Man, that brings up memories. "Miz's fault". I can't believe Miz was blamed for the awful buyrate when creative booked Awesome Truth in the worst way imaginable leading up to the PPV.
One of my favorite dirt sheet reports of all time.
In case anybody wasn't following sites this like at the time, or doesn't remember this was a real doozy.
The main event of Survivor Series 2011 was Rock and Cena vs. Miz and Truth. When the buyrate came out, there was a report that...try to follow this, because there's a lot of levels to it..."sources say there are people in the WWE who believe top officials are blaming The Miz for the disappointing buyrate." Let's take a look at this one point at a time.
1)The "disappointing buyrate." Curious that dirt sheets would believe the buyrate to be disappointing, as it was actually a sizeable increase over the previous two years. Afterall, after the 2010 edition, there were reports they were thinking about canceling Survivor Series, so 2011 obviously did enough for them to keep it. But let's assume it was disappointing to the WWE.
2)"Sources say..." Well, let's be honest here, dirt sheet sources aren't the most reliable thing in the world. They're known to be hit or miss. But let's assume they're right.
3)"People in the WWE..." Who? Don't know. We have no idea if these people would have any idea what top officials are thinking. It's also worth noting that it's not all "all" or that's it's "widely believed" or anything indicating this is a consensus view in the WWE, just multiple people. Again, that's if the sources are even right to begin with.
4)"Believe..." So they don't know. They're guessing. An undetermined number of people, not all or most, in the WWE are guessing. But since we don't know who they are, we have no idea if they are the type of people who could make an educated guess as to what the top officials are thinking...again, that's assuming the sources are right to begin with.
So we have sources that are certainly known for being wrong reporting that people of an unknown number and unknown credibility guessing that top officials are blaming Miz when, obviously, it would make no sense for them to blame Miz, and that's assuming they really were disappointed in an improved buyrate that saw them change their mind about canceling Survivor Series altogether.
I told you it was a doozy. But perhaps the most amazing thing was the number of readers who, rather than taking the report with the grain of salt it deserved or at least questioning it, responded as if Vince McMahon himself sent out a tweet saying "The Survivor Series buyrate sucked and it's all Miz's fault!!! #BlameTheMiz"
It made no sense then, and it makes less sense now. Every single part of it, from every aspect of the report itself to the reaction it got, made no sense on any level. It was, perhaps, the absolute lowest point in the history of wrestling dirt sheets.
As for the tag team match proposed in this thread, meh. I'd be alright with it, I guess, but I'd rather see Rock and especially Brock stick to singles matches to be honest. They're both part timers, so there are plenty of guys they can get involved with that they haven't fought before. Plus, I think the Lesnar/Cesaro relationship as Paul Heyman Guys is going to be like the Lesnar/Punk relationship, as in no relationship. And this tag match wouldn't be big enough to main event a big PPV like SummerSlam, and you don't want to waste Rock in a non-main event, and at WrestleMania you don't want to waste either one of them in a tag team match. If they were both full timers, this would be awesome, but as it is, nah. Just do Brock vs. Rock and have Cesaro and Reigns featured earlier on the same card, you'll still bring in old fans and introduce them to the new talent. They don't have to be in the ring at the same time.