The Rock and Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar and Antonio Cesaro


Championship Contender
As seen in the Lesnar-Taker match, the feud was extremely boring and Taker had the worst Streak match in almost a decade.

Having two part timers against each other is not the smartest idea especially with Lesnar possibly injuring The Rock.

I think a tag match with Reigns and Rock vs Paul Heyman Guys (Lesnar and Cesaro) would be extremely epic.

It would be a great wrestling match.

Save Rock from getting injured.

Introduce old viewers (Rock/Brock fans) to new talents (Reigns/Cesaro).

It's a Win, Win, Win!!

On paper, it looks like a great match and without a shadow of a doubt would be one of the greatest or "top ten" tag-team matches featuring Non-regular tag teams ever and you could describe it with adjectives like blockbuster and epic. Some of the other such tag-team "dream matches" which have actually happened are Cena/Michaels vs Batista/Taker and Austin/Rock vs Kane/Undertaker which was pretty cool at that time(1998, 1999, 2001) on free TV.

Once again, there is no way in hell that The Rock would return for a tag team match like this NOW that he injured himself after Rock/Cena II as well as other factors. But more foolish matches have been booked for The Rock, such as Miz and R-truth, essentially two mid-card goons vs Cena/Rock which was a big mistake IMO. Nonetheless if this match happened, and If The Rock did wrestle at a good level(if not what he once wrestled like in his prime), then Reigns, Lesnar and Cesaro could do a good job protecting The Rock and the list of moves and finishers and suplexes in the ring would render it a helluva match and ultimately it could end up selling a ppv/special event quite well, not to mention it' d be a very great main event for a Non-wrestlemania. Considering that Tag team main events have often ended ppvs, it'd be cool to see it, if at all the WWE is willing to spend so much money on two expensive stars like Rock and Brock only for them to team with Cesaro/Lesnar.
But more foolish matches have been booked for The Rock, such as Miz and R-truth,
Man, that brings up memories. "Miz's fault". I can't believe Miz was blamed for the awful buyrate when creative booked Awesome Truth in the worst way imaginable leading up to the PPV.

I always thought they should have done Team Cena vs. Team Triple H (pulled the trigger on his heel turn) and have Cena choose Rock as his 5th member. Rock would then be the sole survivor after hitting a Rock Bottom on Cena and letting him get pinned before winning the match himself.

Anyway, I don't think Rock should come back for a tag match. The days when main eventers teaming up for a tag match for main events is done. The awful buyrate for Armageddon 2006 (Batista and Cena vs. Booker and Finlay) forced WWE to retool all WWE PPVs into tri-branded events. They still went ahead and did HBK and Cena vs. Batista and Taker at No Way Out, but that was also an awful experiment. These matches are inconsequential, and they will never go back to being as important as the WM1 main event or as the Mega Powers used to be.

They keep entertaining the idea of pairing up main eventers for PPV tag team matches outside the main event though. CM Punk once a had tag match with ECW Champion Kane against Miz & Morrison. He also had a tag match with Triple H against Miz and Truth. And he also had a tag match with Bryan against Harper and Rowan. But they were all filler and weren't meant to sell the PPV. I'll be damned if WWE ever books a tag match as the main event of a PPV ever again after so many blunders.

The Rock has so many potential one-on-one matches that there is no point in booking him in a tag match.
• The Rock vs. Roman Reigns
• The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar II
• The Rock vs. Triple H XXVI (according to old reports, Triple H wanted to face Rock, despite the fact it's a match done 25 times before)
• The Rock vs. Sting
• The Rock vs. Daniel Bryan
• The Rock vs. Randy Orton
• The Rock vs. Batista
• The Rock vs. John Cena III (don't put it past WWE)

We'll never get all of them, but WWE will definitely try to get as much of them out of Rock as they can.
Man, that brings up memories. "Miz's fault". I can't believe Miz was blamed for the awful buyrate when creative booked Awesome Truth in the worst way imaginable leading up to the PPV.

One of my favorite dirt sheet reports of all time.

In case anybody wasn't following sites this like at the time, or doesn't remember this was a real doozy.

The main event of Survivor Series 2011 was Rock and Cena vs. Miz and Truth. When the buyrate came out, there was a report that...try to follow this, because there's a lot of levels to it..."sources say there are people in the WWE who believe top officials are blaming The Miz for the disappointing buyrate." Let's take a look at this one point at a time.

1)The "disappointing buyrate." Curious that dirt sheets would believe the buyrate to be disappointing, as it was actually a sizeable increase over the previous two years. Afterall, after the 2010 edition, there were reports they were thinking about canceling Survivor Series, so 2011 obviously did enough for them to keep it. But let's assume it was disappointing to the WWE.

2)"Sources say..." Well, let's be honest here, dirt sheet sources aren't the most reliable thing in the world. They're known to be hit or miss. But let's assume they're right.

3)"People in the WWE..." Who? Don't know. We have no idea if these people would have any idea what top officials are thinking. It's also worth noting that it's not all "all" or that's it's "widely believed" or anything indicating this is a consensus view in the WWE, just multiple people. Again, that's if the sources are even right to begin with.

4)"Believe..." So they don't know. They're guessing. An undetermined number of people, not all or most, in the WWE are guessing. But since we don't know who they are, we have no idea if they are the type of people who could make an educated guess as to what the top officials are thinking...again, that's assuming the sources are right to begin with.

So we have sources that are certainly known for being wrong reporting that people of an unknown number and unknown credibility guessing that top officials are blaming Miz when, obviously, it would make no sense for them to blame Miz, and that's assuming they really were disappointed in an improved buyrate that saw them change their mind about canceling Survivor Series altogether.

I told you it was a doozy. But perhaps the most amazing thing was the number of readers who, rather than taking the report with the grain of salt it deserved or at least questioning it, responded as if Vince McMahon himself sent out a tweet saying "The Survivor Series buyrate sucked and it's all Miz's fault!!! #BlameTheMiz"

It made no sense then, and it makes less sense now. Every single part of it, from every aspect of the report itself to the reaction it got, made no sense on any level. It was, perhaps, the absolute lowest point in the history of wrestling dirt sheets.

As for the tag team match proposed in this thread, meh. I'd be alright with it, I guess, but I'd rather see Rock and especially Brock stick to singles matches to be honest. They're both part timers, so there are plenty of guys they can get involved with that they haven't fought before. Plus, I think the Lesnar/Cesaro relationship as Paul Heyman Guys is going to be like the Lesnar/Punk relationship, as in no relationship. And this tag match wouldn't be big enough to main event a big PPV like SummerSlam, and you don't want to waste Rock in a non-main event, and at WrestleMania you don't want to waste either one of them in a tag team match. If they were both full timers, this would be awesome, but as it is, nah. Just do Brock vs. Rock and have Cesaro and Reigns featured earlier on the same card, you'll still bring in old fans and introduce them to the new talent. They don't have to be in the ring at the same time.
Pertaining to The Miz comments, this was one of those dirtsheet reports that I don't think had all that much weight to it.

The primary reason why I have trouble buying it is simply because Survivor Series 2011drew a buyrate of 312,000, up from 244,000 in 2010 and 235,000 in 2009. If WWE officials were genuinely disappointed with it, which I doubt, then they have only themselves to blame as they were the ones who made the decision to book Miz & Truth like a couple of ineffectual goons who posed no threat to Cena & Rock.

As to the topic of the thread itself, personally, I just don't see the point in wasting the rare appearances of The Rock or Brock Lesnar in a tag team match. At this point in time, there's also too much of a possibility of them overshadowing Reigns & Cesaro. If WWE brings these two back on the same card, I'd rather see them in singles matches like Rock vs. Cesaro and Lesnar vs. Reigns or vice versa. Even though The Rock & Reigns aren't technically related Anoa'i Amituana'i, the patriarch of the Anoa'i family, and Peter Maivia were "blood brothers". I don't mean that in some sort cutesy way that kids used to, they took it seriously and as far as they & their descendants are concerned, they were brothers. So Reigns against The Rock while using their familial connection could be interested as could two "Paul Heyman Guys" going at it with Heyman dragged right into the middle of it.
Honestly, I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think CM Punk vs. The Undertaker was any better than Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker. Undertaker matches all have the same routine, every match is the same match with a different opposing finisher for The Undertaker to kick out of three times before reversing a fourth into a tombstone. You don't watch The Undertaker for anything new or exciting, you watch him for nostalgia. The only reasons people criticized this match so heavily is because his opponent was Brock Lesnar, not the super popular CM Punk, Triple H, or Shawn Michaels and because the build-up for the match was the worst out of any Wrestlemania match this year.

I don't like how people try to make "Heyman Guys" be a stable. I feel it was really what hurt Ryback and Curtis Axel's run with him. Just keep it as Heyman managing different superstars that have nothing to do with each other. Maybe Brock helps Cesaro out sometime because Heyman orders him to, but nothing serious.

If WWE tries to put Dwayne with Roman Reigns it will hurt Reigns in the long run. Roman Reigns is already close to being a main event star without needing a rub from Dwayne. As soon as you tie them together Reigns will be living in Dwayne's shadow forever. Everything good that happens to Reigns will then be because Dwayne helped him. Don't put him in a shadow if he needs to be.
I don't like how people try to make "Heyman Guys" be a stable. I feel it was really what hurt Ryback and Curtis Axel's run with him. Just keep it as Heyman managing different superstars that have nothing to do with each other. Maybe Brock helps Cesaro out sometime because Heyman orders him to, but nothing serious.

If WWE tries to put Dwayne with Roman Reigns it will hurt Reigns in the long run. Roman Reigns is already close to being a main event star without needing a rub from Dwayne. As soon as you tie them together Reigns will be living in Dwayne's shadow forever. Everything good that happens to Reigns will then be because Dwayne helped him. Don't put him in a shadow if he needs to be.

I think that what hurt Ryback and Curtis Axel was the fact that they both jobbed to CM Punk every week.

But I agree with you about Reigns and Rock, they should never be put together in a tag, but I would like to see Rock putting Reigns over in a PPV.
I think that what hurt Ryback and Curtis Axel was the fact that they both jobbed to CM Punk every week.

But I agree with you about Reigns and Rock, they should never be put together in a tag, but I would like to see Rock putting Reigns over in a PPV.

Ya, that would be good if it's just a one off thing. That would be more of a passing the torch moment for Reigns.
Cesaro and Roman Reigns still have a big mountain to climb. If we look at thier current standing. Reigns is 12 months fresh out of NXT, and hasn't even been seen with in regular singles matches as yet. Cesaro is the same, fluttering around the mid-card in tag matches with Jack Swagger. It would be insane to put them in matches with Brock and The Rock.

Thier future pushes may not even pay off. Look at Ryback! Even worse look at CM Punk, he lost to The Rock, Brock , HHH and The Undertaker, no wonder he had enough, he held the title all that time and lost to 4 part-timers. If the much talked about match with Austin would of happened he probably would of lost that too. Roman Reigns and Cesaro have a very VERY long road ahead i'm afraid.
One of my favorite dirt sheet reports of all time.

In case anybody wasn't following sites this like at the time, or doesn't remember this was a real doozy.

The main event of Survivor Series 2011 was Rock and Cena vs. Miz and Truth. When the buyrate came out, there was a report that...try to follow this, because there's a lot of levels to it..."sources say there are people in the WWE who believe top officials are blaming The Miz for the disappointing buyrate." Let's take a look at this one point at a time.

1)The "disappointing buyrate." Curious that dirt sheets would believe the buyrate to be disappointing, as it was actually a sizeable increase over the previous two years. Afterall, after the 2010 edition, there were reports they were thinking about canceling Survivor Series, so 2011 obviously did enough for them to keep it. But let's assume it was disappointing to the WWE.

2)"Sources say..." Well, let's be honest here, dirt sheet sources aren't the most reliable thing in the world. They're known to be hit or miss. But let's assume they're right.

3)"People in the WWE..." Who? Don't know. We have no idea if these people would have any idea what top officials are thinking. It's also worth noting that it's not all "all" or that's it's "widely believed" or anything indicating this is a consensus view in the WWE, just multiple people. Again, that's if the sources are even right to begin with.

4)"Believe..." So they don't know. They're guessing. An undetermined number of people, not all or most, in the WWE are guessing. But since we don't know who they are, we have no idea if they are the type of people who could make an educated guess as to what the top officials are thinking...again, that's assuming the sources are right to begin with.

So we have sources that are certainly known for being wrong reporting that people of an unknown number and unknown credibility guessing that top officials are blaming Miz when, obviously, it would make no sense for them to blame Miz, and that's assuming they really were disappointed in an improved buyrate that saw them change their mind about canceling Survivor Series altogether.

I told you it was a doozy. But perhaps the most amazing thing was the number of readers who, rather than taking the report with the grain of salt it deserved or at least questioning it, responded as if Vince McMahon himself sent out a tweet saying "The Survivor Series buyrate sucked and it's all Miz's fault!!! #BlameTheMiz"

It made no sense then, and it makes less sense now. Every single part of it, from every aspect of the report itself to the reaction it got, made no sense on any level. It was, perhaps, the absolute lowest point in the history of wrestling dirt sheets.

As for the tag team match proposed in this thread, meh. I'd be alright with it, I guess, but I'd rather see Rock and especially Brock stick to singles matches to be honest. They're both part timers, so there are plenty of guys they can get involved with that they haven't fought before. Plus, I think the Lesnar/Cesaro relationship as Paul Heyman Guys is going to be like the Lesnar/Punk relationship, as in no relationship. And this tag match wouldn't be big enough to main event a big PPV like SummerSlam, and you don't want to waste Rock in a non-main event, and at WrestleMania you don't want to waste either one of them in a tag team match. If they were both full timers, this would be awesome, but as it is, nah. Just do Brock vs. Rock and have Cesaro and Reigns featured earlier on the same card, you'll still bring in old fans and introduce them to the new talent. They don't have to be in the ring at the same time.
WWE is notorious for stuff like this. After the Kliq incident in MSG, HBK was untouchable so he wasn't punished, but Triple H was put in the doghouse despite the fact they were equally at fault for breaking kayfabe. Both Rock and Cena were untouchable, and Miz was already in the doghouse for fucking up a spot with R-Truth, so it was easy to blame him for the buyrate. Plus, it's well-reported on that Triple H doesn't like The Miz, so it all falls into place.
"I think a tag match with Reigns and Rock vs Paul Heyman Guys (Lesnar and Cesaro) would be extremely epic."
I don't. Lesnar and Cesaro have never wrestled each other, let alone been in the ring together.. They have no chemistry at all. As for Reigns and Rock - same thing. It would just seem like a really botchy match but that's just my opinion.
I think a tag match with Reigns and Rock vs Paul Heyman Guys (Lesnar and Cesaro) would be extremely epic.
It would be excellent match on paper, but realistically since the rock has returned when have you seen him share the spotlight? Yea none, close at the beginning of WM.

Save Rock from getting injured
When you put Brock Lesnar in the ring, someone if going to get hurt. That is his style period.

Introduce old viewers (Rock/Brock fans) to new talents (Reigns/Cesaro).
Any viewers who are not clued in to Regins are not wrestling fans, this guy is the next big thing as soon as the fan base gets off this midget loving goat boy kick ( I hope this crap ends soon) as for Cesaro, the big swing has not been used in YYEEEARS, so if you not clued in on this guy go back to watching he new UFC where you fight once every six months, not the man version where you fought 7 times in 1 night. HOYCE GRACIE FTW.

Rock does not want to share the limelight, Lesnar is a accident waiting to happen. I don't like this idea at all.
As seen in the Lesnar-Taker match, the feud was extremely boring and Taker had the worst Streak match in almost a decade.

Having two part timers against each other is not the smartest idea especially with Lesnar possibly injuring The Rock.

I think a tag match with Reigns and Rock vs Paul Heyman Guys (Lesnar and Cesaro) would be extremely epic.

It would be a great wrestling match.

Save Rock from getting injured.

Introduce old viewers (Rock/Brock fans) to new talents (Reigns/Cesaro).

It's a Win, Win, Win!!


I'd like to see a match like that on RAW not a pay per view. One thing I miss from 10 years ago was getting pay per view caliber matches on free TV.

Yes, we got Bryan/Orton a few times but other than that how many times have you seen part timers like HHH, Rock, etc wrestle on RAW
I'd like to see a match like that on RAW not a pay per view. One thing I miss from 10 years ago was getting pay per view caliber matches on free TV.

Yes, we got Bryan/Orton a few times but other than that how many times have you seen part timers like HHH, Rock, etc wrestle on RAW

10 years ago, how many times did we ever see part-timers wrestle on Raw??

(Answering your question though, Triple H faced Curtis Axel on Raw a couple of times last year.)

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