in on some glorified time wasting Playboy in-ring T&A event.

I feel sorry for Melina in this situation as well. She has the talent to be an actual wrestler, not just a "diva." Yet they toss her in here.

Furthermore, the focus of this match isn't even remotely ON Beth as being the Women's Champion, which the focus of anything should almost ALWAYS be on the Champion thats involved in the match. At this point, all Beth is is the girl that'll be pinned by Candice to end this match, setting.. rather, dragging out their continuing feud.
Just to add to the disappointment, anybody else realize that Mickie hasn't been on tv for 2 weeks now excluding Heat which doesnt count anyway. So basically they worked up an angle for somewhere between 4-8 weeks if u start it at when mickie lost to beth on ppv, and why because maria did playboy and candice came back. No offense to Candice but in the ring she is no where near as talented as Mickie. This whole playboy bias has been going on since Christy Hemme and I just personally feel it needs to stop.
When a diva does playboy nowadays i could really care less, add to that they are getting pushes and a spot on the grandest stage of them all...for what?!?! posing for a magazine...WOW!!! really this whole wrestlemania card (besides taker and edge and mitb) is shaping up to be kind of bad, cuz i could really care less about the matches at this moment.
Well I guess this is the match that goes just before the main event. They'll need a match for fans to recover from after either Flair loses or Taker wins the title. This is that match. It won't be nothhing special. But I don't see it being horrible either. It's just filler.

They couldn't very well have Phoenix in a one on one match. She's not been portrayed as strongly as previous women's champs. She certainly hasn't been on TV as much. So a singles match wouldn't draw that much of a reaction. At least they've added two wrestlers that casual fans will care about.
I think if WWE plans this match out right, it could be really good. They have one month to plan it. Give Candice and Beth a majority of the time to work the match as well as Melina and it should be good.

I doubt they'll make Maria work most of the match.

I can honestly see this given a good 10 minutes. Sounds unrealistic but I wouldn't doubt it.

They won't be dressed up or anything, BunnyMania means that the match has tow Playboy cover models in it, that's all.

It's just weird that the title won't be defended at Mania though.

I think WWE did have Candice vs. Beth (or Mickie) on the card but there's already like 9 matches scheduled so they had to cut it down.

Not a big deal really.

EDIT: I think this is just a way to further Candice vs. Beth. Candice will score the victory and then get a title match at BackLash, were she'll win.
Still thinking about how this match will even be the slighest bit impressive. Maria has next to no talent in the ring. Candice was working on improving, but her injury could have set her back a step or two. Melina is an alright ring worker. Beth is probably one of, if not the best Women's "wrestler" in the industry. Now in order for Candice and Maria to win the match you'd have to almost assume that Candice will get the pin. However... With the lack of Maria's in ring ability, how does it make sense to say Candice can take on both Melina and Beth by herself, when prior to injury, she lost to Beth. I just cannot see Maria being a factor at all unless she gets some stupid roll up or capitilises on Candice's moves for the win.
Candice takes care of Beth, Maria gets the hot pin on Melina, and thousands of fans finally come back from taking a piss and getting some food.

At least it isn't going to eat up time on a smaller ppv. There's enough time here to give us some good matches.....and then there are Mayweather matches to take up the rest of the garbage section lol.

This will just be another typical bad women's division match, as Candice and Maria can't wrestle to save their lives. Attractive women, yes, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Candice botch something and land on her head again.
Still thinking about how this match will even be the slighest bit impressive. Maria has next to no talent in the ring. Candice was working on improving, but her injury could have set her back a step or two. Melina is an alright ring worker. Beth is probably one of, if not the best Women's "wrestler" in the industry. Now in order for Candice and Maria to win the match you'd have to almost assume that Candice will get the pin. However... With the lack of Maria's in ring ability, how does it make sense to say Candice can take on both Melina and Beth by herself, when prior to injury, she lost to Beth. I just cannot see Maria being a factor at all unless she gets some stupid roll up or capitilises on Candice's moves for the win.

Well luckily WWE is booking Candice and Beth at house shows to work her ring rust off, which I'm sure she has.

In reading the preview on WWE.com, and reading Candice's new blog, it will be a serious wrestling match and not a T&A, gimmick one, so that's good.

The only way WWE will get any sort of Candice vs. Beth feud that they want out of this match is to have Candice score the pinfall, ON BETH, whether roll up or clean. Unless WWE has Candice pin Melina and Beth is still pissed that she lost and then Candice/Beth starts back up.

But I think I can say I'm looking forward to this match because I'm sure they'll book it correctly, especially after last years disaster and they are booking Candice to work her ring rust off and HOPEFULLY they're doing something with Maria. But hey, let her work at the most, 2 minutes of the match and it should be fine. Either that or have Maria and Melina fight on the outside of the ring for most of it while Candice/Beth go at it.
WOW, terrible match. Jeez, can you still call this a division. This is horrible. WWE's womens division is like soft-core porn. This will be one hell of a shit match. I was hoping for the title to at least be defended, but this is just bad. This will be the piss break match right before the main event (something like the Torrie/Candice match and WrestleMania 22). Anywho, I hope this match doesn't take longer than 5 minuets, because that would be terrible.

WWE should take away the womens title, because it's a disgrace to the many great women wrestlers before this generation. They should replace it with a trophy awarded to the female with the nicest T&A.
This actually, might not be utterly horrendous. Im pretty excited about that. It invoves probably the two best in ring workers the WWE has in the womens division, who have a huge taskin in carryin Maria, who is clueless in the ring, and Candice, who was never really GOOD, but was ok, but is returning from a long layoff. I put over/under on candice botches at 2 in this. But I think if anyone can carry these two to something more than a bathroom break, its Beth and Melina.
Another terrible Wrestlemania in the works. Folk. The only excitement again will be Money in the Bank.What a smack in the face to the fans! Mayweather V Big Show -lame and a waste of money. Playboy bunny match. Stop It!!! Here's a Better match Mickie James v Beth Phoenix v Victoria Triple threat Elimination match. Fire all the writers!! TNA is Better. Save Westlemania or save me money.Shame on you Mcmahons. Your baby is now ******ed and a waste of money.
This match isn't all that bad, I mean they always have a Diva's match, and they have had Beth vs. Mickie on so many Raws, the couldn't make that a Mania' match. So they put in Candice and Beth, to renew there rivalry from before Candice was injured, the Playboy cover girl for the year, who always finds a spot at Mania', and Melina, well they had to find a heel diva, and she is probably the best choice for this spot. If two or three bad matches, in your mind, on a show that features around 10 makes Mania' bad, then i guess thats your decision. I will be ordering the PPV, as I think all wrestling fans should if they can afford it.
Echelon will hate me for this, but guys, realize the facts: Womens Wrestling Does Not Sell. Ever.

You try and get a serious feud with two female wrestlers, constricting of only wrestling, and the crowd will be bored into tears of submission. Maybe 5% of wrestling fans want a "great women's division" like you're describing. And Wrestlemania isn't aimed at those 5%.

Women's wrestling doesn't draw. Never has, never will. WWE is doing the smart business move here and hyping Maria's Playboy issue.

Besides guys, how long will this match be? 3 and a half minutes? I think you can handle those 3 and a half minutes of looking at attractive scantily clad women---I know, the horror.

Echelon: Xfear I am so sorry, I accidentally pressed the edit button instead of the quote button. In my defense, it was late when I saw your post and I was tired, again I apologize

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