Wrestlemania 31 main event confirmed....

Alright I think we're having a communication problem here. I'm not insinuating that Ziggler is more over than Brock Lesnar. I'm not insinuating that people want to see Ziggler main event a Wrestlemania over Lesnar. I'm not saying that Ziggler will ever make as big an impact as Brock Lesnar in the WWE. I know that these things are not true. All I'm saying is that Dolph Ziggler imo can consistently put on a better match than Brock Lesnar at this point in their careers. Strictly talking wrestling as some of you seem to take presence, character, and looks into account. I mean for fuck sakes, just because Hogan elicited a massive reaction didn't make him a better wrestler than Owen Hart, did it?

Also I honestly can't believe that some of you agree that Austin could outshine Guerrero, Jericho, or Benoit in the ring. And people are actually agreeing that Cena is a better wrestler than Ziggler?

I.. I just... You guys broke me....
I mean for fuck sakes, just because Hogan elicited a massive reaction didn't make him a better wrestler than Owen Hart, did it?

It did.

Also I honestly can't believe that some of you agree that Austin could outshine Guerrero, Jericho, or Benoit in the ring. And people are actually agreeing that Cena is a better wrestler than Ziggler?

Austin ran circles around them. Only bad matches Austin ever had was with Undertaker and that was when Undertaker was still kind of shitty.

And Cena is better than Ziggler. He carried Ziggy's worthless ass during their feud when fans actually believed Ziggler was main event material. Let me make a list of who's better:


...you know it would be shorter to name who Ziggler is better than.

I.. I just... You guys broke me....

This breaks you? I wonder what would happen if a girl dumped you

Actually yes it does. Being a pro wrestler isn't about how many moves you can do, or how smooth you are in the ring. It's about electing a response from the fans and making them care about you. In that regard there is no one better than Hogan. Owen, while a solid in ring technician, rarely elicited a response outside of nugget chants, until his tragic passing.
Live Yáz;5017267 said:
Actually yes it does. Being a pro wrestler isn't about how many moves you can do, or how smooth you are in the ring. It's about electing a response from the fans and making them care about you. In that regard there is no one better than Hogan. Owen, while a solid in ring technician, rarely elicited a response outside of nugget chants, until his tragic passing.

Ok then the best in-ring competitors of all time are Cena, Hogan, Austin, Rock and Sammartino? I really don't think I've ever heard this before and it seems to be a slap in the face to competitors like Angle, Benoit, Jericho and the works but I guess we all got our opinions.

But seriously, you're all in agreement that somebody like Hogan is a better in-ring talent than Kurt Angle? I'm like, seriously dumbfounded right now. To each their own though.
Ok then the best in-ring competitors of all time are Cena, Hogan, Austin, Rock and Sammartino? I really don't think I've ever heard this before and it seems to be a slap in the face to competitors like Angle, Benoit, Jericho and the works but I guess we all got our opinions.

But seriously, you're all in agreement that somebody like Hogan is a better in-ring talent than Kurt Angle? I'm like, seriously dumbfounded right now. To each their own though.

The best wrestlers of all time are guys like Hogan and Cena and Austin. You can be good in the ring and not be a good pro wrestler. I understand your tiny mind can't grasp this, but trust me, its possible. You can do all the flips and suplexes and submissions holds in the world, but it doesn't mean shit if the crowd doesn't care.
Live Yáz;5017281 said:
You can be good in the ring and not be a good pro wrestler. .

You can also be a good "pro wrestler" but not be good in the ring too. THIS IS MY ENTIRE POINT YOU DUMBASS. So Ziggler is good in the ring but he's not a good "pro wrestler". Brock isn't great in the ring but he's a great "pro wrestler". So therefore Brock is a better pro wrestler than Ziggler but not better in the ring. I understand you weren't trying to prove my point but THANK YOU for saying what I've been waiting for you to say this whole time.

I can finally get off this thread in peace.


But of course you don't question the fact that the poster above me said you can be good in the ring without being a good pro wrestler. It must feel good to gang up on one or two people while blindly following the majority. The fact that 95 percent of the people on this forum are here to make others feel like shit about their opinions really makes this crap tiresome. Now go ahead and post that I'm butthurt or a troll to make yourself feel better because you don't agree with me.

Also I've literally never talked to a bunch of wrestling fans who know so little about the product. I mean so far I've heard that telling a story in the ring is not a real thing, that all it takes to be a good wrestler is cutting a good promo, and basically in-ring ability doesn't mean shit. I thought the IWC was supposed to defend the wrestling part of WWE not the entertainment.

Ah, there were a few guys that kept me on this forum like Jack-Hammer, Mustang, or Dagger... The guys that are actually knowledgeable about wrestling, but the other 95 percent of you aren't worth dealing with.
But of course you don't question the fact that the poster above me said you can be good in the ring without being a good pro wrestler. It must feel good to gang up on one or two people while blindly following the majority. The fact that 95 percent of the people on this forum are here to make others feel like shit about their opinions really makes this crap tiresome. Now go ahead and post that I'm butthurt or a troll to make yourself feel better because you don't agree with me.

Also I've literally never talked to a bunch of wrestling fans who know so little about the product. I mean so far I've heard that telling a story in the ring is not a real thing, that all it takes to be a good wrestler is cutting a good promo, and basically in-ring ability doesn't mean shit. I thought the IWC was supposed to defend the wrestling part of WWE not the entertainment.

Ah, there were a few guys that kept me on this forum like Jack-Hammer, Mustang, or Dagger... The guys that are actually knowledgeable about wrestling, but the other 95 percent of you aren't worth dealing with.
Ah, and you are just such a fountain of knowledge. Such amazing nuggets of wisdom. Because wrestlers can be good wrestling in the ring, but that does not mean they can good pro wrestlers.

I just love it when people claim there's some hive mentality going about wrestling aficionados rather than just a more reasonable thought process prevailing.
You people are saying that HULK HOGAN is a better WRESTLER than KURT ANGLE because he can cut a promo and light up a crowd by posing in the ring for 10 minutes. Hogan was a better entertainer than Angle. Austin was a better entertainer than Benoit, and Cena is a better entertainer than Ziggler but they're not better wrestlers for gods sakes! Wtf are you people smoking?

Killjoy, I wouldn't have such a problem with most of the IWC if they actually added insight to the conversation instead of just trying to make others feel like shit. All you've said so far is, "lol, What", "The fucks an in-ring story", "THERES NO SUCH THING AS TELLING A STORY DURING A MATCH" (smh), and rip that Darkshadow dude while literally not saying anything to defend your point. At least those Hamler and Live Maz guys believed what they were saying and could put up a decent argument.

I'm not saying I'm a "fountain of knowledge" but I actually remember the IWC when they were the most hardcore of wrestling fans who knew a VAST amount of what they were talking about. Not this crap today where people post shit to get "the green rep". I may not be the most knowledgeable guy out there but I can confidently say I'm more knowledgeable than you.

And also are you fucking ******ed. Just because Hogan's one of the greatest "pro wrestlers" of all time doesn't mean that he's the greatest IN-RING wrestler of all time. Can you comprehend basic English? You keep blurring the lines between kayfabe and reality. Kayfabe Cena, Hogan, and Austin are the greatest wrestlers of all time because they were the most popular and had the most impact. But in REALITY, the greatest WRESTLERS of all time were guys like Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, etc. Seriously are you so dense that you can't understand what I'm trying to say...
You people are saying that HULK HOGAN is a better WRESTLER than KURT ANGLE because he can cut a promo and light up a crowd by posing in the ring for 10 minutes. Hogan was a better entertainer than Angle. Austin was a better entertainer than Benoit, and Cena is a better entertainer than Ziggler but they're not better wrestlers for gods sakes! Wtf are you people smoking?

Killjoy, I wouldn't have such a problem with most of the IWC if they actually added insight to the conversation instead of just trying to make others feel like shit. All you've said so far is, "lol, What", "The fucks an in-ring story", "THERES NO SUCH THING AS TELLING A STORY DURING A MATCH" (smh), and rip that Darkshadow dude while literally not saying anything to defend your point. At least those Hamler and Live Maz guys believed what they were saying and could put up a decent argument.

I'm not saying I'm a "fountain of knowledge" but I actually remember the IWC when they were the most hardcore of wrestling fans who knew a VAST amount of what they were talking about. Not this crap today where people post shit to get "the green rep". I may not be the most knowledgeable guy out there but I can confidently say I'm more knowledgeable than you.

And also are you fucking ******ed. Just because Hogan's one of the greatest "pro wrestlers" of all time doesn't mean that he's the greatest IN-RING wrestler of all time. Can you comprehend basic English? You keep blurring the lines between kayfabe and reality. Kayfabe Cena, Hogan, and Austin are the greatest wrestlers of all time because they were the most popular and had the most impact. But in REALITY, the greatest WRESTLERS of all time were guys like Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, etc. Seriously are you so dense that you can't understand what I'm trying to say...

How the fuck do we take you seriously when you say moronic, senseless shit like this?
But of course you don't question the fact that the poster above me said you can be good in the ring without being a good pro wrestler. It must feel good to gang up on one or two people while blindly following the majority. The fact that 95 percent of the people on this forum are here to make others feel like shit about their opinions really makes this crap tiresome. Now go ahead and post that I'm butthurt or a troll to make yourself feel better because you don't agree with me.

Also I've literally never talked to a bunch of wrestling fans who know so little about the product. I mean so far I've heard that telling a story in the ring is not a real thing, that all it takes to be a good wrestler is cutting a good promo, and basically in-ring ability doesn't mean shit. I thought the IWC was supposed to defend the wrestling part of WWE not the entertainment.

Ah, there were a few guys that kept me on this forum like Jack-Hammer, Mustang, or Dagger... The guys that are actually knowledgeable about wrestling, but the other 95 percent of you aren't worth dealing with.

You don't know any more about the business than anybody else around here. You've proven it in every single post you've ever written.
Ah, there were a few guys that kept me on this forum like Jack-Hammer, Mustang, or Dagger... The guys that are actually knowledgeable about wrestling, but the other 95 percent of you aren't worth dealing with.


And also are you fucking ******ed. Just because Hogan's one of the greatest "pro wrestlers" of all time doesn't mean that he's the greatest IN-RING wrestler of all time.

In the ring is where pro wrestling takes place. The word you are looking for is technician. Angle is better at technical wrestling than Hogan. He is better at one aspect of being a pro wrestler. Hogan may not be the best on the mat, but that means fuck all outside NCAA\the Olympics.

Oh, and if you didnt know..... Brock is better than Dolph because of these reasons:

Brock is the only man to have won the NCAA, WWE & UFC Heavyweight Title. We can throw the NJPW title in there also just for fun.

Lesnar's shortest WWE title run was longer than Ziggler's combined 2 World title runs.

Dolph has never won a Royal Rumble.

Brock was never a cheerleader.

Dolph wrestles like a dying fish.

....should we go on or are you getting the picture?
But of course you don't question the fact that the poster above me said you can be good in the ring without being a good pro wrestler. It must feel good to gang up on one or two people while blindly following the majority. The fact that 95 percent of the people on this forum are here to make others feel like shit about their opinions really makes this crap tiresome. Now go ahead and post that I'm butthurt or a troll to make yourself feel better because you don't agree with me.

Also I've literally never talked to a bunch of wrestling fans who know so little about the product. I mean so far I've heard that telling a story in the ring is not a real thing, that all it takes to be a good wrestler is cutting a good promo, and basically in-ring ability doesn't mean shit. I thought the IWC was supposed to defend the wrestling part of WWE not the entertainment.

Ah, there were a few guys that kept me on this forum like Jack-Hammer, Mustang, or Dagger... The guys that are actually knowledgeable about wrestling, but the other 95 percent of you aren't worth dealing with.


You people are saying that HULK HOGAN is a better WRESTLER than KURT ANGLE because he can cut a promo and light up a crowd by posing in the ring for 10 minutes. Hogan was a better entertainer than Angle. Austin was a better entertainer than Benoit, and Cena is a better entertainer than Ziggler but they're not better wrestlers for gods sakes! Wtf are you people smoking?

Killjoy, I wouldn't have such a problem with most of the IWC if they actually added insight to the conversation instead of just trying to make others feel like shit. All you've said so far is, "lol, What", "The fucks an in-ring story", "THERES NO SUCH THING AS TELLING A STORY DURING A MATCH" (smh), and rip that Darkshadow dude while literally not saying anything to defend your point. At least those Hamler and Live Maz guys believed what they were saying and could put up a decent argument.

I'm not saying I'm a "fountain of knowledge" but I actually remember the IWC when they were the most hardcore of wrestling fans who knew a VAST amount of what they were talking about. Not this crap today where people post shit to get "the green rep". I may not be the most knowledgeable guy out there but I can confidently say I'm more knowledgeable than you.

And also are you fucking ******ed. Just because Hogan's one of the greatest "pro wrestlers" of all time doesn't mean that he's the greatest IN-RING wrestler of all time. Can you comprehend basic English? You keep blurring the lines between kayfabe and reality. Kayfabe Cena, Hogan, and Austin are the greatest wrestlers of all time because they were the most popular and had the most impact. But in REALITY, the greatest WRESTLERS of all time were guys like Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, etc. Seriously are you so dense that you can't understand what I'm trying to say...



You want to know one of the reasons The Rock is considered one of the greats? He makes people lose their minds for an elbow. Same for all the greats. Even Daniel Bryan does this and now he's one of the most popular wrestlers in the world.

People like Ziggy's selling. Blech!
. The word you are looking for is technician. Angle is better at technical wrestling than Hogan. He is better at one aspect of being a pro wrestler. Hogan may not be the best on the mat, but that means fuck all outside NCAA\the Olympics.

Jesus Christ, this is what I've been trying to explain to you people for the past 3 pages. Who could put on a better WRESTLING match in the ring. Not who can elicit a better pop. Not who's more over. Not who's won more kayfabe titles or RR or Mania matches. Not who can entertain a crowd just by showing up. Who can put on a better TECHNICAL wrestling match. Take all the entertainment out of it. You put an unknown Cena in the ring with an unknown Ziggler, who's going to stand out as the better wrestler? I don't care that technical wrestling is only one aspect of being an entertainer, I was talking strictly mat-based technical wrestling, take all the bull from today out.

Also, WWE banned the word wrestling at one time for a reason. Most of the top dogs nowadays and even 20 years ago, were not wrestlers no matter what the correct term is. They are entertainers. Therefore as I've said before, Hogan was a better entertainer than most, but he was a shit wrestler.
Brock has won 2 legit technical titles but Dolph is somehow a better technician. Is that still your argument?

Also, are you unaware that WWE is primarily an entertainment company? This would explain a lot of your confusion.
Барбоса;5017539 said:
This thread might have gone differently if it had not been centred around Dolph Ziggler.


Rock vs Brock is a blockbuster main event, but do they really need it as a selling point now with the network?
Jesus Christ

Thanks for the praise, but I prefer the name nightmare. Although I do wish I had super powers like he does. Walk on water? Water into wine? That would make me a kickass fishing buddy. Resurrection? Forget Jason Voorhees, looks like Hollywood found a new sequel machine.

Who could put on a better WRESTLING match in the ring.

Certainly not Ziggler.

Not who can elicit a better pop. Not who's more over. Not who's won more kayfabe titles or RR or Mania matches. Not who can entertain a crowd just by showing up. Who can put on a better TECHNICAL wrestling match. Take all the entertainment out of it.

Sure thing, lets take out 80% of what makes pro-wrestling exciting to watch just to help your silly argument & only judge a guy on how many holds he can properly perform. Guess that makes Dean Malenko "Man of 1000 Holds"- king shit of everything, wait... I meant Jericho (1004 -ARMBAR!!)

You put an unknown Cena in the ring with an unknown Ziggler, who's going to stand out as the better wrestler?

Still not Ziggler. 5 Moves of Doom > Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I don't care that technical wrestling is only one aspect of being an entertainer,

Well, that's clear...

I was talking strictly mat-based technical wrestling, take all the bull from today out.

You mean 'all the bull' from the past 30 years or so? Ok, done. Nope. Still not Ziggler.

Also, WWE banned the word wrestling at one time for a reason.

Banned the word that has been one of the W's for decades? Are you thinking of the word Federation? Or do you mean when the WWF\E started pushing the term 'Sports Entertainment'?

You know what? Fuck it.... It doesn't matter. (See what I did there? Now say "Thank you Rock" for that entertaining bit of wrestling history that has nothing to do with technical ability & is better than anything Ziggler has done so far)

Hogan was a better entertainer than most, but he was a shit wrestler.

Yet, despite that fact- he became on of the most famous people in the world. Hogan, regardless of his technical prowess, is recognized across the globe & can get a table at any restaurant, while Ziggler has trouble getting reservations at Red Lobster.

You are acting like Dolph is some technical wizard. He is not. Overselling =/= technical ability. Angle, Hart & the lot managed to be decorated champions while being technically sound & not flopping around like a ejected crash test dummy. Brock Lesnar would wipe the floor with Ziggler in a mat wrestling match. Why? Because he is legit good at it & being ****** strong sure helps turn your opponent into a pretzel. Dolph uses a sleeper hold, headlock & Figure 4 when he isnt acting like an Epileptic at an anime convention. This does not make him a good mat wrestler. It means he knows basic wrestling rest\submission holds like the other thousands of people who have been trained in the business.
You are acting like Dolph is some technical wizard. He is not. Overselling =/= technical ability. Angle, Hart & the lot managed to be decorated champions while being technically sound & not flopping around like a ejected crash test dummy. Brock Lesnar would wipe the floor with Ziggler in a mat wrestling match. Why? Because he is legit good at it & being ****** strong sure helps turn your opponent into a pretzel. Dolph uses a sleeper hold, headlock & Figure 4 when he isnt acting like an Epileptic at an anime convention. This does not make him a good mat wrestler. It means he knows basic wrestling rest\submission holds like the other thousands of people who have been trained in the business.

Minor point I wanted to raise - Dolph does actually hold a legitimate collegiate wrestling record - and apparently he's the second-best of all time from his uni, and won national championships as part of his high school team. Dolph could be called a technical wizard in IRL wrestling, and probably a lot better than many guys on the current roster.

But I agree with the sentiment of your post nightmare, and surely if we went by "legit skillz" logic, some unholy love child of Jack Swagger and Ziggler ought to have been the top star by now.

Your overselling point stands nighty, as does your point about Lesnar - he would eff up Dolph bad. And also the bold made me laugh. Good on ya sir.

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