Wrestlemania 31 main event confirmed....

Rock was injured against Cena last year, and you think he would be willing to go against Lesnar?

I changed my mind about the main event. It's going to be Bray Wyatt vs Brock Lesnar. Why? I just have a hunch. I go with my hunches like those old buddy cop movies and the like and they were always right.

People like you are the worst part of the IWC. If you're just going to tell everybody to sit back, shut up, and enjoy everything the WWE puts in front of us than why are you even on a discussion forum? If you're going to write something at least back up what you say. Why is this a "potentially awesome" feud? Because two mega-stars who USED to actually wrestle for the WWE are going to have a rematch from 13 years ago, but instead this time it should be more interesting because both guys are now international stars? No, this feud will involve The Rock and Brock Lesnar appearing at maybe 4 shows from RR until Mania and leaving Paul Heyman to put this feud over. No thank you. And so you think The Rock and Brock Lesnar are legitimately talented in the ring but Ziggler and Ambrose aren't? What are you smoking man.

I'm not trying to save the company from my "recliner". I'm simply stating my opinion on rather seeing a real payoff for the show I've been waiting for all year than being stuck watching two guys who are past their prime phone it in for a paycheck and than leave immediately afterwards. Call me fucking crazy.

No, YOU are the worst part of the IWC. Always bitching about part timers and trying to put Ziggler in the main event.

But rumor has it... Rock vs HHH .. they never had a wrestlemania match have they?

Not one on one. But I'm pretty sure they always had great to excellent matches every time they faced off so I would love a WM match between those two.
No, YOU are the worst part of the IWC. Always bitching about part timers and trying to put Ziggler in the main event.

Did I ever say that I wanted Ziggler in the main event? I said that he's better in the ring than The Rock and Brock Lesnar which is TRUE... I never said that he belongs in the Mania main event, because good god he doesn't. Also, I don't bitch about part timers unless they face each other in the main event of Wrestlemania for the Championship. Brock-Rock at Mania in a non-title match? All for it. Rock vs Reigns, Lesnar vs Bryan, Lesnar vs Reigns, Lesnar vs Ambrose, Rock vs Rollins, etc. all good with me. Brock-Rock at Mania main event for the WWEWHC, does nothing for me. So sue me.
Did I ever say that I wanted Ziggler in the main event? I said that he's better in the ring than The Rock and Brock Lesnar which is TRUE... I never said that he belongs in the Mania main event, because good god he doesn't. Also, I don't bitch about part timers unless they face each other in the main event of Wrestlemania for the Championship. Brock-Rock at Mania in a non-title match? All for it. Rock vs Reigns, Lesnar vs Bryan, Lesnar vs Reigns, Lesnar vs Ambrose, Rock vs Rollins, etc. all good with me. Brock-Rock at Mania main event for the WWEWHC, does nothing for me. So sue me.

This right here shows why you are the worst part of the IWC.
People like you are the worst part of the IWC. If you're just going to tell everybody to sit back, shut up, and enjoy everything the WWE puts in front of us than why are you even on a discussion forum? If you're going to write something at least back up what you say. Why is this a "potentially awesome" feud? Because two mega-stars who USED to actually wrestle for the WWE are going to have a rematch from 13 years ago, but instead this time it should be more interesting because both guys are now international stars? No, this feud will involve The Rock and Brock Lesnar appearing at maybe 4 shows from RR until Mania and leaving Paul Heyman to put this feud over. No thank you. And so you think The Rock and Brock Lesnar are legitimately talented in the ring but Ziggler and Ambrose aren't? What are you smoking man.

I'm not trying to save the company from my "recliner". I'm simply stating my opinion on rather seeing a real payoff for the show I've been waiting for all year than being stuck watching two guys who are past their prime phone it in for a paycheck and than leave immediately afterwards. Call me fucking crazy.

You're not crazy, you're just a fucking idiot.
Did I ever say that I wanted Ziggler in the main event? I said that he's better in the ring than The Rock and Brock Lesnar which is TRUE... I never said that he belongs in the Mania main event, because good god he doesn't. Also, I don't bitch about part timers unless they face each other in the main event of Wrestlemania for the Championship. Brock-Rock at Mania in a non-title match? All for it. Rock vs Reigns, Lesnar vs Bryan, Lesnar vs Reigns, Lesnar vs Ambrose, Rock vs Rollins, etc. all good with me. Brock-Rock at Mania main event for the WWEWHC, does nothing for me. So sue me.


Rock - Brock has history behind it, is a guaranteed draw and could be a lot of fun to watch. Mania is their biggest PPV and Rock - Brock is the biggest main event match available now that the Streak is gone.
Some of you people make me laugh. Brock Lesnar is so great because he can throw a goddamn suplex? Anybody can throw a friggin suplex. What has Brock done in the ring since his return? Knees, elbows, suplexes, Kimura, F5... That's it. Who consistently has the best match of the night? Who lights the crowd up better than almost anyone else in the ring? You can say somebody other than Ziggler but of course you'd probably be lying just to try and prove your point. This is what makes a great wrestler to me. Somebody who can keep you on the edge of your seat all match and make you say, that was awesome.

Brock's easily the best fighter in the WWE and probably a hell of a lot more technical than most guys, but since his return his matches have been brawls and nothing more. But go on and rub one off to Lesnar if you want to. I doubt half of you even remember his ring-work during his first run and just say whatever the hell you think will get you over with the IWC. Because Brock Lesnar looks like a badass and has had a legitimate UFC career, all of the sudden it's blasphemy to say that somebody might POSSIBLY be better in the ring than Lesnar. Smh

Ziggler does flippy stuff and oversells. Tell me what "flippy" stuff Ziggler does. Goddamn some of you people are such attention fiends.

Also if somebody can actually give me a legitimate explanation as to how Lesnar is so much better in the ring than Ziggler and basically everybody else, than I'd readily admit that I was mistaken.

Ziggler is a much better wrestler than lesnar.

Lesnar to me has always been dangerous in the ring to others and himself.
He never striked me as a great wrestler. He has power but thats it.
He isnt a good professional wrestler. But a good amateur wrestler.

I never liked lesnar. probably never will. He didnt deserve the title at all. it was bad business.

Lesnar is so overrated by the iwc.

Lesnar is average at best.

Ziggler is a outstanding wrestler. Better than most right now
Well then your opinion is ******ed.

And if you are going to insult me, at least use proper grammar. You're a troll* Not your a troll. Fucking plebe
Some of you people make me laugh. Brock Lesnar is so great because he can throw a goddamn suplex? Anybody can throw a friggin suplex. What has Brock done in the ring since his return? Knees, elbows, suplexes, Kimura, F5... That's it. Who consistently has the best match of the night? Who lights the crowd up better than almost anyone else in the ring? You can say somebody other than Ziggler but of course you'd probably be lying just to try and prove your point. This is what makes a great wrestler to me. Somebody who can keep you on the edge of your seat all match and make you say, that was awesome.

Brock's easily the best fighter in the WWE and probably a hell of a lot more technical than most guys, but since his return his matches have been brawls and nothing more. But go on and rub one off to Lesnar if you want to. I doubt half of you even remember his ring-work during his first run and just say whatever the hell you think will get you over with the IWC. Because Brock Lesnar looks like a badass and has had a legitimate UFC career, all of the sudden it's blasphemy to say that somebody might POSSIBLY be better in the ring than Lesnar. Smh

Ziggler does flippy stuff and oversells. Tell me what "flippy" stuff Ziggler does. Goddamn some of you people are such attention fiends.

Also if somebody can actually give me a legitimate explanation as to how Lesnar is so much better in the ring than Ziggler and basically everybody else, than I'd readily admit that I was mistaken.

I agree with you man. Ziggler to me is a better wrestler than lesnar.
Lesnar to me is overrated slob. No mic skills, below average wrestling ability and no charisma.

ziggler, jericho, rollins, ambrose, cesaro, and bryan are great wrestlers. And CM Punk. Good wrestlers.

Too many IWC or wwe marks jump on the lesnar bandwagon. groupies. without an explanation.
Live Yáz;5016403 said:
Well then your opinion is ******ed.

And if you are going to insult me, at least use proper grammar. You're a troll* Not your a troll. Fucking plebe

Wow man you really showed me. Guess you really know your stuff eh? I thought you agreed Lesnar was a far better wrestler than Ziggler? In my previous post I asked for somebody to give me a legitimate reason as to why Lesnar is so great and yet I get nothing. Come on man, I gave you my reasons as to why I prefer Ziggler, give me reasons as to why you prefer Lesnar if your not a sheep and actually have a REAL opinion.

For some reason people seem to think that Lesnar is as great an in-ring competitor as Kurt Angle and I legitimately scoff at that. In the ring Lesnar is dangerous and he's not smooth. Everyhthing Kurt Angle did was great. His timing, his execution of the moves, the way his submission holds looked, and his ability to tell a story was bar none. Oh yeah not to mention that to be remembered as a great wrestler, your full-time career should probably be more than a couple years, no?

I don't mind bantering with people who actually know what they're talking about and can seriously give me a good debate. Obviously that's not you.
Why do I have a feeling that this guy thinks Cena sucks, wants the Attitude Era back and thinks the WWE isn't pushing the right people in the right way?
What story does Ziggler tell? Flip when he gets clothesline? Shake his ass? Act liek he got shot when someone punches him? Have spaghetti hair? Nothing Ziggler does tells a story, and if you can't tell a story you are a shit wrestler.
Live Yáz;5016707 said:
What story does Ziggler tell? Flip when he gets clothesline? Shake his ass? Act liek he got shot when someone punches him? Have spaghetti hair? Nothing Ziggler does tells a story, and if you can't tell a story you are a shit wrestler.

Dude, WHY IS LESNAR A BETTER WRESTLER THAN DOLPH ZIGGLER!? Answer the question or I'm going to assume that you don't HAVE a legitimate opinion. Also selling a clothesline, shaking your ass, overselling a punch, and um "having spaghetti hair"... has nothing to do with telling a story in the ring. The story Ziggler tells in the ring is basically the same story that Cena tells but to a lesser degree. Ziggler is the guy that is going to come back from everything you throw at him and he's going to hit his spots to "steal the show", he's going to come out of nowhere and beat you when you least expect it. That's the story Ziggler tells in the ring. Now tell me the story Lesnar tells in the ring other than being the asskicker and if you don't than you basically admit Lesnars a "shit" wrestler.

Can somebody else jump into this convo because I feel like this guys making Brock Lesnar look terrible.
Now tell me the story Lesnar tells in the ring other than being the asskicker...
That's not a good enough story? Being an asskicker and legitimately going out to the ring and doing what he promises is way more unique than anything any other WWE superstar has done.
That's not a good enough story? Being an asskicker and legitimately going out to the ring and doing what he promises is way more unique than anything any other WWE superstar has done.

Rusevs not an asskicker? Reigns? Ryback when he started? All these guys have done exactly what Lesnar does. They say they're going to beat someones ass and they do it. I guess that is telling a legitimate story in the ring but it also doesn't take much effort and it doesn't always entertain the masses. Get in the ring, hit F-5, hit suplex, hit suplex, knee knee knee, ground and pound, Kimura, F-5. Basically Lesnar matches since his return. I don't see TOO much of a story here.

Look I'm not trying to bash Lesnar. The guy is a legitimate badass who can end anybody on the roster that he wanted to. He's a huge draw and his presence in a WWE ring is unmatched. All I said was I believe Ziggler is better in-ring than Lesnar has been since his return and people got all butthurt. Now all I'm asking for is a legitimate reason as to why Lesnar is so much better than Ziggler in the ring and nobody can give me one, yet I'M the ******. I just want one good explanation for christ's sake!
Ziggler's story is that he's a spot monkey and loses? That's all I'm getting from what you're saying.

Lesnar's story is that he's an ex-UFC champ who is just an ass-kicker, which is pretty much what he's been doing since he got back. He's got that aura where fans just want to see him fight (see any of his Cena match-ups and the build with Taker) or see how an underdog can fare against him (see Punk last year and rumours of Reigns, Cesaro and Bryan). Essentially, he's both the immovable object AND the unstoppable force.

But yeh, Ziggler tells a lesser version of a story than a bigger face who people endlessly complain is too stale, so that is somehow better than what Lesnar amounts to? OK.
Rusevs not an asskicker? Reigns? Ryback when he started? All these guys have done exactly what Lesnar does. They say they're going to beat someones ass and they do it.
Let's see any one of them say they will defeat the Undertaker at WrestleMania and actually do it. Let's see anyone of them say they're gonna decimate John Cena and take his Championship and actually do it.
I guess that is telling a legitimate story in the ring but it also doesn't take much effort and it doesn't always entertain the masses.
The crowd reaction says otherwise.
Get in the ring, hit F-5, hit suplex, hit suplex, knee knee knee, ground and pound, Kimura, F-5. Basically Lesnar matches since his return. I don't see TOO much of a story here.
The story goes both ways. Ziggler - get in the ring, superkick, go for a sleeper, gets thrown off, flip, flop, Zig Zag. Throw a few elbows in there and he's not much different.
Look I'm not trying to bash Lesnar. The guy is a legitimate badass who can end anybody on the roster that he wanted to.
I consider it bashing when you clearly state a mid carder is better than him.
He's a huge draw
You said he doesn't entertain the masses.
and his presence in a WWE ring is unmatched.
Which is a story within itself.
All I said was I believe Ziggler is better in-ring than Lesnar has been since his return and people got all butthurt. Now all I'm asking for is a legitimate reason as to why Lesnar is so much better than Ziggler in the ring and nobody can give me one, yet I'M the ******. I just want one good explanation for christ's sake!
Why is Ziggler better? If Ziggler is so great, why isn't he ending Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania? Why is he not main eventing with Cena right now?
Let's see any one of them say they will defeat the Undertaker at WrestleMania and actually do it. Let's see anyone of them say they're gonna decimate John Cena and take his Championship and actually do it.

Wtf does this have to do with anything? Rusev says he's going to crush anybody he goes up against and he does, whether it be Jack Swagger or Mark Henry. Just because Lesnar is on a much more grander scale than Rusev doesn't change the fact that they both tell the same story in the ring... Also how does this make Lesnar a good wrestler?

The crowd reaction says otherwise.

Um, the match against The Undertaker sucked (worst match on the card), people got bored after his 10th suplex at Summerslam and showed it. Just because Lesnar get's cheers has NOTHING to do with his in ring ability. Jesus Christ.

The story goes both ways. Ziggler - get in the ring, superkick, go for a sleeper, gets thrown off, flip, flop, Zig Zag. Throw a few elbows in there and he's not much different.

Ahhahaha no. Lesnar's arsenal CONSISTS of the moves I mentioned, Zigglers arsenal contains the superkick, fameasser, delayed DDT, Sleeper Hold, splash in the corner, swinging neckbreaker, Zig-Zag, repeated elbow drops... I could go on.

I consider it bashing when you clearly state a mid carder is better than him.

BETTER IN THE GOD DAMN RING THAN BROCK LESNAR!!! So what, you're saying Stone Cold was a better wrestler than Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, and Chris Benoit in 1999 because he was in the friggin main event and the other three were mid-carders? Is John Cena a better wrestler than Dolph Ziggler because ones a midcarder and ones the face of the company? What are you even saying?

You said he doesn't entertain the masses.
I said SOMETIMES parts of his matches are dull and the masses are left sitting on their hands, waiting for him to do something. Presence wears off fairly quickly once you actually get in the ring.

Which is a story within itself.

No it isn't.

Why is Ziggler better? If Ziggler is so great, why isn't he ending Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania? Why is he not main eventing with Cena right now?

IN THE RING IN THE RING IN THE RING! Jeez you people are going to make me go fucking insane.
Wtf does this have to do with anything? Rusev says he's going to crush anybody he goes up against and he does, whether it be Jack Swagger or Mark Henry. Just because Lesnar is on a much more grander scale than Rusev doesn't change the fact that they both tell the same story in the ring...
The fact that it is on a grander scale makes it more rare. With that, how many times has someone dominated Jack Swagger or Mark Henry? Now how many times has someone completely decimated John Cena?

Also how does this make Lesnar a good wrestler?
How doesn't it?

Um, the match against The Undertaker sucked (worst match on the card), people got bored after his 10th suplex at Summerslam and showed it.
But...but it told a story.............................................................................

Just because Lesnar get's cheers has NOTHING to do with his in ring ability. Jesus Christ.
The character you play inside the ring is just as much an influence to the crowd as the character you play outside of the ring. It has everything to do with his in ring ability.

Ahhahaha no. Lesnar's arsenal CONSISTS of the moves I mentioned, Zigglers arsenal contains the superkick, fameasser, delayed DDT, Sleeper Hold, splash in the corner, swinging neckbreaker, Zig-Zag, repeated elbow drops... I could go on.
Because the amount of moves you do in the ring is obviously what determines how great a wrestler is. So what I get from this is Young Bucks are better than LOD? Or Amazing Red is better than Mysterio? Or Ziggler is better than Lesnar...oh wait...

BETTER IN THE GOD DAMN RING THAN BROCK LESNAR!!! So what, you're saying Stone Cold was a better wrestler than Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, and Chris Benoit in 1999 because he was in the friggin main event and the other three were mid-carders?
That's not why he WAS better but yeah, pretty much.

Is John Cena a better wrestler than Dolph Ziggler because ones a midcarder and ones the face of the company?

I said SOMETIMES parts of his matches are dull and the masses are left sitting on their hands, waiting for him to do something.
Like every wrestler ever. It's called a spot. Just because Ziggler's entire repertoire consists of nothing but them, doesn't make him better.

Presence wears off fairly quickly once you actually get in the ring.
Again, says the crowd reaction.

No it isn't.

So Brock Lesnar intimidating his opponents during build up to their match isn't a story? Yeah fucking right.

IN THE RING IN THE RING IN THE RING! Jeez you people are going to make me go fucking insane.
Lesnar is World Champion. Ziggler isn't. Shouldn't that be proof enough that Lesnar is better?

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