Will you complain if Rock-Brock main event Wrestlemania 31?

After the disappointing numbers of subscribers for the WWE Network, WWE desperately needs to do something huge.

Don't know how anybody can say those numbers are disappointing :O

The match will draw no doubt. Always a chance the rock could get injured and so it's a risky move on his behalf.
I provably wouldn't be happy if they main evented or if they fought for the title as I think those matches should go to those that aren't part time. But would I complain? I'd try not to. It's a waste of time and effort.
If it main events? Yes. Solely because I really could care less who wins the damn match. If this match happens it should be a novelty match similar to The Streak matches and should be placed probably second or third to last, but NOT the last match on the card. Also I would like a better reason then "You're a huge star, I'm a huge star, let's do it for the fans!"... No... Bring up the past and make me believe there is some unfinished beef that needs to be settled. Hell even promote the fact that Lesnar is leaving and he wants to prove to the WWE that he could dominate if he wanted to.
Probably wouldn't be happy about it unless the WWEHC match looks really bad. Brock/Rock doesn't even need to be in the main event at all, if the purpose of the match is attract more buyers/subscribers then those people won't care where on the card it's on, just that it's there. Opening, middle, closer, makes absolutely no difference to them so there's really no point in going out of the way to make it the main event.

Save the ME for the main title and the guys that's been there all year, it's better for business since it help makes the full time guys look they're big stars that are worthy of following the big names of Rock/Brock. Which is important since WWE would much rather have new fans interested in seeing the full timers all year round compared to the people that just want to see Brock/Rock and not care about the product afterwards.
I'm not a Brock fan and I'm not a Rock fan, so this would be a nightmare 'Mania closer for me.

Aside from that though, I wouldn't be happy. I'm sick of them burying the title every chance they get it seems. The title should be the biggest thing in the company, yet these days we regularly have people who are "bigger" than even the most prestigious title the company has to bestow on it's roster. Brock is bigger than the title. The Rock is bigger than the title. The Shield are being booked bigger than the title. I think part of this is because it's been devalued so much (mostly during Punk's reign as much as I love him) that they stopped caring about it.

I don't even think this would be a good match. The Rock and Brock never did gel that well together and Dwayne and Cena didn't put on that good of a match to begin with. I always thought that The Rock/Punk should have been a mania-main event (Cena/Rock one year Punk/Rock the next), but they wasted the match on a January PPV that had less than half the buyrate. Personally I think Rocky's too old, Brock's not a big enough draw and the title should always be the Main Event of a PPV (or at least, nine time out of ten).
Honestly, for me, it would depend on the undercard.

I can see that's it's easily the biggest match they have possible. Hollywood star vs former UFC champ, who just ended the streak the year before. It will garner mainstream attention, which Mania was lacking this year.

I mean honestly, if you take just the regular roster (minus HHH, Lesnar, Taker, Jericho, RVD; the part timers) what major matchups do you have?

Cena vs DB: saw it last year at SS. Good match, but honestly is it worth the main event at Mania?

Anything involving Orton or Batista? We saw the reaction to this already.

Any of the new stars: Wyatt, Shield, Cesaro. I'm all for pushing younger talent, and I'll acknowledge all of these guys are earning their way to the top. Great for them, and in the future it'll be great to see them headline, but give me a single example of a match involving any of them which would be bigger than Lesnar/Rock II.

The only other guy I could think with the leverage and credibility to headline at Mania would be Punk. Surprise RR entry, wins it, faces the champ at Mania. Throw in some pipe bombs, whatever and it could work. But even as big of a fan of Punk as I am, I doubt anything involving him could overshadow Lesnar/Rock.

Personally: Do the best of both worlds. Give me Lesnar/Rock in the main event and Punk/DB for the WWE title a few matches before. If it's an iron man match, even better.
You're right, but the problem with most fans is that as soon as Vince turns their back on the wrestler, so do these fans. I've been a Dolph Ziggler fan since he was caddying for Kerwin White in 2005. Last year suddenly EVERYONE jumped on the Dolph Ziggler bandwagon when he won the title. But as soon as he lost it and Vince started jobbing him out, the fans turned on him (especially on this site, WrestleZone fans are the worst. The opinion of Ziggler went from "He's such a great champion, he deserved a better run!" to "Ziggler is f***ing garbage, nobody cares about him. He's such a waste" in about two weeks). Most IWC fans are sheep who think they're being "rebellious" when in reality they do everything Vince wants them to do.

First of all, I liked Ziggler since 2011. I always thought he was great in the ring and he isn't so bad on the mic as people make him out to be. To me, he is at least decent.

People were getting behind Ziggler, even as a heel, way before his cash in. One moment that comes to mind is Cena vs Ziggler, MitB on the line. Another one is when he won the MitB. I believe there are more moments where people wanted to see Ziggler succeed.

The fans don't really turn on anyone. There are lovers and haters. As long as a certain guy isn't treated greatly, lovers are surfacing and want him to do great. When he finally gets to the top, his haters/trolls go on saying they never liked him, he sucks etc. It's not really a turn. It is different fans surfacing at different situations to express their opinions, which disagrees with the content produced.

The problem with fans becoming disinterested on certain guys isn't the fans' fault, really. As I think I said before, we have so many examples of guys getting to the top, then for some weird reason getting to the bottom and never recovering. If we, the fans, think of a situation and assume it will go down that way, then we will lose interest. I can't see how we are wrong here. Vince doesn't wanna push a guy, fine, we will get behind the guy. If Vince decides that he doesn't like a guy so he will be a jobber, and the fans see that, then there is no point in supporting the guy, because, no matter what, he will never recover.
I only reason I will complain is if the build up and storyline leading into it is crap. Like Undertaker/Brock... Its was a dream match on paper even though it was technically a rematch from years ago but the build up was crap, the only thing that made it note worth and worth the ticket was seeing the streak end.
The Rock has revealed a couple of months ago on his twitter that the original plan for Wrestlemania XXX was Rock-Brock.

With WWE launching the network outside of the US in late 2014 / early 2015, they need a big match up that will generate interest and create buzz outside of the wrestling world.

Rock vs Brock is the perfect match for that.

After the disappointing numbers of subscribers for the WWE Network, WWE desperately needs to do something huge.

I can't think of something bigger than Rock-Brock. And well this match is bigger than any title so I'm 99.9% sure if this match happen, it will close the show.

So will you complain if two part timers main event Wrestlemania or would you like to see that match?

Did The Rock ever explain why he didn't commit to wrestle at WrestleMania 30? I see he made an appearance.

As far as Brock/Rock II at WM 31. It would be huge for the WWE, especially with The Rock having Fast and Furious coming out around that time.

I'm not really a fan of The Rock being in the ring. His match with Cena at WM 28 was great but his 2013 matches weren't anything memorable.

Maybe Brock's brawling style could mesh well with The Rock's new style
People say Wrestlemania is their to create new stars... I think that's a hunk of bull s*it. Sure it's cool to see a Benoit, Batista, Bryan moment at wrestlemania, but that should only happen every now and then. Whether it be every five years or ten years. Wrestlemania is meant for a big time match to happen, featuring big time wrestlers, and a big time story for a big time climax. The whole Daniel Bryan moment is sweet but it's not something that I would necessarily want to see every year.

Stars should be created without Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania is the grand stage where us fans should be spoiled with a huge match. How is The Rock vs. Lesnar not huge?! The storyline could be great, and the match itself could be amazing. The Rock vs. Brock should ONLY mainevent a Summerslam or Wrestlemania. Please get that idea out of your head that Wrestlemania should be saved for the younger stars or for a breakout star.

People can have a break out moment at Wrestlemania and it does not have to be the main event. Hell, one could argue Daniel Bryan's real break out moment was wrestlemania.. and it was the first match, that lasted what? 16 seconds? I truly believe that Wrestlemania should be headlined almost every single year by The Rocks, Brocks, HHHs of the WWE.
That depends on if it's for the World Heavyweight Championship or not. Rock VS Brock is not a dream match of proportions large enough for it to go on last. I am a firm believer in that the world title match needs to close the show, especially at Wrestlemania events. There are very few examples of matches that realistically are bigger than the world title no matter what. Cena VS The Rock in their first encounter (despite the result of the match) deserved to go on last. As did Michaels VS Taker at Wrestlemania 26. Brock Lesnar VS The Rock? I don't think so. It's an upper card match, but I wouldn't put it last. Neither of them need the world title and it's not a dream match, thus it shouldn't close. Will I be upset if it does main event the show? Eh, I might be annoyed by it but the world will not come to an end. Life goes on and far worse things could happen. Now if Hornswoggle VS El Torito main events Wrestlemania 31, that's when we would need to riot.
I wouldn't have a problem at all for Brock Lesnar to face The Rock at Wrestlemania 31. It would be a huge match, and one that we have only ever seen once before, and that was over 10 years ago. I would also expect for it to close the show, whether it's for the WWE title or not.

In a perfect world, I wouldn't have it as the main event if it wasn't a title match. This is because I would prefer WWE to use the current year to build up the younger talent on the roster so that one of them is ready to move up to the next level and take the Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania next year, giving the company a new main eventer- Roman Reigns would be my pick, and I think he is probably the most likely to do so.

However, for maximum publicity I would definitely expect WWE to headline the show with the former UFC Champion vs the highest grossing actor in Hollywood for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
I wouldn't have a problem at all for Brock Lesnar to face The Rock at Wrestlemania 31. It would be a huge match, and one that we have only ever seen once before, and that was over 10 years ago. I would also expect for it to close the show, whether it's for the WWE title or not.

In a perfect world, I wouldn't have it as the main event if it wasn't a title match. This is because I would prefer WWE to use the current year to build up the younger talent on the roster so that one of them is ready to move up to the next level and take the Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania next year, giving the company a new main eventer- Roman Reigns would be my pick, and I think he is probably the most likely to do so.

However, for maximum publicity I would definitely expect WWE to headline the show with the former UFC Champion vs the highest grossing actor in Hollywood for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

I agree totally. I feel the blueprint of WM 31 should be like WM 21 where Batista/Cena took the next step in their careers.

However, times have changed and WWE seems to try to make WM bigger and better every year, especially with trying to emulate the Super Bowl - announcing future locations, picking similar venues.

Since PPV buys aren't a factor anymore, just Network subscribers, I'm sure like you said they'll go with Rock vs. Brock for the WWE WHC Championship, especially with The Rock going to get a lot of exposure with Fast and the Furious and San Andreas coming out

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