So in 2011, this happened:
And in 2012, this happened:
Brock Lesnar returned to WWE as a former UFC Heavyweight Champion, a legit fighter, MMA champion, and bad ass. At first, Brock received a lot of "cool heel" pops during his feud with Cena, but all that changed, when WWE portrayed Lesnar as a soulless mercenary, who only cares about money.
But Lesnar's main weakness was obvious right off the bat: limited promo skills. Lesnar is okay in little video promos, but anything beyond that is asking too much of him.
Enter Paul Heyman to solve the problem. Heyman's slimy presence silenced the vast majority of Lesnar's cheers, and Heyman proved to be the perfect mouthpiece for Lesnar. Plus, during Lesnar's sporadic hiatuses, Paul is always there to remind of us his monster.
The Rock's return provided the buzz of nostalgia we were all looking for. Rock Bottoms, People's Elbows, and the one-liners from his promos. On top of that, Rock returned with a stronger résumé as a movie star.
Most fans begged for the long-awaited "one more" match from Rock. Instead, Rock delivered five more matches. Yes, it's clear Rock was gassed from ring rust and bulking up, but he deserves credit for going above the expected bare minimum.
If I had to choose between the two for the more entertaining return run, I would go with Brock Lesnar. Yes, storyline wise the Triple H feud dragged on for too long, and the Summerslam match was a chore to sit through, but when I compare and contrast between Brock and The Rock, I still give Brock the edge for match quality.
The Extreme Rules match with Cena was a hard hitting and brutal five star classic, with Cena struggling to survive before hitting the Hail Mary shot. The match at Summerslam with Punk told a great story of Lesnar doing everything he could to annihilate Punk, and Punk refusing to quit, and he let his obsession with Heyman get the best of him in the end. Plus, the Triple H feud reached a tedious point during the Wrestlemania 29 build, but this year's steel cage match was pretty damn good. Also, I think about a bigger upside for Lesnar's future. He's not coming back full time, but Brock will be around for a few more years, so you can consider more possibilities for big match ups. You can't say the same thing about The Rock for various reasons (severe injury, lucrative movie career, etc.)
Rock VS Cena at Wrestlemania 28 lived up to expectations in the ring and during the build, and the shocker of Rock beating Cena caught everyone off guard, but his return match at Survivor Series was forgettable at best. Miz and Truth fell into obscurity as two worthless scrubs during the build for the match, and Rock's big return to the ring was too anticlimactic. That's a big problem. Unlike most people, I didn't have a big problem with the Punk matches, but you could see the outcome for the Rumble and Chamber matches coming from a mile away.
And Rock is a tough bastard for gutting it out after the injury during the Wrestlemania 29 rematch, but when you compare it to the Wrestlemania 28 match, this year's contest was very underwhelming and predictable, because there was no logical reason at all for Rock to retain the strap.
So, who would you choose as the more entertaining part-timer? Brock Lesnar or The Rock?
And keep in my mind, I'm not asking for an overall comparison of careers between the two. I want to know a "Who's better?" choice between the recent incarnations of Brock Lesnar and The Rock during their respective returns to WWE.
And in 2012, this happened:
Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar returned to WWE as a former UFC Heavyweight Champion, a legit fighter, MMA champion, and bad ass. At first, Brock received a lot of "cool heel" pops during his feud with Cena, but all that changed, when WWE portrayed Lesnar as a soulless mercenary, who only cares about money.
But Lesnar's main weakness was obvious right off the bat: limited promo skills. Lesnar is okay in little video promos, but anything beyond that is asking too much of him.
Enter Paul Heyman to solve the problem. Heyman's slimy presence silenced the vast majority of Lesnar's cheers, and Heyman proved to be the perfect mouthpiece for Lesnar. Plus, during Lesnar's sporadic hiatuses, Paul is always there to remind of us his monster.
The Rock

The Rock's return provided the buzz of nostalgia we were all looking for. Rock Bottoms, People's Elbows, and the one-liners from his promos. On top of that, Rock returned with a stronger résumé as a movie star.
Most fans begged for the long-awaited "one more" match from Rock. Instead, Rock delivered five more matches. Yes, it's clear Rock was gassed from ring rust and bulking up, but he deserves credit for going above the expected bare minimum.
If I had to choose between the two for the more entertaining return run, I would go with Brock Lesnar. Yes, storyline wise the Triple H feud dragged on for too long, and the Summerslam match was a chore to sit through, but when I compare and contrast between Brock and The Rock, I still give Brock the edge for match quality.
The Extreme Rules match with Cena was a hard hitting and brutal five star classic, with Cena struggling to survive before hitting the Hail Mary shot. The match at Summerslam with Punk told a great story of Lesnar doing everything he could to annihilate Punk, and Punk refusing to quit, and he let his obsession with Heyman get the best of him in the end. Plus, the Triple H feud reached a tedious point during the Wrestlemania 29 build, but this year's steel cage match was pretty damn good. Also, I think about a bigger upside for Lesnar's future. He's not coming back full time, but Brock will be around for a few more years, so you can consider more possibilities for big match ups. You can't say the same thing about The Rock for various reasons (severe injury, lucrative movie career, etc.)
Rock VS Cena at Wrestlemania 28 lived up to expectations in the ring and during the build, and the shocker of Rock beating Cena caught everyone off guard, but his return match at Survivor Series was forgettable at best. Miz and Truth fell into obscurity as two worthless scrubs during the build for the match, and Rock's big return to the ring was too anticlimactic. That's a big problem. Unlike most people, I didn't have a big problem with the Punk matches, but you could see the outcome for the Rumble and Chamber matches coming from a mile away.
And Rock is a tough bastard for gutting it out after the injury during the Wrestlemania 29 rematch, but when you compare it to the Wrestlemania 28 match, this year's contest was very underwhelming and predictable, because there was no logical reason at all for Rock to retain the strap.
So, who would you choose as the more entertaining part-timer? Brock Lesnar or The Rock?
And keep in my mind, I'm not asking for an overall comparison of careers between the two. I want to know a "Who's better?" choice between the recent incarnations of Brock Lesnar and The Rock during their respective returns to WWE.