ROCKAMANIA #7: WRESTLEMANIA 31 Main Event-The Rock vs Brock Lesnar

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Rock vs Brock was one of the greatest matches in the Ruthless Aggression.

From the wrestlers involved to the build up to the match itself, everything was great.

At Wrestlemania XX, both The Rock and Brock left.

The Rock went on to become one of the biggest stars in Hollywood and possibly the best current action movie star while Brock left to become one of the biggest stars in UFC history and quite possibly their biggest box office draw ever.

In 2011, The Rock returned to a huge ovation from the crowd and targeted WWE's biggest star John Cena. The following year, the same thing happened with a returning Brock Lesnar.

Many fans were expecting a rematch between Brock and Rock at WM29 but that didn't happen obviously.


And many fans thought that they'll finally get to see this match at Wrestlemania XXX and The Rock, himself confirmed that this was plan for this year's Wrestlemania on his twitter.

However, due to Rock's injuries in his last match, his busy movie schedule, whining wrestlers and ungrateful fans, The Rock didn't show up this year.

The Rock said that he and WWE have nothing in plan for Wrestlemania XXX but might be at Wrestlemania 31.

Brock Lesnar signed a 2 year contract with WWE last year that'll expire after WM31 and with Lesnar not drawing great numbers especially Extreme Rules and Summerslam PPV buyrates, it's possible that WWE might not renew Lesnar's contract once it expires.

Nonetheless, Brock Lesnar remains the 2nd biggest draw in WWE behind The Rock.

The Rock vs Brock Lesnar will no doubt break many records considering the mainstream appeal and the drawing power both Rock and Brock have.

In conclusion, would you like to see two part timers main eventing wrestlemania?

Putting a huge blockbuster match like this in the middle of the card would be stupid to say the least, many fans are still to this day having a hard time as to why Rock vs Hogan didn't main event WM18.

Will WWE do the same with Rock vs Brock?
Rock v Brock would be a pretty great main-event. Two massive draws and an exciting prospect no doubt. I'd like to think that The Rock will come back because he is such an iconic name in wrestling.

My only doubt is, of course, can The Rock work a good match. The Cena matches were rather underwhelming and I think he would have benefited from more time in the ring. Moreover, Brock has a very physical style. The Rock can't risk being injured unless he clears his schedule (which is unlikely)

I'd love to see these two wrestle one more time. The build up would be great as well. Heyman is arguably the best speaker they have and The Rock is arguably the best of all time. It has potential to be a terrific feud/match and would be a massive draw. Hopefully it happens.

If it did happen then I doubt it would close the show. It almost certainly won't be for the belt and there is no other reason for it to close. In a dream world Cena vs Taker would be the main-event but in general it should be the title match.
Rock v Brock would be a pretty great main-event. Two massive draws and an exciting prospect no doubt. I'd like to think that The Rock will come back because he is such an iconic name in wrestling.

My only doubt is, of course, can The Rock work a good match. The Cena matches were rather underwhelming and I think he would have benefited from more time in the ring. Moreover, Brock has a very physical style. The Rock can't risk being injured unless he clears his schedule (which is unlikely)

I'd love to see these two wrestle one more time. The build up would be great as well. Heyman is arguably the best speaker they have and The Rock is arguably the best of all time. It has potential to be a terrific feud/match and would be a massive draw. Hopefully it happens.

If it did happen then I doubt it would close the show. It almost certainly won't be for the belt and there is no other reason for it to close. In a dream world Cena vs Taker would be the main-event but in general it should be the title match.

I think Rock vs Brock will be special if it's in the main event or not.

My only worry is that WWE will put that match in the main event and "you know who" will start crying.
I would love to see Rock vs Brock. Main even or not it would be a great attraction. I still dont get why The Rock gets hate, hes the man.
Brock has drawn pretty good.

Extreme Rules 2012 (Brock vs Cena) - 263,000 (most bought Extreme Rules PPV)
Summerslam 2012 - (Brock vs HHH) - 358,000 buys.

Rock tweeted this :

@TheRock : “Between Vince, Brock & myself our Wrestlemania 30 plan was ROCK vs BROCK. No plans now for 30 but possibly WM 31.”

This match might indeed happen at Wrestlemania 31.

If it happens, it undoubtedly should be the main-event and close the show. Would be a great match nonetheless.
I think Rock vs Brock will be special if it's in the main event or not.

My only worry is that WWE will put that match in the main event and "you know who" will start crying.

Voldemort? But seriously the only person who would cry if they aren't in the main event is Dwayne. I don't see much of the appeal of the match as a fan of wrestling, but it would be 'best for business".

Dwayne has zero stamina nowadays, and Brock is way too scary in the ring for Dwayne to risk getting injured.
Voldemort? But seriously the only person who would cry if they aren't in the main event is Dwayne. I don't see much of the appeal of the match as a fan of wrestling, but it would be 'best for business".

Dwayne has zero stamina nowadays, and Brock is way too scary in the ring for Dwayne to risk getting injured.

Hahahaha lmao.

Why would Rocky complain about not being in the main event? That's not how Rocky rolls.

Rock was in a mid-card handicap match at WMXX.

Rock vs Austin III at WMXIX didn't main event? Rocky complained? Nope.

Rock vs Hogan WMX8, biggest match of Rock's career didn't main event mania, probably one of the worst booking decisions in wrestling history. Did he complain? If I was him I would but he didn't.

Rock has no stamina? Maybe in the RR match against punk and to a lesser extent at EC but at WM29? Absolutely not.

Brock will make the match great on his own, all Rock has to do is sell Brock's moves.

That's what made Brock vs Cena great, what made Brock vs Punk great and what will make Brock vs Taker great.

HHH tried to dominate Lesnar and show himself as a wrestling expert but he flat out sucked at it.

The sharpshooter he did at ER 2013 was fcking awful, worst than Rock's.

All Lesnar's matches should have the same formula with Brock dominating because he makes the matches special.

It would also make Brock look strong even if he lost.
When the WWE brought brock in, the rumor was that they were bringing him in to make it look real in a way. The problem is that for them to get real attention, Brock has to be the WWE champion at some point imo. That said, another way to do that would be for Brock to destroy people. Even if the WWE does bring in a few MMA fans from the mainstream with Brock, no one is going to believe the WWE has someone that can stop him besides maybe Big Show and I doubt you'd find many thinking that. That said Brock vs Rock would get alot of attention. Not a match I really want to see but if it had one other good match on the card (and let's face it, it's WM) I'd probably get it.
I wouldn't mind seeing the match, but not as the main event. I don't want two part timers fighting for the title and wrestlemania should close with the title match 99% of the time
This will be ok as long as Brock goes over, would be silly to see Rock get the dukes. Also I'm not sure putting Rock in with Lesnar is wise. He tore his little abs in his match with Johnny Boy in his last WM appearance and could he afford to get in the ring with someone like Lesnar if film execs are against it? It could cost him too much.
However, due to Rock's injuries in his last match, his busy movie schedule, whining wrestlers and ungrateful fans, The Rock didn't show up this year.

There are several things I'd like to say about this, but this is the one thing that stood out the most. So, these are the reasons Rock didn't come back? Let's look at them one by one. Rock suffered an injury at WM29, had to have surgery, this is true. However, that injury healed in a couple months, so this would not stop him from being at WMXXX. A busy movie schedule is hard to fix, but if Rock had a commitment to WWE, as it seems he did, there were ways around it. If he was going to fight Brock, then why schedule to film a movie during the same time period? If he wanted to be in WWE, don't take that movie, simple as that. Whining wrestlers is not even an excuse, and if they were, they had plenty of right to complain if Rock was stealing their chances. But when has any wrestler let another's complaints stop him? And then the last one, the fans. Well if Rock had committed like he said he would, and been there more than just a few times within several months, the fans would not have been so ungrateful. They would have accepted him more had he shown up more than his sporadic appearances, especially while carrying the WWE Title.

You know, there is a lot of talk from certain people on here about CM Punk walking out, causing plans to change, leaving before a show he was scheduled to be on. Well, Rock did the exact same thing the night after WM29. He was supposed to appear and have some sort of encounter with Brock, allegedly. But what did Rock do, he got on a plane and went home. He essentially walked out on WWE and their plans had to change the day of Raw. The explanation for this is due to injury, but how did that stop him from at least appearing and encountering Brock? There didn't need to be anything physical, just having them face to face would have planted the seed.
This will be ok as long as Brock goes over, would be silly to see Rock get the dukes. Also I'm not sure putting Rock in with Lesnar is wise. He tore his little abs in his match with Johnny Boy in his last WM appearance and could he afford to get in the ring with someone like Lesnar if film execs are against it? It could cost him too much.

Yeah you're right but I don't think Vince really cares, this match will bring tons of money.

Maybe the best option for Rock would be D-Bryan considering he's the safest worker / best wrestler.

It all depends as well on how Taker-Brock goes, if Brock shows he can work a match without being too stiff and not injure taker then he'll face Rock.

As for as the outcome goes, I'm a fan of both so I don't really care.

But honestly IMO I'd rather see Rock going over a part timer then losing to a young talent like Bryan or reigns.
There are several things I'd like to say about this, but this is the one thing that stood out the most. So, these are the reasons Rock didn't come back? Let's look at them one by one. Rock suffered an injury at WM29, had to have surgery, this is true. However, that injury healed in a couple months, so this would not stop him from being at WMXXX. A busy movie schedule is hard to fix, but if Rock had a commitment to WWE, as it seems he did, there were ways around it. If he was going to fight Brock, then why schedule to film a movie during the same time period? If he wanted to be in WWE, don't take that movie, simple as that. Whining wrestlers is not even an excuse, and if they were, they had plenty of right to complain if Rock was stealing their chances. But when has any wrestler let another's complaints stop him? And then the last one, the fans. Well if Rock had committed like he said he would, and been there more than just a few times within several months, the fans would not have been so ungrateful. They would have accepted him more had he shown up more than his sporadic appearances, especially while carrying the WWE Title.

You know, there is a lot of talk from certain people on here about CM Punk walking out, causing plans to change, leaving before a show he was scheduled to be on. Well, Rock did the exact same thing the night after WM29. He was supposed to appear and have some sort of encounter with Brock, allegedly. But what did Rock do, he got on a plane and went home. He essentially walked out on WWE and their plans had to change the day of Raw. The explanation for this is due to injury, but how did that stop him from at least appearing and encountering Brock? There didn't need to be anything physical, just having them face to face would have planted the seed.

The Rock suffered a hernia, torn adductor and torn abdominal muscle during his match at WM29.

How does this prevent him from being back for Mania 30? Really?

His movie got delayed because he got injured.

Of course whining wrestlers will lead to his exit. Rock doesn't need to take anyone's BS!
He doesn't need wrestling, he chooses to come back because he wants to.

Maybe he thought he'd leave for one year so that the b!tch who has been complaining about not main eventing mania will finally main event.

How the f-ck do you want him to come back especially after the reaction he's been getting from fans?

And did you really compare punk's walkout to Rock not appearing because he was injured?

Vince McMahon told Rock to leave. Punk walked out because he is a self serving egomaniac that thinks this is how he'll get a WM main event
I don't want to see either unless they have a 100+ match year because there are is a roster of guys who work over 200 days a year and deserve and have earned the big spots.

WM31 Main Event should be Wyatt(c) v Reigns (RR winner)
I wouldn't. I think at this point of The Rock's movie career, it would be in his best interest not to wrestle anymore. I think him being inducted in the Hall of Fame next year would be great. Superbowl in California, what better place for a Hollywood star to be inducted than in California.
The Rock suffered a hernia, torn adductor and torn abdominal muscle during his match at WM29.

How does this prevent him from being back for Mania 30? Really?

His movie got delayed because he got injured.

Of course whining wrestlers will lead to his exit. Rock doesn't need to take anyone's BS!
He doesn't need wrestling, he chooses to come back because he wants to.

Maybe he thought he'd leave for one year so that the b!tch who has been complaining about not main eventing mania will finally main event.

How the f-ck do you want him to come back especially after the reaction he's been getting from fans?

And did you really compare punk's walkout to Rock not appearing because he was injured?

Vince McMahon told Rock to leave. Punk walked out because he is a self serving egomaniac that thinks this is how he'll get a WM main event

An injury doesn't prevent you from coming back ONE YEAR LATER. Unless you broke your neck or back, an injury would be healed by then. Guys in WWE come back a couple months after being injured much worse than Rock was. Besides he wasn't so injured that he couldn't go film movies.

He chooses to come back because he wants to? So, where was he for 7 years? He left WWE to go to Hollywood and make movies. So if he loves WWE and wanted to be there, why didn't he make appearances then? He could have easily come in 3 or 4 times a year, but he didn't. Because he wanted nothing to do with wrestling. He didn't want to be remembered as a WWE guy. But when Vince throws millions of dollars, two Wrestlemania main events, and a title at him, he comes running back.

He didn't leave so anyone could be in the main event, if that was his thinking, why didn't he say that he and Cena had the main event at WM28, why not let someone else have it at 29. It was because he wanted the money and attention it garnered. And the excuse that the match was too big not to main event doesn't work, because you don't have to be in the main event to have the biggest match on the card.

Reaction from fans has nothing to do with him returning. Batista is doing it despite how the crowd responds to him. And how do you come back with that response, it's easy, be a heel.

I get that you like Rock, and that's great. But just because you like him doesn't make him the best, or greater than everyone else. You seem to act as if Rock is a god and anyone who ever says anything negative is wrong. You consistently bash guys like Punk, but become offensive when it's turned around on The Rock. Do I like Rock, no, do I respect what's he's done in his career, yes I do. I will not degrade him on a personal level, but I will state my opinion on him.
I've little doubt that the match would draw. It's definitely a money match, no question about that. For me though, it doesn't really interest me all that much. To me, it'd come off as just a couple of hired guns who left wrestling behind for years. Lesnar's only back because of the money and I'm sure The Rock made a good deal of it as well. Plus, The Rock's movie career was pretty much in the dumpster before he came back to WWE. I'm not saying that it saved it or anything like that, but I do believe it gave it a much needed jumpstart.

I don't hold a grudge against either guy for leaving. If Lesnar wasn't happy, then he wasn't happy. If you're miserable, all the money in the world won't help. The Rock had an opportunity to do something bigger than wrestling and went for it after he'd already long since done everything there was to do in WWE.

I thought Rock's first match with Cena was really good, but his matches with Punk & Cena last year were really disappointing. You could tell that The Rock had been really hitting the weights more in order to have that ripped, superhuman look of an action star. The problem was that he neglected his cardio, much like Batista's done, though his was still well ahead of where Batista's currently is.

The Rock suffered a hernia, torn adductor and torn abdominal muscle during his match at WM29.

How does this prevent him from being back for Mania 30? Really?

I completely understand if his injury caused him to decide not to come back to WWE as a wrestler. He's got a lot to risk. It's certainly not because he's still injured, if that's what you're implying. The injury took place almost a year ago and if this picture is any indication,, then he's long since healed from the injury. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to go on working out at the level necessary to get as ripped in the picture.

Of course whining wrestlers will lead to his exit. Rock doesn't need to take anyone's BS!
He doesn't need wrestling, he chooses to come back because he wants to.

Wrestlers griping about one thing or another on the road is common. The Rock knows this because he grew up in the business. I've little doubt his grandfather & father educated him all about how the locker room can be a snake pit. At the same time, just because he's The Rock doesn't mean that if someone in the locker room has a beef that it shouldn't be voiced. He shits sitting down and puts his drawers on one leg at a time like everyone else. Granted, he can use $100 to wipe his ass and can probably pay someone to put his drawers on for him, but that's beside the point.

How the f-ck do you want him to come back especially after the reaction he's been getting from fans?

The Rock was being treated like a god until he didn't show up for the post WrestleMania Raw. Some fans didn't agree with him beating Punk for the title but, as I recall, fans weren't exactly jeering him for it either. He was still getting massive babyface pops night after night. The Rock not showing up that night, and this is just a guess on my part, opened the eyes of some fans, and they realized what most internet fans knew: that The Rock was ultimately blowing smoke. The stuff about him "never going away again" was all just hype. The Rock shows up for WrestleMania season, gets a prime spot for whatever he's involved in, has a ton of time devoted to him on television, works his match, collects his paycheck, disappears for the next 8 months or so and comes back to start the cycle all over again. But yeah, it does seem that fans are no longer as enchanted with The Rock as they were at this time last year. The small handful of times his name has been dropped, it's been met with a mixed response, mostly boos or very little response at all, like when Hogan dropped his name on Raw this past Monday. IF he comes back and he doesn't get the glowing response he's used to, so what? He's a big boy. It'll take more than a few heated choruses of boos to get under the skin of pro wrestling's ultimate trash talker. Hollywood's something of a snake pit itself with all the paparazzi running around; dealing with directors, producers, studio executives and other actors with egos so large that'd make Vince's look pitiful. Besides, as I alluded to, has been very well educated in this business and I've little doubt he could adapt. He & WWE could try to use it to their advantage by turning him heel and putting him up against someone really over.
Honestly I just don't feel seeing The Rock is that special anymore and Lesnar's appearance is too sporadic to matter once the feud is supposed to culminate at WM. And because these guys are barley on the other PPV's or TV it's hard to get invested in their characters.

Is this good business? Short term yes but i'd rather WWE focus on their main roster. Heck I wouldn't mind if Lesnar or Rock feuds with guys like Sheamus, Bryan, Ziggler, etc. at least it helps get the main roster over by working programs with them.
Nonetheless, Brock Lesnar remains the 2nd biggest draw in WWE behind The Rock.

Um, what? I think your list is out of order because you have forgot one or two people who would certainly rank higher than Lesnar, one of which may even get a higher nod than The Rock.

The match would be alright, but not main event worthy. If Rock does come back, he would work with someone much safer than Lesnar. Rock loves wrestling, but he wont jeopardize his film deals for another match. He realized this already recently & wont make the same mistake again. So with a few other matches that could hold the main event spot instead of this & there is no need to risk something unless there is a bigger reward. Rock wont get the title again & one big WWE paycheck wont be worth risking a huge Hollywood check.

Give the main event to another guy. Rock would agree because he understands he's had plenty of WM spotlight & one of the new guys deserves their time now. He likes the fame, but also is one of the guys left who understands that the new class is important for the future.
This will be ok as long as Brock goes over, would be silly to see Rock get the dukes. Also I'm not sure putting Rock in with Lesnar is wise. He tore his little abs in his match with Johnny Boy in his last WM appearance and could he afford to get in the ring with someone like Lesnar if film execs are against it? It could cost him too much.

It wouldn't be silly to see Rock win because he has more fans and more people would be paying to see him win.
It could also be one of Brock's last matches so it wouldn't matter much. Rock also could do with a win if he faces someone after Brock, since Rock is coming off of a lose.

"His little abs"? So you have no idea who The Rock is?
And it wasn't a case of Cena was just way too physical. It was probably a case of Rock working out too hard before the match and it was ready to snap, if not then it was him sharply twisting his body.

All this talk about Brock being super human strong so he's gonna hurt everyone he gets in the ring with is stupid. He's probably safer in the ring than Cena.
And Rock is bigger and stronger than most wrestlers, just because he got injured once doesn't make him fragile. Rock would have no more worries about getting in the ring with Brock then he would getting in the ring with anyone. His bumps will be limited to prevent injuries if he's with Rey or Brock, simply because being physical in any way can cause injury to anyone.
So, these are the reasons Rock didn't come back? Let's look at them one by one. Rock suffered an injury at WM29, had to have surgery, this is true. However, that injury healed in a couple months, so this would not stop him from being at WMXXX. A busy movie schedule is hard to fix, but if Rock had a commitment to WWE, as it seems he did, there were ways around it. If he was going to fight Brock, then why schedule to film a movie during the same time period? If he wanted to be in WWE, don't take that movie, simple as that. Whining wrestlers is not even an excuse, and if they were, they had plenty of right to complain if Rock was stealing their chances. But when has any wrestler let another's complaints stop him? And then the last one, the fans. Well if Rock had committed like he said he would, and been there more than just a few times within several months, the fans would not have been so ungrateful. They would have accepted him more had he shown up more than his sporadic appearances, especially while carrying the WWE Title.

You know, there is a lot of talk from certain people on here about CM Punk walking out, causing plans to change, leaving before a show he was scheduled to be on. Well, Rock did the exact same thing the night after WM29. He was supposed to appear and have some sort of encounter with Brock, allegedly. But what did Rock do, he got on a plane and went home. He essentially walked out on WWE and their plans had to change the day of Raw. The explanation for this is due to injury, but how did that stop him from at least appearing and encountering Brock? There didn't need to be anything physical, just having them face to face would have planted the seed.

Rock never commited to do WM30. It was talked about if the scheduling was right. Rock didn't break a contract, he was injured so he couldn't get beaten up by Brock the next night to build the match which threw the schedule off.

Rock doesn't want to wrestle full time. He's giving back when he can because his fans want him to.

Rock isn't stealing their chances. Their chances come 10 months a year to prove themselves, which they are not doing with crap buyrates. Wrestling is, was and always will be about the biggest draws.

Rock didn't do the same thing as Punk. Rock didn't have a bad arm injury, it was a seriously painful injury that needed surgery, so he couldn't do what was planned, he also had no contract. Maybe they could have done a face off, but they wouldn't have wanted that so it's irrelevant.
Punk was a full time wrestler, contracted, he was advertised for WM30, he wasn't badly injured, and if he was he wouldn't even need to get physical. He walked out because he didn't want to show up. As much as you want to believe that's the same as Rock... it's not.

An injury doesn't prevent you from coming back ONE YEAR LATER. Unless you broke your neck or back, an injury would be healed by then. Guys in WWE come back a couple months after being injured much worse than Rock was. Besides he wasn't so injured that he couldn't go film movies.

He chooses to come back because he wants to? So, where was he for 7 years? He left WWE to go to Hollywood and make movies. So if he loves WWE and wanted to be there, why didn't he make appearances then? He could have easily come in 3 or 4 times a year, but he didn't. Because he wanted nothing to do with wrestling. He didn't want to be remembered as a WWE guy. But when Vince throws millions of dollars, two Wrestlemania main events, and a title at him, he comes running back.

He didn't leave so anyone could be in the main event, if that was his thinking, why didn't he say that he and Cena had the main event at WM28, why not let someone else have it at 29. It was because he wanted the money and attention it garnered. And the excuse that the match was too big not to main event doesn't work, because you don't have to be in the main event to have the biggest match on the card.

Reaction from fans has nothing to do with him returning. Batista is doing it despite how the crowd responds to him. And how do you come back with that response, it's easy, be a heel.

I get that you like Rock, and that's great. But just because you like him doesn't make him the best, or greater than everyone else. You seem to act as if Rock is a god and anyone who ever says anything negative is wrong. You consistently bash guys like Punk, but become offensive when it's turned around on The Rock. Do I like Rock, no, do I respect what's he's done in his career, yes I do. I will not degrade him on a personal level, but I will state my opinion on him.

Rock is a retired full time wrestler. What don't you understand about that?
Punk could be retired next year, then in a few years he'll come back now and then. Are you gonna question why he isn't there more? No, because he retired!
Rock comes back now and then when he makes time from his real job. Why isn't Austin there every week, he says he loves it too?!
He stayed away for 7 years to make it by himself. His former management encouraged him to stay away because movie studios wouldn't take him serious. He left his old management shortly before he came back. And don't try and convince yourself he needs to appear on Raw to promote a movie, Rock could do talk-shows with more viewers, the studios could pay WWE to advertise. Rock has already made it. Promote a movie while he's there.... why not? Because haters gonna hate?!

He didn't ask for the main event, Cena vs Rock are the two biggest names, bigger than the title, that's why they main evented. Rock doesn't need to ask. Unlike just about every other wrestler, there has never been anyone come out and say Rock refused a match or to job, he's never bitched or whined about not being in a match. He's never said anything bad about other wrestlers or the company. You saying he demands a main event spot, is something you've pulled out of thin air.

You are simply hating on The Rock. Non of your "opinions" have truth or even logic. It's all biased assumptions because you don't like him.
Voldemort? But seriously the only person who would cry if they aren't in the main event is Dwayne. I don't see much of the appeal of the match as a fan of wrestling, but it would be 'best for business".

Dwayne has zero stamina nowadays, and Brock is way too scary in the ring for Dwayne to risk getting injured.

The Rock has no stamina? Are you having a fucking laugh?

You are clearly too young to have seen most of the Attitude era, back then The Rock was pretty much on top of the world, second only to Stone Cold Steve Austin.
The Rock has no stamina? Are you having a fucking laugh?

You are clearly too young to have seen most of the Attitude era, back then The Rock was pretty much on top of the world, second only to Stone Cold Steve Austin.


After 2000, The Rock surpassed and clearly was a bigger star than "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Rocky > SCSA

After 2000, The Rock surpassed and clearly was a bigger star than "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Rocky > SCSA

Maybe but heres the kicker. Austin was bigger in two years than almost any wrestler ever. And I don't like Austin one bit, but he did more in a couple years than anyone else has done. Merchandise, Austin sold more than anyone in less time than anyone. Hogan had years and years on top. But Austin did more in less time in the WWE than anyone. Including the Rock. Maybe Austin's prime in the WWE was only two years but those two years were better than 30 years for most people.
I think that Rock,Brock would be a decent match but i personally would like to see Ortan,Rock before Brock,Rock... I have the same feeling about rock brock as i do brock taker.... brock will hurt someone with the style he wrestles now

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