Brock Lesnar is ready for The Rock after ending The Streak

I almost forgot to comment on this.

Why would it be absurd for Brock to win the title as a part timer? It's not like it hasn't been done before. Wait, who was that guy that did it, oh yeah, it was Rock. So why is it absurd for Brock to do it, yet okay for Rock. Sure, it would be a little longer, but still the same. And at least with Brock, you know you are going to get a pretty good to great match, unlike with Rock.

You said I'm obsessed with Rock? Lol look who's talking.

Every time Rock's name is being brought up, you start nerd raging like a psychopath.

With Brock, you know you're getting a pretty good match? Really?

His matches with Hunter, Show, Taker rank from extremely terrible to decent?

All of Rock's matches since his return rank from decent to good.
You said I'm obsessed with Rock? Lol look who's talking.

Every time Rock's name is being brought up, you start nerd raging like a psychopath.

With Brock, you know you're getting a pretty good match? Really?

His matches with Hunter, Show, Taker rank from extremely terrible to decent?

All of Rock's matches since his return rank from decent to good.

Brock vs Show was done for a reason, and was not expected to be good. I thought his matches with HHH were good, just unfortunate placement on the card. And with Taker, Taker was out of it pretty early, but considering that, they did pretty good.

Rock's first match with Cena was okay at best, his two with Punk were crap and only watchable due to Punk. And the rematch with Cena was mediocre, but he was hurt so he gets a pass on that one much like Brock with Taker.

And honestly, I'm not raging on anything, I am very calm, and I refrain from lashing out in a negative way for the most part. And again honestly, I am not a big fan of Brock, or Bryan for that matter. Sure, I'm glad Bryan got the belt because he earned it and deserved it, but I'm not that big a fan of him.
I love the backlash OP is getting for making his typical reaction threads.

Brock isn't ready for The Rock.

The Rock beat John Cena
The Rock beat John Cena
The Rock beat John Cena at Wrestlemania.

It's a big deal because Cena doesn't lay down for anyone.

But we're ready for Brock so he can bring it on.

Brock is owed an as whipping from 2002 anyhow.
I think the title of the thread should be, What Does The Rock Need to do to Be Ready for Brock Lesnar? Lesnar's last match he did what nobody could ever do for the last 21 years or so while The Rock's last match was in a losing effort for the WWE Title.

Brock Lesnar did the unthinkable at Wrestlemania.

He has ended The Undertaker's undefeated 21-0 Streak at Wrestlemania XXX.

After doing the unthinkable and pulling arguably the most shocking moment in wrestling history, there's only one logical option for Lesnar to face next: The Rock.

Not really the logical choice for Lesnar to face next but it could be an option down the line. Lesnar's next choice should and probably will be whoever is holding the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Storyline wise, it's the reason Brock Lesnar came back to the WWE at the beginning of the year and seeing how he's beaten The Streak and hasn't had a title shot yet, leads me to believe that when ever he comes back to wrestle in a match, the title will be on the line.

There's only one opponent for The Rock to face and that's Brock Lesnar and vice versa.

For The Rock that probably is true but for Lesnar, the two you listed below could easily become opponents for Lesnar. On one side, you have Roman Reigns who has the potential to become the hottest wrestler in the WWE going into WrestleMania season next year. I see Reigns most likely shooting past the United States title and having a few sniffs at the main event scene at the very least in the near future. Then you have Cesaro, a Paul Heyman Guy. Conflict of interests could arise and bam, you have Cesaro and Lesnar going at each other's throats. Has the story been done before? Sure. But, the WWE isn't known for rehashing a few storylines every now and then.

Brock Lesnar should not face anyone at next year's Wrestlemania except The Rock.

Now that could be believable. An easy money match to sell to the casual fans in my opinion. Two big names going at it, to my knowledge, for the second time ever.

There is no other wrestler credible enough to face someone of the stature of Brock Lesnar.


Roman Reigns? He's still green. There's a reason WWE hasn't split up The Shield yet because Reigns isn't ready to fly solo and he's still improving.

The reason the WWE haven't split up the Shield is because there is still some more money to be made with the group. The tease of a break-up only to watch them settle their differences and become a unit as a face team was something I don't really remember seeing and was really refreshing. It looks as though the fans see it the same way as they've gotten behind the Shield as good guys as much as I have.

Antonio Cesaro? He needs to improve a lot on the mic and show some personality before he gets into a feud with The Beast Incarnate.

Again, refer to the mention above about the two Paul Heyman Guys and the conflict of interests blending together to create a legit story to have a match between the two.

There's a pecking order in WWE. In order to headline a PPV with a part timer you need to achieve a certain amount of success such as being a multiple time world champion.

Something Cesaro or Reigns cannot achieve in a one year time especially with Cesaro targeting the IC title and Reigns possibly going after Ambrose's US title when The Shield breaks up.

Possible way to give the titles more credibility. Not gonna happen because it's probably not best for business but hey, it could happen. :shrug:

Brock Lesnar is a beast. Brock Lesnar is a monster. Brock Lesnar is a conqueror.

He's not a guy who spend most of his career in the middle of the card.

He's not Chris Jericho. He's not Rob Van Dam. He's not here to help the new generation.

He's not here to put mid carders over.

Brock Lesnar is here to increase ratings. Brock Lesnar is here to increase PPV buys.

Brock Lesnar is here to break records.

And that is a big reason why Lesnar could potentially face some of the upper mid card wrestlers or main eventers who aren't "there" yet (like a Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns, or Cesaro). A win over Lesnar now would do wonders for whoever beat him. A win over The Rock, while great in theory, won't have the same kind of effect since Rocky wouldn't have wrestled in two years and that was in a losing effort.

Brock vs Rock will break records.

It'll put butts in the seats but, it won't break records like Rock vs Cena did at WM 28. We've seen Brock vs Rock before so the interest in it wouldn't be as great in my opinion.

Many internet wrestling fans will criticize the fact that it's two part timers headlining a PPV but the truth is Vince McMahon didn't become a billionaire by listening to a minority of internet wrestling fans and even in that minority there are a lot of people that would be excited to see that match.

Agreed to a point. A lot of people would be interested in watching these two go at it on the Grandest Stage of Them All. But, this match won't be the one closing the show or getting the main build.

Brock Lesnar has only faced elite wrestlers at Wrestlemania: Kurt Angle, Goldberg, Triple H and The Undertaker.

Next year, the guy who defeated Hulk Hogan, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and John Cena at Wrestlemania should face the guy who ended the 21-0 Wrestlemania Streak in one of the biggest blockbuster matches in recent memory.

WM31: The Rock vs Brock Lesnar

Could happen but, doesn't have to be Brock Lesnar's very next match.
No no no no no.

At WM Cena doesn't lay down to just ANYONE!

The Miz
The Rock

All the other PPVs don't matter to Cena lol.

He did lose to The Rock. People can't blame Cena for WINNING when he was THE top guy. Also he doesn't book his matches so he has no say whether he wins or loses. That's just WWE trying to keep him as their Superman.
Its possible for one thing Bryan could be champ for a year,why not he deserves it and the people are totally behind him.. As far as Lesnar goes,he conquered the streaks of all streaks. He literally now can claim he has done it all and be the only one who would be truthful in that statement..

The Brock vs Rock feud IMO will be epic.. Someone is going to want to get revenge for Brock beating taker at WM,why not the rock.. Brock doesnt care about titles,he cares about money.. The rock strictly alone,is drawing power,so Brock would want a piece of that pie believe me.
The guy with the major hard on for Rocky is like another version of the guy with dozens of threads about how Hulk Hogan needs one more title run, just living in the fucking past, thankfully Triple H seems really keen on building the future.

Brock Lesnar matches work when Brock Lesnar beats the piss out of people, Cena, Triple H and CM Punk all took it because they are pro wrestlers and active ones, or in Trips case a guy who's entire life now and going forward is invested in WWE.

At Mania XXX we saw what happens when Brock doesn't work as The Beast, but instead as a watered down safe version because Taker simply could not withstand his usual onslaught, it was dull and sluggish. Rock is not a wrestler anymore, he knows how to wrestle but he's a 42 year old, extremely successful movie star, there's no way his people allow him to have a match with Brock where Brock actually gets to be Brock and smack the shit out of Dwayne.

Rock draws money, Rock drew money hosting a Mania, I personally see no point him wrestling as he's a shell of the performer he was, but if he must then have him face a guy that could benefit, I mean he draws money HOSTING, he doesn't need to wrestle Brock. Do Rock vs Orton or his cousin or a hot young heel, and give Brock an opponent that will allow him to be The Beast, it'll draw huge anyway.
The Brock vs Rock feud IMO will be epic.. Someone is going to want to get revenge for Brock beating taker at WM,why not the rock.. Brock doesnt care about titles,he cares about money.. The rock strictly alone,is drawing power,so Brock would want a piece of that pie believe me.

Uh... why? What sense does that make, especially with the Rock?

In what world does it make sense for the Rock to step in to defend Undertaker's honor and fighting Brock to seek justice for breaking the Streak? Brock broke it cleanly.

Brock vs. Rock makes little to no logical sense at all aside from money, and Rock makes that just from hosting alone.
Am I the only guy that would love to see Brock Lesnar as a face? I know it is not likely, but we all remember the HUGE ovation he received in 2012 when returned to the WWE. It is one of the biggest pops in the last several years. Plus, his advocate Paul Heyman's new client Cesaro is one of the most cheered superstars on the roster. What if the Wyatt family was beating down Cesaro, and out comes Brock and hits Bray with the F-5? I would love to see Brock Lesnar vs Bray Wyatt at some point. Brock vs Rock is two big names, but I'm afraid The Rock's best days in the ring are behind him. Who else is there for Brock to face? Batista? That wouldn't be very exciting. Orton? maybe. Daniel Bryan? That could be good. If Brock can't be a face, I would love to see Cesaro vs. Lesnar. Cesaro may be the most exciting in ring performer in the WWE. I also hope that Kurt comes back for 1 more match in WWE, and Brock would make the perfect opponent for him.
Yeah, the question should be is The Rock ready for Brock Lesnar. Brock wrestled a safe style against Taker, Taker still suffered a concussion.

The Rock got injured twice at consecutive wrestlers against one of the safest workers in the company, John Cena, the most recent injury causing him to get emergency surgery.

The match will draw of course. WWE can market the hell out of it - possibly The Rock's last match, possibly Brock's last match before possibly returning to UFC, the only person besides Goldberg that The Rock never defeated.
The match itself wouldn't be great inside the ring since The Rock can't do it anymore but would definitely be an attraction and would be very logical since The Rock has a score to settle with Lesnar after Summerslam 2002 :)
Its possible for one thing Bryan could be champ for a year,why not he deserves it and the people are totally behind him.. As far as Lesnar goes,he conquered the streaks of all streaks. He literally now can claim he has done it all and be the only one who would be truthful in that statement..

The Brock vs Rock feud IMO will be epic.. Someone is going to want to get revenge for Brock beating taker at WM,why not the rock.. Brock doesnt care about titles,he cares about money.. The rock strictly alone,is drawing power,so Brock would want a piece of that pie believe me.

That's exactly my point.

WWE should capitalize on Brock ending the streak and put these two mega stars in a match.
Give Lesnar the title and Rock vs Brock the main event at the biggest PPV, just before one of the biggest movies of the year(Fast and Furious 7). Tons of easy publicity.
We're in a new generation but WWE still needs part timers to sell Mania.

That's true to an extent. But you seem to be semi-illiterate, so let me restate my point.

WWE should be past the point of part-time veteran vs. part-time veteran matches. Obviously you still need the occasional part-timer to face younger talent. Lesnar, Triple H and The Rock (if he's still around) should all put over younger talent in the next couple of years. But no more matches like Taker vs. Lesnar or Taker vs. Triple H. And definitely no Lesnar vs. Rock.

This year, WWE showcased a lot of young talents at mania but it's because Mania was on the WWE Network for 10 bucks.

Yep, and the reports claim it was watched in over 1 million households. I think the young talent is doing just fine.

Next year's Mania won't be on the WWE Network, it's going to be for 60 bucks again.

Dammit! I always forget that you can see into the future. My bad.

Also, I disagree about the notion that the match would suck.

Then you're wrong.

I think they'll have a pretty good match. Brock-Cena in '12 was epic and it didn't have any crazy bumps.

Didn't Lesnar bust Cena's face open in the first five minutes of that match? Do you honestly think the Rock would let that happen?

That's exactly my point.

WWE should capitalize on Brock ending the streak and put these two mega stars in a match.

I cannot even begin to express how stupid this is.

Why the hell would WWE capitalise on Brock ending the streak by putting him in a match with a veteran? Neither man has anything to gain, and neither man has anything to prove. If you're going to do Lesnar vs. Rock, you do it when neither man has any real momentum or heat. You have it as an exhibition match.

But now, with Lesnar as the guy who ended the streak, with more momentum than any other heel in the industry, he's in prime position to make a star out of someone younger, not to beat up a 41 year old who's well past his prime.
Yep, and the reports claim it was watched in over 1 million households. I think the young talent is doing just fine.

The young talent? Really? The 3 biggest matches on the card were: Batista vs Orton vs ? , Triple H vs Daniel Bryan and The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar.

That's one part-timer in every match.

WWE also had Hulk Hogan as the guest host.
The young talent? Really? The 3 biggest matches on the card were: Batista vs Orton vs ? , Triple H vs Daniel Bryan and The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar.

That's one part-timer in every match.

WWE also had Hulk Hogan as the guest host.

1. You just said yourself that WWE showcased a lot of younger talent at the PPV. Make up your mind.

2. Batista isn't a part-timer.

3. 75% of the PPV was built around Daniel Bryan. A young talent. People tuned into Wrestlemania to see Daniel Bryan overcome the Authority and win the WWE title. People didn't watch it to see Triple H potentially win yet another World title.

5. We also had Bray Wyatt, the Shield and Cesaro looking like absolute stars. AJ came out looking good too, despite what happened the next night. 6 out of 7 matches, showing younger guys looking good.

6. The entire finish of Taker vs. Lesnar was to ensure that Lesnar could make a star out of a younger talent in a way that Taker doesn't have the health to do anymore.

7. Hulk Hogan isn't actually all that relevant anymore. And if you think that people watched Wrestlemania for Hogan, you're deluded. Most people didn't know Austin or the Rock were showing up. So yeah, I'd say that the younger talent, particularly Daniel Bryan, sold the PPV just as much as the a part-timers did.

Seven points. Out of your three sentences, I got seven points that contradict the crap you're spewing. Please, just give up.
1. You just said yourself that WWE showcased a lot of younger talent at the PPV. Make up your mind.

2. Batista isn't a part-timer.

3. 75% of the PPV was built around Daniel Bryan. A young talent. People tuned into Wrestlemania to see Daniel Bryan overcome the Authority and win the WWE title. People didn't watch it to see Triple H potentially win yet another World title.

5. We also had Bray Wyatt, the Shield and Cesaro looking like absolute stars. AJ came out looking good too, despite what happened the next night. 6 out of 7 matches, showing younger guys looking good.

6. The entire finish of Taker vs. Lesnar was to ensure that Lesnar could make a star out of a younger talent in a way that Taker doesn't have the health to do anymore.

7. Hulk Hogan isn't actually all that relevant anymore. And if you think that people watched Wrestlemania for Hogan, you're deluded. Most people didn't know Austin or the Rock were showing up. So yeah, I'd say that the younger talent, particularly Daniel Bryan, sold the PPV just as much as the a part-timers did.

Seven points. Out of your three sentences, I got seven points that contradict the crap you're spewing. Please, just give up.

Nope. Not at all.

Austin was confirmed to be at WMXXX on WWE's website.

And Rock said he'll be there on his twitter account.

People didn't watch WrestleMania for Hogan? But they did to see Cesaro in the Battle Royal? Lol ok.

Lesnar broke The Streak to put over a young talent in the future? Yeah ok lol.

Make sure you remember that statement next year when Brock main events WrestleMania 31 against The Rock.
I'd do Rock versus Brock... but I wouldn't do it at WM31.

If they can negotiate some extra dates with Brock, or arrange his dates as such that he becomes pretty much a regular leading up to WM31, I'd book him as the ultimate, absolute, be all and end all monster heel of all time. Just have him tear through everyone, like they booked him when he first debuted. Build the guy up as strong as you possibly can... so that way at WM31 you can use that heat you've built for Brock and transfer it to someone new when you have them finally topple the beast when the most eyes are watching.

It would be pointless to have that person be the Rock... but if he's able and willing, Rock could be one of the guys used to build that nuclear heat on Lesner.

Book them for Summerslam or Survivor Series if that doesn't work, and have Brock go over strong. It doesn't hurt the Rock at all to lose to Brock and he can still come back for WM31 and draw money, but going over him strong helps Lesner... which is needed to eventually put that nuclear heat on the guy you want going over Brock at WM31... whether that guy is Bryan, Cesaro, Reigns, Wyatt... whomever.

Doubtful that would happen, but that is how I would use Brock versus Rock. Otherwise, the only way I see a point is if you've already got Lesner signed to a new deal before the match, and you want to build Lesner for longer than a year before having him finally defeated. Under no circumstances do you actually have Rock be the guy to topple Lesner.
Nope. Not at all.

Austin was confirmed to be at WMXXX on WWE's website.

And Rock said he'll be there on his twitter account.

People didn't watch WrestleMania for Hogan? But they did to see Cesaro in the Battle Royal? Lol ok.

Lesnar broke The Streak to put over a young talent in the future? Yeah ok lol.

Make sure you remember that statement next year when Brock main events WrestleMania 31 against The Rock.

I think you should change your forum name to "Cherry Picker," since you're really good at avoiding the actual content of posts and instead zeroing on something that isn't all that important.

A. Austin was confirmed on WWE's website, yeah. Not every wrestling fan visits the WWE website.

B. Rock said he'd be there on Twitter. Not every wrestling fan follows Rock on Twitter.

C. No, people didn't watch for Cesaro to win the battle royal. They watched for Daniel Bryan, a young talent, to get over not once but twice.

D. Brock beating Taker now puts Brock in a position to be the new "measuring stick" if they choose to do so. Brock can't and won't have a Streak like Taker's but he can certainly be the wall other guys have to climb to get to his same level. Why? He beat the Streak.

You know what I remember you saying?

Directly quoting you here:

Fans are becoming smarter, they know Brock Lesnar has ZERO chance at ending The Streak.

Now... what happened at this last Wrestlemania?
I'd do Rock versus Brock... but I wouldn't do it at WM31.

If they can negotiate some extra dates with Brock, or arrange his dates as such that he becomes pretty much a regular leading up to WM31, I'd book him as the ultimate, absolute, be all and end all monster heel of all time. Just have him tear through everyone, like they booked him when he first debuted. Build the guy up as strong as you possibly can... so that way at WM31 you can use that heat you've built for Brock and transfer it to someone new when you have them finally topple the beast when the most eyes are watching.

It would be pointless to have that person be the Rock... but if he's able and willing, Rock could be one of the guys used to build that nuclear heat on Lesner.

Book them for Summerslam or Survivor Series if that doesn't work, and have Brock go over strong. It doesn't hurt the Rock at all to lose to Brock and he can still come back for WM31 and draw money, but going over him strong helps Lesner... which is needed to eventually put that nuclear heat on the guy you want going over Brock at WM31... whether that guy is Bryan, Cesaro, Reigns, Wyatt... whomever.

Doubtful that would happen, but that is how I would use Brock versus Rock. Otherwise, the only way I see a point is if you've already got Lesner signed to a new deal before the match, and you want to build Lesner for longer than a year before having him finally defeated. Under no circumstances do you actually have Rock be the guy to topple Lesner.

Meh. Who cares who goes over.

What if Rock beats Brock at WM31 then loses to Bryan at WM32.

It would mean more to Bryan than beating Brock.
Meh. Who cares who goes over.

What if Rock beats Brock at WM31 then loses to Bryan at WM32.

It would mean more to Bryan than beating Brock.

Not... really.

It means far more for Bryan to topple the Beast than it does for him to go over Rock.

Rock doesn't having anything more to give in terms of match legacy.
Meh. Who cares who goes over.

What if Rock beats Brock at WM31 then loses to Bryan at WM32.

It would mean more to Bryan than beating Brock.

Kinda assuming a lot there even thinking Rock will be able to work 2 straight WM's.

And yes, it completely matters who goes over. They have the chance for something special to capitalize on now that they have a guy who broke the streak... and with that guy already being a dominant monster like Brock Lesner. The next guy to beat him at WM has the chance to become a made guy. It's a potential passing of the torch moment, like Hogan over Andre... Rock over Hogan... Cena over Rock...

Why in the hell would you waste that on a part timer like the Rock? A guy who's already had his time, and is at the stage in life where he should be passing torches, not taking them. The Rock can still put over someone like Bryan later and help them out (which is ALL the Rock should be doing in a wrestling ring now), but he doesn't need to beat Lesner to do it.

If anything, using his greatness to feed the dominance of the streak breaker Lesner just creates a bigger torch for Lesner to pass when he finally is toppled.

Then again, I'm not sure I expect a guy who googles the People's Strudel to understand that.

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