You're right, but the problem with most fans is that as soon as Vince turns their back on the wrestler, so do these fans. I've been a Dolph Ziggler fan since he was caddying for Kerwin White in 2005. Last year suddenly EVERYONE jumped on the Dolph Ziggler bandwagon when he won the title. But as soon as he lost it and Vince started jobbing him out, the fans turned on him (especially on this site, WrestleZone fans are the worst. The opinion of Ziggler went from "He's such a great champion, he deserved a better run!" to "Ziggler is f***ing garbage, nobody cares about him. He's such a waste" in about two weeks). Most IWC fans are sheep who think they're being "rebellious" when in reality they do everything Vince wants them to do.
First of all, I liked Ziggler since 2011. I always thought he was great in the ring and he isn't so bad on the mic as people make him out to be. To me, he is at least decent.
People were getting behind Ziggler, even as a heel, way before his cash in. One moment that comes to mind is Cena vs Ziggler, MitB on the line. Another one is when he won the MitB. I believe there are more moments where people wanted to see Ziggler succeed.
The fans don't really turn on anyone. There are lovers and haters. As long as a certain guy isn't treated greatly, lovers are surfacing and want him to do great. When he finally gets to the top, his haters/trolls go on saying they never liked him, he sucks etc. It's not really a turn. It is different fans surfacing at different situations to express their opinions, which disagrees with the content produced.
The problem with fans becoming disinterested on certain guys isn't the fans' fault, really. As I think I said before, we have so many examples of guys getting to the top, then for some weird reason getting to the bottom and never recovering. If we, the fans, think of a situation and assume it will go down that way, then we will lose interest. I can't see how we are wrong here. Vince doesn't wanna push a guy, fine, we will get behind the guy. If Vince decides that he doesn't like a guy so he will be a jobber, and the fans see that, then there is no point in supporting the guy, because, no matter what, he will never recover.